
vi390hi, I know there is a reconfigure comandline utility for adding resolutions in kubuntu. How is it called?00:01
Fanfarevi390: sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package>00:03
vi390Fanfare:  in xserver-xorg is no adding of resolutions00:04
vi390there must be another I have used once, but I cant remember00:04
Fanfarevi390: if u have X running maybe krandrtray  can help00:08
tr_hawkcheers, time for dream-time...00:11
myselfis there a way to make the desktop folder thing locked into place? in kubuntu00:14
mefisto__click the cashew at the top right and lock widgets00:17
myselfis there a way to make the desktop folder on the desktop locked into place?00:18
mefisto__lock widgets00:18
myselfno option there like that... its not a widget is it?00:20
myselfoh wait00:20
myselffound it00:20
mefisto__the cashew icon00:20
ArkoldThosbest msn client for kde?00:21
myselfso, where is the trash can in kubuntu?00:21
ArkoldThosjust trash:/ on dolphin or konqueror00:22
myselftheres not a widget or whatever for it00:22
ArkoldThosno clue :p00:22
myselfget outta here!00:22
myselfokay yea theers a widget00:23
teucerI'm having some trouble making JACK work under KDE00:29
teucerIt works fine under GNOME, but I like working in KDE better, and for some reason JACK stops itself every time I try to use it00:30
Chanihmm. is there a convenient way to dist-upgrade or should I just edit sources.list ?00:43
LoreCasteralright... this is reaching the desperation point. Is it at all possible to have another computer, for example, a windows machine... that has drivers for that **** ****** canon printer... and allow my linux box to print THROUGH the windows print server? anyone know the answer or where i can go to ask?00:45
LoreCasteri would be prepared to set up a windows xp 32-bit tower just to get the printer running... and attach it with samba or something to my linux-box...00:45
Chanithat *sounds* like it must be possible, but I don't have much luck with printers00:46
LoreCastermy brother gave me this awesome laser multifunction, but canon doesn't support linux under any circumstances00:47
dthackerLoreCaster: model?00:47
LoreCasterCanon ImageCLASS D76000:47
LoreCastermake yourself a hero dthacker... please. :)00:47
LoreCasterthe thing is i'm NOT going back to M$... and i can't allow myself to scrap a $600 printer gift00:48
* Chani sighs00:48
Chanidist-upgrades are never pleasant00:48
LoreCasteri had to reinstall my linux-box today... had 449 updates, 380 mb00:48
LoreCaster(ubuntu 9.04)00:48
Chaniaptitude wants to take away kde400:49
LoreCasteri use gnome. it's MUCH faster00:49
Chaniit also wants to remove xserver-xorg-video-all00:49
dthackerLoreCaster is this directly attached via parallel?00:49
LoreCastervia USB00:50
LoreCasterwho uses parallel any more? :P00:50
* Chani is concerned about hte xorg removal bit00:50
JontheEchidnaChani: that's a meta package that depends on all xserver video drivers00:51
LoreCasterbeen ripping my hair out for three days over this... what a dog00:51
JontheEchidnait should be safe to remove00:51
ChaniJontheEchidna: well apparently the reason it's removing it is that things like ati and vesa are not installable00:51
Chaniit'd kinda suck if I gotstuck not having any video drivers00:52
JontheEchidnaok, then that's bad00:52
Chaniit doesn't say *why*00:52
JontheEchidnaSo this is a upgrade to 9.04?00:52
LoreCasteri really like jaunty00:53
JontheEchidnahave you checked out http://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 ?00:53
JontheEchidnaI think it outlines the safest/recommended upgrade path00:53
ChaniI was just opening that00:54
JontheEchidnaheh :)00:54
JontheEchidnaoh wow, I haven't seen the adept2 interface in forever00:54
JontheEchidnathe kde3 desktop either. Man, time flies00:54
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Chanihmm. not much info on that page00:54
LuisJahow i can get the windows media player for firefox here in linux?00:55
ChaniI'm going to go ahead and risk it and pray that I can sort things out afterwards.00:55
LoreCaster-tear- i hate not being able to solve these problems on my own.00:55
Chanioh good, it's removing ati but installing radeon. heh00:56
Chaniso after that I'll just have to sort out kde00:57
Chanithing is, I used some other source to get kde 4.1 back when hardy just had 4.000:57
Chaniaand another hour of downloading00:57
Chanigreat, I can gte food00:58
b0nnhi all, I'm trying to upgrade to jaunty, and I am getting the following error:error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/base-files_5ubuntu4_i386.deb01:00
b0nnany ideas what I should do?01:00
b0nnoh, the rest of the error is :trying to overwrite `/etc/lsb-release', which is also in package debian-edu-config01:00
LuisJahow i can get the windows media player for firefox here in linux?01:00
LoreCasterdthacker: any luck?01:01
LoreCasterdthacker: ...please? :D01:01
JontheEchidnab0nn: For now you can do sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/base-files_5ubuntu4_i386.deb01:01
JontheEchidnabut I would recommend filing a bug report with the info you gave01:01
b0nnit installed ok, am restarting the apt-get dist-upgrade01:03
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
LoreCaster-shakily breathes- running fresh install of ubuntu jaunty (9.04) and have all 450+ updates... i run archive manager on "cndrvcups-common-1.80-1.x86_64.rpm" (.deb is not available) and get an error message... "Archive type is not supported."01:04
LuisJahow i can get the windows media player for firefox here in linux?01:06
LoreCasteranyone? anyone? beuller? beuller? beuller? :P01:08
dthackerLoreCaster: I've lost my history buffer, could you repeat?01:11
LoreCasterit's USB, dthacker01:11
dthackerLoreCaster: did you see my link for setting up a remote windows printer?01:12
LoreCaster-grumbles- my brother knew it'd be this much trouble... he's a windows advocate. damnit. lol01:12
LoreCaster:| nope!! :D01:12
dthackerYour brother gave you a boat anchor.   My wife is a small business accountant, and all of her pricey windows software will *not* support multi-function printers01:13
LoreCasterit's a cast-off from his church-office... he's an Anglican Priest... and a windows-user.01:13
LoreCasterthough he is that cruelly kind as to give me such a sweet toy that i cannot use... lol01:14
LoreCasterwhat link was it you said?01:14
dthackerHere's a promising link: http://www.watchingthenet.com/connecting-to-shared-printers-on-windows-computers.html01:14
LuisJahow i can get the windows media player for firefox here in linux?01:14
LoreCasterAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! This might be it!!!01:15
LoreCasternow i just have to build and set up a whine-o 32-bit windows XP install.01:15
LoreCasteri figured the only option was to set it up on a winxp32 clunker... you're a good person, dthacker :)01:16
dthackerLoreCaster: np. Good Luck!01:17
* dthacker has to go do work now.....01:17
LoreCasteri'll be in here openly weeping if this fails... you'll no doubt haering about me01:17
LoreCasterthanks so much01:17
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bobbob1016How can I get compiz to draw my wallpaper, not KDE?01:33
LuisJahow i can get the windows media player for firefox here in linux?01:48
b0nnhrm, I'm having another upgrade problem01:49
b0nnfile does not exist: /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/GDebi/__init__.py01:49
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LuisJaNo one knows?!01:58
Feasibility_StudLuisJa you need to install the codecs and plugins01:58
Feasibility_StudLet me get you the link that will show you what to do01:58
Feasibility_StudLuisJa http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668301:59
Feasibility_StudThere are a couple of commands you will see.  They should pull in just about all possible multimedia plugins01:59
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Guest93211wondering where i can download apps for the periphs on my asus w5 laptop?02:06
LuisJaFeasibility_Stud: thx a lot dude02:07
=== les is now known as Guest3981
bobbob1016How can I get compiz to draw my wallpaper, not KDE?  I enabled it in compiz, but can't seem to get KDE to stop drawing the background.02:16
Chaniohhh crap.02:43
Chanisomething went wrong.02:43
Chanivery wrong.02:44
Chanibut I don't know what.02:46
ChaniI upgraded, it looked as if everything went fine. but I rebooted and didn't get X02:46
Chaniwhen I ran startx, it said that lnusertemp failed... and then the system locked up hard02:47
Chaniummm.... I need help.02:49
ahmad_Chani: what do u mean ?02:57
Chaniahmad_: kdm won't start (no errors at all), startx locked up the computer02:59
ChaniI just upgraded to kde 4.202:59
Chaniwell, I did a dist-upgrade. hardy to jaunty02:59
ahmad_then .. ?02:59
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Chaniahmad_: I rebooted.03:02
=== william is now known as Guest32228
ahmad_u did apt-get upgrade ? or used the DVD ?03:03
Chaniaptitude. full-upgrade.03:03
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ahmad_ok. r u using extras ?03:04
ahmad_for desktop03:05
Chaniooooh, there's some conflict if I try safe-upgrade...03:05
Chaniahmad_: I grepped sources.list for "extra" and got nothing03:06
ahmad_what conflict u got03:06
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Chaniseveral, xorg and kde03:07
Chanieeeew. looks like the dist-upgarde didn't go as well as I tought. it's suggesting doing lots more stuff.03:08
ahmad_Chani: Try to find your xorg log files and look for lines with EE on them. These are fatal errors and should give you some more information which should make it possible to diagnose the problem.03:08
Chani1 broken, 473 updates03:08
Chaniahmad_: already looked, not useful.03:09
ChaniI'll prod apt for a while and see if I can help it solve its problems03:09
ahmad_Chani: try to empty your temp03:11
ahmad_Chani: df -h03:12
ahmad_copy the output to me03:12
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myselfdoes the K in KDE stand for anything?03:15
ahmad_for K03:15
ahmad_are you talkin to your self ?03:15
myselfdoes the K mean anything ahmad_ :)03:20
myselfor it just a K, an infinity of it's own.03:21
ahmad_myself: people call KDE kool desktop environment, but for me its just K03:21
myselfK stands for Kool03:22
ChaniI can't get kdebase-runtime-data installed properly until I remove konsole. but every time I try to remove konsole it wants to install kdebase-runtime-data *first03:22
ahmad_maybe u can find somtin in kde.org03:22
LuisJahow i can get the windows media player for firefox here in linux?03:22
Chanimyself: these days KDE doesn't stand for anything.03:22
Chanimyself: kde's much more than just a desktop environment now :)03:22
ahmad_Chani: df -h03:23
myselfyou're much more than a desktop enviornment03:23
ahmad_Chani: i think the upgrade ate your desk space03:23
Chaniahmad_: no, it did not, I checked.03:24
Chanidoes anyone here know how to resolve this sort of dependency hell?03:25
ahmad_Chani: Do you get the login screen but get kicked out when you try to log in?03:26
Chaniahmad_: 19:22 < Chani> I can't get kdebase-runtime-data installed properly until I remove konsole. but every time I try to remove konsole it wants to install kdebase-runtime-data *first03:26
=== David___ is now known as killgorack
Chaniwoo! dpkg to the rescue. hooray for blind obedience ;)03:28
ahmad_sorry Chani cant find anything about it03:30
ahmad_if u can get the DVD and reinstall your system it may work03:30
=== natasha is now known as ordaz
CiMaRRoNbueeeeeeeee ... prometo no portarme bien .. :P04:01
CiMaRRoNperdon perdon .. :P prometo portarme bien04:03
coz_hey guys I still have sound effects for some applications not listed in the system settings notifications  in fact  under notifications i have "No audio output"  enabled yet still ,,,,as in  xchat  which has no sound alse enabled  ... I get  pops and bings  :)  and place I can look to stop this?04:11
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coz_do you think there is a file I could alter to stop sound effects for the system?04:14
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myselfOkay, so where i select wallpapers and stuff, in Desktop Setting in Kubuntu, I am trying to move some of my previous wallpapers into another folder, but it wont let me and I think its cause those wallpapers are already on that list of of backgrounds in  that settings menu, how do i clear that menu, or what do i do to move those wallpapers into another folder thank you05:35
tsimpsonmyself: by default, user installed wallpapers are in ~/.kde/share/wallpapers05:40
myselfthats not what im asking05:40
tsimpsonthen can you be more clear? :)05:40
dacorrjoin #ubuntu05:40
myselfokay, so check this out, so i have wallpapers in a certain folder, in my home folder, that i selected with the Desktop Settings - Plamsa Workspace to change my background with, now, i want to move those into another folder, they are in the home folder, but it wont let me move them because they are saved in that menu.05:41
myselfthey are protected or read only or something now05:42
myselfcause that menu uses them05:42
tsimpsonhow are you trying to move them?05:43
myselfmanually w/ dolphin05:43
myselfmaybe i should sudo dolphin or something05:44
tsimpsonok, what error does it throw up?05:44
myselfthey just have a minus sign05:44
myselfindicating they are read only05:44
myselfor something05:44
myselflemme try sudo dolphin05:44
tsimpsonmyself: use kdesudo05:44
myselfwhat is kdesudo05:44
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why05:44
myselfhmmm i see alright05:45
tsimpsonI don't get what you mean, I can move my wallpapers to other folders05:47
myselfi cant move them still05:47
myselfeven with sudo05:47
myselfwell i am able to cut and paste them05:49
myselfso thats good enough, w/e lol05:49
myselfanyone here have a rotating desktop? whats a comfortable time frame for them to change, like 30 min?05:51
xjjkmyself: do you mean wallpapers? comfortable is subjective... mine is set to every 10 min06:01
myselfi see06:01
myselfthats what im gonna do06:02
myselfi set it to that06:02
zaderhi guys = )   I can't seem to pick the right java runtime program, even tried download from site, appreciate any clues thnkx06:03
dacorrzader: what are you using JAVA for?06:07
Serpardum[DM]When I start konversation in kubuntu it just ends.  How do I find out what's wrong?06:23
=== Serpardum[DM] is now known as Serpardum
dacorrrun from terminal, will give an error message there06:26
SerpardumI restarted the computer and it worked this time *shrug*06:27
dacorryou may want to look into pidgin, i found it better to konversation06:28
Serpardumbetter how?06:29
Serpardum[]what he said06:29
=== Serpardum[] is now known as Serpardum
dacorrhandles other protocols, more functions06:29
corradoitaliano ci 6?07:24
peabodyHey my desktop has 4x1GB memory modules installed, and the bios sees 4096MB of RAM.. but inside Linux, I only see 2.97 GB07:39
peabodyI'm using the 32bit version of linux and if you're about to say I need the 64 bit version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension07:41
kev_hey, does anybody know how to turn off the bouncing icon on the cursor that happens when i open a new program?07:45
SJr|nxHow can I kill my KDE screensaver, if I can't login.07:46
* dROg morning all07:48
kev_hey, does anybody know how to turn off the bouncing icon on the cursor that happens when i open a new program?07:51
eagles0513875!patience | kev_07:51
ubottukev_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience07:51
kev_i repeat my question only when i see new people come in the room after i ask the question. see they haven't seen my question, but know the answer. so i ask again. see how that works?07:53
kev_and i wait for a few to come it before i ask again07:53
kev_someone else found it. it's in Desktop Effects ---> Launch Feedback08:00
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Scherenhaendensome can help me?08:48
ScherenhaendenE: /var/cache/apt/archives/libkdepim4_4%3a4.2.85-0ubuntu6_i386.deb: Versuche, »/usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions/meeting-attending-tentative.png« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket kde-icons-oxygen ist08:48
Scherenhaendeni dont know what do i have to do08:48
Fridrik85algun cristiano que me quiera ayudar con un problemilla08:53
Fridrik85con el sonido08:54
Fridrik85soy nuevo08:54
Fridrik85en ubuntu!!08:54
Fridrik85alguien here¿?08:54
Fridrik85good bye08:55
Alan_LockwoodProblema: Eliminé la parte del pánel inferior donde aparecen las aplicaciones minimizadas, ¿cómo se llama ese applet?08:58
jean_pierre_czyo dirio task manager (en francés se llama "gestionnaire des tâches"09:02
cjaeSo how can  I make kickoff application launcher follow mouse over favourites, applications, computer and leave?09:29
jean_pierre_czand what about the famous Raptor? :-)09:30
zortecHow do I get icons to show up on the desktop in KDE?09:30
jean_pierre_czeasy, rightclick, desktop settings and if you are using 4.2.3 or superior you change your options to Folder View zortec09:35
arvidHow can I mass rename a lot of files? I want to rename "*.malform" to "*". i.e. "/my/file.bin.mailform" to "/my/file.bin"09:50
jussi01Does anyone know how to rip just a small section of a DVD?09:54
jussi01!info krename | arvid09:55
ubottuarvid: krename (source: krename): Powerful batch renamer for KDE 3.x. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.14-1 (jaunty), package size 332 kB, installed size 1288 kB09:55
arvidjussi01: thanks! I'll take a look at it09:57
jussi01arvid: its a kde3 app, but still, it works well09:57
arvidjussi01: as long as it works I'm glad09:57
Serpardumwhat's the console command to list directories in the current directory?10:00
SerpardumI know I can ls -l and look for the d, but I just want to see teh ones with the d mode10:01
cjaeBy pressing ALT + [The Number], you will get the ASCII equivalent, but not in Kate?10:01
SerpardumI just tried in kate and it didn't work10:01
Serpardumit didn't work in the console either10:01
jussi01Serpardum: man ls10:02
Serpardumdidn't work here either10:02
Serpardumso alt + number doesn't appear to work in kbuntu10:02
Serpardumnot that I've seen anyway10:02
Serpardumyeah, jussi01, I've ls --help too but the help is not written very well, not are man pages10:03
cjaeman pages really suck sometimes, but at time can be incredibly reviling10:04
user654hi there10:04
user654me on 9.04 kde and I have to set the resolution to 1440x900 but when I restart or relogin the screen login shifts back to 1280x1024   how to fix it to 1440x90010:04
cjaeuser654, you gotta let them know the video card10:05
Serpardumyou probably have to move it to one of the init.d things10:05
user654Serpardum: I go to system settings and choose 1440x90010:05
user654and it works... but after relogin or restart10:05
user654it reverts to 1280 102410:05
Serpardumright, you are setting it for this session, apparently it's not being written anyway10:06
user654Serpardum: how do I put it to restart10:06
user654I mean where do I write it10:06
user654there must be some file or configuration kde reads10:06
user654Serpardum: ??10:07
Serpardumyeah, not sure where it is though10:07
Serpardumtry googleing10:08
Serpardum"kubuntu save screen resolution reboot"10:08
user654its like this >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase/+bug/26843410:08
khaijefor a kubuntu/vista dual boot which OS should i let handle the booting ?10:09
SerpardumI boot in vista just because I don't have the vista CD but a system restore setting (hp came that way)10:09
khaijeSerpardum: was it tricky to setup a linux option in ntldr ?10:10
user654Serpardum: how can I change the resolution of the gdm screen ?10:12
Serpardumuser654: using what emulator?10:13
user654emulator ?10:13
SerpardumIf you are using virtualbox you have to install guest additions10:13
Serpardumor what is this gdm?10:13
Serpardumkhaije: It was very easy to have vitualbox in vista run the install for kubuntu10:13
cjaeI dont know anymore, but it used to be xorg.conf and look for your screen and set the default to whatever, user654 but they are changing xorg a bit lately, if its an nvidia card and you install the nvidia drivers you can set by their conf utility10:14
Serpardumthe one thing I dont like however is the max window size seems to be 1024x768 for the emulated linux machine10:14
Serpardumafk-nature calls10:14
=== Serpardum is now known as Serpardum[AFK]
user654cjae: its intel onboard10:15
user654in xorg.conf how do I specify a default screen resolution10:15
cjaeuser654, I "think" if its not detecting it properly you would have to edit by hand and I have not done much in awhile10:16
cjaeuser654, one sec10:16
user654yea I shall edit it.. but how exactly do I10:17
shadeslayeruser654: i can help there....one sec10:17
cjaeuser654, this is how you used to do it bare with me and this is for nvidia but there is not much diff in xorg between cards10:19
cjaewhy bother10:19
shadeslayerUnderliner: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/x-config.html10:19
user654I got dc10:19
cjaehttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-98456-p-2.html user65410:19
shadeslayerUnderliner: also : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=129379&postcount=2110:19
user654let me check10:20
shadeslayerbah... user654 see above10:20
cjaeand look in third post in Section Screen10:20
user654https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution    this looks better10:21
cjaeit about 2/3 down the post10:21
shadeslayer!resolution | user65410:21
ubottuuser654: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution10:21
shadeslayerbleh... :)10:21
cjaeuser654, same section I was trying to show you10:22
* shadeslayer gets to CSI Miami10:22
cjaeuser654, when you read default depth you are there10:23
cjaemodes are the resolution and first is default unless stated otherwise10:24
user654cjae: which part10:24
cjaethere is also #xorg10:24
cjaeSection Screens10:25
user654all right10:25
user654now I shall try that10:25
user654cjae: btw the depth is the color depth right ?10:26
cjaeuser654, backup first, I went through many systems before I got my had crafted xorg.conf which I keep copy of10:26
user654so can I use a value of 32 for that ?10:27
cjaeits not 32 like windows10:27
user654I have 384mb graphics memory10:27
user654then ?10:27
cjae24 is highest10:27
user654that too wud do10:27
cjaeeye can only process so much10:27
user654correct ..10:27
user6541 more thing10:27
user654I just noticed that closing pidgin closed it instead of sending it to tray10:28
user654why ?10:28
shadeslayeruser654: check that in the settings10:28
cjaeuser654, I think the way to do this is much different now, so beware10:28
user654in settings of what .... pidgin or kde ?10:28
shadeslayeruser654: pidgin10:28
user654let me check10:29
shadeslayer!hi | freinhard10:29
ubottufreinhard: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:29
user654yea its there10:29
freinhardhow do i reset my serial port? doesn't work after hibernation.10:29
cjaelook at etc/X11/xorg.conf first and see how it looks user65410:29
user654its empty10:29
user654I wasnt getting the 1440x900 thing so I added a modeline10:29
shadeslayerfreinhard: thats probably handled by hal....10:29
shadeslayeruser654: check for backups in /etc/X11/10:30
myselfhey I'm having trouble configuring the "print screen" feature in kubuntu to take a screenshot10:30
shadeslayerfreinhard: try logging out and logging in10:30
shadeslayermyself: alt+F2 > ksnapshot....for some reaseon prnt screen wont work on KDE10:31
freinhardshadeslayer: no way, i won't start doing thins i dropped as i quit using windows 5years ago10:31
myselfshadeslayer, how do i bind it10:31
cjaeuser654, one sec10:31
myselfis ksnapshot nowhere in the key binding area?10:32
shadeslayermyself: no idea dude....try in system settings under keyboard10:32
shadeslayerfreinhard: ok wait then for 5 min10:32
myselfyeah i tried that, cant find ksnapshot anywhere10:32
myselfdoes anyone here know?10:32
myselfima try to make an input action10:33
user654cjae: I edited the xorg.conf file10:33
user654now shall restart X10:33
cjaeuser654, http://pastebin.ca/1451659 this my old xorg.conf, it has some errors cause that is the rough copy. but that does10:33
shadeslayermyself: if nothing works..try xmodmap :)10:33
cjaehang on10:33
cjaeone monitor with and nvidia card and tv out to my plasma10:34
shadeslayerfreinhard: sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart10:34
myselfokay i set a shortcut10:34
myselfit works i guess..10:34
cjae#SubSection "Display"                Modes      "1280x1024" user654 is the part that makes it default screen10:35
freinhardshadeslayer: already did that, doesn't work10:35
freinhardshadeslayer: found bug #10538010:35
user654i added that10:35
shadeslayerfreinhard: bah...no idea then...10:35
freinhardhuh, no bugbot here?10:35
cjaeresolution and Driver    "nvidia" switched to fglrx makes it work for ati agp card on my system10:36
shadeslayerfreinhard: ubottu is the bugbot...not set to display bugs here10:36
user654cjae: I am about to restart10:36
cjaewhat is the state of xorg now is all this old school?10:38
cjaeI heard it works off HAL?10:38
shadeslayercjae: itll come in 9.10 i think10:39
shadeslayervideo modes,removal of X,etc etc10:39
shadeslayercjae: no..standard release10:39
cjae10.4 LTS then10:39
shadeslayerfreinhard: did you try setserial..as mentioned in the bug report?10:40
user654cjae: I edited it to look like this >> http://pastebin.com/m30b485b9 restarted but still no effect10:40
* cjae wants it be summer10:40
shadeslayercjae: it IS summer here :P10:41
user654cjae: did i miss anything?10:41
cjae+6degCel here10:41
shadeslayercjae: 41 oC here...burn baby burn ;)10:42
shadeslayerfreinhard: if you have a problem you can reopen the bug report :)10:43
cjaeuser654, I am just trying to point out somethings to you, sorry I cant help more, I'd got to another buntu box but ppl sleeping in that room and this box has nvidia, so I have a gui config10:43
cjaeI'd go*10:44
shadeslayercjae: is he using an intel card??10:44
cjaeshadeslayer, yes10:44
shadeslayer!intel | cjae10:45
ubottucjae: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.10:45
cjaeshadeslayer, I was going to say is it the intel 915 resloution thing10:45
shadeslayercjae: so basically his card is *not* supported10:45
shadeslayerno idea on that...i just know that those cards are black listed10:46
* cjae gots to get back to reading10:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:49
shadeslayerSky_Out: please hunt for factoids in PM10:50
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shadeslayergurzbo: hi10:51
shadeslayerheh..funny thing...transmission and deluge get tracker timeouts while ktoorent downloads fine..10:58
perojokhello, i have kubuntu and i had install ubuntu64bit, but grub didn't change and i got ones who it was before, can you help me?11:00
perojoksorry for my english11:00
shadeslayerperojok: ok which did you install first?? kubuntu or ubuntu??11:05
shadeslayerperojok: hello??11:06
ActionParsnipis it me you're looking for ;)11:07
eeoshi everybody11:08
shadeslayerActionParsnip: nope ;) though i could use some help with neon if you have experience11:08
cjaeHi, Dr. eeos !11:08
ActionParsnipnone at all, i avoid that whole thing11:08
perojokshadeslayer: kubuntu at first11:09
shadeslayerActionParsnip: ok...11:09
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: wassup, maybe i can help11:09
eeosI have some difficulties with 4.2.3 .... it .... is .... so .... painfully .... slow ....11:09
shadeslayerperojok: ok so kubuntu 9.04?? then you installed ubuntu 9.04??11:09
eeos(4.2.3 is actually 4.2.4)11:09
shadeslayerActionParsnip: heh..none of the nightly apps work...and i _mean_ none :)11:10
* cjae wonders how many times if any the DR. nick rivera things has been done11:10
eeosit is so slow I actually input this conversation yesterday11:10
perojokshadeslayer: kubuntu 8.04 then ubuntu 9.04 64bit11:10
shadeslayerperojok: ok...did you tell the installer to install grub??11:11
SerpardumHi.  I "fixed" my resolution modes by adding the screen settings to my empty xorg.conf file.11:11
shadeslayerActionParsnip: oh btw..if youre into superkaramba,i created a new theme :)11:11
SerpardumSo now when I start kubuntu under virtual box it comes up at the max resoluiton of my screen.  I want it a little smaller, but...11:12
shadeslayerperojok: if not then please get a live CD and see this11:12
shadeslayer!grub | perojok11:12
ubottuperojok: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:12
eeosshadeslayer: does superkaramba work with kde >= 4.211:12
eeosshadeslayer: ?11:12
shadeslayereeos: why not??11:12
perojokshadeslayer: thanks11:12
Serpardumwhen I go to settings->screen my screen goes all wonky and I canbt' see/set anything.  My thinking is that kubuntu is reading the settings and it's different and tries to set it and it breaks.  How do I clean taht up so I can use the settings for the device?11:12
eeosshadeslayer: I thought it was not ported, with the widgety thing11:12
shadeslayerperojok: please see the restore how to ;)11:13
shadeslayereeos: nope its still alive and kicking11:13
Serpardumwaht file does system->display write to?11:13
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: not my bag dude. LXDE, clean and simple, I dont even have wallpaper 99% of the time11:14
eeos\me: ouch!11:14
* Serpardum wonders why eeos did that backwards11:14
shadeslayerActionParsnip: oh and one more thing...a torrent tracker times out in deluge and transmission but works fine in ktorrent11:14
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: harsh none work, do you have the old debs backed up from the last install :D11:15
shadeslayerActionParsnip: nope :P11:15
eeosSerpardum: changed keyboard, pressed the wrong key (but that was yesterday in any case)11:15
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: I'd backup the old debs of good working releases, if you get a bad update from neon, rol it back11:15
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: maybe there are settings in deluge / transmission to use DHT etc11:16
eeoswhat is neon? a fish?11:16
shadeslayerActionParsnip: ive already set it11:16
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: i used to use neon but gave up with it, too much heartache11:16
shadeslayer!neon | eeos11:16
ubottueeos: The Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE/Info for more | Support in #amarok.neon11:16
shadeslayerActionParsnip: true :)11:16
shadeslayerbrb..nautre calls11:17
shadeslayernever mind :|11:17
Baheerhello all11:17
BaheerI have installed the new version of Ubuntu11:17
Baheerbut I can't run php files11:18
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/php5.html11:18
eeosmy relationships with kde is transforming into a love (4%) hate (80%) relationships .... with a large shady area in the middle ....11:20
ActionParsnipeeos: me too, i use kde apps but not the DE11:20
shadeslayereeos: whats the prolem??11:20
eeosI have started using xfce11:21
shadeslayereeos: KDE too slow??11:21
eeosshadeslayer: 4.2.4 .... is .... so .... slow .... and .... over taxing .... on my .... laptop11:21
ActionParsnipeeos: i use lxde, xfce is decent, i also use fluxbox for its killer shortcut key support :)11:21
eeosshadeslayer: yes, the input of this conversation actually happened yesterday11:22
eeos <ActionParsnip>: what is the fastest, in your opinion?11:22
shadeslayereeos: hmm..wel since i have a discrete GPU and a T8100.....doesnt really matter :)11:22
ActionParsnipeeos: flwm is fastest by far11:22
eeosshadeslayer: is she very discrete?11:23
eeosI will give it a go ....11:23
shadeslayereeos: i guess its like vista....you upgrade and you find that its 100 times slower than XP11:23
ActionParsnipeeos: http://awflwm.berlios.de/images/ss-4-24-2004.png11:23
eeosshadeslayer: I have a Quadro FX, and I can tell you it is taxing that as well11:24
ActionParsnip!info flwm11:24
ubottuflwm (source: flwm): Fast Light Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.02+cvs20080422-4 (jaunty), package size 42 kB, installed size 156 kB11:24
shadeslayereeos: 8600 MGT11:24
ActionParsnipmy biggest gfx card is an onboard GF 6150 and it runs all DEs great11:25
eeoswell, you just told me you are not using kde anymore for performance issues .... :D11:25
ActionParsnipeeos: i just like more ram for my apps rather than a glossy frontend11:25
ActionParsnipeeos: even if i had 16Gb ram, I'd still run lxde11:26
eeosit takes like 30 sec to start on a Quadro FX with half a ton of RAM available11:26
* shadeslayer has 2.3 GB...wonders how much more could one need11:26
Baheerhow can I enable the module using a2enmod11:26
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: theres an article on that....11:26
eeosshadeslayer: 64Gb? :D11:26
shadeslayerActionParsnip: where??11:26
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/memory-module-upgrade,2264.html11:27
eeosActionParsnip: why did you choose lxde on flwm?11:27
shadeslayereeos: hehehe.....to much for me...i could put myself there :P11:27
eeosshadeslayer: well, I have that on the server, but not on the laptop .... :D11:27
ActionParsnipeeos: i have 1gb ram and want maximum performance from my apps, so i lessen the resources inflicted by the basic desktop by using a lighter one11:27
shadeslayerim thinking of getting 2X4 GB modules11:27
eeosActionParsnip: why did you not go for flwm, if it is faster?11:28
eeosshadeslayer: can you have that on the laptop?11:28
shadeslayereeos: this is no laptop....its a MONSTER.....muwhahahaha.....XPS M153011:29
ActionParsnipeeos: it is faster. I used to use it on my fileserver until I ditched the x server altogether11:29
shadeslayerActionParsnip: servers dont really need X11:29
ActionParsnipeeos: thing is, people only think their is kde, xfce and gnome and its simply not the case. Its good to try different DEs to see which you prefer11:29
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: i know, it doesnt have one now11:30
shadeslayerActionParsnip: i have all of them...pekwm and openbox too11:30
eeosActionParsnip: but you said flwm was the fastest!11:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fast11:30
ActionParsnipeeos: fastest depends on config11:30
ActionParsnipeeos: there are lots of superlight DEs to choose from11:30
eeos[11:22] <ActionParsnip> eeos: flwm is fastest by far11:31
ActionParsnipand the next line reads....11:31
shadeslayereeos: for his config11:31
ActionParsnipeeos: its all config dude, i bet my file server boots faster than most systems but its about 7 years old now11:32
ActionParsnipbut that doesnt mean its better or faster, its a hunk of junk11:32
* shadeslayer gets his 17sec bootchart,shows it to ActionParsnip 11:32
ActionParsnipboots in about 10, to console. no DE11:33
shadeslayerActionParsnip: 7 sec to console ;)11:33
ActionParsnipmines 7 years old....11:33
ActionParsnipP3 500Mhz 128Mb ram11:33
eeosshadeslayer: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/memory-module-upgrade,2264.html <- uses blessed Vista!11:33
m_tadeuhi everyone11:33
shadeslayerActionParsnip: \o/ i have the same config desktop next to me...11:34
m_tadeuhow can I configure the tap on the touchpad?11:34
eeoswe use 64 bit linux, and it does make a huge difference if you have 4Gb or 64 Gb11:34
ActionParsnipeeos: not in those tests11:34
eeosparticularly for memory intensive tasks11:34
eeosActionParsnip: of course, he uses Vista11:34
shadeslayereeos: imho...no11:34
ActionParsnipeeos: an app will only use as much ram as it needs, the rest will be used as disk cache11:34
shadeslayer64 GB is needed for forkbombs11:35
eeosActionParsnip: exactly, so if you allocate 40 Gb of vectors, you have better have 64 Gb of memory11:35
ActionParsnipeeos: yes but if you had 20Tb RAM and only need 40Gb for vectors, the rest isnt used. terefore no speed gain11:35
shadeslayerbye all...go to pay some bills ;)11:36
eeosActionParsnip: and a test run on Vista does not tell you anything about the performances on Linux11:36
eeosActionParsnip: that is rather obvious, does not need a test to know it11:36
ActionParsnipeeos: true but the apps  you run will only use the ram they need11:36
eeosActionParsnip: of course, which means more than 2Gb, particularly if it is half taken by DE and daemons .... :)11:37
eeosI have to go, the bus is leaving in few minutes!11:37
eeoshave a nice day!11:37
ActionParsnipagain, dpepends on settings. I only have 1Gb and my system runs great11:37
touseefhi all11:44
touseefi want to install firefox on kubuntu11:44
touseefneed help,how to do it11:44
m_tadeutouseef: sudo apt-get install firefox11:45
touseeflet me try11:45
ActionParsniptouseef: due to its linking with ubuntu-branding you are going to install 100Mb of data11:46
touseefm_tadeu your command didnt help11:46
touseefit says11:47
touseefPackage firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:47
touseefThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:47
touseefis only available from another source11:47
touseefE: Package firefox has no installation candidate11:47
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox11:47
ActionParsnip!info firefox11:47
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB11:47
touseefit is doign something now11:48
ActionParsnipits in the main repo so you shouldnt have to play with anything11:48
touseeflets see wat happenes11:48
m_tadeuyou must have installed from the cd and you always need to update the first time11:48
touseefi downloaded from firefox setup from mozilla.com11:49
touseefi have it on my desktop11:49
touseefbut it is zipped11:49
m_tadeuforget about it....since you're installing from the repo11:50
touseefrepo is wat?11:50
touseefwhere can i find it?11:50
m_tadeurepository...where the packages live....and you install from11:51
touseefi have add remove programs11:51
ActionParsniptouseef: you dont actually download files and install them much in ubuntu, you use repos11:52
touseefoh ok11:52
touseefdo u know ark package?11:53
ActionParsniptouseef: when you use synaptic of apt-get it access a list of servers (can be found in /etc/apt/sources.list) and will install the apps you request, if they can be found11:53
ActionParsniptouseef: you need to use the repo11:53
touseefi am not familier with this really.11:54
ActionParsniptouseef: remember linux is VERY case sensitive so dont go throwing capitals in there11:54
ActionParsniptouseef: you'll learn with time11:54
ActionParsniptouseef: you can copy / paste from the channel to konsole11:54
m_tadeudoes anyone know how to configure the touchpad?11:58
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad11:58
=== eli_ is now known as Elirips
m_tadeuActionParsnip: I'm using karmic(and I know I should be in ubuntu+1, but noone is answering), and there is no ksynaptics nor qsynaptics12:03
EliripsHello. I'm trying to rip an audio cd using K3b, but it fails with 'command failed: lame -h ....'. are there any other rippers available for kde?12:03
Elirips(i have lame installed)12:03
m_tadeuActionParsnip: I tryed gsynaptics, but as sson as I boot the config is lost12:03
m_tadeuElirips: do you have lame installed?12:04
Eliripsm_tadeu: yes, i have. if i start lame with the arguments passed by k3b i get '/usr/bin/lame: excess arg /home/eli/Music//Peter Fox - Stadtaffe/01 - 01 Alles Neu.mp3'12:05
Eliripsmight it be because of the blanks in the filename? must they be enclosed in " or ' ?12:05
jussi01m_tadeu: regardles, you need to go to #ubuntu+1 and be patient.12:06
m_tadeujussi01: I'm there ;) just trying out some knowledge from jaunty...maybe a config file or so12:07
m_tadeuElirips: as I recall you can do that from konqueror12:07
ActionParsnipm_tadeu: wrong channel dude, #ubuntu+1 for karmic support12:08
bigjoolsusing xdg-open on a URL brings my running Firefox instance to the current desktop, is there a way of making kwin go to the desktop that FF is already running on?12:10
HumpBackHello All. I'm havin serious issues with Nvidia drivers. I get messages in dmesg ( NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 13, 0001 00000000 00005039 00000328 00000000 00000023 ) and the display starts to flicker like hell. Then the display gets all garbaged. http://mail.felisberto.net/~humpback/kubuntu-issues.png12:19
HumpBackThis is a jaunty install12:19
HumpBackAnd I'm not using desktop effects12:20
=== ahmad is now known as ahmad-
ActionParsnipHumpBack: how did you instal the driver?12:29
HumpBackapt-get install12:30
ActionParsniphat did you apt-get install?12:30
ActionParsnipwhich package name12:31
HumpBackI dont remember. It was a few months ago12:32
ActionParsnipHumpBack: try:  history | grep -i nvi12:32
brain-financiersun-install the driver12:33
ActionParsnipHumpBack: if you run:   kdesudo nvidia-settings     does it say you are not using a driver?12:33
ActionParsnipHumpBack: i'd go with brain-financiers and reinstall the driver12:33
brain-financiersno driver is necessary12:33
HumpBacknvidia-settings reports 185.18.1412:33
ActionParsnipHumpBack: ok then try setting different settings, like refresh rate and resolutions. start low-ish then crank slowly higher12:35
ActionParsniptesting all the way. When you reach something ok, write the setting to xorg.conf12:35
brain-financiersjust unplug the whole device12:35
ActionParsnipbrain-financiers: "whole device"?12:35
HumpBackIt's a laptop12:36
brain-financierstry removing the power12:36
bazhangnot good advice brain-financiers12:36
HumpBackThe classic12:36
ActionParsnipHumpBack: i'd ignore that stuff12:36
brain-financiersI mean to unplug, take out the battery12:37
ActionParsniphow will that fix video issues?12:37
HumpBackActionParsnip: I was just going to feed the troll.....12:37
ActionParsnipHumpBack: i eat them for breakfast12:37
bazhangbrain-financiers, please refrain from nonsense advice12:37
brain-financierstext, not video12:37
ActionParsnipbrain-financiers: welcome to ignore land12:37
ActionParsnip!hi | Matisse12:38
ubottuMatisse: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:38
MatisseThe not-maximized windows in KDE are to big in default. How do I change that?12:38
MatisseHi ActionParsnip12:38
ActionParsnipMatisse: if you alt + drag them down, then maximise. do they fill the screen properly?12:39
Matisseyes, they do12:39
ActionParsnipi think you can then ctrl + alt and click the X in the top right and it rememebers the location12:40
ActionParsnipor is that just a placebo and the system is remembering the position anyroad12:40
ActionParsnipmight be ctrl+shift12:40
Matisseand now I have to do this for every different program?12:42
Matissewell, i found something in the kde kontrollzentrum the would solve this problem on a different way, but it doesn't work:   allow the size change of maximized windows...12:52
Matisserestarting kde... maybe it help12:52
Matissewell, didn't help13:01
peabodyHey I've got a question about a kernel module that I'm curious about. Under the 32bit menu there's a menu to compile using 64bit code to manage memory and IO devices, which I've enabled. It works flawlessly, but I do not believe it is using PAE. Is there somewhere I can find discussion on this? Everything I google for is either enabling PAE or installing 64bit kernel13:03
MilchschnitteHi! Is there any QT4 Browser, which can read HTML513:04
JontheEchidnaMilchschnitte: arora can, I think13:06
=== taron is now known as taron_
Matisseusing specific windows properties doesnt change anything too... why is this kde4 so buggy?!?13:12
MilchschnitteJontheEchidna: Thanks... But not all new Stuff of HTML5 works in arora13:13
JontheEchidnaHTML5 support in anything is still young :)13:14
HumpBackActionParsnip: Hello again. I removed the driver and removed all the extra package sources I had. I also removed the xorg.conf and rebooted. I'm now running with the default NV driver.13:14
HumpBackHow do I now install the nvidia-driver?13:14
ActionParsnipHumpBack: kdesudo jockey-kde13:15
ActionParsnip!info jockey-kde13:15
ubottujockey-kde (source: jockey): KDE user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu10 (jaunty), package size 6 kB, installed size 120 kB13:15
MilchschnitteJontheEchidna: In the Safari 4 BETA, my test page worked nearly perfect13:16
HumpBackActionParsnip: It just tells me no proprietary drivers are in use on my system13:16
ActionParsnipHumpBack: ok then run: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-gte install nvidia-glx-18013:18
ActionParsnipshould do it13:18
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mind-machineHas anyone ever used the package "unplug mind machine"?13:29
ActionParsnip!find unplug13:34
ubottuFile unplug found in doc-iana, freeradius-common, gapcmon, gnome-power-manager, wl (and 2 others)13:34
=== johnny is now known as Guest21071
mind-machineI am hoping to find a package called "unplug mind machine", which shuts off noisy brainwave entrainment frequencies.13:40
shadeslayerActionParsnip: dude is there a way to reduce mem usage by transfering things to swap??13:40
* shadeslayer plays moon-buggy13:40
ActionParsnipyou can increase swappiness13:41
shadeslayerActionParsnip: apart from that??13:41
ActionParsnipthats all i got, you could increase the nice value of the app when you run it13:42
shadeslayerActionParsnip: that never works for me..ive tried setting swap to 100....nothing13:42
ActionParsniptry giving a nice value of say -513:42
shadeslayerActionParsnip: naa....ill leave that to the system...13:43
ActionParsnipit may keep the app in ram more as its being given to the cpu more13:43
ActionParsnipthe app is using the cpu more times than normal13:43
mind-machinebrain-financier's "power" refers to electricity13:44
kurumini am brazilian13:44
ActionParsnipits worth a try, even for a single launch, if its better you can modify the menu icon to always use it13:44
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:44
BluesKajHowdy folks13:44
shadeslayerActionParsnip: k thanks ;)13:44
kuruminthank you ubottu13:45
=== ahmad is now known as ahmad_
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=== BluesKaj is now known as Blueskaj-gone
ActionParsnip!away > Blueskaj-gone14:07
ubottuBlueskaj-gone, please see my private message14:07
shadeslayerrough day14:10
shadeslayerwhoops..wrong channel :P14:11
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bibsthahi all.. a quick help14:18
bibsthahow can i use multiple DISPLAY14:18
bibsthalike say the default DISPLAY:0 is the currently logged in one..14:19
bibsthais should be possible to create a new one right?14:19
bibsthactrl+alt+f7 f8 ..?14:19
ahmad_u mean dual monitor ?14:20
bibsthaahmad_, no same monitor but multiple graphical screens..14:20
bibsthalike ctrl+alt+f1 and f2 and f3 have multiple command lines..14:20
bibsthasth similar for GUI?14:21
ahmad_never heard of such thing14:21
ahmad_have googled arround ?14:21
ahmad_bibstha: try to google for multibale x session14:21
ahmad_my browsing is down14:22
ahmad_bibstha: see this linuxguide.sourceforge.net/linux-X-multiple.html14:22
bibsthaahmad_, thanks lemme see that, also turning the linux cookbook :)14:22
=== g600116_ is now known as OcGatSag
vadimhi, people14:31
ActionParsnipdo you mean like a double seater pc?14:31
ActionParsnip!hi | vadim14:32
ubottuvadim: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:32
vadimdo you like a new karmic distro?14:32
jussi01vadim: karmic support in #ubuntu+1 please, offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic14:33
bibsthaActionParsnip, no single seater.. :)14:35
bibsthawhat Im trying to achieve is one xserver on DISPLAY:0 for normal work14:35
bibsthaand another xserver on DISPLAY:1 for14:35
bibsthatesting stuffs.14:35
bibsthalike selenium.. have u used it?14:35
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead14:36
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama14:36
ActionParsnipbibstha: nvidia does that very well. You can edit xorg.conf to make that happen14:37
bibsthaActionParsnip, thanks taking alook14:37
=== Blueskaj-gone is now known as BluesKaj
bibsthaActionParsnip, its not two different monitos14:38
bibsthaits single monitor14:38
BluesKajActionParsnip, an away nick change doesn't constitute a noisy message .. it merely a statement14:38
ActionParsnipstill polutes the channel. Ive had ops on me about if before14:39
BluesKajwell , just because they're bored and picky , doesn't mean you need to be too :)14:40
ActionParsniptrue ;)14:40
ActionParsnipjust following the ops example. save you getting rollocked later14:40
ActionParsnipikon is particular about it ;)14:40
geniiBluesKaj: It's Standard Operating Procedure to give !away to those who change their nicks instead of using the /away command14:41
BluesKajI have no icons ...disappeared after the latest upgrade , but I'm on karmic so i guess i should expect that14:41
ActionParsnipthen #ubuntu+1 for you BluesKaj14:42
BluesKajgenii, ??14:42
ActionParsnipyou want alpha software, you get all the issues that go with it, bad times :(14:42
BluesKajyup, ActionParsnip i'm there , but no one else seems to be14:42
ActionParsnipbut helps with bug reports etc :)14:42
BluesKajkinda interesting to use the run command to launch apps14:43
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: lxde has that in its menu14:43
Cerrdorhow do I configure /weather for konversation?14:44
BluesKajthe kde theme icons were upgrading and then after rebooting ...had a power failure here this morning due to storms west of us14:44
BluesKajanyway ,, BBL14:45
Cerrdoranyone know how to get weather to work on konversation?14:45
ehamberghi. i have a dual monitor setup. if i log into gnome and run gnome-display-properties, i can choose to not mirror the screens, but this is not possible in the kde settings for display. if i run gnome-display-properties form kde i get this error:14:49
ehambergMethod "ApplyConfiguration" with signature "" on interface "org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XRANDR" doesn't exist14:49
ehamberghow can i make this work in kde? :/14:49
jean_pierre_czhi, some news about Raptor?14:53
Cerrdorhow do I configure /weather for konversation?14:57
thethinghi all15:03
victimCerrdor: what should /weather do?15:04
Cerrdorshould print local weather info in a channel15:05
Cerrdorits a script preinstalled on konversation15:05
victimI just tried /weather15:06
victim[D-Bus] Error: Could not find script "weather".15:06
victimjoin #konversation and ask the konvi experts :)15:07
victimoh you have15:07
pierociao a tutti15:10
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* jean_pierre_cz lol15:10
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radi82Is there a function in Quassel to reset the red line, which marks what you have allready read? Like Ctrl+M in X-Chat.15:11
jean_pierre_czdunno but would like to know it too15:11
radi82jean_pierre_cz: I never used an english chat-client. If you could tell me how this feature is called in X-Chat or some other chat i'd google it up ;)15:13
jean_pierre_czwait a minute15:13
genii!it | peter4715:14
ubottupeter47: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:14
geniiradi82: They may know in #quassel channel15:16
radi82genii: Thx. I'll try.15:16
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Guest17898can somebody please tell me why i dont get displayed the mac addess when i am using nmap..15:20
Guest17898somebody know how to use metasploit for self test?15:48
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besitzerkann mir einer ma helfen15:49
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:50
besitzeri have a little problem  i dont15:53
besitzerÜbersetzung: Deutsch » Englisch15:53
besitzerich habe ein kleines problem ich kann nicht mehr auf knetworkmanager zugreifen hat einer eine lösung 15:53
besitzerI have a small problem I can no longer access knetworkmanager,15:53
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mark_Amarok......sometimes it works most times it doesnt16:00
radi82jean_pierre_cz: I asked in #quassel and they don't have this feature iplemented yet. But they seemed quit interisted in it an i filed a featurerequest on their HP.16:16
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yao_ziyuancan anyone use kwrite's replace?16:18
nascentmindhi. hi. my krunner seems to be crashing sometimes but it cannot load debugging symbols. how do i enable the debug symbols for it?16:20
JontheEchidnathe debugging symbols for krunner are in the kdebase-workspace-dbg package16:20
nascentmindJontheEchidna, ah thanks.. also my kded of kwallet crashes when i try to put the passkey of my wifi .. where should i find the dbg symbols for that?16:21
JontheEchidnakwallet... I think that's kdebase-runtime-dbg16:21
JontheEchidnainstalling kdebase-workspace-dbg should bring that in I would think16:22
nascentmindJontheEchidna,  ah thanks16:25
beagleburt G'day from New Zealand evry1! Problem with K-8.04 LTS playing videos with Kaffeine - Plays ok from boot, but 2nd vid throws up "libdvdcss" problem - i went to the suggested site & downloaded/installed but kaffeine refuses to play unless freshly rebooted...? Any advice welcome.16:31
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Hello?16:40
ohericLol. I kinda stumbled on this place from the support page on ubuntu.com16:40
ohericI was wondering if someone could help me, I'm a complete and total noob when it comes to Ubuntu16:41
beagleburt<oheric > - wots the problem?16:41
ohericWell I'm trying to set Windows XP as my default OS. I found the file to change /boot/grub/menu.lst and I made the correct changes but I don't have permission to save the file. I'm read only. How can I get permission to write on the file?16:42
beagleburt<oheric> - Have you tried "sudo"?16:43
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ohericAhh thanks!16:45
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cherylhey channel; new install and i'm having a new-to-me very annoying problem with mouse: works fine in konsole and most apps, but not in firefox, konqueror, konversation...16:45
beagleburt<oheric> - cud u b more specific?16:46
cherylbasically left-clicking anything will highlight entire work, instead of moving cursor there, drop down menus don't work, can't highlight anything to copy...16:46
cherylright-clicking doesn't work either...anyone know how to fix this thing that I don't know how it got screwed up in teh first place?16:46
ohericYeah sorry. Cheryl you may need Drivers for your mouse.16:47
cherylbut it was working fine without drivers...???16:47
trappistcheryl: I wonder if you have a stuck key that's modifying the click events.  bit of a wild guess really.16:47
cherylthat's possible, any idea how to find out?16:48
beagleburt<cheryl> - mayB try a nu Kbd?16:48
trappistoh you know what might be a better guess, that the clicks are sending double-clicks16:48
beagleburtnu mouse ?16:48
trappistsounds like what happens to me as my mice age... do you have another mouse to try as a troubleshooting step?16:49
cherylwill try new mouse...have lots16:49
cherylhold on16:49
beagleburtG'day room16:50
beagleburtAny1 got any thorts on my original post rekaffeine on K-8.04LTS?16:51
cheryltrappist: new mouse, same problem; kbrd is new, too, although I haven't changed that, and kybrd was working fine anyway16:52
trappistno offense to anyone present, but I think I need to write an irssi plugin to auto-ignore people who spell like they're texting16:52
Ash-FoxWhy doesn't Linux use the system clock? Instead it grabs the current time off the system clock when it boots and uses some weird math to keep it ticking and then synchs it back when it shuts down again. Why does it do this?16:54
trappistcheryl: I'm thinking... still sounds like it's doubleclicking, but it's obviously not a hardware problem... trying to think of a software problem that could cause it16:55
cheryltrappist: i think this is a problem with the OS and app software - not the hardware16:55
beagleburt<cheryl> - What distros?16:55
cheryltrappist: we're thinking alike :)16:55
cherylbeagleburt: using hardy16:56
beagleburtok ta16:56
cherylactually, i'm an experienced rebuilder...nic is for new user i'm giving this refurbished webserver to16:56
cheryland it's wierd, with all my experience, i've never had/seen this issue b4, lol16:57
trappistcheryl: could you run xev, click once in it, and pastie the console output?16:57
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)16:58
cheryltrappist: http://paste.ubuntu.com/190967/17:00
trappistcheryl: also maybe check out this thread: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-x@lists.debian.org/msg70151.html17:00
cherylthat's quite the load of information :(17:01
trappistcheryl: I don't see *any* click events in there17:03
trappistcheryl: you clicked in the window?17:04
cherylwhich window?17:04
trappistthe xev window when it was up17:05
trappistrun xev from a console, put your mouse cursor in the xev window, click once or twice, quit and pastie17:05
cheryltrappist: sorry...lemme try again17:06
trappistcheryl: one possible cause, apparently, is having two stanzas in your xorg.conf for meeces17:07
cheryltrappist: http://paste.ubuntu.com/190973/...k will check out xorg.conf17:08
trappistcheryl: weird, I *still* don't see any click events in that output17:09
beagleburtRepeat Q. from over 30xmin ago: K-8.04LTS > Kaffeine plays 1st vid ok but then throws up "libdvdcss" problem > download & install file but Kaffeine refuses to play unless i reboot...?17:10
cheryltrappist: well, there most certainly were lots of mouse actions in this last pastebin17:10
trappistyes but no clicks17:10
trappistjust movements17:10
alexandreola a todos17:11
cheryltrappist: well, I know I did a few of those, too...but the output was very long, and I got as much of it as I could into pastebin17:11
genii!br | alexandre17:12
ubottualexandre: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:12
cheryltrappist: hold on, I've modified xorg, will have to logout for a bit, will be back17:12
trappistcheryl: try "xev > output.txt"17:12
cherylhmm: 'xev > output.txt' , doing the events, and then closing xev got me: XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0", followed by "      after 28 requests (28 known processed) with 0 events remaining."17:14
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cheryltrappist: does that info help you any, before i log out to restart x?17:16
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shadeslayerhi,ktorrent keeps closing on its own,any ideas??17:18
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shadeslayerheh..it just crashed again!!17:21
acddI have 3 primary partitions on my current harddisc. is it possible to create a 4th, extended one and create a logical partition within that and install Ubuntu there? in other words, does Ubuntu boot from a logical partition?17:21
trappistcheryl: it should have produced a files called output.txt - you can open that in a text editor, select all and copy, for the pastebin17:21
shadeslayeracdd: no OS can boot from a logical partition i believe,or maybe im wrong17:21
cheryltrappist: problem fixed...had been following a howto for this aiw 7500 card, so commenting out 2 lines in xorg.conf has restored my mouse to the way it was :)17:22
trappistcheryl: awesome!17:22
tsimpsonI'm sure grub can boot from a logical partition17:22
acddalright, I guess I have to try that then.17:23
cheryltrappist: thank you...we go back a long way, ya know...that's why I listened to you right away: you're an awesome helper :)17:23
trappistcheryl: I think this was my once a day where somebody has an interesting problem and knows how to ask questions, so I can take a nap now :)17:23
trappistoh, thanks!17:23
cherylso ur telling me i had an interesting problem and asked the question properly?17:23
trappistdid you use a different nick before?  'cheryl' doesn't ring any bells17:23
trappistyou did, and you did, it was a pleasure :)17:24
tsimpsonacdd: grub is the boot loaded ubuntu uses, so just install as normal to the logical partition17:24
cherylyes, I'm normally 'dennister' a reg nic...but this machine will be for a new linux user17:24
cherylgenii knows me personally...worked together for a brief time here in toronto17:24
acddtsimpson: alright, thank you.17:24
trappistah, gotcha17:25
acddtoronto, eh?17:25
acddCanada rules =)17:25
trappistcheryl: so, you're not even a girl?? if I'd known that... j/k17:25
cherylacdd: u a canuck, too? in tranna?17:25
acddno... but I've been there and I liked it17:25
acddanyway, thanks for your help :)17:25
trappistcheryl: hey, I collect canadian coins17:26
cheryltrappist: actually, I am a woman...old enuf to be a grandmother...just use a male-sounding nic for reasons I won't go into :)17:26
trappistcheryl: smart move!17:26
cherylanyway, gott close this box down now and get to work on the other one that will also be picked up on Wed afternoon17:27
trappistme, I use the nick of a monk who has taken a vow of celibacy, but that's mostly coincidence17:27
cherylcya...and thanks :-)17:27
trappistany time17:27
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* shadeslayer keeps a eye on nepomuk17:31
acdddo I have any disadvantage when using kubuntu instead of ubuntu? or are there maintained with equal effort, no one staying behind?17:31
shadeslayeracdd: both are equal in packages except for the DE17:31
shadeslayeracdd: you can even install gnome (ubuntu) on kubuntu (KDE)17:32
trappistacdd: they are both officially supported, and they both keep up to date with parent projects.  but new initiatives sometimes have gnome support before they have kde support.17:32
trappistlike, canonical just put something or other into beta, I forget the name of it, and I dropped out of the beta for lack of kde support17:33
shadeslayeracdd: always best to install gnome and kde so if one crashes (quite unlikely) you still have a DE and not a CLI interface :)17:34
valgaavshadeslayer: and if the crash is X releated ? :D17:35
shadeslayerktorrent crashes for the third time and its out of my system17:36
shadeslayervalgaav: then we have the recovery console :)17:36
RavenIs there a way to use LEAP in Kubunut?  I've tried setting up WPA PEAP with Equifax cert and it won't connect.17:36
shadeslayerRaven: i think there is a issue with WPA authentication17:37
petsoundshello, where can i add startup applications? thanks17:37
shadeslayer!startup | petsounds17:37
ubottupetsounds: To make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot17:37
RavenI'm on Ubuntu and I really like the look of Kubuntu but I need WPA to access my college's internet.  No known works arounds shadeslayer?17:38
silverhi all17:38
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shadeslayerRaven: please see the release notes for further info...i really dont have much on the above said issue :)17:38
shadeslayerRaven: you could use 8.10 :)17:39
susbwoyRaven: it's also only for wpa2 networks, wpa should work.17:39
RavenShadeslayer: I could, the problem being I don't have a CD with me and I really wanted to start playing with it now lol.  Can't install it, guess I'll have to wait.17:39
RavenSusbwoy: ya this is a WPA2 Business or whatever it is17:39
shadeslayerRaven: get one from shipit or download one17:40
shadeslayeroh...shipit wont send 8.10..doh..17:41
RavenShadeslayer: ya I know I can download it, I just don't have a blank CD on me and I wanted to play with it right now.  Not a big issue though.  8.10 works though you believe?17:41
shadeslayerRaven: USB install :P...17:41
acddshadeslayer, trappist: thank you :) so far I had major problems with my ATI graphics card (I bought an ATI one before I learned that it causes huge troubles on linux). do you think this is gnome related? or will the same happen on kde?17:41
RavenShadeslayer: My laptop is FAIL and I can't set the BIOS to boot to USB :-(17:41
shadeslayerRaven: too bad :(17:42
susbwoyRaven: kubuntu 9.04 had some issues with the knetworkmanager, if you use gnome, wpa2 will work17:42
shadeslayeracdd: i think the issue is with ATI not giving proper drivers17:42
shadeslayerRaven: yep...you can use the gnome-network-manager17:42
Ravensusbwoy: I know I'm on regular Ubuntu right now, but I liked Kubuntu for the KDE is just seems cleaner and quicker.17:42
shadeslayerRaven: quicker?? hahaha17:43
RavenOh you mean use the gnome-network-manager?17:43
Ravenshadeslayer: honestly it seems to boot quicker than ubuntu idk why.17:43
shadeslayerRaven: yes,instead of knetwork-manager17:43
shadeslayerRaven: 0_o17:43
Ravensusbwoy shadeslayer: do you have to download gnome-network-manager through synaptic if so that won't work because I can't connect to the net.  Another problem I'm having with Kubuntu is I try to plug in a ethernet cable and type in the netmask as and it just goes to 0?  SO I can't connect anyway through Kubuntu.17:44
susbwoyRaven: try using iphere/2317:45
Ravensusbwoy what's that?17:45
susbwoyRaven: ifconfig eth0 up17:46
Ravensusbwoy it's a manual ip, is there a way to set up a manual ip through konsole?17:47
beagleburtG'day *AGAIN* from New Zealand evry1! Problem with K-8.04 LTS playing videos with Kaffeine - Plays ok from boot, but 2nd vid throws up "libdvdcss" problem - i went to the suggested site17:47
susbwoyI give up, cya17:48
shadeslayerRaven: ipconfig17:48
beagleburt& downloaded/installed but kaffeine refuses to play unless freshly rebooted...? Any advice welcome.17:48
Ravensusbwoy: thanks anyway17:48
RavenShadeslayer: thanks i'll try that and I'll try editing the interface file, thanks.17:48
shadeslayerRaven: man ipconfig can help alot17:48
acdddoes the DVD version include the alternate installer so I can use full disc encryption with AES?17:49
shadeslayerRaven: if its a wireless network then man iwconfig17:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about adhoc17:49
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent17:50
shadeslayernow that is surely not up to date17:51
shadeslayeracdd: try it again17:51
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent17:51
shadeslayergives me a diff. thing in PM17:51
shadeslayerany op here??17:52
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:56
petsoundssomebody please look at this screenshot http://s362.photobucket.com/albums/oo62/petsoundsband/?action=view&current=Ooo.png, And tell me how to do step no.3. thanks17:58
shadeslayerpetsounds: one sec18:00
shadeslayerpetsounds: go to system > pref. > start up applications18:01
shadeslayerpetsounds: oh....this is for gnome :)18:02
petsoundsshadeslayer: yes sir18:02
shadeslayerpetsounds: and you want it to auto start in KDE?18:02
petsoundsshadeslayer: yes18:02
shadeslayerpetsounds: open K > system settings > advanced tab > autostart18:03
petsoundsshadeslayer: ok, and then?18:04
shadeslayerpetsounds: then add a new command as it says18:05
petsoundsshadeslayer: ok, need to reboot. brb18:07
beagleburtProblem: K-8.04 LTS > Kaffeine > refuses to play DVD - "libdvdcss" problem - BUT i have installed it. > REBOOT > plays ok > 2nd DVD > "libdvdcss" problem again until i reboot????18:23
monolithHow would I stop a user account on my computer from being able to play audio at all?18:25
monolithWhat the... This user account isn't in the group "audio" so it should be able to write to /dev/audio. Sure enough when I use su to login to the account and try to cat /dev/random to the audio device I get permision denied. But if I open up a new graphical login and login to KDE4 with it. I suddenly can play audio and output to /dev/audio. What on earth?18:38
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beagleburtPROBLEM SOLVED:K-8.04LTS>http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/134771-solved-kaffeine-will-not-work-2.html18:49
trappistbeagleburt: sweet18:51
cyrextengo un problema con la tarjeta de video en kubuntu 9.04 es una nvidia 840018:59
cyrexcomo puedo hacer para instalar los driver de ella de una forma facil18:59
Peace-!es | cyrex18:59
cyrexacabo de instalar el kubuntu ahorita mismo18:59
ubottucyrex: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:00
Peace-no problem amigo19:00
ole_Hi, I'm having som problems with upgrading my fresh installation off kubuntu 9.04. When trying to do an apt-get upgrade I get the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/191035/. Could some one please take a look at the error message? I have been trying everything I can think of without any luck.19:13
cyrexi need some help with my installation of kubuntu 9.0419:14
cyrexi don't know how to install the nvidia drivers19:14
cyrexany help would be apreciated19:15
bdgrauecyrex: kmenu -> applications -> system -> hardware drivers19:16
cyrexmany thanks bdgraue19:16
cyrexthat was it19:16
ole_bdgraue: thx, was going to need that when I manage to fix my depencecy problem..19:17
bdgraueah, ok19:17
bdgraueole_: sry, don't know how to help you, maybe something like   sudo apt-get -f install   ?19:18
ole_I have tried that, same error message19:18
bdgraueole_: so you have to wait until someone with enough knowledge can answer your question :)19:19
ole_ok, thx anyway19:20
un-kuI need help on connecting vial dial up to the net. OS is kubuntu 9.0419:28
chris__i've got a problem with amarok 2.1 in kubuntu jaunty.19:29
chris__the error message is "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "19:29
chris__it works when i start amarok as root19:30
un-kuSeems it may be better to go to some forum?19:33
Peace-un-ku: ?19:35
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un-kuI mean no ones joining with advice, tho a line at the top says 'Official Kubuntu support. Or am I at the wrong place?19:38
bdgraueun-ku: the place is right19:39
un-kuso will somebody suggest how i can fix up a ppoe connection to the net?19:41
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un-kucris_ amarok 2.0.2 on kubuntu 9.04 is working fine for me, tho i had to download some stuff.19:45
bdgraueun-ku: if you find a good solution for that, please give me a hint, need that for a friend of mine :)19:46
bdgraueun-ku: pppoe i mean19:46
un-kuwell i'm searching, what ive noticed is that each higher version is making things more complicated in this matter (ppoe connection)19:48
bdgraueun-ku: thats why my buddy is using feisty... ^^19:51
un-kusorry i didn't get that. Absltly new to Linux. So Waht is feisty?19:52
bdgrauean earlier version of kubuntu19:52
bdgraueapril 2007 i think?19:52
Unksiyeah april 0719:53
un-kuwell cant we avoid going back in time?19:55
robin0800un-ku: You could try Kppp19:58
un-kujust came across a useful post in Kubunti forums on getting ethernet going, in K 8.10. that may bbbbbe helpful, so here's the url-http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3100052.0v20:00
robin0800un-ku: don't think thats going to help with dial up20:04
robin0800un-ku: httphttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto20:05
robin0800un-ku: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto20:06
un-kuthanks for the reference.20:06
snarkster1anyone got any good news on web cam apps?20:07
snarkster1I wanna take a few pics20:07
snarkster1guess thats a no to my question20:10
bdgrauerobin0800: there is no graphical frontend for kde, am i right?20:10
harolddongwhat the?!20:10
darkmatter_i'm having trouble with my bluetooth mouse, any ideas?20:13
jussi01darkmatter_: make and model?20:13
jussi01darkmatter_: and exact problem?20:13
darkmatter_it's a Dell travelmate mouse20:14
darkmatter_was working fine20:14
darkmatter_until earlier today20:14
jussi01so what did you do between now and then?20:14
ole_Hi, I have a problem with twinview on my fully updated kubuntu 9.04. when maximizing a window it stretches over both screens is it possible to fix this?20:15
darkmatter_absolutely nothing20:15
jussi01Have yu updated? changed something?20:15
darkmatter_the kbluetooth interface is not very helpful20:15
declanpwalshHello Kubunters!20:16
darkmatter_the mouse is listed as "not-connected" and "not trusted"20:16
jussi01hi declanpwalsh20:16
darkmatter_i don't even get an interface for managing paired devices20:16
declanpwalshCan anyone help with a sata hd access problem20:16
jussi01declanpwalsh: please tell the issue.20:16
jussi01darkmatter_: honestly, I dont know. Im sorry.20:17
declanpwalshBasically got a nice new sata drive 250gb. Formatted to ext3 using gparted (can never get qtparted to work) and shows up in dolphin but I can't write to it. Need it as a backup drive20:17
darkmatter_i tried removing the device and reinstalling the mouse, that worked temporarily but failed after the next reboot20:17
un-kubdgraue: about the ppoe connection - this may be of help- http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3104277.0v20:18
darkmatter_declanpwalsh: what's the output of mount?20:18
declanpwalshdarkmatter: huh?20:19
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE20:19
darkmatter_declanpwalsh: run the mount command in a terminal20:20
darkmatter_the output should show wether the device is mounted as read-only20:21
bdgraueun-ku: i dont know if this is the right thing for me, sry20:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dailup20:21
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up20:22
toniiah, the same20:22
declanpwalsh/dev/sdb1 on /media/disk-1 type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)20:22
declanpwalsh/dev/sdb2 on /media/disk-2 type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)20:22
darkmatter_which is the disk?20:23
declanpwalshboth are. It's partitioned into 220:23
darkmatter_can you write to it as root?20:23
declanpwalshdarkmatter: full output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/191085/20:25
declanpwalshhaven't tried. hang on20:25
declanpwalshtyped sudo dolphin and something went wrong. session ended. something about ksmserver20:27
hftom hi all, just installed kubuntu 9.04 on an old laptop with intel 82845G. kdm works fine, but when the user X session is started, all i can see is the kdm background image. alt+f1 shows kickoff, alt+f2 shows krunner, and all apps seems to work fine. Except that plasma looks 100% transparent! Any idea?20:27
declanpwalshmanaged to write to the disk as root though. why would i need root access?20:28
darkmatter_try "sudo echo 1234 > /media/disk-1/file"20:28
declanpwalsh$ sudo echo 1234 > /media/disk-1/file20:29
declanpwalshbash: /media/disk-1/file: Permission denied20:29
darkmatter_declanpwalsh: sudo parted -l20:33
declanpwalshwhat does that do?20:34
darkmatter_lists the partition table20:34
declanpwalshis that good or bad? why is it readonly?20:40
declanpwalshthanks for helping btw!20:40
darkmatter_that's the floppy drive20:40
darkmatter_well i don't seem to be of much help20:40
darkmatter_nothing looks out of the ordinary20:41
darkmatter_did qtparted return an error when you tried to run it?20:41
declanpwalshnope. just nothing happened.20:42
declanpwalshwhats the floppy? Cos I don't have one.20:42
declanpwalshany pointers as to where to look for some help? Thanks very much for having a go!20:43
tomsdalehow can I override the dns resolution for one particular address? /etc/hosts doesn'T seem to work20:44
darkmatter_tomsdale: you may need to restart networking after adding an entry20:44
tomsdaledarkmatter_: thanks - brb20:45
darkmatter_declanpwalsh: try repartitioning the disk20:45
declanpwalshdarkmatter: cool, thanks!20:45
declanpwalshdarkmatter: thanks for the help; really appreciate it.20:46
darkmatter_this doesn't help my poor mouse20:46
tomsdalehow do I restart the wireless.  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't seem to do the trick20:47
darkmatter_tomsdale: that should do it20:48
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darkmatter_well bluez-gnome it is!20:52
darkmatter_a shame really...20:53
bfarahhi guys20:54
bfarahgot a problem playing mms any help plz ?20:55
bfarahcan't play mms in firefox or vlc20:55
bfarahany help plz?20:57
bfarahmms streams20:58
bfarahany ideas?20:58
darkmatter_none, sorry20:59
bfarahno worries,20:59
bfarahanyone else guys, problem playing mms streams?20:59
tomsdaledarkmatter_: the browsers seem to ignore the /etc/hosts they all resolv via opendns ...21:01
darkmatter_tomsdale: you can ping the host?21:02
tomsdaleyes - on the cl it works.21:02
darkmatter_check the order of the dns entries21:03
tomsdalein the /etc/hosts or in the /etc/resolv.conf21:03
tomsdaleit says nameserver   - let me try to add behind that21:05
darkmatter_tomsdale: infront21:05
tomsdaleyes :-)21:05
ubuntuhi everyone21:10
ubuntuim running a live cd just checking out the support befor i commit to this and get some info21:12
ubuntuwitch is the bet distro for a new user like me with no clue as im a windows user21:13
jean_pierre_czwell ubuntu, you're chatting at the right channel apparently21:15
jean_pierre_czI would recommend kubuntu21:16
jean_pierre_czHowever ubuntu is not bad at all neither21:16
ubuntuis that becouse im in ubuntu chat:) i have herd that g-nome is much beter but like i sead im new to all this21:18
ahmad_ubuntu: u can run both Gnome and KDE21:19
ubuntuwith the same program if that makes any sence to you21:19
ubuntuwhy is there someny people in here but very little chatter at all21:20
Daniel_onlineI used to run gnome - but after i tried kde im hoooocked :D21:21
ubuntuso witch wuld be the best linux for me this is ubuntu but i know there are loads more21:22
tomsdaleI don't think the address works because I don't have a dns server on my machine.21:22
ahmad_ubuntu: only u can decide what is best for u. but most windows users start with kubuntu21:23
drbobbhello, how do I browse a bluetooth-enabled phone in kde4?21:25
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ubuntuwill it help if i tell you whot i wont to use it for21:26
drbobbactually, how do I do anything at all with bluetooth in kde4? It used to be easy and smooth in kde3, nowadays nothing works at all21:28
drbobbok, I guess the answer is probably -- logout and log back but into gnome21:32
gabriel_hello all I'm running kubuntu/ubuntu 9.04 on an acer aspire 4730z and cannot get to my sd-card for storage. can anyone help?21:38
gabriel_must I make a new device?21:38
drbobbok so it seems I figured out how to upload stuff from my phone to my pc, but I was given no opportunity to choose a location to save it, so I have no idea where it went21:40
drbobbuh it only worked once, I try to upload another file, but nothing happens21:42
kaddihello everyone :)21:45
Serpardumhow do I chage the width of a Konsole?  In 1440x900 mode my konsole is okay.  In 1360x768 mode it's the width of the entire window.  Lots of characters I don't need that wide and it hides everythign under it21:49
drbobbok this bluetooth stuff in kde4 sucks really badly21:50
drbobbmaybe better luck with gnome21:50
laslavicJust installed Kubuntu 9.04 and want to know how to install my printer. In the past, I didn't have to do anything at all. Went to the "Printer Configuration" in the kmenu and then went to "Add new printer" but it only has options for network printers.21:51
laslavicIs there another way that I should know about? It's just a regular USB printer.21:51
Serpardumn/m I can resize the window.  maybe kubuntu keeps window sizes for each resolution21:53
ugalaslavic: you don't see your printer under "local printers"?21:55
ugalaslavic: you're right in that there's no option to add local printers21:55
ugaI see mine there, but possibly comes from older settings21:55
ugaeither that, or there's an autodetect method =)21:55
commander_how can i get synaptics package manager on here?21:58
ugacommander_: apt-get install synaptic?21:59
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* uga wonders if commander too will reply with a no route icmp22:02
ugaare users so crashy these days?22:03
ugaso many users quitting irc... reminds me of http://pastebin.com/m1aee3edc22:05
ugaremote closed connection, no route to host, read error, ... anyone alive?22:06
ugaremote closed connection, no route to host, read error, connection timed out... more errors  to come ;)22:07
lee8oiuga: whats giving you those messages? you using ssh, ping or something?22:08
ugalee8oi: it's the errors freenode reports when users leave the channel22:09
ugaright now for example WB2Colorado left with: Read error: 104 (connection reset by peer)22:09
ugaanyway, glad to know somebody is alive =)22:09
lee8oisomething with freenode, or your client's conflict with freenode?22:09
lee8oiya I'm alive22:10
lee8oiwait a min...I'm on freenode?22:10
lee8oihmm. ok22:10
lee8oiI'm seeing the errors too22:10
lee8oiwhen someone quits22:11
lee8oi(Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))22:11
ugayes, I was worried that everyone was quitting, and nobody typing. That's rather strange in this channel22:11
lee8oithats odd. never seen that before22:11
ugaand the last two users I tried helping out, both went mute ;)22:12
lee8oiwonder if its something messed up in the away code on the server22:12
ugakeyboard support bug in jaunty? ;)22:12
lee8oiidling or something22:12
ugalee8oi: it's 300 users idling =)(22:12
lee8oikeyboard support bug? haven't had any problems with keyboards in jaunty....22:13
lee8oiwhoop. gotta meet the woman for dinner......be back later22:13
ugalee8oi: errrm... it was meant to be a joke (keyboard thing)22:13
Serpardumoff topic: http://www.joke-of-the-day.com/jokeoftheday/picoftheday/june2009/shave-baby.png22:15
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joshjtlhey folks, is there a big effort to make konqueror have more features so that it can compete with popular browsers?22:16
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ahmad_after loging in. loading screen flicks 2 times. is that a bug ?22:18
COPITO506hola alguien de canarias para charlar de ubuntu22:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:23
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commander_it's not a problem if i have ubuntu on here along w/kubuntu and window vista?22:35
commander_i mean 3 OS  on my laptop?22:35
ign0ramuscommander_, that's an advantage, not a problem :)22:38
drbobbyep. definitely better luck playing with bluetooth in gnome22:43
drbobb(in kde4 nothing works)22:43
oobecommander_, you dont need to dual boot kubuntu and ubuntu they can coexist on same driver22:44
oobesudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop in kubuntu or vice versa22:45
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xiko18algun español k entienda de linx?22:48
commander_ok thanks. i just don't wanna overload my HDD22:48
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LuisJai got a problem here, my laptop is not able to automatically shut down: i press the button to shut down, i wait until the laptop is near to turn off, finally the laptop goes to blackscreen, and in a command line says: Unable to halt, no such file or director; then i have to manually move the mouse a little, and after that the laptop turns off, but if u dont move the mouse, it will stay with that command line, WTH?22:53
Matissehow do I get the realplayer plugin for 64bit ?22:54
LuisJasomeone can help me pls?22:54
Matisse!ask | LuisJa22:55
ubottuLuisJa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:55
ign0ramusLuisJa, if you do "sudo reboot", does that shut down properly?  or even "sudo shutdown -P now" ?22:55
LuisJahate when peoples do that...22:56
LuisJaign0ramus: with reboot, the laptop correctly shut downs22:57
LuisJaand then turns on :)22:57
ign0ramusLuisJa, and the "shutdown" command works?22:57
barsxприва, русские есть?22:58
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:58
ign0ramus!ru | barsx22:58
ubottubarsx: please see above22:58
LuisJaign0ramus: let me try the command and i tell u23:00
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ign0ramusLuisJa, you there?23:09
LuisJayes lol srry i was busy, let me try the command23:09
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eMyllerhello =]23:18
eMyllerwhere can i get kate 3.2 color schemes?23:18
eMyllerthat include all web-related file config (js,html,php,ruby, etc)23:18
LuisJaign0ramus: the command also needed to manually move a little the mouse to shutdown23:21
LuisJaign0ramus: like in graphical mode23:21
joshjtlis there anyway to get gmail working fully in konqeror? Ive tried all the browser ids and none of them work fully23:24
LuisJaign0ramus: r u there?23:25
LuisJakonqueror sucks dude, use mozilla :)23:25
joshjtlit really doesnt23:25
SerpardumHey, I somehow closed that part of the... bottom bar... that shows what windows are open.  How do I readd it?23:27
ign0ramusLuisJa, obviously, something is going wrong with the 'shutdown' command, which is an ACPI call when you hit the power button23:31
ign0ramusLuisJa, still trying to figure out what that is... what are the errors it gives?23:31
ign0ramusSerpardum, right click, add panel23:32
Serpardumkay, then what do I do with the panel?  Or is that it?23:32
ign0ramusSerpardum, oh, just the window manager section of the panel?23:32
Serpardumyeah, I got the other stuff23:32
SerpardumI just somehow got rid of the part I can click on the window tabs23:33
ign0ramusSerpardum, oh, it's just a widget... lemme see what it's called23:33
joshjtlwhere can I tell konqueror to use webkit instead of khtml?23:33
ign0ramusSerpardum, add Task Manager23:33
Serpardumthansk it!  thanks!23:34
ign0ramusSerpardum, np :)23:34
SerpardumHmm.. now I gotta figure out how to move the widgets around in the panel :D23:34
ign0ramusSerpardum, click the swirl at the far right, and the you can drag stuff around23:34
bjb1959everytime I reboot I loose sound on all apps except system sounds. I have to log out log into gnome, log out and then log in to kde again to get it to work. any idea why?23:34
Serpardumahh, thanks, yeah23:35
ign0ramusLuisJa, without any extra input from you, it may be your wireless that's causing the shutdown hang23:40
ign0ramusLuisJa, try doing “sudo ifconfig wlan0 down” and then doing "sudo shutdown -P now" ... see if that makes a difference23:41

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