
StevensUbuntuTriHello.  Is it possible to get help with my firefox.  It will not play flash movies on the internet00:29
dtchenwhich Flash plugin is installed?00:30
dtchenalso, ideally you'd want to ask in #ubuntu or #ubuntu+100:30
StevensUbuntuTriI figured since this was the ubuntu mozilla room00:40
StevensUbuntuTrisorry about that00:40
BUGabundoStevensUbuntuTri: no prob00:40
BUGabundofeel free to ask00:40
BUGabundodtchen is just providing you with extra support options00:40
StevensUbuntuTriI installed adobe flash first.  It worked for a while, but not it doesn't.  Only in Youtube, but with poor performance.  I reinstalled the flash plugin several times, but that didn't work---so I installed Gnash mozilla plugin to give it a try--to the same result00:41
dtchenwhat is "poor performance"?00:44
dtchenfor the symptoms you experience with Gnash, are they the same "poor performance"?00:44
dtchenplease try to be as specific as possible, because there are far too many causes that fit the description of "poor performance" :)00:45
StevensUbuntuTriVery slow loading, seems to make the computer very slow, the fan starts running on full, the play/pause button doesn't look quite right and the volume doesn't look right (a little blurred)00:45
dtchenwell, hopefully you're only using Flash 1000:45
dtchennot Gnash alongside Adobe Flash alongside Swfdec00:46
StevensUbuntuTriI am not totally sure.  At this point, I think the adobe flash is no longer installed.  I installed Gnash mozilla plugin  from the synaptic package manager earlier to give it a try00:47
StevensUbuntuTriI really don't mind which one i use as long as it works.  I kind of liked the Gnash--in keeping with the spirit of the free software00:48
BUGabundoStevensUbuntuTri: check galternatives00:50
dtchenor, graphically in the web browser, about:plugins00:51
BUGabundoerr dtchen galternatives is GUI too00:52
StevensUbuntuTriSo you want me to install that program?  galternatives?00:53
BUGabundoyou can00:54
BUGabundoor do as dtchen recommened00:54
BUGabundoI like galternatives a lot00:54
StevensUbuntuTriOk, installed and running.  What is the next step?00:58
StevensUbuntuTriI see where it says flash-plugin00:58
StevensUbuntuTriactually firefox-flashplugin00:58
StevensUbuntuTriBUGabundo:  It looks like swfdecmozilla is the chosen one.  Should I switch it to GNash?01:01
BUGabundoany other01:01
BUGabundoand test again01:01
BUGabundothat should make more obvious what's the prob01:01
BUGabundobtw what arch? 32 or 64 bits?01:01
dtchennote there's a pulseaudio/alsa component here, too01:02
dtchenunfortunately i need to leave; coffee shop is closing01:02
StevensUbuntuTriI think 32.  This is an old laptop  i68601:03
BUGabundobye dtchen01:03
StevensUbuntuTriBugabundo:  same result01:04
BUGabundodid you restart FF?01:04
StevensUbuntuTriflash movie doesn't load01:04
StevensUbuntuTriyes, should I clear the histoy and cookies too?01:05
micahgStevensUbuntuTri: Performance with Flash is also based on Video hardware01:10
StevensUbuntuTrimicahg:  Understandable, but it doesn't work at all in all other websites01:16
micahgStevensUbuntuTri: which version of Ubuntu01:16
micahgare you running the latest version of FF (3.0.10)?01:17
micahgCould you please post this to pastebin.com?01:20
micahgapt-cache policy gnash swfdec-mozilla flashplugin-nonfree01:20
=== asac_ is now known as asac
BUGabundofor comparation01:22
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy gnash swfdec-mozilla flashplugin-nonfree | pastebinit01:22
BUGabundousing adobes 64bits flash01:23
micahgBUGabundo: where do you get that script?01:24
BUGabundoits on the archive01:24
BUGabundoit should come by default01:24
BUGabundoasac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/28421201:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284212 in network-manager-pptp "VPN connection fails: "unable to find valid VPN secrets" (auth dialog crash when secrets exist)" [High,Fix released]01:25
BUGabundowhy is it beeing set as Security ?01:25
BUGabundomicahg: $ apt-cache policy pastebinit | pastebinit01:26
micahgyep, but not by default :)01:26
micahgI just installed it01:26
micahgI didn't have it before01:26
BUGabundoI meant that as a wishbug01:27
micahgmaybe in Karmic01:27
BUGabundohumm should I file it? cwillu?01:27
micahgI'm still running jaunty01:27
BUGabundowhat package should it be?01:27
micahgwhat do you mean?01:28
BUGabundopastebinit or some other seed? like ubuntu-desktop ?01:28
micahgdev-scripts maybe?01:28
BUGabundoI will file a bug so pastebinit comes on karmic01:28
* cwillu pokes his head in01:28
micahgmaybe with the LP helper scripts?01:29
BUGabundono idea where01:30
BUGabundoI guess ill file on pastebinit01:30
BUGabundoand mention the seed01:30
BUGabundoand let the dev fix it01:30
BUGabundoor I could ping pitty01:30
BUGabundohi cwillu. nice to see you up01:31
StevensUbuntuTr1ok I am back01:35
micahgwelcome back StevensUbuntuTr101:35
StevensUbuntuTr1I posted what you wanted to pastbin01:35
micahgyou have the urlk?01:35
micahgso you might want to uninstalled 2 of those01:36
micahgwhich flash player would you like to try?01:36
StevensUbuntuTr1I am new to this.  Do you think Gnash is a good choice?01:36
StevensUbuntuTr1micahg:  What is the best way to remove the other two?  Terminal or Synaptic package manager?   What commands from the terminal would you recommend?01:38
micahgsynaptic if you are ntot familiar with the terminal01:39
BUGabundosudo apt-get remove --purge PACKAGE01:39
StevensUbuntuTr1Ok, only 2 gone.  Only Gnash remains01:43
micahgnow restart firefox01:44
micahgtry a flash site :)01:45
StevensUbuntuTr1It does not work.  It just looks like it is loading and never plays.01:46
micahgwhat type of internet connection?01:47
StevensUbuntuTr1to comcast01:47
micahgok, can you start firefox with -p01:47
micahgand try to create a new profile01:47
micahgso we can see if that is the issue?01:48
micahgyou don't have to delete the old one01:48
StevensUbuntuTr1I tried that before and it just started as if I didn't type -p01:48
StevensUbuntuTr1I will try in again01:48
micahgfirefox -p01:49
BUGabundomicahg: oh nvm I was going to say to try safemode.... but that doesn't bring flash lol01:49
StevensUbuntuTr1Yes.  That just opened firefox regularly01:49
micahgDid you install firefox from synatptic?01:50
BUGabundono -p01:50
BUGabundo-P <profile>Start with <profile>.01:50
BUGabundo-ProfileManagerStart with ProfileManager.01:50
BUGabundomicahg: RTFM :)01:50
micahgBUGabundo: so why does -p work for me?01:50
BUGabundono idea01:51
BUGabundoI've always used profilemanager01:51
StevensUbuntuTr1Neither work here.  It just opens firefox as if I clicked on it.   Firefox was already installed with Ubuntu01:51
StevensUbuntuTr1when I loaded it from the CD01:51
micahgStevensUbuntuTr1: can you post apt-cache policy firefox-3.001:52
BUGabundoyou have one other FF opened01:53
BUGabundoStevensUbuntuTr1: $ ps auxw | grep firefox01:53
BUGabundoand pastebin that01:53
BUGabundoand ps?01:55
micahgah, you have to close firefox to restart it with -p or -ProfileManager01:55
BUGabundo+1 for me01:56
StevensUbuntuTr1ok, it worked. The profile manager opened!01:57
micahgcan you try creating a new profile01:57
StevensUbuntuTr1Yes, I have a new one01:57
micahgplease try a flash site while I go get some caffeine01:58
* micahg is back02:01
BUGabundobed time. its 2am and I'm up at 7 am.02:02
StevensUbuntuTr1It did not work02:05
StevensUbuntuTr1one of the sites won't even load now.  Nevermind the video02:05
micahgwhich site?02:06
StevensUbuntuTr1chirofraudvideo.com loads, but the video doesn't work.02:07
micahgStevensUbuntuTr1: on the first one, I get redirected to juiceplus.com02:09
micahgare there any addons in this profile02:10
StevensUbuntuTr1let me see about the addons02:13
StevensUbuntuTr1it looks like there are several plugins02:14
micahgcould you list them in pastebin if there are a lot or here if its short?02:16
StevensUbuntuTr1What is the best way to access and list them?02:16
micahgabout:plugins is for plugins02:17
micahgnot sure how to list addons02:19
micahgyou can screenshot it02:19
StevensUbuntuTr1I don't know how to do that02:21
StevensUbuntuTr1There is the Default plugin02:21
StevensUbuntuTr1the Demo Print Plugin02:21
micahgthat's it?02:22
StevensUbuntuTr1Shockwave flash02:22
StevensUbuntuTr1VLC multimedia02:22
micahgwhat's the filename for shockwave flash?02:22
StevensUbuntuTr1I don't know  I am looking at the adons tab in mozilla02:22
micahgcan you go to about:plugins in firefox02:23
StevensUbuntuTr1Is that what you were looking for?02:34
micahgthat should be fine02:34
micahgis there anything under the addons tab?02:34
StevensUbuntuTr1would you like to know about the plugins?  extentions? etc?02:43
StevensUbuntuTr1Is there a way to list them in such a way to paste them to pastbin?02:45
micahgthe extensions02:46
micahgit used to be addons :)02:46
StevensUbuntuTr1Ubuntu Firefox Modifications 0.702:55
StevensUbuntuTr1Ubuntu Firefox pack02:55
micahgWell, can you play a youtube video?02:56
StevensUbuntuTr1I am trying02:57
StevensUbuntuTr1It is not working02:58
StevensUbuntuTr1youtube is working.  Bad performance03:00
StevensUbuntuTr1very slow and choppy03:00
StevensUbuntuTr1but working03:00
micahgthat's a different story :)03:00
micahgright click in the video and go to settings03:00
StevensUbuntuTr1youtube has always worked.  When I right click settings is not an option03:01
StevensUbuntuTr1would you like file- properties?03:02
micahgyou have to right click in the video03:03
StevensUbuntuTriI am back03:05
StevensUbuntuTrimy connection got lost03:05
micahgtry to right click in the video03:05
micahgdo you have any options?03:05
micahgI don't use gnash, so I'm not sure what you'll get03:06
micahgoh, can you post lshw -C video to pastebin03:06
StevensUbuntuTriFile, Edit View, Movie Control,  Help03:06
micahgreally, wow03:07
micahgmovie control03:07
micahgdo you have anything abotu hardware acceleration03:07
StevensUbuntuTriMAybe Edit- Preferences03:10
StevensUbuntuTriThere is something that says performance03:10
StevensUbuntuTriI click player03:11
StevensUbuntuTriunder performance it asks max size of movie player03:11
StevensUbuntuTrinot player03:11
StevensUbuntuTriit is set to 803:11
micahgnot sure03:11
micahgdf -h03:12
micahglspci -vv -s 01:05.003:16
micahgI think it could be your video driver03:17
StevensUbuntuTriIt went bad just like that?03:19
micahgwhat do you mean03:20
micahgdid flash work before?03:20
StevensUbuntuTriYes it worked before03:20
micahgbefore Jaunty?03:20
StevensUbuntuTriYes and at the beginning of Jaunty03:21
StevensUbuntuTriIt worked up until about a week ago.03:21
StevensUbuntuTri I am not sure what I did differently03:21
StevensUbuntuTriDVD's play just fine.03:23
micahgDVDs aren't flash03:24
micahgdid you install a new flahsplayer?03:24
StevensUbuntuTriI know, but if my video driver was messed up would they play?03:24
StevensUbuntuTriI don't know.  Just giving more info:)03:25
StevensUbuntuTriWe went through that earlier.  I am not sure if it was you, but someone was helping me03:26
StevensUbuntuTriremove swfdec and non free plugin03:26
micahgyeah I did03:26
micahgflash is resource intensive03:26
micahgtake a look at /var/log/apt/term.log03:28
StevensUbuntuTriIt worked when I was running XP.  I read that Linux was a way to give an old PC new life.03:28
StevensUbuntuTriok I will check that03:28
micahgsee if anything was upgraded over the past week03:28
micahgso it wasn't working on Linux?03:28
StevensUbuntuTriIt was in the beginning.  Up until about a week ago03:29
micahgso check that log file03:30
micahgevery version of flash is more resource intensive03:30
micahgother stuff should work just as well on an old pc03:30
StevensUbuntuTriI typed cd /var/log/apt/term.log  and got an error03:30
micahgwhich version of ubuntu?03:31
micahgk x or regular03:31
micahgsorry, flavor03:31
StevensUbuntuTr1I just installed it from the CD03:31
StevensUbuntuTr1I think03:31
micahgsudo less /var/log/apt/term.log03:32
StevensUbuntuTr1Did you want me to copy and paste what it says to pastebin?03:33
micahgnah, you can look through it and see if anything was updated like flash, firefox, graphics drivers03:34
StevensUbuntuTriIt looks like it is stuck doing something03:35
micahgIt could be the chipset is no longer supported03:36
micahgbut it shouldn't have changed in teh past week03:36
micahgI think I've done all I can03:38
micahgyou can hop inteh #ubuntu-x channel and see if they can help you with your video card03:38
StevensUbuntuTr1My internet is acting up.03:40
StevensUbuntuTr1What did i do with that?03:41
StevensUbuntuTr1That command that you gave me.  It did a lot of stuff.03:42
StevensUbuntuTr1The terminal will not let me copy and paste it.  I had to keep hitting enter to get it to go through03:42
micahgno, it's a viewer03:42
micahgit's meant for you to scroll through03:42
micahgnot copy and paste03:43
micahghit q to get out03:43
StevensUbuntuTr1Any ideas03:45
StevensUbuntuTr1for the mozilla flash problem03:47
micahgcan you try hulu.com03:48
micahgis that any better?03:48
StevensUbuntuTr1Does not work03:52
micahgsame as youtube?03:53
StevensUbuntuTr1Does not work at all03:54
micahgnot sure what to say03:57
micahgyou can try the adobe flash driver and see if it's any better03:57
micahgif that works, then you can file a bug report against gnash03:57
StevensUbuntuTr1That is what I started with.03:58
StevensUbuntuTr1I could reistall03:58
StevensUbuntuTriIs the best way to do that at the adobe website?03:59
micahginstall with the flashplugin-nonfree package03:59
micahgbut remove gnash first03:59
StevensUbuntuTriok can we go through the syntax again04:00
micahgcommand line?04:00
StevensUbuntuTriI guess.  Whatever you think is best.04:00
StevensUbuntuTriDo you think ice weasel would work?04:01
StevensUbuntuTrior another browser?04:01
micahgiceweasel is debian's unbranded firefox04:01
micahgyou can try epiphany04:01
micahgthat's the gnome browser04:01
micahgthat's a good idea :)04:01
StevensUbuntuTriOk I will go to add/remove programs.  Yes?04:02
StevensUbuntuTr1Do I install the Gecko one or the regular?04:05
StevensUbuntuTr1or both?04:06
StevensUbuntuTriok all done.04:21
StevensUbuntuTriIt is strange.  I am having trouble finding it04:21
micahgjust search for epiphany04:23
micahgand install the browser one04:23
micahgit'll instlal the right one04:23
micahgthere is only one in Jaunty04:23
StevensUbuntuTriIt says there are 2 to choose from on installation. one is Epiphany the other is Epiphany (Gecko)04:24
micahgeither one will install the same thing04:25
StevensUbuntuTriIt installed them both04:25
StevensUbuntuTrifor some reason.  I cannot find it on my computer.04:25
micahgone's a transitional pacakge04:25
micahguse the gnome menu04:25
micahgNetwork -> Epiphany04:25
StevensUbuntuTriplaces - search for files cannont find it either04:27
micahgthere should be a menu entry04:28
micahgin the gnome menu04:28
micahgunder network04:28
StevensUbuntuTriI do not see network.04:29
StevensUbuntuTriWhen you say gnome menu, you just mean the menu at the top of the desktop04:29
micahgwhat do you have under the gnome menu?04:29
StevensUbuntuTriI will remove then reinstall?04:30
StevensUbuntuTrior should I reboot?04:31
micahgwhat do you have in the menu on the top lefT?04:31
micahgwhat's in application04:32
StevensUbuntuTriAccessories, Games, Graphics, internet, office, programming, sound and video, system tools, wine, add/remove04:33
micahgunder applications -> internet should be epiphany04:34
StevensUbuntuTriI know where it should be.  It is not there04:34
micahgok, try removing and reinstalling then04:35
StevensUbuntuTriI have no idea why it is not showing up in my gnome menu04:50
StevensUbuntuTriCan i open it from the terminal?04:50
StevensUbuntuTribash: Epiphany: command not found04:51
micahglower case :)04:51
StevensUbuntuTriok it opened04:52
StevensUbuntuTrithe video didn't work.  It just looks like it is loading and does that forever04:54
micahgsorry, I"m out of ideas04:55
micahgyou can try #ubuntu04:55
StevensUbuntuTriWell thank you for all of your help.04:55
micahgsorry I couldn't fixit04:56
StevensUbuntuTrino problem!   I very much appreciate you spending the time trying!04:56
StevensUbuntuTriI will try the other channel tomorrow.  Have a good night!04:57
StevensUbuntuTriOne more detail that might help.   You tube works perfectly when viewed within the Movie player.05:07
micahgmovie player?05:08
StevensUbuntuTriTotem I think05:08
StevensUbuntuTriI did that earlier today.  I am trying to figure out how i did it.05:10
StevensUbuntuTrioh, click properties05:10
StevensUbuntuTriselect youtube05:10
StevensUbuntuTriand search for a video.05:10
StevensUbuntuTriI thought that might help with the assessment05:18
micahgthank you05:20
micahghi gnomefreak07:48
micahgI'm down to 13 new messages in teh ff package07:48
gnomefreakhi micahg07:49
* micahg is going to sleep07:50
gnomefreakits only 02:5107:51
micahgI have to be up early for work07:51
gnomefreakmicahg: makes sense07:51
micahgit's 1:51 for me07:52
micahgI'll work more on the ff package over the weekend07:52
gnomefreakmicahg: cool. starting monday i will be gone for around a week but as soon as i can get back i will07:53
micahgok, I'll ping a sac if I need anything07:53
micahggone for good things?07:54
gnomefreakmicahg: surgery on my left eye and i will have right eye sometime after that07:54
micahgok, well, I wish you a speedy recovery07:54
gnomefreakwhy is the live cd installer named ubiquity? Its early so forgive me but it sounded different when looked up the defintion08:12
gnomefreakasac: can you look at this bug, its sounding like flash doesnt work properly on lpia. not sure how to test without that arch. bug 38378609:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383786 in flashplugin-nonfree "adobe flash player won't play video on web" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38378609:12
* gnomefreak goes fpr smoke09:13
asacgnomefreak: looked. the bug doesnt sounds particular interesting ;) ... asked something09:31
gnomefreakasac: thanks i dont know what archs are supported09:36
gnomefreakthis is a great bug bug 383841 i have commented on it using reply and it looks like it hasnt gotten there yet09:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383841 in firefox-3.0 "bardella.mario@gmail.com" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38384109:37
asachmm right. could be that lpia doesnt work09:48
asacasked in #ubuntu-mobile on what s up09:49
asacfta: FIREFOX_3_5b99_RELEASE10:08
asacbuildd bustage11:03
asachmm still broken buildds12:10
askand1Hi, I get constant crashes with firefox in Jaunty, here are three backtraces of three different crashes: http://filebin.ca/gwhzcs/traces.zip12:32
asacaskand1: ok looking12:37
asacaskand1: 1st is crash in flashplayer12:37
asacaskand1: which flash version is that?12:38
asactry if you can still reproduce without flash12:39
asac(or with gnash et al)12:39
askand1asac: I suspected that, Shockwave Flash 10.0 r2212:41
askand1is all crashes flashplayers fault?12:42
asacaskand1: not sure. please disable flash and see if crashes still happen13:06
askand1asac: disable=uninstall?13:08
asacaskand1: yes, or disable it in tools -> plugins13:20
asacerr tools -> addons -> plugins13:20
askand1asac: uninstalled it now, running fine so far :)13:20
asacheh ok13:20
askand1asac: and now it crashed again :)13:24
asacaskand1: what did you do when it crashed?13:28
askand1reading an article in wikipedia13:30
gnomefreakaskand1: are you posting your blog on twitter by chance?13:38
askand1gnomefreak: nope13:41
gnomefreaknot you13:42
gnomefreakasac: are you posting to twitter or ident?13:42
gnomefreakah theres coreutils kept back13:43
asacgnomefreak: to both13:43
asacidentica gets forwarded to twitter13:43
gnomefreakthats why thanks13:43
gnomefreakyou always turn up green when you should be purple13:44
asacgnomefreak: ah yeah. you should see both though (at lesat karmic version does)13:45
gnomefreakasac: im using daily builds and i dont see both13:46
asacnot sure about dailies13:47
* gnomefreak getting sice of this PGO bug :/13:50
gnomefreakasac: please comment on bug 213708 wether or not this will happen13:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213708 in xulrunner "Please compile Firefox with PGO optimizations" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21370813:51
askand1asac: do you have an idea on what I can try next to debug this?13:52
asacaskand1: please use strace -f -eopen firefox &> /tmp/log.txt and after startup and using a bit, please paste13:54
asacalso be sure that you have no extensions in use13:54
asacbut i think i already said that13:54
asac!info xulrunner13:54
ubottuxulrunner (source: xulrunner): XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 279 kB, installed size 1020 kB13:54
asacok still here ;)13:54
fta2asac, "buildds on manual", what does that mean?13:55
asacfta2: nothing gets build without buildd admins kicking them13:56
asacso manual builds triggered by hands13:56
asacto avoid massive build failures ;)13:57
asacguess synching coreutils wasnt good ;)13:58
askand1asac: http://paste2.org/p/24912513:59
asacaskand1: so you still have extensions?14:03
asacalso some other extensions14:03
asacare you sure it happens if you remove those?14:03
askand1oh, I reactivated them, will try without them again14:04
gnomefreak0ubuntu1.respin1 <<what is the respin1 part for? and is it ours?14:06
gnomefreakits on xulrunner14:06
asacgnomefreak: ubuntu1 build happened when karmic archive was still broken14:07
asac(right after it opened)14:07
asacso i had a no change respin to fix issues14:07
askand1asac: it still crashes14:07
asacaskand1: does it happen with fresh profile?14:07
asace.g. move .mozilla to a backup place befre starting ffox14:08
asacregular crashes like this are just unlikely14:08
asacif we had general issues like that it would definitly get more traction14:08
askand1that is true14:08
gnomefreakaskand1: ah ok thanks. Someone said its not upgrading bug 383857 i didnt get this bug for some reason14:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383857 in xulrunner-1.9 "xulrunner-1.9 failed to install/upgrade " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38385714:10
askand1is it possible that memtest does not catch an error in my memorymodules?14:10
askand1I should propably change my name ;)14:10
asacwell. if it passes i would think its not hardware14:10
asacaskand1: check fresh profile first14:10
asacaskand1: then it can be graphics driver dependent14:10
asacor some other corner case causing this14:10
asacmaybe even some bad fonts. which language/fonts are you using?14:11
asacthose backtraces are not easy to understand because its in the cycle collectore which is not really something you can easily reproduce14:11
asacalso the problem usually happens well up-front so the backtrace might not even touch the buggy code14:11
askand1Im using droid sans and Swedish language14:12
asacaskand1: so try fresh profile and let me know14:13
asacalso get a backtrace from fresh profile14:13
asaconce you still see that and have backtrace, you need to run firefox with valgrind14:13
asacmaybe we can see where things go bad there14:13
askand1asac: um..gdb segfaulted14:15
asacaskand1: use firefox -g to start ffox in debugger14:16
asac(not that it matters much here ;))14:16
askand1gdb crashed again :S14:17
gnomefreakcalendar-google-provider is borked just what i needed14:18
asacgnomefreak: what are you working on atm?14:18
asacgood ;)14:18
asacthought you worked on iceowl/sunbird14:18
askand1asac: finally a bug that is 100% reproducable :)14:19
gnomefreaknot today14:19
gnomefreakcalendar-google-provider causing crashes in sunbird and lightning but i wont have time to look at it for the next week. is calendar-google-provider happen to be upstreams extension. its built into our source package but would love to file it upstream if i can. but i need to look at it first14:20
asacaskand1: are you on karmic or jaunty or what?14:24
gnomefreakit has buildd errors :)14:24
gnomefreakill look at it in a week or few14:25
askand1asac: jaunty14:25
asacaskand1: ok graphics driver is?14:34
asacaskand1: try nv driver14:52
gnomefreaknvidia is borked in Karmic it seems there is no *-restricted-modules package for 2.6.30*14:55
gnomefreakit fails to build modules14:55
gnomefreakbug has been reported already but yet other than changing the descriptiopn noone has looked at it :)14:56
* gnomefreak smoke14:57
asacthats normal ;)15:01
asacproprietary drivers are regularly not available for the first half of the cycle ;)15:02
gnomefreaktrue but ATI works15:03
gnomefreakAFAIK its just nvidia on 2.6.3015:03
gnomefreakmy dog will hug you but damn if she will come when called instead she runs away :(15:04
gnomefreakwe need a way to sync firefox profiles so we dont hav to update manually. if you use 3.0 more than 3.5 than sync is great or something of the sort15:06
gnomefreakbzr branch lp:~gnomefreak/seamonkey/ubuntu-2.x-9.1015:06
gnomefreakoh damnit15:07
gnomefreaktoo many terminals open15:07
asacgnomefreak: what do you mean with sync firefox profiles?15:07
gnomefreakasac: say you use 3.0 more than 3.5. well 3.0 has all your most recent work. atm your choices are cp -r profile or move profile manually. syncing it would take those 2 ways and do it itself15:09
gnomefreakor something of the sort15:09
gnomefreakmake sense?15:10
asacah ok.15:11
asacyeah we need something like weave for that15:11
asacnot sure if there is still any work done in that labs project15:11
gnomefreakyes there is15:12
gnomefreakthe mailing lists are flooded with weave crap15:12
* gnomefreak still not real sure what the hell it does15:12
gnomefreaki hope the SM2 build failure was my fault with patches15:16
asacgnomefreak: weave allows you to sync your places stuff15:16
gnomefreakgoing to try today and than worry about it when i return15:17
gnomefreakasac: ah15:17
gnomefreak"will 9.10 collide with win7 release"  i got that from someon ein #ubuntu+1 almost like we care about win7 release. hell i must have missed win1-615:18
gnomefreak5600 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved :)15:19
asacnot sure how we can coolide with win715:23
asacmore details needed to say anything15:23
gnomefreakvista was released 2 years late so i dont see this being an issue even if Ubuntu cared about win releases15:24
gnomefreakthe day i pick to work on SM2 and karmic chroots have been removed from PPA15:25
gnomefreakthat explains lack of daily updates15:25
asacyeas ppas ar ebusted15:28
asaclike buildd ;)15:28
gnomefreakyep oh well if it buuilds here ill upload it and it will just build when PPA are back up and running15:29
gnomefreakfta2: buildds are fixed?15:29
fta2Preparing to replace coreutils 7.3-1build1 (using .../coreutils_7.4-2_amd64.deb) ...15:29
fta2Unpacking replacement coreutils ...15:29
fta2Replacing files in old package mktemp ...15:29
fta2Processing triggers for man-db ...15:29
fta2Setting up coreutils (7.4-2) ...15:29
gnomefreakcool thanks :)15:30
fta2so i guess the ppas will follow soon enough15:30
asacfta2: -2 was uploaded 12 hours ago15:31
asacsure that that wasnt the version causing the pain?15:31
gnomefreaksounds like only hppa but not real sure havent been following topic too much15:31
gnomefreakcoreutils 7.4-2 is the fixed version15:31
gnomefreakmercurial mercurial-common is now the only held back packages15:32
gnomefreakok gone for a bit. ~1-3hours15:35
asacenjoy friday. cu tomorrow16:31
micahgasac: fix Released should only be for bugs that were confirmed to be issues, right?17:10
micahgbdmurray: ^^^17:18
askandasac: hi, nvidia removed and crashing continues20:26
askandasac: will try to reinstall ubuntu21:08
BUGabundoguud evening21:09
askandevening BUGabundo21:10
ftastevel, that was from there: http://www2.apebox.org/wordpress/linux/113/21:11
BUGabundofta: I had something to ask you , but I forgot21:13
BUGabundolets see if I remember21:13
BUGabundoahhh got it21:13
BUGabundofta: you said you don't know python, so what coding languages do you use/master?21:13
ftaC, perl and shell are my preferred languages21:14
dtchendon't ask fta about firefox's debian/rules ;)21:14
ftaBUGabundo, but i know a whole lot more21:14
ftadtchen, this one is probably better: http://paste.ubuntu.com/189204/ ;)21:15
BUGabundodtchen: is that for me? why shouldn't I ask fta about that?21:15
ftai should add make to the list21:17
mbanai'm starting to believe that firefox is using bitmapped ver. of ARial21:27
ftahmm, tricky.. i need to run a test file, in both gdb and xvfb and protected by a timeout21:44
ftatimeout 20 xvfb-run gdb ./ui_tests21:52
ftaseems ok.. let's try with the buildd21:53
dtchenasac: / fta: i can add that 3.0.11 works fine on jaunty and intrepid, too21:57
ftadtchen, did you have a chance to play with my bot yet?22:47
dtchenfta: not yet, will be next week22:59
ryanpriorHey there. I just installed the firefox-3.1 package and now Firefox won't start. I asked moznet/firefox and they say that your packaged version, 3.1a2, is very out-of-date and that I should ask you for help. How do I get a recent, working package?23:09
ftaindeed, 3.1a2 is very old, where did you get that from?23:09
ryanpriorfrom your PPA23:10
BUGabundohumm you mean 3.5 ?23:10
BUGabundofta: did you update/remove from your ppa?23:10
ftahm, no but it's not that old, or is it?23:10
fta     3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta1 023:11
ftaold indeed but not that old23:11
fta     3.5~hg20090603r25856+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 023:11
ftaryanprior, did you read the whiteboard of my ppa?23:12
ryanpriorfta: Probably not, lemme RTFM and brb.23:12
BUGabundoryanprior: you are better of with mozilla team PPA or daily PPA23:13
ryanpriorfta: I see now that I made a communication error.23:13
ryanpriorWhen I said "your PPA" I actually meant "from mozilla-team's PPA"23:13
ryanpriorI enabled mozilla team's PPA, then installed the firefox-3.1 package23:14
ftaoh, yeah, that ppa is unmaintained :(23:14
ryanpriorThat's too bad, I figured it would be the authoritative one. :-(23:14
ryanpriorWhose PPA should I use?23:15
ftathe freshest things we have are in https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa23:15
BUGabundofta: too much work to upgrade MT PPA ?23:15
ftaBUGabundo, yes, at least for me23:16
ftaespecially since i started chromium23:17
BUGabundoI bet23:17
BUGabundoone more bot managing certain mile stones?23:17
BUGabundofta: what was that all about, when google _recommend_ linux and mac user not to install Chrome ?23:17
ryanpriorOkay, I'm using the daily updates one now.23:18
ryanpriorBUGabundo: they said "don't install it... unless you're a tester and like programs that crash"23:18
ftaBUGabundo, just to stay on the safe side, it means "it's not complete, so if you use it, don't complain to us" ;)23:18
BUGabundoI got that too23:19
BUGabundobut news sites, are making it sound worse23:19
BUGabundoits like crazy ppl installing Karmic23:19
BUGabundooh wait, I'm running that too23:19
BUGabundofta: so now we will have chrome and chromium on Linux ?23:19
ftahm, sort of. chromium only from downstream, and chrome only from google23:20
ftabut it's 99.99% the same23:20
BUGabundothanks for clearing that up23:21
ftawell, chromium is built from source on each distro, while chrome is just a binary blog you're getting from google built who knows how23:21
ftait's probably built on hardy23:22
ftathe only missing part is the google updater but we don't want that anyway23:22
ftaand the branding, but i kind of like the blue one, more relaxing23:23

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