=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander [06:06] lamont, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/384695 - *sigh* first bug with apport filed on ia64 :-) === fabb-rome is now known as fabbione [15:19] NCommander, Did you file it, or is there an actually *user*? [15:20] jbailey, I filed it as I am a user [15:20] :-) [15:20] Ah, and here I was hoping that someone was using it. [15:20] Ah well. [15:20] I use it as a desktop! [15:20] I'm chatting from it! [15:20] Hah, really? [15:21] awesome. =) [15:21] Linux titan 2.6.30-2-ia64 #4-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 15 11:14:18 UTC 2009 ia64 GNU/Linux [15:21] Running karmic [15:21] I would recommend using it as a desktop from November to April. [15:21] and the CD image is buildable (and d-i should just be fixed) [15:21] The rest of the year? Mmm, not so much. [15:21] Nice work. [15:21] I love 10G of RAM, this thing runs nice, even with just 900Mhz of processing juice [15:21] Yeah. [15:21] I remember when I first looked at the memory stats, I thought it said 1g. [15:21] jbailey, if you know where I can find a faster processor card (or larger HDDs on the cheap) [15:22] I was really impressed at how well it ran. [15:22] Then I actually read it. =) [15:22] Is 30g drives not enough? [15:22] Indeed, its probably the best desktop I actually have used ina ges. [15:22] not if your compiling a lot of stuff [15:22] When I was young...! [15:32] Bah. I'm slipping. [15:32] If forgot to lart you for bad grammar. [15:32] Shame on me. [15:32] s/If/I/ [15:33] jbailey, :-)