
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre
macvrkwwii: hi... anything new? regarding panel decision? the last time u said that dark/light might be chosen... hope ubuntu chooses a transparent panel image... :)09:46
thorwilmacvr, regarding glossiness, sometimes it works very well to simply reduce the alpha of highlight or shiny area and/or slight blur11:24
thorwilmacvr, in some cases, simply fading out a shiny area works instead of using the expensive and hard to control blur11:25
thorwilkwwii, hi! a new page i would like to get rid of: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/UsingOtherColorsKeepingHumanity11:55
thorwilkwwii, thinking the content might warrant a post to the list, but nothing more11:56
thorwilthis one is very interesting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Backgrounds#Tranquil Aspiration / See-ming Lee12:05
knomei like the eucalyptus wood12:09
knomeeven i'm not sure if it would was as a bg12:09
knomeand it looks way better as thumbnail :P12:10
knomeCimi_, can we expect that the launhcpad branch common-gtkrc will be relatively stable for future monts?12:31
Cimi_common-gtkrc is much more stable than the one used by ubuntu12:32
Cimi_and more tested of course, since it is based on the Clearlooks theme by gnome12:33
knomewhen do you expect it is chaging again/murrine is having an another release?12:33
Cimi_murrine is quite well stable12:34
Cimi_I have a dream about the options12:34
Cimi_i would like to rename them into a new format12:34
Cimi_but I 'm not planing it12:34
knomeif i plan a gtk theme for xubuntu karmic, should i use this or wait for a new release? :P12:34
knomehave to go ->12:40
macvrthorwil: were u talking about the smileys?12:53
thorwilmacvr, yes12:54
macvrthorwil: actually the top light does have blur > 0.5 , but very less i suppose, maybe alpha should be reduced12:54
thorwilmacvr, if you use stronger blur, you have to make sure it doesn't reach beyond the actual object. in some cases, one has to use clipping12:56
macvrthorwil: i realized that ^ , hence i had blur =0.512:57
macvrthorwil: just removed the gloss... how is this>http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/1882/smiley33.png13:04
thorwilmacvr, maybe a bit flat13:04
macvrthorwil: seems thats , what breathe wants :P13:05
thorwilmacvr, btw, the smiley base is one of the rather few cases where one could try to mimic the bottom-glow of the folder icon13:05
thorwilmacvr, "what Breathe wants" is a funny topic13:05
macvrthorwil: MMA seems rigid sometimes :P13:06
thorwilmacvr, Cory started it as some kind of Oxygen for Ubuntu, but aside from that and the demands on the folder, it was up to me to define the general direction13:07
thorwilmacvr, but Sebastian did almost all the work, so it's kinda his interpretation of my briefing that defines the look13:08
macvrthorwil: regarding the folder... how can a bottom glow leave a shadow below?13:08
thorwilmacvr, it's magic. what can is say ... this aspect of breathe makes me unhappy13:09
macvrit no way accounts for the shadow... the shadow seems like an anomalie13:09
macvri found ur reply to the mail funny.. :P saying that the shadow made everything right :P13:09
macvrthorwil: ^13:10
thorwilmacvr, that's not what i said or meant13:10
thorwilit is simply wrong to say that the folder icon has sole light from below13:10
macvrthorwil: actually i light the bottom glow, its more like an object being presented , which seems ok for the folders13:11
thorwilmacvr, still, it's a common way to depict translucent objects such that they have a highlight on top from light above, but a deeper color on top amnd brighter at bottom. classical glassy look13:12
macvrthorwil: when it has dual light there CANNOT be any shadows, especially like the one below, a yellow light instead of the shadow... how does that sound?13:12
thorwilmacvr, in some of the versions of the folder, the shadow was colored with a slight orange shift13:13
macvr^ that would be nice13:13
thorwildon't know if it is there in the newest incarnation13:13
macvri dont think so...13:14
macvrthorwil: if u find time... why not come up with the version of andrew with a little perspective added?13:15
macvr^at an angle that seba has done?13:15
thorwili think perspective/shape of Andrew's version is just fine13:15
thorwilit's indeed the shadow one could work on13:16
macvrthorwil: shape is nice... but i think adding angles to the folders would be better than the straight on look13:17
thorwilmacvr, generally, i'm starting to do freelance work and should invest my time wisely. so i hesitate to work on things that don't make good portfolio material ...13:17
macvr:( the force is weak on this one ^13:19
macvrthorwil: thats the prob with open source, people cant devote much time to it... if only it paid money... :(13:20
thorwilyeah, exactly13:20
macvrthorwil: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/19866/   i tried proposing this, but no one wants to just allow this13:21
thorwilmacvr, it's a tricky business13:22
macvrthorwil: what are ur thought on that idea?13:23
macvrsomething needs to be done , otherwise open source will constantly be "sustaining" , rather than leading...13:24
thorwilmacvr, i think the current situation isn't that bad13:24
thorwilyou have to consider that money comes with some bad side effects13:24
macvrthorwil: as? how can money be bad :P13:25
thorwilgreed, competition, driving the fun out of what has been a hobby because now you have to do it13:26
thorwilsetting bad goals because suddenly money is the driver, not any higher goal13:26
macvrthorwil: well if u dont have money, > NO HOBBY !13:27
macvrthorwil: do u have ur work online? i checked out ur world press logo design, is it elsewhere also?13:29
thorwilmacvr, outside of the blog, there's only http://sophia.uni-wuppertal.de/diplom/ss_05/wilms/index.html13:30
thorwilmacvr, but i havn't updated the Logo Design page since long, so you have go through blog entries to see newer work13:31
macvrthorwil: ^thanx..just trying to learn , by seeing more... :)13:31
kwwiithorwil: yes, that should be gotten rid of, and yes tranquil is quite nice :)13:44
kwwiisorry everyone, I forgot to mention that I am on holiday this week13:45
thorwilkwwii, have a nice holiday, wtf are you still doing here? ;)13:45
kwwiithorwil: well, my band plays in a club tonight and then we are leaving :)14:04
macvrkwwii:  / thorwil: /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png ... why are all the default backgrounds label so?14:47
macvrSiDi: do u know anything about this^ ?14:51
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SiDiwhats wrong with the label ?15:09
macvrSiDi: its labelled "WARTY" in jaunty!16:21
macvrSiDi: thats the same way in all the releases!16:22
SiDiisnt that an old one ?16:22
SiDiim on xubuntu btw i dont have such a file :)16:22
macvrthats the first release...! i just thought u might have some info about this ...16:23
dashuamacvr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers/+bug/29653816:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296538 in ubuntu-wallpapers "warty-final-ubuntu.png is actually a jpeg" [Low,Triaged]16:30
dashuathe reason for this file being named thusly is historical and due to the update process. It was intentionally done this way because the update process currently cannot handle different file types for the wallpaper. This is something that should be fixed in Jaunty.16:30
macvrdashua: ok... thanx... but the guys can get wobbly windows and all the graphics to work but still havent figured this out since warty... :P16:32
macvrjust kidding :P16:32
dashuaHa yeah16:32
dashuaTake away my wobbly windows and I convert to OSX ;p16:33
macvrwobbly windows is really a wonderful feature , makes the interface more touchable...16:34
macvrtake that lickable!16:34
dashuaI've been using them for almost three years and still love them16:34
dashuaI've really grown fond that feature16:34
macvrme to :)16:35
dashuaWhen I move a window on other OS's, it just doesn't feel right.  I'm always waiting for some type of inertia.16:35
macvrdashua: exactly my feeling^... i was wondering why the others just havent implemented it yet... more than a feature... it just makes sense during the movement.16:36
macvrdashua: have u recently checked the breathe submissions page?16:37
dashuamacvr: I agree.  It is more than eye candy at this point.  I would classify as a usability factor.16:38
dashuaI just did.  Things are shaping up nicely16:38
macvrdashua: any comments about the smiley base?16:38
dashuaHr,m, let me check16:39
dashuaface-Base2 looks best to me.  I like the gloss.16:40
macvrdashua: me too... but Cory is against it very much :(16:41
macvrespecially the gloss16:41
dashuaI'm not sure if the gloss is consistent with the set, but it does look the best16:41
dashuaHave you seen these?16:41
macvrdashua: how do u mean consistent?16:42
dashuaThe gloss16:42
macvrdashua: its the same actually, i just resize the images , and adjusted the things where required for the pixel alignment, but nothing about the gloss was altered from the big pic16:44
macvrdashua: wish i could make icons like that!... i'm just 15days old with inkscape...  :P   lot to learn how to use it...16:45
dashuaHehe, good work so far :)16:45
dashuaI'm still using your nm-applet icons16:45
macvrdashua: thanx...btw...is that ur icons16:45
dashuaOh no.  He's a Novell artist, I believe.16:46
macvri saw that screenshot... thats the main reason for me asking whose it was... :P  ... was glad someone other than me is using it...16:46
dashuaI'm really digging Andrew's modifications to the set.  They are quite nice.16:47
macvrdashua: the folders are awesome... i'll try to replicate them for breathe... :P ... is that allowed?16:47
macvryeah andrew's is good...16:47
dashuaThose icons are tango based and Breathe has an Oxygen base16:48
dashuaNot sure.  You would have to ask Cory.16:48
macvrCory said he was open to ideas, if something better comes...16:48
dashuaAh nice16:49
macvrdashua: what is the "base" actually people keep talking about ? oxygen/tango ...16:49
dashuaIcon sets16:50
macvrthat is understood...16:50
dashuaThere are specifications to the sets for consistency16:50
macvrbut from oxygen or human, why isnt the novel type possible?16:51
andreasnany ubuntu art people coming to Guadec/Akademy?16:51
dashuamacvr: Not sure.  It's OSS so I guess anything is possible ;)16:52
macvrdashua: damn... why did u show me that link!!!!!! now i'm going to loose sleep trying to replicate it!... how i find the svg for those... it could make it easier16:52
* dashua -> lunch16:52
vikashkoushikIs there anyone who can help me with gfx-grub issue??17:04
macvrvikashkoushik: this room is only for designing ...17:07
vikashkoushikcould you tell me a room where i can find my solution? pls17:08
macvrvikashkoushik: #ubuntu17:08
macvrdashua: u there?18:21
savvasanyone working on bug 149047 ? Is there a reason some 48x48 are not included?19:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 149047 in human-icon-theme "Various icons don't have 48x48 nor scalable version" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14904719:31
savvaskwwii: I've attached a system-search.svg for bug 14904722:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 149047 in human-icon-theme "Various icons don't have 48x48 nor scalable version" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14904722:18
macvrsavvas: kwwii  is out this whole week...22:27
savvasah ok22:28
savvasno hurry anyway, I see that the artwork team is subscribed to the bug :)22:29
savvasthanks for the info macvr!22:29

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