
fbc-mxbillybigrigger, oohh oohhh I like pita...00:01
fbc-mxbillybigrigger, and pumpernickel too.00:01
billybigriggerlol what the hell is pumpernickel?00:01
fbc-mxbillybigrigger, type of German bread traditionally made with coarsely ground rye00:02
* fbc-mx rolls his eye..00:02
billybigriggersounds good00:03
billybigriggeri like rye bread00:04
billybigriggerif they are at all similar :P00:04
orudiequestion. is there a way to make it so that when the message is rejected by either amavisd-new , spamassassin, or clamAV the error was returned to the sender ??00:07
racecar56can someone help me with a hp mediasmart ex475? i havent been able to get this thing to work since december 200800:18
racecar56i want to get ubuntu server on it00:18
racecar56is anyone here?00:19
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fbc-mxhow can I SU ROOT? or whatever the equivalent is in ubuntu02:29
ajmitchif you really really need to, sudo -i02:29
fbc-mxajmitch, ahh....02:30
* fbc-mx marvels02:30
twbActually sudo -i is equivalent to su -02:30
twbIf you want su without the -, you need sudo -H -s.  But usually you want sudo -i / su -, and just don't know it.02:31
fbc-mxtwb, yeah sudo -i was what I was looking for... There are some directories that EBOX sets up as shares, and you can't get to them unless your root.02:32
fbc-mxtwb doing sudo cd <dir name> was kinda dumb.. might as well become root.02:35
fbc-mxhow do I prevent the gdm from loading when the computer boots up?02:36
twbcd is not a command.02:37
twbIt's a sh builtin.02:37
twbIdeally, you should not have gdm installed in the first place, on a server.02:37
twbBut you can use update-rc.d (or rcconf, for a GUI) to disable it02:38
fbc-mxtwb, I had to, due to the it was requirement for the adoption of the linux platform as a server.02:38
twbOh, I fucking hate that.02:39
fbc-mxtwb, I have other administrators here that couldn't use a command line to save their life.02:39
twbI have to put it on servers, too, because "customers expect to log into the server directly; it's what they are used to on Windows"02:39
fbc-mxtwb, exactly02:39
twbfbc-mx: IMO servers should be headless; if you want a GUI then use remote X or VNC02:40
fbc-mxtwb, that's been my biggest issue.. I'm used to just using a command line.02:40
fbc-mxtwb, I agree it should be headless... However my skills are not sufficiently honed that I could setup a server with remote x or vnc.02:41
fbc-mxtwb, I'm actually quite happy with the command line.02:41
fbc-mxtwb, maybe I'll find a remote x HOWTO  one day.02:41
fbc-mxgotta run guys02:42
M4d3Lhi. after update to 9.04, phpmyadmin give me this error : Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.03:06
slestak_please humor me, i think this question is better asked here than in teh desktop room, even though it is abt desktop.04:06
slestak_i always considered dnsmasq to be a server soln, and I am trying to figure out the rationale for it being included in the jaunty desktop?04:07
slestak_what is it being used for, not a dhcp server, and you done need a local dns cache for every desktop, wouldnt you want one per lan?04:08
twbslestak_: as a DNS cacher04:13
slestak_in the past i have kept a dnsmasq instance running to provide local name resolution for a small home lan.  I dont think this complicates or changes anything now that 4 of the machines on teh lan are all running dnscache (for a different reason).04:19
slestak_is it stupid to consider using the wap for dhcp, but dnsmasq on only local dns?  bind seems overkill for my needs.04:20
slestak_i see the ubu community docs for dnsmasq, but it really deals with dhcp services, nothing relly abt my need for local dns04:23
slestak_maybe bind is the better tool for me.04:24
billybigriggeranyone have a good howto on dovecot-postfix?04:34
slestak_pdnsd looks interesting04:34
slestak_i think the forum has some decent ones04:35
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megradoes someone have a good knowledge on php/apache with suexec/fastcgi ? i have some questions04:40
megrasome questions on the security it brings04:40
megrais there anybody ?04:42
ScottK!ask | megra04:46
ubottumegra: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:46
megramost of the documentations are saying "execute your php-code with CGI because executeing it as an apache module make executed by www-data"04:48
megrahowever, executing php from apache allow to create a php.ini the user won't be able to change04:48
megrawith CGI, the user ca change it's php.ini ...04:48
megrait can be done that way: "export PHPRC=/directory/"04:49
megrais there a way to prevent user from having its own customized php.ini ?04:50
megrai really don't won't users to be able to modify the max_execution_time or memory_limit04:54
* billybigrigger just realised this old pentium 166mhz should have stayed in my dad's basement05:03
billybigrigger98mb ram is not the greatest for running web/mysql/mail :P05:03
billybigriggerdoes ebox require gnome or something?05:05
billybigriggeri thought it was a web based admin tool?05:05
billybigriggerwhy does it install libgtk2.0 and libxfont, xfonts...basically a bunch of x crap, a web based admin tool should run on this headless server a see that it's headless and not install a bunch of junk05:07
megrawhat do you think of mounting its /tmp on a tmpfs ?05:13
ScottKbillybigrigger: IIRC it requires gconf which recommends a bunch of stuff.  If you install without recommends, it should be OK.05:13
billybigriggertoo late :P i started my rant after i looked at what it installed :P05:14
billybigriggeri get that on a fresh ebox install05:17
billybigriggerwhy does my server have an invalid certificate? afaik i didn't create any certs, so is that something fubar'd on the ebox install?05:18
MTecknologyHow do I enable automatic security updates for Ubuntu?05:29
megraMTecknology, for the server ? no idea05:48
megraMTecknology, but there has to be a package for that ;)05:49
megraMTecknology, found it !05:50
megraMTecknology, cron-at05:50
megraMTecknology, cron-apt05:50
megraMTecknology, it could have been done easily .. cronjob + apt-get05:50
jmarsdenMTecknology: sudo apt-get unattended-upgrades  # see https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/automatic-updates.html06:33
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MTecknologyjmarsden: thanks06:35
jmarsdenNo problem :)06:35
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pteagueanybody here familiar with lftp? i'm having issues with it trying to set the wrong timestamp when uploading files & i'm not sure why07:33
twbMTecknology: apt-get install cron-apt07:36
twbMTecknology: edit /etc/apt/apt.conf (creating it if necessary) as described in /etc/cron.daily/apt's comments.07:37
twbYou may also want to install unattended-upgrades07:37
MTecknologytwb: yup, I got that - thanks :)07:37
twbBut obviously u-u does nothing if you don't configure apt.conf07:38
MTecknologyhrm - missed that :P07:38
MTecknologytwb: and now I'm lost07:42
MTecknology/etc/apt/apt.conf is empty and /etc/cron.daily/apt isn't making things simple07:43
twbman 5 apt.conf?07:46
MTecknologytwb: thanks :)07:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #383839 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38383907:50
tonyyarussotwb: For future reference, it would have been way easier to tell him to read /usr/share/doc/unattended-upgrades/README - seems easier to follow.  (And doesn't put anything in /etc/apt/apt.conf, but rather properly follows the Debian config model of /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ files.)08:23
AppiahI'm having problems logging into a server (SSH) , I get to enter username , then it takes a really long time before password prompt shows up , and when im entering the password it timesout08:43
tonyyarussoAppiah: Do you have an out-of-band way of accessing said server?08:49
tonyyarussoAppiah: Sounds like some form of resource overload to me.  Either CPU or memory mostl likely.08:50
Appiaheither that or some dns issue08:50
tonyyarussoEasy way to test that theory.  Do you know the IP address?08:50
AppiahI'm trying both from here (vpn) and from a server is which is in the same network08:51
tonyyarussoUsing the IP address from something on the same subnet won't go anywhere near DNS stuff.08:51
Appiahi thought it might have to do with the reverse08:51
tonyyarussoI mean, there *could* be some other form of a network issue, but my money's on a runaway process.08:53
tonyyarussoDoes it take a long time to get to the username prompt as well?08:53
tonyyarussoOkay, now that is slightly odd.08:53
tonyyarussoI don't suppose you have any machines set up to do SSH key auth on this server?08:54
AppiahI'm gonna get some to check the console08:55
tonyyarussoAlso, is the server still fulfilling its normal functions okay?08:55
Appiahwell it's not in production so :D08:55
tonyyarussoah, cool08:55
tonyyarussoYeah, console access will be needed.08:55
tonyyarussoWhat's it running?08:56
tonyyarusso(We're in blatant curiosity territory now, so don't think too hard.)08:57
AppiahSSH and Webmin should be on08:58
Appiahcant reach the webmin though >_>08:58
Appiahfeels like a reboot should be all08:58
* tonyyarusso guesses a script going OOM, sits back to wait for someone to prove him right08:59
tonyyarussoOr, you know, otherwise.08:59
tonyyarussoout of memory09:00
Appiahsame thing happend at console,  asked him to just reboot09:12
tonyyarussoNow we'll never know :(09:12
Appiahno way to find out really >_>09:12
Appiahif it happends again I have to find out what's happening09:12
Appiahtonyyarusso: even after reboot it does the same >_>09:38
Appiahmaybe the pam is screwed up09:38
Appiahor nsswitch09:40
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Appiahanyway to reset all pam changes?10:00
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Appiahnvm it was the nsswitch12:13
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a_okwhen i put ulimit -m 800; in /etc/profile will programmes started by init (init.d scripts) adhere to this?12:51
Alex_21Hi, all,12:51
Alex_21I have two disks that were previously set up as RAID1 with lvm. How can I reinstall Ubuntu onto these disks and reclaim them?12:52
Alex_21I tried to delete the md0 device but it failed12:52
Alex_21Please help12:53
iulianpojarAlex_21: try to install from ubuntu alternate disk12:59
Alex_21I used the Server CD12:59
Alex_21Or should I say I am using the Ubuntu Server CD at the moment13:00
Alex_21I'm stuck on the partitioning screen13:00
Alex_21Also, ... when making partitions for RAID 1, ... Do I have to set the bootable flag to "ON"13:02
Alex_21? Please13:02
huatsHi everyone !13:29
Alex_21I can't delete RAID 1 device MD0 from the SErver installer. How can this be done13:31
_rubenAlex_21: you dont care about any data on it ?13:33
_rubenand is the raid using partitions or complete disks?13:34
Alex_21There is a partition that is the full size of the disk13:35
Alex_21In question13:35
_rubenhit enter on the disk itself, it'll ask if you want to create a new disklabel .. that might wipe out the raid traces .. if that doesnt help .. then you might need to wipe out the first few K of the disk using dd13:36
Alex_21I am a bit of a Noob at this13:37
Alex_21I am a bit of a Noob at thisRC13:38
Alex_21I need guidance13:38
dthackerAlex_21: This may help, use at your own risk.  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/learn-the-dd-command-362506/13:42
Alex_21I see this, ... but I don't see how to use it to wipe out sections of the disk to remove the traces of RAID 113:49
Alex_21Please help13:49
ghostlinesI have a nfs server, but I can share all directories except /media/14:24
ghostlinesI can see the folders in /media/ but I can go into any of them14:24
ghostlinesthis looks like a permission issue but i chmod 777'ed the whole directory14:25
_rubencan a local user enter those dirs?14:25
ghostlinescan anyone help me with this? I'm running jaunty 64bit14:25
ghostlinesyep, a local user can enter them14:25
ghostlines*sorry I can see the folders in /media/ but can't enter them14:26
ghostlineswhen I enter them i see nothing14:26
ghostlinesI'm allowed to go in but see nothing14:27
_rubenso you can enter the directories, but cant list its contents.. that's an odd one14:27
_rubendid you chmod recursively?14:28
ghostlinesI believe i did do it with the -R switch14:29
ghostlinesI'll try again14:29
ghostlinesnope still no dice14:30
ghostlinesI got it to work now, but the recursive chmod wasn't the solution14:33
ghostlinesin my /etc/exports i had /media/   instead of /media/sdb214:33
kworkwhat was it then14:33
ghostlinesi thought /media/ was enough to go into the child directories14:33
ghostlinesI find that strange though, does anyone know why this may be?14:34
Sam-I-Ambecause /media is a dynamic mount point for removable media14:34
Sam-I-Ami'd avoid using it for permanent mounts14:35
Sam-I-Amuse /srv instead14:35
ghostlinesahh k thanks14:35
ghostlinesbut my /media/sdb2 is a harddrive partition i thought it should stay in /media/14:36
ghostlinesso it's advisable to just edit my fstab then14:36
Sam-I-Amits a fine mount point if you're not exporting over nfs14:37
ghostlinesahh k thanks alot man, one other thing do you think making a symbolic link to my /media/sdb2 would work14:38
ghostlinesso does nfs follow symbolic links?14:38
Sam-I-Amon the same FS, yes14:39
Sam-I-Amotherwise no14:39
ghostlinesahh k cool14:40
Sam-I-Amif you want /media/sdb2 to appear somewhere else for NFS exporting, bind mount it14:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #383926 in openssh (main) "ssh-aggent stopped accepting connections" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38392614:40
ghostlineshmmm, never heard about bind mount I'll look into ti14:41
Sam-I-Amit allows you to mount a filesystem to more than one place14:41
Sam-I-Amfor example, to /home on the local machine, but also /srv/home for nfs exporting14:41
ghostlinesdamn, that's handy14:42
ghostlinescan I then edit fstab to mount -bind directories at boot14:42
Sam-I-Amits a mount option14:43
ghostlinescool, I'm going to try it now14:43
Sam-I-Amor type...14:43
moonpupdoes ubuntu server have a bind-chroot package like red hat to set this environment up automatically?15:15
FFForeverwhat is the latest kernel?16:43
triden01hello all.  I've looked around and can't find the answer to this..  Where is the proper place to ask questions regarding Sparc support for 8.04 server16:50
triden01I know its now been downgraded to a "port" for 8.0416:51
triden01hello all.  I've looked around and can't find the answer to this..  Where is the proper place to ask questions regarding Sparc support for 8.04 server17:00
triden01I know its now been downgraded to a "port" for 8.0417:00
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geniitriden01: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=14617:23
mineshhi ppl18:12
billybigriggeranyone here use ebox?18:38
billybigriggeris it normal for it to have firefox complain about ebox's security certificate right out of a fresh ebox install?18:39
oruworkquestion. how can i lock the user in his home directory ?18:43
highvoltageso that he can't navigate to any other directory!?18:45
highvoltagethat would be close to impossible, users need to be able to read things in /usr, /etc, among other things18:46
Mip5Hey Gang - I'm trying to have my ltsp clients bind to an osx ldap server (10.5). Would it be the same process to have a single jaunty client bind to the mac osx ldap server?18:51
oruworkhighvoltage-> its for sftp18:56
oruworki want to disable everything but sftp18:56
oruworkfor that user18:56
SirStanbillybigrigger: of crouse.18:59
highvoltageoruwork: ah, iirc there's a shell that's caused sftponly which you can install which would allow that19:00
oruworkso i just created a user for my sftp account19:03
oruworkand generated a new ssh key for him19:03
oruworkshould I manually create .ssh directory in his home directory ?19:03
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oruworkso to allow my new user to connect with ssh key, is it normal to manually create .ssh directory in his home ?19:05
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SirStanoruwork: What else would create the directory?19:09
oruworki dont know19:10
oruworkfor some reason its not working :P19:10
oruworkmeaning..., the new key doesnt work for my new user :P19:10
oruworki'll try to put my existing key in there that works for testing purpose19:11
FFForeverwhen using du -s /home/chris what size format does it output?19:20
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jmedinaFFForever: man du19:51
jmedinayou can change the output format, for kb, mb, etc19:51
MK-ubuntuhi, I was wondering if there is a way of reinstalling distro over romotely.19:53
MK-ubuntuI have a server in IDC but they installed Desktop edition instead of server edition, thats ehy.19:54
oruworkcan someone help me to configure sshd_config with ForceCommand, Subsystem, and ChrootDirectory ?20:12
oruworktrying lock my ftp user account in home directory20:12
billybigriggerftp user?20:18
billybigriggerwhat ftp deamon?20:18
billybigriggerwhy don't you configure chroot in your ftpd's config?20:18
pteagueis there some way to get a fixed version of subversion? 1.5.x has borked merging... need 1.4 or 1.620:19
oruworkbillybigrigger-> thats exactly what i'm trying to do , chroot20:22
oruworkbillybigrigger-> just not sure how to do it20:23
billybigriggerand i asked you....20:23
billybigrigger<billybigrigger> why don't you configure chroot in your ftpd's config?20:23
billybigriggerare you using vsftpd? proftpd? pureftpd?20:23
oruworkbillybigrigger-> not sure , just ssh20:24
oruworknever isntalled any ftp daemons20:24
oruworki was looking at http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/59020:24
billybigriggersetup an ftp deamon20:24
giovani|1orkwhat do you need an ftpd for?20:25
billybigriggerthen in the ftpd's config setup user chroot20:25
billybigriggersftp is different than ftp :P20:25
giovani|1orksftp isn't related to ftp, yeah20:26
giovani|1orklet's not confuse the two20:26
billybigriggeriirc sftp is built into ssh20:26
giovani|1orkyes, it's not FTP20:26
billybigriggeroruwork::: ok what's your problem?20:27
oruworkwell.. just trying to figure out how to make my ftp user locked in home directory thats all20:27
giovani|workoruwork: what ftpd are you using?20:28
oruworknone, ssh20:28
Hecateso, are you using an ftp-server or do you wanna do it using your ssh-server?20:28
oruworkjust ssh20:28
oruworkssh server i guess20:28
giovani|workoruwork: then you're not using FTP ... you just said "my ftp user"20:28
Hecateyeah, it confused the shit outta some ppl ;)20:28
billybigriggeroruwork::: seriously, whats the problem? that guide seems pretty simple20:28
Hecateif this is not the guide you're talking about, it's pretty good: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/59020:29
oruworkyes that20:30
giovani|workso what's the problem?20:30
oruworkjust confused with the group20:30
Hecateoruwork, if you persist on logging the users file transfer action, chrooted sftp is gonna make it very difficult20:30
billybigriggerHecate::: that's the exact guide he's talking about20:31
oruworkMatch group sftponly20:31
Hecatewell, from time to time i happen to have a lucky shot20:31
oruworkdo i need to create a group before i modify sshd_config ?20:31
Hecatedepending on your sshd_config20:32
Hecateif you do it the match way (as you posted above), then: yes20:32
oruworkwell the only thing that i modified in sshd_config is disabled password logins20:32
Hecatenow you're confusing me, too20:33
Hecateif you didn't modify your sshd_config, how do you expect it to do the chrooted sftp?20:33
heath|workI need to make an NFS server for Xen.  Any suggestions as to what file system to format the drives that will be holding the virts?20:36
diffredhi, I've installed apache2 module, what modules I need to run cgi scripts in my localhost?21:13
deviantintegralhi all. does anyone know of a way to modify default routes on a per process or per user level? I want the default route to be one destination, but have specific applications go over openvpn (their destination IP's are unknown)21:16
deviantintegralit seems like firehol might be able to do it, but it's hard to tell21:17
oruworkdoes order matter in sshd_config ?21:17
deviantintegraloruwork: I don't think so21:17
oruworkhow can i assign a user to a group ?21:39
BullterdHey All :)21:43
BullterdIm having really hastle trying to setup bonding with ubuntu server 8.1021:43
Bullterdive followed a buttload of tutorials on the web to no avail.21:43
BullterdSwitch: http://www.usr.com/support/product-template.asp?prod=7724a21:44
BullterdNIC's: http://www.tenda.cn/product/show.php?productid-226.html21:44
Bullterdim trying for bond mode 4.21:45
BullterdIve also setup the coresponding ports on the router to be a "trunk"21:45
jbernardoruwork: adduser <user> <group>21:50
jbernardoruwork: check the adduser manpage, lots of good stuff in there21:50
oruworkok when i do sftp user@host how can i specify the port21:56
oruworki tried sftp -p "port number" user@host and it didnt work21:57
Hecateoruwork, sftp -o Port=12345 user@host21:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #372405 in samba4 (universe) "ldb_module.h and associated files not included in package" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37240522:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #384102 in samba4 (universe) "Please merge samba4 from debian experimental" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38410222:25
JorgeJorgessonWhere is a good place to go for free online LPIC training course.  Something I can do at my own pace?22:29
JorgeJorgessonI always thought IBM offered one at some point.22:29
zoopsterJorgeJorgesson: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/lpi/22:35
JorgeJorgessonzoopster: Exactly what I was trying to find, thanks a bunch!22:36
zoopsterJorgeJorgesson: it's pretty good...helped me a ton22:37
JorgeJorgessonzoopster: I found it quite some time ago but lost track of it.  I really mean to take the full thing one day!22:38
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