
* DBO pokes bryce 00:22
hyperairhmm strange, all of a sudden usplash seems to be interrupted by KMS07:52
pavel__hi, i have a trouble with my Intel Graphic Card. Xsserver often crashes during resume from suspend-to-disk if desktop effects are enabled ...08:31
lesshastehi all10:35
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
lesshasteany way to make a mouse button act like a regular keyboard button (concretely I want to have CTRL on mouse 2)? 14:08
* apw waves to bryce .... how was the kms2 combined kernel? any test results?16:20
lesshasteI found the answer if anyone cares :)16:26
bryceapw: heya.  I didn't get all the testing done friday - jaunty x freeze issue stuff ended up sucking up my time.  But I did test it again on -ati and it was ok as expected.  I'm going to get an nvidia card in and complete testing it today.17:11
apwbryce, thanks for that ... at least ati still works, so i'll copy that to the KMS one for now17:14
apwto the kms ppa to replace the other one, as it has a couple more ati patches than kms117:14
Sarvattapw: did you say the nouveau KMS wasnt working on that kernel? do you get a drm fb?18:01
apwSarvatt, no not got any hardware to test Nouveau on at all.  Was more asking how testing had gone out there before i propmote that kernel to my KMS ppa18:02
Sarvattahh i see, i'll try it out in a bit when i get home from work then. the ddx and libdrm to support it are in xorg-edgers, but mesa is going to need gallium packaged for 3d but I can build that locally to test if anything if the other bits are fine18:04
bryceapw: on the kernel testing... sort of inconclusive results23:34
bryceapw: I tested both with G70 and G86 cards, neither really high perf but both pretty bog standard nvidia cards.  In both cases dmesg shows drm detected the card and initialized nouveau23:35
brycehowever I could not get X booted in either case (still poking at it though)23:35
brycefor the G70, X crashed during init...  I think perhaps there's a drm version mismatch23:37
brycefor the G86, X started but is displaying a black screen... I think in this case it is a load detection problem.  Tried both DVI and VGA connectors, same problem.23:38
brycein any case, the kernel booted ok and drm seems to be loading properly according to dmesg, however console font is not changing size and vt switching is no faster than usual23:39
tormodbryce can you mirror the kms cd? after hitting phoronix front page, we're getting traffic23:40
brycesure... url?23:41
Sarvattdont want to wait until the rewrite update tormod? im sure i wont hit 1TB in the next day23:41
tormodSarvatt: probably no problem :)23:42
tormodbryce anyway, it's on the radeon-kms ppa page23:43
bryceok, downloading23:44
brycedownloaded; ppa updated23:56
tormodbryce: thanks23:58
tormodbryce: if you check bzr, you'll see I updated the build.sh quite a bit23:59
tormodmade it more generic with a simple infrastructure for config files which can override/build upon each other23:59

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