
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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* alkisg reminds cprov to have a look at the uid changing question (https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/72982) whenever he has some time - and thanks him! :)06:03
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alkisgcprov, thank you very much and sorry for the trouble :)07:57
cprovalkisg: hello there, did it work ?07:57
alkisgYeah, fine, `apt-key list` no longer shows "Test PPA" :)07:58
cprovalkisg: does it show the new UID properly encoded ?07:58
alkisgYes I can see it correctly. Did you copy/paste it?07:58
alkisgNo encoding or transliteration problems whatsoever07:59
cprovalkisg: great, I've used it's utf-8 form, it's the only encode supported by gnupg in ubuntu08:01
alkisgThanks again08:01
cprovalkisg: np, you are welcome.08:04
mptWhich is the appropriate "project" for a bug report about Launchpad mailing lists?09:13
mwhudsonmpt: probably registry09:16
mwhudson(given that that's barry's team)09:16
mptok, thanks09:16
oldman_hi, i've had a 'we were unable to establish your connection with the upstream authors' e-mail for some translation uploads09:23
oldman_how do I get these unblocked? (as the e-mail doesn't tell me) :)09:23
henningeoldman_: Please respond to the mail and explain your relation to the upstream authors or have upstream contact us directly.09:24
oldman_its a bit odd, because I my gtk-recordmydesktop ones went through fine, but the qt-recordmydesktop ones got blocked :)09:24
arahello all :)11:19
ara does anyone know the state of question 73212?11:19
ara https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7321211:19
ara is there a way to escalate that?11:19
pcabidoI'm have some problems with launchpad, anyone with some time to help me?11:33
mwhudsonpcabido: maybe11:38
mwhudsonpcabido: what problems are you having?11:38
pcabidoI can't add a translation but I think I should be able to11:39
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pcabidofor example I can add for dutch, but I can't add for portuguese11:39
henningepcabido: It only shows you youre preferred languages.11:39
pcabidoyes, but that apart, listing all the languages11:40
pcabidoI can add a dutch translation but not a portuguese, why?11:40
henningepcabido: because you do not have portugese set as a preferred language?11:41
henningepcabido: Why would you start a translation on a language that you do not speak?11:41
pcabidoI have portuguese set as my prefered language11:41
henningepcabido: what's your launchpad name?11:42
dpmpcabido, henninge: I think it's because there is no team set up for Portuguese translation there -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+groups/gnome-translation-project11:42
henningedpm: I was going to check on the groups ...11:43
henningedpm: but it is open permissions11:43
henningedpm: and there is no Dutch team either11:44
dpmhenninge: there is a Dutch team11:44
pcabidoyes, there's a dutch team11:44
* henninge is blind 11:44
pcabidoanyway having open permissions it should be ok to submit a translation for a group that doesn't exist or no?11:45
henningeyes, https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/gtg offers me Esperanto translations (that is in my preferred languages) although there is no team for it.11:45
henningepcabido: so do you get an untranslated (130 untranslated) for Dutch on that page?11:46
pcabidohenninge: yep11:46
henningepcabido: that is strange ...11:46
pcabidoI'm able to change the dutch but no the portuguese11:46
pcabidoyes.. indeed. I wanted to check with someone here before I started to claim it was a bug :P11:47
henningepcabido: so you are saying that you cannot enter anything here: ?11:47
pcabidonop, nothing11:48
henningepcabido: do you get a static page?11:48
pcabidoyes, I get a static page with the list of results but I can't change none of them11:48
henningepcabido: I mean, no edit fields.11:48
pcabidothere are no input fields11:49
henningepcabido: let me try this with my test account ...11:49
pcabidotake your time11:50
henningepcabido: please try changing the permissions to "structured" and tell me if that helps.12:05
pcabidohenninge: I'm not a admin but I'll pass that info12:13
henningepcabido: please do that.12:13
henningepcabido: Also, he/she should talk to the owner of the translation group when using that group for the project.12:14
mptegh, who designed the "Private archives subscriptions" page?12:20
DavieyHi, If a person has multiple PPA's, do they really share the same gpg key?12:34
bigjoolsDaviey: yes, they do12:35
bigjoolsmpt: feel free to design a better one12:35
Davieybigjools: Will it stay this way, or do ou think it will change?12:35
bigjoolsDaviey: it will stay this way12:36
Davieybigjools: ok thanks12:36
jpdsbigjools: morning.12:36
bigjoolsjpds: howdy12:36
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pan1nxis there a tool that you can directly download the files from a PPA? or you always need to add the PPA to the sources.list and apt-get download ?13:23
gnomefreakpin the packages you dont want13:24
pan1nxgnomefreak, can you more detailed?13:24
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto13:25
pan1nxI want the files in a package13:25
gnomefreakoh not package itself?13:25
pan1nxapt-get source...13:25
pan1nxdsc, deb, orig.tar...13:25
pan1nxall those13:25
pan1nxI remember that was a discussion some long time...13:25
pan1nxabout such tool13:25
gnomefreakyeah that i would say either a script or get them from PPA but there is no way around that AFAIK13:25
pan1nxsomeone did something in python13:25
pan1nxI was hoping to see something in the ubuntu-dev-tools13:26
jpdspan1nx: You mean like dgetlp?13:36
aquariushttps://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/323 says "If the Launchpad user id you want is already in use...they may just give it to you." How does another user give me their launchpad ID?13:41
mptnoodles775, bigjools: What is the effect if someone subscribes you to a private PPA but you haven't retrieved the token yet? In that state, can you do anything with the PPA that you couldn't do before?13:42
sorenaquarius: The change their name and you change yours to their old one?13:42
aquariussoren: cool; if that's the way to do it, I'll get on that13:42
sorenaquarius: I think that's how I did it.13:42
aquariusand they can change their ID to whatever they want, and that frees up their old ID?13:43
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sorenaquarius: I'm hesitant to answer, really, because I'd hate to mess things up for you. I believe that's what I did, when I was in the same situation (taking over "soren" from someone else on Launchpad).13:47
aquariussoren: *nod*13:47
pan1nxjpds COOL! that's exactly what I wanted13:47
aquariussoren: I shall wait for a more firm answer from LP people ;-)13:48
* aquarius waves at abentley13:50
abentleyaquarius: That would certainly work.13:53
aquariusabentley: is that the correct way to do it?13:53
mptasac, <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/KarmicAptUrlPpaPolicy> says "Continue white-list for apt-url". Does that mean 9.04 already includes a repository whitelist?13:58
mpt(I'm asking here because it's relevant to bug 376603)13:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376603 in launchpad "An 'Add this PPA' link should appear on PPA pages using AptURL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37660313:58
asacmpt: technically yes. only whitelisted third party repo is partner though (meaning the documented process still needs real world testing)14:01
asacmpt: but, outcome of the discussion was that there will be no such button on launchpad PPAs for now14:01
mptasac, I suggest testing that process soon-ish on the Ubuntu One PPA :-)14:01
asacmpt: yes. thats the idea14:02
mptasac, is anyone working on that now?14:02
asacmpt: but they are aware ... now we need an application :) (or somebody to approach us at least)14:02
mptasac, are instructions published anywhere on how to apply for inclusion?14:03
asacyes ... second14:03
asacmpt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThirdPartyRepositoryApplicationProcess + https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThirdPartyWhitelistApplicationTemplate14:04
mptexcellent, thanks asac14:06
asacmpt: if you have comments let us know14:07
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abentleyaquarius: I don't know of a correct way.  I've only seen cases where the desired userid was inactive.14:08
aquariusabentley: no worries; I've mailed the dude who currently has "sil" to tell him that the way he changes is to change his name and then tell me. We'll ignore the race condition in this approach for now :-)14:09
jpdspan1nx: Good to hear, if you want something in ubuntu-dev-tools, just file a bug against it.14:23
pcabidohenninge: structured doesn't solve the problem14:40
henningepcabido: we tried to reproduce the problem locally and couldn't. Not good.14:41
pcabidohenninge: ?14:41
bigjoolsmpt: there is no difference.  The person who has the subscription needs to find out what their token is regardless of our implementation details of when its generated.14:42
henningepcabido: I am just saying that my first assumption as to what the problem is does not seem to be true.14:42
henningepcabido: and not being able to reproduce it locally does not help ... ;(14:42
pcabidooh ok, do you have any suggestion of what to do/try next?14:43
mptbigjools, thanks, I commented in bug 376597 about that14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376597 in soyuz "Private PPA invitation is unclear about expiry date effect or confirmation requirement" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37659714:43
henningepcabido: no, not yet. Sorry.14:43
bigjoolsmpt: ok thanks14:44
bigjoolsmpt: actually I will expand on what I just said, in the bug14:44
mptok :-)14:44
bigjoolsmpt: thanks for the feedback BTW, you're among the few :)14:51
mptyou're welcome14:52
mptI still love Launchpad ;-)14:52
bigjoolsmpt: you *are* Launchpad's bug tracker14:52
bigjoolsI'm sure it's you with the nick ubottu14:52
mptAnd sorry about the "who designed that" earlier, that wasn't helpful14:52
bigjoolsah no worries14:53
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: sinzui | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Launchpad's Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
sinzuiHerb: can you apply a subtle blend of psychology and extreme violence  to the launchpad list on lists.ubuntu.com? I am not getting email, I believe firefox changed my username/emailaddress.. I can send to the list though15:13
herbsinzui: um. l.u.c has launchpad-users and launchpad-announce.  I don't (knowingly) have admin access to either.15:16
sinzuiherb: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/launchpad/ says otherwise15:16
herbsinzui: fine.  you would have to use logic and stuff.15:17
sinzuiherb: If I did that, all my canonical list would not be broken15:18
herbsinzui: which email address should be subscribed?15:19
sinzuiherb: I think curtis.hovey@canonical.com, since I can send15:19
sinzuiherb: I have requested my password 3 times15:20
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herboh hey. there's a pending subscription request from you.15:20
sinzuiherb: please approve it, pretty please15:20
herbsinzui: it's approved.15:20
herbsinzui: need anything else?15:21
sinzuias a matter of fact, can you help with this https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7357915:22
kirklandhi guys ...  question for you ...  screen-profiles was renamed in launchpad to byobu ...  would it be possible to symlink a directory at http://ppa.launchpad.net/screen-profiles to the directory that provides http://ppa.launchpad.net/byobu ?15:28
bigjoolskirkland: you renamed the user?15:30
cprovkirkland: possibly what's the problem in keep both PPAs active ?15:30
cprovbigjools: ftr, users with PPAs can't be renamed since 2.2.515:31
bigjoolscprov: that's what I thought :)15:31
bigjoolswhich is why I am checking what's happened15:31
kirklandbigjools: https://edge.launchpad.net/~screen-profiles -> 40415:31
kirklandbigjools: which is okay by me ...  everything is done as byobu now15:31
kirklandbigjools: but as of now, every screen-profiles ppa user has to individually edit their sources.list to upgrade from the last screen-profiles package to byobu15:32
bigjoolskirkland: oh I see, you want to link from the old name that never had a PPA?15:32
bigjoolsah no then15:32
kirklandbigjools: hmm, it *definitely* had a ppa15:33
bigjoolskirkland: did you rename the user screen-profiles -> byobu before we released LP 2.2.5?15:33
sorenhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/screen-profiles/ ?15:34
sorenOh, never mind me.15:34
kirklandbigjools: i don't know15:39
kirklandbigjools: i can find the date, if you need15:39
kirklandbigjools: it was renamed on approximately May 4th15:40
bigjoolskirkland: if you did, it was before 2.2.5 because we prevented person renaming if they have a PPA in that release.  The problem is that you end up with two repos, neither of which are in sync with what LP thinks is in there.15:40
kirklandbigjools: right15:41
kirklandbigjools: i think that's the situation15:41
kirklandbigjools: i think this is solvable with a symlink from the screen-profiles dir to the byobu dir, no?15:41
bigjoolskirkland: not that easy :(15:41
kirklandbigjools: oh, okay15:41
kirklandbigjools: well, if this is really off the wall, ignore me :-)15:41
kirklandbigjools: i can live without it15:41
bigjoolskirkland: actually if you know that everything in the old PPA is superseded by packages in the new one, we can probably just delete the old one15:42
bigjoolsand make your symlink for convenience15:42
kirklandbigjools: yes, that's absolutely true15:44
kirklandbigjools: the new ppa publishes superceded versions of everything the old one published15:44
bigjoolskirkland: you've got screen-profiles in the old one but not in the new one15:45
kirklandbigjools: ?  I guess i don't understand15:45
kirklandbigjools: i see screen-profiles here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~byobu/+archive/ppa15:45
bigjoolskirkland: look in http://ppa.launchpad.net/screen-profiles/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/s/screen-profiles/15:46
bigjoolscompare with http://ppa.launchpad.net/byobu/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/s/15:46
kirklandbigjools: ah, okay15:47
kirklandbigjools: so i should send new builds of screen proflies to the byobu ppa15:47
kirklandbigjools: wait for those to build, and come back to you?15:47
bigjoolskirkland: sure thing15:47
kirklandbigjools: thanks!15:48
* bigjools is pleased to help15:48
bigjoolskirkland: BTW, is this the "server bling" stuff I missed at AH?15:51
kirklandbigjools: yessir :-)15:59
bigjoolskirkland: me want!15:59
kirklandbigjools: heh :-)  well it's right there15:59
kirklandbigjools: if you're on karmic already, just type 'byobu'15:59
kirklandbigjools: if you're on jaunty, select-screen-profile, and then 'screen'15:59
bigjoolskirkland: my server is hardy :)15:59
kirklandbigjools: then you'll add this ppa16:00
kirklandbigjools: byobu ppa, then apt-get install byobu, then run byobu16:00
cprovkirkland: screen-profile pool/ has nothing new, it can be simply replaced by a link to byobu/ one.16:01
sinzuidanilos: have you seen the email about the Philippines translation team to feedback@? What do we do about negligent teams?16:05
danilossinzui: that's something people in charge of the group should take care of16:10
danilossinzui: if it's ubuntu team, ubuntu translation coordinator (owner of the translation group) should handle it16:10
sinzuiI will convey that information16:10
danilossinzui: dpm is a good guy to point them at :)16:10
dpmsinzui: can you forward the e-mail to ubuntu-translation-coordinator(at)lists.launchpad.net? As Danilo says, you can point them out to me as well16:12
sinzuidpm thank you16:13
kirklandcprov: cool, thanks.16:15
kirklandbigjools: looks like the builds are done, published to ~byobu16:15
bigjoolscprov, can you do the symlink for kirkland please?16:16
cprovbigjools: you are doing a nice job as irc-proxy :)16:18
bigjoolscprov: I don't have many uses, so any excuse to feel helpful is good :)16:18
* kirkland hugs bigjools and cprov 16:19
cprovkirkland: http://ppa.launchpad.net/screen-profiles/ is a symlink to the byobu PPA16:20
cprovkirkland: bear in mind that any pinning rule has to refer to the byobu Origin, the ones for "LP-PPA-screen-profiles" will fail.16:21
kirklandcprov: cool, thanks16:32
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popeyhullo! How can i rename my launchpad account? I cant see an option to do it18:05
salgadopopey, should be at /people/+me/+edit18:07
sinzuipopey: Choose change details on your profile page. your launchpad-id is the name18:07
sinzuiWe really must stop using name when we mean launchpad-id in the UI18:07
popeyyou sure?18:10
popeythere is the display name field which is "Alan Pope" then the next field is Name: "alanpope" which is not modifiable18:11
sinzuipopey: do you have a ppa?18:11
popeyi do18:11
sinzuithat is why changing your name will break the ppa18:12
popeycan i throw the ppa, change name and then recreate it?18:12
sinzuipopey: you can ask a question at https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad and I will assign it to an admin who can force the rename18:13
popeythank you18:13
popeyhttps://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/73654 sinzui18:14
sinzuipopey: I assigned it to an admin. I'll check back in a few hours to see that someone is working on it18:15
popeymany thanks18:16
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vadi2What needs to be done in order to have LP link commit names to the username?19:00
LarstiQvadi2: `bzr whoami` should match one of your registered email addresses19:01
vadi2aha, thank you19:01
rickspencer31creating a graphical logon with python-launchpadib is kicking my ass19:35
rickspencer31it keeps seg faulting19:36
LarstiQnot a backtrace?19:36
rickspencer31LarstiQ: nope, it just seg faults19:38
LarstiQrickspencer31: nice19:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384643 in python-launchpadlib "credentials.get_request_token function causes a segmentation fault" [Undecided,New]19:39
rickspencer31I assume it has something to do with threading, but can't figure out what19:39
rickspencer31my brilliant scheme was to create a re-usable gtk logon dialog for launchpad19:40
LarstiQwithout looking closer at the actual code, one source of segfaults I'm familiar with is instantiating a ui widget before the application runs19:41
LarstiQie, missing QApplication([]) before QMainWindow()19:41
LarstiQsame for wx, and opengl to an extent19:41
* LarstiQ is not too familiar with gtk programming19:41
thekornrickspencer31, the login dialog works for me, no segfault19:45
rickspencer31thekorn: that's very weird19:46
rickspencer31have you tried it multiple times?19:46
rickspencer31delete ~/.local/pm-dashboard and try19:46
rickspencer31it *usually* seg faults for me19:46
rickspencer31thekorn: thanks a lot for testing it for me19:48
thekornrickspencer31, tested it 4 times now, it always worked,19:48
rickspencer31that is sooo weird19:48
* rickspencer31 pounds head on desk19:48
thekornthe UI is freezing, but no segfault19:48
rickspencer31is it just taking a while for the buttons to show up?19:49
thekornafter clicking on the "lp says I'm done" button19:49
rickspencer31the dialog does not disapear?19:49
thekornyes, the UI is unresponsive for a while19:49
rickspencer31the dialog should disapear, and then you should be able to use the menus19:50
thekornrickspencer31, ok, now it always segfaults19:50
rickspencer31here's the thing, I didn't know that I could cause seg faults with python'19:51
rickspencer31I mean, I know I suck at programming, but I didn't realize I was this seriously bad at it :(19:51
LarstiQrickspencer31: don't be too hard on yourself19:56
LarstiQrickspencer31: a segfault happens in C19:56
thekornrickspencer31, sorry, can't look at the code in depth right now, but still confirmed: under some circumstances there are segfaults19:57
LarstiQrickspencer31: ideally it wouldn't happen, but you're exposing a condition in a library that results in a segfault19:57
LarstiQrickspencer31: it does happen programming python, but not a lot19:57
rickspencer31LarstiQ: right, it should rather throw an exception, right?19:57
rickspencer31thanks thekorn19:59
LarstiQrickspencer31: yeah, but it goes wrong somewhere in C land20:00
rickspencer31LarstiQ: does that mean it's a bug in launchpadlib, or that I am using it wrong, or both?20:05
LarstiQrickspencer31: again, without looking at it, my guess is your use of gtk is more likely20:14
rickspencer31LarstiQ: okay, thanks20:15
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ethana2I'm being trolled21:17
ethana2This account, https://answers.launchpad.net/~ethan-anderson , should be deleted21:17
ethana2and its email address banned from future use with launchpad21:18
ethana2..and nicks should not be able to include both latin and cyrrilic characters21:18
ethana2czajkowski: good evening21:19
ethana2oh my..21:19
ethana2This troll is really, really, really bad21:20
ethana2I made a filter for my email so he couldn't harass me21:20
ethana2so he made a launchpad account to look like mine21:20
ethana2and has been wreaking havok on launchpad and getting me literally hundreds of emails from it21:20
ethana2he is wasting more of Canonical's resources than 20 users operating normally21:21
ethana2czajkowski: are you a launchpad administrator?21:23
czajkowskiethana2: nope21:26
ethana2ok, his nick changed to [deleted]21:31
ethana2but is there anything stopping him from coming back 30 minutes from now?21:32
ethana2it's not /actually/ deleted, he probably just changed it to that21:32
ethana2probably did that last time too21:32
ethana2ok, I see, it is deactivated21:34
ethana2thank you much, whoever took care of that21:34
ethana2He'll probably come back and do the same thing with a different email address, so I'll see you guys then I guess21:35
ethana2in the mean time, have a good day21:35
ethana2the troll is back.21:46
ethana2I don't know why he's able to do this, but I'd like it ended permanently21:47
ethana2That account has been disabled twice already21:49
ethana2this will be the third time21:49
beunokiko, any ideas  ^21:50
ethana2If launchpad dissallowed nicks from having both latin and cyrrilic characters at once, that would improve this greatly21:50
maxbWhy, ooi?21:51
kikobeuno, on what?21:51
LarstiQethana2: could you elaborate on what exactly the problem is with mixing scripts?21:52
ethana2LarstiQ: ..?21:52
ethana2lookalike nicks21:52
beunokiko, a troll that keeps coming bach?21:53
cody-somervilleThat is too funny21:53
ethana2cody-somerville: I am not amused21:53
cody-somervilleI know you must not be21:53
ethana2cody-somerville: k21:53
cody-somervilleBut thats pretty clever21:53
ethana2I didn't even know he was mixing scripts, a friend discovered that21:53
cody-somervillenot to mention a huge security issue21:53
ethana2thank you21:53
ethana2I think this guy might be the one who goes by 'ozzymandias' on irc21:54
ethana2he is very, very unwelcome in at least one channel that I know of21:54
* LarstiQ still feels he is missing the point21:54
ethana2LarstiQ: I don't know what the point is either21:54
ethana2I'm told I'm fun to mess with21:54
ethana2some people are just jerks21:55
cody-somervilleLarstiQ, They're different people!21:55
LarstiQcody-somerville: yes, but isn't that obvious?21:55
cody-somervilleHow is it obvious?21:56
LarstiQdue to the different launchpad names21:56
ethana2cody-somerville: his nick includes cyrillic characterss21:56
maxbThe troll's user id appears to currently be ~yoyoyo with is fairly different from ~ethana2, even if they do happen to have the same *display* name21:56
ethana2oh crap, it IS ozzymandias.21:57
maxb*which is21:57
LarstiQthe display names look similar, but I wouldn't expect those to be unique?21:57
cody-somervilleYou have to mouse over to see that21:57
ethana2he is a freak.21:57
sorenWell apart from the nick squatting business his response looks helpful enough (until he goes nuts on the reload button).21:57
cody-somervilleAnd the display names look exactly the same to me21:57
ethana2soren: I have been using xmodmap for quite some time21:57
ethana2cody-somerville: and that is one problem that should be fixed..21:57
ethana2but he knows that, he's been harassing us on #colemak for over a month21:57
Iggy_Koopathey don't look the same if you don't use Bitstream Vera21:57
ethana2he hacked into one guy's box with an --21:57
Iggy_Koopaanother fault with that font21:58
Iggy_Koopaand yeah21:58
ethana2you're here!21:58
Iggy_KoopaOf course I am21:58
ethana2I did not know you were here :)21:58
jrickas am I21:58
ethana2this is the guy that discovered the --21:58
jrickwe just wanted to help you ethana221:58
Iggy_KoopaWe're all here to help you, friend21:58
ethana2I feel better already :)21:58
maxbThe cyrillic/latin issue is presumably irrelevant, since Launchpad cannot reasonably require display names to be unique, since human names aren't unique!21:58
ethana2maxb: but email addresses must be unique, no?21:59
LarstiQethana2: yes21:59
maxboh, is *that* where the cyrillic is?21:59
ethana2maxb: the cyrillic is in his nick21:59
ethana2I'm sorta confused here--21:59
maxbethana2: What is a "nick" in this context?21:59
ethana2why does launchpad have separate sign ins and nicks?21:59
ethana2maxb: the account he was using was ~ethan-anderson or something21:59
ethana2but he showed up in what appeared like 'ethana2'22:00
ethana2which is my nick /and/ account22:00
ethana2and has been for probably like two years22:00
maxbMy user is "maxb" but my display name is "Max Bowsher"22:00
ethana2ok, display name22:00
ethana2display names should be in one language at a time.22:01
LarstiQethana2: that wouldn't help you22:01
maxbNo reason to require that22:01
ethana2unless cyrillic doesn't have a full character set on its own22:01
ethana2LarstiQ: I don't see why it wouldn't at least reduce confusion22:01
LarstiQethana2: unless, at which I'd be very surprised, launchpad retricted there to be unique display names22:01
ethana2well shouldn't they be unique?22:02
Iggy_Koopaalso, like I pointed out22:02
Iggy_Koopait's not the same in all fonts22:02
ethana2is there a really good reason to have multiple identical display names on launchpad?22:02
LarstiQethana2: I don't tink so.22:02
LarstiQethana2: sure22:02
ethana2LarstiQ: use case?22:02
LarstiQethana2: my display name is Wouter van Heyst. I'm not the only one of those.22:02
ethana2sure, but does it kill you to add an integer on the end?22:03
ethana2I'm not ethana22:03
ethana2because ethana was taken on gmail22:03
ethana2I am ethana2, someone else can increment it if they have to22:03
cody-somervilleWhat does this have to do with cyrillic again?22:03
cody-somervilleAnyone can change their display name to ethana222:03
ethana2cody-somerville: this seems to be a different problem22:03
ethana2cody-somerville: yeah22:03
ethana2cody-somerville: I don't think that's good22:04
LarstiQethana2: I acknowledge your situation sucks22:04
LarstiQethana2: but I don't agree your proposed fix is a good idea22:04
maxbClearly there's an issue here - perhaps Launchpad should display me as "Max Bowsher (maxb)" everywhere, for example.22:05
ethana2LarstiQ: what do you think a good fix would be?22:05
LarstiQbut then I'm a user, the lp people may disagree22:05
ethana2maxb: I like that22:05
ethana2Ethan Anderson (ethana2)22:05
jrickanyone remember that one really fake bug last week or so? that was done by this guy22:05
LarstiQethana2: i wouldn't be opposed to rendering the username as maxb said, but for anything that I'd want to know it, I'd check it explicitly22:05
jrickso it is important that this issue be fixed22:06
LarstiQand not rely on just the display name, as it is only that22:06
ethana2this guy made Bug Number One a duplicate of something22:06
ethana2Is there anyway we can just keep this one guy off LP?22:06
jrickit was about magnets or something iirc22:06
jrickwiping the hard disks22:06
LarstiQno clue about that22:06
ethana2magnets and hard drives, yeah22:06
ethana2well, I have to start getting ready for work22:07
* LarstiQ needs to go to bed22:07
LarstiQethana2: have a good day22:08
ethana2I'll try, thank you22:08
ethana2good night22:08
LarstiQand I hope someone does something about him22:08
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sorenHas anyone gotten listadmin to work with Launchpads mailing lists?23:10
czajkowskisoren: hello there23:10
sorenczajkowski: Hi :)23:11
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