
bratscheA bunch of people (including me) got kind of sick.00:00
SiDii guess i came too late, my immune system didnt get stressed enough00:01
SiDijcastro, maybe its training from previous UDS.. share your DNA please !00:01
bratscheEh, that might be taken the wrong way. ;)00:02
rickspencer3didrocks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Karmic/Quickly00:26
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dobeybratsche: you could change the permissions on the evolution ui state files, so that it can't write to them...02:52
bratschedobey: That's a crappy solution, although it would be a lot faster probably.03:15
bratscheAnother thing I notice is that whenever Evolution crashes, the next time you open it the message preview is hidden.. even though you didn't hide it.03:16
mclasenbratsche: thats crash-in-a-loop prevention03:17
dobeybratsche: well the proper solution would be to scrap evolution and get a mail client that isn't full of useless crap :)03:20
bratschemclasen: Ah, okay.. makes sense then.03:22
bratschedobey: djsiegel has some ideas for a new mail client that he wants to work on.  He wants to write it in Boo for some reason though. :)03:23
bratschedobey: I talked to him briefly at UDS about it, but it was hard to get any very specific ideas from him on it.03:24
dobeyi heard him talk about it03:25
dobeyi thought he wanted to do it in OCaml03:25
dobeyand it wouldn't really be a mail client03:25
dobeyas far as e-mail goes, almost all the mail i receive, i want to get rid of03:25
dobeythere are very few mails i get which i actually want to read as message exchanges03:26
bratscheI had an interesting discussion with Carl Worth about email client ideas last year in Berlin.03:27
dobeyalso, why is the dbus-glib api so different from dbus-python03:27
dobeyporting this python code to C, i can't even divine if it will actually work from just reading it :(03:28
bratscheI'm not sure why David is bouncing around on the language he wants to use for this thing.  He's spending more time deciding which language that nobody uses he wants to use than anything it seems. :)03:28
bratscheThe last time I saw him he was talking about how amazing Haskell is and how we should all be using Haskell. :)03:29
bratsche(it is really cool though, fwiw)03:29
dobeyhe should just write it in brainfuck03:29
bratscheBut it probably would be hard to get contributors if you use something like that.03:30
dobeyif he wants to write it in cool languages, he should write a lexical parser for romulan, and write it in that03:30
dobeyhrmm, i don't think i can g_object_ref (object) inside the object's instance_init...03:37
dobeyok, my brain is not content with trying to figure out this crazy dbus api at the moment, so i think it will have to go sleep03:41
_2eXtremehey guys, im having major issues with my wireless card under jaunty. all my google searches are bringing me back to poages i used in the past, but now the guides dont work, presumably because its a new distro. whats teh alternative to ndiswrapper called again?03:55
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pittiGood morning06:06
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pittihey crevette08:10
crevettehey pitti08:10
huatsmorinng everyone !08:19
pittiseb128: bonjour08:26
seb128pitti: guten tag!08:26
pittiseb128: while I'm fiddling with the seeds anyway, want me to replace pidgin with empathy?08:26
pittiI dropped all langpacks, and ekiga yesterday, hoping that this will suffice to get below 700 MB for alpha-208:26
seb128if you are fine promoting it before doing the MIR reviewing yes!08:26
pittioh, right; that.08:27
pittino, should get MIR bugs first, you are right08:27
pittiseb128: btw, I booted current daily desktop CD in kvm and installed new gdm08:29
seb128kenvandine said yesterday he would do the paper work08:29
pittiseb128: this uncovered a d-bus configuration problem08:29
seb128I'm still using a mix between jaunty and karmic08:29
seb128that might be why I don't get the issue08:29
seb128pitti: btw should gvfs depends on devicekit-disks now?08:37
pittiseb128: I think it should, yes08:38
seb128you did the mir work etc?08:38
pittiseb128: sorry, was on phone08:49
pittiseb128: for devkit? sure, it's all in main08:49
* seb128 adds depends08:51
chrisccoulsonhi pitti - i've done the hal and tracker SRU's now09:40
pittihey chrisccoulson, thanks! will sponsor them in a bit09:43
chrisccoulsonthanks pitti:)09:43
crevettehey young ubuntuteros, I have a build that fails with CHROOTWAIT, could it be a problem with my packaging?09:45
pitticrevette: no, all builds fail ATM09:46
crevetteah okay, thanks pitti09:46
* pitti updates #ubuntu-devel topic09:47
crevetteseb128, I've a good new, now gnome-user-share doesn't depend on the whole apache2 packages now, (debian packagers splitted it), so it could be interesting to have it in desktop09:48
crevettewe can now just pull apache2.2-bin for it09:48
seb128I'm not sure we have CD space for that09:49
pittiwe are still in the "must throw out stuff" phase, I'm afraid09:55
pittichrisccoulson: tracker sponsored; I didn't get bug mail for hal, though10:06
crevettepitti, you can throw out bluez-gnome :)10:07
pittisure, once we have gnome-bluetooth10:08
pittichrisccoulson: nevermind, found it (in SRU folder)10:09
asacon this topic ... anyone could binary new gnome-bluetooth :)?10:17
crevetteasac, uptream is not really happy with the notification patch, I need to see if I'm able to change it as it wants10:18
crevette(hello by the way)10:19
asaccrevette: hi. can you please point me to the discussion?10:19
crevetteI didn't had time to look closely to the comments, day work takes me my whole time10:20
pittiasac: done10:20
* asac hugs pitti 10:20
crevetteasac, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58485710:21
asaccrevette: no problem. just want to see of what kind those complains are10:21
ubottuGnome bug 584857 in general "[patch] support notification deamon without actions capabilities" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:21
asaccrevette: ok that looks ok and should be doable10:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks (sorry, i was away from my desk and only just saw your message)10:43
asachmm chroot problems everyhwere?10:43
asaceven have it in PPA now10:43
asacanyone else or just me?10:44
pittiasac: see #u-devel topic10:45
asaccrevette: 38387511:09
asac(untested) if you could test that function that would be great ;)11:10
asaci have to create a galago account i guess to submit it11:10
seb128pitti: I've reassigned bug #383274, not sure if you want to milestone it for karmic11:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383274 in human-icon-theme "wrong icon theme applied to g-p-m in karmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38327411:13
pittiseb128: ah, thank you for looking into this11:15
seb128you're welcome11:15
seb128ok, intel on karmic doesn't like user switching11:23
pittiseb128: oh? works perfectly here11:23
seb128I knew I should have stayed on jaunty + karmic GNOME11:23
pittimuch better than ever before11:23
pittiwith multi-head DRI11:23
seb128it worked just fine on jaunty for me11:23
pittiseb128: with compiz on the second session?11:23
seb128on karmic I've no gdm screen displayed when trying to switch user11:23
seb128just a blank screen with a line at the bottom11:24
pittiseb128: do you have karmic gdm or your new one?11:24
seb128and switch back using ctrl-alt-fn crashes my session11:24
seb128the new one11:24
seb128but my session crashing on vt switch is probably not a gdm bug11:24
seb128hum, empathy makes hard to know what accounts are being used11:28
crevetteasac, does the libnotify maintainer is responsive?11:31
asaccrevette: not sure ;) ... i pushed the patch there now to see what happens.11:32
crevetteasac, I remember Bastien told me redhat was maintaining their own libnotify11:33
seb128yeah, upstream is not really active11:33
asaccrevette: not sure. the version released by galago at least matches ours11:33
asaccrevette: anyway. i think he will let this in without this factoring out. just address the other comments11:34
awalton_1I'm about to ping chipx86 again about it...11:35
awalton_1but I'm sure he'd be fine with that addition, though the patch needs a touchup11:35
asacawalton_1: you mean the libnotify patch?11:36
awalton_1indeed. I replied tot he bug.11:36
awalton_1if I recall correctly, we even suggested such a function be added at UDS jaunty11:37
asacawalton_1: sorry. i dont see what is wrong with the doc syntax ;)11:37
asaci mostly copied what i saw below and above11:38
awalton_1nothing's wrong with it, it's just the wrong one. I think most of the rest of the lib uses gtk-doc though.11:38
awalton_1if not, we should file a bug on that too.11:38
asacawalton_1: ah. well. so lets get this in first and then do the doc cleanup in a second bug ;)11:38
awalton_1works for me11:39
asacor the other way around - though i think doc cleanups are usually less attractive ;)11:39
asacok so just using strcmp fine.11:39
awalton_1sure, or bump the requirements in configure.ac11:39
awalton_1it's likely to get the bump again when glib finally gets on d-bus.11:40
asacyeah. i think strcmp is fine11:40
asaci could add a NULL check11:40
awalton_1just about to suggest that.11:40
awalton_1I'd go ahead and commit it for you, but I don't have the bit :'(11:40
awalton_1and it's still late night in cali.11:41
* asac edits patch directly11:41
pochuawalton_1: if you poke chipx86 about it, I'd appreciate if you also tell him about http://trac.galago-project.org/ticket/184 :-)11:41
awalton_1pochu, I don't mind that patch, but I think we can do better than that. we should cache the caps in libnotify, since I don't believe anyone changes caps at runtime11:43
awalton_1that brings up the whole question of watching to make sure the provider of the service doesn't change, but that's a whole other bug ;)11:44
* seb128 back to piding11:45
seb128or pidgin rather11:45
seb128indeed empathy is buggy, doesn't connect to my icq account but doesn't tell about the issue either in the ui11:46
pochuawalton_1: but you can uninstall a notification daemon while another app that uses it is running11:48
pochubut that's your other point I guess11:48
pochuanyway the current situation seems buggy :-)11:48
pochubut I didn't write the patch11:48
asacawalton_1: i thought about improving libnotify to properly cache caps at some points ... we can look into that later this cycle adding NameOwnerChange et al11:50
awalton_1asac: I think I might have a branch somewhere that already does it, but I'll have to check11:51
awalton_1anyways, file bugs so we can keep up with it11:52
asacawalton_1: launchpad? or galago trac?11:55
awalton_1asac, launchpad please11:55
awalton_1trac is/has been mostly abandoned. we've been looking for a place to move everything11:55
asacawalton_1: ok so finally the patch proper is there (had some minor brain hickups ;))11:56
awalton_1been blocking forever on chipx86 dumping the svn history so we can go head and do so, and blocking on fdo to approve my account :-/11:56
asacheh. yeah fdo accounts are slow (which reminds me that i should bug someone again)11:56
asacawalton_1: sorry. the latest patch includes debian/ stuff... just filter those two files out of the diff11:57
awalton_1thumbs up from me11:58
asacawalton_1: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/38388612:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383886 in libnotify "libnotify could cache server capabilities to avoid dbus calls" [Wishlist,Triaged]12:06
awalton_1thanks asac12:06
asacawalton_1: if you could commit the other patch that would be great12:07
* asac short break12:07
awalton_1asac: I would, but I don't have commit rights :-/12:07
awalton_1silly I know...12:09
asacawalton_1: ok, but you know chipx86?12:09
awalton_1oh yeah12:09
awalton_1met him at UDS Jaunty, and he put me in charge as co-maintainer of the notification stack12:09
asacawalton_1: otherwise maybe we should sync libnotify svn to launchpad bzr and add our stuff there (until libnotify finds its final home)12:09
awalton_1asac: if you'd like to do that, feel free12:10
asacawalton_1: ok. for now lets wait if you can reach him in the next days :)12:11
awalton_1heh, he's usually pretty quick about replying to my emails, but getting him to do something can take a bit of time12:11
* asac nods12:12
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tedgjames_w: Hey James, I'm trying to install bzr from the nightly PPA, and it wants to remove bzr-svn.  Is that a known issue/feature or should I investigate further?14:12
james_wtedg: hmm14:12
james_wI didn't know that14:12
james_wlet me look14:12
james_wtedg: I can't see what's causing it, the depends seem to be correct14:24
tedgjames_w: It seems that when I go into Synaptic and do "Dependencies of latest version" on bzr-svn it Depends on "bzr >= 1.14~" and "bzr < 1.15" which is probably why it's getting removed with the installation of 1.15.14:30
tedgjames_w: BTW, this is on Jaunty.14:30
james_wtedg: oh, I see it now, sorry. The packages just need updating14:36
james_wI'm away from my key right now though14:36
tedgjames_w: Okay, no problem.  I just want the new bazaar crack :)14:38
seb128pedro_: !!!!!14:42
* pedro_ hugs seb12814:42
seb128pedro_: good to see you ;-)14:42
* seb128 hugs pedro_14:43
seb128pedro_: I was wondering if they kept you at the airport or something, so good to see you back there ;-)14:43
pedro_seb128: yeah it's nice to be back ;-)))14:43
seb128do you feel better?14:43
pedro_seb128: oh there was no temp scanner at the airport this time14:44
pedro_seb128: yeap way better , went to the doc on monday, it was just my throat, got a tonsillitis, dude i was speaking like darth vader on sunday14:45
seb128I'm almost not speaking today, I started coughing this night and that's no fun, I think I've fever too14:47
seb128pedro_: I think I got the chilian flu too!14:47
rodrigo_hey pedro_14:50
rodrigo_pedro_: we were going to contact chilean embassy here to find you :)14:51
pedro_seb128: I've got it from you! so it's your own flu this time :-P :-P :-P14:51
seb128no no, I only had a running nose14:51
pedro_rodrigo_: hola!, haha, yeah jcastro was saying me that14:51
seb128pedro_: speaking about chilian you have a good tennis player apparently14:54
pedro_seb128: yeah ! stone hand gonzalez is great14:55
seb128"stone hand" ;-)14:55
seb128he's playing right now, nice game, a bit difficult for him but he would deserve to win this set14:56
pedro_yeah, i hope he win the match and federer to lost his game, otherwise he's dead. Federer is an android, not fair.14:59
seb128only nadal is powerful enough to defeat federer15:00
seb128pedro_: yes!15:05
seb128pedro_: "stone hand gonzalez" won the set ;-)15:06
pittiseb128: ugh, that sounds bad!15:07
pittiseb128: get well soon, mate15:07
seb128pitti: yeah, I'm feeling really not good today, headache, coughing, running nose, feeling hot, etc15:07
asacseb128: better rest a bit today.15:08
seb128asac: yeah, I've been mostly being lying in bed watch tennis on TV15:08
asacgood ;)15:09
pedro_seb128: vitamin C and lot of liquids always help :-)15:09
asacgrrr ... hg not installed15:09
pedro_go stone hand go!15:09
seb128pedro_: ;-)15:09
pittirickspencer3: hey15:10
pittirickspencer3: I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus for today's release meeting15:10
rickspencer3pitti: hi!15:10
pittiI think that summarizes the intrusiveness15:10
rickspencer3I just got down to the agenda in my email15:11
rickspencer3pitti: that page is very awesome15:12
rickspencer3I was going to create a similar list today to start tracking progress15:12
Mark__Ttedg: ping15:15
tedgMark__T: Hey, I'm in a meeting right now, can I ping you when I'm done?15:16
Mark__Ttedg: http://pastebin.ca/144874415:16
Mark__Ttedg: hope that makes sense ^15:16
rickspencer3didrocks: did you see the quickly spec?15:20
kenvandinepitti: is the new gdm going to make it into next weeks alpha?15:23
pittikenvandine: right now it still has some major problems, but I hope so15:23
kenvandinei am going to test it in a few myself, unless there is no point now15:23
seb128I doubt it will15:24
kenvandinei'll wait then15:24
kenvandineseb128: just let me know when it would be useful to test15:24
seb128it's useful15:24
seb128I uploaded yesterday to the desktop team ppa15:24
kenvandineyeah, have it it on my todo list to test15:25
kenvandinei will do that in a few15:25
seb128but it log the current user back in immediatly when closing a session with autologin set15:25
seb128there is no way to reboot, halt etc the box from the session15:25
pittiwell, it doesn't even start at all15:25
seb128and there is an upgrade issue, it autolog the user even if a session is already running after upgrade15:25
seb128and the banner is broken until restart15:25
pittikenvandine: I get this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/gdm-new-dbus-failure.png15:25
rodrigo_hmm, is there any way to enable coloring the tabs when someone talks to you in empathy?15:26
seb128I don't feel good enough to debug that today15:26
pittinah, don't worry15:26
kenvandineseb128: rest up15:26
seb128but if somebody want to help on that you are welcome15:26
pittiif it doesn't land in a2, it's not a problem at all15:26
* crevette gives a redball can to seb128 :)15:26
kenvandinepitti: ok15:27
seb128crevette: I got a flu I think I rather need sleep than redbull15:27
crevetteah, severe flu?15:27
seb128no standard one, feeling hot, coughing, running nose15:28
seb128feeling hot == fever in case that was not clear ;-)15:29
kenvandinei think we got it :)15:30
pittirickspencer3: thanks for the burndown chart! would you mind putting that on people.u.c. and keeping that up to date? (or in a management-tools branch or so :) )16:36
rickspencer3pitti: I would love to do that, but may need some help with the tools16:36
rickspencer3I'll try it myself today, and if I FAIL, I'll ask for help next week16:37
pittirickspencer3: setting up a LP project and a branch? (well, you could just use +junk for now)16:37
pittirickspencer3: or with people.u.c.?16:38
pittiseb128: retracers de-lock-ed, coreutils should be good now16:38
pittiseb128: if they fall over again, please just rm */lock agaain16:38
pittiseb128: (I need to run right after release meeting)16:38
pittiseb128: I can also do that tomorrow morning, if you are already in bed16:39
pitti(which would probably be a good idea anyway :) )16:39
seb128pitti: ok, good!16:42
pittiarmel retracer has a karmic chroot now, too16:43
seb128pitti: I'm not in bed, or at least not sleeping but watching roland garros16:43
pittiseb128: have fun16:45
pittihave a nice weekend everyone!16:51
seb128pitti: thanks, you too!16:55
* calc somehow was confused and thought june 4 was alpha 216:56
Mark__Ttedg: back?17:17
Mark__Ttedg: ok, found your mail17:25
kenvandinecalc: i had thought the same thing :)17:43
kenvandinei think someone said that at uds or something... and it stuck17:44
calckenvandine: heh17:45
al-maisanpitti: are you still around?18:37
al-maisanI am looking for that wiki page that explains the approach/process for working with packages via bzr branches18:38
al-maisanfound it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bzr18:41
crevettepitti: around?21:30

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