
gbear142751hey guys, new person to open source management and was wondering if any of you had some good information about managing opensource projects, specifically with using svn for version control and building release candidates.  Any suggested howto's or other information would be greatly appreciated00:16
lifelessgbear142751: don't use svn00:38
lifelessgbear142751: use bzr (or git or hg)00:38
gbear142751lifeless: just found out about bzr tonight... are there significant improvements over svn, or just another flavor of version control?00:39
directhexbranching is more powerful in distributed systems like bzr01:01
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robinpis there some way of digging up an old package source. The package was rejected due to license however the license has now changed and so I believe the package(s) should now be valid.02:06
robinpI'm looking at mdnsresponder.02:06
directhexrobinp, depends on whether the package was uploaded to the archive02:12
robinpi imagined the source has changed a bit from then - maybe I am just better off doing a packagisation from scratch02:13
ScottKrobinp: Not that I can find.02:14
ScottKrobinp: #ubuntu-motu is generally a better channel to discuss making new packages for Ubuntu.02:14
robinpok thanks02:15
calcdirecthex: can't you make the stupid boycottnovell people disappear ;-)04:28
calcdirecthex: MONO is so evil it surely has a way to vaporize its opponents ;-)04:28
calci'm only ~ 1 week behind in bug triage now, whee05:15
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dholbachgood morning06:26
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pittiGood morning06:44
dholbachhiya pitti06:44
pittigeser: thanks for your analysis06:46
pittigeser: patch makes sense, thank you!06:48
siretartpitti: I need to do another quick upload of mplayer, I've forgot to bump the epoch in debian/control as well :-/06:49
siretartmorning #ubuntu-devel!06:49
pittisiretart: wait06:53
siretartpitti: anything else I can or should change in debian/control that would help the issue?06:53
pittisiretart: I'm about to upload pkg-create-dbgsym06:53
pittisiretart: if you can wait for 2 hours, the fixed p-c-d is in and you don't need to change anything06:53
pittisiretart: (or upload it now, and retry the build in 2 hours)06:53
siretartpitti: no, the package is really buggy and has a broken upgrade path. the replaces needs a bumped epoch as well to have any effect in ubuntu06:54
siretartI'd prefer the latter, since any ubuntu dev can retry the build as soon as pkg-create-dbgsym is installed in the chroots06:54
pittisure, go ahead06:55
* pitti too :)06:59
siretartpitti: is your upload automatically active on the buildds, or do the chroots need handholding?06:59
pittisiretart: no, they should auto-update07:01
pittibut of course it needs to build/publish first07:01
gpocentekcould someone get the new goffice binaries out of NEW? it's a soname bump with package name changes07:02
gpocentekgnumeric is waiting for the packages to build, it'd be nice to have it ready for the next xubuntu alpha07:02
pittigpocentek: will you care about the transition until alpha-2?07:09
gpocentekpitti: sure, there's only one package concerned with a patch ready (waiting for an upstream review)07:10
pittigpocentek: done07:11
gpocentekpitti: thanks!07:11
pittiTheMuso: hi!07:27
pittiTheMuso: would you mind if I backport the hal -> udev migration patches for pulseaudio?07:27
TheMusopitti: dtchen has done it in our bzr pa branch. Unless it needs to be uploaded ASAP, can it wait till our next pulse upload?07:34
pittiTheMuso: hm, not in http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/pulseaudio/ubuntu then07:35
pittiTheMuso: yes, it's not super-urgent, I'm just curious :)07:35
TheMusopitti: no because I haven't merged it. Its still in dtchen's branch.07:35
* pitti marks it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy07:35
pittiTheMuso: thanks!07:35
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mneptokpitti: every time i see you discussing disabling HAL, i hear "Daaaaaaaaisy, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaisy ...." in my head08:11
pittimneptok: heey!08:11
* mneptok waves :)08:12
pittimneptok: hm, I guess I would have needed to watch Odyssee 2001 to get that joke? :-)08:12
mneptokpitti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85wCw3ArNhs08:14
pittimneptok: how are you these days?08:14
mneptokpitti: very well, thanks! busy as hell, but in a good way.08:21
\shpitti: you didn't watch odyssee 2001? that's a pitty, pitti ;)08:23
gesergood morning08:24
\shI wonder if there is any debian policy document about packaging javascript libraries....08:24
siretart`hey \sh :-)08:24
\shsiretart`: moins :) did you get in touch with czessi? :)08:25
siretart`\sh: whats wrong with installing them in /usr/share and be done with it?08:25
\shsiretart`: oh well...I meant more for naming issues...like libzend-framework-php I'm using now something like libdojo-toolkit-core-js ;)08:26
siretart`\sh: no, it seems that everyone here in nueremberg prefers to stay here, and we have a big party at the university at thursday here. now I'm really considering if I should go to LT2009 at all :-(08:26
pitticjwatson_: would you mind if we unseed apmd? nothing in main depends on it, and it just sounds horribly outdated08:26
siretart`\sh: I'm sure there are already javascript libraries packaged in debian. What do the others do?08:27
\shsiretart`: it looks like they do it the other way around...libjs-<name of the lib>08:27
\shso I need to change the naming...08:28
\shsiretart`: btw...I wonder if you see nobse somehow...if so, I would like to know his progress on mysql-cluster...didn't find any progress on it on his blog or on his debian page08:29
ajmitch\sh: I think there actually is some policy around js libraries08:29
\shajmitch: yes...I just didn't find it yet ;) but libjs-<name> sounds sane08:30
ajmitchthere's a javascript-common package there as well08:31
ajmitchhttp://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-javascript-devel/2009-April/000206.html details the 'policy' so far :)08:32
\shajmitch: you are my savior, man (sorry for quoting matrix)08:32
siretart`\sh: he seems terribly busy with his work these days. several months ago he called for help to create a mysql packaging team; without much success AFAIUI08:32
siretart`\sh: I have him in my jabber list though, where I often see him online08:33
ajmitchsiretart`: do you know what help he needs with mysql?08:33
\shsiretart`: oh well...then I need to jump on the wagon08:33
* wgrant whispers 'removing it'08:33
siretart`my ajmitch! :-)08:34
ajmitcher... :)08:34
siretart`ajmitch: there was a blogpost about that, but I'm not uptodate with the current state of affairs08:34
siretart`bah, I should chat thta much at work...08:35
\shwgrant: "REMOVING MYSQL?"08:35
wgrant\sh: Yes!08:35
ajmitchsiretart`: I think I saw it awhile back08:35
ajmitchit's still on the front page of his blog08:36
\shwgrant: no ways...or do you mean, remove mysql and introduce mariaDB?08:36
ajmitch\sh: I think he means use postgresql08:37
wgrantI mean remove MySQL and all derivatives, and use PostgreSQL, yes.08:37
mneptokuse MariaDB :P08:37
\shajmitch: that's difficult...because postgresql and clustering is not a good partnership...third party tools are there, but mostly non or less documented...and no one has any clue about the "right way"08:37
\shthe same goes for master/slave setups...slony is there, yes, but really not the right way to do it08:38
ajmitchmneptok: you has no bias, right? :)08:38
\shperformance, agreed, postgresql is much better...08:38
mneptokajmitch: i don;t get paid for June until July 7, so no ;)08:39
\sh(and before someone comes and tell me: "you have no clue"...we have all the setups right here @office...and tested it :))08:39
mneptokPostgres is a bad idea.08:40
mneptokit changes the LAMP acronym to LAPP, and that means your servers eat reindeer08:40
mneptokMariaDB, OTOH ...08:41
ajmitchbut it's popular these days to not even use apache08:41
mneptokwgrant: that's LL Cool J's incontinent brother08:41
siretart`unpronouncable. this is a killer criteria08:41
* ajmitch watches mneptok try & pronounce that one08:42
\shMariaDB is charming...my moms name is "Maria" ;)08:42
sorenThat would be L2P2.08:42
\shoh my god...it's monday morning here...how can we be so funny ... it's to early(tm)08:44
ajmitchonly way to face up to the week ahead08:44
mneptokajmitch: he said "funny," not "liquor and a handgun"08:45
ajmitchyou must have one interesting workplace08:46
mneptokespecially on "Clothing Optional Wednesdays"08:46
ttxslangasek: re: release meeting action, I sent you a mail about likewise-open status in karmic.08:46
pittilool: shall we try syncing libipc-sharelite-perl, and see if the new upstream version's test suite works on armel now?08:47
\shmneptok: this week we do need more than a handgun...pumpgun is much better...but after some guys running amok here in goodl ol' .de even this is not allowed by law nowadays ;)08:47
* soren is still baffled that it takes someone going on a killing spree for people to realise that guns aren't cool08:48
soren..but that's just me.08:48
\shsoren: because the problem is not the gun...the problem is the man/woman behind the gun...same goes for cars...a car could be a gun when the wrong person is driving the car08:50
sorenExcept you can use cars for sensible things as well.08:50
pitti\sh: .. and the actual owner of guns, who are way too careless08:50
\shpitti: right...but as our politicians are seeing it: "There is no problem with the owner...it's all Counterstrike's fault"08:51
* wgrant points out that this discussion probably isn't going to go anywhere good.08:51
pittiyeah, and Tetris clearly needs to be forbidden as well08:51
pittiit leads to people dropping stones from Autobahn bridges08:52
\shpitti: minesweeper I say, minesweeper ;)08:52
ttxand solitaire, which develops onanism.08:52
\shanyways...meeting now...where's my cluebat08:52
sorenStrip solitaire?08:52
smbseb128, Hi Sebastien, I just followed the last uploader trail. Would you be the right person to discuss gvfs?10:04
seb128smb: hi, probably, you can use #ubuntu-desktop too if you want10:05
smbseb128, Might be the better place. Let me move over there...10:05
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cjwatsonpitti: no problem dropping apmd as far as I'm concerned. Did I add it in the first place or something?10:13
pitticjwatson: no, just collecting a second opinion10:17
pittikirkland: please drop /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-kvm.fdi and /usr/share/PolicyKit/policy/org.freedesktop.hal.kvm.policy from  kvm, it's not used any more (hal deprecation)10:20
pittikirkland: kvm isn't maintained in bzr, is it?10:21
slangasekttx: received, thanks10:42
ion_Has anyone else encountered LP #384579?10:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384579 in devicekit-disks "Blocks system startup for almost a minute" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38457910:55
pittiion_: working fine here; what is it doing during that time?10:57
ion_I have no idea, except for what you can analyze from the bootchart. I haven’t got around to investigating it more yet.10:57
pittiion_: could you run sudo /lib/udev/devkit-disks-part-id /dev/... on all your partitions and check if one of them reproduces the long hang?11:00
pittiion_: replied in the bug11:01
ion_pitti: Ah! It hangs for /dev/fd011:01
ion_pitti: Neither of the computers in question have a floppy drive.11:01
pittiah, doesn't have anything in the drive, I suppose11:01
pittiion_: curious why you have a /dev/fd0 then; can you please also attach /var/log/udev ?11:02
slangasekuntil I read "floppy drive", my brain thought "/dev/fd0" was an alias for "/dev/stdin"11:02
slangasekhow many people would notice if we made that true11:02
ion_sudo /lib/udev/devkit-disks-part-id "$p"  0.02s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 52.302 total11:03
ion_pitti: Will do, a moment...11:03
ion_pitti: Attached11:05
ion_I should probably take a look at the BIOS settings and disable the drive from there. But one would think the kernel could realize a drive doesn’t exist anyway.11:06
pittiion_: the kernel detects an fd0 indeed, according to udev log11:07
pittiKERNEL[1244325984.817689] add      /devices/platform/floppy.0/block/fd0 (block)11:07
pittihas media:               1 (detected at su  7. kesÀkuuta 2009 03.05.53)11:07
ion_pitti: Also in dmesg11:08
ion_lshw doesn’t list a floppy drive.11:09
pittiion_: can you please run apport-collect on the bug, to collect kernel information?11:09
pittiion_: nevermind, dmesg is there already11:10
seb128devicekit-disks doesn't seem floppy driver friendly, people who have a floppy drive get constant polling apparently too11:10
seb128it's like people were not expect floppy drives to still be used or something ;-)11:11
pittiseb128: it does that by defualt for all removable devices11:11
pittiseb128: but if that's causing trouble, please have them file a bug11:11
pittiwe can certainly special-case floppies to not get polled11:11
ion_Amiga computers poll the floppy drives periodically, causing a click. And there’s a piece of software for AmigaOS that makes the poll clickless. :-)11:12
seb128pitti: bug #38446911:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384469 in devicekit-disks "contantly polls floppy drive" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38446911:12
seb128pitti: well every time you poll on a floppy drive it makes noise11:12
seb128pitti: so yes, it's quickly annoy apparently ;-)11:12
ion_One would think it would be possible to do a noiseless poll with PC floppy drives as well.11:13
pittiion_: well, one would think that floppies/cd-roms would generate an interrupt when a media is inserted..11:13
ion_True :-)11:13
pittiI'll deal with the floppy polling bug now11:13
seb128pitti: thanks11:14
pittiion_: if you feel like it, can you please forward your detection bug to bugzilla.k.o.?11:14
ion_pitti: Will do11:14
ion_pitti: For Linux (or udev or devicekit-disks)?11:15
pittiion_: linux, IMHO11:15
pittiif the kernel claims to have a floppy drive with media, then trying to open() it will hang and time out11:15
pittiI don't think this should be hacked around in userspace11:15
ion_pitti: Which bug category to pick? :-) Drivers: Bugs related to device drivers; IO/Storage: Bugs related to IO; Platform Specific/Hardware: Bugs that are platform specific?11:26
pittiion_: hm, I'd pick "storage"11:26
slangasekbugs with compound wings11:26
ion_pitti: Heh, there’s no “Ubuntu” or even “Other” option in the tree field. There’s Fedora, though.11:29
pittiion_: we should be pretty close to git head, though (2.6.30rc8)11:31
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slangasekcjwatson: from the discussion at UDS, should I go ahead and remove the 'server' seeds from kubuntu.karmic?11:44
Riddellplease, I've been meaning to  do that for ages11:46
cjwatsonyes, I think so11:46
slangasekdone, ta11:49
slangasekdholbach: instead of acking sync bugs that are redundant, perhaps you could mark them invalid? :)11:51
ion_pitti: http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13486 (now if i could just find the way to add a bug watch with Launchpad...)11:55
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 13486 in Other "Linux thinks there’s a floppy drive when there’s not. Userland doesn’t appreciate." [Normal,New]11:55
pittiion_: thank you!11:55
ion_Ah, found it. ”Also affects project” first, then add the bugzilla URL.11:57
pittiion_: done now; I linked the Ubuntu/linux package to the upstream product series, so adding upstream tasks should be easier in the future11:58
ion_pitti: The bug watch thinks the bug has been confirmed in bugzilla.k.o, even though it hasn’t.12:24
pittiion_: sounds like a LP bug12:26
* Keybuk tries to figure out which teams he needs to apply for membership for12:32
KeybukI remembered to add myself to core-dev just in time ;)12:32
slangasekKeybuk: ~real-madrid?12:32
asacrfcXXXX.txt files are usually not dfsg free, right?12:38
pitticjwatson: bug 384183> hm, where can I actually find the LP translations?12:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384183 in partman-target "Translation wrong in installation-gui" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38418312:40
pitticjwatson: or doesn't that use LP at all, and we just import Debian's?12:40
directhexasac, IME, spec files are usually non-free12:41
pitticjwatson: (just followed up on that)12:41
asacdirecthex: thx. thats what i thought too.12:42
directhexasac, debian bug 393373 is one example of it12:42
ubottuDebian bug 393373 in gtk-gnutella "Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's" [Serious,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/39337312:42
cjwatsonpitti: I'll reply on the bug12:42
directhexasac, we had to hax mono 2.4 to remove a spec file (from now on, upstream will instead ship source generated from the spec file, which is Free)12:42
asacdirecthex: right. i am sure for ietf's ... but not so much for rfc's12:42
slangasekasac: EPARSE?  There's only one IETF :)12:50
slangasekbut yes, unfortunately IETF RFCs generally have terms preventing free modification12:51
Keybukbecause modifying a standard somewhat defeats the point12:54
Keybukyou're allowed to resubmit it as a new standard with mods though12:54
slangasekKeybuk: I think you want #debian-devel for debating the DFSG :)12:54
Keybukslangasek: oh, I wasn't debating the DFSG, I missed the context ;)12:55
Keybukhowever such things are allowed under the Ubuntu Guidelines12:55
dholbachslangasek: sure, can do12:56
slangasek<blink> why does libclamunrar not build a -dev package?12:59
ion_Who is blink?13:00
slangasekmy eyeballs13:00
xnoxhello everyone =D13:18
xnoxxubuntu jaunty source cd is size 013:18
xnoxhow would you like me to report this? I'm struggling to pick correct package in launchpad. Or shall just file a bug and subscrive archive maintainers to it?13:19
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slangasekxnox: please use the ubuntu-cdimage project in launchpad13:21
xnoxslangasek: thanks13:22
siretart`pitti: mplayer built, it needs NEW love now13:22
siretart`btw, do we have an ARM porting team?13:22
ion_mvo: I added more rambling to <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptSyncInKarmicSpec> recently.13:36
pittisiretart`: nice13:41
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quadrisproI would work on findutils merge, isn't anyone already working on it?13:43
slangasekRiddell: is bug #376396 still in progress for alpha-2?13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376396 in kdebase "pulls in phonon-backend-null" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37639613:49
Riddellslangasek: yes it is13:50
steveirecjwatson: ping?13:50
\shpitti: you are writing emails with no content ;)13:52
pitti\sh: uh, what?13:52
asacsaw that too13:52
asacpitti: Message-ID: <20090608124849.GA7265@piware.de>13:53
Sikonpitti, that's a surprisingly brief letter to ubuntu-devel :p13:54
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pittiugh, no idea how that happened13:55
cjwatsonsteveire: ok, I've reconstructed your disk layout here and reproduced the parted failure; building a debugging version to dig into it now ...14:02
steveireAwesome. If there's any more I can do to help, just shout out.14:03
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cjwatsonsteveire: get me a faster disk ;-)14:11
steveireI can get you a bigger hamster to spin it ... :)14:11
sorenInteresting. I would have expected most people in this channel to have easier access to faster disks than to bigger hamsters.14:12
soren..but that's just me. :)14:12
slangasekcjwatson, ArneGoetje: Debian has dropped ttf-bitstream-vera, which is seeded citing dejavu as a replacement; do you know if it's reasonable for us to follow suit?14:18
* slangasek grumbles about glibc continuing to show up in process-removals :)14:19
siretart`is ubuntu going to stick with glibc or do we follow debian with eglibc?14:24
slangasekcalc: ping, re: OOo-l10n :)14:38
pittislangasek: is it broken again?14:38
slangasekpitti: OOo-l10n-en-za is 8MB oversized14:38
slangasekcalc said to nag him if he hadn't uploaded by Monday14:38
pittislangasek: ah, so that will give us back some 6 MB of CD space? nice14:39
slangasekin theory it'll give us back a full 8MB on the alternate14:40
pitti-en-gb is 1.9 MB, I figure -en-za will have a similar size?14:40
slangasekon desktop I don't know, I guess if dupe file detection is good then there's no savings14:40
pittiah, ok :/]14:40
slangasekI'm expecting -en-za to shrink back down to its jaunty size14:41
* pitti repairs the smiley's chin14:41
cody-somervillepitti, Who approved LP #353080 ?14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353080 in netbeans "Netbeans IDE 6.5 don't autocomplete import statement" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35308014:54
pitticody-somerville: it was a crash, and apparently a regression, so I accepted it into -proposed14:56
pittiunfortunately, motu-sru@ isn't responsive any more, so I guess ubuntu-sru has to do the decisions now?14:56
cody-somervilleIf there is a problem with the responsiveness of motu-sru then we should try and fix that issue, not totally disregard the currently accepted policies.14:59
cjwatsonsteveire: does your 8th partition (looks like a 2.5GB FAT32 partition) actually work?15:01
cjwatsonsteveire: it looks as if the problem is that its size in the partition table overflows the end of the disk15:01
steveirecjwatson: Well I've just mounted it without issue. I think it's some kind of Dell recovery partition.15:03
cjwatsonsteveire: hmm, the end of a FAT filesystem is a secondary copy of the filesystem headers IIRC15:04
cjwatsonso maybe it just copes with those being missing or something15:04
cjwatsonI'll carry on investigating15:04
pitticody-somerville: oh, I thought that ubuntu-sru was a member of motu-sru; apparently I mixed that up with {motu,ubuntu}-release, sorry15:04
* pitti uploads an apport package with interactive hook support to his PPA, go wild!15:06
steveirecjwatson: I have had issues with this disk before: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=904702. There's a Dell quick media thing or something which apparently messes them up.15:06
cjwatsonsteveire: can you confirm what 'parted -s /dev/sda print' in a terminal window in the installer says? For me, it says "Can't have a partition outside the disk!"15:11
cjwatsonor a terminal window in an ordinary system I guess15:11
steveireYes, I can confirm that.15:12
steveireIt says the same15:12
cjwatsonok, so it's not just me getting the disk size wrong15:12
cjwatsonI'll compare with the kernel source to see whether it does something different with respect to partitions that overflow the disk15:13
calcslangasek: will be getting it done today15:31
slangasekcalc: ok15:31
kirklandpitti: no, kvm isn't15:42
kirklandpitti: i'm trying to get it syncing from git15:42
kirklandpitti: but it's run into a few issues15:42
pittikirkland: well, that piece should bring you a step closer then :)15:42
pittikirkland: if that is upstream, nevermind; it doesn't hurt, it's just not used any more15:43
kirklandpitti: hmm, dropping hal, is it back to kvm group for /dev/kvm permissions?15:43
pittikirkland: no, automatic ACLs are done by udev-extras now15:43
kirklandpitti: so do i need to add something there?15:43
pittikirkland: no, I already committed it upstream15:44
kirklandpitti: neat, thanks :-)15:44
directhexpitti, http://www2.apebox.org/wordpress/linux/113/15:53
cjwatsonsteveire: http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/10/9/219 looks sort of related; the kernel limits broken partitions like this to the disk size16:09
cjwatsonsteveire: if you're in a hurry, my advice would be to back up the contents of partition number 8 and then delete it16:13
cjwatsonsteveire: and probably also complain to your manufacturer16:13
steveireJust reading the link. I'll probably do that.16:14
steveireBut should I be able to see kernel warning messages somewhere16:14
cjwatsonsteveire: that's what I'm currently mystified about16:17
cjwatsonsteveire: can you look at dmesg after mounting /dev/sda8? AFAICS, you should get something16:18
cjwatson"sda: p8 size <blah> limited to size of disk" or some such16:18
cjwatsonactually I think you should get it well before trying to mount it, but you don't seem to ...16:18
steveireNothing: http://dpaste.com/52822/16:22
cjwatsonsteveire: could you put updated 'fdisk -l /dev/sda' output on the bug?16:26
cjwatsonsteveire: I know you posted it in the forums thread but the disk layout seems to have changed a bit since then16:26
cjwatsonI'm just trying to double-check everything before I spam parted-devel upstream ...16:27
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geserpitti: as you merged pbuilder, could you sponsor bug 384284? or should I wait till after alpha-2?16:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384284 in pbuilder "CHROOT variable got lost during the last merge breaking pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38428416:51
nixternalpitti: I am going to take a look at the apport-qt stuff unless someone has already gotten in touch with you about it16:59
pittigeser: sure, will do17:10
pittigeser: no, that shouldn't be blocked by alpha-2 at all, it's a dev tool17:10
pittinixternal: oh, great! no, didn't get a response so far17:10
pittinixternal: please let me know if you start working on it and have questions about how it should behave, etc.17:10
pittigeser: sorry for breaking it, and thanks for cleaning up after me17:13
nixternalpitti: ya, looking through it now...the code is pretty much self explainable thus far...I branched your interactive-hooks repo17:20
pittinixternal: test with PYTHONPATH=. qt4/apport-qt -f -p pmount17:21
pittinixternal: (assuming that you install pmount.py package hook)17:21
* nixternal notes that down17:21
pittiyou can pick any package name, of course17:21
pittinixternal: I use this for testing: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/pmount.py17:22
pittiit uses all of the interactive functions17:22
pitti-> /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/pmount.py17:22
nixternalgot it17:24
nixternalNo module named packaging_impl - yay :(17:33
pittinixternal: cp backends/packaging-apt-dpkg.py apport/packaging_impl.py17:41
lajjrhello pitti.17:44
pittihey lajjr17:44
lajjrI was looking at the new bugs for apport17:45
lajjrI see there is some request for version (eg: apport-gtk -v apport-qt -v) and others.17:46
lajjris there a reason I was going to use opt parse in python do you want me to use it or a different method.??17:47
pittilajjr: apport/ui.py already uses optparse17:47
pittilajjr: see parse_argv()17:47
nixternalpitti: beat you to it, thanks to bug reports :)17:47
pittilajjr: so go ahead and add it17:47
pittinixternal: great!17:47
pittilajjr: so there needs to be some clever build-time hack to expose the version number from setup.py to apport/ui.py17:48
lajjryea what I mean do you want me to add -version for apport-gtk apport-qt?17:48
pittilajjr: or we could move the version number to ui.py and setup.py imports that and grabs it from there (probably much cleaner)17:48
lajjrwell you don't want hard code do you?17:48
nixternalpitti: on the "Pick File" window, any specific file to pick?17:49
pittilajjr: no need to add it to individual frontends; they all use apport/ui.py17:49
pittinixternal: in the example? no17:49
nixternalroger that17:49
pittinixternal: I just pick the first I come across17:49
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pittinixternal: look at the test hook, it just attaches it to the bug17:49
nixternal"I can has a bug report?"17:49
nixternalI didn't catch that in the code :)17:50
pittinixternal: that's just from pmount.py, not from actual apport code :)17:50
nixternalI just had pmount.py open too and looked at it :)17:50
pittilajjr: well, it needs to be hardcoded in exactly one place17:50
lajjrdo you want it to pop up like gdb etc.17:51
pittilajjr: right now that's setup.py, but there's no reason why we can't move it to ui.py and define __version__ there, for example17:51
lajjrok define it no prob do you want me to add it to the list. For me?17:52
pittilajjr: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3001/ says to use __version__, so let's do that17:52
pittilajjr: if you want, sure17:52
pittilajjr: thank youo17:52
lajjrno prob I will.17:52
pittilajjr: I'll review your bug followups; are you subscribed to the bugs you commented on? or to apport bugs in general? (so that you'll see my replies)17:53
lajjrwould you rather me make a branch so if it is approaved you can merge?17:53
lajjryes I subscribed to some I better add the rest.17:54
lajjrI was going to send a quick mail with a list and what I proposed.17:55
pittilajjr: sure, that should be convenient for both of us17:57
pittilajjr: e. g. I just followed up on bug 37289317:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372893 in sun-java5 "don't report package install failures for declined license" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37289317:59
pittilajjr: (which is admittedly quite complex, and I reassigned it)17:59
lajjrSo would like me to add some of the ones that will call optparse. Them to tasks I will do I see about 3 or so.18:00
lajjroh sorry..18:01
pittilajjr: as I said, apport/ui.py already uses optparse, just add it there18:02
pittilajjr: no need to be sorry, just pointing out some bugs, so that you can get a better feeling about what goes where in apport :)18:03
lajjryep that is what I mean.18:03
lajjrI will send an email with a few items I would like to take and do since it will be in same areas if ok.18:08
lajjrI will try to contact you later I have to get one of my children from school sick :(..18:11
qawshello, I get an error "end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0" every 2 seconds, floppy drive is still rotating (no floppy inside) - it is caused by devkit-disks-da. Should I report it as a bug?18:38
ion_It has already been reported and is being fixed.18:39
qawsion_, thx, what is the bug name pls?18:40
ion_I’ll look it up in a moment. If you want it sooner, check the bug list for devicekit-disks at launchpad.18:42
qawsion_, thx, I have it, it is #38446918:43
Keybukpitti: random Q about devkit-disks18:50
Keybukthe rules seem to duplicate a *lot* of what udev has already done18:50
Keybukand worse, call vol_id - which, err, doesn't exist18:50
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geseranyone got an idea how to debug why I don't have any acls (e.g. to access audio device files) set? (I'm on karmic)19:32
nixternalhrmm, to create a new ui or to utilize one that is close, but not that close... pitti any opinions there? does it matter if I create a question/choices ui instead of trying to utilize the QT4ReportDialog and promoting widgets19:47
keescan an archive admin check on linux 2.6.27-14.34 in intrepid NEW for -proposed ?19:49
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Kanohi cjwatson , did you test unionfs-fuse against aufs2 yet?21:38
Kanocjwatson: tested with kvm, karmic iso default about 45s, aufs2 mod about 30s21:39
Kanoi thought the target for next release was speed increase not slowdown ;)21:40
mweichertwhat version of Debian is Jaunty based on?21:50
ion_sid and experimental of the time21:54
BUGabundopitti: are you around?22:05
BUGabundowanna ask if Power Button breakage on Karmic is a known bug, and if it is related to FUSA or ACPI22:05
BUGabundohumm now that I think about it, it could be related to device kit, right?22:06
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tedgBUGabundo: Which power button breakage?  What doesn't work?22:14
BUGabundohi tedg22:15
BUGabundotedg: pressing my laptop powerbutton on karmic, does nothing22:15
BUGabundoit used to popup the shutdown/reboot/hibernate window22:15
BUGabundoanother user on +1 confirmed it too22:15
tedgBUGabundo: So if you turn on debugging in GNOME Power Manager you can see whether it's getting the keypress or not.22:15
BUGabundoplease tell me how to do that tedg22:16
tedgBUGabundo: That'd be the first thing to check, if it's not getting the keypress that is likely due to the hotkeys fixes for karmic.22:16
tedgBUGabundo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingGNOMEPowerManager#Getting%20info%20from%20GPM22:17
BUGabundotedg: running with nodaemon and pressing PowerButtons prints nothing22:27
BUGabundois there anything I can run to make sure its running properly?22:27
tedgBUGabundo: You're running with verbose as well, right?22:35
BUGabundotedg: $ gnome-power-manager --verbose --no-daemon22:35
BUGabundoas mentioned on the wiki22:35
tedgBUGabundo: Hmm, it should be printing all kinds of stuff... it generally is doing something.  Is this on a laptop?  Usually there are battery events.22:37
BUGabundolaptop with battery and AC22:37
yoasifBUGabundo: is this the bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/38489022:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384890 in gnome-power-manager "power button not bringing up shutdown dialog [karmic]" [Undecided,New]22:38
BUGabundolet me see22:39
BUGabundoyoasif: description fits22:40
BUGabundotedg: can you take a look?22:40
BUGabundoI'll add my apport-colect too22:40
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tedgBUGabundo: I think the next step is to see what HAL is sending.  I think that should be achievable using dbus-monitor, but I've not done it.22:48
chrisccoulsontedg / BUGabundo - gnome-power-manager is not responding to power button events from HAL because it was built without --enable-legacy-buttons at the last upload22:55
chrisccoulsongnome-power-manager doesn't listen to HAL events any more by default22:55
BUGabundochrisccoulson: ok22:55
chrisccoulsonit should probably be built with --enable-legacy-buttons still for now22:56
BUGabundoso is there a known bug open ?22:56
chrisccoulsoni don't think so22:56
BUGabundowe can use the one from yoasif22:56
BUGabundocan you comment that there?22:56
keeshah, that's nice.  grub2 finds _all my chroots_.  :P22:56
BUGabundolol kees22:57
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo - yeah. but the correct fix is for your buttons to not produce HAL events22:57
BUGabundochrisccoulson: humm didn't get that22:57
chrisccoulsoni think that your power button should behave like a keyboard button and go through X instead22:58
chrisccoulsongnome-power-manager is only looking at keypresses by default now, unless built with hal support22:59
BUGabundoyoasif: seems that gsynaptics fixes the tap to click bug22:59
yoasifBUGabundo: does it persist after reboot? what does it do that the packagers aren't doing?23:00
BUGabundoyoasif: and old bug about this https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/13306023:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 133060 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Synaptic touchpad fails to register some of the taps for tap-to-click" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:02
yoasifBUGabundo: ah nice23:02
BUGabundoyoasif: no idea. another LoCo user on xubuntu karmic says it works for him23:02
BUGabundoyoasif: filed as https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/38496823:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384968 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "no tap to click" [Undecided,New]23:06
yoasifBUGabundo: very cool23:07
BUGabundoand just commented on the other 2 bugs23:07
BUGabundoto check for dupes or regression23:07
yoasifthat reminds me, there was a major regression in jaunty in one of my other machines that i never filed :/23:08
BUGabundothanks for the comment chrisccoulson23:11
chrisccoulsonno problem23:11
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SarvattBUGabundo, use gpointing-device-settings, gsynaptics is abandoned :D23:20
BUGabundoSarvatt: thanks. will let the user know23:21
BUGabundoSarvatt: humm can't see anythin new on the menu or Mouse tabs :(23:27
Sarvattahh sorry, theres no shortcut in the packaged one? can make one pointing to /usr/bin/gpointing-device-settings or just run gpointing-device-settings from terminal till thats fixed23:37
BUGabundolet me try that Sarvatt23:38
BUGabundohumm does nothing to me23:39
BUGabundoand tapping is activated23:40
BUGabundobut I still can tab or double tab23:40
cjwatsonkees: linux/intrepid-proposed> accepted now23:45
keescjwatson: great, thanks23:45

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