
Flannelwell, that was fun.00:02
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)00:03
lfaraone_Hi, I'm told that I can't send to #ubuntu.00:04
lfaraone_What gives?00:04
Flannellfaraone_: Its +m00:05
tomawneedlessly, +rR will hold it00:05
lfaraone_Understood, thanks.00:06
FlannelThat was interesting.  Were we not join rate limited?00:06
Seeker`christ that was bad00:07
tomawhopefully noone minds me removing your +m but it was needless and only causing problems00:10
FlannelHmmm, Looks like that filled up the ban list.00:32
Seeker`shall I start removing them?00:35
Priceytomaw: i'm pretty sure nobody will mind you messing with modes in #ubuntu if you think it for the best.00:40
FlannelWith the floodbots doing +J again, do we need +r?00:43
PriceyFlannel: Well they do very different things?00:44
PriceyI also believe that upon setting -J, they won't reset it, but can't be sure.00:44
FlannelPricey: +r was set to stop the spammers, +J will stop them from flooding00:44
Flannelmaybe not.00:45
PriceyFlannel: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml Both stop joins.00:46
FlannelFloodbot1 set -J two hours before the attack, wasn't re-set.00:46
FlannelPricey: right I know00:46
Flannelbut, don't we normally live not +r?00:47
PriceyDid we lose a floodbot?00:48
FlannelI don't know why FB removed -J00:48
FlannelWe lost FB2, but not until 17 minutes after FB1 set -J00:48
PriceyIf so, it'll go -J until the floodbot returns, or we tell it that everything is ok and to continue with 2.00:48
PriceyProbably because floodbot2 stopped telling 1 & 3 that it was ok.00:48
FlannelSo, we missed an emergency mode reset, which caused the attack to be viable00:49
FlannelI think we should remove +r though now, since FBs are back doing their thing00:49
FlannelHmmm, just didn't have any 'flood' since then, so no emergency mode notices.  Bad luck.00:50
FlannelMaybe we should add FBs mentioning emergency mode in -monitor every hour or something if they're just chilling?00:50
naliothSeeker`: you around?01:09
geniiWe must have lost a floodbot in #k , a guy pasted about 20 lines in there01:12
naliothmost likely, genii 01:29
naliothsomoene tripped over the hardline that serves mootbot and one of the floodys01:29
naliothi take that back, fb2 has gone rogue on it's own01:30
Seeker`nalioth: just woke up enough ot move frorm sofa to bed02:38
ubottuVlet called the ops in #ubuntu (TomTommy)03:14
cabreythere is an unappreciative (best description) member in #ubuntu, what should we do?03:18
elkycabrey, what are you on about?03:24
cabreyelky, nevermind it seems to have cleared up03:25
Flanneldoes seb^3 always respond with affirmatives as if he's never thought of the stuff you're mentioning before?03:43
elkyi think so. he always seems to be making crap up as he goes03:44
FlannelI told him to cut his bot usage by 50%, and clarify questions before he goes off spouting random answers.  Just FYI for everyone.  Lets see how long it lasts.  (I know this isn't the first time I've spoken with him about it)03:45
elkyyou've just spoken to him again?03:46
elkyhe keeps getting everyone's goat by acting as though he's an op03:47
FlannelWell, I didn't talk to him about that,03:47
FlannelI spoke with him mostly because he's getting pieces of peoples questions (like the last line, whatever) and then spouting a bunch of random stuff.03:47
FlannelSomeone was asking about php ("anyone gotten to work with php") which... could mean a whole bunch of things03:48
Flanneland he started going off assuming we were talking about lamp, etc.03:48
FlannelPreviously, someone had a ssh question, he said something, then !ssh, then !info openssh-server03:48
Flannelwhich, if nothing else, the latter is entirely useless.03:49
elkyilluzion is raising my eyebrows in -ot alot too...04:00
Flannelone more notch for s^304:27
elkyFlannel, now many notches does he get?04:30
FlannelNext !lol he sends he's gone.04:30
FlannelI actually would've done it then, but I didn't notice it until a few minutes later04:31
Flannelelky: where did luthir follow you from?04:33
elkyof course, i needs my prozac04:33
FlannelI should've guessed that from his parting message.04:34
elkyFlannel, he joined the channel, and we're currently suspicious of strangers with the name dan due to some unrelated craziness. so i say 'hi luthir' and he responds with 'hi how are you', then because i didnt respond to that quick enough, he decides to PM me asking if i was genuine or just being polite. i respond the latter. he then tells me if i ever want to talk geeky, i can PM him.04:36
elkyand it progressed from there.04:37
elkyhow we tend to operate there is we greet strangers, and if they PM us we know they're sus.04:40
elkyanyway, im off to get a late lunch and buy foods04:41
elkyuh, so apparently it's not so unrelated...04:52
elkyoff for food really this time04:55
FlannelHowdy bk|away05:17
FlannelYou're not in #ubuntu, obviously enough.  You've been forwarded here so we can discuss your nick change.05:18
bk|awayso im not aloud a nick change?05:19
Flannelbk|away: Correct.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:19
tritiumbk|away: not each time you set yourself /away.05:20
Flannel(third bolded point on the IRC Guidelines page)05:20
FlannelThat didn't quite go how I had hoped it would.05:21
ARMENIANHi, for some reason when I try to join #Ubuntu, it says I've been banned, is there anyone I can talk to about this?05:37
ARMENIANIs anyone here who can talk to me about why I was banned from @UBUNTU?05:40
FlannelHi ARMENIAN05:41
ARMENIANFlannel: Hi :D05:41
ARMENIANAre you an OP Flannel?05:42
FlannelARMENIAN: I am.05:44
ARMENIANFlannel: is there anyway u can check as to why I was banned from #Ubuntu?05:45
FlannelARMENIAN: Looks like you were pasting a porn link05:45
ARMENIANFlannel: ok, that's right, crap i accidently pasted that in :P, is there anyway i can be unbanned or not?05:45
FlannelARMENIAN: I think we'd be able to give you another chance, sure.  Before I do, please read over our IRC guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:48
ARMENIANOk, thank you very much, I'll make sure to look which link it is that I posted before I press enter this time, I'll go over the guidelines now05:49
=== ARMENIAN is now known as Armenian
FlannelArmenian: Read it yet?06:13
ArmenianFlannel: yep finished like 5 minutes ago :D06:14
FlannelArmenian: Sounds good.06:14
FlannelArmenian: any questions about it?06:14
ArmenianFlannel: yeah pretty fair rules06:14
FlannelArmenian: Alright, sounds good.  Try and be more careful next time.  Enjoy your stay in #ubuntu06:15
ArmenianFlannel: Ok, thank you very much for your help :)06:15
FlannelArmenian: If there's nothing else we can help you with today, we ask people don't idle here.  Thanks06:22
ArmenianFlannel: ohh ok, sorry, nah that's all, have a good day.06:22
Armenianbye :D06:22
FlannelSirStan: How can we help you today?06:23
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, cwillu said: ubottu, wolfram is an unhealthy obsession.07:04
MyrttiSirStan: hello07:55
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
=== evilGary is now known as chipmunk
elkypopey, who was clueba^wliasing with bugabundo about leaving the girls alone?09:27
popeyelky: not sure anyone was actively doing so09:29
popeyhe's been nudged a few times as I understand it, but didn't know if he had a chapparone (sp?)09:29
Myrttipopey: he freaked me out accidentally yesterday09:29
elkypopey, well, he's still contacting the people he's been told to stop contacting. including replying to microblogging stuff on irc.09:30
elkymicroblogging stuff that he's seeing because of a bug in an xmpp bridge.09:30
Myrttiafter everything that's happened this week I quit updating my identica and because Jaiku is broken beyond all recognition, he somehow saw a message I wrote there and replied to me in identica09:30
Myrtti(and via the bridge also in twitter)09:31
MyrttiI don't know if I've told him clear enough to...09:31
elkyah, i thought it was irc, my mistake. still..., he's been told not to09:31
elkyMyrtti, he's been told by more than just you. if that's not clear, then the cluebat needs a tactical upgrade.09:32
Flannelclue-tactical nuclear missle.09:32
elkywhat he09:32
Myrttipardon my french, Fuck off, but I'm pretty worked up by all what's happened in last week so I'm kinda freaked out to the point where my blood pressure isn't in healthy levels anymore09:32
elkywhat he's doing is neither respectful or courteous, and he's supposed to behave by those principles now he has a member cloak and email address09:32
popeyWhat would you like to see happen (cluebats aside)?09:34
elkypopey, we'd like to see him learn the meaning of 'no' and 'stop'09:35
popeyWhat has he been explicitly told not to do?09:35
elkyyes, by numerous people. he does similar to maco too.09:35
popeysorry, that was a "what has" not "has" question09:35
elkypopey, he's been told to leave myrtti and maco alone.09:36
popeyI wondered what explicitly he has been asked to refrain from doing09:36
Myrttithe problem with me is that I have inbuilt inability to tell him to get lost09:36
elkyMyrtti, he's been told by people other than you though.09:37
MyrttiI know09:37
popeyWell the reason I am asking is that I don't know how it was articulated. I have told people to "leave me alone" before, but it's been a temporary thing, because they were irritating me at that time. 09:37
popeyHas it been articulated that he should not communicate _for_ _all_ _time_ ?09:37
MyrttiI need to go get some pain meds and dress up before I work myself into a frenzy09:38
popeyI am not excusing his behaviour in any way, merely trying to understand what he was asked to do, or rather not to do, and as such what he is in 'breach' of, if that makes sense.09:38
elkypopey, i dont know what he's been told exactly. i'd have to check my logs to see what i've told him09:39
popeyI'm happy to talk to him if that would help09:39
popeyGiven I raised it during his membership application.09:39
popeyon another subject you have mail Myrtti :)09:40
elkyi dont seem to have any record of me talking to him :-/09:41
elkypopey, if you could speak to him that'd be great. he's clearly not got the message so far, so all we can do is continue to get it into his head somehow09:42
popeyok elky, will do09:42
elkypopey, on other topics, did that thesis guy continue the dialog with you?09:44
popeyI am going to meet him next week09:47
popeyin person09:47
popeyI work very close to his university09:47
Myrttibah, I need to go09:54
elkygo, we'll handle things09:55
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Some topics are controversial and often end in fighting. War, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide regularly upset people. Please be aware and drop a discussion if you are asked. Support for Microsoft in ##windows and Apple in ##apple. To discuss these rules, please see !appeals. Please always adhere to Freenode Policy.10:10
ubottuompaul called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (cally2 and the bouncing extra connection)10:18
jribban list is full....11:43
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!11:44
ubottujrib called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()11:44
elkyi only have like 1 ban in the list11:44
jussi01Myrtti: do your thing?11:44
elkyim seeing lots of .dyn. though11:44
elkythere's alot of floodbot bans on 187.* through to 201.*11:47
elkythey all went in today, no wonder we're out of space11:54
elkyi imagine they're klined, so we can remove those11:55
elkyum, is anyone lining lifts up?11:57
elkyjussi01? jrib?11:57
* elky taps the screen wondering 'is this thing on?'12:00
jribelky: sorry, I just removed my old ones12:00
jribbut I'll help as long as we coordinate to avoid duplication of effort12:01
jribso we have about 4 free spots now :)12:01
elkylets work on the dyn ones12:01
Seeker`we need myrttis script to generate the unbans12:01
elkythere's about a million floodbot ones for 187, 189, 200, 20112:02
Seeker`yeah, from the bot attack last night12:02
Seeker`i would imagine they could all be removed12:02
elkyi'd imagine those got k-lines, so we can get rid of those12:02
Seeker`anything set around 43000 seconds ago by the floodbots12:03
elkyi think myr tti is afk12:04
elkysomeone who irssi's needs to get that script, srsly12:05
elkyi could point and click in xchat though, i suppose12:05
elkyjrib, Seeker` what you on currently?12:06
elkyno, what bans are you lining up currently?12:06
jribi was going to go learn the new weechat api...12:07
Seeker`sorry, was trying to sort something else out12:07
Seeker`are there any slots on the banlist free at the moment?12:07
elkyi'll take 189*12:07
jribi'll do 20[01]* then12:09
Seeker`my breakfast is ready, i'll finish 190 when I get bakc12:09
Seeker`wont be long12:10
elkyi'll do 187* now12:12
elkySeeker`, i'll just do all the ones for 9:02 now, i have them lined up pretty much12:15
elkysomeone needs to go through ljl's old bans too12:24
Myrttii'll see if i can upload the script tomorrow or later on to be available to all12:53
Myrttii'm on my n800 now, didn't bring my lappy with me to mums12:54
Myrttiso it might be tomorrow12:55
elkyi havent finished the 9:02 ones yet12:55
Myrttihold on...13:05
Myrttithats the correct one13:07
jussi01bazhang: do people not read or something?13:55
bazhangjussi01, sadly they dont :(13:55
bazhanghave to slap them with the link to get their attention these days13:56
Seeker`or a clue-by-four13:56
bazhang#ubuntu-devel is not a support channel, correct ?14:00
jussi01definately not, why?14:11
jussi01bazhang: ^^14:12
bazhangpickpocket was asking for it, got referred to +114:13
jussi01ok. please dont send people there at all...14:14
Seeker`+1 isn't support either, is it?14:15
bazhangto +1 ? twas tiyowan14:15
bazhangbesides he does not seem to be a developer, #ubuntu-devel would likely not appreciate his presence14:15
Myrtti+1 is support in a way14:16
Seeker`ubot2 is a real pain14:18
Myrttiit is14:19
jussi01why is it even in here?14:21
Priceyubot's should be here..? help keep track etc.14:21
PriceyIsn't +1 support for ubuntu+1?14:22
jussi01Pricey: keep track of what?14:22
jpdsjussi01: That it's alive?14:22
jussi01ubottu:  need to be here because of factoid requests14:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:22
jussi01jpds: and we cant do that in -irc?14:22
jussi01really, atm I see no reason why its here, the factoid requests go to -irc...14:24
MyrttiNew potatoes <316:24
ubottufccf called the ops in #ubuntu ()19:09
Amaranthdang tab completion :P19:10
Seeker`your powers are weak old man :P19:10
* Amaranth beats Seeker` with a cane19:10
=== Mez is now known as phail
=== phail is now known as Mez
Mamarokcould somebody watch #kubuntu? shadeslayer needs some supervision and I have to go...19:25
Mamarokhe is a tad on the fringe of CoC19:25
Seeker`I dont have access there19:27
naliothyou don't need access to catalyze19:58
ubottuIn ubottu, red_zZz said: this url is in english20:01
Seeker`am trying to deal with weird blood sugars at the moment, which makes trying to be patient with people difficult20:01
ikoniaI can20:02
* ikonia watches20:02
FlannelHe wasn't in #k when I looked20:04
jussi01he left soon after:20:07
jussi01[21:26:52] <shadeslayer> ok i think if i stay sometime longer Mamarok's gonna ban me :P , so bye all20:07
ikoniayes, read it20:07
ikoniaI'll go back to watching the worst horror movie ever 20:07
Seeker`what movie is that?20:08
Seeker`i'd imagine bambi is pretty bad as a horror movie20:08
Flannelubottu: tell badnerd19 about yourself21:13
mneptok"I was born a poor black child ..."22:21
jussi01mneptok: huh?22:30
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct22:30
FlannelHi guntbert, how can we help you?22:33
guntberthi, somebody changed the factoid patience to a circle reference22:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:33
jussi01guntbert: so they did, we will get it fixed, thanks.22:34
FlannelPatience used to be "people here are volunteers.... " right?22:34
* jussi01 doesnt remember22:35
FlannelI suppose that meant an alias here22:35
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:35
FlannelI think we could just nix the see also in !repeat22:36
Flannelbut, I'm not sure the suggestion of wiki.ubuntu.com is right.  should that be updated to help.ubuntu.com/community/ perhaps?22:37
mneptokjussi01: see previous inputline22:42
tsimpsonboth the wiki and help.u.c are used for some things22:43
ubottupatience is <alias> repeat - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 15:48:16 - last edited by Pici on 2009-06-05 12:49:5023:20
Flannelwiki.ubuntu.com shouldn't have any "support" type things on it.  It's just a team thing23:21
Seeker`err, wut?23:21
FlannelSeeker`: What?23:23
Seeker`it used to be23:23
Flannelhelp.ubuntu.com/community is where all the support stuff goes, wiki.ubuntu.com is just a team thing23:23
Flannelright, it all got migrated over.23:23
FlannelThat being said, are there times that factoid is used for team stuff?23:24
Flannelshould we include the forums in that factoid?23:24
Flannelfrom a #ubuntu perspective, I'd say nix the w.u.c and add in ubuntuforums.org23:26
tsimpson!search wiki.ubuntu.com23:45
ubottuFound: timevault, laptop, themes, uvf, developer, samba, uuid, artteam, packagingguide, equivalents23:45
tsimpsonthere are tons of factoids that point to w.u.c articles that don't redirect to h.u.c23:53
tsimpsonmake sure you either check before editing or add a redirect on w.u.c to h.u.c23:53

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