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porthosedirecthex: 175 mib used when play a track, sorry it took so long, life got in the way01:26
directhexstupid life. try patching it!01:35
directhexporthose, that's a huge number! that's the "Writable Memory" column?01:35
porthoseoops how about 22 mib01:36
directhex32 bit cpu?01:36
kklimondaporthose: nice, my banshee uses almost 70 :/01:37
kklimondaseems like rhythmbox is still better when it comes to memory consumption :/01:38
directhexthat's a remarkably low value for a library of that size, porthose01:38
directhexkklimonda, it's about 25% better with mono 2.401:38
kklimondadirecthex: is mono 2.4 going to get into 9.10?01:38
directhexkklimonda, yes01:39
directhexkklimonda, waiting for 2.4.2 bugfix release on monday01:39
* porthose double checks01:39
porthosedirecthex: yea it's showing 28 to 29 mib writable memory01:44
directhexporthose, that was i386 or amd64?01:44
directhexokay, makes sense01:44
directhexi get pretty much the same values from RB, with a much smaller library - but on amd6401:45
directhexnow, i totally need to go to bed01:46
porthosedirecthex: night01:47
ausimageajmitch: you track down how I presumably broke review?04:07
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dholbachgood morning06:15
slytherindholbach: good morning06:15
dholbachhi slytherin06:15
fabrice_sp good morning dholbach !06:28
dholbachheya fabrice_sp06:28
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mochaRHWhello, anyone here I can ask a quick question about Atheros drivers?06:41
dholbachmochaRHW: maybe #ubuntu-kernel? but just ask07:03
dholbachno need to ask to ask :)07:03
mochaRHWI was just wondering if anyone knows what version of madwifi was used to build the ath_pci.ko module in Jaunty?07:04
mochaRHWmodinfo says "D3FD3BD11169A96DBCFF8DE"07:05
dholbachdefinitely #ubuntu-kernel07:05
mochaRHWok, I'll try07:05
dholbachthe -motu team does not maintain any parts of the kernel07:05
dholbachgood luck07:05
dholbachthe kernel people might wake up in a few hours07:05
mochaRHWyea, seems like everyone is asleep!07:07
mochaRHWno one in #madwifi either07:07
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gesergood morning08:51
MooKowbuildd issues?09:00
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geserlooks like it09:01
gaspageser: you mean the one about mktemp package?09:01
gaspawhat happened?09:02
geserdon't know09:02
wgrantcoreutils contains and now Conflicts with mktemp.09:03
wgrantapt doesn't like removing Essential packages, which mktemp is.09:03
wgrantA fixed coreutils has been uploaded (producing a transitional non-Essential mktemp binary), but it needs to be built manually.09:03
geserwgrant: btw: should we leave hppa in the FTBFS list (for now) or remove it as it's e-o-l?09:06
wgrantgeser: I think I might just remove it, as I don't think a DAS can be removed from Soyuz...09:06
AnAntcan someone sponsor those:  LP #359436 , LP #359444 , LP #359446 ?09:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359436 in ubuntume-gdm-themes "Rename package and update artwork " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35943609:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359444 in usplash-theme-ubuntume "Rename package and update artwork " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35944409:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359446 in ubuntume-themes "Rename package" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35944609:28
qiyonghey, how the US and europe economics now?09:30
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hyperairdoes anyone here use tcptrack?10:32
hyperairit's currently pretty useless in jaunty and karmic; no connections are shown at all10:33
* kmdm peers at debuild -S checking build-deps rather than just spitting out a source package to be built with pbuilder...10:38
hyperairkmdm: -S -d10:40
kmdmhyperair: It's doing...  debuild -S dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -d -us -uc -S10:40
kmdm(pretend there's a linefeed in there)10:41
hyperairit should work10:41
kmdmyeah, quite - this always used to work...not my first package build by any stretch of the imagination10:41
hyperairwell try running dpkg-buildpackage then10:42
kmdmI guess I should examine debian/rules and see what it's doing there... but am I right in thinking in general building the source package doesn't need to check the build-deps since they get resolved by pbuilder when doing the binary package?10:43
kmdmhyperair: Bah, this package depends clean on configure, which then checks the build-deps... *sigh*10:44
hyperairha. no wonder.10:44
hyperairooh netsplit.10:45
hyperairkmdm: it's ./configure checking for builddeps then? and not dpkg-checkbuilddeps?10:45
kmdmwell, it's calling dpkg-checkbuilddeps manually10:45
jpdshyperair: Yeah, tcptrack looks broken.10:46
hyperairjpds: =(10:46
kmdmit looks like the packager's assumed that everyone bulds in place since they're doing make clean style stuff too10:46
hyperairi'd fix it, but this looks beyond my capabilities.10:47
hyperairheh no wonder.10:47
jpdshyperair: Still, who needs it when we have tcpdump, tcpflow, iptraf, .....10:47
hyperairkmdm: you mean debian/rules calls dpkg-checkbuilddeps?10:47
kmdmhyperair: Aye, well... checkbuild: chmod u+x ./debian/dpkg-checkbuild ./debian/dpkg-checkbuild debian/control10:47
hyperairjpds: i liked tcptrack's interface. i use iptraf otherwise, but the thing is that tcptrack shows the rates of each connection in real time. iptraf only shows one at a time.10:47
kmdm(with linefeeds) :)10:47
* hyperair facepalms10:47
hyperairkmdm: wipe it out and package it from scratch10:48
hyperairor salvage the bits that you can10:48
directhexkmdm, sometimes you can't run "make clean" without "./configure"10:52
directhexkmdm, which causes scenarios where you need build-deps in order to make a source package10:52
kmdmdirecthex: Aye, they were guarding a make clean/distclean in there10:52
directhexkmdm, that makes less sense10:53
kmdmIf anyone's curious enough: https://launchpad.net/~kees/+archive/ppa/+files/heartbeat_2.1.4-2~hardy1.dsc (seems to be a direct backport from upstream to Hardy)10:54
kmdmI'm just trying to coax it onto dapper at the moment, could be a losing battle though. :)10:54
savvaswell if you think it's going to be useful for the server, it's worth a try, you can also backport its dependencies if you think that's required :)10:56
kmdmAnyone know if dapper had some equivalent of python-central?10:57
stanipochu: What means 'declined for Karmic' at bug #370839?12:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 370839 in spe "kiki should depend on python-wxgtk2.6 or python-wxgtk2.8, not just on python-wxgtk2.6" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37083912:04
pochuhey stani! looking12:06
pochustani: it means there's no need to open a karmic task, the "normal" task can be fixed in karmic as it's the development cycle12:06
stanipochu: I am a bit confused if this bug should be a SRU or not12:07
stanipochu: I am afraid there will come more duplicate bugs12:08
stanipochu: I mean for Jaunty12:08
slytherinstani: I don't think 'changing build depends' would be allowed in SRU.12:08
staniand it if it's a SRU for Jaunty, it should be fixed in Karmic first right?12:09
stanislytherin: it's not about 'build depends' but about 'depends'12:09
pochuslytherin: it's a new ORed dependency12:10
pochustani: seems fine to me, will the kiki.py change still work with wx2.6?12:10
stanislytherin: and the dependencies causes bugs in Jaunty because in Jaunty wxpython 2.6 is the default, while before it was 2.812:10
pochuit sounds fine as it won't change anything for people that already have it12:11
stanipochu: it will work even better, as now kiki uses a deprecated class of wxpython2.612:11
pochuexcept for the code change, but if it still works with 2.6 it should be fine IMHO12:11
pochustani: ok cool12:11
pochustani: so it just needs to be uploaded to karmic, and then we could SRU it12:12
pochuwith approval from the MOTU SRU folks, of course12:12
stanipochu: yes12:12
stanipochu: I am just doubting what would be the best reason for the SRU12:12
pochustani: does it still break SPE, even after your SPE SRU?12:13
slytherinstani: my mistake, got confused.12:14
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staniit might be the use of deprecated class, breaks with wxpython2.8, unnecessarily making a dependency of wx2.612:14
pochuthe unneeded dependency is probably not a good enough reason, I guess12:14
pochuso unless it still breaks something, we can leave it12:15
pochui.e. if SPE works fine now after the SRU12:15
stanipochu: no my SPE sru fixes SPE of course, but now spe is dependent of 2.6 and 2.8, but it will break applications which are only compatible with 2.812:15
staniso SPE is fixed, but there will be others which might break12:15
pochuhmm, you could say that as the reason for the SRU12:15
staninot every other application uses wxversion to force a wxpython version12:15
staninow wxpython applications assume 2.8, not 2.612:16
pochuso if kiki uses 2.6 and your app doesn't care, will it pick up 2.6?12:16
pochueven if both 2.6 and 2.8 are installed?12:16
staniyes, this is another sru bug, for which I submitted a fix, which I guess mok0 is dealing with12:17
pochustani: I mean, in general12:18
pochunot specifically with SPE12:18
stanipochu: yes all other applications which expect 2.8 are affected12:18
pochustani: that's a good reason then IMHO12:19
stanifor example if you have an application which depends on python-wxgtk2.8, it will use wxpython 2.6 when it just does an "import wx"12:19
staniand most likely this application will fail12:19
pochubut that's the wxwidgets bug, right?12:20
stanithe application could use wxversion to select its versions, but most apps don't care12:20
stanithey suppose you've installed the right wxpython version12:20
pochuso let's just fix it12:21
stanipochu: it doesn't break directly, but it will provoque breaking12:22
pochuyeah, it's alright then12:22
stanipochu: if you read the original bug report, you see that the author complains that his applications don't work any more. probably he doesn't know he could fix it with wxversion, but there will be more people like this12:23
stanipochu: you want me to start the SRU process? (with the hope you will back me up)12:23
pochustani: yes, but it needs to be uploaded to karmic first12:25
stanipochu: this is in the pipeline right? I could already prepare the SRU process as I did for bug #377044 (read first line)12:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 377044 in spe "SPE fails to run any scripts after upgrade to jaunty" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37704412:28
stanipochu: and it would be nice if you could give feedback on that bug (as the SPE sru fix is now waiting in -proposed)12:29
pochustani: I only have Hardy here :(12:29
stanipochu: than you can beta test the new Phatch from my PPA ;-) (just joking, no obligations)12:30
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pochustani: yeah I can do that ;)12:34
pochustani: the PPA is ~stani ?12:35
stanipochu: yes, more info here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117822412:35
stanipochu: do you know why Phatch fails to build by a "chroot problem", see https://launchpad.net/~stani/+archive/ppa/+build/1060898?12:41
stanipochu: that only happens on Karmic12:42
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pochustani: everything's failing to build12:46
pochustani: see #ubuntu-devel's /topic12:46
stanipochu: ok, so it is just a matter of time12:48
cjwatsonwgrant: we're killing karmic/hppa now13:03
cjwatsonwgrant: it will have the side-effect that builds for karmic/hppa will basically never have happened, but lamont says he's ok withthat13:03
cjwatsonwith that13:03
wgrantcjwatson: I didn't think that was possible without a bit of manual DELETE action.13:03
wgrantThat explains it.13:03
wgrantThat's a bit ew, though.13:03
cjwatsonit is a bit. but the alternative is having karmic/hppa continue to show up as a sort of ghost town.13:04
cjwatsonI'd honestly rather it just went away and I don't think anyone *really* cares enough ...13:04
wgrantOr convince Soyuz people to implement a DAS.disabled flag.13:04
wgrantOf course. But altering history is always a little iffy for me.13:04
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stanipochu: I prepared the SRU request, so it can start once it is uploaded to Karmic https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/spe/+bug/37083913:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 370839 in spe "kiki should depend on python-wxgtk2.6 or python-wxgtk2.8, not just on python-wxgtk2.6" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:32
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mterryI'm looking at a FTBFS that seems like it should BFS.  I might just be missing some details about buildds.  Does anyone have a sec to look at bug 383921?14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383921 in taglib "FTBFS in Karmic because of a broken librcc-dev dependency" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38392114:54
mterryIt builds in my chroot, and the buildd tried to build it a full month after librcc was done building.  So it seems like the buildd should have been able to get librcc.14:54
slytherinmterry: what is BFS?14:55
mterryslytherin: Build From Source14:55
slytherinmterry: You can ask someone from core team to give back the package. Try #ubuntu-devel. Please mention that it builds fine in your karmic chroot.14:58
mterryslytherin: Hmm, OK.  Still curious why it failed.  Maybe they'd know14:59
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cjwatson(for the record, the reason mterry couldn't reproduce the bug was that his chroot had universe enabled and the buildd's chroot didn't since it was building for main15:19
mterrycjwatson: :)  Thanks15:20
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savvasnow that the coreutils bug is fixed, the builds that had problems are set to be rebuilt right?17:22
savvasin cgal it says "Needs building", just checking, in case I have to do any requests: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cgal/3.4-4ubuntu1/ :)17:23
cjwatsonsavvas: yes, they are set17:26
geserI guess a mass-giveback will happen (if it did not already happen)17:26
cjwatson"needs building" is what you get *after* a mass give-back17:26
cjwatsonand before it's actually built17:26
savvascool, thanks :)17:26
jdstrandslangasek: hi! what is the process for a sync request from debian-multimedia? eg, bug #37812417:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378124 in ubuntu "Please sync divxenc 1.3.0-0.0 from debian-multimedia" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37812417:34
pwnguinhyperair: how stable is your unstable banshee ppa?17:44
hyperairpwnguin: as stable as banshee unstable is.17:44
pwnguinie, there's a 1.5 release as of june 1st17:45
pwnguinit seems to have rhythmbox imports, which i'd like to try out17:45
pwnguinbut im not sure i want to upgrade daily17:46
pwnguinah, i see. they use an even/odd numbering17:47
pwnguinhyperair: so the unstable ppa tracks the official beta releases, and you have a seperate daily build?17:48
hyperairpwnguin: bingo.17:48
pwnguinok, that makes more sense17:48
hyperairpwnguin: what confused you? perhaps i can amend the descriptions17:50
pwnguinhyperair: i wanst sure what the difference between unstable and daily was17:59
hyperairi see.17:59
pwnguinyou might make a note that the unstable is from official upstream unstable releases18:00
pwnguinnot all projects have unstable release series like that18:00
slangasekjdstrand: update-sources should grab from debian-multimedia; then you just need to pass a -D option to sync-source.py (or syncbugbot)18:01
jdstrandslangasek: that is what I figured, but wanted to be sure. thanks!18:02
hyperairwell you can enable all three PPAs together18:04
mterryWith regards to inclusion in 'main', is it by source package or by binary package?18:07
superm1mterry, the source package has to be in main for any of the binary packages to be in main. not all of the binary packages have to be in main though18:14
superm1see lirc for example, it's source is in main, and liblircclient0 is, but 'lirc' and 'lirc-x' aren't18:14
mterrysuperm1: Cool.  OK18:14
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nixternalanyone have any idea as to why sun-java6-plugin deps on the following:18:26
nixternalfirefox | firefox-2 | iceweasel | mozilla-firefox | iceape-browser | mozilla-browser | epiphany-gecko | epiphany-webkit | epiphany-browser | galeon | midbrowser | xulrunner18:26
nixternalno konqueror in there, arora, rekonq...discrimination I tell you!18:26
nixternalwhy not just x-www-browser?18:26
sebnernixternal: firefox2 is obsolete, what's arora rekonq? ^^18:29
nixternal2 new KDE browsers18:29
nixternalplus Konqueror isn't even in the list there18:29
nixternalthough I don't even know if arora or rekonq have java support yet, I was being a bit of an ass with those 2 :)18:30
vorian<3 arora18:30
geserdoes the plugin work with those and is installed in the right dir?18:30
nixternalarora is qt not kde18:30
nixternalgeser: yup18:30
nixternalwell it works with konqueror18:30
nixternalI don't know about the other 218:30
vorianI have to use sun-java6-bin (i think) to get java properly working with arora18:31
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ausimageajmitch: how is the REVU issue comming along :S19:48
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nhandlerIs there a way to have dch act as if I am on Debian? When it creates a new changelog entry, it wants to append ubuntu1 instead of bumping the Debian revision22:41
cody-somervilledtchen, interestingly, no sound at all with new kernel22:54
cody-somervilledtchen, will try old kernel once I get back from walk with the dog.22:54
nhandlerFor those interested, it appears that I can use the --distributor option22:55
cody-somervilledtchen, hm.... killing pulseaudio fixed the problem22:56
dtchencody-somerville: usually a mixer element (volume)/sink issue22:59
bencrisfordI am getting a debuild error today :/23:20
bencrisfordyesterday debuild -S worked fine23:20
bencrisfordbut on a package today it wont23:20
JontheEchidnabencrisford: you need to build-depend on the gnome-pkg-tools package23:22
JontheEchidnaand also install it on your system ;-)23:22
directhexnhandler, yes, there is a way23:23
nhandlerdirecthex: I found it, see above23:23
bencrisfordJontheEchidna: Oh, how do I do that =S?23:24
bencrisfordjust install the gnome-pkg...23:24
bencrisfordand do apt-get install build dependencies?23:25
JontheEchidnathen in debian/control, put gnome-pkg-tools in the build-depend sline23:25
bencrisfordJontheEchidna: Ohhh..  Ok, thanks :)23:26
cjwatsonnhandler: -U23:35
cjwatson(or yes, --distributor)23:36

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