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* MaWaLe is away: brb10:35
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pan1nxwasn't there supposed to be ubuntu-mobile meeting?13:04
pan1nxhu, June 4, 12:00 – 13:0013:05
pan1nxDescription * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting * Agenda: None listed as of publication13:05
ograwrong timing :)13:15
ogra21:00 UTC13:16
pan1nxBut the fridge sais something else13:16
pan1nxogra: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar13:16
ograso the fridge is obviously wrong13:17
pan1nxm'key...so we/someone should change that?13:18
persiaSomeone should definitely change that.13:22
cody-somervilleWhat should it be?13:33
ogra21:00 UTC13:34
cody-somervilleIs it correct now?13:34
ograyep, thanks cody-somerville13:35
persiacody-somerville, That looks great.  Thanks.13:35
cody-somervilleI've updated all the events in the series so it should be fixed retroactively as well as for all future occurrences.13:36
persiacody-somerville, Is that on the base calendar, or from an invite?13:37
cody-somervilleIts actually on the fridge calendar.13:38
persiaAlso, "fixed" retroactively might be a bit misleading.  For a long time, 12:00 UTC was the correct time.13:38
persia(not that it ought matter for the future)13:38
cody-somervillepersia, Do you want me to transfer ownership of the event series to yourself?13:39
persiaUm, no.  While I know a bunch about it, I'm unsure I understand how to maintain it.13:40
persia21:00 UTC should be stable for at least several months to come (12:00 UTC lasted about 16 months).13:40
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MootBotMeeting started at 15:00. The chair is NCommander.21:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:00
NCommanderargh, wrong time21:00
MootBotMeeting finished at 15:00.21:00
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
davidmhi ogra21:58
MootBotMeeting started at 16:00. The chair is NCommander.22:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]22:00
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009060422:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009060422:00
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap22:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap22:00
NCommanderalright, who's here?22:00
davidmI am22:01
* ogra waves22:01
loolI'm here too; albeit I found my desktop crashed again22:01
ograsame here22:01
* ogra is working from an old celeron cmpc 22:02
* NCommander notes his laptop been unstable, so if I go silent, it usually means my laptop is rebooting22:02
NCommanderI'm going to reinstall it tonight; I just finished backing up everything important :-)22:02
ograsemms i was to brave with the new intel driver :)22:02
* NCommander will be setting his laptop to use the NVIDIA one until he's sure the intel one is more stable :-)22:02
ograyou should work from your babbage ;) its stable22:03
NCommanderpaulliu is MIA22:03
ograbad time for him22:03
NCommanderogra, I don't have an external monitor or keyboard here22:03
NCommanderogra, so is persia and StevenK, should I proceed or wait?22:04
NCommander(and dyfet)22:04
dyfethere :)22:04
NCommanderNever mind on that last bit :-)22:04
davidmit's an ugly time in Taiwan right now.22:04
NCommanderhi StevenK22:04
NCommanderdavidm, indeed, and I suspect chaos would ensure if we attempted to float the IRC meeting22:04
ogradavidm, well, .au or .jp isnt much better22:05
davidmjust slightly I agree22:05
* StevenK looks for the matchsticks to hold his eyes open22:05
* NCommander hooks a coffee IV into StevenK's arm22:05
StevenKEwww, coffee22:05
NCommanderStevenK, how about caffienated vegemite :-)22:05
davidmStevenK, just stick them under your fingernails you'll stay away then with NP22:05
ograhey you dont have to drink it that way :)22:05
StevenKNCommander: I don't think I want my Vegemite tainted with additives22:06
NCommanderStevenK, meh. I still can't find it in NYC, although I did find a store that sells Marmite, but anyway, I think we need to start now22:06
StevenKThat doesn't sound right.22:07
StevenKNYC is well, New York. *Somewhere* has to22:07
NCommanderStevenK, the person I talked to said he knew a place in NJ that has it22:07
ograNCommander, can you put the regular babbage update back on the roadmap ?22:07
NCommanderogra, oh, sure22:07
ograi think its worth having it22:07
NCommander[topic] Action Item Review22:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review22:07
NCommander[topic] #22:07
NCommanderNCommander to investigate https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vnc4/+bug/338148 (co)22:07
MootBotNew Topic:  #22:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338148 in vnc4 "Needs new version from Debian: fails to build with removal of mesa-swx11-source" [High,Triaged]22:07
* NCommander sighs22:07
NCommanderStill c/o22:07
ograwell, probably karmic helps :)22:08
ogra(if the buildds work again)22:08
NCommander[topic] NCommander and GrueMaster to debug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33780922:08
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander and GrueMaster to debug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33780922:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337809 in linux "APIC error on CPU 0" [Medium,Triaged]22:08
NCommanderTHat's still a c/o22:08
GrueMasterrgr that22:08
NCommanderand I don't think we need to care about the lpia configuration item22:08
NCommander[topic] Roadmap Review22:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Roadmap Review22:09
NCommander[topic] Babbage Status for Karmic (ogra)22:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Babbage Status for Karmic (ogra)22:09
ograno kernel before A3 i was told22:09
NCommanderogra, do we at least have kernel sources this time around?22:09
ograbeyond that i have a karmic rootfs running on my B222:09
ograaccording to amit we do22:10
ograbut same issue as last time22:10
ogra30M tarball and he has to cherrypick22:10
NCommanderbrb, something is burning22:10
ograthere goes the fireman ...22:11
st33medThe roof is on fire!22:11
st33medThe roof is on fire!22:11
st33medRaise the roof!22:11
st33medRaise the roof!22:11
dyfethopefully not his babbage bd...22:11
looldyfet: Mind picking up the chair?22:11
ograwell, he wont need the B1 anymore ... apart from possible jaunty stuff22:11
NCommanderI'm just going to hope that smell is from outside.22:12
NCommanderogra, my B1s are in Rochester ATM actually :-/22:12
ograok, re-> B2 ... i tested the audio bits with the 2.6.26 kernel22:12
ograthere seems to be a HW issue when playing back music ...22:13
ogranot sure its caused by the driver so i'll wait for our own kernel, but playback only works for a certain amount of time until odd sounds come up22:14
NCommanderogra, with raw ALSA or pulse running?22:14
ograwe also have no driver for the DVI port22:14
ograwith either22:14
ograthere is a GL driver thats supposed to work which i couldnt test yet22:14
ograwe'll also need to repackage that, its not poroperly packaged (GL libs replacing mesa etc)22:15
plarsogra: is that related to bug #35885122:15
ubottuBug 358851 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/358851 is private22:15
ogranspoluginwrapper ?22:16
ograno, i was using rhytmbox and totem ...22:16
NCommanderplars, nspluginwrapper won't work on ARM unless they hooked up an extreme scary QEMU hack22:16
plarssorry, bug #35883122:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358831 in pulseaudio "[ARM] Pulse Audio eating up to much CPU" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35883122:16
GrueMasterwow. I can't even access that bug.22:16
* plars can't type today :)22:16
NCommanderGrueMaster, you aren't in ubuntu-bugsquad?22:16
ograif you play back any audio file after about a munite a tick sound appears22:17
NCommanderogra, were you using pulse?22:17
ograthe ticking frequency raises over time22:17
GrueMasterI thought I was.22:17
ograboth, with gstreamer wset to alsa or pulse22:17
ogramist be a codec, driver or hardware issue22:17
ograit sounds like a scratched CD22:18
ograjust that the frequency raises ... after some mins its not bearable anymore22:18
ograand its reliably reproducable22:18
NCommanderThat sounds like a Babbage 2 issue. I don't remember encountering that on the B1, but I can retest that once I go home22:18
NCommander(hopefully this weekend)22:18
ogralets wait for our own kernel, it might be the alsa driver in the 2.6.26 kernel22:18
NCommanderSo what action items do we want to take from this?22:19
GrueMaster2.6.26 has a really old alsa.  Could be the issue.22:19
ograits just something i tested this week, no need to discuss it in depth22:19
ograi'm happy to report that we have images btw :)22:19
NCommanderogra, the live images work?22:20
ograthey might take 1h to boot but we have some22:20
NCommanderogra, is there an open bug on the boot time?22:20
ograunionfs/fuse is extremely slow in karmic22:20
NCommanders/in karmic//g22:20
NCommanderFixed that for you :-P22:20
ogracjwatson knows about it and i think the general plan is to wait for mount --union instead of fixing unionfs-fuse22:21
ograNCommander, it was ok speedwise in jaunty22:21
ogra(not great but ok)22:21
ogranow its really really slow22:21
ograwell, thats about the babbage status ...22:22
ografeel free to move on :)22:22
NCommander[topic] Specification Review22:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Specification Review22:23
NCommanderI think we should save drafting the new roadmap until next week incase we still have unwritten specifications.22:23
* ogra has still a lot22:24
StevenKNaughty ogra22:24
StevenKBut I can't talk22:24
* NCommander grumbles22:24
NCommanderOh well22:24
davidmNeed to crank on the spec 's22:25
NCommander"All specifications from UDS to be considered for karmic must be drafted for next meeting to be included on the roadmap" - does that sound about right?22:25
NCommander[action] All specifications from UDS to be considered for karmic must be drafted for next meeting to be included on the roadmap22:26
MootBotACTION received:  All specifications from UDS to be considered for karmic must be drafted for next meeting to be included on the roadmap22:26
NCommanderThere :-)22:26
NCommanderThere been no status changes in any bugs we are tracking, I don't think we need to go over them22:27
NCommanderAnyone have any bugs we want to add to the roadmap?22:27
loolThere are a couple from ARM22:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347864 in gcc-4.4 "GCC generates invalid instructions when building for Thumb-2 on armel" [Undecided,Fix released]22:28
ograyeah loic spammed my inbox yesterday :)22:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383240 in ffmpeg "Integrate and enable ARMv5TE/v6/VFP and NEON optimisations from ffmpeg trunk for armel" [Undecided,New]22:28
* NCommander hasn't even dealt with the backup of LP spam :-/22:28
loolIn general, there are other interesting bugs to work on22:28
* ogra has inbox zero at least once a day 22:28
NCommanderlool, are we tagging bugs from ARM?22:28
loolThe thunderbird crash 34059522:28
loolAnd gnome-keyring's -O1 has been dropped, so it should bug again22:28
ogradavidm bumped the retracer RT for that22:29
NCommanderogra, my inbox broke 2000 emails during the last two days of UDS, its down to about 400 now.22:29
NCommanderogra, I can retrace it manually if its not been resolved by weeks end, I don't want that to be a blocker22:29
ograso we should get proper arm retracers soon i hope22:29
NCommanderogra, well, the ARM retracer is setup on rimu, the problem just a firewall issue; I had pitti setup the retracers on all architectures awhile ago22:30
ograNCommander, its more important that apport works imho, butr feel free to attack the TB bug22:30
NCommanderBug #34059522:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340595 in thunderbird "thunderbird-bin failed to start: burned lots of CPU crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34059522:30
StevenKNot tuberculosis22:30
NCommanderStevenK, actually, I was thinking technical board :-P22:30
StevenKTB is also 'Terabyte'22:31
ogra*not* tebibyte :P22:31
NCommanderWe had thunderbird issues in jaunty with just getting that beast to compile22:31
ogra(one of the maikl threads i really dont need)22:31
ograwell, involve asac, he might be able to help22:32
ograor anyone else from the mizilla team22:32
NCommanderogra, we still need decent backtraces first :-)22:32
NCommanderI don't think I saw an answer; is there a tag we want to be tracking beside the normal arm/armel ones?22:33
ograno, the two suffice imho22:33
ograbad enough that we have two22:33
loolI think it's nice to tag, but what matters is who is subscribed/assigned22:33
davidmWe need to document the tag on the wiki22:33
loolWe should be in charge of the @canonical-mobile bugs22:33
NCommanderlool, if we have a consistant tag, I'll make a note to check it when I make new meeting pages.22:33
ograwe really should unify on one22:33
NCommanderlool, or should I say a high-priority tag22:34
plarswe just need to agree on which it should be, if we pick arm over armel though, apport will have to be fixed to deal with it22:34
loolWe have priorities on the bugs22:34
loolI like the way the desktop team handles bugs22:34
NCommanderI think we need to go with armel, its the actual architecture flag22:34
ograright, i'm all for armel22:34
loolThey use priorities, milestones, and assignments22:34
ogralool, dont we too ?22:34
NCommanderAnd if we ever need to target big-endian arm hardware, then we'll have armeb22:34
loolI don't mind tagging bugs related to arm "arm" or "armel", but that doesn't commit us from dealing with them22:35
plarsI can convert all the arm to armel if needed22:35
loolarmel might be a better choice then; it's what apport adds by default22:35
ogralool, i'd personally like to have only one tag22:35
NCommanderIs there a way we could get some sorta armel report on people?22:35
loologra: I agree22:35
loolThere are TWO discussions going on here22:35
plarsNCommander: such as?22:35
loolOne about looking for work items, which shouldn't be tracked by tags22:35
loolAnd another about how to tag arm specific issues22:36
NCommander[topic] How to tag arm specific issues22:36
MootBotNew Topic:  How to tag arm specific issues22:36
loolI think everybody agrees with tagging ARM issues "armel" and only that; not "arm"22:36
ograNCommander, please sort :)22:36
NCommanderLets take care of this one first, I think its the easier one :-)22:36
plarsI can generate reports based on tags if that's what you're looking for22:36
loolplars: Not really22:36
ogra++ for armel only22:36
NCommander+1 on armel as well22:36
plars+1 armel22:37
loolplars: It's just an interesting piece of info which we should try to keep, but what matters to us is not the fact that it's ARM specific or not, just whether it's important, and on our plate22:37
ograsounds like we all agree on armel ...22:37
ograor most of us at least22:37
davidm+1 from me too22:37
loolSo the other topic is gathering bugs which should be on our radar22:38
ograNCommander, ?22:38
NCommanderWho wants the action item on this? (which I'm not 100% sure it should be)22:38
loolI don't know whether people are aware of the nice tool which rickspencer3 wrote for the desktop team's bugs22:38
* ogra is i was in the talk :)22:38
NCommanderI wasn't, is there a link on what this tool was?22:38
ograwe should use it22:38
loolNCommander: He said he'd publish it, but I don't know whether he did and am not aware where it is publicly available22:39
ograit is on LP22:39
ograi'll ask him about it if he's back from holiday22:39
ograaction that for me22:39
NCommanderAh, its pm-dashboard22:40
NCommander[action] ogra to investigate pm-dashboard22:40
MootBotACTION received:  ogra to investigate pm-dashboard22:40
NCommander[topic] Looking for Work items22:41
MootBotNew Topic:  Looking for Work items22:41
NCommanderOk, so on this topic now22:41
lool( https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rick-rickspencer3/pm-dashboard/trunk )22:41
NCommanderlool, you were saying?22:41
StevenKI beat lool finding something on LP? O.o22:41
NCommander[link] https://launchpad.net/pm-dashboard22:41
MootBotLINK received:  https://launchpad.net/pm-dashboard22:41
loolI was saying that I prefer using some team to put bugs on our radar22:41
NCommander[link] https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rick-rickspencer3/pm-dashboard/trunk22:41
MootBotLINK received:  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rick-rickspencer3/pm-dashboard/trunk22:41
loolStevenK: Actually I got it from rick :)22:42
cjwatsonogra: actually the speed was fine once I remembered to allocate 256MB of memory rather than kvm's default 128MB22:42
loolsee #ubuntu-desktop22:42
cjwatson(unionfs-fuse live CDs)22:42
ogracjwatson, my ltsp tests today got me 4minute boots for just bringing up X22:42
NCommanderBTW, screenshot of pm-dashboard https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RickSpencer?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=pm-dashboard.png22:42
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RickSpencer?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=pm-dashboard.png22:42
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RickSpencer?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=pm-dashboard.png22:42
ogracjwatson, vs 30sec boots to login window in jaunty22:42
loolplars: Did you have any QA specific conversations around best usage?22:42
cjwatsonogra: ah, you have a worse problem than I do then. Anyway, didn't mean to interrupt ...22:43
plarslool: best usage of?22:43
loolI would say: subscribe canonical-mobile to get it on the radar of people in the canonical mobile team and assign it when it's in their reponsability to fix22:43
ogralool, canoical-mobile or ubuntu-mobile ?22:43
NCommanderlool, only partner's will likely do that; any bug reports from our user base will either put ubuntu-mobile, or not put it at all.22:43
loolplars: We want a good bug workflow; so far, it has wild and handled differently from person to person22:43
plarslool: ah, qa process stuff, yes22:44
NCommanderI think we should discuss lool's idea on assigning this task22:44
loologra: I think ~ubuntu-mobile is conflated and canonical-mobile is clearly defined; I've seen some canonical teams use canonical-$team22:44
NCommanderlool, I think using canonical-mobile is the wrong thing to do, since it suggests removing non-canonical involvement in the ARM port22:44
loolWhy so?22:45
ograNCommander, pretty moot point with the set of HW we'll support in karmic22:45
NCommanderogra, I'm worried on setting a president22:45
ograthere is no community to test the arm fixes we do22:46
loolNCommander: I think it's fine if other people join and help; they can assign themselves to bugs or subscribe themselves too22:46
NCommanderlool, I get a bad feeling by using canonical-mobile vs. a non-canonical team. It basically says the ARM port will only be handled by Canonical folks.22:47
StevenKNo it doesn't.22:47
StevenKIt says this bug will22:47
ograwell, we will only support HW nobody else has22:47
ograwhere should a community come from to help or test22:48
NCommanderI'll give the point, but I think this is an issue we may want to rediscuss in the future.22:48
loolI don't think it's exclusive to say canonical-mobile has interest in a bug when the team is subscribed to it; the only thing which might be exclusive is the assignee22:48
plarswhy not canonical-arm?22:48
* NCommander forgot we had canonical-arm22:48
plarsfor just the arm specific ones22:48
loolplars: canonical-$team matches real canonical teams rather than people working on specific projects22:48
ografeel free to subscribe both teams22:49
NCommanderogra, I think this is for bug assignments, not subscription.22:49
loolThere were arguments against creating an ubuntu-arm in the past (ML and team); I personally wouldn't object to that in general, but I would like to stop proliferation22:49
ograNCommander, subscription22:49
ograassignment should still be to specific people22:50
* NCommander notes the kernel team uses assignments22:50
NCommanderWe're running out of time, do we want to save this issue for next meeting?22:50
loolSo we have this mass of bugs from which we're going to extract a subset where a) canonical is genuinously interested in fixing for business reasons b) canonical is interested because of general maintenance of the port22:50
plarsassignment implies that the individual is actively working on the bug22:50
NCommanderI think having a clear policy on handling ARM bugs is a good idea22:51
loolplars: Or has responsability to fix it22:51
NCommanderI'm going to call time on this issue, and put it in the agenda for next week.22:52
NCommander[action] Management of ARM bugs to continue next week22:52
MootBotACTION received:  Management of ARM bugs to continue next week22:52
NCommander[topic] Any other business22:53
MootBotNew Topic:  Any other business22:53
plarsNCommander: I'd like to not limit it to just arm bugs, but all bugs we care about22:53
NCommander[action] Management of Mobile Team Bugs to continue next week22:53
MootBotACTION received:  Management of Mobile Team Bugs to continue next week22:53
NCommanderplars, good idea.22:53
plarsthanks :)22:53
NCommanderIf anyone has a good proposal for how to handle this, please send it to my canonical email address, and we'll iterate in turn on each one, as well as keep discussion open22:54
plarsdoh... only I won't be able to make the meeting next week22:54
loolplars: I agree, I don't think the discussion needs to be ARM specific22:54
NCommanderplars, see above :-)22:54
NCommanderI just have concerns on cramming everything in especially with roadmap construction next session.22:55
ograplars, what, no multitasking ? :)22:55
plarsogra: only if I can connect to irc from a plane22:55
* ogra wasnt serious22:55
NCommanderplars, Delta been rolling out wifi on their flights :-)22:56
ograthough lufthansa has wlan in their first vclass since years22:56
NCommander[action] Any member who would like to make a proposal for handling of bugs, please send it to NCommander's email, to be discussed and summarized during the next IRC meeting.22:57
MootBotACTION received:  Any member who would like to make a proposal for handling of bugs, please send it to NCommander's email, to be discussed and summarized during the next IRC meeting.22:57
ogra3mins ...22:57
NCommanderWho's going to be here next week?22:58
* NCommander wonders if there are enough people to warrant a meeting and roadmap construction22:58
* ogra is22:58
* NCommander is22:58
davidmI might be depending on connectivity22:58
NCommanderdavidm, do you want me to proceed with roadmap construction (pending your final approval) if your not?22:58
* StevenK is22:58
dyfetwhat happens next week? :)22:59
davidmHAve meetings next week however and they could overrun this timeslot22:59
ograon site visit22:59
davidmNCommander, sure22:59
dyfetogra: ah...22:59
NCommanderdavidm, *nods*22:59
ograyeah, we need to get the rodmap together22:59
NCommanderOk, so we'll have our meeting as planned. Hopefully with everyone here :-)22:59
GrueMasterI will depending on how my desktop rebuild goes.23:00
MootBotMeeting finished at 17:00.23:00
NCommanderCya next week :-)23:00
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