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jbalinti rebased my changes against some other stuff, but how can i push it to launchpad?03:24
jbalintis --overwrite safe?03:24
dashwhat does 'safe' mean? :)03:26
SamBjbalint: you've read all the warnings in git-rebase(1)?03:29
jbalintdash: will it just remove all the revisions after they diverge on the destination branch?03:31
jbalintSamB: well, first i'm not using git, and second, i dont see any wrnings on rebase plugin help03:31
SamBjbalint: I didn't ask if you were using git!03:32
SamBthe warnings are applicable regardless03:32
jbalintok, mightve helped to mention that03:32
thumperjbalint: as long as you are fairly sure that no one else depends on your old chagnes04:21
thumperthen push --overwrite to LP will work fine04:21
jbalintok, thanks04:21
Peng_How should I link an already-fixed bug with the release it was fixed in?06:18
Peng_"Nominate for release"? I don't want to add any administrative burden, though.06:19
Peng_(Bug #241133 and 1.13, FWIW.)06:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241133 in bzr "Don't suggest the user specify -Dhpss" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24113306:19
cammoblammoWhat's the status of nested trees these days?06:38
patternif i use "bzr rename foo bar", will "foo" be retroactively named "bar" in all previous versions?06:39
patterni mean "bzr mv foo bar"06:39
fullermdPeng_: Set a milestone, I think, but milestones for past releases may be closed.06:41
fullermdpattern: No, just for future ones.  Previous revisions are already set in stone, that's why they're previous  8-}06:41
patternso what happens when i do a "bzr diff -rX..Y bar" when X is a version in which "bar" was named "foo" ?06:44
fullermdIt'll show a rename and any changes to the content you made.06:45
fullermd(now, patch(1) probably won't understand and do the rename if you try and use the diff for that, but...)06:47
patternthanks.. i'll keep that in mind06:48
fullermdThe only way you can generally make patch(1) do that is have the diff be something like "remove all lines from foo, add [almost] the same lines to bar"06:49
fullermdThat's a little less friendly to read, though   :p06:49
fullermdpattern: e.g., http://www.pastebin.ca/1451535  for a rev with a rename and adding a line06:50
Peng_fullermd: Ahh, good suggestion. I'll try it.06:54
patternthanks, fullermd06:55
patterni will consider doing something like that, should i have the need06:56
Peng_fullermd: Ahh, I don't think I can set a milestone, since I'm not a bzr developer.07:00
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vilahi all07:55
Peng_Good morning!07:56
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hsn_anybody have experience with doing CVS import via cvsps-import? Is there way to attach tags to branch?12:38
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sidneihello there, what's the right procedure to upgrade a branch hosted on launchpad? bzr upgrade --format=... && bzr push will do?14:45
jpdsYep, and I thought a button for doing that from the webui was going to be done/in planning.14:49
james_wupgrade and push won't change what is on lp14:50
james_wyou need "bzr upgrade --format=... lp:branch" for that14:50
jamvila: good morning15:06
vilajam: hi John, just tried to ring you but abandoned after the 6/7 or 8th 'still trying' :-) Should I try again ?15:07
jamsorry about that15:07
jammy wife is on a conference call *all day*15:07
jamshe got out of traveling to europe15:07
jambut then has to sit on the phone for the whole conference15:07
vilaoh, np then15:08
jamyou can call my cell phone if you still want to chat15:08
vilajam: ok15:08
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siretart`I'm stuck during a merge, can you perhaps help me out here? In my merge, I have a lot of conflicts. I want to resolve these conflicts by 'reverting' to the version of the "OTHER" branch15:53
siretart`I would be expecting some 'bzr revert --other' switch, but it seems to be unavailable15:53
siretart`in the past, I've used 'bzr revert -rrevid:$REVID $file' for that15:53
siretart`but now I'm using bzr-builddeb to merge to a new upstream version, which makes it hard for me to guess the revid of the "other" branch15:54
siretart`is there some way to learn the revids involved in a merge somehow?15:55
siretart`I expected 'bzr status -v --show-ids' to tell me that, but it doesn't :-(15:55
siretart`this is bzr 1.15, btw15:56
ja1siretart`: well the ugly hack is "head .bzr/checkout/dirstate"15:59
ja1which should tell you the revision of OTHER15:59
siretart`ja1: that sounds promising, but I don't quite grok the format of that file :(16:02
ja1siretart`: line 316:03
ja1should have "2 <revision-id> <revision-id>"16:03
siretart`without spaces for me, but yeah, I see that16:03
siretart`ah, right, so the 2nd id should be the 'other' branch16:04
ja1well, with a "\0" not a space16:04
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siretart`excellent, that works for me16:06
siretart`may I still suggest to add some option '--other' to the the revert command? ;-)16:07
jamyou can suggest whatever you like :)16:07
jambut yeah, some way to reference "the new merge parent" would be useful16:07
siretart`or maybe as a new revision specifier16:08
siretart`james_w: hi there16:16
siretart`james_w: I've just patched bzr-builddeb to contain an switch to ignore using pristine-tar even if it is installed on the system16:16
james_whey siretart16:16
james_whow are you?16:16
james_wwhy don't you want to use it?16:17
siretart`james_w: for some reason pristine-tar just hangs indefinitly when called by bzr-builddeb, no idea why16:17
james_wI think that I might have a fix for that16:17
beunojames_w, hi16:17
beunocould you fire off an upload of bzr.dev to the PPA?16:18
james_whey beuno16:18
james_wbeuno: sure16:18
beunojames_w, thanks16:18
beunohow was your vacation?16:18
james_wgood thanks, very relaxing16:19
james_wseems I misplaced my GPG key somewhere in Spain though, and I can't find the backup today16:19
siretart`james_w: thanks, I'm fine (again, was rather sick last week, but I feel better now)16:20
siretart`trying to upgrade one of my older packages, and wanted to use bzr-builddebs merge capabilities16:20
james_w  387 James Westby2009-05-1316:20
james_w      Don't deadlock when the pristine-tar delta is large.16:20
siretart`james_w: anyway, are you interested in merging my --avoid-pristine-tar switch?16:21
james_wI stupidly didn't read a big fat warning in the subprocess docs16:21
siretart`aah, that sounds exactly like the problem I'm experiencing16:21
james_wso I can fix that16:21
james_wI'm not against the flag, but I'd rather not merge it unless there is a real need for it16:21
james_wif I can fix bugs instead then that would suit me fine16:22
james_wsiretart`: it's in lp:bzr-builddeb/2.1 if that suits you16:23
james_wI should seek an SRU for the couple of bugs that I have fixed16:23
siretart`oh, I'm following lp:~bzr-builddeb-hackers/bzr-builddeb/trunk, is that branch deprecated?16:24
siretart`too late, I've already upgraded without pristine-tar now :-)16:24
james_wit's not deprecated16:25
james_wit was just still pushing :-)16:26
siretart`I have to admit that I nowadays maintain quite a bounch of packages in git these days, mainly because of the packaging teams I'm active in16:28
siretart`what I miss most in bzr is an interactive rebase, so that I can cleanup and combine unpushed commits16:28
cody-somervillesiretart`, Does the bzr rebase plugin not have interactive mode?16:30
siretart`not in my copy of it16:30
james_wI don't think it does yet16:31
siretart`I've just pulled lp:bzr-rebase, but it doesn't seem to be there16:32
siretart`bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:bzr-builddeb/2.1": Project bzr-builddeb has no series called "2.1"16:33
siretart`err, uh?16:33
james_woh, seems I never created the 2.1 series16:42
james_wor it's in trunk now16:43
Takargh @ git16:50
Takhow good is bzr-git (or git-bzr or whatever)?16:50
james_wimproving rapidly :-)16:52
Takdo you think it's Good Enough for readonly use?16:56
ddaaI'd say try it.16:58
ddaaIf it does not crash, it's good enough for read-only use :)16:58
ddaaIt's not like it's going to make you lose any data.16:59
ddaaeven if it's buggy or unstable, then you might get corruption errors down the road, that shoud not prevent you from accessing your older commits17:00
ddaayou could drink until the pain is tolerable17:01
ddaathen keep using git :P17:01
dashor you could drink and use bzr17:02
dash(guess what I picked)17:02
ddaain this case, that's recreative drinking17:02
ddaanot drinking-to-numb-the-pain17:03
ddaathat leads to drinking-to-forget-that-git-led-you-to-alcoholism17:03
dashi didn't say what was in my bzr branch17:03
siretart`james_w: it seems that the trunk branch and 2.1 branch have diverged quite a bit. is 2.1 supposed to be behind or ahead of trunk?17:11
james_wit will have a higher revno though17:12
james_wI merged them today17:12
siretart`oh, I see17:12
siretart`hm. I'm quite happy with trunk, but it is missing some revisions from 2.1.. hmmmm17:13
james_wit's a mirrored branch, so if you are going off LP it won't be up to date yet17:13
hsn_supports bazaar 1.10 server side commit hooks?17:22
cellofellowhow do I restore a deleted file?18:09
LeoNerdrevert it?18:10
cellofellowwithout reverting all my changes to other files?18:11
cellofellowbzr revert filename didn't work, as the file doesn't exist18:11
cody-somervillecellofellow, bzr revert <file>18:11
cody-somervillespecify a revision18:12
LeoNerdbzr revert -r-1 filename18:12
cellofellowoh, ok, thanks18:13
cellofellowok, that worked, thanks18:13
RockyRoadgaryvdm: hi :) are you around ?18:50
garyvdmHi RockyRoad18:57
RockyRoadhow are you ? how goes qbzr ?18:58
RockyRoadI have a little problem again, with lauchpad18:58
RockyRoadthe uncommit succeeded locally, but push does nothing (doesn't revert)18:59
RockyRoadIt's the right branch, because I can see the message "updating branch" on lp page19:00
RockyRoadI'm back on rev 25 in my work directory19:01
RockyRoadIt's still 26 on lp19:01
RockyRoadIs there something I missed ? or is it because the commit was done yesterday ?19:02
RockyRoad(Yes I could ask on lp, but you know the context now ;)19:02
maxbIsn't it generally considered a bad idea to uncommit things which are already pushed to a public repo?19:05
RockyRoadI think a similar sequence worked yesterday19:05
LarstiQmaxb: yes19:05
LarstiQRockyRoad: maybe you're missing --overwrite?19:05
maxbRockyRoad: so don't do that, then?19:05
RockyRoadLarstiQ: good idea I missed it19:06
RockyRoadmaxb: it's a dev branch, not that public19:06
RockyRoadLarstiQ: THANKS \o/ it worked :_19:07
RockyRoadI will repush it with no code diff, very soon19:08
RockyRoadbetter commit message, and after a CVS commit19:09
RockyRoadand adding a changelog file for cvs19:09
RockyRoadnothing that should really break users' platforms19:10
garyvdmRockyRoad: Sorry - was not watching irc19:12
LarstiQRockyRoad: right. The thing is, anyone who was just mirroring your branch now will get a Diverged branches error (if they have the commit you just uncommitted)19:12
LarstiQRockyRoad: wether that is a problem is up to you, but it can be nasty19:12
garyvdmThe other option is to (which maxb is suggesting) is to do a bzr revert -r -2, and bzr commit, bzr push19:13
RockyRoadgaryvdm: np it's solved ... I think .... still learning with LarstiQ, maxb .... and you :)19:13
RockyRoadLarstiQ: honestly I doubt it can be the case, but I'm interested to know more about this diverged branch issue. Is it that nasty ?19:16
LarstiQRockyRoad: it can be overcome relatively easily in the simple case, but it disrupts people's workflow19:19
LarstiQRockyRoad: you can try it for yourself, take a branch, make a copy, uncommit, new commit, and pull19:19
TakI hit that the other day19:19
RockyRoadI'd be glad to know them if there are other devs working on it19:20
RockyRoadLarstiQ: good idea. I'll do it, to see ... and know for later occasions.19:21
RockyRoadThanks all :)19:26
superm1hi guys. i'm looking for the best way to move some source files from one project to another while maintaining information about version history on those files if possible19:40
LarstiQsuperm1: how are both branches related?19:42
superm1LarstiQ, well so one is a "common" project and the other is a child project. moving a lot of the code from the child project into the common project19:43
superm1so the branches never have had a common anscestor19:43
RockyRoadI don't know if it would help, but I just finished something a bit similar19:45
RockyRoadsorry I didn't update it yet with the last things garyvdm helped me with yesterday19:46
superm1yeesh that looks complex19:47
RockyRoadthe key as I understood is to use merge with a revision range19:48
RockyRoadto make a common ancestor19:48
superm1so i guess i'll need to look at what revisions i care about in these source files then19:49
RockyRoadyes find exactly the two history points to connect19:50
RockyRoadLarstiQ: I'm explaining it with my bzr-noobie language19:50
RockyRoadyou surely know better than me, but it sounds so similar ...19:51
superm1so let me get this right, i'll manually copy the files into the new tree, and 'bzr add' each of them for "initial checkins", that's my new last history point19:51
superm1and then something along the lines of bzr merge the revisions from there and earlier that i need to bring history in for?19:52
LarstiQsuperm1: I wouldn't do it that way19:52
LarstiQsuperm1: you can force a common ancestor with -r0..19:53
LarstiQsuperm1: but maybe by reference nested trees are good enough for you19:53
RockyRoadsuperm1: a "bzr push lp:~user/project/branch" copies all  at once19:57
superm1RockyRoad, well i'm doing it all locally so i can easily undo things for now19:58
superm1LarstiQ, i'll try and read up on reference nested trees then19:59
RockyRoadso just copy the directory19:59
asabilhi all20:03
LarstiQjames_w: if you have a identi.ca account I haven't found it, but: do you know www.philosomatika.com ?20:36
james_wLarstiQ: I didn't20:44
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pooliehm no jam?22:50
pooliehello all anyhow22:50
garyvdmhi poolie22:58
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jamhi poolie23:01
jamI was just heading out23:01
pooliei was just going to try to catch up23:04
pooliei have another call now, but we could talk tomorrow maybe?23:04
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thumperam I supposed to be able to branch from a 1.6 format repository into a brisbane-core repo?23:24
thumperI have my branch command stuck on "Transferring revisions 0/1509"23:24
thumperwith 100% on one core23:24
GaryvdM_win32thumper: It's doing a upgrade on the revisions that it's pulling - so it will be slow23:27
thumperGaryvdM_win32: thanks, I see that it has not got to 100/150923:28
limmeri'm having trouble opening bzr viz getting this message23:28
limmerERROR: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExisted: Launch helper returned with unknown return code 023:28
limmerhas anyone had this problem?23:29
GaryvdM_win32limmer: Thats a know bug. Workaround: run bzr viz again23:29
GaryvdM_win32You have to run it twice every time after you boot your machine.23:29
limmerGaryvdM_win32, wow, i feel ridiculous23:29
GaryvdM_win32limmer: It's a pleasure. P.S. have you tried qbzr?23:30
limmeri havent23:31
GaryvdM_win32It shows you a visualization like bzr viz, and it also allows you to collapse/expand branches23:31
limmervery cool, i'll have to give it a shot23:31
GaryvdM_win32Which is useful if you have complex branches.23:31
limmerinstalling now23:32
limmerGaryvdM_win32, qbzr is awesome! ty for the tip23:35
GaryvdM_win32It's a pleasure23:35
igchi GaryvdM_win3223:44
GaryvdM_win32Hi igc23:45
mwhudsonbzr info $branch_which_tries_to_stack_on_not_there_branch is a bit confusing23:45
GaryvdM_win32Grr - while I was a uds, the guy who was sub'ing for me at work infected our work computer with a virus called mabezat which I just cant get rid of23:51
beunomwhudson, when you get a chance23:54
beunocan you tell me what needs to be done to get these to MPs in:23:55
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