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kikovFFForever, did you solved it?00:27
kikovthe subversion http problem00:27
FFForeverkikov, yeah i used an unofficial git repo :)00:28
kikovwould you mind to give me the line?00:28
kikovI tried to recompile the package with -disable-neon-check-blahblahaba00:28
kikovbut it complains about berkeley db 4.0.14...00:28
FFForeverfor django?00:29
kikovit seems the package is b0rken00:29
kikovfor subversion00:29
FFForeveri didn't recompile svn i just used git to download django :)00:29
kikovor it just compile in the developer box00:29
FFForeveri didn't attempt to recompile svn since my cpu sucks00:29
cwilluyoasif, tap to click being disabled is a know regression, I think it's already been fixed though00:41
* cwillu pokes BUGabundo 00:42
yoasifcwillu: hmm, is there a master thread for it? i can test it by removing my preferences.fdi file and post my results00:42
* BUGabundo pokes cwillu on the back00:42
BUGabundocwillu: then I need to mark my bug as dupe00:42
cwilluwell, my tap to click worked in jaunty, broke in karmic, sec, let me get the bug00:42
cwilluheh, I see like 12 dupes already :p00:43
cwillubug #378391 is mine00:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378391 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Source rename clobbered local changes (so tapping not working in Karmic)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37839100:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384968 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "no tap to click" [Undecided,New]00:43
* BUGabundo tells the bot to dupe my bug to master one.00:43
* BUGabundo SUDO tells the bot to dupe my bug to master one.00:44
kikovwow... I had to do a patch on subversion package :P00:45
yoasifcwillu: my bug occurred in intrepid > jaunty as well, but i'll give it a shot00:45
cwilluyoasif, then you had a different bug00:45
cwilluor two bugs00:45
yoasifcwillu: well, let's see what happens when i reboot heh00:46
cwilluyoasif, I don't know that it's actually been merged yet, you might need the packages from https://launchpad.net/~wgrant/+archive/ppa00:47
cwilluon the other hand, I don't know that that ppa is actually safe to use :p00:48
cwilluanyways, I'm tired, I've got grain dust in my eyes and nose, and grain chaff everywhere else00:49
cwilluI'm taking a shower, and going to bed :p00:49
BUGabundobye cwillu00:49
dtchenyes, the tap-to-click is known00:49
dtcheni mentioned it to alberto at uds00:50
dtchenit's fairly easily worked around using xinput00:50
maxbkikov, FFForever: Rebuilt subversion packages are in my PPA if you like00:53
kikovI'm finishing compiling00:55
kikovdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/maxb/ppa/ubuntu karmic main00:56
kikovdeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/maxb/ppa/ubuntu karmic main00:56
kikovmaxb, how did you solved the Berkeley DB problem?00:57
yoasifcwillu: no good, no tap to click for me01:00
BUGabundokklimonda: what's the transmission PPA with 1.7 ?01:00
kklimondaBUGabundo: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kklimonda/+archive/backports for < JJ ;)01:02
BUGabundois it any good ?01:02
kklimondadid he updated to 1.7x?01:02
kklimondathen sure01:02
kklimondahmm.. where is 1.71 in his repo?01:03
kklimondaoh, svn01:03
kklimondaBUGabundo: alread 1.71 was released01:04
kklimondaso it's a bit out of date01:04
BUGabundoits moving fast01:04
BUGabundoso yours is newer?01:04
BUGabundocan you branch it?01:04
kklimondayeah, I'm uploading package now01:04
BUGabundodon't really want new users to get ALL those updates you have01:04
BUGabundomaybe make a new PPA ?01:05
kklimondayou use karmic anyway01:05
BUGabundonot me01:05
yoasifhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~transmissionbt-nightly/+archive/ppa good to throw into sources.list?01:05
kklimondayoasif: it's empty.. ;)01:06
yoasifkklimonda: what's the ppa for transmission karmic then :p01:06
BUGabundoyoasif: last time I checked that, it had no packages01:07
kklimondayoasif: transmissionbt is more or less official01:07
kklimondayoasif: but it's falling behind for now01:07
yoasifok gotcha01:07
yoasifive got 1.61, it's nice, saw some ui improvements01:08
maxbkikov: No Berkeley DB problem here01:08
kklimondaBUGabundo: i can copy all transmission packages to my default ppa as I don't use it anyway01:08
BUGabundokklimonda: since now LP allows an user to make manu PPAs for branchs01:09
BUGabundoit makes it so much easier to keep stuff01:09
kklimondaBUGabundo: but it doesn't allow disabling, renaming nor deleting them01:09
yoasifbah have to reboot for my preferences.fdi to take effect01:09
maxbs/reboot/restart hal and X/01:10
FFForevermaxb, where id your ppa01:10
maxbFFForever: My LP id is the same as my nick :-)01:10
yoasifkklimonda: when a ppa doesn't show an entry for karmic, that means that i probably shouldn't use it, right?01:10
kklimondayoasif: it means that there was no package built for karmic in this ppa01:11
kklimondaBUGabundo: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kklimonda/+archive/ppa01:12
kklimondapackages should be uploaded soon01:12
PolarinaWhen can I expect having gcc-4.4?01:34
dtchenit's already in karmic.01:36
* Polarina has 9.10.01:36
PolarinaWhere's the restart button on 9.10?01:53
DanaGheh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/update-manager/+bug/25134904:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251349 in update-manager "show new version even if changelog is not available" [Undecided,Fix released]04:19
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DanaG    - always disable version number range of the changes in the      details (LP: #251349)04:19
DanaGdisable... version number?  =04:19
DanaGyay for evince change:     - Disable bouncing during scrolling04:33
DanaG" 60_1024x600_gtk*.c.patch: Add scrolled bars into account dialog,        pounce windows and preference window when screen height is less than 600."04:50
DanaGhmm, shouldn't that be when too short, not when <600 hardcoded?04:50
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DanaGI'd agree with those comments.05:27
DanaGyay:   * Build-Depend again on libavcodec-dev to bring back the a52 and    lavcrate plugins, now that the ffmpeg transition is over.05:39
kklimondaI'm looking for a user of Karmic and compiz06:16
scizzo-kklimonda: why not just ask the question?10:25
kklimondascizzo-: good point - somebody can check if bug 343436 is still in karmic?10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343436 in transmission "transmission doesn't restore to the same location when using notification area icon" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34343610:26
bullgard4Will there be available a 'man apport-collect'? See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1145045&page=210:44
maxbAnyone using software raid on karmic? Mine just failed to assemble at boot11:54
maxbThere were mentions of dm devices which I've never seen before11:54
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BluesKajG'Day all13:15
BluesKajsmbclient can no longer access vista pcs on our network after the latest upgrade ...anyone else affected by this ?13:22
BluesKajlet me rephrase that : can access the pc , but not the shared folders13:24
telexiconis pulse audio broken again? sound through it has a lot of static14:19
BluesKajdunno about pulse , but alsa uses the drivers for your sound card14:24
telexiconBluesKaj, what about the driver?14:26
telexiconif i bypass pulse by using OSS14:26
telexiconthen it works fine14:26
BluesKajdo you have alsa ?14:26
BluesKajalsamixer in the terminal14:27
telexiconof course i have alsa14:28
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BluesKajok, for some reason, some ppl think pulse replaces alsa14:30
telexiconit doesnt14:31
telexiconits a daemon that redirects the ALSA apis through itself14:31
telexiconas well as the native pulse api14:31
telexiconand it has emulation layers for other sound APIs14:31
telexiconalsa itself has an OSS emulation layer14:31
telexiconif i set an app to use alsa it triggers pulseaudio to start14:31
telexiconbut not if i set it to use oss14:31
BluesKajyeah, or a wrapper14:32
telexiconwhile making sure pulse isnt running14:32
telexiconthen it'll go through alsa's emulation layer14:32
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telexiconbut not pulse, and the sound works fine14:32
BluesKajtelexicon, try looking in system settings/media and test the sound using the listed drivers for audio. Yesterday after an upgrade , my sound test wasn't working and after rebooting it worked. guess the driver updated it self14:36
telexiconits not that the sound doesnt work14:37
telexiconits that its all choppy14:38
telexiconpulse audio is corrupting the sound14:38
BluesKajtelexicon, maybe this will help, http://soft-haus.com/blog/2009/02/14/ubuntu-linux-problems-with-pulseaudio-and-alsa-getting-errors-no-available-audio-device-solved/14:50
joejchows stable is it so far?14:50
telexiconBluesKaj, why are you telling me this14:52
telexiconBluesKaj, it seems your are projecting your own sound issues onto my situation14:52
telexiconi have sound, its just got static14:52
BluesKajyeah , i had no sound except static too14:52
BluesKajtry ESD , it might help14:53
telexiconi _have_ sound14:53
telexiconi _have_ sound14:53
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BluesKajgoogle chrome for Linux ! http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel16:00
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PiciBluesKaj: Please do not post offtopic links here or to any other Ubuntu channel. (besides their offtopic specific channels)16:04
BluesKajPici, you should change your nick's spelling to picky  :)   ... as if there's a lot of action in here right now16:06
PiciBluesKaj: It is the channel rules regardless of the amount of activity here.16:07
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yoasifanyone else seeing this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu/+bug/38524816:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385248 in app-install-data-ubuntu "[karmic] bad .desktop file: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/pauker.desktop" [Undecided,New]16:33
BUGabundoalg aki vivo?16:47
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BUGabundopreciso de um concelho, meus amigos16:47
BUGabundooopps. wrong channel. sorry16:47
thekornhi yoasif, I'm not running karmic, so I cannot reproduce this one,16:48
thekornyoasif, but you have choosen the wrong package, it is most likely not a bug in app-install-data-ubuntu,16:49
thekornyoasif, can you please change the taget to 'pauker'16:49
thekornhey BUGabundo16:50
BUGabundohey thekorn16:53
BUGabundoyoasif: what's up ?16:53
yofelyoasif: confirmed, but indeed wrong package like thekorn said.16:56
thekornI think there is a "[Desktop Entry]" missing in the first line of pauker.desktop16:57
yofelthekorn: indeed17:00
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yoasifthekorn: fixin17:14
yoasifoh you guys got it already, thanks :)17:14
yoasifBUGabundo: not much, how about yourself17:15
BUGabundoI meant about your prob17:15
BUGabundobut ok. i'  fine. a bit of rain now...17:15
yoasifyeah same here... problem isn't much of an issue, just a small error in a package i don't even use17:16
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trask4hey, about when is it expected karmic to be usable? just fedora usable, dont need to be all ubuntu standard17:34
BUGabundotrask4: humm about 2 days after release17:34
charlie-tcaI don't think it gets fedora usable, since fedora is really completely different distribution/OS17:35
BUGabundocharlie-tca: humm same OS17:35
charlie-tcaOH! yeah17:36
charlie-tcaI just don't know what fedora usable is, I guess. I only use Ubuntu/Xubuntu17:36
BUGabundocharlie-tca: you have to perdon him. english aint his native language17:38
trask4i can live with it, as long as my native tounge isnt frensh17:38
charlie-tcaagreed, trask417:39
BUGabundoso trask4 what exactly is your question?17:39
BUGabundocharlie-tca: xub Q: should all .desktop missing files be filed as bugs?17:40
trask4but what will i miss out on except mms support wich is half the intention other than the nice name17:40
charlie-tcayes, BUGabundo17:40
charlie-tcaI tag them for the menu team17:41
BUGabundowith which tag?17:41
charlie-tca"The bug requests the addition/fix of a .desktop file. "17:44
charlie-tcaIt gets them noticed pretty quick17:44
BUGabundowill past that along to our LoCo xubuntu users17:48
charlie-tcaPlease do. The sooner they get reported and tagged, the sooner they get fixed. Most are are change in the line that says "only in gnome"17:49
BUGabundowe have two karmic users eheh17:51
yoasifonly two?17:51
charlie-tcaYou HAVE two!17:52
charlie-tcaI upgraded to karmic, but lost all my sound now17:53
charlie-tcaThat means I got four karmic users already?17:53
BUGabundocharlie-tca: install pavucontrol and check sinks17:54
charlie-tcaXubuntu normally doesn't even put out an image before alpha 217:54
BUGabundomine were set to the wrong one17:54
charlie-tcaOkay, thanks17:54
yoasifstupid sound17:54
BUGabundoone is upgrade the other clean install17:54
yoasifis xubuntu going to be less gnome dependent this time around?17:54
BUGabundooops now I remember17:54
BUGabundojust lost ONE of them17:54
BUGabundolaptop died :(17:54
BUGabundolast week17:54
BUGabundobut he did manage to file a few bugs on it17:55
* Twigathy has a single machine running Karmic - his desktop! :>17:55
charlie-tcayoasif: probably not, since if the app works, Xubuntu will use it. Being a gnome app does not make it resouce intensive17:55
charlie-tcaOops, now we are down to three? that was fast...17:55
yoasifcharlie-tca: running the gnome daemons does -- see some of the reviews comparing debian xfce edition and xubuntu17:55
yoasifi personally don't care too much, since i don't use xubuntu, but i have seem complaints17:56
charlie-tcaaware of them. Sometimes, it is the easiest to maintain, though17:56
charlie-tcaWell, ease of use and installation, verses speed17:56
BUGabundocharlie-tca: lolol17:57
yoasifinstallation is simple using the standard ubuntu/debian tools no?17:57
charlie-tcaIt is being worked by the Xubuntu development team. THere is hope17:57
BUGabundoI guess you should check popcon and see the xubuntu seed for karmic17:57
charlie-tcaInstallation of debian with xfce is harder, I thought17:57
yoasifas far as ease of use, xfce seems plenty easy for me :)17:57
ubottuThe Ubuntu Popularity Contest project is an attempt to map the usage of Ubuntu packages. To participate, install the package "popularity-contest", and see  http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucasNussbaum/PopconDraft17:57
yoasifcharlie-tca: there's a cd that does it -- i thought the debian installer was dead simple17:58
charlie-tcaI see.17:58
charlie-tcaI thought you were not running xfce17:59
yoasifi'm not17:59
BUGabundocharlie-tca: eheh one more !17:59
yoasifi'm using GNOME right now, but that needs some speed improvements too17:59
yoasifhoping that the 10 second boot initiative helps with that17:59
charlie-tcaDoes that debian installer install Xfce?18:00
charlie-tcaI did not think it did. I think you have to install it later?18:00
yoasif[   ] debian-501-i386-xfce+lxde-CD-1.iso.torrent 13-Apr-2009 03:30   26K  on http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.1/i386/bt-cd/18:01
dupondjeaptitude doing weird, it sometimes just stops outputting ... it keeps running, and finally completes then, but suddenly no more output :s18:13
Machtinhumm.. is there any good pdf-editor? (opensource..)18:20
BUGabundoMachtin: only know one and it aint that good18:21
BUGabundodupondje: can't reproduce18:21
Machtini see.. wanna tell me the name anyway? :)18:22
BUGabundoMachtin: can't remember the name18:25
BUGabundoother wise I would already have18:25
Machtinkk, will try pdfedit then18:26
Machtinthanks :)18:26
BUGabundoI thinks that may be it18:27
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I'm lost! trying to find a search in popcon and I FAIL18:38
charlie-tcaI can't even load it yet18:44
BUGabundo3018  xubuntu-desktop                53375     0     0     0 53375 (Xubuntu Developers)18:45
charlie-tcaSo, that should be Xubuntu installations? How do I get karmic?18:46
BUGabundoI'm trying to find that now18:46
BUGabundoubuntu-desktop                 81829518:49
BUGabundoso there are 16x times ubuntu users form xubuntu18:50
charlie-tcaThat is expected18:50
charlie-tcaOTOH, how many installed Ubuntu then installed Xubuntu?18:50
yoasifdoes anyone know if https://launchpad.net/~thefirstm/+archive/ppa is broken?19:02
yoasifah not broken, but no new nvidia drivers19:02
yoasifanyone know a ppa for the latest nvidia drivers?19:02
yoasifmaybe this is it... nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 - 185.19.1~really185.18.14-0ubuntu019:03
dupondjeBUGabundo: got it like half of the time here :s19:03
maxbWhat populates /dev/disk/by-*/ ?19:29
maxbI though udev, but in that case, how can it contain symlinks pointing to device nodes that do not exist!?19:29
dupondjeno freaky id :)19:30
maxbOne of my partitions has suddenly decided to become invisible to udev :-/19:30
maxbDebugging boot-time udev is hard :-/19:36
maxbHow are you supposed to read its logs!?19:36
hggdhI bypassed it by changing the log location to /20:04
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DanaGhmm.... one bummer about grub2: no "savedefault" feature!20:14
maxbhggdh: ?20:24
* maxb finds that karmic + software raid == badness20:25
yoasifanyone use transmission here?20:26
yoasifhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission/+bug/385334 if you use transmission, see if you can reproduce it...20:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385334 in transmission "[karmic] removing download items makes property window useless" [Undecided,New]20:27
hggdhmaxb, I changed the udev startup to write the file on the root (in my case I have multiple FSs)20:32
hggdhso I could find out what happened. But this was in early Jaunty20:32
maxbudev seems to write to syslog or the console, not a file?20:34
LordKowyay finally grub2 as default20:39
DanaGI hope they implement a friggin' savedefault feature.20:39
DanaGThat's one reason I refuse to use grub2 right now.20:39
DanaGNo way to have it default to whatever I last booted.20:40
LordKowhell, we could implement that ourselves. piece of cake to add20:40
LordKowsorry for language wasnt thinkin :P20:40
LordKowim thinking under advanced options of ubiquity you could select grub legacy instead of grub220:42
DanaGOh, and it would be good to have the grub2 package set up both grub-pc and grub-efi.20:44
DanaGLike Fedora does.20:44
DanaGIs there any way to do savedefault with grub2?20:58
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ak4d7whenever i restart or logout my settings are gone22:28
cwilluDanaG, they just added that feature to svn like a week ago, I don't know that our snapshot would have it yet22:45
cwilluI kinda get the impression that the grub2 people are offended that distros package up a somewhat-random svn version22:46
DanaGWhich feature... the savedefault, or the "both versions"?22:46
cwillualthough their approach to releases lease something to be desired (namely, a release)22:46
cwilluthe savedefault22:46
DanaGah.  Cool.22:46
cwilluthey bit my head off when I asked in irc :p22:46
DanaGI also see that the KMS PPA doesn't do R600 KMS... bummer.22:47
DanaGEven without Plymouth, KMS is a great help... gives native usplash.22:47
cwilluDanaG, #ubuntu-x might be able to give you some info about 460022:47
cwillur600 rather22:47
DanaGoddly enough, grub2 EFI shows itself centered on-screen, not stretched.22:48
cwilluLordKow, I'm unconvinced that grub2 is such a good idea while the grub2 devs themselves aren't willing to make a release :)22:48
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yoasifcwillu: hey, it needs testing :)23:55
cwilluyoasif, then they should tag recent as a rc or beta :p23:57
cwilluI mean, it's not like we don't have man-centuries of experience telling us that keeping the development process hidden from real world concerns is a bad thing :p23:58
cwillu(we're talking about grub2, right? :p)23:58

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