
simosxbcurtiswx: do you want a copy of the IRC log?03:17
bcurtiswxsimosx: yeah, i turned my log off temp and forgot to turn it back on when we switched rooms03:17
bcurtiswxPricey: simosx has the logs from the room switch... and says he talked to popey and popey said he ran out of time.. just updating you from what i told you before03:19
simosxyou are in the second part as well.03:19
bcurtiswxyeah, i was the last to be approved03:20
simosxbcurtiswx: would you like a copy of the first part? it might be easier (for popey) to extract the launchpad names from the IRC logs and give to him.03:21
bcurtiswxsimosx: yeah why not, thx03:22
simosxrephrase: it might be easier if we give him the launchpad IDs instead of him searching the logs.03:22
bcurtiswxsimosx: are your logs your local time or UTC?03:25
simosxbcurtiswx: they are local time (should be ±1 GMT)03:26
simosx(i think it's +1 UTC)03:26
bcurtiswxso its 3AM there, and popey said he'd work on it at  7PM your time?03:27
bcurtiswxGMT = UTC03:27
bcurtiswxsince you may wake up before me (-4GMT), give popey a poke/reminder ?03:29
simosxbcurtiswx: He might see these messages since he has his irc client on.03:31
simosxBut I'll ping popey anyone.03:31
bcurtiswxsimosx: awesome, thx a lot :)03:32
simosxbcurtiswx: cool. talk to you later.03:32
bcurtiswxsimosx: you too, g'night03:33
popeysimosx & bcurtiswx my apologies, memory failed last night. Done.08:37
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vishuhello how could i get cloaked12:46
jpdsvishu: ubuntu/member cloak or just a normal one?12:48
vishumeans i am using ubuntu9.0412:48
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks12:49
bazhangvishu, ^^12:49
vishuwat should i do to get cloak12:49
bazhangvishu, read the link?12:49
vishuyeah unaffiliated?12:50
bazhangonce you are finished then ask in #freenode12:50
vishu"/stats p"no one is there12:51
bazhangjust ask the question, and someone will see it and answer there12:51
vishuthere is no staff12:52
vishuwhat is that ubuntu member?12:52
zirodayjust ask, and someone will get to you shortly12:52
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember12:52
vishui am to new to coding how can i contibute to ubuntu??12:54
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate12:54
vishui can do some help to newbies in getting them settled in ubuntu12:56
vishuofcourse i encourage my friends to port to ubuntu12:57
vishucan i get it?12:58
bazhangget what?12:58
bazhangvishu, /join #freenode and ask for a cloak13:08
bazhangvishu__, /join #freenode and ask for a cloak there13:09
ubot2In #ubuntu-ops, Seeker` said: +1 isn't support either, is it?14:15
Seeker`oh shut up14:15
ubot2In #ubuntu-ops, Myrtti said: +1 is support in a way14:16
bcurtiswxhi all, is there someone here who can set an IRC cloak for me? https://launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx15:45
nhandlerbcurtiswx: Have you followed all of the steps on http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup ?15:46
bcurtiswxnhandler: yup :)15:47
nhandlerbcurtiswx: Great. Now you just need to wait for Pricey or nalioth15:47
bcurtiswxnhandler: ok, thx15:48
* bcurtiswx pokes Pricey and nalioth17:02
Priceybcurtiswx: done17:14
bcurtiswxPricey: much appreciated, thank you17:14
simosxHi All. I would like to get the ubuntu IRC cloak for my nick. I am https://launchpad.net/~simosx17:47
simosxI followed the steps at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup17:47
erUSULsimosx: nalioth Pricey ?? ^^^^19:00
simosxping Pricey, nalioth19:00
simosxcool, tnx!19:18
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
PriceyerUSUL: elky may also get cloaks granted.20:40
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