
nhainesIs file storage the only planned feature in the karmic timeframe?00:01
nhainesOoh.  Are other details available yet?00:04
dobeysome things were discussed at UDS, yes00:05
nhainesHrm.  I'll have to dig around, then.00:06
dobeythe big thing being the 'structured storage' stuff (horribly confusing name that is)00:06
nhainesStructured storage?00:06
dobeyi think there are some blueprints for it00:06
dobeysyncing and storage of contacts for example, with the ability to replicate your contacts to other PCs on your LAN easily00:07
greg-gok, quick yes/no question: Does U1 sync folders that are symlinks to a folder outside of ~/Ubuntu One (it appears it is not syncing that right now)00:08
nhainesgreg-g: no, it doesn't.00:08
greg-gnhaines: thanks.00:08
dobeyi think we ignore symlinks because doing The Right Thing (TM) with them is insanely difficult00:08
nhainesgreg-g: no prob.  Best way is to do it the other way around: symlinks *into* ~Ubuntu One00:08
nhainesI remember hearing a bit about integrated contacts but I thught it was further off.00:09
greg-gnhaines: yeah, right now that is all set up in my ~/Dropbox folder. I was hoping I could just make one newsymlink instead of updating many old ones :)00:09
dobeywe're trying to do as much as we can, as fast as we can00:09
greg-gdobey: makes sense00:10
nhainesdobey: frankly, I thought cloud file synchronization was pretty compelling by itself.00:10
nhainesOn the other hand, I'm looking forward to other projected features such as screen sharing.00:10
dobeythe most compelling feature is the desktop integration, really00:11
dobeyalthough, i really wish i had the Pre SDK right now00:12
nhainesDoes desktop integration refer to the client and the Nautilus extensions?00:15
dobeycurrently, that is what we have, yes00:16
dobeybut moreso, it refers to things we'll hopefully be doing in the relatively near future :)00:17
dobeyanyway, must go now... later00:20
nhainesdobey: later.  :)00:24
VK7HSEThanks to all the developers for the update on the website for removing shares !!!  \o/03:32
jblountVK7HSE: :)03:33
VK7HSEdobey: I just read the update from twitter !!!03:36
dobeyi blame jblount03:38
jblountdobey: I'm guessing you're right. I'm also sneaking people in the back door on twitter.03:39
dobeythat's something you'll have to discuss with your wife, not me03:39
jblountdobey: ZOMGROFLMAO!@$!03:40
VK7HSE:-/  (lol)03:40
dobeyoi. must get some sleep03:59
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[Puck]hi everyone08:30
sladendobey: say "Your openID" and "View your subscriptions"10:27
sladengreg-g: swap the directory and the symlink around10:28
sladendobey: __lucio__: tcole:  Comments about scope (rather than naming) are welcomed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne#Technical%20details  (SteveA has already approached me with a few changes/suggestions)15:35
__lucio__sladen: hi, good morning. looking now.15:35
__lucio__sladen: re updown. updown server is not the web app, is the service that just handles the uploads and downloads. just that. gets and puts.15:36
__lucio__(ive seen a web ui bug tagged updown)15:36
sladen__lucio__: yeah, stevea mentiond that too.15:38
sladen__lucio__: does storagefsd also talk to updown ?15:39
__lucio__sladen: no, they just share some code15:40
sladenoh, hold on.  Is the uploading and downloading out of band from the u1storage protocol channel15:40
__lucio__sladen: only for web15:40
sladen__lucio__: so when you upload using the web, the page is served by a machine in the canonical datacentre, but the file itself comes directly from fs-1.ubuntuone.com ?15:41
__lucio__sladen: no. syncdaemon talks with the api server. for everything. the web browser talks to the web ui server and the updown server15:42
__lucio__just to make sure i dont misname things, i kept the names i know15:43
sladenand the instance of updown runs on the same macine as the instance of the ubuntuone-file-storage-api-server15:46
sladenand the instance of unamed-serivce-at-www.ubuntuone.com/files  is on a separate machine (in the Canonical datacentre IP address space)15:47
__lucio__sladen: i dont think they run on the same machine, no.15:48
sladenokay, but the unamed-serivce-at-www.ubuntuone.com/files is on a separate machine to the instance of updown15:50
__lucio__sladen: again, im not sure, but i think it is.15:50
sladenis there a better name for "the unamed-serivce-at-www.ubuntuone.com/files"15:50
Chipacano, updown runs on separate machines15:51
Chipacafrom api, I mean15:51
dobeysladen: better name than?15:53
sladenChipaca: nod.  Is there a name/term for the front end part of www.ubuntuone.com specifically related to the "Ubuntu One Storage"15:53
dobeysladen: it is the web ui for file storage service15:53
sladenweb ui.  k.15:54
Chipacasladen: webui :)15:54
facundobatistaHi all16:01
__lucio__facundobatista: hey! welcome back! youre late :P16:02
facundobatista__lucio__, indeed16:02
__lucio__facundobatista: when did you arrive? how was it?16:02
facundobatista__lucio__, a few hours ago... the plane landed with fog, too much fog16:03
statikhello world16:20
facundobatistaHi statik16:25
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sladentcole: I clashed with you splitting  updown and webui.  Which of those does webstorage correspond to?17:37
tcoleupdown is barely a user-visible thing17:40
sladentcole: what's the name of the server that 'updown' runs on?17:50
sladeneg. something-1.ubuntuone.com17:50
sladentcole: yeah, storagfs, u1storage, u1sync-agent .... they're all non-user visible. But that doesn't mean they're not equal parts of the jigsaw17:52
tcolethat's actually a good question17:53
* tcole checks17:53
sladentcole: can yu check that  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne?action=diff&rev2=17&rev1=15  is correct17:59
statikhi sladen, i just noticed on your website a link about british sign language, thats intriguing! i am fluent in american sign language but have never learned BSL17:59
tcolesladen: yes, that's just about right18:01
sladenstatik: oh it's difference, we need both hands to spell the alphabet :)18:01
tcolesladen: updown is quite simple, it just checks access permissions in the database and basically does passthru to S3 as you describe18:01
sladenhave we got a better way to phrase "It is possible to share a view (called a "Share") to a particular subtree to one or more individual users on a read-only or a read-write basis."  so that it includes the word "directory"18:02
tcolesladen: hmm, not sure.  it is important that shares are understood to apply to an entire subtree rooted at the shared directory, not simply the shared directory itself18:03
sladenit introducs too many concepts  ("view" "share" "subtree") in the same sentence without giving them familiar equivalents18:03
sladenmaybe I'll try to introduce that at the top.  When you mirror stuff, you can choose to just mirror a sub-tree18:04
sladenand read-only is basically one-way mirroring18:04
tcolethat sounds good18:06
tcolewhile it isn't terribly important to most users, that fits well with the way u1sync works, too18:06
sladenthat's simple commandline/vcs/ftp-like tool?18:08
__lucio__mmh. not so much as ftp but maybe rsync.18:08
tcoleit lives somewhere between bzr and rsync I think18:09
dobeyunder a bridge. and it demands payment for passage when you approach it18:10
tcoleno, that's u1troll18:11
tcolefor our previously unannounced automated trolling service18:11
tcoleit's a bit like Amazon's Mechanical Turk, only focused on serving the Internet trolling community18:12
tcole(well, the joke seemed funny at the time...)18:13
__lucio__we are going to leave so many people with nothing to do that its going to be amazing. a bit dangerous tough.18:13
tcolewell, it's more about giving them an opportunity to monetize their trolling skills18:14
sladenwhen I add a new version of a file, that creates a new object, and a reference is also inserted into a directory object,18:16
tcolehm, not precisely18:16
sladennow, do each of the directory objects further up the chain, right the way to the top of the Share get updated too18:16
tcolenew versions of a file are (at least in theory) the same object18:17
sladenpointing to a different blob?18:17
sladenokay.  So how do you find out what to re-mirror18:17
tcolethough if the rename+create done by text editors and the like gets propagated to the server, obviously that ends up being a new object18:17
tcoleI forget offhand whether we filter such rename + creates out at the moment or not18:17
tcolesladen: from the POV of clients talking the storage protocol, they get push notifications when particular nodes change18:18
sladenis any history kept, or is it the blob reference just overwritten straight18:18
tcolelucio: does syncdaemon transfer file identity on rename+replace yet?18:18
tcoleright now it's overwritten, though that will change18:19
tcolewell, it'll still be overwritten18:19
tcolebut there will be a log alongside18:19
tcolemaintaining history18:19
sladentcole: so if I connect and in between, 20 objects were updates, the client gets 20 notifcations delivered at once?18:19
tcolesladen: when you connect, the client is responsible for spidering the tree and identifying changes on its own18:19
tcolesladen: since the server doesn't (can't, really..) keep track of "what you missed since you last connected"18:20
tcolea fully content-aware tree would make this easier (since you could trivially prune subtrees which haven't changed to avoid having to rescan them), but that isn't the current design18:20
tcolethe push notifications are just for changes since the client connected18:21
sladenAh, so the unsolicated push notifications are merely a convenience feature.  They aren't actually essential to the operation18:21
tcolemore or less18:22
tcoleclients could poll but that would be pretty slow18:22
tcoleu1sync doesn't bother with the push notifications since it's more of a one-shot deal18:22
tcolerather than something which stays connected persistently18:23
tcole__lucio__: ping18:23
__lucio__tcole: here18:24
tcole__lucio__: did we ever do that thing in syncdaemon with recognizing text editor moves/renames when updating files?18:25
tcoleit doesn't matter terribly now, but we're going to care about it when we implement history18:25
__lucio__tcole: nope. i want to do that of not uploading open files. but never did18:25
tcolenot uploading open files is something distinct18:26
__lucio__tcole: i think will have to do something about it when we do history18:26
sladentcole: what about 'u1r'  it sort of rhymes with 'bee-zed-arr'18:57
tcolefor what?18:57
sladentcole: the commandline one-shot tool that you are likely to need to type repetively18:58
tcoleu1sync seems fine to me18:58
sladenthe name 'u1ftp' I've given it at the moment is not quite right18:58
tcoledefinitely not18:59
tcolewell, from my point of view18:59
sladenand u1sync is confusing as it is separate from/incompatible with the the rest of the u1sync infrastructure18:59
tcoleu1sync is the one component with a specific, short name18:59
tcoleI'm not renaming the program :P19:01
sladenI think for clarity, I'll rename it in the doc though19:02
tcoleI'm not sure that will bring clarity19:03
tcolepeople will be looking for a u1ftp command or whatever19:03
sladenhow does having the same name as something unrelated help?19:03
tcoleit didn't until you gave something else a colliding name19:03
tcoleI appreciate what you're doing19:04
tcolebut I'm concerned by the lack of correspondence between what things are actually called and what you're calling them in the FQ19:04
tcoleer, FAQ19:04
sladenDuely noted19:06
dobeyyeah, i don't understand why you want to rename things in the FAQ19:06
dobeyit's not really a fitting thing for documentation to do19:06
tcoleI think it would be best, if you're giving things alternate names19:07
tcoleto make it clear that the names are alternate names by using spaces and titlecase19:07
tcolerather than making them look like program names19:07
tcoleand then mentioning the actual program names in the relevant sections19:07
tcolerather than leaving it for a table at the end19:07
sladenTo take "ubuntuoneapiserver" as an example.  "Ubuntu one" is a brand name that has nothing to do with file-sharing.  The "API" is actually in an misnamed other python library, and "Server" is a generic name, (eg. the machine its running on).  Nothing in there stated *anything* to do with filehandling or storage.  It's confusing to somebody who is not familar with the project19:09
tcoleI have less objection to renaming that19:09
tcolebut when you call the user-visible program u1sync u1r or u1ftp or something else in the documentation, and it's really actually called u1sync, and u1sync is the command a user runs19:10
tcolethere's a big disconnect there between the documentation and the actual user view19:10
tcoleand if you're calling it that because you've already called something else u1sync ... maybe you shouldn't be doing that19:11
tcolewe do need to give users names to call things19:11
tcolebut what we don't want to do is create an extra layer of indirection19:12
tcolebetween the documentation and the user-visible system19:12
sladenokay, got an alternative suggestion for 'u1sync'  (IIRC, I found the term "u1sync" used in components of the agent and its tool/applet.  But I could be wrong19:12
tcoleany of the code under canonical.ubuntuone.storage.u1sync is specific to the u1sync CLI tool19:13
sladengnome-u1syncdaemon-applet then?19:13
dobeyyou are confusing even me19:13
dobeyand i wrote this stuff :)19:13
sladendobey: those follow the standard naming of similar processs (eg. run 'ps')19:14
tcolewe can discuss renaming the processes themselves19:14
tcolebut the documentation should reflect what they are actually called19:15
tcolethings are a bit different for the server components, where the user doesn't see what they're actually called (and they don't even necessarily have real names themselves)19:15
sladenindeed.  And I flook forward to reading documentation that isn't th result of reverse-engineering19:15
sladenthe u1ftp/u1sycn pick was a bad one.  I agree19:16
dobeysladen: no they don't19:16
dobeythe processes are ubuntuone-syncdaemon and ubuntuone-client-applet19:16
sladendobey: eh?  Are you running KDE?19:16
dobeyuh, no19:17
sladen"ubuntuone-client-applet" <--- another example of something that doesn't mention either filesharing/syncronisation in its name19:17
tcolein the case of ubuntuone-client-applet, it's possible that it may not be specific to filesharing19:17
tcolein the future19:17
tcoleat least in principle19:17
tcoleI think in practice it's probably going to eventually go away as a distinct entity19:17
dobeysladen: yes, because it's not specific to file sharing/storage19:18
dobeyin fact, most of the work it does, is authentication19:18
sladenI can imagine that with a rewite, non of this stuff would be specific to fielsharing.19:18
dobeywell the sync daemon is always going to be specific to filesharingstorage19:18
dobeythe applet itself is mostly going away19:19
tcoleanyway, to sum up19:20
tcoleif the process is running on the user's machine and has a user-visible process name, we ought to use that process name in documentation referring to the process19:20
tcolewhether or not the name is well-chosen19:20
tcoleif it's a bad or confusing name, then we should discuss renaming the actual process19:21
tcole(but in the meantime I think it's important that the documentation reflect what things are currently called)19:28
sladenit's a wiki.  I won't revert it.  I might even do it self.  Although it's not as higher a priority as documenting other bits19:29
tcoleI won't twist your arm :)19:34
tcolethank you again for undertaking this19:38
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
sladentcole: I've done u1ftp->u1sync20:40
sladentcole: I think I'll leave the others for the mo20:41
sladentcole: there is nothing "wrong" with the 'u1sync' name, whereas with the others (that I introducd the clash with), there "is"20:42
sladen(where "wrong" is of course, entirely my own humble opinion)20:43
tcolewell, I would agree that they are suboptimial in some respects20:45
sladensuboptimial is a bettter word, yes20:46
BUGabundoboas noites21:17
facundobatistaHola BUGabundo22:31
BUGabundoola facundobatista22:31

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