
Ahmuckhrm, wonder where i'm logged on elsewhere from05:23
=== nubae1 is now known as Nubae
=== nubae1 is now known as Nubae
LaserJockok .. I filed a MIR for gnet15:27
LaserJockhopefully that will go through without any problems15:27
Nubaewhats gnet?15:32
Nubaebtw, did u know chrome is available for Linux?15:33
Nubaestill pre-alpha but man its ast15:33
LaserJockI've been running chromium for a while15:33
LaserJocklike a week or so15:33
LaserJockyes, it's very nice15:33
LaserJockand so far for me it's pretty stable15:33
LaserJock!info gnet15:34
ubottuPackage gnet does not exist in jaunty15:34
LaserJock!info libgnet2.0-015:34
ubottulibgnet2.0-0 (source: gnet): GNet network library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.8-1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 200 kB15:34
Nubaeyeah I had link a couple libraries on openSUSE, and now its running quite nicely15:34
highvoltageLaserJock: ooh, didn't notice you were here. hi!17:00
LaserJockhighvoltage: hola17:01
highvoltagehola LaserJocko17:02
bencrisfordHello everyone :).  highvoltage ;), LaserJock ;)17:03
highvoltageLaserJock: did you add more to the strategy doc, it looks like there's some more things under development, but I'm not sure if it's my imagination17:03
highvoltagehowdy bencrisford17:03
LaserJockhighvoltage: I haven't done anything yet17:04
highvoltageReminder: Edubuntu & EC meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in roughly 30 minutes18:29
alkisgthanks highvoltage18:30
LaserJockhighvoltage, stgraber: around?19:02
stgraberlet's move to #ubuntu-meeting19:02
LaserJockbah, where the heck is nubae?19:03
LaserJockhighvoltage: ok, meeting is on the calendar20:54
highvoltagethanks LaserJock20:54
LaserJockok, so now what do I have to do again? :/20:54
highvoltagewell, if it's any concelation... "not everything" :)20:56
highvoltagewhere do I access the mootbot logs?20:56
highvoltageI guess someone needs to post minutes of the meeting to the list20:56
bencrisfordhighvoltage: I'm doin that now...20:56
bencrisfordim just locating the mootbot logs20:56
bencrisfordcant find the right ones20:57
highvoltagebencrisford: thanks20:57
LaserJockok guys21:03
LaserJockI created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/9.10/Tasks and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/10.04/Tasks21:04
LaserJockand put the categories we decided on21:04
LaserJockso let's fill'em up21:04
stgraberok, looks like i need to go through the MC first for coredev so will need some testimonials soon I guess ;)21:05
LaserJockI can't certainly do that21:05
bencrisfordstgraber: Hehe, i'll give you a testimonial if mine is worth anything21:05
bencrisfordyou're always around willing to help me with all sorts :)21:06
bencrisfordwhich is true for all of you21:06
nubaeI take it code development is like sbalneav fixing up sabayon... that kind of thing?21:07
LaserJockwe've got things that we need to upstream21:08
LaserJockthe edubuntu-menus for instance21:08
LaserJockperhaps an installer app or a user admin app21:09
nubaeok yeah, so new upstream projects worked on by edubuntu peepz21:09
LaserJockand general code work like sabayon21:10
nubaeLaserJock: btw... I suggest u take a look at http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Education/images/iso/openSUSE-Sugar-live-unstable.i686-0.0.6-Build4.1.iso21:10
LaserJockthe non-packaging stuff21:10
nubaeand run it in a vm21:10
LaserJocknubae: k21:10
nubaeso u get an idea of where sugar is on opensuse... pretty much everything works, and its been customised somewhat for opensuse21:11
nubaeI'd imagine we want something similar for edubuntu, take a look and let me know21:11
nubaewe took the approach of taking all the maintained working activities and enabling them by default so users have a lot to choose from and see the sense behind using Sugar in the classroom21:12
LaserJockmake sense21:12
nubaeso u'll see that makes about 50+ activities21:12
nubaeanyway, download, have a look and let me know what u think, and how we should move forwards in edubuntu21:12
nubaehighvoltage! :-)21:13
bencrisfordi have the minutes ready i think, it took me a while because we didnt keep to the agenda very well, and the action items - in some cases - were the same as the agenda item :P21:26
LaserJockbencrisford: yeah, I figured that out part way through :-)21:27
LaserJockbencrisford: got a pastebin of it?21:27
bencrisfordof..?  my minutes?21:28
LaserJockbencrisford: yeah21:29
bencrisfordLaserJock: i put some formatting in to make it readable, but its in html21:31
bencrisfordill make it in the wiki format and pastebin it if you want21:31
LaserJockbencrisford: also give me the html version if you don't mind, I can blog it21:32
bencrisfordgmail doesnt give it to me :'(, but i can reproduce it i guess21:33
bencrisfordin fact21:33
bencrisfordLaserJock: Could I not just email it to you first?21:34
LaserJockgo for it21:34
bencrisfordLaserJock: laserjock@ubuntu.com?21:35
bencrisfordok :)21:35
bencrisfordsent LaserJock21:36
bencrisfordill be back in 20 minutes21:36
LaserJockbencrisford: we should probably clean up the minutes a little, let me send you a version21:55
bencrisfordLaserJock: Sure :)21:59
bencrisfordim gonna fix some bugs :)21:59
bencrisford!info pessulus22:34
ubottupessulus (source: pessulus): lockdown editor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 39 kB, installed size 1200 kB22:34
bencrisfordLaserJock: What do you make of bug 379617?22:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379617 in pessulus "Missing dependency for Pessulus" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37961722:36
bencrisfordshall i add the dependancy as suggested?22:36
LaserJockbencrisford: looking22:39
LaserJockbencrisford: you confirmed that it happens?22:40
bencrisfordim pretty sure22:40
bencrisfordnot 100%, maybe i shouldnt of confirmed it...22:41
LaserJockwell, did you remove python-gnome2-desktop and try to run pessulus22:42
bencrisfordLaserJock: Sure, pessulus didnt work without the package22:48
bencrisfordsame error22:48
bencrisfordwithout the python package i mean22:48
LaserJockok, sounds good to me22:49
bencrisfordLaserJock: Im stuck on where to ass the dependancy22:50
bencrisfordthere is a couple of build-depends22:50
bencrisfordand a depends22:50
LaserJockso it needs to be a Depends22:51
LaserJockbecause it's a run-time dependency and not a build-time dependency22:52
bencrisfordah ok LaserJock :)22:52
bencrisfordLaserJock: At the moment the depends bit has entries with what i think is the version number to the side like this:22:53
bencrisford         python-gtk2 (>= 2.6.0),22:53
bencrisforddo I need to put that for python-gnome2-desktop?22:53
LaserJockok, I gotta run22:53
LaserJockah, probably not22:53
LaserJockthe versioning is if you know that it won't work with particular versions22:54
bencrisfordoh, ok :)22:54
LaserJockso python-gtk2 (>= 2.6.0) means you *have* to have a version equal to or greater than 2.6.0 of python-gtk222:54
bencrisfordok, i get it22:54
LaserJockI'm gonna run22:56
LaserJockbut make sure to subscribe me to bugs you're working on and I'll have a look22:56
bencrisfordok, sure22:57
bencrisfordby the way, do i create a debdiff or a diff for this package?22:57
bencrisfordi never know :'(22:57
bencrisfordok, thanks :D22:58
LaserJockpretty much always do a debdiff unless it's a new upstream version22:58
LaserJocklike going from 2.12.3 to 2.12.4 or something22:58
bencrisfordso it will be blah_0ubuntu2.debdiff?22:59
bencrisfordin fact, dont worry ill consult my gcompris one :)22:59
bencrisfordi should stop relying on others22:59
LaserJocksure ...0ubuntu2.debdiff would be fine23:03
bencrisford1>: I swear im gonna kill this blasted computer23:57
bencrisford1stgraber: Im fixing a bug in pessulus, when i do a debdiff23:58
bencrisford1the only changes it finds23:58
bencrisford1is the changelog!23:58
bencrisford1none of the important stuff!!! >:|23:58
bencrisford1help :'(23:58

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