
=== bjf is now known as bjf_afk
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mochaRHWhello, quick question about the ath_pci.ko module in Jaunty07:05
mochaRHWdoes anyone know what version of madwifi was used to build the ath_pci.ko in Jaunty?07:06
mochaRHWmodinfo says "D3FD3BD11169A96DBCFF8DE", that's not much help considering madwifi uses a 4 digit number to identify their svn releases07:06
amitkmochaRHW: 0.9.407:14
mochaRHWjust the official release version?07:16
amitkmochaRHW: yes, we don't carry from trunk. And it is disappearing completely for Karmic07:17
mochaRHWso it's being replace with ath5k in karmic?07:17
mochaRHWI just had a hard lock last night with ath5k07:18
amitkin karmic?07:19
mochaRHWthe only thing in my logs was a single message about the "noise floor" then 15 minutes later a hard lock07:19
mochaRHWThere's a bug report about it07:19
mochaRHWanyway, I never had hard locks in Intrepid using an SVN version of madwifi07:19
mochaRHWso I'm going back to that07:19
mochaRHWbut I wanted to ask you if you were using an svn version first, so I could confirm that i wouldn't be "downgrading"07:20
amitkok. but ath5k/ath9k are a lot more stable in karmic. Upstream now believes the drivers cover everything that madwifi did and more.07:21
mochaRHWokay, so I'll use ath5k in karmic, I'm still on jaunty right now07:21
mochaRHWthanks for your help, I just installed my svn version of madwifi that I was using in intrepid.07:24
n0ydAny idea when this might be fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/35069510:42
ubot3Malone bug 350695 in linux "Linksys WUSB100 not enabled by rt2870 driver." [Undecided,Confirmed] 10:43
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dtchenapw: what are your thoughts on enabling CONFIG_PREEMPT in a karmic crack o' the day kernel?20:22
apwdtchen, well i would generally prefer it was as similar to our config as possible, as that makes it the best test for the ubuntu kernel20:39
apwwhat is the desire to get it enabled?20:40
dtchenapw: testing for pulseaudio20:46
dtchenapw: i've been troubleshooting with pa upstream for the karmic-desktop-audio experience, and we're attempting to match as much of the stacks between Fedora and Ubuntu as we realistically can20:47
apwperhaps a specific kernel for testing that in a ppa would be approraite20:47
dtchenapw: yes, that would work as well20:48
apwif you tell me what you need i can put that together for you20:48
dtchenapw: ok, i'll work on that over the weekend 20:48
apwno problem20:48
gonsoloHi. Is it possible that my DVB-T stick doesn't work after suspend2ram because its firmware isn't included in the initrd?21:24
gonsoloit seems that the firmware can't be found because sysfs isn't mounted.21:25
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