
SupahBoyhey slonkie are you still there?00:13
ubuntui need to find out how to restore grub. for some reason my system decided it wants to boot straight into windows and not even use grub. it was working until now01:42
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:43
gamepocketscan anyone help me with a media server to stream to my ps3? (noob proof)01:49
TheSheepgamepockets: you want something like mpc?01:50
gamepocketsi only know mediatomb (i use a old mac)01:50
gamepocketsand mt sucks01:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mpc01:51
TheSheep!info mpc01:51
ubottumpc (source: mpc): A command-line tool to interface MPD. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14-1 (jaunty), package size 31 kB, installed size 152 kB01:51
TheSheep!info mpd01:51
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14.2-3ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 162 kB, installed size 496 kB01:51
gamepocketsdoes it run in terminal soley?01:51
gamepocketsDamn.. mediatomb is saying databse is lckd and the only file in the mt folder is the config, What is going on..01:58
svenskoi have a default xubuntu installation and Listen doesn't seem to want to load my library of MP3 music... is there a package i need to install to have it play MP3s?02:19
TheSheep!mp3 | svensko02:31
ubottusvensko: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:31
TheSheepsvensko: basically, ubuntu can't have mp3 codecs because they are illegal in some countries, like USA and Japan02:32
svenskoTheSheep, i have had zero problem installing MP3s codecs in ubuntu02:39
owen1TheSheep: yesterday i was asking how to pair-program using vim, screen and chroot and you told me screen and chroot will be hard to work with and adviced me to try creating a separate acconut and chgrp/chown the file we are working on.  i counldn't find anything on google about this. can u elaborate? thanks04:07
TheSheepowen1: well, by default ubuntu creates a new group when you create a user04:33
owen1TheSheep: true04:33
TheSheepowen1: so you can have the files that you work on owned by one user, and in the group of the other user04:33
TheSheepowen1: if you have more people, just create a group for them and add them all to that group04:33
TheSheepowen1: then make the files rw for that group04:33
owen1will it solve my security concern? i want to make sure my friend that connects via ssh can't view access any other files ouside his home folder.04:35
owen1view or access04:35
TheSheepowen1: just make them unreadable to other users04:37
TheSheepowen1: which files are you concerned about?04:37
owen1i have banks/passwords whatever04:37
owen1also i want to make sure the guest user can't do sudo.04:38
TheSheepowen1: if it's the ones in your home directory, make sure your home dir has o-rwx04:38
TheSheephe cant by default04:38
TheSheepyou have to specifically add him to admin group for him to be able to do that04:38
owen1TheSheep: got it.04:38
owen1TheSheep: let me read what you said and digest!04:39
TheSheeptest it before giving the passwords to your friend04:40
owen1currently my home is drwxr-xr-x, should it be drwx------ ?04:42
owen1let's say i have a folder inside my home that i want to share with my 'guest' account (/etc/group shows me guest:x:1002). how do i do that?04:47
owen1TheSheep: do i need to make this folder rw to the guest group?04:48
owen1i mean share with the guest user, not account (unless account = user)04:49
owen1let's take an example - this is my folder i want to share - drwxr----- 14 oren oren.  do i need to make it drwxrw---- 14 oren guest04:51
owen1TheSheep: all i changed was the group (from oren to guest) and the gave r and w permissions to guest.04:54
TheSheepowen1: sorry, was afk06:00
TheSheepowen1: yes, user = account06:00
TheSheepowen1: you have to give him an x right to your home directory and all directories along the way06:01
TheSheepowen1: otherwise he won't even be able to enter them06:01
TheSheepowen1: you can make your home drwx--x--x06:02
owen1TheSheep: what if i move the folder to his home?06:02
TheSheepowen1: then you eed the x right06:02
TheSheepon his home folder06:02
owen1why do i need x. x=execute06:02
owen1don't i need read/write?06:02
TheSheepon directories it means the permission to enter into it06:03
TheSheepread on directory means permission to list it contents06:03
TheSheepyou can be able to enter a directory and not list its content, for example06:03
TheSheepor to list its content but not enter it06:03
owen1so if i must give him x on my home i should move everything i care about outside of my home.06:04
chrishartimhi, after a clean install and adding all codecs from medibuntu: unable to listen to internet radio (*.pls) or mp306:04
TheSheepowen1: I think the simplest way is to just put everything oin his home and give everyone all rights to it06:04
owen1TheSheep: yeah.06:05
owen1TheSheep: what about giving x to home but not giving x to all subfolder excluding our shared?06:05
TheSheepthat's an option too06:05
=== rockworking is now known as rocksleeping
owen1TheSheep: so it seems like ssh can be secure. what's the big deal with jailing and all other security stuff i read about?06:06
TheSheepowen1: two things06:09
TheSheepowen1: first, you might be not the only user in your system, and not all users may pay attention to the rights to their home folders06:10
TheSheepthere might be some files you forgot about outside your home, and users who are just sloppy and made everything readable to everyone06:10
TheSheepsecond, he has access to the programs installed. some of them run as root. they are usually pretty well tested, but bugs and security holes still happen. if he finds one (which is very hard) he might be able to use one of the apps that run as root to get root priviledges06:12
owen1interesting. so ssh is inherently secure. it's humens..06:12
TheSheepit's not ssh that's secure06:12
TheSheepyou are using normal system rights here, it doesn't matter how he gets into your system06:13
TheSheepnote, that if you install the security updates, he has very small chances to actually find and use a new security hole06:13
TheSheepbut some people like it safe, or maybe don't like to update things that often, so they use a chroot jail that restricts the access to apps, making it less likely that there is a hole in one of them06:14
owen1i am actualy using the alternate CD, and not the server version. are there any packages i am missing?06:14
owen1i love ubuntu..06:15
TheSheepthey both should install identical system06:15
owen1thank you so much for helping me with this. i can't wait for my first vim programming session.06:15
TheSheephave lots of fun06:17
flowBonjour je trouve pas comment passer en mode root sur xubuntu 8.0414:25
vinnlflow, English please14:25
knomeflow, or #ubuntu-fr14:29
flowThanks ;)14:30
andy_jsHi, I'd just like to let everyone know that I've released StormOS Hail Beta16:29
andy_jsIts an XFCE orientated distribution of GNU/Solaris16:29
andy_jsbased on Nexenta Core Platform 2.016:30
andy_jsyou can find out more at stormos.org16:31
ron_ohehe, Solaris..16:48
ron_oBSD is hard enough to find applications for.16:48
andy_jsyeah, well we are porting pretty much the entire ubuntu repo :p16:50
ron_oandy_js, how can you do that? won't you have problems with libraries?16:55
andy_jsyeah, its not easy16:55
andy_jsonce you've got the foundation in place (which nexenta have) a lot of things will build without too much hastle16:56
andy_jsthere is an autobuilder which has managed to port a lot of things over16:56
andy_jslast I heard there was 10,000+ packages16:57
ron_oahh, yes. Solving computer problems with a computer. :)17:01
ron_oI'm glad to hear that is the case. We don't need linux turning into another MS in the FOSS world.17:01
CarlisI need help17:08
TheSheepCarlis: I ran out of batteries for my crystal ball, so you will have to elaborate :)17:09
CarlisHow do i know if HPLIP software is installed in Xubuntu ?17:09
TheSheepCarlis: you can check in synaptic17:09
TheSheepCarlis: go to system -> synaptic package manager17:10
TheSheepCarlis: and search for hplip17:10
TheSheepI think it's installed by default17:10
Carliswait TheSheep17:10
Carlisyes, It`s installed17:13
ron_oI have HPLIP status service in the tray.17:13
ron_ofor jaunty17:13
CarlisHow do i remove any item in the office folder ?17:16
ron_owhat do you mean, Carlis?17:22
Carlisfor example17:25
CarlisI have in the office folder this dictionary. I want to remove it. How do i do it ?17:27
ron_oyou mean in the menu..17:27
ron_oI don't think you can.17:27
TheSheepyou can, but it's nontrivial17:28
ron_obut I hear there's a xml config file around to do that, but why bother?17:28
TheSheepthere is work on a gui editor17:28
TheSheepbut it can take a while17:28
raevolTheSheep: do you know where i can keep up on that? for example if i wanted to see the code?17:30
Carlisor is there anyway to hide it ?17:30
raevolcarlis you can add NoDisplay=true to the corresponding .desktop file for what you want to hide17:31
raevolthe .desktop files are in /usr/share/applications17:31
TheSheepraevol: maybe ask on #xubuntu-devel or on #xfce17:31
Carliswait please17:32
CarlisI found the desktop file. How do i hide Dictionary ?17:37
CarlisRaevol ?17:38
raevoladd NoDisplay=true to the corresponding .desktop file for what you want to hide17:39
ron_oraevol, it's not on the .desktop ... it's in the menu.17:40
ron_oand you can eliminate all desktop applications via settings17:40
raevolthe meny is controlled by files ending with a .desktop extention that reside in /usr/share/applications17:40
raevolcheck there yourself17:40
ron_oCarlis, IMHO, just live with what you have in the menu.17:41
ron_oraevol, I already did. I found no .desktop in applications17:41
CarlisIMHO ??17:42
ron_oI'm in Jaunty17:42
Carliswhat is IMHO ?17:42
ron_oit's just too much work for what you want to accomplish.17:42
ron_oin my humble opinion17:42
ron_omust be a noob. :)17:42
raevolron, what applications are you looking in?17:42
ron_o /usr/share/applications17:43
raevolthere's no files in there?17:43
ron_othere is no file named .desktop in there17:43
ron_oplenty of files. :)17:43
raevol.desktop is the extension for the files17:43
raevolnot the entire filename17:43
raevolif you look close, they end with .desktop17:43
CarlisHow do i hide or remove dictionary from Office Folder ???17:43
raevolif you are looking at them in thunar, that might not show up, but if you ls them in a terminal you can see the extentions17:44
raevolthese files are referred to as .desktop files because of their extensions17:44
raevolCarlis: i've told you several times now17:44
Carlisdid u say in desktop files ?17:45
ron_onevermind raevol I see now.17:45
Carlisdesktop file ?17:45
Carlisraevol ?17:45
raevolcarlis you need to read what i wrote :)17:46
TheSheepyou usually want to copy the corresponding file to ~/.local/share/applications and modify in there17:46
TheSheepthis way it won't be overwritten on an upgrade17:46
raevolTheSheep: do files there override the ones in /usr/share? if they have the same filename?17:46
TheSheepraevol: yes17:46
raevolcool, didn't know that17:46
CarlisYou said in desktopp file raevol right ?17:47
raevolCarlis: check pm17:47
ronn_osysem crashed..17:47
=== ronn_o is now known as ron_o
ron_oraevol, what was that .desktop setting again? I lost it when I crashed.17:50
raevolthe one to hide things? NoDisplay=true17:51
ron_oyah, thanks..17:51
raevoldo as TheSheep suggested and copy the file to ~/.local/share/applications before you add that17:51
TheSheepHidden=true is better, I think17:56
raevolworks either way i think, don't know the difference17:58
TheSheepraevol: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s05.html17:59
ron_owhile we are on the subject, where would the apps located on 'other' in the menu for Wine applications.17:59
ron_oI have tons or Readme files all over that sub-menu18:00
TheSheepron_o: everything that has no recognizable category in its .desktop file goes to other18:04
raevolTheSheep: so if you want to keep the association you should use NoDisplay then18:06
raevolHidden does more than just hide it18:06
raevolwait so what's the difference between /opt and /usr/local18:10
ron_o /opt is optional applications, no? and /local is for just one user I believe18:11
ron_oto verify the obvious. :)18:12
raevolwell, not ~/.local18:13
gaurdrois there a way to reduce xubuntu jaunty's memory footprint?  it's taking nearly a gigabyte with only xchat and a terminal running.18:16
ron_ogaurdro, I have problems too with jaunty. How many applets do you have running?18:21
ron_omy main problem is really with Opera running. For some reason javascripts and flash really do a hurting on RAM. Memory leaks?18:22
ron_oI think I'm going back to fluxbox18:24
cody-somervilleXubuntu rarely ever uses more than 512mb for me.18:24
ron_oI think for me it's Opera and having 20 tabs open, with a few with old flash movies. It just keeps on taking RAM until I'm finished.18:26
gaurdrohrm,  I do leave firefox open for extended periods as with spe but killing the x server and bringing things back up nearly always clocks in at about 800 Mb18:27
cody-somervilleYou know, using RAM is actually a good thing18:27
cody-somervilleRAM is fast18:27
cody-somervilleThe issue is when you start swapping18:27
russ_hey guys, does anyone know how to mount a HFS+ drive in xubuntu?18:27
gaurdroyep,  considering this machine has 1gb of ram shared with the video card I do that fairly often.18:27
cody-somervilleruss_, mount -t hfsplus /dev/XXX /where/you/want/to/mount/it18:28
ron_oyah, of course swap is slow, but I shouldn't be using more than 1GB anyway.18:28
ron_oand then my swap takes over and things get really slow.18:29
russ_how do I find the XXX, when i use gparted or look at dmesg i cant find anything about it18:29
ron_oI have to then restart swap to get everything back to normal.18:29
russ_thanks cody18:29
cody-somervilleruss_, you can try lshw18:29
ron_odmesg can show where something is mounted.18:30
ron_odmesg | tail will do just fine if it's new.18:30
russ_i see usb0 through usb218:31
russ_but they dont show any drives18:31
ron_oruss, try #dmesg | tail    or     #dmesg | grep dev18:31
cody-somervilleron_o, fyi, I have Firefox, Exaile, Emerald, Compiz, Pidgin, Thunar, Xchat, sflphone, gnome system monitor, xfce4-terminal, xfce4 weather plugin, notes plugin, seahorse, and the regular xfce stuff and I'm only using 1.2gb of ram with no swapping.18:32
ron_oor #dmesg | grep sd*18:32
ron_ocody-somerville, that's about right.18:32
russ_its showing a previously mounted 512 USB drive SCSI removable disk18:32
ron_obut you said no more than 512. :)18:32
russ_at sdb18:32
cody-somervilleron_o, Well, I got a new laptop earlier this week18:33
ron_oI see.18:33
cody-somervilleron_o, If I closed Firefox, I'd free up almost half a gig of memory18:33
russ_[  649.935046] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 50418:33
russ_[  649.935083] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 50518:33
russ_[  650.019989] scsi 2:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device18:33
russ_does that mean its F*ed?18:34
ron_othe thing that really pisses me off is that 2GB RAM is incredibly a lot. The more you have the more these applicatinos have..18:34
cody-somervilleron_o, I have 4gb of ram18:34
ron_o2GB should be able to run 5 firfox apps without any problems.18:34
cody-somervilleron_o, I've not yet been able to use it all up18:34
cody-somervilleron_o, even with eclipse and all kinds of other stuff running18:34
ron_ocody-somerville, I would think not.18:34
ron_otry using a virtual OS and see how quickly it dries up.18:35
russ_ron_o . cody-somerville  [  722.041534] usb-storage: device found at 318:35
russ_[  722.041539] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning18:35
russ_[  727.040331] usb-storage: device scan complete18:35
ron_othat's the way it should be.18:35
ron_oruss_, I don't know what that means.18:35
russ_does that indicate its address?18:35
cody-somervilleron_o, I think my CPU has special virtualization support18:35
cody-somervilleruss_, sdb1 looks about right18:35
ron_ocody-somerville, with virtualbox it doesn't need any... however, it's really hard on the CPU.18:36
ron_oand right now it can only use one Core.18:36
* cody-somerville has the P860018:36
ron_othat's for laptops..18:37
ron_omy desktop has had one that fast for over a year now.18:37
cody-somervilleI don't have a desktop18:38
ron_oeventually, I'll come across something that's really fast enough, but I'm not expecting that too soon.18:38
ron_oI figure we'll just do more stuff with our computer the faster it gets..18:38
ron_olike TV for one.18:38
ron_osecondly, virtualization.18:39
russ_sucks, i know the drive works18:39
ron_ogetting a bit off-topic here. Sorry.18:39
ron_oruss, take out your pen drive, that's what it is right?18:39
russ_its a external 2.5" incased18:39
ron_oconnected through USB?18:40
russ_i had just plugged in a 512MB flash drive to make sure the usB port works18:40
russ_and it does18:40
ron_ounplug the external and plug it back in..18:40
ron_othen run #dmesg | tail     in root18:40
ron_othat will give you the last 10 lines of dmesg18:41
russ_just has stuff about the USB flash drive18:41
ron_oanything you just plugged in should be there, and it should be your device.18:41
russ_at sdb18:41
russ_thats weird18:42
ron_otry #dmesg | tail --lines=2018:43
alyawnI just rebooted my xubuntu 9.04 machine (first time in a long time), now my display is all out of whack and the max res is 640x480. I've looked through /var/log/messages and see no errors, but the nvidia tool and the display properties only list a max of 640x480... what can I do to fix?18:43
russ_ron_o, still only info on the USB 2.0 Flash disk18:44
cody-somervillealyawn, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:44
cody-somervillealyawn, then restart18:44
ron_oalyawn, you could not reboot, but try to shutdown, then turn off power to your computer first and restart computer and see if that fixes it.18:44
ron_oI have to mess with nvidia all the time to get it right..18:44
ron_oyou could try to use an older xorg config file.18:44
alyawnthis is the first issue I've ever had with display18:45
ron_oruss_, does your external have it's own power supply?18:45
cody-somerville'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' should resolve it18:45
ron_onever had one before.18:45
ron_otry #lshw and see if it's located there.18:46
russ_this is an older laptop, could it be possible that the drive needs more power from a USB 2 port? and thats why it shows up on m newer machines18:46
russ_still 3 empty usb listed18:47
russ_brb im gonna break this open and mount it into a SATA dock with power18:48
ron_owell that could be it. If your older laptop is USB 1.1 and your external can only connect to USB 2.0, then there's your problem.18:48
ron_osee what your external is rated for.18:48
russ_feel like an idiot18:50
russ_usb 2.0 required18:50
russ_if i break it open and dock it into a powered dock18:50
ron_onot only that 1.1 is incredibly slow. You woulnd't want to use an external on that.18:50
russ_i just need to get my data onto it18:50
russ_i dont want to have mount it onto this windows machine18:50
russ_then map it through the network18:50
ron_oI see.18:51
russ_maybe that would be faster in the long run though18:51
alyawncody-somerville: that fixed the issue, thanks. I have no clue what could have happened to my config, maybe an update killed it18:51
russ_ron_o , how do i turn on samba in xubuntu?18:52
russ_total newb im sorry18:52
ron_oI've never used samba.18:53
cody-somervilleruss_, What do you mean by enable samba?18:53
cody-somervilleDo you want to share files or access shares?18:53
ron_obut there are umpteen howtos out there.18:53
russ_yeah just checked18:54
russ_i just want to mount this drive on the windows machine and pull through network18:54
russ_enable samba i suppose18:54
ron_oyou have to install it first. :)18:55
ron_osudo apt-get install samba418:55
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:55
russ_ron_o, cody-somerville , do you two listen to music?18:56
cody-somervillelast.fm username is somerville3218:57
russ_oh cool my bands up there18:58
russ_just wondering if you used music player, or amarok or what18:58
raevolthe new amarok is so terrible18:59
raevoli used to use it18:59
ron_oI usually use Streamtuner and record music from there.18:59
ron_oit's kind of free *and* legal.18:59
ron_oI use just audacious18:59
russ_damn thought the new amarok would be good19:00
raevolaside from games, the windows application i miss the most is winamp 519:00
russ_i know =[19:00
russ_winamp before it got bloated19:00
raevolonce i am a programmer i want to write Linamp19:00
ron_oyah, sucks. Windows does have some great third tier apps.19:00
russ_im sure you will supported19:00
russ_be* supported19:00
raevolwish i could recruit programmers to do it now19:01
russ_check out mass solo revolt on last.fm19:01
ron_obut no way will I ever go back to that madhouse of total insecurity19:01
russ_easy mark19:01
raevolbut i'm sure people don't like to be bossed around19:01
raevolyea, i quit using windows when i realized i was having to hack things in order to use third party themes19:01
ron_oraevol, I found some old pics I took of Windows 98 Desktop/Menu and I had over 15 applications for just security purposes.19:02
ron_oall that running and figuring and planning and studying and you still couldnt keep sh*t off your computer.19:03
ron_owhat a waste.19:03
raevolhahaha yea19:04
ron_oI just had a relative over the other day and they're like, 'why don't you go back to Windows'?19:06
ron_othey bought me a book on "linux for Dummies.."19:06
ron_okind of a slap in the face.19:06
ron_olike, your computer always has something wrong with it.19:06
ron_olike, I do a lot with my computer.19:06
ron_othe problem with Windows is you always have something wrong with it but you don't know it.19:07
raevolyea pretty much19:07
ron_oit just pisses me off that some people are so self righteous.19:07
ron_olike, "Linux sucks"..19:07
raevolthey don't understand what open source is19:08
Roylap"Oh yeah that operating system for geeks"19:08
raevoli used to be like that19:08
russ_it clearly takes a certain personality to appreciate open source for its true beauty19:08
raevolthen you ask them to give you some music they bought from itunes19:08
raevoland their world starts falling apart19:08
raevol"wait, why doesn't it play?"19:09
russ_or they plug in their ipod into another computer and it gets whiped clean19:09
russ_so awesome19:09
raevoli don't even use my mp3 player anymore, i have a eeepc and a 250gig external drive19:10
ron_o"I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."19:10
ron_o-- Harriet Tubman19:10
russ_basically what im trying to do with this machine is put all my music onto it19:10
viddit took me 25 minutes last night to get flash installed properly on my win7 system last night =\19:10
russ_from my old mac19:10
raevolhaha win719:10
ron_oraevol, it's kind of hard to take an eeepc everywhere.19:10
raevolron_o: much easier than a bigger computer though19:11
ron_oI use a sansa.. just bought one up Walmart for $50. It's like 8GB.. and it's a Clip19:11
raevolplus i don't listen to music when i am walking around19:11
ron_oyah: re; computer19:11
ron_oraevol, no?19:11
raevoli listen to my surrounding environment for the sound of cars trying to run me over19:11
ron_oI do when doing chores and stuff.19:11
viddraevol, lol19:11
raevolit's worked out for me so far19:12
raevolhaha miranda19:12
ron_oI use my mp3 player in the car, and listen to my own music, almost commercial free.19:12
raevolyea i need an aux hookup in my car :(19:12
andy_jsalmost commercial free?19:12
ron_oraevol, you can just get one of those cassette tapes.19:12
raevolno tape deck19:12
ron_oandy_js, yah, I get most of my music from internet radio.19:12
raevolneed a new stereo, but don't want to pay for it19:13
ron_oraevol, what kind of car you have? 1950s?19:13
raevolnah, corolla CE19:13
russ_bbl guys thanks alot19:13
raevolthe cheapest corolla19:13
viddraevol, they have those set-ups that run off a particular radio frequency =]19:13
russ_try and figure this out19:13
raevolvidd: how's the bass on those?19:13
viddraevol, that would depend on your car's audio system19:14
raevoli mean do you lose any quality going over radio frequencies?19:14
vidddunno....i use that stupid cassette tape thing =\19:14
raevoli know you lose quality with those19:15
* TheSheep looks at -offtopic19:15
raevol1/10th the people in there :P19:15
ron_othe cassette ain't bad, but mine keeps stopping when it hits the end.19:16
AraneidaeHi -- anybody happen to know where xfce keeps its configuration files?19:19
ron_othey are all over, but the main ones are hidden in you home directory19:21
ron_ogo to ~/ and hit cntrl-h19:22
viddAraneidae, what are you looking to configure?19:22
TheSheepactually it obeys the freedesktop specs19:22
Araneidaevidd, a couple of things.19:22
Araneidae1.  I really dislike the way that xfce sometime decides to restore the desktop I was running before and I just want to erase its memory19:22
viddAraneidae, you looking to make changes to "you only"? or universal (all users on the system)?19:23
Araneidae2. I'd really like to see if there's some way I can have windows without decorations.19:23
TheSheepAraneidae: delete ~/.cache/sessions19:23
AraneidaeOh, just local.19:23
AraneidaeTheSheep, will that stop it trying to save next time?19:23
TheSheepAraneidae: no, unchesk it in session settings19:23
viddAraneidae, when you log out, make sure the "check" box is empty for "remember"19:23
AraneidaeSure, I normally have that unset19:24
raevoloh hey, since there are people here, does anyone know how i can change the window list blink behavior?19:24
viddAraneidae, but if the system "crashes" it will sometimes return you to the same stuff19:24
AraneidaeBut it must have got set once.  The delete ~/.cache/sessions seems a useful tip, just tried that19:24
AraneidaeI get the feeling xfce really isn't designed to be tinkered with at the configuration file level19:25
viddAraneidae, of course it is....your just not familiar with it19:27
AraneidaeSure, sure.  Just not getting much traction though.19:27
viddi just wish i could get the menu cusomization to work properly19:28
raevolgotta wait for the menu editor19:29
AraneidaeLooking through the documentation is discouraging, for example.  Lots of "there is no documentation ... yet"19:29
viddraevol, shouldnt need to wait19:29
AraneidaeAnd haven't found any configuration file documentation yet at all...19:30
raevolvidd true, but no one's getting paid to make it19:30
viddi know how to set it up....i know where to put it....it just doesnt work19:30
AraneidaeLots of pretty screen shots ... but I'm using xfce because I don't WANT screen candy!19:30
viddmy custom menu file is ignored19:30
raevolis that that xml file that dseignates the layout of the menu?19:30
raevolyea that didn't work for me either...19:30
AraneidaeOf course I should be using dwm ;)19:30
viddraevol, yes19:30
TheSheepAraneidae: /usr/share/xfce4/doc/C19:31
raevoldunno wtf is up with that, it's reading some config file that i can't find19:31
viddthe system i upgraded since dapper works fine19:31
AraneidaeTheSheep, hadn't fount that -- was looking on the web!  Ta19:32
AraneidaeUm.   Looks about the same.  All about navigating windows screenshots...19:34
ron_oKISS... in fluxbox you can minipulate anything.19:36
ron_oxubuntu should have learned off of them.19:36
AraneidaeI tried dwm and xmonad, but actually xfce is closer in behaviour to what I want -- not really keen to write too much code to tweak my desktop!19:37
AraneidaeIs fluxbox easy to get started with?19:38
ron_owell in fluxbox all you have to do is know how to minipulate a few config files.. but with fluxbox comes many other issues, like it's lacking applets in the menu and such.19:38
ron_oAraneidae, you need to read up on it for a bit. Its almost barebones so you need to know right from the start which config files to manipulate.19:39
AraneidaeWell, the task bar is actually quite handy and I like multiple workspaces -- couldn't survive without them on my work machine19:39
ron_oyou get multiple with FB..19:39
ron_othe task bar is about useless.19:39
AraneidaeBut otherwise I expect I want a pretty bare desktop19:39
ron_oand I like minipulating sound as well from the taskbar.19:40
AraneidaeNot really a problem, I expect.19:40
ron_ogive it a whirl. Read up on it and withint half an hour you'd be up and going19:40
AraneidaeThanks for the tip, I'll give it a try19:40
ron_ojust read the beginners FAQ.19:40
ron_ofrom my experience, it's way more stable than Xubuntu. I've crashed this system countless times with Xubuntu. But never that I can recall from fluxbox.19:41
ron_ohad it running on a 1.6Ghz, with 350 MB RAM (or so)19:42
AraneidaeIs this the FAQ: http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=Faqs ?19:42
ron_oMenu is a great place to start.19:43
AraneidaeIs it ok with dual screens, do you happen to know?19:43
AraneidaeLooks really interesting19:43
vidddual screens works fine for me19:43
AraneidaeYay!  It's in synaptic :)19:48
pato123hello I have next to me a pc where I installed xubuntu 8.04.1, with alternate cd. installation went ok but after boot it just stays at executing rc local or something like that, any clues?20:39
TheSheeppato123: can you switch to the second console with alt+ctrl+f2?20:39
pato123i?m at console right now, (done a recovery mode bot)20:40
pato123switeched to second console, then logged in, I don?t know what to do next20:41
pato123startx doesn?t work20:43
pato123it returns an error20:43
firsmHow do I disable the useless scrensaver? Kind of annoying when watching videos? I've got no screensaver icons in xfce4-settings-manager20:54
charlie-tcawhat version of Xubuntu?20:55
charlie-tcaHave you uninstalled the screensaver?20:55
firsmNo, it ran just a minute ago while I was watching videos20:56
charlie-tcaYou should have a Applications -> Settings -> Screensaver20:56
firsmah, it was in the menu but not in the "Settings" window, thanks.20:57
=== SoylentGrun is now known as gaurdro
S0210Hi! My menu is pretty messy. How to edit the menu file?21:19
SiDiS0210, 9.04 i suppose ?21:21
SiDino menu editor yet21:21
S0210so is the currently used file in /home/username/.config/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml ?21:24
SiDithis one contains the categories of menus available21:24
SiDithen you also have the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/21:25
SiDiThey're whats in the menu21:25
SiDiif you want to edit one for your session, copy it to .local/share/applications and modify the file21:25
SiDifor hiding a menu entry, add "NoDisplay=true;"21:25
Sweetshark_tracker search is not working for me. Im also missing the trackerd executable. Any hints?21:26
S0210The problem I have is that the menu seems to be too long... so I'm about to delete a few items from it. But I was suprized to see that the menu.xml is just a fewlines...21:27
SiDiS0210, it only contains the categories of menus (like System / Games / network)21:28
SiDithe menu is made with the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications and in ~/.local/share/applications21:29
SiDiThe menu editor is coming soon, anyway :]21:29
S0210Hmmm... I'm looking forward to it :-]21:32
slow-motionhow can i remove the hybernate and standby buttons from the logout button panel? i cant find the menu for it anymore21:40
Salix_Is there a test computer that I can test with the Remote Desktop application?21:42
SiDihm i dont think we have that under hand :)21:43
SiDipeople wouldnt let it live for long21:43
SiDiif we had such a test machine, too many people would try to play with it, and it'd die under connection attempts. Especially since VNC clients have the ability to disconnect all other clients for an account. People would play 'disconnect the neighbor' all time :p21:45
* SiDi admits its mostly because it never crossed anyone's mind.21:45
knomewould take awful lot of bandwidth.21:45
SiDiyou can connect to yourself though Salix_21:45
Salix_SiDi: vino is the one I need?21:46
SiDithe client's name is vinagre, afaik21:47
SiDii dont remember the server's name21:47
slow-motionhave installed xubuntu new and deleted the file with my settings for transmission. how can i get my torrents back?22:05
gamepocketsmedia tomb keeps showing unsupported data on ps3, Any advice?22:11
gamepocketsmediatomb shows unsupported data on ps3, any advice?22:16
gamepocketsediting transcoding did nothing...22:16
Slonkiebe patent!22:17
SlonkieSomeone will answer if they know the answer!22:17
knome!attitude | gamepockets22:17
ubottugamepockets: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:17
gamepocketsok, just didn't see any activity.22:18
=== Solidus_ is now known as Barridus

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