
=== rickspencer31 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
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pittiGood morning07:09
didrocksGuten Tag pitti08:09
pittihey didrocks08:10
didrockspitti: I had a quick look at bug #182345 for updating it in hardy. My memory was unfortunately good: the correction is not in only on changeset, there had been some code refactoring. So, do we take the svn version (same version than in jaunty?) or prefer to keep as it is?08:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 182345 in nautilus-actions "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in gconf_client_remove_dir()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18234508:12
pittididrocks: if it's not easy to produce a small and safe patch, let's leave it for now, I think08:14
didrockspitti: ok, I put the status in "won't fix"08:15
pittihey robert_ancell, how are you?08:45
robert_ancellpitti: doing well08:45
seb128hello robert_ancell pitti08:46
robert_ancellhi seb12808:46
seb128robert_ancell: what are you working on this week?08:47
seb128I've seen the glade update08:47
robert_ancellseb128: nothing much, I'm currently looking for things to do.  I guess I'll stop procrastinating about compiz and try and shift some of those bugs08:47
seb128robert_ancell: do you still have the gnome-control-center merge on your list?08:48
robert_ancellseb128: thanks, I knew there was something I'd said I'd do.  I couldn't find it on my GTD done list...08:48
seb128we have a new GNOME next week08:49
seb128so this week is good time to do a good push on remaining merges, feel free to pick any on merges.ubuntu.com and help other people to do some08:50
robert_ancellA lot of the stuff left on MoM I don't know a lot about08:50
seb128did you fix the gdl update?08:51
seb128I've not seen it on the sponsoring list again08:52
robert_ancellI worked on the deps - gnome-python-extras needs modifying and gtranslator is ftbfs currently08:53
robert_ancellI've updated the gdl bug with details08:53
seb128what needs to be modified there?08:53
seb128will have a look08:54
seb128I will try to list of some desktop tasks for tomorrow if you want08:54
robert_ancelli'll do gnome-screensaver and inkscape tomorrow too08:55
robert_ancellI was looking at how hard it would be to make a GNOME desktop + LP linker as we discussed at UDS08:55
robert_ancellWhere do we get upstream versions from?  ftp.gnome.org doesn't seem to have easily parseable info08:55
seb128good idea those, there is a 2.26 gnome-screensaver in bzr which was ready before jaunty08:56
seb128we didn't upload though because there is an issue08:56
seb128if you run 2.24 and upgrade, and lock screen you can't unlock08:56
seb128it seems it doesn't like the server and frontend running version being in mismatch or something08:56
seb128not sure how to solve that08:57
mvoseb128: is that 2.24 only? or will it affect 2.22 (hardy) too (for the next lts upgrade)?08:57
seb128mvo: I didn't try hardy but I would not be surprised if that would be the case08:57
pittiseb128: in theory, we could have the postinst send a killall -HUP gnome-screensaver08:57
pittiseb128: and add a patch to re-exec() itself on SIGHUP08:58
seb128pitti: that would unlock locked sessions while the user ran away thinking the session was securely locked08:58
didrockshey seb128 & robert_ancell08:58
robert_ancellhi didrocks08:58
pittiseb128: if the protocol broke, I don't see a way to keep the current one running and working, though08:58
seb128I'm a bit concerned that opening a menu or something during the split second between the stop and start would be easy enough08:58
seb128that would prevent screen locking08:58
pitti"physical access"...08:59
pittiseb128: so we have the choice of permanently locking out yourself or loosing lock at all?08:59
seb128good point, if you let physical access to your box while not here you are screwed anyway08:59
seb128lut didrocks crevette08:59
seb128pitti: sort of, I've no found a great way to deal with this upgrade yet08:59
pittiwell, admittedly locked screensaver is a high enough barrier to stop random fellows walking by09:00
crevettesalut seb128 didrocks pitti09:00
pittihey crevette09:00
robert_ancellseb128: what was wrong with g-c-c? We seem to be running the latest version09:01
didrockshey crevette09:01
seb128robert_ancell: we need to merge on debian09:02
seb128robert_ancell: ie rebase our changes, lower the delta, etc09:02
robert_ancellseb128: sure09:02
robert_ancellwow, are there enough patches on gnome-control-center?09:10
robert_ancellis it mostly ubuntu specific or should this stuff be going upstream?09:11
mvothe system-wide stuff (patch 50 and 51 IIRC), I tried to get upstream with little success :/ maybe its time for a second try09:12
robert_ancellmvo: 50_ubuntu_systemwide_prefs.patch and 50_ubuntu_systemwide_prefs.patch? Do you have upstream bug numbers?09:14
seb128robert_ancell: upstream is working on getting the touchpad changes in 2.2709:14
seb128robert_ancell: the 1nn_screen are ubuntu specific, the 50, 51 95_desktop_effects too09:15
seb12896_build_sound_capplet was to be able to not use pulseaudio but we said we would drop that this cycle09:15
robert_ancellsee you later09:32
didrocksseb128: thanks for sponsoring btw :)10:16
seb128didrocks: you're welcome ;-)10:16
seb128didrocks: do you still have some merge or update on your todlist?10:16
didrocksso, if we stay in our ubuntu packages, apt can handle this case gracefully, without Provides, right?10:16
didrocksseb128: nothing, so the todolist is opened for inputswork :)10:17
seb128didrocks: as written on the bug Conflicts, Provides, Replaces used all 3 together is a special case and make apt upgrade calculation job easier10:17
seb128didrocks: gnome-python-desktop is for you though, I though you said you would be doing both, same principle, debian splitted the binaries and that will be useful to clean some libs and not install those by default in karmic10:18
didrocksseb128: oki, reading your answer, I was thinking that it was needed only for external dependency and that apt can handle it for internal packages10:18
seb128didrocks: sorry if I was not clear, still a bit fighting ubuflu, I was saying that some packages out of ubuntu could be depending on those binaries10:19
seb128+ second argument10:19
didrocksseb128: ok, I will work on it, reading which splitting debian has done10:19
seb128apt special case the triplet use10:19
didrocksunderstood :)10:19
seb128so 2 good reason to add the 1 line ;-)10:19
didrocksindeed :-)10:19
seb128not really highly required but it doesn't cost a lot either10:19
pittiseb128: question in https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-default-media-player-choice for you11:28
* seb128 hates spec writting ;-)11:29
seb128pitti: thanks11:29
seb128pitti: "# Having a small video player is useful, totem will still be used for that "11:29
seb128pitti: first item of the design section11:30
pittiah, ok; sorry11:30
seb128"that" == video playing11:30
seb128sorry if that's not clear11:30
seb128should I change the wording?11:30
pittithanks, approved11:30
pittino, I'm just blind11:31
asacpitti: oh didnt see you approved the bluetooth spec ;) ... now reapproved ;)11:39
pittiasac: oh, did you just change something?11:40
asacpitti: no. i changed it from "Pending Approval" to "Review"11:40
asacwasnt sure what the right state was11:40
pittiasac: either is fine11:43
pittiwe don't have explicit reviewers any more, so I'll look at both11:44
asacpitti: rick is approver for desktop-karmic-firefox-3.5 ... want to do that as well?11:45
pittiasac: okay11:46
pittiasac: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-browsers you mean?11:47
asacremember to approve the "karmic" release goal too.11:47
asacpitti: thats the general browser spec. there is a dependency just speccing the firefox 3.5 transition11:47
asacpitti: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-firefox-3.511:47
asaci guess this spec could deserve a burn down chart on its own ;)11:49
chrisccoulsondoes anybody know - if I use a GtkLabel in a dialog box, with line wrapping enabled - is there any way of getting the label text to expand to fill the horizontal space of the window, if the window is resized larger?12:01
seb128that's a known GTK bug12:02
chrisccoulsonthanks seb12812:02
seb128you're welcome12:02
chrisccoulsoni've created a dialog with 2 GtkLabel's to represent primary and seocndary text - one of them wraps at the edge of the window and the other one doesnt, so it looks really odd ;)12:03
seb128you never noticed the issue?12:03
seb128it's quite visible in lot of applications, update-manager for example12:03
seb128bug #2009612:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 20096 in gtk "Synaptic Dialogs do not wrap text labels dynamically when windows are resized" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2009612:04
chrisccoulsontbh, i hadn't paid that much attention before. the only reason i noticed now is because i'm trying to create a dialog12:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks for the link12:05
crevetteseb128, I remember there was a summer of code to solve this bug and also provide more flexible layout12:21
crevettewas it never commited?12:22
crevetteI had to mark a dup of this bug yesterday in GNOME bts12:22
asaccrevette: so patch ready for upload ;)?12:22
crevetteasac, I didn't had the last reply from hadess12:23
asaccrevette: in gnome bug?12:23
crevetteI had one 2 minutes after my patch upload, and he saw me some small problem I fixed afterward12:23
asaccrevette: which bug id was it agfain?12:23
crevetteI can cc you12:23
asaccrevette: heh. better give me the bug id ;)12:24
ubottuGnome bug 584857 in general "[patch] support notification deamon without actions capabilities" [Normal,Unconfirmed]12:24
asaccrevette: thats a different null thing. imo it shouldnt be needed, but ok12:25
asaccrevette: did you make a debdiff with the patch yet?12:25
crevetteasac, ah Okay, I was typing my question about that12:25
crevetteno, I wanted final comment12:25
asaccrevette: not needed for ubuntu. lets get the two things addressed and then uploaded12:26
crevetteyou're luycky I brought my laptop at work today12:26
asacheh cool12:26
crevetteso I can do the debdiff if you want12:26
asaccrevette: yeah. if you want the upload credits, give me debdiff ;)12:26
crevetteI want credit, off course !!!12:27
crevetteyou should credit bratsche_ rather12:27
crevettegnome session login is ssooo slooww12:28
crevette_asac: upload to the ubuntu bug12:42
crevette_lp 37239512:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372395 in gnome-bluetooth "[karmic] Please merge gnome-bluetooth 2.27.5 from debian" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37239512:42
crevette_de nada senior12:43
asaccrevette_: you didnt update maintainer field ;)12:44
asacdoing that now12:45
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crevette_oh true,12:46
=== ZarroBoogs is now known as Pici
crevette_I did that in my version, but was lost ..12:46
asaccrevette_: also you forgot the bug in changelog ... doing that too ;)12:47
* crevette_ goes to hide him self12:47
crevettethanks a lot12:51
crevettewhen a bug from a previous version is fixed in the developement version, what is the status of the bug I shoud set "Fix commited" or "Fix released"12:55
Ampelbeincrevette: "fix released" when it's fixed in the development release. You can use one of the standard replies from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Fixed%20in%20Development%20release%20while%20still%20existing%20in%20a%20previous%20release to advise the reporter on how to proceed.12:57
crevette_thanks Ampelbein12:58
crevetteasac, please note for the bluetooth spec, the versions of bluez and pulseaudio for audio stream is important, I don't no if it worth mentionning it in the spec.13:30
crevettelatest pulseaudio 0.9.15 will only work properly with latest bluez versions, and the APIs are perhaps subject to change13:31
asaccrevette: right. spec says we should upgrade all pieces to latest14:00
asaccrevette: so latest bluez i would think as well14:00
crevetteI more "worried" about pulseaudio because there is less release14:00
crevetteYou can have a bluez release each 2 weeks14:01
kenvandineseb128: the empathy patch for messaging indicator support is still waiting to be sponsored, should that get uploaded before moving it to main?  or just do it after?14:05
seb128kenvandine: we don't care either way14:06
* kenvandine would like more people to use it :)14:06
kenvandinethe more critical piece is the loudmouth fix14:06
seb128I've not noticed it because it's on the universe list on http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/index.html14:06
kenvandinewhich should really also be fixed in jaunty14:06
seb128will have a look to this one14:07
kenvandineit is pretty important14:07
kenvandineanyone with a contact in their list that uses a blackberry is hosed14:07
kenvandinedebian has already uploaded a fix too14:07
seb128kenvandine: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/loudmouth seems to indicate it's already fixed in karmic?14:07
kenvandineso i guess we should sync instead14:07
* kenvandine looks again14:08
kenvandinedamn bug mail filtering!14:08
kenvandinewell...  we should look at it for jaunty too14:08
seb128feel free to work on a SRU for it14:09
pittikenvandine: I wonder why telepathy-glib and friends don't need libtelepathy? At least I don't see a MIR bug for it?14:09
seb128it's not impacting the default client so I don't feel it's high importance for us to work on14:09
kenvandinepitti: oh... i missed that14:09
kenvandineseb128: true...14:09
kenvandinebut jaunty users know we are switching, and trying out empathy14:10
kenvandinejorge is getting lots of gripes :)14:10
kenvandinepitti: i will do that now14:10
pittikenvandine: in the future, please use the standard MIR template instead of copy&paste'ing an ancient report14:10
seb128I though they were recommending to try the 2.27 ppa version?14:10
kenvandinenot necessarily14:10
kenvandinepitti: noted14:10
seb128would be either to get the loudmounth fixed version in the ppa14:10
pittithanks! will review the other bits now14:10
seb128and that doesn't prevent you to work on the jaunty SRU14:11
seb128I'm fine sponsoring a debdiff I just don't intend to work on it14:11
kenvandinewill do14:11
seb128so if you do the MIR work that's all good, just ping me for sponsoring14:11
kenvandinepitti: mind if i use copy and paste for libtelepathy? lots of the content will be the same :)14:12
Zdrakenvandine: seb128: libtelepathy dep is only to keep ABI compatibility for libmissioncontrol-client14:13
Zdrait is not used at all14:13
ZdraIMO that's totally stupid because MC ABI never was stable anyway14:13
pittikenvandine: the standard MIR template also checks for user-visible strings, debconf, and lots of other bits which are important14:13
kenvandinepitti: ok14:14
Zdrakenvandine: seb128: When Empathy will be ported to MC5, libtelepathy will be totally dropped14:14
pittikenvandine: note that telepathy-glib doesn't actually need libtelepathy14:14
Zdrahopefully that will happen before 2.2814:14
pittikenvandine: but I guess if telepathy itself is a daemon, that will need it?14:14
seb128another rewritte?14:14
kenvandinepitti:  telepathy-mission-control does14:14
* pitti doesn't understand the telepathy stack yet14:14
kenvandineit is the only thing with a dep on it14:14
kenvandinebut everything deps on telepathy-mission-control14:15
seb128pedro_: ola!14:15
pedro_salut seb128!14:15
pittikenvandine: also, please put MIRs into the wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReport/.. namespace14:17
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pittiasac: since you have an overview about hal-info/modem prober for NetworkManager and connman/that other thing you referred to, maybe you can add the current status of those to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy ?14:22
pittiasac: note that e. g. connman using hal is fine, since we don't install it by default14:22
pittibut this page is used by the #udev folks as well, so it'd be nice to have a comprehensive list14:23
asacpitti: sure. will check it out14:24
rickspencer3kenvandine: robert_ancell saw why my program was segfaulting in literally less than 5 minutes14:30
rickspencer3Seems he knows pygtk quite well (and the vagaries of threading with pygtk)14:31
pittihey rickspencer314:32
rickspencer3hi pitti14:32
kenvandinerickspencer3: now we know who to go to :)14:33
kenvandinerickspencer3: so what was it?14:34
rickspencer3kenvandine: exactly14:34
rickspencer3I made the call to initialize threads after I created a window the used threads, but before gtk_main()14:34
rickspencer3so I "sort of" initialized the threads14:34
rickspencer3only I could do such a thing, and then think the problem is in a library I am using14:35
rickspencer3the good news is that the power triaging feature should be ready in a day or two14:36
rickspencer3I just need to talk to seb128 to find out exactly how he would want to change the bugs14:36
kenvandinepitti:   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReport/LibTelepathy14:40
kenvandinerickspencer3: cool14:40
didrocksrickspencer3: I updated the quickly spec. Didn't reread yet for typos but the content should be ok :)14:41
pittipitti_telepathy: ping14:42
pittikenvandine: thanks; can you please create a corresponding mir bug and subscribe ubuntu-mir?14:43
rickspencer3didrocks: great14:43
rickspencer3I'll check it out later14:43
rickspencer3didrocks: did you see someone else asked to join the quickly team?14:43
kenvandinepitti: already done14:44
pittiii  libtelepathy2                              0.3.3-2                                          Telepathy framework - old GLib library14:44
kenvandinepitti: so i guess i have more work to do :)14:44
didrocksrickspencer3: yes, do you ask him to join it? (I prefer people send an email too when they want to join as it gives bzr access)14:44
pittikenvandine: hm, the "old" sounds bad somehow14:44
pittikenvandine: currently reviewing the packages, indeed :)14:44
pittikenvandine: do you know which source ships the telepathy daemon?14:45
rickspencer3didrocks: I did not, don't know who he is14:45
kenvandinepitti: telepathy-mission-control14:45
pittikenvandine: in the MIRs you talk about the "telepathy server"14:45
didrocksrickspencer3: I will send him an email so :)14:45
pittikenvandine: in general, I like telepathy; it's like gstreamer for chat :)14:47
kenvandineit has a bright future :)14:47
seb128asac: did you read my question before?14:51
seb128I got disconnected apparently but didn't notice14:51
seb128or rather my IRC disconnected14:51
seb128anyway let me know if you read the question and,or replied ;-)14:52
asacseb128: nope. pleaes repost14:55
asacdidnt get your question (most likely got eaten on reconnect)14:56
seb128asac: is installing plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins correct nowadays?14:56
seb128 asac: totem also do symlinks in /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins is that required?14:56
kenvandinepitti: i would actually be fine not shipping telepathy-idle at all, it is a pretty weak excuse for an irc interface14:58
asacseb128: i think we should keep both for now. though in the end mozilla will probably be it14:58
kenvandinemost irc commands aren't supported14:58
asacseb128: it doesnt hurt at least14:58
seb128asac: ok thanks14:58
pittikenvandine: not sure, pidgin wasn't much better, was it?14:58
kenvandineseb128: opinions on shipping telepathy-idle?14:58
kenvandinepitti: pidgin is far better :)14:58
seb128no, but I'm not a reference, I don't understand that people use an IM as an IRC client14:59
kenvandineand i am not a fan of pidgin for irc14:59
pittikenvandine: I didn't have -idle installed, but I did have -haze; I wonder why it doesn't support IRC through libpurple then14:59
seb128but lot of people there seem to be using pidgin for IRC14:59
seb128ask rickspencer3 maybe, he's using it for example14:59
pittikenvandine, seb128: right, both pidgin and empathy are pretty bad IRC clients :)14:59
pittibut it's handy to have _some_ IRC connectivity on a live system/on our defautl client14:59
pittikenvandine: can it do /join, /msg, /query, and /close? With them you should get pretty far15:00
Zdrapitti: empathy has only /msg and /me15:00
pittifor the casual "ask the folks in #ubuntu for help"15:00
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pittiZdra: it opens a new window for /msg?15:00
pittiZdra: ok, /close -> close window, /join -> has menu entry, so we could do without them15:01
Zdrapitti: oh, no, it does not have /msg :p15:01
* rickspencer3 ears prick15:01
Zdrabut it has /say15:01
pittihm, never used that15:01
Zdrait's useless15:02
rickspencer3I think /me is pretty key15:02
pittibut /msg and /query as well15:02
Zdra/say is only useful to prefix a command so it does not interpret it15:02
rickspencer3kenvandine: I assume that you can use the telepathy GUI for /msg?15:02
seb128if we want an IRC client let's install xchat-gnome again rather than telepathy-idle15:02
kenvandinerickspencer3: let me try15:03
kenvandineseb128: i am with you!15:03
Zdrathe idea is to have a xchat-gnome-like UI for MUC in empathy15:03
rickspencer3seb128: kenvandine: I think our default IM client should have basic IM capabilities15:03
Zdrabut we need someone with free time to do the job15:03
kenvandinerickspencer3: yes15:03
rickspencer3I'd rather not include both a chat client and an irc client15:03
rickspencer3kenvandine: does it do tab completion on names?15:04
pittirickspencer3, seb128: I considered pidgin enough IRC capable to get to #ubuntu to ask for help (live system)15:04
rickspencer3I mean nicks?15:04
rickspencer3pitti: agreed15:04
pittiif -idle meets that, it's good enough IMHO15:04
seb128works for me15:04
rickspencer3pitti: I'd like to be a tad more crisp for the requirements15:04
pittigeeks who use it all the time won't use it anyway, but they can install xchat/irssi/weechat/whatever themselves15:04
seb128ie, be able to join a channel and write things there?15:04
rickspencer3but in general, I agree15:04
pittiand I wouldn't like to install another IRC client by default15:04
pittimost people don't need one, and we are tight on space15:05
rickspencer3seb128: I also think "start a private chat", do "/me", and maybe a couple of other things may be important15:05
rickspencer3pitti: aside from the space issue, it's confusing to include two15:05
seb128what purpose do we think the default IRC client serves?15:05
seb128being able to get IRC support15:05
rickspencer3we are supposed to be making opinionated choices that makes things simple15:05
seb128or being able to use IRC in decent ways, including notifications, private chats, etc15:05
seb128because those are different things imho15:06
rickspencer3seb128: yes to support15:06
rickspencer3and I think we should define "decent" as "casual"15:06
pitti_telepathyhello again15:06
seb128hey pitti_telepathy ;-)15:06
rickspencer3pitti is communicating with us using only his mind15:06
pitti_telepathyhm, this doesn't even list the people in the room :-(15:07
rickspencer3is there a missing plugin or something?15:07
pitti_telepathy /msg is not supported15:07
pitti_telepathybut it does do tab completion15:07
* pitti_telepathy sobs15:07
rickspencer3pitti_telepathy: but kenvandine says you can msg via the GUI15:07
pitti_telepathy /me works15:07
rickspencer3pitti_telepathy: try /nick15:07
seb128pitti_telepathy: got my query?15:07
mclasenpitty_telepathy: the missing people are a known (and fixed) bug, I believe15:08
mclasenI reported that recently...15:08
pitti_telepathyseb128's /query went through15:08
pitti_telepathymclasen: cool15:08
pitti_telepathybut it's not obvious how to start a query from the empathy GUI15:08
pitti_telepathyI guess that will "just work" once the people list starts working again15:08
* pitti_telepathy goes on with MIR processing15:09
seb128seems good enough for what we need on the default install then assuming that will be fixed before karmic15:09
rickspencer3pitti_telepathy: seb128: agreed15:09
Zdrapitti: contact list is fixed in master for IRC15:10
rickspencer3seb128: you indicated that upstream was responsive, so perhaps we can use it for a while, and provide some targeted feedback15:10
pochupitti: seb128++ == seb129? ;)15:10
Zdrapitti: just click in the contact list of your room and a private chat starts ;)15:10
rickspencer3pochu: lol15:10
pittiZdra: rocking15:10
seb128rickspencer3: Zdra, cassidy are upstream, and yes15:10
* rickspencer3 waves15:10
pittiwell, this responsiveness alone makes it more than worth it!15:10
mclasenZdra: having a release with that fix would be cool...15:10
seb128new 2.27 scheduled for next week15:11
seb128I guess that can wait until then15:11
Zdramclasen: releases are planned: http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointTwentyseven15:11
pittiah, the telepathy stack and empathy are officially part of GNOME now?15:12
pochuempathy -> yes15:12
pochutelepathy is an external dep15:13
Zdrapitti: since 2.24, yes15:13
seb128lool: the workspace switcher bug is a duplicate15:45
loolseb128: Hmm ok, I searched but didn't see it; is it in another source package?15:46
seb128lool: it's rather libwnck or compiz if it's somewhere open, could have been closed as lacking information or configuration issues too15:46
seb128we get one of those bugs every few months since gutsy or something15:46
seb128I tend to just close those as duplicate recently because I know I read similar description every now and then, I don't have the exact number though15:47
loolIt kind of makes the workspace switcher unusable in some configs  :-)   I tried looking into it some months ago, but I didn't understand what was happening in the Gtk+ resize code; I could reproduce it in a window though15:48
seb128oh, you think it's a gtk issue?15:49
seb128I was rather expecting a gconf key being set to something else than 1 where it should not15:49
loolI don't think so, but rather an issue with the widget handling15:49
seb128ie the number of workspaces or something15:49
seb128that's the viewport, workspace mix which leads to such issues apparently15:49
seb128I think it's purely a config issue15:49
loolseb128: I'm pretty sure it's a widget resizing badly, but well not 10% sure; if you try launching a workspace switcher applet from panel-test-applets, can you grow and shrink the window?15:50
loolI can only grow it15:50
loolwell actuall, I can grow and shrink it horizontally but not vertically; that's probably the bug15:51
seb128I think mvo told me age ago about a gconf key to reset to fix the issue15:51
loolseb128: Ok; perhaps I'm on the wrong track here then15:52
seb128I really think the common cause for those issues is a grid layout in gconf which has a value different of 1 where it should not15:52
seb128ie when using compiz you expect workspace = 1 and use viewports15:52
seb128and in some case ie seems that workspace != 1 and that lead to such bugs15:52
mvolool: what is your /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options/number_of_desktops setting?15:59
loolseb128: Oh I think I know what it might be now from what you describe: it looks like there are three rows of this 12 viewports setup15:59
loolmvo: 115:59
mvohm, that should be good then15:59
seb128lool: right16:00
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
loolmvo: Did you get my emails?  Did I miss anything I said I would send to you but didn't?  I have the feeling I forgot something16:04
mvolool: its all good, its me being slow16:11
loolmvo: haha don't tell that to me; I'm the one who needs 10 days to send you a debdiff ;-)16:14
mptmvo, are you ok with being the "technical mentor" for our Season of Usability intern on the AppCenter project?16:31
mvompt: sure16:32
mptAs far as I can tell, that just means being available to answer technical questions about what is and is not possible design-wise :-)16:32
mptrickspencer3, can you recommend someone to be the technical mentor for the Users & Groups work?16:33
mptI guess ideally someone familiar with the mechanics of user accounts, groups, setting passwords, PolicyKit, that sort of thing16:34
rickspencer3mpt: this is for summer of usability?16:46
mptrickspencer3, Season of Usability, yes16:46
rickspencer3mpt: robert_ancell I suppose16:47
mptok, I'll ask him16:47
mptthanks rickspencer316:47
pittiseb128: would be interesting to get your opinion on bug 37618617:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376186 in malone "private bug implicit subscription" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37618617:01
pittiasac, calc: ^ and your's (you also do a lot of bug triage)17:02
* asac looks17:02
seb128pitti: I probably said I would not like to be spammed by those by then but turns out I spend lot of time polling on the list so I would prefer to get email notification17:04
pittiseb128: ok, let's collect some opinions on the bug then17:05
seb128ideally being emailed when the bug gets over 3 duplicates would be nice though17:05
seb128I want to know about frequent crashers, not about every random crash17:05
asacpitti: commented. i think we shouldnt subscribe users to get this feature. rather launchpad should send mails to "also notified" automatically if they are in the appropriate group17:07
pittiasac: yes, that's what Brian proposed17:07
pittiseb128: bug gravity! :-)17:07
asacyeah. so thats also my proposal ;)17:07
pittibut that would be web-based again17:08
* pitti does a quick break until the meeting17:08
* asac too17:08
rickspencer3desktop team meeting in 11 minutes17:19
* asac waves17:29
seb128desktop team meeting!17:29
kalon33hi :)17:29
rickspencer3meeting time17:30
* rickspencer3 taps gavel on desk17:30
rickspencer3pitti: ?17:30
* pitti waves17:30
rickspencer3did awe make it back in time?17:30
rickspencer3Riddell: ?17:31
* awe waves17:31
rickspencer3tkamppeter: ?17:31
rickspencer3pitti: shall we begin?17:31
rickspencer3first topic: reviews17:32
rickspencer3I got back all the info - so please schedule a time with me at your earliest possible convenience17:32
rickspencer3I think Riddell and asac are already on the calendar17:32
pittirickspencer3: is that performance review?17:32
* asac checks calendar17:32
rickspencer3pitti: yes17:32
rickspencer3ACTION: All: schedule a time for performance review17:33
rickspencer3next is a discussion topic17:33
rickspencer3rickspencer3 proposes pulling the gimp from the CD17:33
* kenvandine seconds that17:34
pittiadmittedly I'd shed a tear when we do that17:34
calcthat might cause issue with scanning, esp if we go to gnome-scan17:34
rickspencer3here's my thoguhts:17:34
rickspencer3  * It takes up a lot of space that we need for couchdb, etc...17:34
rickspencer3  * F-Spot has key features, like crop and red-eye removal17:34
rickspencer3  * It's a power user tool, users shouldn't stumble into it17:34
kenvandinecalc: no, i don't think so17:34
calcusually scanned images aren't good enough quality when first scanned in...17:34
pittibut it'd give us 6 MB, plus another 20 when we figure out language-support-* stuff17:34
kenvandinecalc: perhaps :/17:34
asacto some degree its nice to show "here, ubuntu even has a graphics program installed by default", but otoh i dont think its that useful for normal users17:35
calcso we may want to throw out the scan program as well if do go ahead and throw out gimp17:35
rickspencer3there's a potential issue with gnome-scan?17:35
pittiand it's a really "forefront" foss app17:35
calcaiui gnome-scan actually more or less works as a plugin to gimp17:35
seb128I've been pondering about dropping gimp for a while too now17:35
rickspencer3asac: and pitti: make good points17:35
kenvandinegnome-scan has it's own UI17:35
kenvandinealso a gimp plugin17:35
brycepitti: these days there's lots of forefront foss apps...17:35
seb128shame that we don't have a simple application to sketch or draw something quickly though17:35
calckenvandine: the UI doesn't let you do much of anything though, right?17:36
kenvandinecalc: assuming normal users will fiddle with gimp17:36
asacwhat is couchdb (sorry if i missed this key app) ?17:36
kenvandinelets you scan17:36
calckenvandine: as far as color correction, skew correction, etc?17:36
pittibut if I were to pick the next app that we kick, it'd be gimp, yes17:36
kenvandinecalc: none of that17:36
pittiasac: backend storage for U117:36
rickspencer3it seems to me that f-spot kind of made the GIMP less necessary17:36
pitti(or the other way round :-P)17:36
seb128<pitti> but if I were to pick the next app that we kick, it'd be gimp, yes17:36
seb128^ same from me17:36
rickspencer3pitti: asac: it's not just for U117:36
rickspencer3generally, a default structured data store is a good thing17:37
rickspencer3but U1 definitely would be a prime beneficiary17:37
rickspencer3so, consensus seems to be that if there is still room on the CD, we may as well keep the GIMP?17:38
pittirickspencer3: well, the world uses sqlite or bdb, which we already ship17:38
pittirickspencer3: personally I wouldn't kick it "just because"17:38
pittionly if we need the space17:38
seb128same here17:38
asacright agreed.17:38
rickspencer3what about my point that it is a power user tool that is redundant with f-spot for most users?17:39
seb128gimp is maybe not the most user friendly application but it has its users and is a well known opensource project17:39
calci had heard someone mention a lot of the disk space usage of gimp is its documentation? i may be confused though17:39
pittif-spot is not even close to a photo editor17:39
seb128well if we consider that image editing is limited to photo17:39
pitticalc: yes, 20 MB docs vs. 6 MB app17:39
brycecould gimp be stripped down to a gimp-lite or something, e.g. removing most of the modules, palettes, etc.?17:39
rickspencer3pitti: but for most users photo editor = crop, rotation, red-eye removal17:39
calcpitti: perhaps we can get rid of the docs? lol17:39
seb128rickspencer3: image != photo though17:39
seb128do you import your screenshots in fspot?17:40
rickspencer3seb128: right17:40
pitticalc: we want to reorganize language-support-* a bit, but not sure whether we want to drop the English documentatino17:40
seb128I use gimp when I've to resize a screenshot for example17:40
calcpitti: ok17:40
rickspencer3seb128: does not f-spot handle that?17:40
pittiseb128: ... or for just about anoything else :)17:40
seb128I don't import my screenshot in f-spot17:40
rickspencer3this is true17:40
seb128f-spot handle my photos17:40
rickspencer3the "import" requirement is onerous17:40
pittiin fact, gvfs-gphoto makes me not use any f-spot/gthumb etc. at all any more17:40
seb128sort those by exif tags, etc17:40
* calc personally doesn't like apps that take over his data like fspot, itunes, etc, but ymmv17:41
rickspencer3I wish that the gnome image viewer did cropping, red-eye, and annotation (like you could paint on it)17:41
ArneGoetjeI use gimp for scanning documents with my flatbed scanner.17:41
brycecalc: same17:41
rickspencer3we all know that GIMP is useful17:41
rickspencer3the question is, does it belong on the CD17:41
pittiI'd be inclined to stop shipping the documentatin17:41
seb128what problem do we try to solve?17:41
asacif we have a good replacement for all important use-cases then no.17:42
pittiand change it so that F1 leads to a browser with the online documentatino17:42
seb128win CD space?17:42
pittiit already opens a browser anyway17:42
rickspencer3pitti: because it is so easy to use, no one needs to docs?17:42
seb128reduce user confusion to have different applications to do a similar job?17:42
asacbut i would hate to have like 4 apps covering those use-cases. at best we have a single lean app that does all the main use cases17:42
pittirickspencer3: no, but not everyone might need them locally installed17:42
rickspencer3seb128: both points17:42
seb128if we need CD space I vote for dropping it17:42
rickspencer3seb128: that seems to be the consensus17:42
brycerickspencer3: I would think from a larger view, that we ought to include as many applications (or at least, as most functionality) as possible on the cd.17:42
rickspencer3not strong will to remoe it17:42
seb128if we don't I vote for keeping it, it replies to some need we would not fit otherwise17:42
pitti^ seems that's the consensus then17:43
rickspencer3bryce: except we should not have overlapping apps in terms of functionality17:43
seb128well, I would love to ship a small gtk image editor easy to use with basic features if we had one17:43
seb128do we have one application matching this definition?17:43
rickspencer3seb128: lets build an image editor in quickly!17:43
rickspencer3there's a sweet python image library17:43
rickspencer3ok, I'll capture the POR as:17:44
* kenvandine thinks f-spot should have a edit mode without using the library17:44
rickspencer31. keep GIMP unless we need room17:44
kenvandinelike it has a viewer now17:44
rickspencer32. if we need room, try web documentation only17:44
seb128kenvandine: can you resize images in f-spot?17:44
rickspencer33. If we still need room, remove from the disk17:44
kenvandineseb128: not in the viewer, on in the library17:44
rickspencer3next topic17:45
rickspencer3Blueprints, specs, burndowns17:45
rickspencer3I suppose I should turn the mic over to pitti17:45
* rickspencer3 apologizes for not telling pitti about this topic before now17:45
pittiso, good job everyone so far17:45
pittiwe have about half of them approved17:46
pittiplease try to get your remaining ones drafted by next meeting17:46
pittiI usually review them within 4 hours (or on next morning)17:46
pittithe only outstanding review is for rickspencer3 to do :)17:46
rickspencer3in terms of burndowns, what is the timeline for getting that system set up?17:47
pittiany questions about them?17:47
* rickspencer3 is about 5 seconds in the future17:47
pittiFYI, I also did a "karmic crack summary" on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus17:47
pittifor burndowns we need to agree on how to define work items17:48
pittimy proposal is to keep it very simple17:48
seb128what do we call "burndown" there?17:48
pittiadd something like this to the blueprint's whiteboard:17:48
pittiWork items:17:48
pittido foo:TODO17:48
pittido bar:DONE17:48
pittido baz:POSTPONED17:48
rickspencer3so track on the white board, not in bugs?17:49
pittiand then have the script parse them17:49
pittirickspencer3: well, that's the thing I'm not sure about17:49
pittirickspencer3: we could either transform the WIs to bugs and track the status there17:49
pittior just use blueprints exclusively17:49
asacpitti: i would love to be able to add work items directly to the spec wiki pages and have a bot that assembles a central list17:49
pittithe latter is easier to set up17:49
pittithe former has the advantage that some work items aren't attached to specs17:49
rickspencer3I would go with "easier to set up" in the meantime17:50
pittiso the burndown script needs to be able to collect bugs anyway17:50
seb128I've difficulties to understand what is "burndown" there and what we try to solve17:50
rickspencer3so basically it would wget, parse, and pipe the info into the script?17:50
pittiseb128: track number of open/done work items over time17:50
seb128related to specs?17:50
rickspencer3seb128: this is a graph that compares work done compared to work left over time17:50
seb128or any items?17:50
asacseb128: remember the workitems list with the chart we tried last cycle? the idea is to improve that17:50
pittiseb128: to feature work in general, except bugs17:50
rickspencer3seb128: I think related to specs17:50
seb128ok thanks17:51
pittiI think we should start with blueprints only17:51
pittiand then extend the system to also track bugs17:51
pittiand if we like it, we might go to change the bug states instead of the whiteboards17:51
rickspencer3seb128: I'll send you a link to one from last team meeting when I find one17:52
pittirickspencer3: WDYT?17:52
seb128rickspencer3: thanks17:52
rickspencer3pitti: I think of bugs as different than work items17:52
pittirickspencer3: no, not "bugs against nautilus"17:52
rickspencer3I see17:52
rickspencer3you are right17:52
rickspencer3(natch) ;)17:52
pittibut "bugs against desktop-team-workitems" as a mere means of tracking status and assignee17:52
rickspencer3pitti: agreed17:53
rickspencer3I think that you are right that starting with the simpler system is best17:53
asacso do i understand correctly that we will have some syntax to highlight work items in the spec wiki pages?17:53
pittie. g. I have a task for "speed up gnome-panel" which doesn't have a spec17:53
rickspencer3asac: the white board, I think17:53
pittibut it takes me about the same time to create a blueprint as it takes me to create a work item bug report17:53
pittiasac: wiki page is another possibility17:54
seb128pitti: you don't suggest creating a blueprint to speed up gnome-panel do you?17:54
rickspencer3the white board seems meant to track status17:54
pittibut whiteboard tracks the metadata/status already, so it would be appropriate; you disagree?17:54
asaci think we can start with whiteboard now17:54
pittiseb128: *shrug* why not; it doesn't need a wiki page, just a whiteboard, assignee, and short summary17:54
pittiseb128: like "cache desktop file read, cache translations, speed up xxx", etc.17:54
seb128yet another system to track, *shrug*17:55
seb128I would rather use standard launchpad bugs17:55
pittiwell, you need to track your blueprints anyway..17:55
rickspencer3I think it makes sense to start with blueprints, and then extend it to bugs, perhaps a hybrid17:56
awepitti: couldn't the script create launchpad bugs automatically?17:56
pittiawe: sure, it could17:56
asacpitti: if possible allow us to assign specific subtasks to someone else like foo@pitti:DONE17:56
seb128I will follow what other people decide but I've a dislike for blueprints in launchpad ;-)17:56
asacwith the spec assignee being the default17:56
seb128those are out of my workflow, not easy to sort of filter, etc, etc17:57
aweseb128: +117:57
pittiasac: well, the purpose is just a cumulative status, we don't actually need to track assignees17:57
asacfor me the main use case is to look at this list and see what tasks i have left17:57
pittibut bugs are fine for me, just complicate the system somewhat17:57
rickspencer3pitti: it seems that some people are more bug-centric and some are more blueprint-centric17:57
asac(at least from the assignee perspective)17:57
seb128I think blueprint complicate the system, we work on bugs usually and our workflow and tools are designed for those17:57
* kenvandine thinks bugs are easier17:57
pittifor the people who prefer bugs, would you create those bugs manually?17:57
kenvandinepitti: sure17:58
pittiif not, it doesn't make sense to me to define the work items at one place and track them somewhere else17:58
pittikenvandine: but that's hard!17:58
kenvandinepitti: problem is... we need some umbrella17:58
asaci think making bugs mandatory is too heavy17:58
rickspencer3pitti: is it so hard?17:58
kenvandineso a way to group them together17:58
kenvandineit isn't hard at all17:58
ArneGoetjehow would we file work items as bugs?17:58
kenvandinewe do it all the time17:58
rickspencer3ArneGoetje: I think just tag them "work-item" or such17:59
rickspencer3could be time-consuming, yes17:59
ArneGoetjeI mean, file against which project?17:59
kenvandinei think the hard part is organizing them... it would be nice to have a umbrella (blueprint) linked to all the associated bugs17:59
seb128whatever needs being worked?17:59
pittiyou need to find the right project, right tags, set assignee, wait for LP, etc.17:59
seb128changes land to ubuntu so their always concern an ubuntu component17:59
pittiand link them to blueprints, etc.17:59
pittiseb128: not true17:59
seb128hum ok18:00
kenvandineLP isn't designed to be used for project management, i agree18:00
rickspencer3kenvandine: seb128: awe: would you be willing to try the blueprint way?18:00
seb128pitti: 1 example was enough ;-)18:00
kenvandinerickspencer3: sure... willing to18:00
rickspencer3I think it would be much faster to get the burn down chart going18:00
rickspencer3and then I could start sleeping at night :)18:00
* kenvandine misses jira :)18:00
seb128rickspencer3: well, you are the one deciding there so sure, I will try what you say ;-)18:00
kenvandineit was great at that stuff18:00
awerickspencer3: sure18:00
kenvandinerickspencer3: we want you to sleep!18:01
rickspencer3seb128: are you granting me dictatorial powers?18:01
pittiand we want to look at charts pointing downwards to 0! :-)18:01
rickspencer3because if so, my car needs washing badly, and also my roof ...18:01
seb128rickspencer3: would you like to be granted dictatorial powers? ;-)18:01
rickspencer3too much responsibility18:01
seb128rickspencer3: joke aside I strongly dislike blueprint because they are paperwork usually and don't fit my workflow but I'm fine using those we already do for specs18:02
* seb128 really think we need a task tracking system18:02
rickspencer3let us start with the blueprint method, with the understanding that we will be enhancing the system to accommodate more workflows18:02
rickspencer3seb128: that's another option entirely18:03
rickspencer3we could probably hop on some web app designed for this18:03
seb128let's start with the blueprint use for now, quick and easy18:03
pittiI do think we need to extend it to use whiteboard AND bugs18:03
seb128we can figure better ways later18:03
rickspencer3but that would be *yet another* place to track18:03
pittithen seb128/awe can switch to bugs if they want18:03
rickspencer3pitti: agreed18:03
brycerickspencer3: no more places to track please :-)18:03
pittibug TRACKer :)18:03
rickspencer3can I say the POR is that we will create a simple whiteboard based system to start18:03
* kenvandine thinks LP should have task management added :)18:03
kenvandinerickspencer3: yup18:04
rickspencer3and that we will extend it to use bugs if desired?18:04
brycepersonally I kind of like the blueprint system, however I admit I've grown to not rely on it very much.  Honestly it provides little benefit that couldn't be replicated easily with bugs + a wiki page18:04
pittikenvandine: bugs against a special project do pretty much that18:04
kenvandinepitti: mostly yes18:04
seb128pitti: we need bugs against teams18:05
rickspencer3pitti: do you have info you need? can we move on, topic-wise?18:05
brycemaybe with lp going open source, if the blueprint system code is included, it could be improved and better integrated with bugs18:05
pittirickspencer3: fine for me18:05
rickspencer3all? next topic?18:05
pittirickspencer3: do you own that?18:05
kenvandinelong meeting today :)18:05
rickspencer3pitti: I think we own it jointly18:05
rickspencer3lets discuss tomorrow in our call18:06
rickspencer3I can do the work if needed18:06
rickspencer3very related topic:18:06
rickspencer3Bug hygiene18:06
* pitti gets the spray18:06
rickspencer3by this I mean ... I would prefer it if bugs assigned to team members were bugs that were going to be fixed by those team members in the near future18:06
rickspencer3some of us have lots and lots and lots of bugs assigned18:07
asacfeel free to unassign me from everything ;) (assuming you have the script ready for that)18:07
rickspencer3asac: seriously?18:08
seb128I tend to assign me bugs I'm going to work on during the current cycle18:08
asacwell. i dont really use assignments atm for anything but priortizing bug mail.18:08
pittihttps://launchpad.net/people/+me/+assignedbugs should be honest and realistic indeed18:08
seb128not sure what "near future" you envision though18:08
seb128one cycle?18:08
brycerickspencer3: I generally use assignment more like a bookmark, for bugs I know that are either clear now how to fix, or that I really don't want to lose track of for whatever reason18:08
rickspencer3seb128: what do you think would be a good time frame?18:08
awerickspencer3: what about the analysis phase?  ie. should a bug be assigned to someone that's trying to determine the cause?  then unassigned if it's too invasive, not possible to fix?18:08
pittiboth as a tool for yourself to track your work, as a means to say "no" to more work, and for release management18:09
seb128rickspencer3: as said "current cycle" is my usual metric18:09
pittitime frame> karmic beta?18:09
asacand release team ... so unassign everything that isnt on release team radar maybe.18:09
pittiawe: that's fine18:09
pittiif you have a bug which you realistically aren't going to work on, it's _much_ better to unassign yourself18:09
rickspencer3let's start with seb128's definition of "near future" = current release18:09
bryceI don't like the idea of using assignment for tracking my work, for a couple reasons...18:10
pittithat way it's clear for others that nobody owns it, and that it's free for community involvement18:10
rickspencer3awe: that sounds fine to me18:10
pittibryce: I'm curious, why?18:10
kenvandinebryce: funny... that is exactly what i want to use it for :)18:10
bryce1.  many of the high importance bugs I work on get a CRAPLOAD of bug mail, and I don't want to be buried by it (e.g. the freeze bugs, the perf bugs...)18:10
kenvandineand the definition actually:)18:10
seb128bryce: what other way to track your tasks do you use?18:10
pittiI find +assignedbugs a very valuable tool18:10
bryce2.  I work on a lot of bugs without wanting to *commit* to fixing them, until a patch is available and proven to work18:11
pittibryce: but that's a question of filtering, not keeping a realistic +assignedbugs list, certainly?18:11
pitti2. sounds like a case for subscription, not assignment18:11
brycepitti: filtering?18:11
=== onestone_ is now known as onestone
awepitti: do you use milestones to denote bugs that are committed to being fixed?18:12
pittibryce: routing that bug mail to a different mailbox18:12
pittiawe: very seldomly; only for the crucial release blockers18:12
pittiawe: if I commit to fix a bug, I assign it18:12
brycepitti: well mail from assigned bugs goes to my INBOX (same as subscribed bugs)18:12
pittiawe: conversely, if I say "I won't work on that", I unassign18:12
pittibryce: but if you are working on them, don't you want them?18:13
brycepitti: erm, you've seen that 500+ comment x freeze bug ;-)18:13
rickspencer3I think that there is a legitimate need on the part of stake holders to be able to look at the current set of bugs, and know what is being worked, what is not being worked on, what won't be worked on, etc...18:13
rickspencer3I suspect this will take some effort on our part to be consistent in how we handle bugs18:13
rickspencer3there are too many ambiguous states right now that a bug can get into18:14
rickspencer3this creates a lot of work and confusion18:14
pittibryce: yeah, but most of it was just "look and delete" fortunately :)18:15
pittibryce: so, if the bug mail is a problem, my feeling is that this is a different problem than the assignment of bugs; WDYT?18:15
rickspencer3bryce: for instance, the fact that you and seb128 and asac each handle bugs differently means that I have to know your idiosyncrasies to understand the "bugscape" and well as the status of individual bugs18:16
pittibryce: I'm curious, how do you track the ones you work on then?18:17
brycepitti: it may be a different problem, but if so we need a better way of managing it...18:17
kenvandinei think it is important that everyone agrees on the state assigned, and i think the general user base thinks that means someone is working on it or planning to work on it18:17
seb128rickspencer3: what do you try to track? things we are working on and things important for the next milestone I guess?18:17
seb128so milestoned bugs and assigned bugs?18:18
rickspencer3seb128: I think different people looking at the bugs have different needs18:18
seb128ie what is the problem we try to solve?18:18
brycepitti: I usually use queries/reports heavily to identify bugs to work on, and maintain a todo list of ones I'm tracking closely18:18
rickspencer3okay, I think we need a deeper dive on this than we will be able to get here18:19
brycepitti: I used to use 'assigned' as my todo list of things I'm working on, but the two problems I mentioned earlier lead to me stopping18:19
asaci think we can agree that we shouldnt be assigned to bugs if we are not working on them18:19
pittiseb128: we need a common workflow in order to work effectively18:19
pittifirst for everyone to manage workload18:19
asacalso we already agree how to properly mark bugs so they get on the release team radar18:19
rickspencer3so let's cut this off, but pick it up next week with more definition18:19
asacfor everything else we should really ask ourselve what we are trying to solve (like seb128 said)18:19
* rickspencer3 sorry to have opened a can of works without a broom handy18:20
pittiand second, if someone (release team, me, you) assign a bug to someone else, we need some commitment to get a reply, a fix, or an unassignment18:20
seb128pitti: I don't think you can fit differently minds in a same workflow though18:20
asaci think pitti's reason is valid. but that means: "assignment == commitment to respond" and not "fix"18:20
seb128everybody has a workflow adapted to the way he,she is working18:20
seb128or thinking18:21
rickspencer3For my part, I strongly agree with pitti on this point18:21
rickspencer3can we pick this up next week?18:21
* bryce agrees with seb12818:21
seb128I'm happy to keep discussing that here out of the meeting too18:21
pittibut if everyone has an arbitrarily different method, it doesn't help anyone either18:21
seb128right, which is why we should start by stating what are the issue and what we try to solve18:22
seb128ie "we don't have a coherent way to track what tasks are being worked right now"18:22
seb128just "people work differently" is not an issue18:22
pitti"track tasks being worked on" is a very important piece here18:22
pittiboth for you and for anyone else18:23
seb128yes, I agree18:23
seb128I'm just trying to understand the scope of what you try to achieve18:23
rickspencer3there is a set of problems, and we should do well to define those18:23
seb128is that the only goal?18:23
pittibugs which have an assignee, and nto being worked on for years is obviously bad18:23
seb128right too18:23
seb128can we get a list of those issues18:23
seb128then we can work on adressing the issues18:23
pittiand if your +assignedbugs is 500 items, it's useless for you to manage your work18:23
rickspencer3internal partners don't know what the status of bugs mean18:23
seb128I agree with all that18:24
bryceI would say that if the goal is to track what people are working on, there's probably much better ways than using bug assignment18:24
rickspencer3users have unrealistic expectations about how bugs will be handled and solved18:24
pittiit's not about users, it's about us18:24
rickspencer3there is no way to assess the general quality of the project18:24
rickspencer3individual engineers have no way to control their bug related work load18:24
seb128let's defer this discussion to after meeting with interested people?18:24
seb128and reschedule for next week?18:24
rickspencer3seb128: right18:25
seb128so we have a better scope next week?18:25
rickspencer3almost done18:25
rickspencer3speaking of bugs, I see a slew of assigned *and* release targeted bugs for releases going back to dapper18:26
rickspencer3should I be concerned?18:26
rickspencer3(see wiki page for the lists)18:26
seb128we should probably review the list and clean those18:26
brycerickspencer3: that happens a lot18:26
rickspencer3this is maybe a little too close to the last topic18:27
rickspencer3so let's move on?18:27
rickspencer3next: Team Meeting: Eastern Edition18:27
rickspencer3 * Luke, Robert, and I will be arranging a secondary team meeting to follow up from the main one.18:27
rickspencer3 * This is designed to ensure that everyone stays up to date, without the need to disrupt their sleep.18:27
rickspencer3 * Anyone else interested in joining, feel free18:27
rickspencer3ArneGoetje: ?18:27
rickspencer3this will be weekly as well18:27
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: depends on the meeting time18:27
asacwhat time?18:28
rickspencer3asac: ArneGoetje: I left that to Luke and Robert to decide18:28
rickspencer3I presume it will be in my evening, their morning, and your middle of the night18:28
seb128depends of the middle of the night18:28
seb128if that's around midnight I will probably join some of those18:29
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: let's see what they come up with.18:29
seb128if that's later probably not18:29
rickspencer3ArneGoetje: seb128: asac: feel free to discuss with them18:29
seb128anyway let's see what they pick18:29
rickspencer3any other business?18:29
rickspencer3welcome to Karmic!18:31
rickspencer3Jaunty is solid, Karmic will be cosmic!18:31
rickspencer3an interesting release indeed18:31
pittisolid> especially with the 965 bugs finally being fixed in proposed, *phew*18:31
rickspencer3thanks all18:31
rickspencer3pitti: it was solid anyway, as that bug was mitigated, but I agree, it will be even better when that works it's way to the desktops18:32
* rickspencer3 taps gavel18:33
pittithanks all18:34
ArneGoetjethanks and good night18:34
pittiArneGoetje: sleep well18:34
seb128so somebody want to continue on the bug workflow discussion?18:35
bryceseb128: sure18:35
bryceseb128: how do you track bugs you're working on?18:35
seb128I assign those to myself ;-)18:35
bryceevery time?18:35
* pitti does that18:35
seb128yes, I don't work on so many bugs18:35
rickspencer3what else could "assigned' mean?18:36
seb128things I want to track for a cycle or wait on upstream I use milestones18:36
pittihttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~pitti/+assignedbugs?orderby=status  <- my daily tool to manage my work18:36
aweseb128: +118:36
seb128I've 2 categories: the bugs I work on, and the ubuntu-desktop bugs that need to be solved for this cycle18:36
seb128the first one == assignement18:36
seb128the second one == team assignement + milestone18:36
seb128ie "that's a desktop team bug to track for karmic"18:37
rickspencer3seb128: what happens if the ubuntu-desktop bugs don't get fixed?18:37
pittiif you wait on upstream, then the bug should have an upstream tasks, and you are subscribed18:37
seb128rickspencer3: I update the milestone or unset it18:37
bryceseb128: how do you define "bugs I work on"?18:38
seb128rickspencer3: to reflect whether we still want to track the bug or if it missed the target18:38
rickspencer3so the ubuntu-dekstop bugs are ones that you are signalling are valid, but won't get fixed unless someone steps up?18:38
seb128bryce: things I will do myself and upload, ie "nautilus is ftbfs due to gtk changes"18:39
seb128assignment means: ok, I will look at it and fix it soon18:39
seb128rickspencer3: yes18:39
seb128rickspencer3: that's my way to track "desktop-ish issues"18:39
aweseb128: can't assignment also mean, i need to look at it and figure out what's broken first?18:40
pittidesktop-team bugs is primarily a means of sorting bugs, not trackign work on it, right?18:40
seb128that's sort of workarounding a launchpad bug or lack of feature though18:40
pitti"team assignment" as such doesn't have a well-defined meaning18:40
seb128pitti: no, it's a primary way to define things under a scope18:40
pittiseb128: right, that's what I meant18:40
seb128ie it's in the desktop team land18:41
seb128I want to keep an overview on that land ;-)18:41
seb128which doesn't mean I will fix everything18:41
seb128but I watch what get fixed upstream, try to push to get those fixed, and look there for my next tasks too18:41
seb128or for contributor tasks18:42
seb128ideally launchpad would have a "give me all the milestoned bugs for the product this team is interested in"18:42
bryceI think I wrote a script to do that query18:43
seb128ie all the milestoned bug for the components listed on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+packagebugs18:44
seb128anyway that's sort of orthogonal to the discussion18:44
seb128bryce: cool is it online somewhere?18:44
bryceseb128: how do you handle bugs where someone else asks you to look into the bug (perhaps they assign to you), but you do not have a fix for it on hand?  Do you simply unsub yourself at that point?18:44
seb128bryce: how do you define assigned tasks and how do you track those?18:44
seb128bryce: I try to look at it in a reasonable timeframe and unassign myself if I'm not going to fix it soon18:45
seb128that's what pitti said about being honest about what you are going to do on it18:45
seb128if you are too busy to fix it in the next month you can as well unassign and add a comment saying so18:46
seb128so nobody is holding is breath waiting for it to fix a bug which is assigned to you18:46
bryceyeah... I also unassign myself after a while, but I feel badly since they evidently wanted it fixed really badly.  But if a fix is not easily at hand, there's a limited amount of time I can afford to invest18:46
seb128well, would you feel better making them think you are going to fix it soon for 6 month until they realize you are too busy for that?18:47
seb128in such case I just milestone the bug to show I think it's important for this cycle and stay on the radar18:47
pittibryce: unfortunately urgency and time/ability don't always match perfectly :/18:47
seb128but I un-assign myself at the same time18:47
bryceseb128: I would say that the bulk of my day-to-day work does not involve "assigned" bugs.  Rather, I review lists of bugs looking for "targets of opportunity".  E.g., it is fixed upstream, or a patch is attached, or someone mentions a git id that fixes it, or there is an interesting comment.18:47
pittibryce: you don't work on fixes yourself usually?18:48
seb128I do that a lot18:48
seb128I tend to almost never assign myself bugs to be honest18:48
pittithat "watching out" is a good case for subscribing indeed18:48
pittiso for those you shouldn't assign it to you18:48
pittiuntil a patch is available, and your task is to actually deploy it18:48
bryceI grab the bug, work on it for a bit (usually no more than a couple hours), and then either it is fixed, or upstreamed, or I give the reporter additional tasks.18:48
pittiseb128, bryce: for you that actually makes sense, I think18:48
bryceI don't bother assigning myself, because if it gets fixed upstream or if the reporter completes their task, it will reappear in my queries18:49
seb128which means you don't have specific tasks assigned18:49
pittiI'm actually much more concerned about people having 500 bugs assigned thatn people who have 518:49
seb128so you are fine getting some bugs assigned18:49
pittiI don't mind the latter, but I do mind the former18:49
bryceI do assign myself if it is something I definitely need to follow up on - like a bug affecting lots of people, or that a manager has asked me to look into specifically18:49
seb128ie "intel 965 + compiz == freeze to fix for jaunty"18:49
seb128so it seems you are in agreement with pitti and me on how to use assignment18:50
seb128just ignore it most of the time and do your daily work18:50
brycepitti: yes I also work on some fixes myself, usually either packaging things, or patches for apport crashes, or quirks, or other "simple" coding tasks that rarely take more than a couple hours18:50
seb128but for things you are really going to look at, ie the 965 issue assign the bug18:50
pittiit seems we are actually in violent agreement then18:50
seb128you need to talk to asac18:51
pittiTBH I was a bit confused about the "bug assignment is not the right way to track bug assignment" thing18:51
bryceoccasionally I will work coding something more intricate but usually only in conjunction with upstream, and that work is usually outside the scope of a bug report18:51
seb128he seem to assign himself all the "would be nice to get fixed" issues18:51
pittihttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~seb128/+assignedbugs?orderby=status and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~bryceharrington/+assignedbugs?orderby=status look quite reasonable to me18:52
bryceseb128, pitti: yeah it seems our workflows aren't that different18:53
bryceI notice seb128 has exactly 12 bugs assigned, which I laugh because that's my target to keep my assigned list to ~12 bugs max :-)18:53
pittihttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~asac/+assignedbugs?orderby=status has 11518:53
pittiit's a lot, but then again, asac does get a lot of them fixed18:53
rickspencer3asac is the crazy one :)18:53
awepitti: he should be able to assign some of those to me.  ;)18:54
seb128yeah, seem we agree there18:54
seb128I've the feeling asac use assignement as I use milestone18:54
pittiright, that makes sense18:54
seb128ie for bugs to look at for the cycle18:54
pittiif asac is actually able to burn through those 115, it's a valid list, I think18:54
seb128hum diner time18:54
brycepitti: yeah and if you exclude the inkscape bugs (upstream work) and just look at my assigned ubuntu bugs, it is 9 :-)18:54
seb128pitti: well then do we define it as a list of things we plan to do or things we are working on?18:55
pittihttp://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/jaunty-fixes-report.htmlhttp://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/jaunty-fixes-report.html ->  asac fixed 75 bugs in jaunty18:55
pittiso 115 seems a little too ambitious18:55
pittirickspencer3: ?18:55
brycepitti: regarding "bug assignment is not the right..."18:55
brycepitti: what I meant was that if the objective is to track "what is being worked on", as was mentioned earlier, "bug assignment" may not track that - like seb128 and I discussed, the bulk of our work is not around assigned bugs but rather a different mechanism, so assignments would not actually track the real work being done18:56
pittibryce: I concur (we have blueprints and work items, etc. for that)18:57
pittibryce: I meant "what's being worked on" in the bugs context18:57
rickspencer3I would think it would track "bugs I intend to fix"18:57
brycepitti: no I also mean in the bugs context18:57
asacpitti: as i said above, i didnt use assignment effectively in the past (just mail prioritization)18:57
rickspencer3bryce: so bugs you are monitoring, you are working on, but aren't assigned18:57
pittibryce: my primary concern is "you actually work on assigned bugs", not "you have assigned bugs for everything you work on"18:58
asacbut i want to try again and think all assignments except those being release critical can be unassigned18:58
rickspencer3pitti: well put18:58
pittiasac: well, 115 isn't totally unmanageable; if you unassign some 40 which you aren't realistically working on, that should be fine18:58
pittibut even if not,18:59
brycepitti: "you actually work on assigned bugs" - explain this more18:59
asacok i can go through them manually.18:59
pittiit's still possible to visually go through a list of 115 and grab a thing to work on18:59
pittibryce: "you don't have bugs assigned for two years and never look at them"18:59
brycepitti: I'm trying to understand the motivation... is it just that we don't want to communicate to users that we are working on bug 123 because it is assigned to joe, when it's been sitting on joe's list for forever?19:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123 in rosetta "There's no direct way to see the project info when translating it" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12319:01
brycepitti: or is the motivation that as a manager you need a way to track workloads?  Or a mechanism for driving specific bugs to a fix, in priority to other day-to-day work the engineer is doing?19:02
asacpitti: this qa list seems to be "just" bugs targetted for release?19:02
pittiasac: no, that was bugs we fixed through changelog entries during jaunty; part of the "bug squashing" effort19:03
asacpitti: sure? i checked like 12 random bugs and all were targetted19:04
pittibryce: for me, the motivation is: (1) if you look at a bug and it's assigned, then it'll be worked on (with "work on" -> debug, fix, upload, or just commented and unassigned)19:04
pitti(2) be able to manage your own work during the day and week19:04
asacok i think i found a "not-targetted" bug19:04
asacall fine19:04
pittiasac: I think you use targetting a lot19:04
pittiso maybe it's just that19:04
asaci tried random bugs :). anyway. all fine19:05
pittibryce: "driving specific bugs to a fix" is part of that19:05
pittibryce: e. g. if we earn a canonical-desktop-team bug, and I assign it to someone, I'd like to expect that you fix it, forward it to upstream, or unassign it with a comment19:06
pittibryce: (with "I" really being "any developer", ideally)19:06
brycepitti: ok, I think (1) is adequately covered and reasonably consistent across the team already... is that correct?  Or are improvements still needed with that?19:07
pittibryce: yes, I think so; during the meeting that seemed contentious, but seems it was primarily a misunderstanding19:08
bryceregarding (2), I'm still a bit fuzzy...  like we discussed earlier, seb128 and my day-to-day workflow doesn't seem to fit too well with doing assignments; again I think if we want to manage or track workload, there may be other approaches that impose less overhead.  But maybe you should elaborate on your thinking since I suspect I'm not following19:09
pittibryce: I agree19:10
pittibryce: I basically do the same, just with different intensity19:11
bryceok violent agreement again :-)19:11
pittiI am subscribed to some 500 bugs19:11
bryceyeah I'm subbed to quite a mess myself.19:11
pittiand if one of them gets a patch, etc., I'll review and handle it, and then assign it to me19:11
pittibut I guess you spend 90% of your bug time on such "opportunities"19:11
pittiwhile I spend 80% of my bug time on writing patches19:12
* bryce nods19:15
pittimeh, got disconnected apparently19:16
pittibryce: would you agree that subscribing (but not assigning) such bugs is the preferred approach?19:16
bryceyes, that's often what I do19:16
pittiright, so violent agreement19:17
pittikthxdinner :)19:17
pittibryce, seb128, asac: thanks for the discussion19:17
asaci am dropping out too for a while ... bbl19:18
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seb128bah, debian GNOME packages keep adding delta over upstream for no good reason20:07
seb128pochu: any reason why you need to move the autostart file to usr?20:07
pochuseb128: it has translations which change every upstream release20:08
seb128how is that an issue?20:09
pochuseb128: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2009-May/msg00305.html20:09
seb128and why was it ok before and does it required diff over upstream now?20:09
pochubecause before they were in /usr/share/gnome/autostart/20:09
seb128there is quite some desktop in etc for several cycle20:10
seb128I think we should just stop resyncing on debian, that's just not worth it, they keep adding stupid changes just because Josselin likes to do things his way20:10
pochuif it's wrong, reply to his mail in desktop-devel-list20:10
seb128I don't care enough to argue with him20:11
seb128I just think it doesn't make sense for debian to run into diverting everything from upstream without waiting for a reply20:12
seb128there is ton of recent changes not sent upstream or debian specific, debian will be the most patched distro soon where it should be nearer from upstream ideally20:12
pochuwell, you're right that we should wait whenever possible and make the changes upstream first, but that doesn't mean we should stop applying patches or proposing changes20:14
pochuand waiting for a reply -> you know that's usually not possible, the policy even here is "forward it and apply it, we can revert later"20:15
seb128right, there is just lot of recent random changes which are not really required but pushed quickly anyway20:15
pochuso he forwarded it, but nobody seems interested...20:15
seb128and without being forwarded upstream often20:15
pochuif everybody doesn't agree but they don't want to discuss it...20:15
seb128right, which means maybe he's not right if nobody agrees20:15
pochuit's not that nobody agrees, it's that nobody cares20:16
pochuwhich is different20:16
seb128I'm not going to apply those changes in ubuntu anyway20:16
seb128well, if nobody cares really that's because nobody sees that as a real issue20:16
seb128so is it really worth the distro delta?20:16
seb128we don't do those change and have autostart in etc for over a year20:17
seb128and nobody ever complain until now20:17
pochuwe should probably discuss this in #gnome-debian :-)20:17
seb128no, I know how it's going to turn20:17
seb128Josselin is anti-ubuntu since the start and will be happy to do the thing in a way which we will not do only to annoy us20:18
seb128he's switching all the python packaging for no good reason to his system too for example20:18
pochuthat's not him, it's everybody20:19
seb128he started some years ago without good reason when nobody was doing it20:19
seb128anyway I don't want to polemic on that20:20
pochuwell, pysupport is better than pycentral for a long time, and he maintains pysupport, so that sound like two good reasons to me20:20
seb128I'm just saying that it's a shame that debian distro patch that quickly for things not required20:20
pochuanyway, I don't really care about this, you don't need to sync what you don't want to20:20
seb128pochu: "he imposes what is working on" is not really a justification to create not required changes on things which are working20:21
pochumaybe, but there's still the other one20:21
kenvandinepitti: where did you get the build failure for telepathy-glib, debuild or pbuilder?21:10
kenvandineit builds locally for me... i will try with pbuilder too21:10
pittikenvandine: on the buildds21:10
pittikenvandine: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-glib/0.7.31-121:10
kenvandinegreat, a seg fault in the test suite when running on the buildds that doesn't happen locally21:19
kenvandineoh... interesting... it does fail locally... but not during the build21:20
pittikenvandine: the previous version built, so it might give a clue to look at the diff21:21
kenvandinei know why21:21
pittikenvandine: also, we could just retry the build21:21
kenvandinethe previous version didn't run the tests21:21
pittiah, heh21:21
pittikenvandine: does it fail on debian's buildds as well?21:22
kenvandinei have it failing locally now21:22
kenvandinerunning the specific test21:22
* kenvandine debugs21:22
kenvandinepitti: can you look at the telepathy-mission-control MIR again?21:23
kenvandinemake sure it is ok before i touch them all up?21:23
pittikenvandine: yes, will do (got the mail)21:23
pittikenvandine: you checked for user-visible strings? (uses gettext, etc.)21:24
pittikenvandine: looks good now21:25
kenvandineit has no UI :)21:25
pittikenvandine: btw, did you know that on wiki.u.c. you can just write "Bug:12345" to get a bug link?21:25
kenvandinethx :)21:25
pittikenvandine: well "no UI" != "no user visible strings"21:25
kenvandineok, good point21:25
kenvandinethere is a cli program21:25
pittikenvandine: thanks for the updated review, I'll process it tomorrow morning21:25
kenvandinebut it doesn't appear translated21:25
kenvandinei'll note that21:26
pittikenvandine: ok, that doesn't hurt21:26
pittikenvandine: I'm more concerned about things like _("Connected") or so, states that the library provides to GUI consumers21:26
kenvandinenone of that21:26
pittior standard error messages21:26
kenvandinemessages appear to be in the client21:26
kenvandineok, telepathy-glib bug filed upstream21:37
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pittigood night everyone21:44
kalon33good night pitti21:45
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asacnight pitti21:52
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crevetteasac: around?22:14
asaccrevette: bluez?22:16
crevetteit is for the patch http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=584857, I thought I had found but finally not ...22:17
ubottuGnome bug 584857 in general "[patch] support notification deamon without actions capabilities" [Normal,New]22:17
crevetteI found perhaps22:19
crevetteasac: I should use "if (g_list_find_custom(caps, "actions", (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0) != NULL)" ?22:22
crevetteit's late, I need some sleep22:24
crevettesee you22:25
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