
doctormoVantrax: how goes?00:38
Vantraxgoing ok01:11
pleia2quiet lately, anyone working on anything? need me to pitch in anywhere? (just chugging along with classroom at the moment)02:41
doctormoHmm, sounds like we need a begining to this group03:19
bodhizazen'lo everyone04:40
Vantraxlo bodhizazen06:47
Vantraxwe need to get a meeting for the board to get everything started06:47
cprofittbodhizazen, the server upload size is back to 2mb again... I have two courses to upload if you can raise that again18:56
pleia2I'm working with some freenode folks on a fosscon in the northeast next spring (or summer)19:00
pleia2I know you guys in us-ny were thinking of something similar, and for us rochester has been floated as a potential location, hope into #northeastgnulinuxfest if you're interested :)19:01
cprofittRochester would be an excellent choice -- RIT, etc19:03
bodhizazencprofitt: yes19:42
bodhizazencprofitt: would scp access be easier ?19:42
bodhizazenIf so, email me a key and I will add it to the server19:43
cprofittbodhizazen, I could learn scp21:01
jamesrflaI thought it was just a protocol21:02
bodhizazencprofitt: scp is easy21:02
jamesrflalol you missed him.......21:02
bodhizazenscp file root@server:/usr/share/locatiion21:02
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