
* tonyyarusso giggles at a certain someone being called an idiot by other idiots - it's poetic04:58
Flannel!away > joshthecoder 04:59
ubottuctmjr called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:38
ubottuIn ubottu, kenyon said: top is a program for displaying Linux tasks07:12
Myrttielky: @#ubuntu-fellas WTF?07:29
elkyMyrtti, that's where this weirdo has come from?07:29
Myrttielky: that's what's on his /wii07:30
elkyoh, /who the channel07:34
MyrttiI didn't get any replies07:35
Myrttidid they just put it to +s?07:35
elky* #ubuntu-fellas n=lt3410 AC828381.ipt.aol.com irc.freenode.net ZukaRasami H@ :0 chizuru maria yatomochi07:35
elky* #ubuntu-fellas n=dan unaffiliated/luthir irc.freenode.net luthir H@ :0 luthir07:35
elky* #ubuntu-fellas :End of /WHO list.07:35
MyrttiI guess the almighty GC hammer could be used on that channel?07:35
Myrttior staff hammer alternatively07:35
MyrttiI didn't get any response on the /who because I did it on IRCnet07:37
elkynalioth, care to help us with #ubuntu-fellas and luthir, who is an ex of maco who keeps harrassing #ubuntu-women and recruiting assistance to do so.07:37
* Myrtti joins #freenode for extra lulz07:37
elkyhmm, is #facebook an official channel...07:40
elkyi suspect that's where luthir's recruited zukarasami from. it's the only discussion channel that they seem to share07:42
elkyzukarasami now goes by Gibraltr07:43
Myrttiapart from ##ZukaRasami07:43
elkyyeah, which one assumes came after. he claims they've only just met07:43
mneptokex of maco? not recent, i hope.07:53
Myrttinope, not recent07:54
mneptokgood good. time wounds all heels.07:56
Myrttimneptok: he seems to have problems still07:56
elkymneptok, from a while ago, i believe. he came across her name in conjunction with something computery, and decided 'girls using linux, lolz'07:56
Myrtti[09:48] ~~~Gibraltr is now known as SpecopsElite34207:57
elkyand the current obsession with harrassing came about07:57
mneptokthen he should be bothering #ubuntu-girls07:57
Myrttimneptok: shut up07:57
elkythat should go to #ubuntu-women :P07:57
mneptokMyrtti: ?!07:57
Myrttimneptok: that's exactly what he's doing.07:58
Myrttirecruiting idiots to come to #ubuntu-women07:58
mneptokoh, the channel actually exists with a redirect? that's precious.07:58
Myrttiactually, it doesn't...07:58
* mneptok sings "girl, you'l be a woman ... when lag catches up ..."07:58
* Myrtti looks at elky07:59
elkymneptok, i know you're trying to be funny, but it's been a long week of stalkers and misogyny.08:00
MyrttiI lost my humour about all this sometime last Friday or so08:03
Myrttiand I've got my EMP set on "kill" instead of "stun"08:03
elkyMyrtti, it's still nice to know that mumbai cybercrime unit is better than anything in the UK or .de08:03
Myrttielky: true08:04
mneptokelky: you either laugh or cry. up to you. :/08:05
elkymneptok, not really.08:06
Myrtti[10:08]  * luthir is afk08:09
* Myrtti gets her idiot stamp set08:09
topyliactually, #facebook's existence on freenode is interesting08:11
topyliit's advertised on the facebook development wiki as "used by those interested in development with the Facebook platform."08:13
topyliwell why not? there is #launchpad too :)08:16
elky#launchpad is properly managed08:17
elkyi'm pretty certain #facebook isnt08:17
* Gary dances with Myrtti's pink feather08:21
Garynice pic Myrtti 08:24
elkywhoa... what's happening in -offtopic?08:48
topyliaprilhare and hateball are about to leave for a month's holiday from there08:49
topylithat's what i think is happening08:49
elkya month's holiday from aprilhare's obsession?! WOOHOO!08:51
Myrttisomeone must have mixed something in their morning porridge lately08:53
Myrttiit seems that even the regulars have gotten an absency of brain lately08:54
topylinot sure about aprilhare right now08:54
topylihe's the worse offender, but as it happens, he's very careful right now08:55
elkyhe's been extra careful since he got the repeated warnings about being clingy08:55
elkybut seriously hateball's pedobear act wasnt nice at all.08:56
topyliyes well he often has sudden bursts of complete asshattery like that, then returns to near normalcy08:57
topylinot sure why it happens, i guess help is needed. i can't provide that help, so..08:58
naliothis that anything like beaverhattery?09:04
topylithat might be contingent on the cultural surroundings09:12
jussi01nalioth: behave... :P09:12
* nalioth has been being have :P09:12
topyliyes elky?10:10
elkyaprilhare was walking the line again10:14
Myrttistill is10:14
topylihe takes up too much too many people's time10:25
topylihi aprilhare10:26
aprilhare* You have left channel #ubuntu-offtopic (requested by topyli: "enough. see you in a month or so")10:27
topylii know10:27
topyliannoying most people, making some people uncomfortable, and wolfram spamming everybody10:28
topylialso, never learning when asked to behave10:28
aprilhareyour comments are unhelpful. i don't spam anyone10:29
topylii disagree10:30
topyliyour wolfram ads are unsolicited and posted to a large group of people who haven't requested them10:30
aprilharei don't care if you disagree. i think you have a agenda that involves dissing anyone who likes or mentions anything to do with wolfram alpha; probably some sort of anti-hype10:31
aprilhareno wolfram ad10:31
aprilhareno spam10:31
elkyi thought i warned you yesterday...10:32
topyliaprilhare: i do disagree and i think you should care10:32
aprilhareelky: warned me? to do what? never mention wolfram alpha again? how about i never mention google again? or bing?10:32
aprilharetopyli: too bad10:32
elkyaprilhare, i warned you that you sound like a spammer for wolfram10:33
aprilharemaybe next ppl will tell me not to breath10:33
aprilharebreathe even10:33
topyliaprilhare: you know very well that nobody fills the channel with google ads like you go on about wolfram10:33
aprilhareadvertising for inhaling air10:33
topyliyour sexual innuendo is another thing that doesn't amuse everyone10:33
aprilharetopyli: below the belt10:33
topyliwhich iirc we have discussed before10:33
aprilharetopyli: you are lousy and a bully10:34
Myrttibelow the belt?10:34
MyrttiI really enjoyed the pedobear comic reference today10:35
Myrttithey must be on some drug that makes their brain take a leave and run in pain, leaving them to perform general asshattery10:35
christeltopyli: you're a lousy bully :(10:38
topyliwell, do the math, it must be so!10:39
FlannelI haven't paid attention to much of anything said in there, but a month on (as far as I know) a first time ban seems steep10:39
topyliit is long yes10:39
Myrttihow many times has he been kicked again?10:40
Myrttior warned?10:40
elkyMyrtti, warned, heaps. he usually flees before the kick10:40
Myrttihe really *SHOULD* know how to behave10:40
elkyMyrtti, he does know how to behave. we just let him get away with it too long10:41
topyliiirc i've kicked him before, and we had a /query after that. that's what i was referring to up there10:41
topyliquite a while ago, and warnings aplently after (and before) that10:42
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:43
jpdsBack in #ubuntu now.10:47
Myrttijpds: nothing wrong with that10:49
Myrttiaprilhare: hi10:52
aprilharehey Myrtti10:52
Myrttiso whuzzup?10:52
aprilharei blew my top a minute or two ago in here - topyli banned me and started on me - first mentioning the wolram, then lousy allegations of sexual innuendo10:53
Myrttiboth quite valid points though10:53
Myrttibut do continue?10:54
aprilharethat's all i've got.10:54
Myrttioh, ok.10:54
aprilharehe talked about a month or two ban - how long is is cause i won't be holding my breath before topyli ever unbans me10:55
aprilharei think the second is a beatup10:55
aprilharethe second point10:55
aprilhareif he wants to desex me, he'll have a fight10:56
topylithe month is hardly set in stone, ban length usually depends on a few things10:56
Myrttiand usually the ban length isn't revised within the first 24hours of it10:57
Myrttias that's usually the minimum lenght of the bans.10:57
aprilhareif this ban isn't cleared up today, i'll be off for a new home and you can chat among yourselves about it methinks10:57
topyliaprilhare: no intention to personally attack you, sorry if it looks like that. i did ban you and answered your question "why"10:57
aprilharewell its not a fair cop. people mention websites all the time. if its google, its google derived results; if its wikipedia, its wikipedia articles; why not wolfram alpha!10:59
topyliaprilhare: and that's precisely why 24 hours is a good first review time. some people are angry right after being banned, and won't say things that are likely to make things better :)10:59
aprilharereview it all you want10:59
aprilharetake it and make a PhD study10:59
Myrttiaprilhare: why the hostility? you seem to be "threatening" us with something, and giving the finger to the guidelines and common sense in the process?11:00
aprilharethe guidelines didn't include "don't mention wolfram alpha" like its fight club11:01
elkyaprilhare, they do include 'if you're asked to stop, do so politely'11:02
Myrttiyou don't seem to bring anything else to the conversation than wolfram alpha, and you've been told to stop it a few times if I recollect correctly11:02
aprilhareMyrtti: don't worry. i won't be bringing anything to any conversations!11:03
aprilharemaybe you could suck out my brain while you're at it11:03
Myrttiaprilhare: you're free to join any IRC channels you find appropriate and that suit your habits of IRC, of course.11:03
elkyaprilhare, enough. stop. please desist.11:03
Myrttiyou're not getting in #ubuntu-offtopic today, though11:03
Myrttiand you're not helping with getting there tomorrow, either11:04
aprilharedon't want to help11:04
aprilharenot my job11:04
elkyaprilhare, then this isn not the channel for you11:04
* Myrtti watches #ubuntu with intrest11:05
FlannelThat was just odd.11:05
popeydeliberate mis-interpretation of every single statement11:05
FlannelHe needs someone to have an intervention with regard to wolfram, or something.11:06
elkyaprilhare, nothing is going to be achieved until you've cooled down. come back tomorrow.11:07
aprilharegive me a minute if you will11:08
aprilharenow: I mention wolfram alpha a lot, it's true. but others mention it too in order to provoke a negative response. if this behaviour could be attenuated, i'll talk about wolfram alpha less as a matter of course. and it doesn't necessarily require bans. I'm *always* going to be interested in wolfram alpha. you can't ban it out of me! however, i'll bring more to conversations if it isn't a socially acceptable bait for trolling!11:11
ikoniaaprilhare: what is wolfram ?11:11
popeyikonia: http://www.wolframalpha.com/11:12
aprilhareikonia: wolfram|alpha a computational engine11:12
aprilhareelky, message received?11:16
* aprilhare assumes so and wanders off, pm me if you want to resume this or indeed any other conversation11:19
ubottuIn ubottu, Baheer said: it is already installed11:20
elkythat does not solve the innuendos11:23
ubottu(bansearch <nick|hostmask> [<channel>]) -- Search bans database for a ban on <nick|hostmask>, if <channel> is not given search all channel bans.11:41
ikonia@bansearch cycrosism11:41
ubottuNo matches found for cycrosism!*@* in any channel11:41
elkyuh, guys...12:11
elkybacta's back...12:11
bazhangsame old suggestions for naming 'M'12:12
elkydid someone actually unban him?12:12
elkyor did he just not get banned from -ot yet?12:12
ikoniahe's banned from #u12:12
bazhangnot banned in -ot afaik12:12
elkycan someone say 'bacta, that looks awfully like baiting'12:13
elkybazhang, nuke.12:19
bazhangelky, call topyli or someone who has +o in there12:19
ikoniaI have it12:20
MyrttiI have it, I was just adjusting my hilights12:20
Myrttianyone with mybrute will be caught next time12:20
ikoniawhat is mybrute ?12:20
bazhanga game12:21
ikoniais it bad ?12:21
bazhangjust lame , afaik12:21
Myrttireferrer game of a sort12:23
elkywhy are we letting him continue?!12:31
bazhangno idea12:31
elkyi would remove him, but he'd take it far more personally if i did12:32
bazhangikonia, to the rescue!12:32
elkynah, he's dealt with ikonia before12:33
elkyi'd say myrtti, but she doesnt deserve the pain. it's topyli time12:33
ikoniaI'll deal with it now12:33
ikoniaI'm watching12:33
elkywhoa wait. what did netyire say?12:38
elky'[...] trying to find your ex [...] builds character'... is that what kids are being taught these days? no wonder we're having problems lately.12:44
elkycan someone shut him up, please?12:45
Myrttithey've lost their brain12:47
elkytonyyarusso, stalking does not presume 'already found'. i've had friends who were stalked by proxy, with their friends and family under constant harrassment, as well as stuff like voicemail. however direct contact was not made, but it was still stalking.12:51
elkyoh cripes. fujisan is back in town.12:54
ikonianot in our channel = no problem13:11
elkyikonia, with fujisan, the keyword is 'yet'.13:16
ikonia+b = easy 13:20
ikoniahe knows the drill - no need for warnings etc13:20
Seeker`/abk = easier13:20
ikoniashow off13:20
JanCelky: which fujisan is that?  16:10
Picishes asleep16:11
popeythere is only one fujisan16:11
popeythank $DEITY16:11
JanChm, I wonder if he is the same one who has a permban in #ubuntu-nl* ?16:11
JanCwas he using the "FujiVickery" nick now?16:12
JanCa guy with that nick was in -nl-offtopic yesterday...16:13
JanCand fujisan has a permban in #ubuntu-nl*  ;)16:13
JanCso I'll keep an eye on that16:14
PiciSeeker`: Whats at the end of that url that was posted? I'm at work now and can't really check16:18
Seeker`a bad drawing of a naked person16:19
Seeker`am keeping an eye on him16:20
Myrttiwho was sudobash again?16:43
Myrttihe's in #ubuntu16:43
PiciSomeone annoying16:43
Myrttijust wondering about that forward from #ubunt to #sudobash or whatever earlier16:48
Seeker`@bansearch sudobash16:48
ubottuMatch: sudobash!n=andrea@unaffiliated/sudobash by LjL in #ubuntu on Nov 21 2008 15:36:52 (ID: 7100)16:48
PiciThere are quite a few of them on the BT itself16:49
Seeker`don't see why the ban didn't keep them out though16:49
Myrttioh, that's just a mark16:49
PiciMamarok: happy birthday16:53
MamarokPici:  thx :)16:54
tsimpsonthe bot should now show marks as "Mark: by <op> in <chan> on <date> (ID: <id>)", rather than "Match: ..."17:08
Seeker`@bansearch sudobash17:09
ubottuMark: by LjL in #ubuntu on Nov 21 2008 15:36:52 (ID: 7100)17:09
tsimpsonyou can get the comment with @comment 7100 (for example)17:09
Seeker`@comment 710017:09
ubottuNov 21 2008 15:36:52 LjL: **MARK** - Being offtopic after warning17:09
Seeker`is it possible to get what it matched on 17:09
Seeker`so Mark: <host> by <op> ...17:09
tsimpsonthe mark is on the full host, unless the bot didn't know the host, then it's <nick>!*@*17:11
tsimpsonthe bot will check it's known users (users on channels it's in), then /whois, then /whowas. if all that fails it falls back to <nick>!*@*17:12
Seeker`is there a good reason for not including that information?17:12
Seeker`@bansearch fujisan17:13
ubottuMatch: fujisan!*@*.ftth.xms.internl.net by tsimpson in #kubuntu on Apr 08 2009 01:09:15 (ID: 12205)17:13
ubottuMatch: *!*?=fujisan@*.ftth.xms.internl.net by tsimpson in #kubuntu on Apr 08 2009 01:09:15 (ID: 12204)17:13
ubottuMatch: *!*?=fujisan@*.ftth.xms.internl.net by tsimpson in #kubuntu-offtopic on Apr 12 2009 19:55:15 (ID: 12359)17:13
ubottuMatch: fujisan!*@*.ftth.xms.internl.net by tsimpson in #kubuntu-offtopic on Apr 12 2009 19:55:15 (ID: 12360)17:13
ubottuMatch: *!?=fujisan@* by ikonia in #ubuntu on May 23 2009 09:55:36 (ID: 13839)17:13
ubottuMatch: *!*@16-42-215.ftth.xms.internl.net by Flannel in #ubuntu on May 23 2009 06:05:10 (ID: 13834)17:13
ubottuMatch: Fujisan!*@* by ikonia in #ubuntu on Apr 08 2009 07:27:52 (ID: 12208)17:13
ubottuMark: by Seeker` in #ubuntu-offtopic on May 03 2009 03:47:25 (ID: 13073)17:13
tsimpsonis there a use case?17:13
Seeker`for completeness?17:15
tsimpsonactually the "Mark:..." will only show on the full host anyway17:15
Seeker`may give more information about what hosts someone has been seen from17:15
PiciI like knowing something is a mark rather than a ban...17:15
tsimpsonit only checks that '*' or '?' aren't in the banmask17:15
PiciIn fact, I think I logged a bug about that17:15
Seeker`Pici: yeah, it is a useful feature17:15
tsimpsonyou can only bansearch when the user is online, or the user has a /whois/was entry, or if you specify the full host yourself17:17
tsimpsonso you'll already know the host17:17
Seeker`@bansearch eth0117:17
ubottuNo matches found for eth01!*@* in any channel17:18
ubottuIn ubottu, shadeslayer said: !old is alias !eol17:27
popeySeeker`: he back?17:30
Seeker`no, just testing stuff17:31
Seeker`if i saw him in -uk, he wouldn't be there long17:31
ikoniayeah like !old is needed17:35
Myrttigraaaaahhhhhh I should have remembered BBC site crashes my browser :-CCCCCC17:45
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (kimble)17:46
shadeslayerhi strange thing17:52
shadeslayerwhen you try !alternate in #kubuntu it says something diff. from what you get in PM from ubottu17:53
shadeslayercould someone check it out??17:53
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal17:53
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent17:53
shadeslayerMyrtti: see what i mean ?17:53
Myrttiyes, but where's the problem?17:54
shadeslayerMyrtti: the second factoid is out of date :)17:54
Myrttiok, we'll look into it.17:55
shadeslayerthanks , and byw17:55
FlannelIt is out of date.  Especially considering 8.04 isn't LTS for K18:04
Myrttijussi01, genii, Tm_T? (Mamarok is probably partying, or *SHOULD* be)18:04
MyrttiFlannel: it isn't?18:04
Myrttioh ok18:04
FlannelMyrtti: Nope.  Which actually means it'll be running out of support soon... whatever that actually means.18:05
FlannelDo we tend to have factoids for #k that are s/Ubuntu/Kubuntu/?18:06
Flannelthat is, specialized/duplicated ones18:06
Flannel!away > goose 18:25
ubottuIn ubottu, goose said: (Auto) This is an autoreply to your PM. If you're asking me to join your channel, for network support, or for some similar and annoying reason, don't expect a reply. That's what we have network channels for, and I'll be more than happy to help you there. If you're a friend, sorry about this automsg, getting waaay too much PM spam lately.18:26
Pici. . . 18:26
PiciFlannel: see goose in #ubuntu18:28
FlannelAlright then.18:31
FlannelFull moon is still active I see!18:31
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»18:32
Myrttidon't jinx it18:32
FlannelNope, it doesn't offend your mother or anything.18:33
Myrttidon't jinx it!18:33
Flannelthe !away factoid?18:33
Flannelis it going to start offending mothrs?18:33
Myrttidon't jinx the full moon on us18:33
Myrttiif the hell breaks loose in #ubuntu with idiots making a grande entry, I might end up short on my channels18:34
* mneptok catches Wolfram Alpha discussion in scrool18:58
Picistay in scrool18:58
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)19:27
Picithat was odd19:28
Seeker`gpryatel: how can we help you?19:46
Myrttigpryatel: did you upgrade your router firmware already?19:47
gpryateli'm still unable to join ubuntu; i updated my router's fw and changed port to 8001; even tried connecting from other network at work19:47
gpryatelya, its the linksys  v 8, wireless g19:48
gpryateli forget the model number19:48
Myrttigpryatel: did you try the test me again?19:48
gpryatelya it reconnected me & i still ended up back here19:48
gpryatelor shouldi exit filezilla ?19:48
Myrttigpryatel: yeah, you need to try it again and again until it says you're ok to join19:48
gpryatelok :)19:49
Flannelfilezilla? or chatzilla?19:49
gpryateler, chatzilla hehe19:49
Picigrr.... floodbots aren't working properly.20:38
ubottuIn #ubuntu, nathan7 said: ubottu: man woman is <reply> Segmentation fault.21:15
ubottuaaditya called the ops in #ubuntu (nathan7)21:17
MyrttiJack_Sparrow: did you accidentally unban all web proxies in #ubuntu the other day?21:17
Jack_SparrowNOt that I am aware of21:17
Jack_SparrowAgain, not that I am aware of.21:18
Myrttioh well...21:19
Myrttiaccording to the bantracker you did21:19
Jack_SparrowThere was a discussion about a mibbit user...21:19
Myrttiit broke the ban exception system and made it impossible for the floodbots to get rid of unwanted mibbit troublemakers21:19
Jack_SparrowIt must be the unban of a mibbit user via the xchat script.21:21
jussi01Jack_Sparrow: try to be a little careful with it, its really important that we dont break that system too much.21:21
Jack_Sparrowjussi01 I understand that.21:22
Jack_SparrowI now need to check to see if they are mibbit beofre acting..21:22
jussi01Its a really good idea to learn to do it without the help of the script, no issues with using the script but if the script is borked...21:22
Jack_Sparrowjussi01 IT has taken how many months, years to run across this problem..21:23
Jack_SparrowIt was a mute and an unmute of a mibbit user that trigger the problkem21:23
jussi01Jack_Sparrow: regardless, you should by now know the system as that you can use it without a script21:24
Ampelbeinhi there. the factoid !logs-#ubuntu-classroom has a double "see also !OpenWeek" at the end, i think this should be corrected.22:25
ubottuChannel logs can be found at Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - See also !OpenWeek - See also !OpenWeek22:25
Ampelbeinyeah, that's what i mean.22:25
Myrtti!logs-#ubuntu-classroom ~/ - See also !OpenWeek//22:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:25
Myrtti!logs-#ubuntu-classroom ~= / - See also !OpenWeek//22:26
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti22:26
ubottuChannel logs can be found at Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - See also !OpenWeek22:26
Ampelbeinok, thanks Myrtti.22:26
Myrttithat's all wonky though22:26
Ampelbeinnow that you say it.22:26
Myrtti!logs-#ubuntu-classroom ~= /Channel logs can be found at Channel/Channel/22:27
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti22:27
ubottuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - See also !OpenWeek22:27
AmpelbeinMyrtti: that looks better. didn't even notice the double beginning. thanks for changing that.22:27
AmpelbeinMyrtti: it's me again. there is a factoid "open week" (with a space in it), which should be a alias for openweek22:29
Flannel!-open week22:33
ubottuopen week is <alias> openweek - added by apokryphos on 2006-11-25 21:27:00 - last edited by Flannel on 2009-06-08 21:33:2722:33
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)23:19
ubottuPaddy_EIRE called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:19
Seeker`nalioth: mootbot hasn't returned yet23:38
naliothSeeker`: i've noticed23:40
elkyfar out. could someone like back me up in -ot please.23:52
J-_Why am I getting in shit?23:53
elkyJ-_, because it's referrer spam.23:53
elkythe aim of that site is to get people to spam and 'recruit'.23:53
J-_Oh please. You've pasted referrer spam before, too. That music game.23:54
J-_Same with other people.23:54
elkythere's a million of referrer games out there. we dont want them.23:54
elkyt61 isnt the same at all.23:55
J-_Sure it is.23:55
elkyt61 is akin to last.fm23:55
J-_It's a referrer game. Recruit more people, make sure they type your name down so you get yet more points for pursuing.23:56
J-_Whatever you want to pursue.23:56
J-_I wasn't even obstructing anything when I pasted the URL twice. I didn't do it in a row. The other dude should have got in shit, not me.23:57
J-_Please make a rule of it.23:58
J-_Make even a factoid rather.23:58
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct23:58
elkyJ-_, the other dude isnt a regular who'se seen it reprimanded before. you however, know better.23:58
J-_Does it say anything there about referrer games?23:59
elkyno, but it does say about repetition.23:59
jussi01and particularly note: If you are asked to stop, do so politely23:59
elkythat's all we need.23:59

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