
Sarvattbryce: doubt there will be any difference in it under KMS if thats what you're after, the KMS support is in jglisse's xserver-xorg-video-ati git tree seperate from the main one :( you can grab the drm 2.4.4 and -ati from here and build them locally if you want to test it out though, i dont know if tormod got the 2.4.11 patch working but if so that'd let you build radeon-rewrite thats on here also  https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+a00:01
bryceSarvatt: no, this is just to resolve a few bug reports00:02
Sarvattoh gotcha, sorry00:02
bryceclean up patches, &tc. so when we pull a git snapshot it'll be less involved00:02
Sarvattjust looked and all patches (besides 01_gen_pci_ids.diff of course) are upstream so that'll help :D00:16
Sarvattwell everything here at least http://patches.ubuntu.com/x/xserver-xorg-video-ati/extracted/00:17
Sarvattin xf86-video-ati master that is00:18
brycethe exa patch was not in the 6.12 branch so I've kept it00:25
bryceI see debian dropped 01_gen_pci_ids.diff00:25
bryceI'm going to test once without that to see if it works without it.  I'm guessing we can only drop it once we've revved xserver up00:26
bryceyep works00:26
brycemaybe I had a pre-existing pci file tho00:27
bryceI'm going to chicken out and leave patch 01 in for now00:28
Sarvattit should work, that default to vesa patch was screwing things up in that regard while you were on vacation though00:28
Sarvattyeah i was doing that too for awhile on edgers after debian dropped it from everything :D00:29
brycewhen was I on vacation?00:29
bryceoh, allhands/uds right00:30
Sarvattwhen we got updated to 2.7.1 on intel a few weeks ago, xserver wasn't working right with the default to vesa patch and not having the pciids so alot of people were getting shot to vesa. hmm just noticed debian added two new patches regarding pci device detection in xorg-server since our 2:
brycewell that was fun.  We're having a major thunderstorm, and a power dip took out my desktop (WTF UPS?) then fsck decided there was a problem with my disk, ......01:23
brycehow my sister's cat deals with the heat:  http://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/Photos/Cats/Leah/01:24
Sarvattsmart cat :) mine run for their lives away from the tub01:35
Sarvattanyone have a rough idea of what would be lost using --disable-config-dbus for xserver? 1.7 builds fine disabling it and I noticed debian disables but ubuntu enables it.01:39
Sarvattseems to work fine and even loaded up a little faster, strange02:51
apwtomod yeah i know it has a bad changelog.  it wasn't worth the 20 minute upload time to fix it as it was meant for bryce t touch test.  i'll make sure its documented correctly for the next one :)07:49
crevetteheya, good morning07:52
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* apw waves to bryce ... got any nvidia hardware?15:54
bryceapw: indeed16:12
apwcool.  i am just getting some test builds of a kerenl with nouveau in it16:13
Sarvattapw: where is the kernel development for that at? I could test that out on a few machines as well even though i'm really happy with the binary driver on those 17:26
Sarvattapw's kernel requires newer libdrm-nouveau1 and ddx than whats on edgers to use though (api bumped this morning). i dont know much about how the nouveau packages are set up, will try to get those updated on edgers today if noone else does it :)17:51
bryceSarvatt: cool thanks18:12
bryceI'm setting up a box to test the nouveau kms today18:12
cwilluSarvatt, more new behaviour:  this last time I tried suspend, it came with everything working except that the mouse cursor is invisible, but it still interacts with the desktop18:15
Sarvattnow thats odd18:15
cwillubryce, re: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22039 , how useful is it to add additional intel-gpu-dump's when I see 'different' broken behaviour?18:16
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22039 in Driver/intel "Xorg hangs after resume from suspend when KMS enabled on GM945" [Major,New]18:16
cwilluI mean, "symptom of the day" effect I have probably means it's just random corruption of some sort, but is it still useful to have more raw data?18:16
brycecwillu: it can be useful, however if it's at all likely to be a different bug, it can be better to file a new bug18:17
bryceyes more data is usually useful18:17
Sarvattanything interesting in /var/log/pm-suspend.log cwillu?18:17
cwilluit's like a 1 time in ten that suspend works, although there's always something else broken18:17
cwilluoooo, mouse cursor just came back18:17
cwillu...and moments later X locked up18:18
cwilluone sec, I'll check18:18
cwillusuccess on every line18:21
cwilluSarvatt, ^^^18:23
Sarvattok drm for nouveau is up on edgers, gotta look into the ddx since it needed some hook changes last time i tried it18:25
bryceSarvatt: shall we set up a 'Nouveau crack - kernel modesetting' PPA like was done for Radeon?18:29
bryceoh also I wanted to ask how you're doing the drm-snapshot packages, and vs. rolling them as 'libdrm' package snapshots?18:30
* cwillu didn't think to check hibernation before18:32
cwillu5 hibernation cycles so far, X hasn't hung yet.18:32
bryce-ati 6.12.2-2ubuntu1 uploaded.18:33
apwbryce, a nouveau crack PPA would be handy as i could then not make a combined kernel for testing and would be easier to manage.  sounds like you have management issues trying to shoehorn both into the same package too (ati and nouveau)18:36
Sarvattshouldnt be needed as far as I can see, nouveau works straight on mesa/drm master vs ati having a crapload of specific branches for different things that arent compatable with each other and need different DDX depending which you go off of.. but I think we might have to package gallium for 3d support for nouveau in mesa, i havent looked into that at all yet18:36
apwwell let me know if you have any luck with my kernel, if so i have a strategy for a combo job there18:37
Sarvattmight actually be able to enable KMS with the nouveau module in drm-snapshot..18:39
bryceok, guess we can always add it later if we absolutely need it18:43
bryceshame you can't *delete* ppa's18:43
apwbryce, yeah i could do with a purge too19:26
hyperairbryce: you can, by poking the launchpad people19:26
brycehyperair: what I have in mind is being able to set up quickie ppa's for specific short-term objectives (like this kms stuff) and then destroy them once that experiment is complete or merged in19:28
hyperairbryce: yeah, that would be really awesome.19:28
brycehyperair: bugging the launchpad guys each time an experiment is complete would probably annoy them too much ;-)19:28
hyperairagreed =p19:28
hyperairwell just reuse them ppas19:28
brycebut it's a good point; maybe once a lot of cruft has built up they could be pinged to do cleanup19:29
hyperairdelete all the packages19:29
* bryce nods19:29
bryceI've been using that approach with some of my personal ppa's.  I ended up just giving them abstract names so I could use them for multiple purposes... 'blue', 'green', etc.19:29
brycebut that's a pretty ugly hack ;-)19:30
jcristaubryce: if you annoy them enough they'll end up implementing it19:32
hyperairi have one called "bugfix". i just dump anything and everything there.19:32
hyperairi even have a prototype uswsusp package with usplash support19:33
hyperairi just can't figure out how to make uswsusp *not* hang when resuming with usplash19:33
hyperairit seems alt+sysrq+e is a quick workaround to the hang19:33
hyperairprobably usplash hanging19:33
hyperairah well19:33
Sarvattyeah I just started naming PPA's I add with more generic names so I can wipe it all and reuse it for something else, they are starting to add up lol19:39
crevettedo you need some report about kms working with intel?19:42
hyperairi think there's one somewhere around..19:43
hyperairin the wiki19:43
hyperairsay... i haven't noticed the cursor corruption for a while O_o19:43
hyperaircould it be that it's fixed? O_O19:43
Sarvattnot here19:44
Sarvattya do something different recently?19:44
hyperairhmm wait19:44
hyperairis there a sure fire way to reproduce the cursor corruption thing?19:44
Sarvatti havent ever seen an animated cursor come up and not get glitchs within 2 seconds :D19:45
hyperairmy resize cursor is animated19:45
hyperairno glitches19:45
Sarvattits funny, the glitches I get with the cursor actually happen to the whole screen sporadically on windows though19:45
crevetteis UXA activated in Karmic, or should I keep my configuration file?19:46
hyperairhmm mine was confined 19:46
hyperair    Declares that file is expected in the directory defined above. In Autoconf proper, this macro does nothing: its sole purpose is to be traced by third-party tools to produce a list of expected auxiliary files. For instance it is called by macros like AC_PROG_INSTALL (see Particular Programs) or AC_CANONICAL_BUILD (see Canonicalizing) to register the auxiliary files they need. 19:46
hyperairoh hell19:47
hyperair#$%^&*( compiz19:47
Sarvattwonder if theres something related to how it displays the cursor and how windows display video overlays19:47
hyperairmy super+middleclick ends up middle clicking into urxvt.19:47
Sarvattkeep your configuration file crevette, it is activated by default but also disabled by default (confusing huh)19:48
Sarvattwhen you build the kernel you get an option to enable KMS by default or not, enabling it by default links all the other modules in the correct order with it, ubuntu enables it by default there so those things work right but makes the default modeset option for the i915 module 0 so its off19:49
Sarvattdoing it that way makes it work  properly by just adding it to a modprobe option in /etc/modprobe.d/19:50
Sarvattoh shoot crevette, I misread your question as "is KMS activated" lol19:53
Sarvattthere's only UXA in karmic right now, dont need to keep your config19:54
crevetteokay sweet19:54
crevettethanks Sarvatt19:55
Sarvattno worries, sorry about the confusion :D19:55
crevette"(note that UXA is enabled by default). " /me should have read better the wiki19:56
Sarvattdoes anyone know of a reason why xserver is built with --enable-conf-dbus on ubuntu and what might be hurt disabling it? It's defaulted to no upstream, disabled in debian and moblin and seems to boot a little faster disabled. I had to disable it for xserver 1.7 to build post xi2 merge and I can't find anything broken by it20:03
jcristauSarvatt: some hack involving wacom20:04
jcristaubefore wacom got fixed to work with hal20:04
Sarvattahh I see20:04
Sarvattthanks jcristau20:10
crevetteI have the message paste in http://dpaste.com/51959/ in the Xorg log, I know this is armless. Should I submit this to any upstream / downstream BTS?20:11
jcristausubmit what?20:11
crevettethe EDID20:13
jcristauprobably not, if you don't have a problem with it?20:20
crevetteno, no, I was just reading my xorg log file, to check there is no error after kms activation20:21
crevettemy point is just if yo see a warning, report it :)20:21
* crevette tries suspend20:30
jcristauugh. what's this la_AU locale that got added to ubuntu libx11?20:48
hyperairSarvatt: just hibernated and resumed. no cursor corruption.20:55
hyperairSarvatt: however, i had corruption on my terminal upon resuming20:55
hyperairSarvatt: as in, rxvt, which was configured to use argb.20:56
hyperairresizing the window solved the issue20:56
Sarvattunrelated but just curious, are you using the older mesa with those patches or the newer one hyperair?20:57
Sarvattwondering if removing the patches fixed the problem you bisected down20:57
hyperairSarvatt: custom compiled mesa, with the commit 700something reverted.20:57
hyperairthe patches are in place20:57
hyperairbut i reverted the commit that caused my crash20:58
hyperairi'm using the rc8 kernel from kernel.ubutnu.com20:58
Sarvattwhy not karmic's 2.6.30-8.9?20:58
hyperairis it the same?20:58
Sarvattits rc8 yeah20:58
apwbryce, Sarvatt, those kernels built finally20:58
apwits not the same.  the rc8 mainline kernel has no ubuntu delta20:59
Sarvattexcept its got all the ubuntu patches and changes instead of being based on jaunty and dropping the cust...... apw beat me to it20:59
hyperairi see20:59
Sarvattby same i meant rc8 based, sorry20:59
hyperairi'm going to try using the -8 kernel then21:00
hyperairoff i go to reboot.21:00
apwyeah its mostly the same for sure, karmic's delta is smaller21:00
hyperairooh. -8-generic has no issues either!21:07
hyperaircursor's 100% okay21:07
crevettehyperair: yeah it's running fine here21:07
hyperairSarvatt: 086ecea179ed572c89aa77c5f465671a5cef87a7 <-- my mesa is of this particular snapshot, with your patches enabled, and commit 7f8000db8bd45bb95bda4a4f8535c49b8ef74254 reverted.21:09
hyperairSarvatt: why did you drop the uxamemleak patches though =\21:09
hyperairSarvatt: won't that cause the uxa memory leak to regress back to its previous state?21:09
Sarvattif its the right solution it'll be upstream soon, rather not possibly cause problems for everyone using it in that PPA :)21:27
hyperairwhy wait? =p21:28
hyperairis the commit i reverted that important, anyway?21:29
Sarvattheyo tormod22:02
tormodheya sarvatt22:02
tormoddid they fix the buildds?22:03
Sarvattguess i'll fudge the date to switch to libdrm over drm-snapshot, failing to upload because of the stale older version i deleted 4 hours ago22:17
Sarvattits 0606 somewhere in the world :D22:18
tormodSarvatt: I sometimes jump timezones to get the right datestamp :)22:24
tormodbut more often the other way, to be proactive22:25
Sarvattugh, mesa failed to build in general just now23:56
Sarvattwhat the hell, it built fine in my xorg-testing PPA23:56
Sarvatt/usr/bin/install: cannot change permissions of `/build/buildd/mesa-7.6.0~git20090605.b7aa5b1d/debian/tmp/usr/include/GL/glxext.h': No such file or directory23:57
Sarvattits happening on all arches now23:57
Sarvattmaybe its the new mktemp from coreutils having problems23:58

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