
alexbodnwhere does a xul application search for it's applicaiton.ini, and it's xulrunner? how can i set these values?00:44
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacbah ... pulse is again in bad state :(10:59
asacalexbodn: if you use the xul stub it will look in the same dir where the stub is living10:59
asacotherwise there is the -app parameter10:59
alexbodnasac: thanks a lot for your reply. however there is application.ini near the binary, it unfortunately says "Could not read application.ini"11:19
asacwhich binary?11:19
asacif its the stub it should be ok11:19
asacalexbodn: yeah. replace the binary with the xulrunner-stub11:20
alexbodnit runs ok if xulrunner is near the binary too, and i can also be run as "xulrunner application.ini"11:20
asacalexbodn: use the -stub11:21
alexbodnthe binary is a copy of xulrunner-stub11:21
asacyeah. that should work in general11:21
asacalexbodn: run strace -f -eopen /path/to/binary11:22
asacto see where it looks for application.ini11:22
asacalexbodn: i just tried ... the stub looks in the same dir:11:23
asaccp /usr/lib/xulrunner- /tmp/11:23
asacstrace -f -eopen /tmp/xulrunner-stub11:23
asacopen("/tmp/application.ini", O_RDONLY)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)11:23
asacCould not read application.ini11:23
asacso yeah. just next to the stubg11:23
alexbodni see a difference: i was running /usr/bin/bluegriffon, which is a symlynk to /usr/lib/bluegriffon/bluegriffon, and the application ini is near the binary.11:33
alexbodnbut now, there is a complain about gre: could not find compatible gre between version 1.9 and 1.911:34
alexbodni found in /etc/gre.d/1.9.system.conf the section [], so i've put that in application.ini min and max version, but now "Platform version '1.9' is not compatible with min >= and max <="11:41
asacalexbodn: means that application.ini uses wrong min/max version11:41
alexbodnmaybe this happens since i copied build-system.tar.gz verbatim from ubuntu, where it was indeed.11:42
asacwell. 1.9.system.conf is not from our package11:42
asaccould be11:42
asacmaybe the build system replaces min/max version with something11:42
asacbut you should patch that to open up the max version, like 1.9.0.*11:43
alexbodni have these, but they both show, however the installed xulrunner is 1.911:43
alexbodnlet me try11:43
asacalexbodn: well. thats not our package i guess11:43
asacjust use what we have in ubuntu ;)11:43
asacare you on debian?11:44
asacso what exactly is in 1.9.system.conf there?11:44
alexbodnad copied the tar from you ;)11:44
asacpaste it11:45
asacmaybe debian is
asachow does the application.ini in source tree look like?11:45
asacin any case ... it should work if you use minVersion= and maxVersion=1.9.0.*11:46
asacunless mike patched more11:46
asacxulrunner --gre-version11:46
asacwhat do you get?11:46
asacso he patched the mess out of it ;)11:48
asacalexbodn: why do you think that its`11:48
asacdpkg -l xulrunner11:48
asacanyway. that means you need to use minVersion=1.9 and maxVersion=1.9.0.*11:48
alexbodnasac: please excuse me: i have to go for an hour or so. i wish very much to continue, if possible?11:49
asaci am always here ... just ask in case i am not at keyboard i will answer when back11:49
asac(might also be tomorrow11:49
alexbodni tried your last advice and it works. but i'll have to automate it :)11:50
alexbodnbye for now and thanks a lot :)11:50
asacalexbodn: well. as i said i think bluegriffon has a template11:50
asacthats a bug on its own11:50
asacand you should patch that in bluegriffon code11:51
asacjust use the borders from above11:51
asacno problem11:51
alexbodni'll look at fennec and others too.11:51
alexbodncu ;)11:51
asacalexbodn: great. we have fennec11:51
asacbut needs to be bumped to latest11:51
asacif you want to help that would be fantastic11:51
alexbodnnp :)11:52
alexbodndo you have working package?11:52
alexbodni'll be back11:52
asacalexbodn: yes. we have a bzr branch for fennec11:54
asacask fta11:54
asaceven the build-system instructions are for fennec in the wiki ;)11:55
asacalso we have a good amount of work to do this cycle transitioning to xulrunner 1.9.111:56
asac(for ffox 3.5)11:56
alexbodni'll try to build fennec tonight, so both bluegriffon and fennec would have the same build methods and hopefully good quality13:39
alexbodnasac: do you know how the application file can be a script, calling application_name-bin?13:43
alexbodni seems bluegriffon distributed binary has been done like this, but the svn is not updated.13:43
ftaalexbodn, ?18:57
ftahi everyone18:57
BUGabundohey fta18:59
BUGabundogot your system working yet?18:59
ftaX seems to render everyting in software, so it's slow as hell.18:59
ftapa is still unable to find my sound card19:00
ftaa bunch of things are crashing too19:01
ftabut i did a massive upgrade, about a week worth of packages19:02
ftaeverything changed, kernel, udev, hal, pa, X, X driver, etc..19:02
BUGabundoworking fine here19:03
BUGabundostrange how you are finding so much trouble19:03
fta<fta2> Jun  6 18:56:09 nano console-kit-daemon[3480]: WARNING: Couldn't read /proc/3479/environ: Failed to open file '/proc/3479/environ': No such file or directory19:07
fta<fta2> Jun  6 18:56:12 nano pulseaudio[4053]: module-alsa-card.c: Card '0' doesn't exist: No such file or directory19:07
fta<fta2> Jun  6 18:56:12 nano pulseaudio[4053]: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-alsa-card" (argument: "device_id=0 name=pci_8086_27d8_sound_card_0 card_name=alsa_card.pci_8086_27d8_sound_card_0 tsched=0"): initialization failed.19:07
ftai downgraded pa, booted on an older kernel, still the same19:08
ftaalso downgraded the x-org-intel driver, UNR is still unusable19:09
ftano clue what's causing this19:09
BUGabundono idea either19:10
ftaasac, FIREFOX_3_5b99_BUILD1 / FIREFOX_3_5b99_RELEASE.. wtf?19:11
BUGabundowasn't it RC?19:12
ftadon't ask me19:13
ftathere's even a build2 apparently19:14
micahgIs TB3pre stable enough to use full time?19:14
micahgdo I have to worry about data loss on IMAP?19:14
BUGabundohow can IMAP have data loss?19:15
ftaa lot of people are using it, no one complained, at least not to me19:15
BUGabundoits Full Server storage19:15
micahgTB tries to delete stuff it shouldn't?19:15
ftathunderbird-3.0                    648   0.06%        76     436     136       019:15
* BUGabundo is glad he is using kmail19:15
micahgIf it interfaces, it could in theory destroy19:15
micahgBUGabundo: same problem on any mail client19:16
micahgif there's a goof19:16
ftachromium-browser                  5721   0.51%       390    1912    3419       019:16
ftacxchromium                        3736   0.33%       310    3187     172      6719:16
ftaia32-libs-chromium-browser        1357   0.12%         0       0       0    135719:16
ftaia32-cxchromium                    846   0.08%        55     725      51      1519:16
micahgfta: do you know if the add-ons for TB are TB3 compatible yet?19:16
ftayeah! we win!19:16
ftamicahg, no idea19:16
BUGabundofta: LOLOL19:17
BUGabundolet me RT that fta19:17
ftaBUGabundo, hold on19:17
* BUGabundo pauses19:18
ftaBUGabundo, to be fair, you need to compare chromium-browser vs cxchromium + ia32-cxchromium19:18
ftachromium-browser is both 32 and 64, while cxchromium is only 32 and ia32-cxchromium only 6419:18
* BUGabundo opens gcalc-tool19:18
BUGabundoI'm lost19:19
BUGabundoI should just add both cx right?19:20
fta5721 vs 458219:20
ftaand to compare the number of 64 bit installs: 1357 vs 84619:21
BUGabundoohh that's too much for a dent19:21
ftaso don't ;)19:21
ftaBUGabundo, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium-popcon.png19:30
BUGabundohow did that happen?19:31
BUGabundohow did they manage to have more then us?19:31
ftawe are red19:32
ftaBUGabundo, ^^19:32
BUGabundoI know19:32
BUGabundobut since the lunch until ~25/5 they were ahead19:33
ftacxchromium was available long before my stuff. it's the windows binary wrapped for wine19:33
BUGabundonow I'm confused19:40
BUGabundodidn't you say chromium was the red one?19:40
BUGabundoits older19:40
ftathat's cxchromium19:42
BUGabundofta AHHHHHH that makes it SO much clear! /me slaps in the head19:42
ftachromium-browser is my ppa19:42
dtchenfta: please run ubuntu-bug pulseaudio21:22
ftadtchen, hold on, re-upgrading21:23
dtchenfta: ok21:24
ftagood, still the same error21:45
ftaJun  7 22:44:51 nano pulseaudio[4520]: module-alsa-card.c: Card '0' doesn't exist: No such file or directory21:45
ftaJun  7 22:44:51 nano pulseaudio[4520]: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-alsa-card" (argument: "device_id=0 name=pci_8086_27d8_sound_card_0 card_name=alsa_card.pci_8086_27d8_sound_card_0 tsched=0"): initialization failed.21:45
ftadtchen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/190480/21:47
ftadtchen, you prefer a real bug instead?21:50
dtchenfta: sec, loading the paste21:52
dtchenfta: how about: sudo -i, then cat /proc/asound/{card,device}s21:54
ftadtchen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/190484/21:55
dtchenfta: ok, and amixer -Dhw:0 (while still sudo -i)21:55
ftadtchen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/190487/21:56
dtchenfta: ok, and just to check: speaker-test -c2 -Dplughw:0 (while still sudo -i)21:57
ftadtchen, seems ok, does it stop by itself?21:59
dtchennot using that command21:59
dtchenyou'll need to sigterm it21:59
ftadtchen, ok, so here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/190488/21:59
dtchenso if that speaker-test command as root was audible, then you're experiencing a permissions issue22:00
dtcheni'd blame consolekit and/or policykit22:00
ftaopen("/dev/snd/controlC0", O_RDONLY)    = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)22:00
ftaopen("/dev/aloadC0", O_RDONLY)          = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)22:00
ftacrw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 6 2009-06-07 22:43 /dev/snd/controlC022:01
dtchenyou can work around it by adding your user to @audio, logging out, and logging back in22:01
BUGabundoI'm not in the audio group for the record22:01
dtchenBUGabundo: you shouldn't need to be22:02
ftafta@nano:~ $ groups22:02
ftafta adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare22:02
dtchenthere's a consolekit/policykit bug where the seat isn't registered properly22:02
ftafta@ix:~ $ groups22:02
ftafta adm cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin fuse pulse-rt kvm libvirtd dialout22:02
dtchenwhen everything works properly, the foreground user is granted @audio permissions22:02
BUGabundofta: small groupbs22:02
BUGabundomine is huge22:03
BUGabundo$ groups22:03
BUGabundobugabundo sys adm dialout fax voice cdrom floppy tape sudo dip www-data video plugdev users syslog scanner fuse lpadmin admin netdev polkituser sambashare kvm nagios davfs222:03
* BUGabundo loves to see floppy on a laptop :))22:03
ftanano is my netbook, ix is my main desktop22:04
ftain the last few days, i got new devicekit-disks, devicekit-power & libdevkit-power-gobject122:09
dtchenthe devicekit-* are way ahead of the GNOME bits22:10
dtchene.g., look in Places22:10
dtcheni have a "320 GB LVM2 Physical Volume" entry22:10
dtchenso karmic's GNOME bits haven't caught up with the new devicekit-* bits22:11
dtchenso you end up with nonsensical entries like those above22:11
* fta blames the desktop team22:11
* fta wants a gnome-daily ppa ;)22:12
ftai wish there was a similar workaround for my X issue :(22:22
BUGabundofta: put your user in X group22:23
BUGabundooh wait there none for that eheh22:23
ftadtchen, just rebooted my desktop, no more sound post gdm. i had to mute/unmute the "Internal Audio" stream in pa :( 1st time on that desktop23:54
dtchenfta: we just fixed that bug about 15 minutes ago in pa git head.23:55
dtchen18:12 < CIA-68> polypaudio: lennart * r587fc2a pulseaudio/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs):23:56
dtchen18:12 < CIA-68> polypaudio: core: make sure soft mute status stays in sync with hw mute status23:56
ftahm, ok23:58
dtchenshould be in the next karmic pa upload23:58

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