
ftaalexbodn, ?00:26
alexbodnhow are you?00:26
ftawell, it's 1:30am00:27
alexbodnfta: 2:30 here ;) . still active?00:31
alexbodnfta: i'm packaging bluegriffon. do you know how the application file can be a script taken from xuldev/sdk/bin/xulrunner, calling application_name-bin, taken from xulrunner-stub or -bin? i mean how should i script this?00:34
ftai already packaged bluegriffon00:36
ftalast year00:36
ftaalexbodn, ^^00:37
alexbodni know, you sent me your link, but it changed significantly, and now it's quite straight forward to do it. that's why i'm reworking it00:38
ftawhat is so different now?00:38
alexbodni'm also basing myself in the fennec ubuntu example00:38
alexbodnmay i upload you the curent diff?00:39
alexbodnfta: i'm opening a private window to you, to send the diff. ok?00:41
ftahm, i can't accept it, i can only cancel, wth?00:42
alexbodni'll retry00:43
alexbodnfta: could you accept now?00:44
alexbodni'll mail this, ok?00:44
alexbodnfta: sent00:51
ftastill not there, probably in my greylist queue. i'll have a look tomorrow01:08
alexbodnfta: np01:08
alexbodnfta:do you have another im?01:09
alexbodnfta: icq, msn, yahoo?01:09
ftanope, just µblob (identi.ca)01:10
alexbodnfta: what's µblob ? google doesn't seem to know about it01:13
ftaalexbodn, do you know twitter? identi.ca is a free twitter: http://identi.ca01:13
ftaalexbodn, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro-blogging01:14
alexbodni see01:14
=== asac_ is now known as asac
alexbodnfta: i'm alexbodn on identi.ca01:29
alexbodnhello asac01:29
asacalexbodn: hi. whats up? did you get what you wanted from fta?08:15
asacfta: yeah moz does a b99 ;)08:16
asacfta: seems to be some beta channel update for pre-testing RC ;)08:17
asacso damn. the mailman approval didnt work :)08:17
alexbodnasac: hello09:32
asacalexbodn: hey. good morning ;)09:34
alexbodnwe have coversated by night a little, and i found some direction by grepping in the bluegriffon source tree.09:34
asacalexbodn: ok. so did you find fta's bzr branch?09:34
alexbodnyes he sent it to me before, but bluegriffon changed since then, to the good, and fta's patches to upstream have been adopted in part at least09:36
alexbodnasac: do you have newer xulrunner (1.9.[1-9]) packaged for ubuntu?09:38
asacalexbodn: we have 1.9.1 (for ffox 3.5) and 1.9.2 (trunk)09:42
alexbodngreat. can they co-exist with debian's 1.9 family?09:43
asacalexbodn: yes, should work09:48
asacat least for now09:48
asacprobably a problem because we only conflict with xulrunner-1.9-dev and not xulrunner-dev which is the one used by debian09:48
asacso the binaries can coexist in ubuntu/debian ... the -dev packages _can't_ coexist09:49
asacbecause the idea is that you select which build target you use by installing the proper -dev09:49
alexbodni understand09:49
asacin the next few days we will start transitioning to 1.9.1 by default in ubuntu :)09:55
asacwell first in ppa09:55
alexbodngreat. i foresee both bluegriffon and fennec should need these09:59
asacfta: does trunk open homepage in new tab for you too now?10:02
asachmm ... seems to be not an upstreawm feature.10:18
asachmmm ... trunk does weird things ;)12:19
asaclike starting with a different profile than the one i used for the first window12:19
gnomefreaktrunk firefox?12:20
gnomefreakasac: why did i just do that :(12:21
gnomefreakoh shit12:21
gnomefreakok fixed i think12:24
gnomefreakthis mono discussion is better than tv12:30
asacgnomefreak: so you approved him ;)12:32
asacbut deactivated again :)12:32
gnomefreakyeah mant to decline first :(12:32
asacas long as the guy cannot reenable his account its ok12:32
gnomefreakhave you read this mono discussion?12:33
asacno ;) ... too much mail12:33
gnomefreaki dont htink he can but there are ways to fix that once he tries12:33
asactopic didnt sound attractive enough for me to look closer12:33
gnomefreak1 person hates the idea and 35 others trying to defend mono12:33
gnomefreakI don't know that's why I'm writing here to get the MONO people kicked out12:35
gnomefreakthats a quote12:35
asacwell. thats on -devel-discuss?12:35
gnomefreaki thought we had mono devs for atleast 1 year12:35
gnomefreakok rest of bugmail can wait a week or 2 when i get back on here12:51
ftahm, since the last reboot, i had tons of13:06
fta[48671.965227] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 013:06
fta[48684.140609] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 013:06
fta[48696.304600] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 013:06
fta[48708.468736] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 013:06
asachad that too13:06
asactook quite some time to boot because of that probing13:06
asacdont even have a fd013:06
asacfta: complain in #ubuntu-kernel ... let me know what they say ;)13:06
gnomefreakyou didnt have that on shutdown?13:10
asacgnomefreak: i wish you good luck .... get better soon and cu asap13:10
gnomefreakasac: thanks13:10
gnomefreaki had those errors on 2.6.28-12 during shutdown. numbers always changed. updating to 2.6.28-13 fixed it for me13:11
asaconly had that on startup13:11
gnomefreaki cant use 2.6.30 with GUI so ive stayed oin 2813:12
gnomefreakah ff 3.0.11 is in testing as well as sm 1.1.1713:12
asacand tbird
gnomefreakyep that too13:14
gnomefreakok that time already. see ya asap if everything goes well i should hav emost of sight in left eye by end of week i would think13:27
ftaasac, answering chromium questions ? ;)14:16
ftaasac, bug 38457914:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384579 in linux "Linux thinks there’s a floppy drive when there’s not. Probing slows down bootup by almost a minute." [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38457914:16
asaci get those questions ;)14:17
asacand load is pretty low14:17
ftai subscribed the team last week, as noone got those before, except by chance14:17
asachmm. not sure if i saw them before14:19
asacbut probably not ;)14:19
ftahmm https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/chromium-browser/+spec/chromium-human-theme14:34
asacinteresting spec ;)14:37
asacfta: what theming mechanism does chromium offer?14:37
ftafollow the link14:37
asacfta: hmm. how can we make this honour gtk theme selection?14:39
ftagood question14:40
asacfta: ffox trunk remote client seems to be broken. do you see that too?14:44
asacmaybe its because i have multiple profiles14:44
asacif i open a new firefox through command it opens ffox with a profile currently not in use14:44
ftahm, wtm14:45
ftai mean wfm14:45
asacfta: do you have more than one profile?14:45
ftaI have 4 but i use only the default one14:46
asaci still get those bad X errors sometimes http://paste.ubuntu.com/190886/14:47
asachmm seems to work too now14:49
asaclets see if it comes back14:49
asacfta: oh it happens only if i open a url with command line14:50
asaclike: open one instance, then use firefox http://test.tld14:50
asacit must be something in gnome settings14:51
asacok preferred application had wrong custom command14:51
asacquite annoying devel-discuss thread on mono :)15:37
fta2 threads, units and mono15:43
asacunit consistency, yeah ;)15:44
ftaasac, the crash in ff3.6 is really annoying15:49
asacfta: which crash?15:50
ftathe one on startup when calling it in remote mode15:50
asacyeah jemalloc stuff it hink15:51
asacfta: do you have a backtrace?15:51
ftaasac, it's in the bug. here is fresh one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/190928/15:53
asacright. what did i say was the problem ;)?15:53
asacdo you know the bug id?15:54
asacbug 31948015:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319480 in firefox "firefox-3.1 crashed with SIGSEGV in memalign()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31948015:55
ftamozilla 473629 bug 31948015:55
ubottuMozilla bug 473629 in jemalloc "crash on exit in glibc memalign with jemalloc statically linked" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47362915:55
asacbug 35555115:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355551 in firefox-3.5 "firefox-3.5 crashed with SIGSEGV in ptmalloc_init()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35555115:55
ftaso it's 3.5 and 3.615:56
asacits jemalloc statically linked in15:56
asaci dont think we do that in 3.015:56
asacits like said here: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=473629#c415:56
ubottuMozilla bug 473629 in jemalloc "crash on exit in glibc memalign with jemalloc statically linked" [Normal,New]15:56
asacthats what i found.15:56
asacthe libc code should not directly call the libc malloc function, but should use the overloadable function name instead15:56
asaclet me check if i can find it quickly again15:57
asacfta: wanna test this patch :) : http://paste.ubuntu.com/190930/16:00
asacfta: better try in a chroot first ;)16:01
asacok uploading this somewhere16:04
asacnot sure if it builds though16:04
asachttps://edge.launchpad.net/~asac/+archive/sandbox ;)16:05
ftabtw, did you push your gtk patch forward? i still need to update ia32libs16:06
asacfta: there is a bug with atk-bridge killing flash in nspluginwrapper .... otherwise i would push it16:08
asacand firefox forgets that it sets AT_NO_BRIDGE16:08
asacin env16:08
asachavent figured out16:08
asacwhy it forgets that env16:08
asaci think it has something to do with the fact that unloading libxul.so will also unload a few const chars that have been added to env16:09
asacso glibc is spinning https://edge.launchpad.net/~asac/+archive/sandbox16:11
ftalooks dirty16:11
asacfta: the env problem?16:11
asacyes. it definitly is broken. but i am not sure if hte unloading bug is really responsible for the env getting wiped in the main firefox process (i added debug output and it just forgets about AT_NO_BRIDGE)16:12
* asac wipes gutsy chroots to get space for libc testbed16:15
* asac sets up karmic chroot16:19
jcastrofta: the bookmark manager is there16:21
jcastrofta: I just can't drag stuff around, but it's coming along!16:21
ftajcastro, hm, how? using the menu entry?16:22
jcastrono, right clicking on the bar16:22
jcastroand selecting bookmark manager16:23
ftaoh, you can remove the window decorations now16:23
jcastroall they need is max/min buttons16:24
ftawould be nice if the dark blue was transparent16:24
jcastroit's transparent in windows16:24
jcastrois there a linux-specific changelog anyplace? The overall one is just too much to keep track of16:25
ftai don't think so16:26
jcastroit would be neat instead of blue if it got the tint for the chrome off your gtk colors16:27
ftanow that google produces its own debs, i wonder what will happen with my dailies16:32
jcastroI don't think they do dailies16:32
ftachromium-browser                  5721   0.51%       390    1912    3419       016:32
ftagoogle-chrome-unstable             465   0.04%         3       1     461       016:32
jcastroplus yours goes into the right place, not /opt. :p16:34
jcastrohow often do you think they'll update it?16:34
ftaprobably weekly, not sure16:35
ftanot sure they update the deb through a repo or directly like on windows16:36
ftawhat a mess.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=740865316:38
jcastrolook in /etc/cron.daily/google-chrome16:39
ftajcastro, i don't have it16:39
asacjcastro: paste it ;)16:39
ftai mean, i don't want it ;)16:40
asacso that libc build failed to build ;)16:40
asaci have the feeling i dont know what i am doing. lets see if it builds now that i included proper headers16:41
ftaso the package adds a google repo for you, re-adds it daily if it's not there, and re-enables it if it's disabled like after a major upgrade16:45
ftai sure don't want that to happen in my back16:45
asacyeah ;)16:45
asacfta: do they depend on mst fonts?16:46
jcastrofta: so you answered your own question, we still need your dailies. :p16:47
asacannoying idea to have a cron script that readds a repo16:47
ftaasac, no idea, i don't have their deb16:47
asacisnt really changing a thing16:47
asacjust annoying ;)16:48
ftajcastro, yeah :)16:48
asackind interesting that they dont even have repos for jaunty/karmic/hardy, etc.16:49
asacprobably doesnt matter as they link in everything anyway16:49
jcastroone big pile in /opt16:50
ftajcastro, can you please dgkc -c the deb?16:51
ftaasac, just added ff3.6, tb3 and chromium to the list of preferred apps in gnome16:52
ftajcastro, do you have the 32b deb too?16:56
ftait's strange, they ship the 32b libs of nspr/nss/sqlite but nothing else, i thought that were targetting hardy16:57
ftaoh, the links are just needed at build time, so maybe those debs are also fine in hardy16:58
ftajcastro, btw, is the chromium logo still blurry in gnome do?17:00
ftalol http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-discuss/browse_thread/thread/41f77fc003ff263?pli=117:02
jcastroyes, it is17:13
ftajcastro, hmm, could you try to remove /usr/share/pixmaps/chromium-browser.png? i hope /usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/chromium-browser.png will take precedence then17:18
asaclemme chech selinux with symbolic-functions ;)17:19
asaci think fedora folks said they dont see that problem ;)17:19
jcastrofta: nope, removing it and restarting do didn't fix it17:19
ftai should read about this /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ thing then17:20
ftahm, icon-theme.cache17:24
ftajcastro, which app has a good icon in gnome do? (so i can have a look at how it is done as i can't find a spec)17:32
jcastrofirefox/minefield do17:32
ftabut it's just a 48x48 icon17:33
asacfta: you know where it crashes in ptmalloc_init ;)?17:43
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/190995/17:43
asaclast line17:43
asacso yeah. even the crash on startup seems to be due to corrupted env17:43
asacso leaking all envs might help ;)17:44
fta #0  ptmalloc_init () at arena.c:34617:44
fta Segfault happened at: 0x184561 <ptmalloc_init+353>:cmpb   $0x4d,(%eax)17:45
fta PC (0x00184561) ok17:45
fta source "$0x4d" ok17:45
fta destination "(%eax)" (0x019f305a) not located in a known VMA region (needed writable region)!17:45
asacfta: right. what i am saying is that the place that crashes iterates the env ;)17:49
=== rickspencer31 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
asacand we know that env is busted17:49
asacso we need to leak env  ;)17:49
asacat least those coming from constant strings17:50
ftai give up on those desktop icons. no spec :(17:53
ftaoh, nice. about:credits in chromium18:00
ftajcastro, http://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/getting-involved/dev-channel/release-notes is the best i could find18:40
jcastrofta: ah, good enough18:41
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer31
ftaasac, http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/9ea5db23053e773a/a4233e4dcf29cd3a?lnk=raot19:26
asacfta: i think the problem should be fixed now19:27
ftaasac, ?19:27
asacfta: the memaling crash19:29
asacat least for me it works now ;)19:29
ftausing your patched glibc?19:30
asacfta: no. using the patch i committed to .head ;)19:31
asacleaking the env19:31
asacbut NO_AT_BRIDGE is still not properly passed to the npviewer19:32
asacwhich still breaks flash if i add the gtk fix of 32 bit modules19:33
asacbut i guess thats rather the way the process is forked19:33
asacso does a normal execv reset the env?19:33
asacor pass it properly down?19:33
fta... "The other functions take the environment for the new process image from the external variable environ in the current process."19:37
ftaextern char **environ;19:37
ftaasac, you asked me a question about xul growing in size, where/when was that?19:37
asac8:54 < asac> 18:13 < cjwatson> asac: xulrunner-1.9 seems to have grown by a megabyte from .0.8 to .0.10 - do you know why?19:38
asacfta: ^^19:38
asacfta: so between and we gained weight ;)19:40
asaci guess i will run a diff on the trees after dinner19:43
asacnow heading for that19:43
asacfta: can you kick of another trunk spin round?19:49
asacor, well, tomorrow is early enough i think19:50
asacok out for food19:50
ftawhich branch?19:51
asac1.9.2 + 3.6 heads19:53
ftalibxul.so is 3MB bigger19:58
ftasame libs20:00
ftai guess it's gcc 4.420:01
fta1.9.9.8 was from jaunty, hence gcc 4.320:01
asacfta: was also gcc 4.4?20:06
asacotherwise the change should probably be between .9 and .1020:06
* asac ponders lp20:06
ftano .9 !?20:06
asacfta: yeah. so .9 went to jaunty-security20:07
asacand karmic was still close20:07
asacand .10 was a firedrill so karmic doesnt have .9 ;)20:07
asacfta: maybe we pull something not as system lib?20:09
asacbut that wouldnt change libxul most likely20:09
asacso yeah. its probably gcc ;)20:09
asacunless upstream changed optimization options or some other flag20:09
asacor maybe just the linker?20:11
asacgrr. cannot access binaries of the jaunty-security build in launchpad :/20:13
asacreally odd20:14
asac[ ]xulrunner-1.9_1.9.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1_amd64.deb28-Apr-2009 20:04 8.3M20:14
asac[ ]xulrunner-1.9_1.9.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1_i386.deb28-Apr-2009 20:05 7.2M20:14
asac[ ]xulrunner-1.9_1.9.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu1.respin1_amd64.deb30-Apr-2009 21:04 8.3M20:15
asac[ ]xulrunner-1.9_1.9.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu1.respin1_i386.deb30-Apr-2009 21:04 8.1M20:15
asacso: only i386 grew20:15
asacto almost the same size as amd6420:15
asacfta: where did you find that link? i couldnt see it :(20:15
asacthe other path doesnt work ;)20:16
asace.g. clicking on the changelog on main packaging page20:16
asacand then selecting the arch20:16
asacanyway. its i386 that is busted20:16
ftajsut the respin20:18
asacfta: yeah. but before the respin it was completely broken20:18
asace.g. failed with bus error20:18
asacwhich i thought just ment it picked some  bad toolchain state when archive opened20:18
ftaasac, re-spinning xul 1.9.220:50
asacfta: ffox needs to be rebuild too ... it copies the stub20:51
ftahm, really?20:51
asacfta: yes. ffox copies xulrunner-stub20:51
asacat least on trunk20:51
asacfta: compare size of $pkglibdir/firefox and $pkglibdir_xul19/xulrunner-stub20:52
asacfta: but maybe you dont need that ;) ... i think the problematic part was in libxul20:53
asacso lets just try xul for now20:53
ftachromium-testsuite is starting to look good20:54
ftai mean, gdb, good backtraces, tests in a fake X server, timeouts to prevent infinite builds, etc..20:55
=== rickspencer31 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
ftabut there are drawbacks, crashes in libfakeroot-sysv.so, no network, no shared memory, ..20:57
asacfta: no network -> even no "lo" ?20:57
ftai don't know.20:57
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer31
jcastrofta: heh, drag and drop for the bookmark manager just landed21:15
BUGabundoboas noites21:17
ftajcastro, are you monitoring svn? ;)21:18
jcastrofta: I happen to have seen the mail go by (no, I am that not that pathetic, hah)21:29
ftahm, it's indeed very slow to push chromium-browser from a dsl link21:52
BUGabundofta: does your Power Button works on Karmic?22:02
ftabut i'm still fighting with bug 38493422:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384934 in xorg "Xorg very slow after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38493422:03
ftajcastro, unfortunately, i can't respin the bot for chromium due to the quota. i'm limited to 1 push per 24h22:11
ftaso it's also very difficult to experiment22:12
BUGabundojcastro: its so funny to see fta Answer ticket eheh22:18
ftawaiting for bug 381296 to land22:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 381296 in soyuz "PPA max quota is too small" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38129622:20
ftaalso waiting for bug 378828 to land22:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378828 in soyuz "DepWaits no longer processed" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37882822:49
asacdidnt land yet?22:57
asacso we do this manually now?22:57
asacwhat a pain ;)22:57
ftai still have the 10 min workaround in my bot22:57
asacfta: thats the orig.tar.gz bug22:58
asacfta: the depswaits should be like keep lower bound one day trailing22:58
asacor something22:58
asacthought i saw depwaits being processed properly alrady22:59
ftahm, apparently, i dropped the workaround22:59
ftatimestamp: Sat 2009-05-30 11:02:33 +020023:00
ftaso it seems ok23:01
asacso its committed, but fixed ;)23:07
asacfta: did you check if the fix works?23:11
ftahm, not yet23:11
asac(without copying stub ;))23:11
ftait should be built now23:12
asacyeah. i will see if i get the upgrade and reinstall firefox-3.023:12
asacgood i get umd2 bits23:12
asacloads of updates today ;) (for a second run)23:13
asacwhen is alpha2 freeze?23:13
BUGabundohumm release is in 3 days23:14
asacyeah. just saw it ;)23:14
BUGabundoso freeze will be todays before23:14
BUGabundoas usual23:14
BUGabundo120MiBs of updates for me23:14
BUGabundocounting all daily PPAs23:14
* asac reinstalls ffox 3.623:23
asacfta: seems to be fixed with just xul23:23
asacgood at least one bug fixed ;)(23:23
asaci just need to figure wtf is going on with NO_AT_BRIDGE23:23
asacand why its gone from environ in plugin host23:24

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