
MythbuntuGuest22I have a pvr 500 with a samsung tuner and I cant get video on /dev/video0 ( 1 works fine)02:15
MythbuntuGuest22I am runny jaunty Mythbuntu on a amd 64 dell.02:16
MythbuntuGuest22it was working like a champ under MCE.02:16
MythbuntuGuest22I have looked at a lot of post about the samsung tuner but am not sure where to turn.02:17
MythbuntuGuest22Any Ideas ? should I try intrepid instead?02:17
MythbuntuGuest22thanks Eric Smith02:17
merlin^Okay so I loaded mythbuntu, latest version, and when I try to go to set up the backend ( http://turl.ca/mythbackend ) it goes to a blank screen with a box ( http://turl.ca/mythfail ) and sits.. then if I hit escape it goes to a blank-ish screen ( http://turl.ca/mythblank ) and sits.... trust me, I wait a LONG time (like go make a pizza) for something to appear...  This is on a fresh install on a decent machine with a Radeon 7000 video card.   Any th06:08
=== TheLiQuid3 is now known as TheLiQuid
merlin^Okay howabout this? What's the most popular AGP video card that works with mythbuntu?06:45
MythbuntuGuest72anyone here in the chatroom?14:42
MythbuntuGuest72I have a myth question14:42
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].14:43
MythbuntuGuest72I have it setup but there is only blue background when I went to apple trailer14:43
henrik__seems like there is some trubble with the weekly server16:41
henrik__http://weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mythplugins/mytharchive_0.21.0+fixes20673-0ubuntu0+mythbuntu2_i386.deb  404 Not Found16:41
superm1henrik__, hm wonder if it's just in the middle of mirroring16:45
henrik__okej cause jaunty works fine!16:49
henrik__it does not work for 9.0416:49
henrik__sorry the other way around.. 9.04 works 8.10 does not..16:50
henrik__superm1, have you heard any problems with the previous fixes?16:50
henrik__Ever since I installed it I have been having alot of trubble... my xorg has died on me16:50
henrik__and I have got the whole screen green after about 10 min of watching, if I go back to the menu the screen is as usual.16:51
henrik__I'm on a nvidia card16:51
superm1no i've not heard this16:54
superm1generally -fixes doesn't cause that kind of stuff..16:54
henrik__superm1, I think I found the problem... my gf card is not working.. can you please release a fix for that?? :P17:33
=== ronn_o is now known as ron_o
hansoffateHi, my commflag jobs aren't running for some reason20:16
hansoffateI just upgraded from intrepid to jaunty, but it was broken before hand20:16
hansoffateI think it may have been because my mysql database got corrupt, but since then I've repaired the tables20:16
hansoffateany ideas what could be causing this?20:16
BlzHello!  I have a few questions regarding the transition to digital broadcast, specifically as it concerns digital/analog simulcasting over cable20:28
BlzI'm in the US20:28
BlzI'd like to know if digital tuners will be needed to record digital cable without a settop box (this is for SDTV)20:29
Blzor if I can use my current PVR-15020:29
rhpot1991Blz: depends on your cable provider, if they keep analog you can keep using your 150, if not you will need a converter box or a new tuner20:41
rhpot1991!digital conversion | Blz20:41
ZinnBlz: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Digital_Television20:41
Blzrhpot1991:  okay that's what I figured.  now assuming they don't keep analog.  Can a digital tuner read a digital cable stream or is that entirely different?20:42
Blzand thanks for the link. i'll check that out right away20:42
rhpot1991depends on the stream, odds are it will be mostly encrypted and you will need some sort of box to receive them20:42
Blzugh. figures.  I guess I'm probably better off calling them and asking20:43
rhpot1991for instance with my comcast I can get my locals with a digital tuner, but pretty much everything else I need to use the stb or an analog card for SD20:43
Blzrhpot1991:  out of curiosity, how much latency does using the STB cause?20:43
Blzi'm assuming you use an IR blaster?20:43
rhpot1991I do firewire actually20:44
Blzoh okay20:44
Blzand how's the latency on that?20:44
rhpot1991but thats hit or miss, I can record most channels but not all20:44
rhpot1991also I'm pretty luck in that requard as I understand it20:44
Blzyeah i've heard some people have zero luck with that20:44
Blznow if i use my pvr150 and a STB w/ IR blaster, that'll allow me to watch, record everything, right?20:45
rhpot1991all recordings will be a few seconds behind, as you are recording to the hard drive, and then watching from there20:45
rhpot1991Blz: should be able to, will only be SD of course20:45
hansoffatewon't the pvr150 not be working soon, at least in the US because of the digital cut over20:45
hansoffatedoesn't it only record analog20:45
rhpot1991if your cable company stops giving you analog hansoffate20:46
rhpot1991some are some aren't20:46
hansoffateinteresting, we'll see20:46
rhpot1991some of them are going digital only and giving you a "free" stb to compensate20:46
Blzhansoffate:  yes, but we're talking about either recording an analog simulcast of digital cable or recording the output of a STB20:46
rhpot1991I've heard of some that are moving some of those channels to clear QAM too, I'd love that20:46
Blzoh are they?20:46
Blzprobably not comcast though20:46
rhpot1991IIRC it was comcast out west20:46
Blzsince they can't even leave bittorrent alone without a lawsuit20:46
hansoffateyea, i already got an HD STB to record my HD shows, but I use my pvr500 to record alot of non-hd shows that are on at the same time.  When they cut over, I won't be able to record  multiple shows at the same time, unless the pvr500 works20:47
hansoffateYea, I have comcast20:47
rhpot1991Blz: they can't give me a working interweb conenction or a TV image that doesn't ghost either :(20:47
rhpot1991they have to give you notice about cutting out analog I am pretty sure20:47
Blzthis is going to be a huge pain20:47
rhpot1991most likely on your bill20:48
rhpot1991I'd say don't worry about it till it happens20:48
hansoffaterhpot1991: do you have any idea about my issue I posted above.  My commflag jobs aren't running.  I can see them in the queue on mythweb though.20:48
rhpot1991hansoffate: restarted the backend since the issues came up?20:48
hansoffateyup, and the computer20:48
hansoffatealso repaired the mysql tables20:48
rhpot1991go into the info center and see if they are listed in there?20:49
rhpot1991I've seen them get junked up and the old ones report as still running or being around but it has since moved on and ran new copies20:49
hansoffateI can't right now, but I will when I can.  I'm at work right now so I'm trying to fix it via SSH20:49
rhpot1991hansoffate: you are positive that new ones are not running?20:49
rhpot1991sounds like maybe it has a job thats stuck, and it thinks its still running and holding up the queue in the process20:50
hansoffateyea, I press Z and it says commercials haven't been flagged20:50
hansoffatehow would I delete the job?20:50
hansoffatethrough info center?20:50
hansoffatenever had an issue with comm flag so I've never really played around with it20:50
rhpot1991you can prob hop in to mythtv-setup and make sure that commflagging/jobs/etc are enabled20:50
rhpot1991hansoffate: ya, you can delete pause etc in there20:50
hansoffateyea, i've done that and it is enabled20:50
hansoffateok cool20:50
BlzSorry to interrupt, but can either of you recommend a well-supported digital tuner card?  dual tuners are preferred20:51
rhpot1991can do a ps aux |grep mythcommflag and see whats going on too20:51
hansoffateI might try to SSH tunnel mythfrontend and try doing that.20:51
rhpot1991Blz: HDHR20:51
Blzrhpot1991:  is that the model or the brand?  also, I'm watching SDTV20:51
rhpot1991scroll down to MythTV Configuration20:51
rhpot1991I have images of the setup page that has the commflag switch in there, check to make sure its still enabled20:52
hansoffatemythtv    6373  0.0  0.0   1872   152 ?        S    Jun02   0:00 sh -c /usr/bin/mythcommflag -j 698 -V 320:52
hansoffatemythtv    6374  0.5  2.1 171036 43932 ?        DNl  Jun02  21:35 /usr/bin/mythcommflag -j 698 -V 320:52
hansoffate1000     13334  0.0  0.0   3336   804 pts/1    R<+  12:51   0:00 grep mythcommflag20:52
hansoffatemythtv   15817  0.0  0.0   1872   500 ?        S    Jun04   0:00 sh -c /usr/bin/mythcommflag -j 698 -V 320:52
hansoffatemythtv   15818  0.3  4.8 171204 100952 ?       DNl  Jun04   2:52 /usr/bin/mythcommflag -j 698 -V 320:52
hansoffatewoops, sorry for the flood, shoulda pastebin that20:52
rhpot1991Blz: http://www.silicondust.com/products/hdhomerun20:52
rhpot1991with SD only you are prob better blasting to a converter box though20:52
Blzthank you!20:53
Blzrhpot1991:  why is that?20:53
rhpot1991there are some hauppauge dual tunners that do analog and digital that might help too20:53
Blzoh. i'll look into that20:53
rhpot1991Blz: you'd only be able to capture unencrypted channels with the HDHR, and IR blasting to the converter boxes isn't supposed to be that hard20:54
hansoffaterhpot1991: are you reallly born in 1991?20:54
Blzmakes sense.  I'm just worried abuot lag.  that can be quite anoying20:54
hansoffatei'd say, you're pretty damn knowledgeable about linux for being a 90's kiddy20:54
Zinnhansoffate: Please watch your language.20:54
Blz*annoying,e ven20:54
Blzkiddy bad language?20:54
hansoffateamn knowledgable20:55
hansoffatei thought it was kiddy too at first20:55
* rhpot1991 tells zinn its ok20:56
hansoffated amn shouldn't be a bad word, they use it all the time on TV20:56
rhpot1991Blz: I like to look at most things as in what can it get you, firewire is a hugeheadache, but I can record things like USA/discovery HD/etc20:57
rhpot1991so its prob worth the effort of IR blasting to a converter box if you can keep those 70 some channels you have now instead of reducing to 720:57
hansoffateI'm using firewire for my HD STB and it surprisingly works really well20:57
hansoffateI can get most of the channels20:57
rhpot1991maybe they wont cut out analog for you and it wont be an issue in the end20:57
rhpot1991hansoffate: it works well till you accidentailly tune to a channel you can't record and your backend goes down :(20:58
rhpot1991has random hiccups too20:58
Blzyeah i guess the first order of business is to call Comcast20:58
Blzthanks for the help thoguh guys20:58
Blzit definitely clears some things up20:58
rhpot1991Blz: good luck getting any useful info :)20:58
Blzi know...20:58
hansoffateyea,  I was surprised that comcast had so many unrestricted channels thorugh their STB with firewire20:58
Blzi mean i have nothing against India and Indians20:58
rhpot1991hansoffate: depends on your area20:58
Blzbut tech support...20:59
Blzoh man...20:59
rhpot1991for me I can get most HD channels, and thats all I really care about anymore20:59
hansoffatebut ive definitely had the backend go down because ive accidently tried to record something on Cartoon Network HD, which we don't have20:59
hansoffateYup, same.20:59
rhpot1991between that and my HDHR for OTA channels I can't watch everything I record20:59
rhpot1991Blz: I've learned a lesson with comcast recently, get anything important in writing...21:00
hansoffateso whats the point of getting HDHR, if I can get all the OTA channels via comcast thorugh the firewire?21:00
rhpot1991they randomly have "no record" of a 6 month refund I was supposed to receive21:00
hansoffatethats a lot of fmoney21:00
rhpot1991hansoffate: 2 tunners for ~$150 that just work21:01
rhpot1991I had many a nights where I sat down to watch TV to realize that something went wrong with the firewire and I missed the whole night21:01
Blzrhpot1991:  good point.  that way if they give me bad advice I can ream them out21:01
rhpot1991plus this way when comcast makes me angry I can just get an antenna and move on, can't sell my wife on that yet though21:02
hansoffaterhpot1991: yea, ive definitely missed all my programs on thursday nights a few times because the firewire somehow got slightly disconnected.  it really sucks.21:02
rhpot1991after having that happen a few times I only use firewire when I need it, that way if I need to recover a recording from the interwebs its normally only one by the time I realize something went wrong21:03
hansoffatemy roommate keeps pushing me to reload my mythbuntu system to Vista or Windows 7 to use MCE.  I always tell him that's never going to happen.  My mythbuntu system is the powerhouse and server of our house.  It has so many backend servers running, I wouldn't be able to replicate all the functionality that one system has on a Windows system.21:04
rhpot1991I like owning my recordings thank you :)21:05
hansoffatemce windows owns your recordigns?21:05
rhpot1991from what I've heard you can't just move them around or do what you want with them21:06
hansoffatehmm, interesting.  but you cna't really do that with mythtv either.21:06
hansoffatei mean, i've had my mysql tables get corrupt, and I coudln't play anything recorded21:07
hansoffateso i tried to watch them directly from /var/???/mythtv/recordings  and the titles are so unreadable21:07
rhpot1991sure you can, you can just pick up your recordings and move them elsewhere21:07
hansoffatebut eventually I found the tv show I wanted to watch, and was able to watch it21:07
rhpot1991well ya they aren't in human readable names, you can rename them if you want21:07
rhpot1991extract that, and use it21:08
hansoffateooo. no idea that exsisted.  cool21:08
hansoffatealright, enough of a break. got to go back to reloading this vista system >.<21:09
hansoffatetech support ftw21:09
rhpot1991have fun with that21:10
hansoffateOh, I will. lol.  At least I get paid for watching blue bars all day :)21:11
Blzwell... Comcast is stopping the analog simulcast once the digital switch takes place21:18
Blzand their broadcast is QAM encrypted21:18
Blzso I guess I have a few questions about using a set top box with myth21:19
Blzmainly... if I use the IR blaster and then plug the STB output into my PVR150:  A)  Can I use on-demand?  B)  Will I be using the tv guide from the comcast box or provided by myth (i.e. schedules direct)21:20
rhpot1991you can try to use on demand, the delay is gonna make it tricky21:21
rhpot1991and I always use schedules direct data, you could use the comcast data for on screen, but you can't for scheduling or anything21:22
rhpot1991that answer that question?21:22
rhpot1991did they offer you a converter or stb or anything for free?21:22
Blzyeah that makes sense21:24
Blzno they didn't offer anything21:24
Blzi mean the stb is included21:24
Blzand they don't have a digital simulcast, they're just taking it away21:25
rhpot1991"For no extra charge, Comcast will provide customers in the affected areas with one advanced digital set-top box that can access on-demand programming, and up to two low-end boxes that will need to be paired with digital terminal adapters (DTAs)."21:26
rhpot1991I see in articles about them making the switch out west21:26
rhpot1991they normally include 1 SD stb21:27
rhpot1991then charget you +$6.50 to upgrade each one to HD21:27
rhpot1991and charge you +$8.90 extra outlet per box21:27
* rhpot1991 has fought with comcast about billing too much as of recently21:27
Blzwait... maybe i'm missing your point, but how does this affect me?  I'm recording sdtv21:28
Blzand I have one set top box included in my contract21:28
Blzi just don't use it21:28
Blzbut i will21:28
rhpot1991ya if they cut off analog, then you need a box for every hookup21:28
Blzright okay.21:28
Blzi guess i should see if they have any offers in my area21:29
Blzmaybe i'll hook up another set21:29
rhpot1991you can claim they are taking away service and they should give you a box per each analog "device" you have21:29
rhpot1991then you can have one for your tv, one for your pvr-150, etc21:29
Blzthat's a good point21:29
Blzyeah. i bet i could even buy  a second pvr150 for cheap now that the conversion is iminent21:30
rhpot1991just watch that they don't try to randomly charge you21:30
rhpot1991I hear they can be had for cheap on ebay21:30
rhpot1991impossible to find new ones though21:30
Blzno big deal21:30
Blzthose things are pretty robust21:30
Blzi'll need a second blaster too21:30
Blznow just to be clear, myth automatically pick which card to use and routs commands to the apropriate blaster, right?21:31
rhpot1991I believe so21:31
rhpot1991I don't blast so I'm a bad one to tell you for sure21:31
rhpot1991if your box has firewire you can change channels via that very easily too21:31
rhpot1991and it should be more accurate than blasting21:32
Blzi thought you said firewire support was  problematic?21:32
Blzoooh you were talking about firewire output, right?21:32
rhpot1991if you try to tune to an encrypted channel, bad things happen21:36
rhpot1991normally loses connection and then you miss the rest of your recordings21:36
rhpot1991but for channel changing, that doesn't matter21:36
rhpot1991it just blasts a signal to the box which changes channels, then you capture your analog signal coming out of that21:37
Blzrhpot1991:  and that should work with any box that has a firewire port?21:42
rhpot1991Blz: provided its enabled21:42
Blzrhpot1991:  yeah21:42
rhpot1991are you in front of it now?21:42
Blzno. I'm actually not in the apartment21:43
Blzbut it's black lol21:43
Blzi'm sure they all are21:43
rhpot1991you can google later, but you hit power then enter/select/whatever the middle button is21:43
rhpot1991and it should take you to the diagnostic screen21:43
rhpot1991in the menus there you can view the status, it should say something i394 enabled21:43
Blzokay I'll check that out21:44
Blzi think it's this one:  http://www.yourtownscable.com/images/cablebox_motorola.jpg21:44
Blzi dunno if that looks familiar to you21:44
rhpot1991by FCC law they have to give you a stb that has firewire enabled and has access to the local channels, not really enforced though21:44
Blzi thought that was only for hd boxes21:46
Blzyeah it's only for HD boxes21:47
BlzI'll have to look into this more21:48
Blzthanks for the help though21:48
rhpot1991no problem, good luck21:48
Blzthanks. i'll be back for sure21:48
BlzI'll call out your name until you show up lol21:48
hansoffateugh, only 5 more hours of work >.<22:36

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