
Riddellryanakca: is there something different between debian and ubuntu?00:02
ryanakcaRiddell: None that I can see, apart from the order of the b-d, copyright file (debianized), changelog...00:10
Riddellwibble, I think I've had too many pints to be of much help00:11
RiddellI did miss Real Ale in Spain00:11
Riddellthis is what happens when you start becoming middle aged!00:11
ryanakcaHehe, I've always thought that middle aged was fourties... unless the life expectancy in the UK is 60 or something... in which case I suppose you could consider late twenties / early thirties as middle aged...00:12
Riddelllife expectancy is shorter in Scotland.  too many deep fried pizzas in the diet :)00:13
* ryanakca wonders what one can find appetizing in the thought of a deep fried pizza00:14
Riddelleverything!  it's haute cuisine d'ecosse!00:15
ryanakcaBah :P00:17
ryanakcashtylman_: How's OO.o comming?00:17
shtylman_slowly..and painfully...but coming00:17
RiddellI bet you say that to all the women00:18
shtylman_tweaking some of the widget displays00:18
Riddellyou probably don't say that to all the women though00:18
Riddellmarkey: you went to sleep!00:19
JontheEchidnaheh, ol' jr is a bit tipsy00:19
ryanakcaJust a tad :P00:19
shtylman_^just a small demo :)00:25
shtylman_the menus also match oxygen/whatever enabled style you have00:26
neversfeldethats a small screenshot :), but looks nice00:28
shtylman_neversfelde: I like to focus on the details :)00:28
Riddellshtylman_: you got the widget themeing working?00:33
shtylman_currently written only for like 5 widgets...but easy to expand to more00:33
Riddellhow many are there?00:34
shtylman_ive got buttons done, menus, text edits and toolbars00:34
shtylman_about 25...with some subparts...but not all were implemented last time...hopefully I can have more coverage than the kde3 side00:35
Riddelldid I ever mention you were a genius?00:35
shtylman_the cool thing is that if you don't implement a widget...it just falls back to its own drawing...which looks windows 98ish..but still ok00:35
shtylman_haha...just doing my best :)00:35
shtylman_oh..and I have a working and integrated file picker...as per last night00:36
shtylman_it still needs some tweaks but the event loop is there00:36
shtylman_that was the hardest part really00:36
Riddellshtylman_: doesn't it take two hours to compile after each edit?00:42
Daskreechkb9vqf: ping00:45
ryanakcaRiddell: Isn't that what make is for? ... to only recompile the modified section and then link it all together?00:53
DaskreechRiddell: That's Amarok 2.1 final? :)00:53
nixternalanyone who went to UDS, did you participate in any of the apt url conversations?00:57
Riddellryanakca: with openoffice I'd expect even the linking to take hours01:02
RiddellDaskreech: that's the ane01:02
Riddellnixternal: no I don't think so01:02
nixternaldo we have apt-url support anymore? I notice none of them work, so I would guess no01:03
DaskreechRiddell: So /Topic in #kubuntu?01:03
RiddellDaskreech: go for it01:05
Riddellnixternal: I don't think we ever did01:06
nixternalI thought we did at one point01:06
ryanakcaI think there was an apt-url kio slave at one point...01:07
DaskreechProtected topic is protected :-(01:08
ryanakcaDaskreech: anything else?01:09
ryanakcajust deop yourself when done :)01:09
DaskreechWell rebooting going to actually install Kubuntu I just got a hard drive so no more Live CD for me :)01:10
DaskreechGoing to see if I can install KDE 4.3 in one go :)01:10
DaskreechJust Chit chatting with Sparr trying to recruit him to help withthe KDE3 repo :)01:11
ryanakcaRiddell: *prod*, still have a typo in my name in your blog post... s/Kavanah/Kavanagh/g01:26
nixternalwho is buying dinner?01:31
* ScottK notes http://martinpitt.wordpress.com/2009/06/03/hal-sectomy-continues/ needing some KDE upstream coordination, but has zero time to work on it.02:58
* ScottK looks around ...02:58
jjessegood evening, since the update to kde 4.2.4 the noficiations from quassel don't automatically disappear like they used to, anyone else noticing this?03:13
JontheEchidnajjesse: yeah, Quassel is accidentally using the "persistent" setting for knotifications, which only started working in 4.2.303:14
jjesseJontheEchidna: ah thanks03:15
jjesseJontheEchidna: btw whats the package for weather background again03:15
JontheEchidnaI don't know if there is a hotfix for the quassel thing03:15
jjessei'm sure an update someplace will fix it03:15
vorianmake sure you check out icy tree™03:15
JontheEchidnaheh @ tm03:15
JontheEchidnajjesse: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Weather+Wallpaper+Plugin?content=10218503:16
jjesseJontheEchidna: cool thanks, package in kde/ubuntu yet?03:16
JontheEchidnayeah, see the download links :)03:16
jjessecool :)03:16
JontheEchidnaoh, I forgot to set the x86_64 mandravia package to being displayed as a mandravia package...03:17
* JontheEchidna fixes03:17
JontheEchidnathe KDE 4.3 version is superior to 0.2.1, but 0.2.1 still works :)03:17
JontheEchidnaalso the weather wallpaper is probably what's making us 70 MB over on the CD >.>03:18
JontheEchidnasince it pulls in both kdewallpapers and kdebase-workspace-wallpapers03:19
vorianare these known jaunty -> karmic upgrade issues?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/187850/03:26
JontheEchidnavorian: I think we got all of those, though it's hard to tell since there aren't any errors03:27
vorianJontheEchidna: that just happened to me, just now03:27
JontheEchidnaoh :/03:27
JontheEchidnaall of those errors start to look the same after you spend a weekend fixing htem03:28
vorianso we have a utils/graphics/pim fixex03:29
vorianfixes too03:29
shtylmanRiddell: nope ... I found a way to compile just the library I need and copy over the .so files...so it takes no time at all to test my changes :)03:30
DaskreechWhat's the deal with the Koala ISOs being about 100 MBs larger than a Cd ?05:00
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kb9vqfDaskreech: belated pong07:39
Artemis_Fowlare there any amarok 2.1 packages for jaunty???08:37
emonkey-tArtemis_Fowl: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main09:07
Artemis_Fowlemonkey-t: ty09:08
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Riddellagateau: do we need a patch to qt for gwenview's thumbnailview?13:17
agateauRiddell: would be nice to have it yes13:26
agateauit's in qt-copy now13:26
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=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: One more time we gonna celebrate | Karmic: http://tinyurl.com/n2to8u | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Sync/Merges: http://tinyurl.com/korm9e | Be careful whilst packaging | Transitions: http://tinyurl.com/m68bne | Europeans: vote! http://www.euprofiler.eu/
Riddellwee bit of politics there :)15:03
* jussi01 wishes he could actually vote here...15:04
Riddelljussi01: why can't you?15:04
jussi01Riddell: because Im Australian15:05
Riddelltaxation without representation?15:05
jussi01come again?15:06
jussi01Riddell: I have no idea how it works, to be honest.15:06
Riddellnixternal: we weren't being mean about your wiki pages!15:34
Riddellnixternal: the new ones look lovely though15:34
* rgreening is sooooooo sick15:41
* rgreening thinks they should give innoculations for ubu-flu15:44
RiddellI was serious with my handkerchief comment, but nooo, you all laughed at me!15:47
Tm_TRiddell: wow, that page seems to work with Khtml too15:48
jjessei hear at the next UDS everyone will have to wear masks16:01
Tm_Tjjesse: Michael Jackson -style?16:05
RiddellTm_T: what page?16:06
Tm_TRiddell: that http://www.euprofiler.eu/16:08
rgreeningshtylman: ping16:10
shtylmanrgreening: here16:10
rgreeningshtylman: hows ooo :)16:10
* rgreening ducks16:10
shtylmanprogressing...working on scrollbars right now16:10
Tm_TRiddell: though reaaaally slow, as expected16:10
rgreeningkeep up th emomentum shtylman16:11
shtylmanheh ... will do16:11
rgreenings/th e/the /16:11
jjesseTm_T: yes micheal jackson style masks, like people were wearing at the start of the swine flu outbreak16:14
JontheEchidnahrm... rekonq git needs a newer webkitkde16:17
Tm_Tjjesse: what if I bring some gas masks?16:22
Tm_Tjjesse: like this one: http://www.varusteleka.eu/prebeo/pictures/thumbs300/1716b.jpg16:28
Tm_Tcosts 5 €16:28
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
jjesseTm_T: exactly like those :)16:32
Tm_Tjjesse: like to get one? (;)16:33
jjesseTm_T: maybe for the next UDS that I attend :)16:34
macowait, why not get MJ-style masks w/ the CoF printed on them?16:35
Tm_Tmaco: prize?16:35
* Riddell down to 30 e-mails!17:12
nixternalRiddell: inbox zero == Mark All As Read17:16
Riddellnixternal: I'm getting there!17:26
nixternalI love choqok just that much more now!17:28
nixternalI have been doing a ctrl+r to mark all as read17:28
nixternalderr, you don't have to do that, just click the icon and minimize it to the tray, and boom, it marks them all as read :)17:29
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot
Mamaroknixternal: I discovered that the first day I used choqok :)17:40
nixternalMamarok: I am obviously a bit slow :)17:47
Mamaroknixternal: usually it's me :)17:48
Mamarokso I am quite proud of that one :)17:48
JontheEchidnabtw, was the amarok splash screen removed in 2.1?18:26
* JontheEchidna is wondering if it is just him18:26
RiddellJontheEchidna: I still have it (alas)18:30
* JontheEchidna wonders where his went18:31
JontheEchidnajjesse: your bug from yesterday is bug 37465419:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374654 in quassel "Quassel incorrectly sets the persistence flag for notifications" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37465419:03
jjessesubscribing thanks19:04
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jjessedon't kow if this is reported or not, but if quassel is set to start automatically when i sign in, now that i'm 4.2.4 i have to connect to internal core before it will sign in20:08
Tscheesy_jjesse: quassel-client yes? there's a quassel-core or so, which should behave different afaik20:25
jjesseTscheesy_: before i upgraded to kde 4.2.4 quassel would auto-connect to quassel-core, now when quassel auto starts, i have to connect to the internal core before it will connect to channels20:26
neversfeldebug #383702 needs a sponsor :)20:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383702 in partitionmanager "New upstream version (1.0.0~beta3) available" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38370220:48
rgreeningRiddell: ping21:07
functionofxyhey. has anyone seen apachelogger?22:24
JontheEchidna~seen apachelogger22:25
kubotuapachelogger was last seen 23 hours, 37 minutes and 5 seconds ago, quitting IRC ("https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger")22:25
JontheEchidnayeah, it was about yesterday when I last saw him22:25
DaSkreechkubotu has it seems22:25
functionofxywow! cool tool. thanks22:25
vorian~seen JontheEchidna22:26
kubotuJontheEchidna was last seen 32 seconds ago, saying "yeah, it was about yesterday when I last saw him"22:26
functionofxyi was going to gently ask him to update the amarok build in kubuntu-experimental ppa22:26
vorian~seen barbiegirl22:26
functionofxythe 2.1 betas have horrible bugs that erase random stuff from the collection :D22:27
JontheEchidnafunctionofxy: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2.122:27
Nightrosefunctionofxy: see kubuntu.org22:27
functionofxyis it going to be updated here: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive/ppa22:27
JontheEchidnanope, it's not exactly experimental software anymore ;-)22:28
functionofxyah, thanks!22:28
JontheEchidnathat ppa has moved to https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental btw22:28
JontheEchidnaI suppose we should remove the old one22:28
neversfeldeyes please, it is really confusing for the users22:32
neversfeldeand there is Qt 4.5.1, which many people accidently install22:32
functionofxyAWESOME! collection is back to normal. thanks guys! really quick turnaround.22:36
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DaSkreechTurnaround measured in negativity seconds Sweet!23:04
neversfeldeoh no, Kopetes now playing plugin is broken, what to do now :)23:42
neversfeldehehe, probably should23:43

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