
harjotit still says set pspdev00:06
harjotwhich means it wants u to pacifecally add it to the certain login script00:06
harjotwhere is the kubuntu login script???00:08
ign0ramusharjot, what did you name your script?00:09
ign0ramusharjot, did you make it executable?00:10
harjotw8 just a sec00:10
harjotthanks it worked just had to logout and in again00:12
ign0ramusharjot, i knew it would :)00:12
ign0ramusharjot, and the word is 'specifically'.  specifically.00:12
LoreCasterhere's a question... if i were to buy a print-server device... a device that allows a USB printer to be attached to a network, making it a network printer... could i then just attach my linux computer to that print-server device without drivers?00:16
tsimpsonusually you'll need the driver for the printer still, the print server will just forward requests to the printer00:17
LoreCasteranother question... could I use a windows XP computer to run all of my printer devices, and share out the printer on THAT computer on my network... i've got a junker around her somewhere... could my linux box run that printer then? (no drivers exist -at all- for my cannon onlinux)00:18
tsimpsonas long as you get the server running cups00:18
tsimpsonmost printers will work with the default "postscript" driver too00:19
tsimpson!print | LoreCaster, have a read of this00:19
ubottuLoreCaster, have a read of this: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:19
harjotoh i was typing too quick to spell00:24
DaskreechDoes anyone know how I can boost the sound on my computer? I have all the dilas all the way up and I can barely hear anything00:26
ign0ramusDaskreech, i had a similar issue on Hardy, that was somewhat improved by downloading the latest alsa drivers, but I'm not even sure that works anymore :/00:30
Daskreechhow much better?00:31
ign0ramusDaskreech, from "whisper" to "library talking"00:31
ign0ramusDaskreech, i use scientific empirical measurements only ;)00:31
DaskreechOk I'm about library talking now wouldn't mind a Folk concert upgrade00:31
DaskreechTHough a polka concert will be acceptable00:32
jussi01Daskreech: turn the amp on? :D00:32
ign0ramusDaskreech, haha!  to this day, the sound is considerably better when i boot into windows on this lappy (Intel HD sound)00:32
DaskreechI may have to buy one if this keeps up I can't work without music00:32
DaskreechYeah it is00:33
DaskreechBut then I have to go and download drivers from the Manufacturere everytime I reinstall windows00:33
DaskreechWhich is an ungodly number every 1/4 year00:33
ign0ramusDaskreech, that is a pain, but a computer without good sound is only 1/2 a computer (imho, anyway)00:34
DaskreechPreaching to the silent chior over here00:34
ign0ramusDaskreech, desktop or laptop?00:34
ign0ramusDaskreech, what sound card?00:34
Daskreechmy computer just died and someone loaned me one00:34
Daskreechsome AC97 VIA chipset00:35
ign0ramusDaskreech, hmmm... widely supported...00:35
DaskreechBut quietly ignored00:35
ign0ramusthat is the problem with a kernel that is a jack of all trades00:36
DaskreechDon't they do regression testing?00:36
ign0ramusand vendors that hate OSS00:36
ign0ramusDaskreech, if you had Intel Integrated Graphics, you would swear they didn't.00:36
ign0ramusDaskreech, i assume you ran alsamixer or equivalent to check all levels, yes?00:38
DaskreechOr ignoring that can't Ubuntu stop using the latest kernel and opt for one that works?00:38
Daskreechkmix but in the past kmix has been a direct interface to alsamixer for me00:39
ign0ramusDaskreech, well, that's the thing... with the advent of PulseAudio, I'm not even sure how sound really works in Jaunty.00:39
ign0ramusDaskreech, it took me forever, but I finally had a good config using Gutsy/Hardy, and I skipped Intrepid altogether00:40
DaskreechKubuntu doesn;t use pulse00:40
jussi01Daskreech: but it is installed by default on jaunty00:41
DaskreechCan you run alsa mixer and tell me the DB offset for master at 100%00:41
jussi01I d say first point of call to remove it00:41
DaskreechNot installed00:42
DaskreechKde doesn't use it so neither does  Kubuntu00:43
ign0ramusDaskreech, jussi01: what exactly do i need PA for at all then?00:43
DaskreechNear as I heard it someone asked that exact question and couldn't get an answer which is why Kubuntu doesn't ship with it. CD space is too precious for that00:44
ign0ramusDaskreech, i'm on a fresh (dvd) install, and I most certainly have PulseAudio...00:44
DaskreechI'm on a CD Install with no Gnome products and I don't00:45
jussi01see the release notes Daskreech00:46
* jussi01 is now headde to bed00:46
ign0ramusDaskreech, as it was installed by default, i assumed it had taken over much of the piping/mixing that ALSA does, and so didn't mess with it.  But the more I hear about it, the less it seems like it serves much of a purpose...00:46
DaskreechThouh if it had an Equalizer that I could push up the Db ...00:46
Daskreechjussi01: What sound card do you have?00:46
Solidus_damn, installing new widgets still fails?00:55
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Zafer233hello everyone01:20
flakeparadigmI'm working in kde3 on jaunty trying to get my laptops screen brightness adjustment to work. (gateway laptop) Is there a way I can change how the power manager changes the brightness?01:34
ArkoldThosflakeparadigm, probably at the kcontrol :o not sure01:40
ArkoldThosi dont have a laptop so i do not move to that things :o01:41
flakeparadigmlet me see01:41
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jpedrozaI have an issue where I can connect to wireless (802.11a,b,g,n,etc) connections with the NetworkManager Plasmoid, but I can not connect to my Verizon Broadband. If I remove the plasmoid and reinstall knetworkmanager, I can connect to the Verizon, but not to wireless networks. While I truly enjoy apt-get, I would love to have 1 location for managing my network connections. And chance of that happening?01:46
juanhola hola01:47
jpedrozahi juan01:47
jpedroza!es | juan01:48
ubottujuan: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:48
Daskreechjpedroza: try wicd01:51
phelippeanyone used oss 4 ?01:51
jpedrozaDaskreech: Will that handle Broadband (CDMA) connections?01:52
Daskreechjpedroza: And hopefully the KDE network plasmoid will be more and more capable as it moves forward it's in Alpha right now (It's still not released) so there is a good chance of that. The plan is whatever NM supports it shall as well01:52
jpedrozaDaskreech: But will it work with ppp connections like knetworkmanager. The web site just talks about wired and 802.1101:54
Daskreechjpedroza: I can ask if you like01:54
jpedrozaI just droped in01:55
jpedrozadropped that is01:55
DaskreechDropped in?01:56
Daskreechsparr: Hello01:56
jpedrozaDaskreech: To #wicd01:56
DaskreechAh :)01:56
jpedrozaDaskreech: No mobile broadband01:57
jpedrozaso it looks like I will be switching back and forth for the forseeable future.01:57
Daskreechjpedroza: I will try and find out if the KDE network plasmoid will have the functionality soon01:58
jpedrozaIs there any reason knetworkmanager would not connect to 802.11 wireless networks?01:58
jpedrozaThat is the only thing keeping me from using it full time.01:59
jpedrozaOr is knetworkmanager depreciated to the point that I can't use it?02:03
jpedrozaFor wireless that is02:03
xjjkjpedroza: it should still work02:03
xjjkbut AFAIK almost all development is for the network manager plasmoid02:03
neptune_what does afaik mean02:04
xjjkAFAIK = as far as I know02:05
jpedrozaxjjk: My issue is that I can connect to wireless with NetworkManager, but not knetworkmanager. I can connect to my Verizon Broadband connection (CDMA) from knetworkmanager, but not NetworkManager.02:05
xjjkjpedroza: that's interesting...02:05
xjjkjpedroza: you mean, GNOME's nm-applet when you say NetworkManager, right?02:05
jpedrozaxjjk: I have been running into the same issue since 9.04 was released.02:05
jpedrozaxjjk: No, the Plasmoid NetworkManager02:06
jpedrozatoo many projects with the same name =)02:07
xjjkjpedroza: have you tried GNOME's nm-applet?02:07
jpedrozaxjjk: I have not.02:07
xjjkjpedroza: the package's name is nm-applet02:08
jpedrozaxjjk: Can't find it...02:08
jpedrozaxjjk: Well, apt can't find it02:09
xjjkjpedroza: sorry, I think the package name is network-manager-gnome02:09
xjjkthe actual program is called nm-applet02:09
jpedroza1xjjk: Looks like I can connect to wireless with it02:13
jpedroza1xjjk: Testing MobileBroadband02:14
DragnslcrAnybody else have a problem with the update notifier saying there are 8 updates, even when there aren't any?02:14
tzangerhmm; I am trying to sign an email message with my gpg key; the key works just fine with gpg, but when I try to send it with kontact it says that there was a bad passphrase error02:17
tzangerany ideas?02:17
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jpedroza1xjjk: I am now connected over my broadband card.02:20
tzangerI already have gnupg-agent installed02:20
jpedroza1xjjk: Seems to work well. Shame I had to install a gnome package to do what I wanted to do in kde.02:20
hubar_hi all, What is the name for the preferred kubuntu package manager?02:49
DragnslcrThe default program in 9.04 is KPackageKit, but pretty much anything that uses apt (Adept, Synaptic, aptitude, etc.) will work fine02:50
hubar_okay :)02:50
hubar_Btw, how do I use knetworkmanager?02:51
hubar_I wanted to add a widge, but there is no networkmanager widget02:51
DaskreechThere should be02:54
splunkorspamfor KDE???02:55
AussieGuyhow do I stop kubuntu from auto detecting eth0 and configuring it?02:56
AussieGuyI want to use my own /etc/network/interfaces02:57
xjjkAussieGuy: if you have a stanza for eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces, then NetworkManager/Ubuntu won't take control of it03:00
xjjkAussieGuy: it will however keep NetworkManager watching (but not managing) the interfce, to send D-BUS events on link up/down events03:00
tzangersolved teh problem where kontact was not able to sign/encrypt messages03:00
tzangergpg-agent was not running. I manually added it to .kde/env/ butmaybe there is a "supported" way to have that automatically happen03:01
AussieGuyive got a bridge03:02
AussieGuywith eth0 connected to the bridge03:02
AussieGuyand the bridge connected to the internet03:02
xjjkAussieGuy: mmm03:03
xjjkAussieGuy: AFAIK I think you can still define eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces, but however tell Ubuntu to not do anything with it03:03
AussieGuyvirtual machines also get connected to the bridge03:03
xjjkyah I understand the problem03:03
xjjkI usually have such setups only on servers, which won't have NetworkManager installed03:04
AussieGuyso you can uninstall it?03:06
xjjkAussieGuy: yes, easily03:07
xjjkAussieGuy: er, actually, if you're running a desktop, maybe so easily03:07
AussieGuywill it run if I was to shut down kde/gnome completely03:07
xjjkI think kubuntu-desktop depends on it03:07
AussieGuyand gdm/X03:07
xjjkAussieGuy: yes03:07
xjjkNetworkManager is good at being annoying03:07
AussieGuydone it, seems to work now, eth0 has no IP, bridge has one, bridge is connected to the net03:11
AussieGuyand eth0 to the bridge03:11
xjjkwhat did you do?03:12
AussieGuygot rid of network manager03:13
AussieGuythen did what I was doing with /etc/network/interfaces03:14
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AussieGuythe funny thing is03:26
AussieGuymy isp has granted the virtual machine a seperate internet ip03:26
AussieGuyand it works, along with the hosts ip03:26
ralmarHey guys, quick question. Will any eSATA cable support SATA II speeds or are there some eSATA cables that only reach SATA I speeds? Thanks03:26
draikHello all. How do irssi work with dcc? I was trying to receive packages, but can't since I'm not sure what's going to happen for a prompt.03:49
draikJust want to see if I am really getting those files because I see nothing new on the server.03:50
jimmy51_homeanyone here good with openoffice calc?04:05
nicolas_hey guys04:05
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p_quarlesjimmy51_home: what do you want to know?04:06
Guest37249someone can help me i install kubuntu and lost my boot windows how i can chose to but on windows and kubuntu04:06
Guest37249no one know ?04:09
geniiGuest37249: First make sure Windows boots how it's supposed to. Then install Kubuntu04:10
Zafer233through wubi.?04:10
Guest37249i already have windows install and i install kubuntu after04:10
Zafer233I believe04:10
Guest37249on another partition04:10
geniiZafer233: Wubi is another thing altogether04:10
jimmy51_homep_quarles: does it not match the documentation when it comes to formulas?04:11
genii!mbr | Guest37249 - maybe check the methods here04:11
ubottuGuest37249 - maybe check the methods here: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:11
jimmy51_homep_quarles: for instance, I was doing an IF() condition, which the help said should be IF(condition; resultIfTrue, resultIfFalse)04:11
jimmy51_homebut that deosn't work04:11
jimmy51_homeit actually wants a comma instead of a semicolon04:12
jimmy51_homeseveral functions seem to be that way04:12
deltaalguien habla en españoool04:14
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delta__alguien habla español04:16
draik!es | delta__04:16
ubottudelta__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:16
Zafer233my kubuntu rocks.04:37
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alterooHello :) can Anyone give some unsupported Apt help?04:51
alterooI'm trying to install kontact but it's clashing with kde-icons-oxygen04:52
svensko_is it possible to change the DPI settings? I am running on a netbook and the fonts and windows are too large05:09
alterooChecked in system settings?05:12
svensko_alteroo, compared to what i'm used to, this system settings looks like a maze :(05:13
alterooProbably under display05:14
svensko_ah, i was looking under appearance05:16
ubuntuGood Evening05:39
ubuntuI have always used two partitions swap and /  I am thinking about the following partitons 12 gig swap 60 / for programs 130 home and wanted to mount  96 remaining to virtual box was mounted as /05:43
ubuntuWhat should the virtual box be mounted to prim or logical05:43
alterooDoesn't matter05:51
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alterooanyone installed koffice ?06:12
alterooThe Repo seems messed up06:12
alterooThe files are all mismatched06:12
Zafer233I did actually try once06:13
Zafer233it fed up my kernal06:13
Zafer233something about kformula?06:14
alterooYour kernel cared about kformula being installed?06:16
alterooThat's really strange06:16
svensko_holy crap KDE runs slow on netbooks06:18
svensko_it literally took amarok 2 five minutes to open up06:18
alterooFirst open?06:19
svensko_but even opening up system settings took a good amount of time06:19
svensko_ie 30 seconds to a minute06:19
Zafer233well I guess not the kernal. Lol but kformula required me to remove all of my kde apts.06:20
noaXessgood morning06:53
noaXessdoes anybody have a information about quanta+ for kde4? ported?06:54
alterooI think the SVN version is usable07:02
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Sperber101moin zusammen07:22
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* alteroo makes a very uncomfortable K with his fingers07:35
alterooWhee Fixed an Amarok Script :)07:35
alterooNow if I could just install Akregator :(07:35
* ActionParsnip is L-side07:36
alterooThat's not fair you chose that just to make easier gang signs :-P07:37
ActionParsnipno, I use LXDE :D07:38
Sperber101<-- -07:38
alterooYes and you did that just to hve an easier gang sign07:39
alteroo Werd!07:39
ActionParsnipnar, i just like ram for my apps rather than my desktop env07:40
alteroocli 4lyfe!07:43
alterooThough borrent-headless can be quite greedy07:44
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!07:58
ajavidhow do you enable compiz fusion in kubuntu 9.04 kde3 remix07:58
alterooinstall it and   the ccsm07:58
ajavidccsm ImportError: No module named compizconfig07:58
alterooand compizconfig I guess07:58
ajavidI have about every compiz package installed07:58
alterooand compiz --replace doesn' work?07:59
ajavidpython-compizconfig-kde3: Installed: 0.7.4-0ubuntu1108:00
ajavidalteroo, it does, ccsm doesn't launch08:00
ajavidI can't configure compiz08:00
ajavidccsm gives error08:00
ajavidTraceback (most recent call last):08:01
ajavid  File "/usr/bin/ccsm", line 38, in <module>08:01
ajavid    import compizconfig08:01
ajavidImportError: No module named compizconfig08:01
alteroowhat error does ccsm give ?08:01
alteroo!info compizconfig08:01
ubottuPackage compizconfig does not exist in jaunty08:01
alteroo!info ccsm08:01
ubottuPackage ccsm does not exist in jaunty08:01
alteroo!info compiz08:01
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.8.2-0ubuntu8 (jaunty), package size 37 kB, installed size 72 kB08:01
peabodyis there support for burning blueray discs in Linux yet?08:02
ajavidits called compizconfig-settings-manager08:02
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get installcompizconfig-settings-manager08:02
alteroopeabody: Yes08:02
alteroo!info compizconfig-settings-manager08:02
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 623 kB, installed size 4068 kB08:02
peabodyalteroo what do I need to install to burn blueray discs?08:02
alterooA blueray burner :)08:03
heruhow to open ntfs partition without passwd?08:04
alterooajavid: this is probably a problem nore easily solved in #ubuntu08:05
alterooheru: Click on it in Dolphin08:05
heruleft or rigt click?08:06
heruOk, then..08:06
ajavidi have all the compizconfig stuff instaleld08:07
ajavidI go to python console and try import compizconfig, and same message08:07
ajavidno module named compizconfig08:07
ajavidI don't think python knows about this /opt/kde3/lib/python2.6/site-packages/compizconfig.so08:08
alterooajavid: are there other modules in that path?08:15
alteroomove it to where the other modules are08:16
ajavidthis is a bug08:18
ajavidno moving08:18
ajavidpython didn't know about the module compizconfig in the kde3 package as it is in /opt08:18
alterooajavid: file it08:19
ajavidI simply went to /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ and ln -s /opt/kde3/lib/python2.6/site-packages/compizconfig.so08:19
ajavidnow it works just fine08:19
ajavidthis packae needs to install a link to where the .so is08:19
ajavidwithout it people using kde3 on jaunty can't run compiz08:20
ajavidhow do i file it? use reportbug?08:20
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:22
alteroo!fstab | heru08:26
ubottuheru: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:26
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neonoe_Hello, on live cd kubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso I do not see any qparted or gparted, only parted in command line. Is there other soft to make a partition on my disk ? Thank you for help.09:01
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sorsethi , i realized that usb speed in kubuntu 9.04 is very low in my pc , but i didnt have this problem in older kubuntu , how can i fix it?09:08
eagles0513875hey guys is there a package that i can install where i can open pptx and other new office 07 formats09:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pptx09:11
neonoe_ok, I only need to install it ;)09:16
eagles0513875neonoe_: ?09:18
neonoe_Yes I was looking for gparted on liveCD kubuntu I mentionned before.09:19
neonoe_As a matter of fact, sudo apt-get install gparted is enough ^^09:19
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francisc1701I have a yahoo messenger account. Can I use kopete to talk to an AIM account? Or MSN?10:02
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dariohi guys10:09
dariocan someone help me?10:09
darioI just install Kubuntu 9.04 and i cant install privative drivers, i cant activate them10:10
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kladgoodmorning everybody10:19
kladis there anyway to change delay and repeat time keyboard settings ?10:20
jussi01klad: of course, system settings -> keyboard and mouse...10:22
kladyeah ... but I cannot find any kind of settings like that10:22
kladI'm in system settings10:23
kladand looking at any keyboard settings ... but I cannot find a reference to repeat time or delay10:23
jussi01klad: which version of kubuntu?10:23
kladI guess :p10:24
kladI mean I've installed an Ubuntu this morning10:24
jussi011 moment, Ill upload what I see...10:24
kladand I've installed the KDe-desktop10:24
kladok many thanks10:24
jussi01klad: http://imagebin.ca/view/aul1LFT.html10:25
JbCrashhi.. how to check my kubuntu version and update it?10:25
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »10:25
JbCrashto update my kutbuntu to new version..how?10:26
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:26
kladNo LSB modules are available.10:27
kladDistributor ID: Ubuntu10:27
kladDescription:    Ubuntu 9.0410:27
kladRelease:        9.0410:27
kladCodename:       jaunty10:27
jussi01!paste | klad10:28
ubottuklad: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:28
kladoh .. :) thanks  and sorry10:28
JbCrashhow i can run Adept Manager as root?10:34
MamarokJbCrash: Alt + F2, type kdesudo adept10:34
JbCrashMamarok: its say command not found!10:36
MamarokJbCrash: do you run 9.04?10:38
MamarokJbCrash: oh, then you run KDE3, right?10:39
JbCrashnow i updating to 8.1010:40
MamarokJbCrash: ok, then the default installation manager is synaptic10:40
MamarokJbCrash: and btw, Gnome support is mostly in #ubuntu :)10:40
Mamaroksafc: behave!10:40
JbCrashMamarok: sorry.. im new..i still learning..btw when i reboot i can see kubuntu screen10:41
MamarokJbCrash: could it be you have both desktops installed?10:41
=== jacques is now known as Guest92080
MamarokJbCrash: but don't worry, you can use synaptic to upgrade your system too, it's very easy to use10:42
JbCrashMamarok:  not sure about it..how i can check it and remove ?10:42
MamarokJbCrash: what would you like to remove?10:43
JbCrashu said got 2 desktops10:43
MamarokJbCrash: well, you can have both Gnome and KDE on a PC, it doesn't hurt10:43
MamarokJbCrash: you just choose which session you want to start before login in10:44
MamarokJbCrash: you want to remove it you mean?10:44
JbCrashMamarok:  ok..now my system use kubuntu..i think ths nice.. just want update my ubuntu.. now using 8.0410:46
JbCrashNo LSB modules are available.10:46
JbCrashDistributor ID:Ubuntu10:46
JbCrashDescription:Ubuntu 8.0410:46
Mamarok!paste | JbCrash10:47
ubottuJbCrash: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:47
JbCrashMamarok: sorry for paste10:47
MamarokJbCrash: I still don't know exactly what you want to remove :) Gnome? Upgrade to 8.10?10:48
JbCrashMamarok:  i want upgrade my ubuntu10:48
MamarokJbCrash: ok, still in Gnome? then start synaptic10:48
Mamarokit will ask you your password10:49
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MamarokJbCrash: then go to the Settings menu and choose preferences10:49
JbCrashMamarok: u there10:51
Mamarokhm, wrong, Settings menu and choose repositories10:51
Guest26744hello, aho an gutne tag. somebody knows howto configurate a squid server?10:52
MamarokJbCrash: sorry, had to fire up synaptic to be sure :)10:52
JbCrashnow in repositories10:53
MamarokJbCrash: sorry, ws sure to find an upgrade version option there and can't see any here, do you have such an option visible there?10:55
jussi01JbCrash: did you read the link from ubottu before?10:56
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:56
jussi01second link iirc10:57
Mamarokjussi01: thx, was on that wikipage now, but he wants to upgrade to 8.1010:57
JbCrashreading it now10:57
jussi01why? o.O10:57
Mamarokjussi01: I don't know...10:58
JbCrashyea.. Mamarok its any way.. i just update to latest version? i mean skip 8.10 and just upgrade to 9.04?10:58
JbCrashusing  8.04 hardy now10:58
Mamarokyes, you can10:58
JbCrashany simple commands?10:59
MamarokJbCrash: read that wiki page jussi01 just gave you, the instructions are there10:59
Mamarokyes, but you will have to start KDE instead of Gnomw to do so11:00
Mamaroklog out of Gnome and change the session to KDE, then log in again11:00
JbCrashchange it now11:01
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aaron__hello. I just saw that amarok 2.1 was released and added the repository in the release annoncement but it's telling me it's a blocked update. Does anybody know how to fix that?11:03
JbCrashim in kde now11:03
JbCrashMamarok: u there11:04
BOZGaaron__: Update it through synaptic manually rather than auto-updater11:04
aaron__BOZG: how do I do that? I don't think I even have synaptic installed11:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about updates11:04
BOZGaaron__: For some reason, I thought I was in #ubuntu11:04
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading11:04
BOZGaaron__: use KPackageKit11:05
aaron__BOZG: I am, but when i search for amarok it still says 2.0.2. The -dbg package says 2.1, though11:05
BOZGaaron__: Applications->System->Software Management11:05
BOZGStrange, when did you get the update? Today?11:06
BOZGI still only have 2.0.2 in the dbg11:06
TheGrammarFreakWhat does grub see my CD drive as? Like, it sees my HDD as hd0,0, what's the CD drive called?11:06
aaron__a few days ago. Right after I added the backports repository11:06
BOZGLet me have a look.  I should have backports enabled.11:08
BOZGOnly showing 2.0.2 for me.11:10
aaron__BOZG: but are you running 2.1?11:11
BOZGNo, 2.0.211:12
BOZGThere's a thread on the forums suggesting you try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:13
BOZGAnd that's installing it with no problems.11:13
aaron__will that hurt anything else?11:13
aaron__all right, I'll give it a shot11:13
BOZGShouldn't do.11:13
BOZGaaron__: OK, I got it working in Add/Remove11:14
BOZGAre you getting a GPG error when you do sudo apt-get update?11:15
BOZGI just ran sudo apt-get update and searched for the amarok package in Add/Remove and it gave me the option to update.11:16
aaron__I wasn't getting GPG errors11:17
aaron__and the dist-upgrade seems to have done the trick!11:17
aaron__thank you very much :-)11:17
BOZGNo problem.11:18
BOZGThank you for letting me know there was an update :P11:18
aaron__welcome :-)11:18
aaron__this one is significantly prettier than 2.0, too11:19
BOZGYeah, seems a lot smoother looking.11:19
aaron__mmm, it just crashed when I tried to play my last.fm stream, though...11:20
aaron__although it's not scrobbling my tracks again11:20
aaron__oh, it works now. Just a 1 time glitch, I guess11:21
MamarokBOZG, aaron__ these are not the usual backports, but the backport PPA, that's different11:21
aaron__I just went by http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2.111:21
aaron__how are they different?11:21
MamarokBOZG: what does the version tell you in Help -> about Amarok?11:21
Mamarokaaron__: there are the "official" backport repositories, and there are the Kubuntu PPA repos which are "semi-official"11:22
MamarokPPA = Private Package Archive, hence not really official11:22
aaron__are you saying I should disable it now that I have what I want installed?11:22
Mamarokaaron__: no, why?11:23
aaron__because things might come up in it that I don't want to install?11:23
aaron__I don't recall it telling me which repository a particular update is coming from and I usually just hit apply all11:23
Mamarokaaron__: then choose manually what you want ot install, instead of just letting it be handled automatically11:24
BOZGMamarok: 2.111:24
MamarokBOZG: ok, then it's the correct one, but it seems last.fm has some problems since yesterday, scrobbling worked fine when we tagged the package11:24
BOZGI'll try it.11:25
MamarokBOZG: make sure you enter your account name and password correctly11:25
BOZGMamarok: Have to remember my account name first.  I don't really use Last.fm.  I have too many secret pleasures in musical taste that I'd be ashamed if other people knew about :p11:27
BOZGNo, doesn't appear to be scrobbling.11:30
Mamarokaaron__: still scrobbling problems?11:30
aaron__Mamarok: no, all's well now11:30
Mamarokgreat :)11:30
aaron__it's such a wonderful program :-)11:30
TheGrammarFreakI want to install Windows 98 on my PC and dual boot. This is to play games that won't work through wine. Is there a way to do this without havinf to re-install kubuntu?11:30
Mamarokthx :)11:30
MamarokTheGrammarFreak: ouch, if you have a separate partition where you will install Windows on this might work, you will have to restore grup though11:31
TheGrammarFreakMamrok: Ok, I have read somewhere though that windows insits on being the frist OS on the disk, or something similar. Can I just chuck windows on the end of one of my hard disks, or do I have to go through the lengthy process of changing everything?11:33
BOZGOk, it showed the track that I was listening to then when I refreshed it disappeared.11:33
MamarokTheGrammarFreak: no, Windows indeed needs the first partition on a disk, so either have a separate disk you can set as master or else you will have to reinstall your Kubuntu later :(11:35
TheGrammarFreakSo it needs to be the first partition of the master disk?11:36
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Tm_TGuest73277: are we rooted now?11:38
TheGrammarFreakDoesn't it give warnings abou that? Loging in as root11:38
Tm_TTheGrammarFreak: might or might not11:39
TheGrammarFreakTm_T: It did when I tried, and I thought agains it11:39
Tm_TTheGrammarFreak: though, warnings are just, well, warnings, people tend to ignore them11:39
ForeverSmurfhello, can someone point me in the right direction 'url' of a jaunty 9.04 installation instructions on a usb pen drive11:40
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:40
Tm_TForeverSmurf: see above11:40
MamarokBOZG: where did it disapear from?11:41
ForeverSmurfThank you Tm... that looks exactly like what I need11:42
BOZGMamarok: Ok, it's working fine now.11:42
Mamarokgreat :)11:43
BOZGI like the new splash screen.11:43
MamarokBOZG: yeah, so do we :)11:43
BOZGNow to remember, not to play any dodgy music while I'm using Last.fm :P11:44
TheGrammarFreakI'm not sure I can face doing that for windows11:44
BOZGIs there likely to be iPod Touch v2 compatability with Amarok at any point?11:45
MamarokBOZG: if it's uncaged, yes, if you have Firmware v2 then you will have to wait till somebody has time to reverse-engeneer it...11:47
BOZGGuess I'm stuck with iTunes for the moment then. :)11:48
MamarokBOZG: the problem is not on our side, ask Apple to make free hardware...11:48
BOZGI know that.11:49
BOZGI've just become obsessive with the Touch.11:49
BOZGBest prize I've ever won :P11:50
Mamarok...or do not buy proprietary stuff ;)11:50
Mamarokbut that's not exactly Kubuntu support stuff anyway11:50
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ubsafderi got an app crash how do i install debug symbols ?12:27
steven_install the <pkg-name>-dbg packages using apt12:28
DanDanHello .. I've recently updated from Ubuntu 8.04 to 9.04 jaunty ... and now I have flashplugin-nonfree broken .. I have tried everything to try n reinstall remove or install purge anything u can imagine and nothins seems to work ... anyone plz ?12:32
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Guest22128hi i install kubuntu and on c: so i delete my boot file for windows and my windows is on d: how i can renew that to load windows on grub12:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about updates12:40
cjae!info updates12:40
ubottuPackage updates does not exist in jaunty12:40
cjaeAre there any updates that completely break kubuntu 9.04? I just did a reinstall12:41
Guest26744hey folks, i have an package on my desktop but i vcan not open it and install it. tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz -C /opt ad i get always an §not found" message12:44
chervaanyone worked with ICECC to help me determin why only one of the 2 nodes is used ?12:45
Guest26744and if i ty it to open it on my desktop it says it is donebut i can not find it12:45
cjaeanyone using kde 4.3 successfully? or should I wait a month12:59
Mamarokcjae: I do, but the installation is tricky, dependency problems13:01
Mamarokcjae: but if you can handle those...13:01
cjaeMamarok, you remember tyring to help me yesterday I think it was?13:02
Mamarokcjae: yes, it was me13:02
Mamarokcjae: still have problems?13:02
cjaeMamarok, ok unrelated to kde4.3, should I just use sudo aptitude safe-upgrade from now on13:03
cjaeMamarok, since I little to no faith in kpackagekit13:03
cjaeMamarok, I just did a fresh reinstall13:03
cjaealso is the WHOLE kpackagekit thing fixed in 4.3?13:04
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Mamarokcjae: well, it seems to work better now, but I don't sue it, aptitude is my choice now13:05
Mamarokcjae: currently you have 4.2.2 or did you upgrade to 4.2.4?13:06
cjaeI was looking through release notes or plans and did nt see much about it, but that means nothing to :p13:06
cjaeone sec13:06
Mamarokcjae: before trying 4.3 you should consider 4.2.413:07
cjaeMamarok, if I use the safe-upgrade that would have NOT installed those broken updates yesterday correct?13:08
Mamarokcjae: also, if you are not familiar with missing dependencies and how to fixe those with force-overweite, do not go for 4.313:08
Mamarokcjae: well, you should never have forced broken packages in the first place13:08
Mamarokhm, should read "--force-overwrite"13:09
cjaeMamarok, I really didnt all I used was dist-upgrade, but I guess thats as good as -f13:09
Mamarokcjae: no, I think you just started to upgrade when there still were problems, and that broke the stuff13:10
cjaeMamarok, the last time I dealt with missing dependencies, was on suse 913:10
cjaerpm sucks13:11
Mamarokcjae: instead of KPackagekit, consider to use aptitude, it works very well13:11
Mamarokcjae: OT :)13:11
cjaewhats OT13:11
Mamarok!ot | cjae13:11
ubottucjae: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:11
Mamarokand bashing is not allowed neither, so even if you don't like RPM packages, don't say it aloud :)13:12
cjaeok sorry13:12
Mamarokno problem :)13:13
cjaeI ve heard there system is much better now...ok ill quit now13:13
cjaeOne more thing, when you use the aptitude ncurses thing, what do you do just to invoke the latest needed updates?13:15
cjaelike those that show up in update managers13:15
Mamarokcjae: actually, I don't use the ncurses interface, but wait...13:18
matt____hey all - would someone be able to help me out with a (I hope) quick sound question?13:18
cjaeMamarok, I ve read up one it but the last time I used it, I could figure it out. Its something like g to upgrade U to update13:19
Mamarokcjae: once in the interface, type u and you will have to provide your passwrod,13:19
Mamarokthen it checks the repos and will show you if there are upgrades available13:19
Mamarokcjae: it's much eaiser to just use sudo aptitude update13:19
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Mamarokthen sudo aptitude safe-upgrade13:20
cjaeMamarok, do you have separate x screens?13:20
Mamarokno, just a laptop right now13:20
* cjae thinks this is still broken, but he also thinks ppl may be thinking of the twinview apps that open on wrong screens13:21
Mamarokcjae: well, if I were you I would safe the configuration, go back to default, upgrade and the install the split screen again13:22
cjaeit confusing cause some ppl say it  the nvidia drivers and some say its the DE itself and then I find out it broken in gnome to apparently13:23
Mamarokcjae: keep in mind that separate X screens is not default and only a minority of users use them13:23
Mamarokhence it's the Nvidia driver :)13:23
Mamarokpoke Nvidia for that :)13:24
cjaeMamarok, see I have a very specific xorg (that took me forever to figure out how to build) that will not work in k 9.0413:24
petsoundshello, me and my friend are now chatting via msn. and when she invite me to view her cam kopete can't view it. my friend using W xp. the Q is what IM software you can suggested to me? btw i also try using pidgin but still i can't view her cam. thank you for reading.13:24
* cjae hates twinview13:25
* cjae always has to look back at monitor which defeats the purpose, IMHO13:26
Mamarokpetsounds: did you install amsn?13:26
petsoundsmamarok : what is that?13:27
cjaepetsounds, the linux equivalent13:27
Mamarokthat's the MSN client for Linux13:28
cjaepetsounds, there is also emense or something like that13:28
petsoundscjae : can you write me cmd line to install it?13:28
cjaeyour web cam must be supported though, and you client has to have v4l2 as well I blieve13:29
cjaesudo aptitude install amsn13:29
petsoundscjae : idk what you mean with v4l2 or sth. but i'm installing linux msn now.13:31
Mamarokcjae: exact13:31
cjaepetsounds, if you webcam is not supported right away, it is kind of an ordeal to try to get what you want working...eg. if you have a lifecam (microsoft web cam)13:32
Mamarokcjae: it's about seeing the cam pictures of the other person I think13:32
petsoundscjae : yeah that's what i mean13:32
Mamarokkopete should be able to sort that out though13:33
cjaepetsounds, you may find the other msn clone less ugly and more friendly too13:33
Mamarokpetsounds: just try with amsn, maybe you are lucky13:33
Mamarokcjae: "ugly" is a very personal opinion, so...13:34
petsoundscjae : yes it's a bit ugly LOL but as long as it works i don't care about the appearance.13:35
cjaeMamarok, well it doesnt fit well into DE and the cursor isnt even the right way13:36
Mamarok!opinion > cjae13:37
ubottucjae, please see my private message13:37
petsoundscjae : seems the amsn crashed everytime she invite me.13:38
petsoundsmamarok : any other suggestions?13:38
Mamarokpetsounds: hm, not really, did you try tweaking all kopete options for that?13:39
cjaebut I am pretty sure if amsn doesn get it neither will that one13:40
igorHello everyone! Anyone configured multi channel on Creative Audigy 2 in Kubuntu 9.04?13:40
zorglu_q. is there a tool to bench X ?13:40
Mamarokigor: check systemsettings ->Multimedia13:41
cjaeamyway, thanks for the help Mamarok, gotta get some zzzs13:41
Mamarokcjae: yaw :)13:41
igorMamarok: I have many options there (Front/Rear/...) If I choose Rear - I can hear only Rear speakers. The same with Front etc. Here is the screenshot: http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/4708/snapshot1u.png Maybe you know how can I use all of them to have a 5.1 sound?13:43
moukaAnybody can help with an issue?13:44
Mamarokigor: do you have alsa-mixer installed?13:44
Mamarok!ask | mouka13:44
ubottumouka: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:44
moukaI am trying to compile an ogre 3d application, and my linker is complaining about a missing library13:44
petsoundsmamarok : it's okay now, i can view her cam on amsn. weird cause i don't do anything. anyway thank you for your help.13:44
Mamarokpetsounds: yaw :)13:45
igorMamarok: yes, I have alsamixer and I un-muted all options there13:45
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Guest28138aloha, ihave a problem to install xampp-linux. i have it on my desktop but: 1. i cant open it, ergo, i cant install it.. somebody an idea why?13:47
Mamarokigor: alsamixergui allows you to change the sound levels too, sometimes it's just a matter of the level13:47
Pici!xampp | Guest2813813:48
ubottuGuest28138: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.13:48
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radiWhen I make a complete new installation of Kubuntu and use aptitude for the installation of every package I need, will I run into trouble, cause the original System was installed by apt-get?13:49
Mamarokradi: no13:49
Mamarokradi: aptitude is just a frontend of apt-get13:50
Mamarokand apt-search, etc13:50
radiMamarok: Hmm, The documentation tells it is a completly diffrent packetmanager and one should never mix the usage of apt-get and aptitude13:51
Mamarokmouka: then you will probably have to install a -dev package to get that library13:51
Mamarokmouka: what library is it?13:51
Mamarokradi: well, you either use that or the other one, but then you better stay with it :)13:52
Mamaroksame applies to the GUI frontends btw13:52
Mamarokradi: both use dpkg anyway13:52
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radiMamarok: Thx. I'll give it a shot then.13:53
Guest28138where i can find the source codes or the sources.list for 9.0413:55
igorMamarok: It's strange, but all my mixers are 100% and still no sound from some speakers (I've played with options in System settings->Multimedia all my speakers are playing if I choose them, but i can't get them work all at once :( )14:03
Guest28138sources.list? sombody an link please?14:06
Being_Tsukasaigor: have checked to see if its muted?14:07
bazhangGuest28138, a sample one is ubuntuguide for jaunty14:08
igorBeing_Tsukasa: yes it's not muted :( What else can be the problem?14:09
Guest28138thanks, but where i can find this14:09
bazhanglet me get the link14:10
Guest28138nice, thanks14:10
Being_Tsukasacould be audio drivers14:10
julioubuntu fr please14:10
Being_Tsukasatry working through the troubleshooting14:10
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:10
juliocan you give me ubuntu french please14:10
Pici!fr | julio14:11
ubottujulio: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:11
igorubottu: thanks I'll take a look at the links!14:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:12
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Jaunty#Manually_add_repositories Guest2813814:12
Guest28138yes! thats it. thanks al ot!14:14
bazhangno problem :)14:14
Guest28138oh, what does this means? NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278314:16
bazhanggpg error14:17
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »14:17
Guest28138 GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org jaunty Release: Die folgenden Signaturen konnten nicht überprüft werden, weil ihr öffentlicher Schlüssel nicht verfügbar ist: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278314:20
PiciGuest28138: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#Adding%20the%20Repositories14:21
bazhangGuest28138, the medibuntu.org page has the instructions on how exactly to import the keys14:21
petsoundsi try to upgrade my 2.0.2 amarok to 2.1 and i add this deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main, then the notification appear but i can't install it cause it says blocked updates. what did i miss?14:22
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Guest28138still got the message14:24
bazhangGuest28138, did you go to medibuntu.org page?14:25
bazhangGuest28138, and follow the exact instructions?14:25
Guest28138but know the first error message disappaerd. now i have only one erroe left14:27
Guest28138W: GPG error: http://dl.google.com stable Release: Die folgenden Signaturen konnten nicht überprüft werden, weil ihr öffentlicher Schlüssel nicht verfügbar ist: NO_PUBKEY A040830F7FAC599114:27
Guest28138the first one was this  NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278314:27
bazhangGuest28138, that is a google repo then?14:28
Guest28138looks like14:29
bazhangthen follow the same steps as in !gpgerr above14:29
bazhangwith <key> being replaced with your key of course14:30
sczgilaei have one installation of kubuntu 9.04 with LDAP configured. Im configuring for the users. Now i see, that when i login as normal user of LDAP, in the screen appears "HDA INTEL doesnt work (STA92xx Analog), the system uses pulseaudio.14:34
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baxeicopetsounds: i read somewhere that kpackagekit cannot upgrade if it has to install additional packages (i don't remenber details), but you can use aptitude from konsole14:36
baxeicosudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade14:37
petsoundsbaxeico : i'll try14:37
petsoundsbaxeico : it works. thank you14:57
loganWHDhello all15:17
loganWHDjust upgraded to 9.0415:17
loganWHDwent pretty mooth15:17
loganWHDsmooth even15:17
loganWHDjust one question, i have the resolution on the highest setting it just seems that everything is alot BIGGER than before15:17
loganWHDany suggesstions on how i can change that?15:18
JontheEchidnais it just the fonts that are bigger?15:18
JontheEchidnaor is it not letting you set the resolution as high as you used to be able?15:18
loganWHDI think both15:18
loganWHDeverything seems bigger15:18
loganWHDi use thunderbird for email15:19
loganWHDeverything looks bolded15:19
loganWHDeven this window...15:19
loganWHDi have it on 1900X102815:19
loganWHDbut looks more like 1200X smth15:19
JontheEchidnayou could try bumping up the font DPI. Let me see if I can find where you do that15:19
loganWHDit is as high as it cna go15:19
JontheEchidnain System Settings -> Appearance -> Fonts there should be a DPI setting15:20
oobethis in xorg.conf should help loganWHD Option         "DPI" "100 x 100"15:20
loganWHDJontheEchidna, let me check15:22
loganWHDoobe, are you saying to add that to xorg.conf?15:22
oobeyeah but try JontheEchidna's idea first15:22
oobecause it seems easier15:22
oobeyou would need to restart x also i think thay maybe nvidia specifix15:23
loganWHDthere are three choices15:23
loganWHDdisabled, 96, 120 dpi15:23
JontheEchidnatry 12015:23
loganWHDdidnt seem to change much15:24
JontheEchidnadid it change any?15:24
loganWHDnot that i can see15:24
JontheEchidnayou may have to log out and restart X15:24
JontheEchidna(alt + e at the login screen)15:25
loganWHDalt e ?15:26
loganWHDwhats that do?15:26
JontheEchidnarestarts X15:27
JontheEchidnaalternately you could use oobe's solution, which should accomplish around the same thing15:27
loganWHDadding 100x100 to xorg.conf?15:28
JontheEchidnayeah, then restarting X15:28
loganWHDwhere would i add that?15:29
JontheEchidnadunno exactly15:29
JontheEchidnaI think in the screen section15:30
loganWHDok well i changed the dpi thing but i cant restart yet15:31
loganWHDso let me try that in a few15:31
Polyculturedoes banshee ususally recongnice my portable media player when connected?15:34
Polyculturedon't see anything promising, aslo can't find corresponding menu entries15:35
MamarokPolyculture: can't tell, as Banshee is more a Gnome application, never used it15:44
PolycultureMamarok: what about amarok 2.1, the device plasmoid doesn't seem to work15:44
dk-laptopAnyone knows why sudo ask me the password two times? How I can make it ask for password only one time?15:47
loganWHDJontheEchidna, thank you15:48
loganWHDvery much15:48
loganWHDthat worked perfect15:48
loganWHDI AM BACK15:48
loganWHDi can see15:48
Polyculturedk-laptop: hmm, the only reason for this to happen i know is that one mis-spelled the password15:49
geniidk-laptop: What command are you using sudo with?15:50
dk-laptopPolyculture: I type the password correcly, but anyway it ask the password two times15:50
dk-laptopgenii: It happens with any command that I try15:51
Polyculturedk-laptop: sorry, i have no clue15:51
sczgilaei have one installation of kubuntu 9.04 with LDAP configured. Im configuring for the users. Now i see, that when i login as normal user of LDAP, in the screen appears "HDA INTEL doesnt work (STA92xx Analog), the system uses pulseaudio.15:51
geniidk-laptop: Sounds like a PAM authentication issue.15:51
dk-laptopthiago@thiago-laptop:~$ sudo echo 12315:51
dk-laptop[sudo] password for thiago:15:51
dk-laptop[sudo] password for thiago:15:51
MamarokPolyculture: you should ask on #amarok IMHO, I don't think the applet is ready yet, there is a GSoC project for it running currently15:52
PolycultureMamarok: all right, thanks for the hint15:53
sczgilaebut as root works ok. so maybe permission?15:53
Mamaroksczgilae: no, that is Pulseaduio conflicting in Phonon, you should remove it, KDE doesn't use Pulseaudio15:55
sczgilaemamarok, thanks, so i have to remove pulseaudio15:58
dk-laptopOhh.. I found the problem15:59
dk-laptopI have the line: auth required pam_unix.so nullok_secure16:00
Mamaroksczgilae: remove Pulseaudio as much as you can, then remove ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc and ~/.asound.conf if there is one, restart KDE16:00
dk-laptoptwo times in my /etc/pam.d/common-auth16:00
dk-laptopSo the PAM was ask for password two times16:00
Mamaroksczgilae: then in systemsettings ->multimedia set your soundcard on top (there will probably still be a pulseaudio reference visible, just push it to the bottom)16:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bridging16:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bridge16:02
geniidk-laptop: Good to see it's sorted out now16:03
geniiSandGorgon: What is it about bridging you would like to know?16:04
SandGorgongenii, thanks for asking... i googled for the links ! I was having a Virtualbox question - found it16:05
dk-laptopAnother problem that I'm having is that some times my KDE prograns are incorrectly showed in my monitor. It's haven only with QT prograns, with Gnome stuffs everything is fine16:05
geniiAh, OK then.16:05
dk-laptopThere's any know issue with Intel Video card with QT library? It's very strange16:06
radi82j #kubuntu-de16:13
sczgilae I have made all of the changed you proposed. But i cant get the audio card to work. When try "test" i dont show any fail message, but doesn't produce any sound any way. More ideas?16:14
Mamaroksczgilae: nothing muted in Kmix?16:16
sczgilaeyes, im looking at that, but now i dont know why dont have kmix menu, and i cant show it :-S16:17
ikonia!give ikonia a test16:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uptime16:18
Mamaroksczgilae: in the system tray, right click on the loudspeaker, then "show mixer window"16:18
sczgilaeno loudspeaker in system tray :-S16:19
sczgilaemamarok, if i search kmix at "k" menu and i click on it pretends to open but nothing do16:22
Mamaroksczgilae: in a terminal, type killall -9 kmix16:23
Mamaroksczgilae: then start it again16:23
sczgilaemamarok: done. same, nothing happens16:24
Mamaroksczgilae: what KDE do you have?16:25
Mamarokthat's Kubuntu, do I guess 4.2.2 for KDE?16:25
sczgilaeyes, the last one16:25
Mamaroksczgilae: right click on the system tray and edit the system tray settings, go to auto hide16:26
ShadozeShadoze test12316:27
MamarokShadoze: do you have a question? just ask it then16:27
Mamaroksczgilae: Kmix must be selected, else you will never see it16:27
ShadozeYeah, upon applying deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main : to my software sources for the new amarok 2.1 , kpackagekit lists it as a blocked update16:29
ShadozeAll information taken from the kubuntu homepage16:29
MamarokShadoze: because you need to add the gpg key for the PPA16:29
Shadozei guessed so, any idea where it is?16:30
MamarokShadoze: they gpg key is in http://launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa16:30
sczgilaemamarok, i dont know why, but when i click on auto hide, i write in the konsole "kmix" and know everything is ok, thank you so much16:31
Mamaroksczgilae: great :)16:32
tomsdalehow can I check whether kmix has my microphone recognized16:32
tomsdalesupposed to be in a conference call right now and nothing works.16:32
alterootomsdale: Skype?16:33
alterooSorry jumped chan :)16:33
alterootomsdale: Go to the audio settings and change them from the Default16:33
alterooI don't know why but the default almost never works Change it to almost anything else and do a skype test call16:34
alterooMamarok: Hallo :)16:34
MamarokShadoze: sorry, typo: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa16:34
Mamarokhi alteroo16:34
alterooMamarok: Would you have time for two small apt issues?16:35
alterooWhere small doesn't mean that at all16:35
Mamarokalteroo: ask16:35
alterooWhat's up with that?16:36
tomsdalealteroo: alteroo, there is only one option which works. hda intel  (hw:intel,0)16:36
tomsdaleI'm not getting anything in audacity either. I think it'S kmix the problem.16:36
tomsdaleit used to work under alpha 5 ... so weired16:36
Mamarokalteroo: could you please paste your sources.list? I guess something is wrong there16:37
Mamarokalteroo: also, which KDE?16:37
ShadozeCheers will try it out, mamarok16:39
MamarokShadoze: yaw :)16:40
tomsdaleah - this is a disaster, now the conference got cancelled. well, I think the system only know the analog input device16:43
tomsdaledamn - I should have looked into this earlier... always last minute.16:43
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alterooMamarok: Sorry got called away16:46
alteroo KDE 4.316:46
Mamarokalteroo: your sources.list: did you change something in it lately?16:47
Mamarokalteroo: it doesn't make much snes to have 2 different sources for the same package, on of it has packages with different sizes16:49
Mamarokone* of it16:49
alterooI went to Kpackagekit and Edit sources -> Updates -> Unsupported updates16:49
alterooWhich is backports. That's where the Kubuntu.org website says it has the Koffice 2.0 final16:50
Mamarokalteroo: as I said, you have two different sources for the same package, something is wrong there16:50
alterooOk Hold on16:50
Mamarokalteroo: backports? backports PPA  != regular backports repository16:51
Mamarokalteroo: are you using 9.04?16:51
Mamarokwell, there is a mix up in your sources.list, you need to set this right16:52
alterooThat sounds pretty clear though16:52
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:53
Mamarokalteroo: alteroo line 57 seems to have a space where there should be none16:54
Mamarokalteroo: nm, my bad, misread the line16:55
alterootomsdale: so it works correctly now?16:55
Mamarokalteroo: still, you have two sources for the same packages, this can't work, let me check my sources.list16:55
tomsdalealteroo: nop - still looking into it. thx for your assistence earlier on. Conference got cancelled now anyway. It. It's really confusing16:56
alterooShouldn't one take priority ?16:56
Mamarokalteroo: are you using apt-get or aptitude?16:57
tomsdaleThese are all the options it gives me. hold on - you actually have to make it fullscreen to see what's going on.16:57
alterooApt-get install koffice-kde416:57
Mamarokalteroo: try refreshing your cache: sudo apt-get update16:59
alterooDid that a few times already but i'll do it again16:59
alterooGet an aerror that my PPA don't have GPG keys and thats it17:00
Mamarokalteroo: well, you can't use the PPA if you do not get that key, this can't work :)17:01
alteroonone of these packages are from a PPA17:02
alterooone is from universe and one is from Jaunty-backports17:02
Mamarokalteroo: did you try sudo apt-get install koffice-kde4 again17:02
tomsdaleok - here is a screenshot of KMix with markers in the full glory. How can I find out which of the capture devices is my micro: http://rdl.avecstyle.ca/fileadmin/KMix1.png17:03
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=== zach__ is now known as Zafer233
Mamarokalteroo: still, you can not install stuff when you have the gpg key missing, you really should add those17:04
alterooMamarok: The same. Should I remove the backports and install from universe17:04
alterooThey seem to be the same package numbers17:04
alterooThough not the same package it seems17:04
alterooHence the Size mismatch17:05
alterooHmm maybe I'll just remove universe17:05
Mamarokalteroo: no, koffice2 is not in universe, and it's certainly not universe the problem, more like your mirror server not being up-to-date17:05
Mamarokalteroo: in doubt, use the main server17:05
Mamaroktomsdale: hm, there are drop down menus for the mics, what does clicking there give you?17:06
Mamaroktomsdale: also, did you try to configure the channels in Kmix (Settings menu -Configure channels)?17:07
tomsdaleThere is Front Mic and Mic in the dropdown. I think it'S front mic and capture device.17:08
tomsdalenow at least I get a hum in the testcall!. one moment.17:09
ShadozeAnyone know how to map the Super key to kickoff17:10
MamarokShadoze: Super key?17:11
alteroook I'm going to disable universe then17:12
tomsdaleIs there an application which shows you in the mixer window if there is activity on the channel. like a small meter.17:12
ShadozeThe atrocious "windows flag" key that comes with most keyboards today17:12
Mamarokalteroo: no, don't, it will cut you off with half of KDE...17:12
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Mamarokalteroo: just change to the main server, this should do it17:13
alterooMamarok: Just for this install17:13
alterooI did that still get the same error17:13
MamarokShadoze: that is calle Meta :)17:13
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Mamarokalteroo: just a second...17:13
MamarokShadoze: system settings -> Keyboard¬Mouse, you can change the shortcuts17:14
Mamarokalteroo: grab those gpg keys, then try again17:15
sparrAfter installing 9.04 KDE 3.5 remix knetworkmanager can see "wlan0" as my wifi device instead of the "ath0" that I am used to.  It can see networks, and I can set up a connection with all the right info.  But when I left click the connection (showing good signal), it doesn't do anything, no connection, no error, nothing.  Help?17:16
Mamaroksparr: there is no support for the KDE3 remix, sorry17:16
ShadozeHis problem is listed in there faq17:17
ShadozeMamarok: It would appear you cannot assign a single button a a shortcut :S17:17
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ShadozeIt "forces" me to select another button with the command17:17
MamarokShadoze: of course not, as this is not an action key itself in Linux17:18
MamarokShadoze: same for Ctrl, Alt, AltGr and the Menu key17:18
david__I'm using kmail in Ubuntu, and there's no place to set the spellchecker settings. How do I do this?17:18
Mamarokdavid__: which version?17:19
alteroosparr: what kind of wifi network?17:19
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page17:19
david__Which version of kmail?17:20
Mamarokalteroo, sparr please, check the wiki page above17:20
david__kmail = 1.11.217:20
Mamarokdavid__: thanks, there are so many version, I couldn't guess that :)17:21
david__kde = 4.2.217:21
david__I understand. :)17:21
alterooMamarok: It's the same as hardy which is still supported17:23
Mamarokdavid__: hm, I canpt find it neither, maybe ask in #kde17:23
Mamarokalteroo: read that message above and please respect that17:23
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alterooMamarok: well then I guess I'm done here17:24
david__OK, thanks!17:24
LuisJaei guys i have one error installing frostwire with kpackagekit, it says one unknown error is happening, wth?17:24
ShadozeDetails on your error will be shown on the "Show Details" button17:25
Mamarokalteroo: it's not about you, it's a channel guideline for support, and KDE3 definitely is not officially supported in Jaunty17:25
alterooMamarok: Neither is Koffice-kde417:25
LuisJadetails: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)17:25
alterooSo I guess I'm done here17:25
tuxihi, anyone can tell me why amarok 2.1 is blocked?17:26
tomsdaleAh - here is finally the solution to my sound dilemma. http://rdl.avecstyle.ca/fileadmin/KMix2.png  .You have to select under digital input source "digital mic".17:26
LuisJaShadoze: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)17:26
Mamarokalteroo: hey, I tried to help you, and KDE4 is supported17:26
alterooBut not koffice-kde4 it specifically says that17:27
LuisJaei guys i have one problem installing frostwire with kpackagekit, it says one error is happening, details: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus), can someone help me pls?17:27
Mamarokalteroo: this was about a sources problem, don't be picky...17:28
alterooMamarok: Yes for the unsupported repo :)17:28
alterooThe actual name of it is the unsupported updates17:29
* Mamarok gives up *sigh*17:29
alteroobut if you'd like to know I got he keys and it still doesn't work17:31
ShadozeLuisJa: are you installing it from kpackagekit itself, or from a deb file of the net?17:31
LuisJaShadoze: well i downloaded the deb from the oficial page and triying to install it with Kpackagekit17:32
sparrMamarok: so you want me to waste 8 hours reproducing this issue by installing 8.04 then upgrading everything except KDE to 9.04, then asking the same question?17:34
sparralteroo: WPA secured, which knetworkmanager seems to recognize (shows up as foo(WPA) with the lock icon)17:34
Mamaroksparr: there is a wiki page which tells you how to get support, I just showed you....17:34
alterooBut removing universe does it seems17:35
alterooMamarok: So I can ask a KDE 4.3 question?17:36
Mamarokgo on, if I can help17:37
alterooAkregrator conflicts with kde-icons-oxygen17:37
LuisJaei guys i have one problem installing frostwire with kpackagekit, it says one error is happening, details: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus), can someone help me pls?17:38
Mamarokalteroo: the packages you mean? you will have to overwrite I guess then17:39
sparralteroo: the problem, i think, is that im stuck with wlan0 instead of ath017:39
MamarokLuisJa: use sudo dpkg -i frostwireblabla.deb on a command line17:40
LuisJa http://www.freenode.net:17:41
LuisJa    irc.freenode.net17:41
LuisJalol that no17:41
LuisJaPreparando para reemplazar frostwire 4.18.0 (usando frostwire-4.18.0.i586.deb) ...17:41
LuisJaDesempaquetando el reemplazo de frostwire ...17:41
LuisJadpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de frostwire:17:41
LuisJa frostwire depende de sun-java6-bin; sin embargo:17:41
LuisJa  El paquete `sun-java6-bin' no está instalado.17:41
LuisJadpkg: error al procesar frostwire (--install):17:41
LuisJa problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar17:41
LuisJaSe encontraron errores al procesar:17:41
LuisJa frostwire17:42
alterooMamarok: dpkg -i thingy.deb --force-overwrite?17:42
Mamarok!paste | LuisJa17:42
ubottuLuisJa: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:42
Mamarokalteroo: I suppose so, but as KDE 4.3 is officially part of Karmic, this would be a question for #ubuntu+1 :)17:43
alterooEven for the ppa ?17:43
MamarokLuisJa: in English and use a pastebin, please17:43
LuisJau can help or not??17:43
Mamarokalteroo: ...17:43
alterooMamarok: I'm using the Jaunty PPA17:44
MamarokLuisJa: calm down17:44
alterooEverything installed except for akregator17:44
Mamarokalteroo: read what I said above...17:44
MamarokLuisJa: you need to install java it says, no?17:45
LuisJaalready installed17:45
LuisJabefore all this17:45
MamarokLuisJa: then I don't know, but why not ask in #kubuntu-es as you have the output in Spanish?17:48
MamarokLuisJa: and you need that particular java package installed, not just any java17:48
LuisJasun-java6-bin is not found in the repos17:49
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nana_austineplz can some1 help me out here. earlier today i was finding problems opening my desktop folders in ubunut. and i restarted my laptop. afterwards, all the file on my desktop seem to have disappeared. can anyone help. please!17:53
genii!es | LuisJa17:53
ubottuLuisJa: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:53
nana_austinewhen i open my desktop folder all i see in the trash can17:54
LuisJai know english... the thing is that my system settings r in spanish17:54
LuisJalet me change that17:54
m4vLuisJa: sun-java6-bin is in the repos, but you need to enable multiverse17:59
Mamaroknana_austine: you should tell us which Kubuntu version you are talking about for start18:00
nana_austinekubuntu 9.0418:00
Mamarokcould somebody check with nana_austine, please? I have to go18:01
LuisJamy problem is solved, i used synaptic to download my java package and install frostwire :)18:03
nana_austineplz can some1 help me out all the files on my desktop have disappeared18:04
nana_austinei am not sure what exactly happened18:04
ShadozeHow do you have it setup, under appearance settings theres two options, Folder View and Desktop View18:04
nana_austinedesktop view18:05
nana_austinethe only thing that shows up is a file named home.desktop and the trash can18:06
ShadozeOk, so those are the only links in your home/"username"/Desktop file too?18:07
nana_austinethese are the only files i see Home.desktop  trash.desktop18:09
nana_austineanybody there to help????18:10
alteroonana_austine: is there suppoed to be anythign else there?18:11
alteroosparr: ifconfig shows  a ath0 ?18:12
BOZGAnyone having problems in Jaunty 64bit where the plasmoids disappear as well as the window titles and icons in the panel?18:21
tobyI'm trying to install amarok 2.1 as per http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2.1 but am not getting anywhere.18:24
EurysilasHaving some trouble with Amarok from Hardy. It's not recognizing all of my tags, nor is it recognizing .oga files. What's worse, attempting to edit some of the tags in my ogg files is resulting in corrupt files. Any pointers, or do I need to upgrade?18:24
BOZGtoby: What's the problem?18:26
BOZGNot updating?18:26
tobyBOZG: Not automatically, no. i can see 2.1 if i search for amarok, though. when i select it to install, it says i have to uninstall amarok-kde4 first.18:28
BOZGTry sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:28
BOZGSeems to have worked for some people.18:28
icewindI have a problem, since the upgrade to 9.04 alsa isn't working anymore18:29
BOZGtoby: Also, you could just uninstall amarok-kde4 too :P18:31
tobyBOZG: i'm worried that it'll take some settings with it if i do that18:32
tobyBOZG: do i need ot tick "proposed" or "unsupported", do you think/18:33
BOZGTry the dist-upgrade.18:33
BOZGIt worked for someone earlier.18:34
BOZGTrying to find the thread that it was discussed in now.18:34
tobyI did try that, no joy. apt-get update gives some warnings about missing gpg keys but, they're just warnings right?18:35
BOZGThat was the problem I had.18:35
BOZGI finally installed it via Add/Remove18:35
BOZGTry it in there.18:35
BOZGAnd select to upgrade.18:35
BOZGIt worked for me without removing settings or having to remove amarok-kde4.18:35
tobyBOZG: Okay, I'll try. thanks for the tip. have to go now and bathe my son! I'll try that later :D18:36
tobyBOZG: Thanks18:36
BOZGNo problem and good luck.18:36
* Eurysilas wonders if anybody even still uses Hardy.18:37
geniiEurysilas: I do.18:37
geniiEurysilas: 3.5.1018:38
Zafer233did anyone figure out about koffice from the package manager?18:38
ShadozeAnyone know how to auto align icons in the desktop18:39
alterooIs there anyway to boost the sound above 100% ?18:39
Eurysilasgenii: Ever have any trouble with Amarok not recognizing certain tag entries and utterly failing to find .oga files?18:39
geniiEurysilas: Nope, or I would have already offered to look into your issue :)18:39
alterooOr have a system wide equalizer that doesn't top out at 0.0 db ?18:39
ajavidI have not file bug yet18:40
ajavidbe lazy18:40
Eurysilasgenii: I'm hoping I don't have to upgrade, or strip all the tags, or, $DIETY forbid, re-encode.......:(18:41
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:41
ajavidalteroo, which package it is18:41
ajavidalteroo, you think its the ccsm package18:42
ajavidprobably not18:42
ajavidthe package that installs the compizconfig.so in /opt should install a link for it in the main python dist18:42
ajavidso i should file bug on that package?18:42
ajavidor what exactly18:42
alterooajavid: yes on that package18:43
ajavid"compizconfig-python-kde3" does not exist in Ubuntu. Please choose a different package. If you're unsure, please select "I don't know"18:56
ajavidits not in kubuntu?18:56
ajavidis kde3 supported on ubuntu?18:57
geniiajavid: On 8.04 but no later versions18:57
ajavidkde3 remix is not supported in kubuntu?18:58
ajavidthats sad18:58
ajavidUnreportableReason: This is not a genuine Ubuntu package18:59
geniiajavid: It is not an official release. It's a separate release by the pearson computing people.18:59
ajavidso I wasted my time filing a bug18:59
ajavidnobody cares...18:59
geniiajavid: File one instead with the author: http://bugs.pearsoncomputing.net/19:00
ajavidI'm alright. I'll support myself.19:01
ajavidsince debian and ubuntu turned their backs on me19:01
ajavidthere is so much old unmaintained software still in the repositories, and yet kde3 is deprecated19:01
geniiajavid: The KDE team has moved on to the next release. So 3 will die anyhow.19:02
alterooWow I thought that #kde was the most busy dead channel around #ubuntu+1 might actually beat it19:02
alteroogenii: It may19:02
ajavidKDE team should be ashamed of itself19:03
ajavidthose are my sincere feelings atm.19:03
ajavidthis makes a sad panda :(19:03
alterooajavid: In what way?19:03
geniiajavid: When KDE went from 2.x  to release 3 it was the same. But you don't see many people running KDE2 anymore now. Same thing will eventually happen.19:03
ShadozeThis is an open source community, people are not paid to help, infact noone has to help atall, everyone here is a volunteer19:03
bbeckI've got the KDE 4.3 Beta packages installed, and everything is wonderful, but I can't get weather plasmoids to work.  Has anyone had this problem, and know of a solution?19:04
geniiShadoze: I work for coffee! :)19:04
ajavidgenii, I understand19:04
ajavidbut kde3 was better than 2.x19:04
ajavidkde4 is garbage.19:04
Shadoze4 isn't as mature as 319:04
ajavidnah its not garbage, its just buggy as all hell19:05
alteroogenii: That's different KDE 3 was an offshoot or a polishing of KDE2 KDE4 is very little related to KDE3 other than idealogy19:05
ajavidand doesn't work like kde3 in the functionality i require19:05
ShadozeYou can't honestly compare them19:05
ShadozeKde 3 has been aruond for years and years19:05
Shadozekde 4, has not19:05
ajavidyes it has19:05
ajavid3 years at least19:06
Shadozekde 3 has been as ironed out as an ironing board, kde 4 hasn't been yet19:06
alterooajavid: one year19:06
Shadozeajdavid, kde 3 at least 7 years19:06
Shadozebig difference there19:06
ajavidat least 2 if nothing19:06
ajavid2.5 i'd say19:06
ajavideitherway I'm just argh.19:06
alterooajavid: but honestly the "KDE" team isn't a them situation If you want to see KDE3 alive then rally support for it. The KDe3 repos are open for people to maintain and improve them as long as they like19:07
ajavidyes im not in #kde19:07
ajavidthis is #kubuntu19:07
ShadozeSigh, what do you think kubuntu is built upon?19:07
ajavidand the linux for humans should consider for the humans who ilke kde319:07
geniiajavid: 8.04 which comes with KDE3 remains supported until 2011. So no lack of support on it anytime soon.19:07
ajavidI think kubuntu should maintain kde3 at least19:07
geniiajavid: We do. Until 2011. On 8.04 only19:08
ajavidmaybe for aonther release or two19:08
ajavidgenii, oh19:08
alterooajavid: Right but you said hte KDE team should be ashamed not hte kubuntu team19:08
ajavidohhh I see19:08
ajavidalteroo, yes, it should19:08
ajavidits like the vista of linux19:08
alterooajavid: ha ha :-)19:09
ajavid(4.x that is)19:09
alteroo4.0 maybe19:09
Shadozekde is not riddled with drm software and other nightmares19:09
alteroo4.2 is usable by a majority19:09
alterooajavid: incidentally what functionality are you missing?19:09
ajavidin kde4?19:09
ajaviddesktop mouse click configuration19:10
ajavidno panels19:10
ShadozeNo panels?19:10
ajavidno icons onthing19:10
alteroocan't you do no panels in KDE4?19:10
ajavidalso, missing kcontrol19:10
alteroopretty sure you can19:11
alterooajavid: What in kcontrol ?19:11
ShadozeSystem Settings now19:11
ajavidnot down with it19:11
alterooajavid: So far everything you have said can be done19:11
ajavidno it can't19:11
bbeckajavid: did I read that properly you don't have panels in KDE4?19:12
ajavidcan you make it so that if you rihgclick desktop for windowlist menu19:12
ajavidor left click for application menu19:12
ajavidor middle click for desktop menu19:12
alterooajavid: No he doesn't have panels in KDE3 he wants that to keep up in KDE419:12
alterooajavid: in SVN19:12
ajavidso not much longer19:12
alterooChani Armatige is working on it19:12
ajavidahhhh boy, kde4 could e usesable now19:13
ajavidgod bless him19:13
alterooajavid: 8 more months :-P19:13
ajavidI dont' believe in god19:13
ajavidbut belss him19:13
ajavidI know her19:13
alterooYes you do I would wager if you follow anything with KDE dev19:13
ajavidi bug her all the time about her namesake from Dune19:13
alterooha ha Yes that's correct19:14
snarksteri need alittle help configureing vts on my tv19:14
alterooso ok anything else that's missing?19:14
ajavidthanks guys19:14
snarksterall i get is a small bar on the right side that is totally garbled19:14
alterooajavid: Let me not be assured in my saying that. I think that you can delete the first panel form the config file19:14
alterooI've not tried but it should be able to be deleted19:14
snarksterisnt there a option called tty sane or something like that19:14
ajavidalso i like kde3 cuz i can use compiz with it19:15
alterooajavid: So you may not be out of the woods yet but that should easily be doable If it's forced I think that's against the idea of Plasma so probably not going to stick around19:15
ajavidi can't with kde4, and the kde4 effects are missing a lot19:15
alterooajavid: you ... can't?19:15
ajavidscale is misisng, and expo19:15
alterooBoth of those are in KDE419:16
ajavidalteroo, it doesn't launch complains another window manger19:16
ajavidi know19:16
alterooWait which one is scale?19:16
ajavidcompiz effects built into kde4 but those are good enough19:16
ajavidthey arenot configurable enough either19:16
ajavidand missing a lot of the extras/unsupported plugins19:16
alterooajavid: Did you go to Default applications in System Settings? compiz is there as a choice for default window manager19:16
ajavidso only desire is to run compiz on kde4, but can't, it won't make it19:16
ajavidI used kde4 a while ago19:16
ajavidmaybe now you can19:17
alterooajavid: Agreed there. They aren't as configurable but then I don't like compiz since it's a lab not a product but that has it's own fun side19:17
alterooajavid: In any case hop in around 10.04 Pretty much everything that you have said should be shipped by then.19:17
ajavidthis is my first time on ubuntu really19:18
alteroo1/2 of it works now the rest is already working but still in testing19:18
ajavidi using debian sid for 8-9 years19:18
ajavidfulltime, every othermachien is debian19:18
alteroothen they dropped KDE3? :)19:18
ajavidmy desktop needs kde3 so i iuse kubuntu remix19:18
ajavidthey betrayed me19:18
ajavidI still maintain pckages for it19:18
ajavidtry to become a dd, but damit, until then my opinion don't matter19:18
alterooajavid: Well if you would like to help Kubuntu KDE3 I can get you in contact with the "team"19:18
ajavidI can't dig kubuntu19:19
alterooWhere team is one guy19:19
ajavidI have a lot of beef with ubuntu in general19:19
alteroosure you can dig kubuntu.org19:19
alterooGives me a result :)19:19
ajavidif i discuss it, people will give me trouble19:19
ajavidI'd rathe rnot19:19
alterooajavid: you can discuss it in #kubuntu-offtopic19:19
ajavidwell im hungry too19:19
ajaviddiscuss vs food19:19
ajavidhmm... I'm a hungry man.19:19
ajavidfood wins man.19:20
ajavidman loses food.19:20
ajavidI mean.. wait.. I man, will gain food, but you will not, right?19:20
alterooman food19:20
alteroono manual entry for food19:20
alterooAuto feed initiated19:21
ShadozeAnyone know a quick way to renew my ip?19:24
jussi01Shadoze: why?19:24
ShadozeI need to test a forums permissions19:25
ShadozeI could reboot my router but surely theres a faster way19:25
alterooShadoze: sudo dhclient ?19:25
ShadozeRenewal in 696 seconds was the last message19:27
alterooIsn't there a way to drag a window to the edge of the desktop and have it slide to the next one?19:27
alterooShadoze: do you want a fully new IP address?19:27
alterooThe router is likely to give you teh same one19:27
Shadozeon win i would do ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew19:27
radi82alteroo: Yes, you have to activate the windowborders first.19:28
alterooradi82: thats in Alt+F3 -> window properties?19:28
alterooI remembered it being in there but I dont see it now19:29
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radi82alteroo: no. in the Systemsettings somewhere. i'll look it up...19:31
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alterooradi82: Found it :)19:32
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radi82alteroo: k ;)19:32
alterooradi82: it looks waaaaaay better in KDE 4.319:32
alterooI'm going to waste 1/2 the day moving things around just to see the sliding arrows popup19:33
alterooajavid: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/status/meeting-organizer.png', which is also in package kde-icons-oxygen19:33
alterooajavid: http://imagebin.ca/view/AodVMv.html19:33
alterooWhoops :)19:33
LuisJalately my kubuntu is freezing too much19:34
LuisJadont know whats happening19:34
ajavidI'm going back to debian19:36
ajavidI'm just gonna go back to sid, install kde4, and help find bugs and make it better19:37
ajavidat least I'd be doing some good19:37
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LuisJalately my kubuntu is freezing too much19:40
LuisJadont know whats happening19:40
LuisJai installed it with wubi, thats wrong?19:40
LuisJalike 4 weeks ago than i have kubuntu installed19:41
alteroowhat time is lately?19:41
drurewcan someone diagnostic the following term for me please ( there is one eth port available ) : eth2019:51
oobedrurew, would help if you said where you get that term from19:53
drurewa more specific question: how do I rename eth20 to be eth019:53
radi82From time to time my KDE 4.2 completley criples the text in a window. Resizing that window fixes this problem then. Has anyone any idea how to get rid of this?19:53
drurewoutput of ifconfig read eth19 before my last init.d/networking restart. After restart ifconfig outputs eth20. I havent used my eth port in months so its kind of a stumbler to find eth0 to be eth20.19:56
LuisJalately my kubuntu is freezing too much20:01
LuisJadont know whats happening20:01
LuisJai installed it with wubi, thats wrong?20:01
LuisJalike 4 weeks ago than i have kubuntu installed20:01
LuisJacan someone help me?20:01
alterooLuisJa: What is lately?20:04
LuisJafreezing, horribly20:05
LuisJastop working20:05
LuisJai hve to manually stop20:05
LuisJaand shutdown20:05
LuisJabecomes slow as hell20:05
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MamarokLuisJa: did you check the wubi bugs on Launchpad?20:07
Mamarok!wubi | LuisJa20:07
ubottuLuisJa: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.20:07
MamarokLuisJa: the last line in particular20:07
Shadoze_Does anyone else experience slow moving to the trash regardless of file size?20:14
Shadoze_yet shit & del deletes it VERY fast20:14
drurewShadoze_: maybe shift del pipes the rm command ?20:16
Shadoze_Possibly, but i've heard alot of people complain that moving a file to the trash takes a long time20:17
drurewI just used the rm command20:17
Shadoze_2byte file took two seconds20:18
drurewwould anyone know how to find the original HWADDR for my ethernet port20:20
Picidrurew: Its not listed on ifconfig?20:21
drurewPici: i had fiddled with wmaster a while back, im experiencing this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69780720:23
nightmareHi there20:24
geniidrurew: I suspect it would be listed in the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules look for eth020:25
drurewPici: according to ifconfig, my hardware address is :HWaddr 00:00:6c:cb:e0:09 , wmaster shows; HWaddr 00-1F-1F-18-F0-43-30-34-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-0020:25
geniidrurew: wmaster is the usb host of your adapter20:26
alterooDoes anyone know how to boost the sound from the sound card?20:32
alterooin software20:32
drurewalteroo: have you tried alsamixer in your terminal ?20:32
alteroodrurew: yes though I would like someone with a VIA ac97 soundcard to look at alsa mixer and tell me if they see the same thing I do20:33
drurewi have an nForce2 AC97 Audio Controler20:34
drurewwe have the same chipset20:34
* alteroo shrugs close enough20:34
alteroolook at the master volume and qt 100% what's the db Offset?20:35
drurewdB gain=-6.00, -6.0020:36
alteroowhere is 0.0 db gain then?20:36
drurewmy master reads 81 %20:37
alterooAnd it's aceptably loud for you?20:37
alterooWithout hardware gain?20:37
drurewi have a good amp20:37
alterooHence my specification without hardware gain20:38
drurewat 100% reads Master [dB gain=3.00, 3.00]20:38
alteroothat sucks mine is 0.0 at 100%20:39
KDeskWhen I try to hibernate, the pc shutsdown for a second, but then it starts automatly again. Is this a known software problem? What can I do?20:39
drurewmone reads null to 94%20:39
alteroomine -s like -22 at 5520:40
NixxName of the Package Manager in kubuntu?20:41
alterooNixx: Which kubuntu are you using?20:41
NixxNothing,, I just ask becuase I meybee will try kubuntu...20:42
alterooNixx: Oh in that case use whatever you like20:42
NixxBut the cool with Ubuntu is Synaptic...20:42
alterooapt-get aptitude synaptic Gpackagekit Kpackagekit adept etc20:42
NixxBut what is standard?20:42
NixxBut work Synaptic 100% in kubuntu?20:43
NixxKDE 4.120:43
drurew100% true20:43
NixxAnd aptitude install allso is the same in kubuntu? :)20:44
drurewthe terminals and kernels are the same20:44
drurewthey both use bash20:44
Nixxkubuntu vs Windows 7?20:45
drurewand apt-get, aptitude, wget asl well as gnome work the same on kubuntu20:45
drurewwhat is windows20:46
Nixxkubuntu is not to mee but to a friend, i myself use Arch Linux.20:46
KDeskwindows 7 is win 3.1 plush patches and vista look hehe20:46
alterooKDesk: more like Windows NT 3 plus patches20:47
alterooBut the patches came from Windows 3.1 I agree20:47
KDeskalteroo: exacly, you know :)20:48
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KDeskRealy, just look at some dialogs, like add fonts, it is the same from win95.20:48
alterooNixx: But what was your question?20:48
KDeskand the panel, it is a compy from kde 3.5 and 420:48
drurewstealing kde potentials20:49
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!20:49
JuJuBeeCan someone suggest a program to recover deleted files?21:00
phhJuJuBee: photorec, e2undel21:01
drurew1JuJuBee:have they been written over ?21:02
crichardsoanyone here usint 9.04 with an intel vid with dual monitors?21:03
crichardsoi dont see a way to dynamicaly setup the multiple montors21:03
drurew1crichardso: whats your graphics chipset21:03
crichardsogood question hold on21:04
crichardsodrurew: GM965/GL96021:04
drurew1crichardso: can you give me lspci ?21:04
crichardsothat was from lspci21:05
crichardsoyou want the whole thing21:05
drurew1no just the card name and family21:05
drurew1its intel isnt it21:05
crichardsodrurew: http://pastebin.ca/144904121:05
drurew1I went straight for an nvidia card21:06
drurew1but lets see what we can find21:06
crichardsoi read that there was a missing part of the display setup screen but i havent see any other posts about it21:06
crichardsoi wish i would have gone with nvadia21:07
crichardsobut the company told me to cut the price of the laptop21:07
drurew1are you using a dual port card or some different configuration ?21:07
crichardsoand the prob i have is when i bring it home it is still trying to use both monitors so i cant see 1/2 my stuff when it isnt connected to my external monitor21:08
lxuser__i am using kubuntu 9.04 with kde latest update 4.2.421:08
lxuser__but wifi not working21:08
crichardsodrurew: it is a laptop 1 ext vga port21:08
lxuser__it was working with 4.2.221:08
lxuser__i also did a kernel update21:10
drurew1crichardso: i went this way before http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-21600.html. Describing two separate devices to xorg.conf however i cant be much more helpfull than that :(21:12
drurew1but im almost sure theres a sipler way than that21:13
crichardsoya i got mine setup via xorg but i was looking for a simpler/auto detect cause it really is a pain when you take your laptop from work(ext monitor) to on the road just normal screen21:14
alexshenoyokay i understand, it makes a Ui class with a Dialog widget and all teh widgets declared in there21:15
alexshenoythat actually makes a lot of sense21:15
drurew1crichardso: have you checked you restricted drivers app ?21:16
ct529any suggestion for building a very performant pc with kubuntu?21:16
crichardsohmm note sure what u mean21:17
ct529I have not found any good (k)ubuntu based benchmark ....21:17
alterooct529: Cause benchmarking a GUI is very hard and mostly silly?21:17
thatdude1Hey guys is there a portable version of firefox for ubuntu? Or how can I run a portable version on a flash drive that does not use the local computers settings/profile and preferably does not write to disk? Thanks21:18
alterooct529: Unless you mean just bechmarking the computer in which case check out phronoix21:18
ct529alteroo: where did you see GUI in my message?21:18
drurew1crichardso: in your menu settings -hardware drivers21:18
alterooct529: Mixed message but in any case see my second response :)21:18
crichardsodrurew1: ah ya nothen in there but my wireless21:19
alterooI think they have a suite that ships in koala but it's easily installable on debian/ubuntu in any case21:20
JuJuBeedrurew1: I have done nothing since the oops.21:21
ct529alteroo: very nice thanks that is what I was looking for!!!!21:22
thatdude1Hey guys, does the Ubuntu live cd write ANY data to ANY hard disk or does EVERYTHING truely run from RAM? is there any data whatsoever that is written to a local hard drive? Could i then run the live cd on  a pc with all hdds discconected? Thanks21:22
alterooct529: You are welcome I had the same reaction when they put it out as well21:22
alteroothatdude1: Yes there is21:23
alterooOn two occasions21:23
drurew1crichardso: restarting X dosnt help ?21:23
thatdude1alteroo, what you were answering my first question regarding a portable firefox?21:23
sil3nt|warri0rany help ?21:24
jussi01!ask | sil3nt|warri0r21:25
ubottusil3nt|warri0r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:25
alteroothatdude1: Well that's true as well but the response was to the Live Cd writing to the hard drive21:25
JuJuBeedrurew1: any ideas on recovery?21:25
thatdude1alteroo, so what does it write to the hdd? and could you tell me where to get or how to make a portable version of firefox for ubuntu? thanks21:25
sil3nt|warri0ri have updated my kde to 4.2.4, but my wifi is not working now, the drives says its activated but not is use21:26
sil3nt|warri0rits broadcom bcm432221:26
drurew1JuJuBee: i cant name an "off the shelf" application to restore deleted files. i did however find this :http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-367510.html . good luck ;)21:27
alteroothatdude1: the instructions for a portable firefox are the same just using a linux firefox build from mozilla instead of a Windows one but htey should have some packages made already somewhere. The live Cd writes to the HDD when it detects a swap partition and runs out of Real RAM and when you click the install button and walk through the wizard (HAHA Didn't see that coming did ya?)21:28
thatdude1alteroo haha...21:28
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thatdude1alteroo i dont now what instructions you are talking about21:29
thatdude1if i download the .tar from mozilla and run firefox it runs using my profile/settings/bookmarks/plugins of my local pc user..21:29
alteroothatdude1: Right you need to change the to be local to the installation. If you go to portable apps they have instructions snce Firefox was the first big portable app21:30
thatdude1but the portable apps is for windows only....21:30
alteroothatdude1: But I've had no HDD in my computer for two weeks and have been using the live CD to do work21:30
alteroothatdude1: Yes but the Firefox build is basically variables that say Windows or Linux. It saves info to the same place in windows as it does with Linux21:31
LuisJahello i have one problem, i just downloaded red alert 2 from frostwire and its running perfectly fine with wine, except for some speed problem, there is a way to fix this, and is this one, but i dont understand anything about it, can someone explain it pls?:21:31
alterooLuisJa: #winehq21:31
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LuisJahello i have one problem, i just downloaded red alert 2 from frostwire and its running perfectly fine with wine, except for some speed problem, there is a way to fix this, and is this one: http://pastebin.com/m5a208010, but i dont understand anything about it, can someone explain it pls?21:34
cjaeok how do I get the gpg for http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main, I can see the key, but do not know the command to install it21:35
drurew1LuisJa:the how to is there, what do you want to know21:37
workspace3hello :^D21:38
rmrfslashHahah I was just told to leave the #macosx chan because I was beginning a conversation about open source21:42
cjaeok I ve looked this whole thing over and do not see anything about adding gpg keys just about making your own21:46
alteroormrfslash: doesn't sound like them21:47
cjaeok I ve looked this whole thing over and do not see anything about adding gpg keys just about making your own https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto21:48
alteroocjae: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key id>21:48
cjaealteroo, ok how for http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release.gpg21:50
alterooGo to the PPA's website and it should have the Key ID there21:51
alterooOtherwise sudo apt-get update and it will throw an error the key ID is in the error21:51
cjaealteroo, ok21:51
LuisJadru_rew: i dont understand that of the directories etc21:52
LuisJahello i have one problem, i just downloaded red alert 2 from frostwire and its running perfectly fine with wine, except for some speed problem, there is a way to fix this, and is this one: http://pastebin.com/m5a208010, but i dont understand anything about it, can someone explain it pls?21:52
alterooLuisJa: Did you ask in #winehq ?21:53
alterooThey are the best ones to help21:53
LuisJano answer21:54
NeremorMy Kubuntu 9.04 isn't recognizing inserted DVDs21:54
cjaealteroo, thanks worked :)21:54
Neremoronly ever 20th try it is shown as an inserted disc21:55
dru_rew LuisJa: find out where wine creates its "c" directory, then you will need to make a file there (proably as root) edit it to contain that code in your pastebin...then open terminal and : wine regedit...and i think you have the rest there :)22:00
dru_rew LuisJa: that fix is for windows, it wont work on *buntu22:09
LuisJaHQ guys r already helping me, thx anyways :)22:09
vit: )(22:10
RProgrammerSo uh, KDE decided to not start anymore, and I don't have a spare computer22:16
bfarahmy cam works fine with coamorma and skype but not kopete, any ideas?22:17
bfarahanybody got the same problem b4?22:17
alteroobfarah: Yes Kopete is broken22:17
bfarahalright, :(22:17
bfarahany similar program that can use cam with msn?22:17
alteroolast I heard someone was working on it but I don't know if that got into KDE 4.322:17
alteroo!info kmess22:18
ubottukmess (source: kmess): Instant messenger to use MSN on KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1840 kB, installed size 4272 kB22:18
alterooLook for kmess 2.0 :)22:18
robin0800RProgrammer: put your disk in and reboot and then choose repair22:18
JontheEchidna!info kmess karmic22:18
ubottukmess (source: kmess): MSN messenger for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~beta2-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 3271 kB, installed size 7332 kB22:18
RProgrammerrobin0800: Ok, but GNOME sessions work fine22:18
robin0800RProgrammer: you could try and reinstall kde-desktop22:20
bfarahcan i use my webcam with kmess??22:20
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alterooJontheEchidna: have you ever had KDE just ignore the keyboard for like 5 minutes?22:23
alterooIt's annoying :(22:24
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templaedhelhello, I have ubuntu 8.10, and have been using gnome forever, I recently got kde, and I like it except I can't get my native resolution (1920x1080) to work, it has been working fine in gnome, so I don't think its an xorg issue22:29
ign0ramustemplaedhel, can you set it in System Settings > Display?22:30
templaedhelign0ramus: that's where I'm trying to set it from, but my resolution is not listed22:31
jeraldhere I'm trying to set it from, but my resolution is not listed22:32
jeraldhi there ?22:32
ign0ramustemplaedhel, do you mind posting your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?22:32
jeraldi have installed kubuntu 9.04 inside windows22:33
jeraldbut i have a seperate kubuntu 8.10 in different partition22:33
templaedhelign0ramus: ok22:34
jeraldhi there?22:35
templaedheljerald: hi, was that a question or a statement before?22:35
jeraldi am confused sir ?22:36
jeraldhow can i upgrade my kubuntu 8.10 -- > 9.04 ?22:36
templaedheljerald: there should be a thing in your upload applet thing22:36
jeraldthis is my question sir..22:36
templaedhelign0ramus: http://pastebin.com/m4a631ddc22:37
ign0ramusjerald, if you have Adept, you should be able to update, and it should tell you that a new release is available22:37
ign0ramustemplaedhel, that's what i thought... it looks fine22:37
ign0ramustemplaedhel, if you run "xrandr" , does it list your proper resolution?22:37
RProgrammerrobin0800: Nope, xfix, dpkg repair, fsck all don't work22:38
jeraldyes ... it said.    But when i told to upgrade,  it began to download packages from internet. But i have a latest 9.04 release CD rom22:38
RProgrammerWhere would I find log messages for the kde session startup services?22:38
templaedhelign0ramus: it does not, it lists the same as in the system>display menu, which don't go high enough22:39
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok, so that's the issue... now let's find a solution.22:39
templaedhelign0ramus: I'm all for solutions, let me know how to help22:40
jeraldin my kubuntu 8.10 there are three update managers.. adept, 'syntactic' i think and some other  gnu package manager..22:40
templaedhelthe little gear in your system tray22:40
ghostsani got a questiong that has nothing to do with technology22:40
jeraldi am using kubuntu 8.10 intirid22:41
ign0ramustemplaedhel, it would appear that running "cvt 1920 1080" would be a good first step.  please post output.  pastebin if long.22:41
ghostsanbut maybe someone knows, im trying to get my high school transcripts for college, i graduated in 200022:41
jeraldi have no so much space to install kubuntu inside the windows partition..22:41
ghostsando they delete them?? or they keep them for a while??22:41
ghostsandoes anyone know,22:41
ign0ramusghostsan, completely off topic, but yes, they should still have them.  now please keep posts on topic.22:42
templaedhelign0ramus: # 1920x1080 59.96 Hz (CVT 2.07M9) hsync: 67.16 kHz; pclk: 173.00 MHz22:42
templaedhelModeline "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync22:42
ghostsanthanks, thou22:42
jeralddear templaedhel,  kindly tell me how to upgrade 9.04 using CD ROM22:42
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok, that's a good start... hang tight...22:42
templaedheljerald: do you have the alternate cd? or the live cd?22:42
coz_hey guys  kubuntu kde 4.2.4  and I have sounds that wont    go away lol22:43
ign0ramustemplaedhel, now do "  xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync  "22:43
templaedhelgives me a >22:44
ikhouvanjehello everyone22:44
ign0ramustemplaedhel, it shouldn't... did you copy the command exactly?22:45
ign0ramustemplaedhel, :)22:45
ign0ramustemplaedhel, i spaced out the quotes so that you would ignore them22:45
templaedhellol, I ran it22:46
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok, did you copy it correctly now?22:46
templaedhelign0ramus: yes22:46
ign0ramustemplaedhel, now if you run " xrandr " again, it *should* list your correct resolution.  please confirm.22:46
templaedhelnow I'm checking the menu22:47
ign0ramustemplaedhel, sweet.. is the correct resolution "VGA" or "LVDS" ?22:47
ign0ramustemplaedhel, it won't be in there yet (i don't think anyway)22:47
templaedhelnope, it isn't22:48
ghostsan_if i install the new 9.04, can i install the old amarok that i have now with the previos version?22:48
templaedhel1920x1080_60.00 (0xa0)  173.0MHz h: width  1920 start 2048 end 2248 total 2576 skew    0 clock   67.2KHz : height 1080 start 1083 end 1088 total 1120           clock   60.0Hz22:48
ign0ramustemplaedhel, no, but we will make this change persistent now so that upon login 1920x1080 is good to go22:49
ign0ramustemplaedhel, do " kdesudo kate ~/.xprofile "22:49
ign0ramustemplaedhel, it is probably empty22:50
ibouthere is no more kcontrol in jaunty ?22:50
ign0ramusibou, no.  System Settings now.22:50
ibouin konsole ?22:50
ign0ramusibou, in konsole, it would be 'systemsettings', but its also in your Kmenu22:51
templaedhelign0ramus: says it was not possible to read from it22:51
ign0ramustemplaedhel, that's strange... the file does exist, right?  are permissions set correctly?22:51
templaedhelign0ramus: it doesn't look like it exists22:53
ign0ramustemplaedhel, alright, don't worry about that then.  do you use gdm or kdm to login?22:53
ign0ramustemplaedhel, we'll set gdm/kdm to run your correct resolution on login22:53
templaedhelI believe I set it to kdm, but it still looks the same as it did when I used gnome22:54
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok, well we can set it in both to be sure22:54
ibouign0ramus: thx. My problem is that i can't set up the system settings to not have application and windows from last session which open again when i log in22:54
templaedhelign0ramus: sorry for being a noob22:54
=== luis_ is now known as LuisJa
ign0ramustemplaedhel, does "xrandr" tell you that LVDS is connected?  Or does it say VGA is connected?22:55
ign0ramusibou, "Session Manager"22:55
templaedhelign0ramus: whoops, it says lvds22:56
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok, that's what i thought... now let me work out the command.22:56
ibouign0ramus: lol thanks. Thats stupid. I didn't see the "advanced" tab22:57
ign0ramusibou, np dude22:58
backslashhi folks22:58
backslashneed help22:59
ign0ramustemplaedhel, what is your refresh rate?22:59
backslashaudio problems22:59
ign0ramustemplaedhel, k...  hang on22:59
backslashi have a notebook hp dv6-1014el22:59
backslashwith HDA intel22:59
backslashCodec: IDT 92HD75B3X523:00
ibouis hdparm set to 254 by default on jaunty ?23:00
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok do " kdesudo dolphin /etc/gdm "23:01
backslashnot found in /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/ALSA-Configuration.txt.gz23:01
ign0ramustemplaedhel, you should see a few files (scripts) in there23:01
templaedhelgdm.conf and stuff23:01
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok, create a new text file, name it whatever and paste this in the file: "  xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768 --rate 75  "23:02
backslashi tried some configuration putting various model name in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf23:02
ign0ramustemplaedhel, wait no23:02
backslashbut noone worked23:02
ign0ramustemplaedhel,  use this:  "  xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1920x1080 --rate 60  "23:02
ign0ramustemplaedhel, sorry23:02
backslashif someone would be so gentle i thanks a lot :)23:03
ign0ramustemplaedhel, save the file and exit.  now to do the same for kdm...23:04
ign0ramustemplaedhel, you with me?23:04
ign0ramustemplaedhel, kdm is a little different23:04
templaedhelign0ramus: it can't launch kate23:04
ign0ramustemplaedhel, can you use kwrite or even gedit?23:04
templaedhelthis is weird, even the text editor isn't working23:05
templaedhelmaybe I need to sudo it23:05
ign0ramustemplaedhel, well, you were supposed to run "kdesudo dolphin", so you can place files in /etc23:06
ign0ramustemplaedhel, see above... did you do that?23:06
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok, then just create the file on your Desktop.  can you do this?23:07
ign0ramustemplaedhel, we'll move it to the right directory using sudo23:07
templaedhelign0ramus: I actually used sudo kate to make it, trying to save now23:09
ign0ramustemplaedhel, that's not recommended, but i'll allow it this time ;)23:09
ign0ramus! sudo | templaedhel, for future reference23:09
ubottutemplaedhel, for future reference: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)23:09
templaedhelign0ramus: I'm actually smarter then this encounter makes me appear, I know about sudo and gtksudo23:10
templaedhelign, ok, I created it23:10
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok, i'm not here to judge, only to help ;)23:11
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok, have you placed it in /etc/gdm ?23:11
templaedhelign0ramus: and you have no idea how much appreciate it23:11
Solidus_i don't need help atm, so feel free to judge me23:11
=== Solidus_ is now known as Barridus
templaedhelign0ramus: yep, its there23:11
* ign0ramus thinks Barridus has too much time on his hands23:11
templaedhelI can't wait to not have these windows take up all the screen lol23:12
ign0ramusok templaedhel, now to do the same with kdm23:12
Barridusthanksfully, i do.  i just got home from work.  ;)  ok i'll shut up23:12
templaedhelign0ramus: just copy the file to there?23:12
ign0ramustemplaedhel, no, hang on23:12
ign0ramustemplaedhel, what?  in /etc/gdm?  Yes.  but not for kdm23:12
templaedhelI meant, how do I do the same for kdm?23:13
ign0ramustemplaedhel, for kdm, do: "kdesudo kate /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup"23:13
backslashsorry guys noone could help me?23:13
ign0ramustemplaedhel, here you should find a script with some commented lines (starting with #)... right?23:13
Barridusanyone have thoughts on jaunty with kde 4.2.4?23:14
ign0ramustemplaedhel, ok, paste that same line in here.23:14
ign0ramustemplaedhel,  xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1920x1080 --rate 6023:14
templaedhelgot it23:14
ign0ramustemplaedhel, save and exit23:14
ign0ramustemplaedhel, now, if the Linux gods are smiling, the next time you restart X, your correct resolution should be working23:15
ign0ramustemplaedhel, feel free to try it now if you'd like23:15
ign0ramustemplaedhel, i'm curious myself (never actually had to do it)23:15
backslashkubuntu 9.04 uses pulseaudio?23:17
ign0ramusbackslash, no. but for some reason it's installed anyway.23:17
backslashso what uses ? alsa?23:17
ign0ramusbackslash, yes, alsa is still used23:17
ign0ramusbackslash, check your sound levels using "alsamixer"23:18
backslashalready done23:18
backslashnot so noob23:18
ign0ramusbackslash, and still *no* sound?23:18
ign0ramusbackslash, do you have sound using livecd?23:19
backslashalsa restart give no errors23:19
backslashgood question23:19
backslashi don't know23:19
ign0ramusbackslash, that's a definite way to eliminate the question of hardware/software23:19
backslashbut i have a fresh kubuntu install23:20
ign0ramusbackslash, i have HDA Intel which worked OOB in Jaunty23:20
templaedhelign0ramus: well, it didn't work, but I think kate was messed up23:20
ign0ramusbackslash, but you said you were messing with modprobe files23:20
backslashOOB ?23:20
ign0ramustemplaedhel, hmmm.. try again?23:20
ign0ramusbackslash, 'out of the box'23:20
=== luis_ is now known as LuisJa
templaedhelwhat was the command that you wanted me to run, that wasn't working?23:21
backslashah me too in 8.1023:21
ign0ramustemplaedhel, "kdesudo dolphin /etc/gdm"23:21
LuisJai am having one internal error with red alert 2 under wine, what can be the problem?23:21
ign0ramustemplaedhel, that is where we were going to place that config file23:21
LuisJait appears after 10-50 seconds of playing23:21
backslashyeah i'm messing with modprobe files, because23:22
backslashi read some guides on ubuntu forums23:22
ign0ramusbackslash, where you put like "model=acer" or whatever?  shouldn't be necessary in Jaunty23:22
templaedhelstrange, I think there are bigger problems here then my resolution, now it says "/usr/bin/dolphin(8729)" Error in thread 3051452096 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukstorage was not provided by any .service files"23:23
backslashsaying that must put the right model of notebook in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa:dont_remebre_the_file.conf23:23
ign0ramusbackslash, for Jaunty?23:24
backslashindeed it does change nothing23:24
ign0ramustemplaedhel, does "kdesudo konqueror /etc/gdm" work?23:24
ign0ramusbackslash, do you have that link?23:24
backslashguide link?23:25
ign0ramusbackslash, yeah23:25
templaedhelign0ramus: ya23:25
ign0ramustemplaedhel, try putting the file in that way23:25
templaedhelok, the file is there23:25
templaedheldoes it need an extension?23:25
ign0ramustemplaedhel, for reference, see here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:25
ign0ramustemplaedhel, no extension23:26
ign0ramustemplaedhel, just a plain text file23:26
templaedhelthat was probably my problem, I had screenres.txt23:26
templaedhelwhat was the other file?23:27
ign0ramustemplaedhel, "/etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup"23:28
ign0ramusbackslash, do you have "linux-backports-modules-generic" installed?23:29
templaedhelign0ramus: interesting, when I open it, the lines in there, but if I click on it, it displays this in the terminal xrandr: cannot find mode 1920x108023:30
ign0ramustemplaedhel, strange.  test it out anyway... if the lines are in there, it *should* work :)23:30
* ign0ramus crosses fingers23:30
ign0ramusbackslash, install that first23:31
jhouns'Sup guys =]23:31
backslashjaunty-generic or my_kernel-generic?23:31
backslashjaunty one23:32
templaedhelign0ramus: nope...23:33
backslashmust restart?23:33
ign0ramustemplaedhel, hmm... that's what i was going to say next, but this is curious.23:33
ign0ramustemplaedhel, it can't hurt23:33
templaedhelbrb, slightly longer this time23:33
ign0ramustemplaedhel, i'll be here23:34
backslash_ign0ramus, i can't install linux-backports23:40
backslash_if i install my wifi card works nomore23:40
ign0ramusbackslash_, that's weird. why not?23:40
ign0ramusbackslash_, aw crap23:40
ign0ramusbackslash_, you wanna try a newer kernel to see if you can get both sound and wifi working?23:41
templaedhelign0ramus: I'm sorry, I mislead you23:41
ign0ramusbackslash_, you can try 2.6.30rc8 if you want23:41
templaedhelit appears it doesn't work in gnome either...23:42
ign0ramustemplaedhel, why do you say that?23:42
ign0ramustemplaedhel, d'oh!23:42
templaedhelbut for some reason, things still seem smaller23:42
ign0ramustemplaedhel, well, i think i may have forgotten something myself23:42
thatdude1Hey guys how can i disable things like tor or privoxy and things in init.d to NOT run automatically at login or boot? Thanks23:43
templaedhelI feel like an idiot lol23:43
ign0ramustemplaedhel, do: " xrandr --addmode LVDS 1920x1080 "23:43
templaedhelok, well, the thing is, I'm in gnome now, because after I restarted the wifi didn't work23:43
templaedhelI'm going to go back to kde23:43
templaedhelsee if it works now23:43
templaedhelall good23:45
templaedhelcmd again please?23:45
ign0ramustemplaedhel, " xrandr --addmode LVDS 1920x1080 "23:45
ign0ramusthatdude1, "man update-rc.d"23:45
templaedhelxrandr: cannot find mode "1920x1080"23:46
templaedheland I don't have quotes around the res, when I put it in23:46
backslash_ign0ramus, latest stable version is you think it's ok that one?23:46
ign0ramustemplaedhel, wth? we manually added it!23:46
* templaedhel is starting to like gnome again...23:46
templaedheleven though I'm missing the res on there too23:47
templaedhelI think its probably an xorg issue though23:47
ign0ramusbackslash_, yeah. i'm using 2.6.30rc8, and it's not really "unstable"... if it's been released, why not try it?  just keep your old kernel just in case23:47
ign0ramustemplaedhel, xorg does next to nothing in Jaunty23:47
ign0ramustemplaedhel, doesn't mean that it *can't*, but by default, it's pretty blank23:48
templaedhelI'm in 8.1023:48
ign0ramustemplaedhel, oh yeah... forgot that fact.  doesn't change what we've done so far, though.23:48
templaedhelyou know anything about xorg?23:49
ign0ramustemplaedhel, gotta run (dinner), but check the link i gave you, and i'll be back in a little bit23:49
ign0ramustemplaedhel, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:49
=== ign0ramus is now known as ign0ramus_nommin
=== luis_ is now known as LuisJa
backslash_ign0ramus, go to sleep23:52
backslash_ign0ramus, thx for help23:52
backslash_tomorrow install new kernel23:52
gabrielcan someone please help me build packages from source?23:53
gabrielis anyone here?23:54
JuJuBeeCan I make a bootable USB flash drive from a live CD?23:55
gabrielI think All i need is c++ compiler23:55
gabrielif you install usb-creator I think u can23:56
gabrielI don't know how to do it from live CD though23:56
RProgrammerI fixed it23:57
JuJuBeegabriel: thanks, I installed it now trying to run it...23:58
=== ign0ramus_nommin is now known as ign0ramus
ign0ramustemplaedhel, have you found anything?23:58
ign0ramus(i eat fast)23:58
templaedhelign0ramus: not really23:59
RProgrammerFor the record: If you change the hostname in Kubuntu, not only do you have to change it in /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts, /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf, but also in ~/.kde/<hostname>-{cache,socket,tmp}23:59
JuJuBeeusb-creater won't run from live cd it seems23:59
templaedhelign0ramus: I found some stuff about adding stuff, but it doesn't do much23:59
gabrielIt should be pretty simple.  but I think you need an iso image, but that might just use the Live cd itself.23:59
ign0ramustemplaedhel, if you run "xrandr", does it still find your proper resolution?23:59

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