
bodhizazenwb doctormo and nhandler :)01:25
doctormohello bodhizazen01:25
doctormointeresting form post I notted the other day01:26
bodhizazennhandler: they fixed my php bug :)01:26
bodhizazenThe source now builds01:26
bodhizazenwhich one doctormo ?01:26
nhandlerGreat bodhizazen01:31
bodhizazenbut so far the server team seems oblivious to my request on how to package php-fpm01:33
doctormobodhizazen: the one about the Mono rage.01:45
bodhizazenon the forums doctormo ?01:53
bodhizazenlinky please doctormo01:59
bodhizazenAh, thanks doctormo :)02:15
bodhizazen / me is tired of the open-source nazis telling me what is open and what I can run on my box :)02:16
cprofittbodhizazen, nhandler and others - take a look at the Open Office course... let me know what you think02:18
cprofittopen-source nazis - for example Stallmanettes?02:18
bodhizazenStallman wanna bes :)02:19
nhandlercprofitt: Do you have a link?02:19
cprofittor .org02:21
cprofittor .net02:21
cprofittyeah.. learn.ufbt.net02:21
bodhizazenwhat I have looked at look nice02:21
bodhizazenit is long cprofitt02:21
* nhandler is now making his 3rd, 4th, or 5th account on learn.ufbt.net02:23
cprofittread it all02:23
cprofittnhandler, just use openID02:23
cprofittthat guy is amazing02:23
cprofittor did you mean the course is long bodhizazen02:23
nhandlercprofitt: I am, but that still requires you to fill out the registration form02:24
nhandlerbodhizazen: The emails it sends out are messed up02:25
nhandlerThey say "Dear  ,"02:25
doctormobodhizazen: That seems rather insulting to Stallman, you know I'm freindly with the FSF as their HQ is in Boston.02:26
doctormoI won't have a bad word said about them in that regard, you can't mistake Stallmans position on anything and he'll change positions given new data.02:26
doctormocprofitt: I'm waiting for the announcement about the 'how to do courses' and 'how to teach' sections so we can have a big media blow out02:27
power885hello can anybody help me.....02:27
doctormopower885: don't ask to ask, people are friendly and naturally helpful.02:28
doctormoso that would be, yes02:28
power885sory am just a newbie o ubuntu and programming02:28
nhandlerWhen viewing the OO.o lesson, the header has a scrollbar02:29
doctormopower885: Welcome02:29
doctormoI'd really like to get the theme sorted out, damn it02:29
power885i am very much interested in programming so plz guide me wat knowlege i should get for doing developmnt in ubuntu system02:30
bodhizazendoctormo: I really do not have a problem with Stallman02:32
bodhizazenat least not that I know of02:32
bodhizazenI do have a problem with anyone telling me what I can use on my computer02:32
bodhizazenno matter if it comes from microsoft or stallman02:32
power885doctormo: hello u der??02:32
doctormopower885: tes02:33
doctormobodhizazen: the conflict is not about inderviduals, it's one of those blasted social problems, I'll pm you a link02:33
power885doctormo:i am very much interested in programming so plz guide me wat knowlege i should get for doing developmnt in ubuntu system02:33
doctormopower885: yes, hang on02:34
bodhizazenpower885: what kind of programming ?02:34
doctormopower885: OK the first thing is, do you know how to do any programming at all?02:34
bodhizazenyour question is quite broad :)02:34
cprofittdoctormo, cool... have you taken a look at the two courses I uploaded?02:34
doctormocprofitt: Yes, so far it looks good, there are some aspects of the designt hat need attention, how much control do we have over presentation of courses?02:35
bodhizazendoctormo: I am not sure I want to delve into the politics of open source02:35
cprofittwell... those courses are CC02:35
power885doctormo:ya i know little basics of C and c++02:35
cprofittso I think we can adapt them02:35
cprofittI have not had a chance to adapt them yet...02:36
bodhizazenI prefer opensource for a varitey of reasons, but the simple fact is, the open source community does not as of yet provide the full functionality I need02:36
doctormobodhizazen: politics just means city, it's the thought and argument of community and society, rejection of politics is a rejection of community :-(02:36
cprofittand I want to design my own 'course' on UFW as an example doctormo02:36
doctormocprofitt: sounds good02:36
bodhizazenFor example, one of many, I want this application : http://www.smartmusic.com/02:36
doctormopower885: The best place to start is getting to grips with python, if you can do some useful things in a script and fromt he python shell then you can learn packaging and deployment for your python programs.02:37
bodhizazenit is a music program to teach violin, and others, to children02:37
bodhizazenit will not run on Linux02:37
pwnguinonce audio works on linux02:37
pwnguinstuff like that might be doable02:37
bodhizazenso I do not really want the open source community blabbing to me about booting Vista to run it02:37
bodhizazenpwnguin: It runs in wine02:38
cprofittbodhizazen, I agree02:38
bodhizazenbut functionality is limited02:38
cprofittI just wish OS X was open source02:38
pwnguinosx is half open02:38
bodhizazenthe wine drives do not recognize the microphone for example02:38
cprofittpwnguin, not the important parts02:38
doctormobodhizazen: Yes, I understand, it's a tightrope walk I won't deny. But I wouldn't reject FOSS politics because they don't disapear just because of your need. You have to be able to hold more than one idea and goal at the same time.02:38
pwnguinbut im guessing you're not interested in the darwin part02:38
doctormoEspecially as a community leader02:39
bodhizazenI do not personally have any problem with that doctormo02:39
cprofittpwnguin, when talking about apps like bodhizazen is... the darwin part does not help02:39
pwnguinmusic tutors?02:39
pwnguinwhich part of OSX has that?02:40
bodhizazenI think people need to stop thinking of open source as free as in free beer02:40
doctormobodhizazen: Perhaps if you can form a solid community of users with a strong desire to FOSSate that functionality you can some how fund development of an alternative between you.02:40
power885doctormo:can u plz tell me name of good book so dat i can master it as fast as possible02:40
bodhizazenI have no respect for the free as in free beer arguremnt02:40
bodhizazenwe need free as in freedom02:40
doctormoAt the moment, as Stallman says, your divided and conqured.02:40
bodhizazenand if that means I pay developers to code I am OK with that02:41
cprofittbodhizazen, I agree -- Free = freedom not 'no cost'02:41
bodhizazenAnd if people take the code and re-comile I am OK with that too02:41
doctormopower885: http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Python-Mark-Lutz/dp/059600925902:41
pwnguinwhat about dive into python?02:42
bodhizazenI consider myself an advocate for open source02:42
doctormobodhizazen: You must have been reading my recent blog posts about funding then?02:42
bodhizazenbut not to the point where I can not run a closed source program, that is just silly02:42
doctormobodhizazen: I don't know why you do, I consider myself an advocate of Free and Open Source Software FOSS, not just the devel method.02:42
bodhizazenand certainly not to the point where I can not user a closed source program to accomplish day to day tasks02:42
pwnguinopen source is a strategy for improving the quality of software than would otherwise be produced02:43
bodhizazenI think the disagreement comes when the open source community starts dictating what I can run02:43
bodhizazenwhat business is it what application I use ?02:44
doctormobodhizazen: Indervidual choices and social consiquences, it's one of those tricky group problems.02:44
pwnguinpeople eschew closed software are worshiping a false idol; if open source produces crappy software, there's no point02:44
bodhizazenIt is not a choice unless there is more then one option02:44
doctormobodhizazen: I use the nvidia closed driver, but I put money into the novou driver to replace it because while my use is required right now, I'm prepared to try and dig everyone else out of the mess too.02:45
pwnguinanyways, none of this has much to do with the state of ubuntu-learning02:45
bodhizazenit is not as if the open source community has an application like SmartMusic02:45
bodhizazento you can not call it a choice02:45
doctormocprofitt: feedback for you: [21:44] <guinea-pig> doctormo: okay, but first, to view the link i have to 1) create an account and then 2) now the link merely asks if i want to enrol (sic) in the course, but doesn't tell me anything about it.02:45
bodhizazenIt is only a choice when the open source community has an option - call it OpenMusic02:46
bodhizazenthen one can choose OpenMusic vs SmartMusic02:46
pwnguindoctormo: part of the reason for that is a historically shitty sound system and fake sound cards02:46
doctormobodhizazen: The first thing that is required is a solid design of the features required out of the program. It's dificult for you to drum up interest in a replacement project with solid specifics.02:46
bodhizazenWhy is it my responsibility to drum up interest ?02:47
bodhizazenIt is not02:47
bodhizazenI am happy with the product I have02:47
doctormobodhizazen: It's your responsbility to a) serve your own needs and b) prevent harm to others.02:47
pwnguinif you build it, they will come02:47
bodhizazenIt is your interest to change my behavior02:47
bodhizazenand that is different02:47
pwnguindoctormo: since the subject isn't changing, i have a proposal02:48
Vantraxdoctormo, the announcement is now waiting on a proper theme, hopefully ill have something temp done this week02:48
pwnguindoctormo: Direct Funding of Google SoC-like projects02:48
doctormoVantrax: are you working on a theme or am I?02:48
doctormopwnguin: direct funding of any projects would be much better02:48
Vantraxim doing a hack job >.<02:48
doctormoVantrax: I don't even have a devel to work from, I tried hacking the css and utterly failed02:48
doctormoscrapped it02:48
pwnguindoctormo: the challenge appears to be paperwork02:49
bodhizazenIMO it is the open source community who has the responsibility02:49
pwnguinsurely, there are 5 people out there willing to pay 1000 each to see inkscape's diagram tool improved02:49
doctormopwnguin: indeed, organisation, reputationed and authoritative esrco and a cultural shift away from leaching and towards seeding.02:50
bodhizazenIf they want to challenge the closed source community they need to look at what and how they provide a product and match it02:50
pwnguindoctormo: i dont see a cultural shift so much as a vacuum02:50
doctormobodhizazen: You ARE a PART of the open source community. The resposibility is yours.02:50
Vantraxdont worry doctormo im sure I can hack up the CSS, ive done it before for Joomla and its not too different02:50
bodhizazennot so doctormo02:51
doctormoWho is this 'they' you keep on mentioning.02:51
VantraxI could  use some pretty graphics later tho02:51
bodhizazenThey is the open source community02:51
doctormoVantrax: Yes but I want to apply my style and design skill to the problem :-( can you hack up a css and some stand alone html pages that can be used to drop in?02:51
doctormoVantrax: so instead of working on a theme, work on a devel enviroment for me02:52
Vantraxno I cant do that, but I know enough about css that i can visualise how it looks and edit it blind:P02:52
doctormobodhizazen: What makes you think the open source community is such a coherent entity that 1) you are not a member of it and 2) it bares any resposibility at all?02:52
bodhizazenJust because I am a part of the open source community does not mean I have the kind of responsibilities you are pushing on me :)02:52
bodhizazenIt is you who are pushing responsibility, not I02:53
doctormoVantrax: All it would take it saving off each page and merging the resulting directories and css files.02:53
Vantraxthe problem with doing that for this situation is the theme assumes that there are all sorts of calls not there unless your running moodle02:53
Vantraxso the layout is actually defined partly by moodle, not by the theme02:53
doctormobodhizazen: I'm not actually pushing, I'm showing you were the burden lies already, I'm not moving a thing, I'm trying to reveal to you the status.02:53
bodhizazenI am perfectly happy to use a closed source application where no open source option exists02:53
pwnguindoctormo: the nouveau pledge drive demonstrated, i think, a community's willingness to pay. it may have also demonstrated the inability to organize02:54
bodhizazenand it is the open source community, ie you and stallman, who feel I am doing something immoral02:54
doctormopwnguin: I leanred a lot from organising that ;-)02:54
pwnguintransaction costs are brutal02:54
doctormopwnguin: yep02:55
doctormobodhizazen: I and Stallman are not in the open source community02:55
emacsdoctormo :thanks alot and after studying python den what should i do02:55
bodhizazenwell, it is you now telling me I can not use a closed source application and that I have some kind of responsibilty to some kind of community02:56
bodhizazendefine it how you wish02:56
pwnguinemacs: study zope and apache02:56
bodhizazenonce you define the terms we can use them consistantly, according to your definition02:56
bodhizazenbut please do not shift terms or argue semantics with me ;)02:57
bodhizazenmy definition is simple02:57
bodhizazenI prefer open source apps, I think we know what that means02:57
pwnguinhmm. i guess dive into python isn't a good beginner book02:57
emacs<pwnguin>:zope??am hearing for first time wats that02:57
doctormobodhizazen: You've already been corrected on which communities you put Stallman in and I already explained what I'm in. Stallman is Free Software and I'm FOSS. not open source.02:58
bodhizazenWhen no open source app is available I use close source02:58
doctormoIt's not symantics02:58
pwnguinemacs: it's a set of python tools to build websites02:58
bodhizazenwhatever you say doctormo02:58
bodhizazenI still use closed source apps and there is still nothing wrong with that02:59
doctormoI can't force people to consider their community or be kind and thoughtful about what they do in that context, obviously we all have our needs. But please, I think you've been pushed into some sort of corner and are fighting an argument I'm not making.02:59
bodhizazenwhat community are we talking about doctormo ?02:59
pwnguinIn an ideal world, a highly competitive market for software would exist02:59
bodhizazenmine ?03:00
bodhizazenyours ?03:00
bodhizazenopen source03:00
bodhizazenFOSS >03:00
pwnguininstead, we have exactly 1 smartmusic03:00
doctormobodhizazen: Are you not a leader in Ubuntu in several respects as well as being on this board?03:00
bodhizazenAre we talking about the moodle project ?03:00
doctormoThe moodle project? no, this is Ubuntu Learning.03:00
emacs<pwnguin>actually i also want to study kernel development...but i dont no wer i hav to start03:01
emacscan u plz guide me03:01
pwnguinemacs: in that case03:01
* pwnguin used to TA for Operating systems03:01
doctormoemacs: you want to be into kernel development?03:01
pwnguinemacs: tell me about your academic background03:01
bodhizazenI am talking about using a closed source application when no open source application is avilable, whatever community that make me in your definition I do not know03:01
emacsactually am btech in cs03:02
bodhizazenand you , or FOSS, or stallman, or microsoft, or whoever is telling me I am somehow wrong ;)03:02
bodhizazenfor any variety of self interetst03:03
pwnguinthis sounds like either a foreign degree, or a bullshit domestic degree ;)03:03
bodhizazenbut I do not buy into any of that03:03
emacs<pwnguin> Engineering grad in cs03:03
pwnguinemacs: so have you studied computer architecture?03:04
bodhizazenI buy into , It is my computer, and so long as I am not violating any laws , I can run what I please for whatever reason I wish03:04
bodhizazenand that decision harms no one :)03:04
bodhizazenwhatever groups you want to define from that , be my guest03:04
pwnguinemacs: fundamentally, a kernel is the glue between normal programs and computer hardware. to do this, you need to know about the concrete fundamentals of computers.03:05
emacsto be frank i was just lazy...i havent go to dat depth..but after using linux system am very much interseted03:05
pwnguinemacs: if you've completed coursework in CS, and have an understanding of C, then I reccommend the minix book03:06
pwnguinit has chapters on computer architecture, kernel design03:07
emacsbasics in C03:07
pwnguinand it has actual homework03:07
emacsok can u plz give me d name of that book03:07
pwnguini'll give you a referral link03:07
doctormobodhizazen: Are we not because of our community? do we not thrive when our brothers and sisters thrive? Why have you run into your computer, slamming the door and brandished your spear to the rest of the community that is _trying_ to help you? why do you not want to be a part of the community that you are a part of? do you not like being human?03:09
pwnguinthat's the minix 3 book03:09
bodhizazenwhat community are we talking about now doctormo ?03:10
pwnguini have the minix 2 book, but minix 3 is modernized as i understand it03:10
bodhizazenwhat is "our community"03:10
pwnguinminix is the book that torvalds read before writing linux03:10
doctormobodhizazen: You would exlude people from your community?03:10
bodhizazenand why is "our community" so intolerant ?03:10
bodhizazenI am not sure I wish to be associated with such an intolerant community03:11
doctormobodhizazen: They don't like social harm, I can't say I blame them.03:11
Vantraxbodhizazen: that intolerance actually does alot of harm03:11
cprofittbodhizazen, doctormo um... are we going in circles?03:11
bodhizazena community which monitors what I run on my computer ?03:11
bodhizazenno thank you03:11
pwnguinof course it's going in circles. you don't resolve things like "free software" vs "good software" on IRC03:11
cprofittPeople should be free to choose what software they want or need03:12
doctormocprofitt: possibly, but this is interesting.03:12
VantraxAs someone who uses alot of linux, i use both FOSS, and closed applications. A fair bit of the reason is just that FOSS doesnt cut it in alot of areas and a free closed source solution is better03:12
Vantraxwho is to say I shouldnt use the better solution?03:12
emacs<pwnguin>ok after going through dis book ....wat should i do...from wer i hav to start ma journey03:12
bodhizazendoctormo: you have not specified what community you are referring to03:12
doctormoThere are two right answers but it requires that your able to think in two different modes.03:12
pwnguinemacs: just how long do you think it's going to take?03:12
cprofittperhaps we should talk about Ubuntu One03:13
* cprofitt runs and hides03:13
Vantrax... bad cprofitt03:13
doctormocprofitt: I used to work on that ;-) lets not03:13
pwnguinemacs: this book is grad level material; and without a guide, it'll take a while. once you go through the book, go through it again103:13
pwnguinit has plenty of references to reading materials03:14
doctormobodhizazen: The community I refer to is the Ubuntu community, part of that community is FOSS and all the politics and social perspectivies that comes with it.03:14
cprofittLets just say I like all of you guys...03:14
cprofittand I respect all of your opinions03:14
cprofittbut I reserve the right to have my own opinions03:14
emacs as fast as possible.....am just thrilled to start with kernal programming.03:14
cprofittand the only company I hate with a venom is Apple03:14
pwnguinemacs: you should plan on spending at least two or three months on it03:15
Vantraxdoctormo: Ubuntu is not FOSS, not in the strictest definition03:15
pwnguinemacs: i hope you werent trying to fake it until you make it or something03:15
cprofittthough Apple did lower the 'entry' point $$$ for their MacBook Pro03:15
doctormoThat's the phraise I was after: Social Perspective, the right answer is considering both your self perspective and your social perspective. when they are in conflict as in the closed source question then sometimes the answer is to try and solve one while accepting the other.03:16
emacspwnguin :sorry i cant get u03:16
bodhizazenso is there a consensus in this commuinty that I am wrong to use a closed source application, or is that an opinion of FOSS, or a smaller group of individuals, or just doctormo ?03:17
doctormoVantrax: I said part, besides Ubuntu holds the correct perspectives, they don't encourage none FOSS development do they? I'd argue that that made FOSS a core principle of the culture.03:17
VantraxUbuntu exists to make Linux successfull in the home, workstation, and server markets. Its goal is not to be FOSS, but it is to be Free.03:17
pwnguinemacs: I think you have deadline you're not mentioning to us. Did you promise somebody you'd do something without knowing how to do it at the time?03:17
doctormobodhizazen: No, your right to use the closed source app, your wrong to not think about the posibilities and weigh up the costs of a viable replacement to serve yourself and others in the community.03:17
doctormoInstead of considering the community as some other external thing that has all the responsiblity03:18
bodhizazenwhy am I wrong and who says so ?03:18
bodhizazendo you speak for yourself ?03:18
Vantraxdoctormo: just there you made a huge assumption03:18
bodhizazenFOSS ?03:18
doctormoVantrax: I know03:18
bodhizazenthe ubuntu community ?03:18
bodhizazenI think you speak now for yourself03:18
doctormoThis is like trying to educate someone in the art of zen, unless you see the new horizon it won't make sense.03:18
Vantraxdoctormo: you just assumed that it is the responcibility of every person using Ubuntu to be part of the community, and to contribute and give back to it03:19
cprofittdoctormo, speaking of Zen with bodhizazen may be a mistake03:19
bodhizazenand you are trying to use the greater ubuntu community as a venue to  push your opinion03:19
emacs<pwnguin>no  will put day and night to get this knowledge..am very happy dat somebody is der to help03:19
bodhizazenYou are not speaking for the Ubuntu community03:20
doctormoVantrax: Those not involved in the community are invisible to it, bodhizazen is not invisible in this community is he?03:20
bodhizazenyou may be speaking for yourself03:20
bodhizazenwho do you speak for doctormo ?03:20
bodhizazenwho or what group  is speaking when you tell me I am wrong ?03:20
Vantraxdoctormo: I can see where you are coming from, and you are right that people should evaluate FOSS solutions as well as free, and propriatary solutions, but adding in an implicit demand to do so is wrong03:20
bodhizazenwhat horizon is this ?03:20
cprofittdoctormo, there are many ways to give back are there not?03:20
cprofittusing one 'non Free Software' app is not a cardinal sin, or is it?03:21
bodhizazenand what makes you think it is "better" or that I owe it something ?03:21
Vantraxif it is.. im screwed:P03:21
emacs<pwnguin> hello u der??03:21
pwnguinemacs: yes03:21
doctormoDid I make a demand? no, I said that it was socially harmful to not consider the community and social perspectivies, I didn't say people should be hung for ignoring that perspective.03:21
Vantraxyes, that statement is correct03:21
bodhizazenSo you are speaking for yourself ?03:21
doctormocprofitt: no it's not wrong to use clsoe source, I use them myself03:21
cprofittbodhizazen, I think I see what he is saying...03:22
Vantraxthe implication of a requirement to is the problem03:22
cprofitthe is just not sure that you weighed the options...03:22
bodhizazenif so, then please do not add in FOSS, the ubuntu community , or me as a part of your community of one03:22
cprofittand you are coming from a person slamming Mono because of his mis-perceptions03:22
Vantraxbodhizazen: chill bud:P hes expressing a valid opinion, just not quite in the right way03:22
emacs<pwnguin>i hav one doubt...i heard kernel programing is some wat tough is it so??03:22
bodhizazenno, he is doing it in a  very bad way03:23
cprofittI think this topic has gone astray... I think you are both in the same camp... but not expressing it well in words...03:23
bodhizazenmixing his personal opinions with the ubutnu community03:23
Vantraxcprofitt: yep03:23
bodhizazenspeaking as he is an authorative voice in some larger community03:23
cprofittbodhizazen, unless I missed it I do not think he has stated that he speaks for the community03:23
bodhizazenmaking himself seem somehow more important or superior03:23
Vantraxbodhizazen: hes mixing different voices from different parts of the greater community into the ubuntu community03:23
doctormoActually my personal opinions are completly different, I'm only discussing my social perspective here.03:23
Vantraxspecifically those that follow stalman03:24
cprofittjust that you need to consider the impact on the community when you decide to not use Free Software03:24
bodhizazendoctormoDid I make a demand? no, I said that it was socially harmful to not consider the community and social perspectivies, I didn't say people should be hung for ignoring that perspective.03:24
Vantraxcprofitt: +1 that is exactly what both of you are saying03:24
bodhizazenwhat community is that ^^03:24
doctormoVantrax: actually not quite, he would argue that it's wrong to use closed source in any situation, I'm just calling for consideration of social responsibilities, I'm not saying people have to follow them.03:24
emacs<pwnguin>can u plz get me ur email id......so dat hav  a touch wid u03:24
Vantraxthe FOSS community, bodhizazen even I can agree with that one03:24
bodhizazenwhat comminity is "the community"03:24
doctormocprofitt: +103:24
cprofitthe is using the word community bodhizazen , but not that he is speaking for it...03:25
pwnguinemacs: well, it's publicly available as jldugger@ubuntu.com03:25
bodhizazenwhat community ?03:25
cprofitthe is saying that in being a community leader, which you are, that you bear a greater burden when making choices03:25
pwnguinemacs: but you migth be better served seeking out the minix community03:25
bodhizazencprofittjust that you need to consider the impact on the community when you decide to not use Free Software03:25
cprofittdues to the visibility to the ubuntu community03:25
cprofittif I am reading this correctly03:25
VantraxI think its fair to say that the general consensus from the Ubuntu Community is that  you need to consider the impact on the community when you decide to not use Free Software03:25
pwnguinemacs: #minix03:25
bodhizazenwhat community is "the community"03:25
bodhizazenFOSS ?03:25
cprofittI assume the Ubuntu community bodhizazen03:25
bodhizazenUbuntu ?03:26
bodhizazendoctormo ?03:26
cprofittbut he has not clarified that03:26
pwnguinemacs: they'll be better able to help you than I03:26
doctormobodhizazen: If I said the human community would you feel like you were a part of it?03:26
bodhizazenprobably not in the way you wish to use it doctormo03:26
Vantraxno, bodhi is a robot...03:26
bodhizazenyou want to start with a borad community03:26
Vantraxboth of you need to take a step back03:26
bodhizazen"the human community"03:26
bodhizazenor "the Ubuntu community"03:27
doctormoIt's really hard to debate metafore and philosophy like this...03:27
bodhizazenand then you want to push your ideas as if they come from that larger community03:27
bodhizazenwhich they do not03:27
bodhizazenyour ideas come from a small group03:27
Vantraxbodhizazen: tell me if you would agree to this statement:  its fair to say that the general consensus from the Ubuntu Community is that  you need to consider the impact on the community when you decide to not use Free Software03:27
Vantraxas a leader in the community03:28
bodhizazena sub group of humans / Ubutnu / FOSS / possibly as small as doctormo03:28
bodhizazenI disagree with that Vantrax03:28
doctormobodhizazen: That is a lrge assuption and may even be classes as an insult.03:28
bodhizazenI do not see that anywhere in the Ubutn documentation03:28
emacsthanks alot <pwnguin>before i should to go for further details i like to study dat book.......03:28
bodhizazenit is just as insulting you asking me if I am a member of the human community03:29
doctormobodhizazen: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct sections 1 and 303:29
bodhizazenyou keep using this term "the community" without definign it03:29
bodhizazenwhat about it doctormo ?03:30
doctormoI keep on not defining 'community' because I'm not being specific, I'm talking about communities in community language with social group theory and it's very hard to translate that into indervidual terms.03:31
Vantraxdoctormo did you do sociology somewhere in there...03:31
emacs<pwnguin>i only know the basics of C but kernel programming demands advanced programming...can u plz help me03:31
bodhizazenyou shift the word community into whatever purpose you want03:31
VantraxI can kinda get what your saying from some of the research I did in anthropology03:31
doctormobodhizazen: It only seems like that, I'm not out to get you and I don't want to control you.03:32
bodhizazenyou say I harm "the community" or that I need to consider "the community" when I run a closed source application03:32
pwnguinemacs: i dont know of any books; that's the sort of stuff we make undergrads spend a semester on03:32
bodhizazenwhat community is that doctormo ?03:32
Vantraxcommunity is a word that has no implicit meaning other than to say a group of people03:32
bodhizazenyou don't want to control me ?03:32
doctormobodhizazen: nope03:32
bodhizazenwhy then do you care what program I run ?03:32
Vantraxbodhi, so you think other people look up to you in the community?03:32
pwnguindoctormo doesn't want to control you, just judge you03:32
bodhizazenand why do you tell me I have some kind of responsibility to some unspecified community ?03:33
Vantraxin our community I know alot of people that look up to you03:33
Vantraxour community being defined as UBT to make it easier03:33
bodhizazenI have never been a part of Ubuntu to earn respect :)03:33
emacs<pwnguin>or you v=can give name of good sites03:34
VantraxMany who make decisions at least partly based on you03:34
emacs<pwnguin>plz dont tell no03:34
Vantraxthat includes the example you set03:34
pwnguinemacs: sorry, I really don't know of any. it's a major deficiency of mine. you might ask #minix that question03:34
VantraxTake mono as an example, I never considering using it until you talked about it03:34
Vantraxthe fact that you do, made me consider something that I previously had dismissed03:35
pwnguinemacs: my undergrad class in that was all homework, handouts and lectures, no book03:35
VantraxNot that that should stop you from using it, but you should be aware that you have an impact on people03:35
bodhizazenWell, I reject setting the example of telling people what they can run on their computers03:35
VantraxDefinately not, that is a very extreme way of making a point03:36
doctormobodhizazen: That example only exists on stallman's website, not in any of my thoughts.03:36
Vantraxyou can see my point can you not bodhi?03:36
emacsok thanks alot<pwnguin>03:36
doctormoI tried to type a few resonses, but I decided that I couldn't really word things right yet.03:36
bodhizazendoctormo: then you should probably not suggest the kinds of things you suggest03:36
doctormosorry if it appears I'm not answering your questions.03:37
bodhizazenI think it is best to supoprt the open source community by teaching and supporting alternate solutions where they exist03:37
bodhizazenand improving where they do not03:38
doctormobodhizazen: yes!03:38
doctormo[22:38] <bodhizazen> and improving where they do not *CHEEER*03:38
doctormoSo you agree that you should improve the situation for music teaching software in the open source community?03:38
bodhizazenI really thing telling people what they can and can not run on their computers did not work for Microsoft and it works less sell fo rFOSS03:38
bodhizazenwhy should I03:39
doctormoBut you just said why03:39
bodhizazenyou really can not impose or dictate what I should or should not do03:39
bodhizazenthe term is much better used03:39
bodhizazenare you willing to assist the open mucsic community ?03:39
bodhizazenyou should be inviting people, not telling they should be a member03:40
bodhizazenbig difference03:40
doctormoThis is about social ettiquet, consideration and community. It has nothing to do with my opinions and my dictations. I order you to make me a damned sandwich and then you can scrub my feet!03:41
bodhizazenLook at the difference in these tow statements03:41
bodhizazenIf you use Ubuntu, we invite you to give back to the community.03:41
doctormothe problem is, you invite yourself into the community and then start exluding parts of it for your own social norms to be acceptable.03:41
bodhizazenYou can do this by contributing code, documentation, etc ...03:41
bodhizazenIf you use Ubuntu, you must give back to the community ....03:42
bodhizazenand doctormo I have done no such thing03:42
doctormobodhizazen: And you'll note it does not say "You can contribute to the Ubuntu community by using closed software and not helping your fellow community members"03:42
bodhizazenwhen you make that statement, you are not speaking for the Ubuntu community03:43
bodhizazenI can not tell if you are speaking for yourself or FOSS03:43
cprofittIf Ubuntu were so closed it would be more like Fedora and not include restricted drivers... yes?03:43
bodhizazenbut you are applying what you think should be social norms and are intolerant of any who have different social norma03:44
bodhizazennot everyone has the same standards for "norms" as you do doctormo03:45
doctormoindeed, it's apparent that I'm not welcome in this community any more.03:46
bodhizazenand I am willing to bet it is a minority of people in the Ubuntu community that feel I am in some way harming the community by usign a closed source application03:46
VantraxI think the only problem here is doctormo tends to the very catagorial in his statements, from what I can see the intention is the same03:46
bodhizazenI am concerned doctormo has an agenda that is not a part of what I envision for this project and I prefer to root it out before it goes too far :)03:47
bodhizazenwhich is the only reason I engaged in this "debate"03:47
bodhizazenIt appears it is his way or no way03:48
bodhizazenapparently if we do not agree with his mandates he is unwelcome03:48
bodhizazenfrankly I have a problem with that03:48
Vantraxbodhizazen he didnt say that03:49
bodhizazenyes he did03:49
bodhizazendoctormoindeed, it's apparent that I'm not welcome in this community any more.03:49
bodhizazen*** doctormo left #ubuntu-learning ("Konversation terminated!")03:49
Vantraxyou have changed several things he said, he often makes categorical statements when his position is somewhat less03:49
Vantraxagain, its a cultural thing too03:49
bodhizazenwhatever it is, it is not welcome here03:50
* bodhizazen is intolerant of intolerance03:50
bodhizazendoctormo: if you wish to be a part of this community, meaning the UCLP, I would appreciate it if :03:51
pwnguinwell that conversation was less than unproductive03:51
Vantraxbefore this goes any further, you both have a valid opinion from completely different perspectives03:51
bodhizazen1. You were more tolerant / respectful of those who you do not agree with03:51
bodhizazen2. did not push your personal agenda onto this project03:51
bodhizazenthis project is not about dictating what people should run on their computers03:52
Vantraxbodhi everyone has a personal agenda in this project, including you, that is an unrealistic expectation. The best we can ask is that everyones agenda be compatable with the same overal goals and be willing to discuss things03:53
pwnguinis someone proposing courseware on closed source software?03:53
VantraxYou can run whatever you want on your computer, but as the community is about open source, that is preferred.03:53
bodhizazenIt is incompatible when people start telling me what I can run on my computer03:54
pwnguinif not, I'm at a total loss about what the point of the last hour of conversation.03:54
bodhizazenpwnguin: It is about freedom03:54
doctormoWe are in this thing together, we have all blunted our agendas in order to meet in an agreeable, focused middle ground. I will not drop my agenda because it would mean me dropping my participation. My agenda is "To create materials and lesson plans suitable for teaching systems administration to community center administrators"03:54
bodhizazenfreedom to use one's computer they way the wish03:54
Vantraxbodhizazen, your opinions do matter more than you might realise.03:55
cprofittI need to get some sleep folks... night03:55
doctormocprofitt: good night, good work on the lessons03:55
VantraxWe all need to be careful as our comments can appear to be advocating someting rather than just explaining a position, either your own, or more what you view of the community03:55
bodhizazendoctormo: you are welcome to participate on this team03:56
bodhizazenbut you are not welcome to push a political or social agenda03:56
pwnguinPeople should use Ubuntu!03:56
Vantraxbodhizazen: hes on the board, as are you, of course he is welcome03:56
pwnguinno agenda? don't be ridiculus03:56
doctormoI'm all politics and social, would you exclude me?03:56
bodhizazenor to mandate / dictate what people must or should run on their compters03:56
Vantraxhe is also allowed to push and agenda, as we all, but that agenda must be moderated03:56
pwnguinis this the ubuntu learning project or the "whatever, we don't care, learning project"03:57
Vantraxarguments must be controlled and polite and disagreements resolved03:57
VantraxWe all have a social agenda with this, doctormo's is as he said:To create materials and lesson plans suitable for teaching systems administration to community center administrators03:58
bodhizazenno, I do not really agree with pushing agendas in that way Vantrax03:58
bodhizazenI think that will not work03:58
VantraxIm more new users and sysadmins in my focus03:58
doctormobodhizazen: I think you are confusing me with someone or something else. :-/03:58
bodhizazenpromoting to teaching Ubuntu is one thing03:58
bodhizazenmandating that people MUST use Ubuntu is another03:58
VantraxIm very sure that doctormo does not hold that opinion and there has been a miscommunication03:59
power885pwnguin u der??03:59
doctormoVantrax: I do not you are correct03:59
pwnguinpower885: i am03:59
VantraxI belive doctormo belives strongly that if you are a member of the community you should contribute03:59
VantraxI belive that doctormo has also made statements that were more catagorical than intended that resulted in him seeming rather extreme04:00
pwnguinquestion: contributing is the definition of community membership, no?04:00
VantraxI belive his position is that you should consider using and supporting an open source project before chosing a closed or propriatary solution04:00
Vantraxpwnguin: in a formal sense yes04:00
power885<pwnguin>my previous name was emacs ...i checked minix but no body is der to help me ...i just disappointed04:01
VantraxNot that you cant, but that you should consider them04:01
pwnguinpower885: IRC is a hit and miss system. #ubuntu-learning is idle a lot of the time04:01
doctormopower885: The forums are a good resource.04:01
pwnguinfor minix?04:02
doctormopwnguin: I didn't say which forums ;-)04:02
VantraxI belive he is also worried that as you are well known in the community your decisions will (and do) impact on other peoples decisions and that you should be careful on how you portray those decisions.04:02
bodhizazenI would very much like to use an opne source project for say SmartMusic, voice recogintion, and say accounting04:02
doctormoI think we believe the same things.04:02
bodhizazenby accounting I mean serious business accounting, not "home accounting" or ballancing a checkbook04:03
pwnguinpower885: it may take 24 hours observing when an IRC channel is active04:03
pwnguinpower885: or you can find a mailing list04:03
bodhizazenwith those 3 examples, there is no open source option04:03
power885<pwnguin>so now i decided to kick start with that book which u hav given to me...l04:03
pwnguinand wait 24 hours for replies to a question04:03
VantraxAnd that is fine, but if there was I know you would support it04:03
bodhizazenand I can not put my life on hold waiting for open source optins04:03
pwnguinpower885: which book?04:03
bodhizazenso, that leaves closed source04:03
VantraxI think that is all doctormo wanted to hear04:03
VantraxThere are many areas like that04:04
bodhizazenand I really do not believe doctormo or anyone else has the right to criticize that choice04:04
power885<pwnguin>Operating Systems Design and Implementation (3rd Edition)04:04
pwnguingnucash is actually better suited to serious business accounting04:04
pwnguinpower885: ok.04:04
bodhizazennot pwnguin it is not04:04
bodhizazenit appears to be04:04
bodhizazenbut it is not04:04
bodhizazenthere are huge areas of business accounting that do not exist in gnucash04:05
pwnguini will admit, it's missing some loan wizards and amortization schedules, but this is wildly off-topic04:05
doctormobodhizazen: I don't think it's my right to criticize your personal choices, they yours to make.04:05
power885<pwnguin>is der any problem in using linux...rather minix04:05
bodhizazenit is missing, or it was last time I looked, payroll for example04:05
bodhizazenand , again last time I looked, there really is no way to import and existing project from say Quickbooks to gnucash04:06
pwnguinpower885: minix is instructional, linux is not. this can make it hard to get started, and hard to understand04:06
pwnguinim pretty sure it supports QIX04:06
power885sorry i havent used minix...from wer i will get minix04:07
doctormopwnguin: It supports quicken but not quick books, it's a horrible thing to have to tell new ubuntu users that their stuffed04:07
VantraxI think the critisisim was more the case of doctormo's habit of making catagorical statements more than anything. I tend to do that now and then too, my wife is working hard to beat it out of me04:07
bodhizazenhave you tried to import a busness from quickbooks to gnucash ?04:07
pwnguinnope; clearly i speak from a position of ignorance04:07
pwnguini see import QIF and QFX04:08
pwnguinand some others04:08
bodhizazenWell, you really should try it then before you spead as if it is a viable option04:08
doctormoVantrax: be careful she doesn't beat it out of you too much, otherwise we'd never be able to debate socioledgy.04:08
pwnguini wonder why it's not better04:08
bodhizazenIt is like claiming the gimp is an acceptable tool for professional photography, which it is not04:08
power885<pwnguin> sorry i havent used minix...from wer i will get minix04:08
VantraxThat is probably a fair comment04:08
Vantraxbodhizazen: it is fair to say it is a useful tool and to check it out04:09
Vantraxbut that it might not satify professional requirements.04:09
pwnguinpower885: minix is very similar to linux04:09
pwnguinpower885: its advantage is that it doesn't change over time, so you can say "the process scheduler is in scheuder.c and contains a queue of ready to run processes" etc04:10
bodhizazenpwnguin: are you suggesting that if I use gnucash it will improve ?04:11
bodhizazenbecause that has not worked with the gimp04:11
bodhizazenI use the gimp exclusively ,have done so for years04:11
doctormobodhizazen: That's the theory, but it's based on the voting idea, one vote isn't worth much, but a few thousand are.04:11
pwnguinbodhizazen: im suggesting that there's enough people who need it, that there might be some upstream hurdles04:12
bodhizazenbut it is no closer to a professional photography then it was several years ago04:12
pwnguini recall reading about a budgeting bruhaha04:12
pwnguinwhere someone wanted to make a personal budget, and someone else wanted to make a prospective investment budget tool04:12
pwnguinand it just sat there and died04:12
bodhizazenand doctormo I am suggesting that I is perfectly reasonable to, after evaluating the options, go with closed source as well04:13
power885<pwnguin>wats sys req needed for installing04:13
pwnguinminix 2.0 required a 28604:13
pwnguinyou should be able to run minix in a virtual machine like qemu04:14
doctormobodhizazen: But perhaps it's also reasonable to give $5 towards making the open option better while you choose the closed one.04:14
bodhizazendoctormo: you are making a number of assumptions , and you know what happens when you do such things ?04:14
doctormobodhizazen: We get into a fight where neither of us gets anything useful out of it.04:15
pwnguinwhat happens when a professional photographer uses gimp anyways?04:15
bodhizazenfirst you are assuming that I have not made any cash contributions04:15
bodhizazendepends on what the photographer wants to do04:15
power885is der any packages in ubuntu for minix04:15
pwnguinpower885: ... no04:15
doctormoI do lots of searches on deviantArt for gimp, inkscape, ubuntu and other foss tools, support is growing and it has it's fans.04:16
pwnguininkscape rocks04:16
doctormopwnguin: indeed it does! :-D04:17
pwnguinmy mom uses it to make paper cuts for her crafts machine04:17
Vantraxyeah i like inkscape too04:17
bodhizazenso , when the gimp meets the needs of a professional photographer, professional photographers will use it04:17
bodhizazenthe gimp project would need to set that as a goal and work at it04:18
power885<pwnguin> is  der any packages 4 qemu in ubuntu04:18
pwnguinpower885: yes04:18
bodhizazenbut in the mean time, what is a professional to to ?04:18
bodhizazenand how does shaming him or her help the cause of the gimp ?04:18
pwnguinpower885: i will teach you a great ubuntu tip04:19
pwnguinpower885: open a terminal04:19
power885after installing qemu wat should i do04:19
pwnguinpower885: apt-cache search qemu04:19
pwnguinor apt-cache search <anything>04:19
pwnguinpower885: im not gonna be around 24/704:20
pwnguinpower885: a good academic in this day and age needs to be able to do preliminary research with google and whatnot04:20
power885sorry... <pwnguin> if really disturbed u04:21
pwnguinpower885: well, I just don't want to be on the hook as your personal instructor04:22
pwnguinif i wanted students, i would have applied for the CS dept position04:23
bodhizazenI wonder if "ambassadors" of the open source community undermine it when they tell people what that should and should not run on their computers04:24
pwnguinoccasional questions are fine, but you should try finding a wider audience to answer questions04:24
bodhizazenand  I wonder if holding out open source projects as if they are viable solutions, without acknowledging the shortcomings leads to disappointment ?04:24
doctormohuh where did he go?04:25
doctormoI'm the leader of a LoCo, I have a ton of experence in balancing people's expectations.04:26
Vantraxhe quit04:27
pwnguintime to go play metriod04:29
pwnguinhope nobody tries to shame me while I'm away04:29
Vantraxpwnguin: it was all a misunderstanding taken way out of context into ideology land04:30
doctormopwnguin: I thought yours points were very insightful during the debate.04:35
pwnguinhonestly i wasnt paying attention04:36
pwnguinits words are meaningless in the echo chamber04:37
Vantraxso, now that that fun is all over:P How is everyone04:52
doctormoOK, shaken at the agresivness of the missunderstanding, but ok.04:53
bodhizazenfortunately it is a short drive home :)04:55
pwnguini dont think anyone expected you to quit IRC04:55
bodhizazenI would like to apologize if I offended people in this channel earlier04:55
bodhizazennaw, I am an IRC junky04:55
pwnguinwhat i mean is04:56
pwnguinit was wierd to see you drop04:56
pwnguin21:31 -!- bodhizazen [i=ce7f4f8a@ubuntu/memer/bodhizazen] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]04:56
pwnguin21:31 < doctormo> huh where did he go?04:56
bodhizazenyea, such is life on a windows box :(04:56
bodhizazenI find they are not as reliable04:56
pwnguini have it on good authority that windows has ssh clients04:57
pwnguinsuch that you may enjoy the benefits of screen+irssi04:57
bodhizazenand this one likes what is known is some circles as the blue screen of death04:57
bodhizazenyea, but that would almost certainly be against policies04:57
pwnguinas opposed to mibbit04:58
bodhizazenmibbit is on port 80 and is allowed04:58
doctormoDamn politics, always gets in the way04:58
bodhizazenthey do not allow use of other ports04:58
pwnguinwell, run ssh on port 8004:58
bodhizazenwhile that could be done, it would be a violation of policy04:58
pwnguinthen run it on port 44304:59
bodhizazenyou see, it is not a technical problem04:59
bodhizazenwhy do any of that ?04:59
bodhizazensimply tunnel traffic over port 2205:00
doctormopwnguin: That's a technical solution begging for a political one.05:00
pwnguinof course it is05:00
pwnguinbut last i checked, ganhdi didn't run for parliment05:00
bodhizazenbut circumvention of the coroporate firewall is not a good idea :)05:01
pwnguinand i dont see how mibbit is okay but telnet is not05:01
Vantraxganhdi didnt work in a practice with legal implications on client data05:01
pwnguinyes he did05:01
pwnguinhe was a lawyer05:01
bodhizazenand not a good thing to promote to young impressionable minds who do not understand the consequences either ;)05:01
pwnguinim just saying if your policy forbids encrypted tunnels05:02
Vantraxi was speaking medical but fair enough, the second point still applied05:02
pwnguinthen it should probably prohibit mibbit as well05:03
bodhizazenWell , I understand why they have such policies05:03
bodhizazenand that is not the same as saying I agree with them05:03
bodhizazenI also believe it is wrong to violate them05:03
bodhizazenand the repercussions are larger then you imagine, or you would not suggest such a thing05:04
pwnguini mean, mibbit itself is a technical workaround05:05
pwnguinits an http tunnel for chat05:05
bodhizazenyes, but it is like stock car racing05:05
bodhizazenClient side it is http traffic05:05
bodhizazenwhich is allowed05:06
pwnguinso then you don't use the https port?05:06
bodhizazenand while stock cars may use jet fuel (I don't know), that does not mean they can use jet engines :):05:06
pwnguinstock cars use stock engines05:07
pwnguintheir history is about smuggling05:07
pwnguinbeer, not data05:07
doctormobodhizazen: you could use a translation and do an ssh to http bridge, bit of programming to pull off but not totally daft.05:07
Vantraxtalk about over engineering...05:07
bodhizazenyea I could, but I should not as I have been forbidden my my IT department05:08
pwnguinshould i email your iT department a link to mibbit?05:08
Vantraxlol NOOO05:08
Vantraxthen he cant come on at all05:08
bodhizazenyou can, does not matter05:08
doctormobodhizazen: You have been forbidden to run http?05:08
bodhizazenthey monitor everything already05:08
bodhizazenwhich is why I like to feed them CK links05:09
doctormoweird, anyway I understand your position and I salute your none agrieve policy.05:09
pwnguini just dont understand the policy05:09
bodhizazenwell, they are a bunch of Windows types who think they know how to sys admin because they can click a mouse05:09
pwnguinif you don't want disclosure, allowing port 80 and 443 doesn't solve it05:10
bodhizazenThey got their "degrees" in the days before CS was a major in college05:10
pwnguini doubt that05:10
pwnguinmy dad majored in CS in 198005:10
bodhizazenand they think that they know how to secure a network05:10
pwnguinwell, 197605:10
pwnguinsecure a network from what?05:11
Vantraxrun port sec and tell people they can do whatever they can get away with05:11
bodhizazenwhich involves putting a VNX server on every work station, running a web proxy , and monitoring all traffic in an out05:11
Vantraxor just use layer3 switches and use the management tools build in...05:11
pwnguinim still lost on the ssl thing: do they just block port 443?05:12
bodhizazenAnd they do not like port forwarding because they they either can not monitor activity or they more likely see the traffic as irregular and feel they have an intruder05:12
pwnguinalso, their solution to protecting client data is to forbid encrypting it?05:12
bodhizazenyou are assuming that they know of encryption05:12
bodhizazenThey know VNC05:13
bodhizazennot VNC + encryption, just VNC05:13
bodhizazenAnd they think VNC servers on every workstation is secure05:13
Vantraxand they pay these roookies?05:13
Vantraxmy labbies know more than this...05:14
pwnguinyou know, the recent blackboard+angel merger has a lot of colleges looking at moodle05:14
Vantraxwere using blackboard atm05:14
pwnguinwe're using both =(05:14
VantraxI hope they move to moodle05:14
* pwnguin == they05:14
doctormoI'm a programmer and I know more than that05:15
bodhizazenAnyways, I am sure you have heard it all before05:15
* bodhizazen puts on dad hat05:15
Vantraxi have, we have had this conversation a few times:P05:16
bodhizazennow children, please do not teach people to punch holes in private firewalls (school, corporate, military, or pr0n) :)05:16
* bodhizazen takes of daddy hat05:16
pwnguinwe used to have a policy against running putty.exe05:16
pwnguinif you renamed it putt.exe, everything workie!05:16
bodhizazenyea, just change the name to not_putty.exe :)05:17
bodhizazenDoh !05:17
pwnguini did that, and showed it to coworkers05:17
doctormoBah, they used to have security running from Novell Netware in college, it was but a vba script away from being dismantled.05:17
pwnguina firewall is not security05:17
bodhizazenyou know the funny thing about that ?05:18
pwnguinand there was 0 need for the rule anyways05:18
bodhizazenwindows users feel more secure because they can firewall applications, lol05:18
pwnguinit was a public workstation with no access to anything sensetive05:18
Vantraxif you run a network and you want it secure you run port security on layer 3 switches so you can manage things at the infastruture level, not the desktop level05:18
Vantraxyou could do ANYTHING to your desktop, and I could still block you05:19
Vantraxwell... a USB WAP dongle from a cellular company would work.. but aside from that...05:19
doctormoWell I think I've learned a lot about openwrt this evening ;-) now that I have a working jabber server locally with hairpin routing,05:20
Vantraxopenwrt is awsome05:20
pwnguini liked tomato's interface05:20
Vantraxif you want to learn about it hit up pauldotcom.com05:20
pwnguintoo bad the thing's basically a "don't put this in openwrt" license05:20
* bodhizazen puts on dad hat again05:21
doctormoWhere did bodhizazen get this hat?05:21
bodhizazenSorry I do not mean to imply that you are children,05:21
VantraxI need one...05:21
Vantraxdo they get issued at the hospital?05:21
doctormoI have a wizzard hat, it's only fair05:21
bodhizazenmerely that I am acting overly paternalistic05:21
* bodhizazen takes hat off again05:21
* doctormo looks to see if anyone got the spelling05:22
Vantraxembedded device hacking with openwrt... FUN05:22
pwnguinopenWRT is a bit lightweight05:22
Vantraxset up a remote pentester:P05:22
Vantraxplug it in and walk away05:22
Vantraxwatch the security boys go nuts because they cant find it05:22
Vantraxno guy with a laptop, just a modified router in the roof05:23
pwnguinGarmin actually has a guest network set up05:23
* Vantrax loves the powerpoints left in the roof above the floating ceilings05:23
pwnguinanyways, that place is crazy. i hate their parking garage05:25
pwnguindesigned to sell GPS units, i say05:25
cprofittpleia2, I added another course to the Moodle install13:35
cprofittnhandler, let me know what you think13:35
pleia2cprofitt: awesome!13:35
* pleia2 takes a look13:35
pleia2nice :)13:38
cprofittgood... next I need to make my own pleia214:14
pleia2cprofitt: where are these from?>14:14
cprofittThey are from various Moodle sites I was familiar with...14:16
pleia2ah :)14:16
cprofittand they are CC of some variation in all cases14:16
* pleia2 nods14:17
cprofitthey doctormo dinda15:09
cprofittadded some courses to our Moodle install15:10
cprofittI will be making a sample course from scratch as well.15:11
doctormocprofitt: sounds great15:11
cprofittdoctormo, let me know what you think of those courses15:12
doctormoThat is AWESOME15:13
doctormoAll of the graphics and tutorials on this site are free to use and redistribute.  Creative Commons LicenseThey are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.15:14
doctormoNot only is it wrong is portraying the entire ubuntu-learning site as being CC-BY-NC-SA, but shouldn't the NC be re-licensed?15:16
doctormocprofitt: ping15:42
cprofitthey doctormo16:58
cprofittsorry had to start an emergency server install thanks to a miscommunication from a vendor16:59
cprofittdoctormo, I think so...16:59
cprofittour site is only NC where the previous content was NC and we could not relicense16:59
bodhizazencprofitt: thank you for your work on the site17:29
bodhizazenhow do you back up courses ?17:30
bodhizazenis that as option within moodle ?17:30
dindabodhizazen: yes, moodle allows you to zip and archive entire courses17:35
pwnguindoes the moodle video training course have actual videos?18:09
pwnguinoh, wow18:09
pwnguinworld's smallest controls18:09
bodhizazenthanks dinda :)18:11
bodhizazendinda: any advice on version of moodle to run ?18:11
bodhizazenshould I upgrade to the weekly build ?18:11
cprofittbodhizazen, yes it is an option to backup the course.19:32
cprofittah.. Dinda got that answered for you.19:32
dindabodhizazen: elmo was recommeding you use a more stable version of moodle and not the latest builds19:33
dindabodhizazen: he said for security purposes it's really bad to use latest builds19:34
dindabodhizazen: he was going to contact you to discuss19:34
cprofittbodhizazen, the option for backup is in the Administration menu when you are an admin for a course19:34
cprofittcourse authors will have the ability to backup their own work and download the file as well.19:35
doctormocprofitt: Right, and that content was limited to a single area as far as I knew, one that teaches people how to use moodle19:37
dindadoctormo: if there are any plans to start charging folks to use the materials or pay instructors, that could be a problem19:38
doctormodinda: Indeed, in fact there are incidental issues where a teacher can no charge a binding fee (a small nomial fee to make people stick to comming to lessons) and the fact that it isn't open source and isn't in the spirit of how we do things in this community.19:42
bodhizazenthanks dinda19:42
bodhizazenthe current version of moodle is from the 9.04 repositories19:43
doctormocprofitt, pleia2: Can I get an anwser why a new course has NC restrictions on it?19:53
dindadoctormo: I'm not sure I'm understanding your last statement - are you saying you want to be able to charge fees?20:20
doctormodinda: Of course, it a part of the four freedoms, I don't work on things that are NC because it's a pointless quagmire and legal grey that just puts everyone off.20:27
dindadoctormo: not sure then about including such materials in this environment - it would be like people in IRC charging fees for their time20:28
doctormodinda: Yes, and?20:29
doctormoThere is nothing wrong with them doing so if there was a mechanism for it20:29
doctormoPreventing them from doing so by legal means, that a whole other ball game.20:29
dindayes but if you want to work on commercial training products and then ask Canonical to host them or point our domain to that site, that's a problem for us20:31
bodhizazenpoke cprofitt :)20:32
doctormodinda: Yes, didn't someone already come to you and explain this?20:32
doctormoI thought it had been communicated that we really couldn't do NC, we had meetings and everything20:33
dindadoctormo: no, our understanding was that the licensing was not settled, we were still waiting to hear final policy decisions20:33
bodhizazendoctormo: I am not sure that is correct20:34
bodhizazenI do not think licensing issues have been resolved20:34
doctormoAnd they won't be, because no one wants to talk about them. We already set CC-BY-SA as our default license.20:34
doctormodinda: And this isn't about us creating commercial products at all, this is about preserving the feedoms of the people that use the materials we produce.20:35
bodhizazendoctormo: I am not sure you speak for the group on this issue20:37
doctormobodhizazen: I'm sure I don't20:38
doctormoBut if this is the kind of communication that's been going on, god help us.20:38
bodhizazenAnd as I said last night I have serious concerns about you pushing your personal agenda on this team20:38
bodhizazenWell, do not speak to dinda as if you speak for the group then20:38
doctormoI'll try and make myself clearer then, sorry.20:39
doctormoThe group did decide to use CC-BY-SA as the default license.20:39
bodhizazenAs far as I know , no decision has been made20:39
doctormoI have been pushing my pro open source agenda to get NC banned.20:39
bodhizazenand we certainly are not out to create conflicts20:40
dindadoctormo: I just don't see how you can propose to possibly charge fees for course materials within this project20:40
bodhizazenand there are no plans to charge for our "product"20:40
doctormodinda: We don't want to, we just don't want to create legal barriers.20:40
dindahow is NC a barrier?20:41
doctormoAnd we certainly don't want conflict20:41
bodhizazendoctormo: take care of who you mean by "we"20:41
doctormobodhizazen: sorry, I20:41
bodhizazenyou use the term we when you mean I ;)20:41
doctormodinda: Why bother having it? Have you ever tried to relicense an NC creative work that's been touched by 5 people?20:42
doctormoWe could really do with cprofitt, pleia2 and Vantrax here right now.20:43
dindadoctormo: yes, we do it with the desktop course regularly20:44
pleia2dinda: greg-g could expand upon this (he works with licenses as his day job, where does he work again?) but he strongly cautioned that NC is a very vague term and it can be troublesome legally20:44
pleia2honestly I don't agree with doctormo that we should charge for courses ever, but I do worry about the NC issues20:45
doctormoI don't agree with doctormo that we should charge for courses either20:45
pleia2oh ok20:46
doctormopleia2: I was making a hash of trying to explain that others who run physical courses over multiple sessions tend to charge small amounts to encourage people to stick the whole course out. It'd also ban plenty of other third parties from taking advantage of our materials, including Canonical.20:48
dindanot sure how charging would benefit the project and would veyr much muddy up the project's focus20:50
dindait would be like charging for the forums20:50
doctormodinda: It wouldn't, and we weon20:50
dindapleia2: when is the next meeting scheduled?21:01
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-learning to: Ubuntu Community Learning Project | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning | Next Meeting: Monday June 15th @ 8pm EDT (00:00 UTC May 19th) | Support in #ubuntu
pleia2there we go21:02
pleia2and FWIW, as I told bodhizazen - I'd like to see us do CC-BY-SA whenever possible so anyone can use it, even encourage it! but "we'll accept CC-BY-SA-NC too as is useful"21:03
bodhizazendoctormo: I will say this in the channel one last time21:04
bodhizazenyour personal agenda is not welcome here21:04
bodhizazendo not use this team to push it21:05
bodhizazenThis is a serious issue and I am going to ask you be removed from a leadership role21:05
bodhizazenAt least until this can be resolved to my satisfaction21:06
pleia2dinda: Monday June 15th @ 8pm EDT (00:00 UTC May 19th)21:06
doctormobodhizazen: If you are upset that I believe in freedom that much, then I will gladdly remove myself and my involvement from this project.21:07
doctormoAlthough it does mean that I will have to create my systems admin course somewhere else, which will be an incredibly wasteful endevour.21:07
bodhizazenI am upset not with your personal beliefs, yo are welcome to them21:08
doctormoBut I would also like to ask that you step down bodhizazen for your witch hunt and your agenda against open source.21:08
bodhizazenI am upset you are using this team to push your personal beliefs21:08
bodhizazenand I do not believe you are giving dinda accurate information about the team21:09
doctormoLook, I'm trying to look out for the best of the group21:09
doctormoAnd while I can mess up how I explain things, that's no need your your attacks21:09
bodhizazenIt is not an attack21:10
doctormoYes it is,21:10
bodhizazenand it is not a witch hunt21:10
bodhizazenit is a simple fact that you use the term "we" when you mean "I"21:10
bodhizazenand I do not believe you when you say it is accidental21:10
doctormoJust because my personal philosophies coincide with the best policies for the group, doesn't mean I'm delibratly trying to get all political21:11
doctormoI believe that you've taking a grudge against me since last night, one that isn't based on reason21:11
bodhizazenI believe you are pushing a personal agenda on this project and that it is damaging our relations with canonical21:12
bodhizazenyou are creating conflict21:12
doctormoI'm not trying to, I'm trying to look after the best interests of the group, and that is with clear and consise licensing. It's not like I'm a lone mad man with these views either.21:13
doctormoand although you keep on calling me out on some personal agenda, I'd call you out on a personal vendeta.21:13
bodhizazenYour input is appreciated21:13
bodhizazenhowever you go too far sometimes21:13
bodhizazenand I am deeply concerned21:13
bodhizazennow you are just being insulting21:14
doctormoAs I am about you bodhizazen, this isn't right, the way your going about this conflict with me is wrong.21:14
bodhizazenIf you have a concern, please bring them to the group so they may be discussed21:14
bodhizazenHow do you propose to resolve our differences ?21:15
dindaI have to run soon but I hope we can work something out21:15
doctormobodhizazen: We should talk, I'm not mad and nor are you, this conflict is rediculous.21:15
bodhizazenI propose you use the term "I" when you are speaking for yourself21:16
bodhizazenand not "we"21:16
doctormoI appologied when you corrected me, what more could I possibly do for you bodhizazen21:16
dindadoctormo: there's no witch hunt but this is worth exploring, pretty sure Canonical is not going to allow pointing one of our own subdomains to a site that competes directly with our own products21:17
bodhizazenPlease do not create conflict with Canonical21:17
doctormodinda: We should take with Canonical too because I don't want to see Canonical excluded from derivitive works21:17
bodhizazenWe are working with Canonical not against Canonical21:17
dindadoctormo: if you want to create a sys admin course and charge for it, you're welcome but asking us to host it or point to it under this project just doesn't seem right21:18
bodhizazenCanonical is not our enemy and I will not have you clashing with them21:18
doctormodinda: We need to talk seriously and clearly, I don't intent to charge for a course.21:18
dindadoctormo: and I'm speaking as a community member on that, not as an employee21:18
bodhizazen+1 dinda21:19
doctormoI intent to not have materials subject to limitations that are not right and not future proof.21:19
dindaI want to contribute to this project as a community member myself, so I'm riding the same line b/c it can't conflict with my day job either  ;)21:20
bodhizazendoctormo: you will need to either agree to the licensing we use on this project, once it has been determined21:20
bodhizazenor withdraw your work21:20
doctormoIf it's NC I will withdraw, because I don't intend for my work to be abused.21:20
bodhizazenbut I find your dictating to the group how licensing is to work is not in anyone's interest21:21
doctormobodhizazen: I'm not,21:21
bodhizazendoctormoIf it's NC I will withdraw, because I don't intend for my work to be abused.21:21
doctormoyour putting words and thoughts into my mouth that I never have had21:21
pwnguini don't understand how NC will cause your work to be abused21:21
bodhizazenseems threatening ^^21:21
bodhizazenlike a 2 year old21:21
dindadoctormo: me either pwnguin21:21
pwnguini dont like NC21:21
bodhizazenIf you do not do what I want I am going to hold my breath until I turn blue21:21
doctormobodhizazen: This is turning into personal attacks, please don't21:22
bodhizazenthis is a team21:22
doctormoEven if I'm 2 I don't deserve it21:22
bodhizazenthen act like an adult21:22
dindadoctormo: he's restating how he's interpreting your statement21:22
bodhizazendoctormoIf it's NC I will withdraw, because I don't intend for my work to be abused.21:22
doctormoStop with this political nonesense21:22
dindahard to tell tone over IRC21:22
bodhizazenseems awfully immature ^^21:22
dindadoctormo: don't understand how NC will lead to problems with your your work within this project21:23
bodhizazenIf you have an issue, please bring it to the group to discuss21:23
doctormoYour attempting to throw me out because of my views and my experenced opinion in the matter of licensing and the fact that it conflicts with Canonical's21:23
pwnguinpersonally, i think NC is stupid. if i publish coursework21:23
pwnguini can use it in commercial training21:24
dindadoctormo: not b/c it conflicts with Canonical, but b/c it conflicts with what the project aims to do21:24
bodhizazenI am asking you to tone down the personal agenda and rhetoric21:24
pwnguinif someone else publishes coursework, and improves it21:24
pwnguinsuddenly that NC is a real problem21:24
doctormobodhizazen: I don't have an agenda, you keep trying to pin one on me though21:24
dindapwnguin: you can but if you do that, then we ask that you not ask Canonical to host the original work21:24
bodhizazenyou dont ?21:25
pwnguindinda: then i really don't understand the point of ubuntu-learning21:25
bodhizazenwhat is this then ?21:25
bodhizazendoctormoIf it's NC I will withdraw, because I don't intend for my work to be abused.21:25
doctormobodhizazen: No, as I've said before, I'm considering what is best for the group21:25
pwnguindid canonical buy the hardware?21:25
bodhizazenwell, you do not speak for the group21:25
dindapwnguin: I thought it was to be like the forums in policy21:25
bodhizazenyou speak for yourself21:25
doctormobodhizazen: -1, this is a witch hunt and I won't be party to this abuse21:25
dindapwnguin: Canonical is being asked to point our subdomain to your hardware21:26
bodhizazenand you will need to bring your concerns to the group and abide by a group decision21:26
bodhizazenjust liek everyone else21:26
dindapwnguin: how can we do that when the project has plans to let those who want charge fees for their materials?21:26
doctormoAs I will, I could leave and let you win with this rediculousness, but I think you've proven how unfit you are at following the leaders code of conduct.21:26
pwnguindinda: well, its not my hardware (didn't bohdi buy it), but whatever.21:26
bodhizazendinda: please do not take this incident out of content21:27
dindadoctormo: that's pretty harsh, don't see any of this as a COC issue21:27
bodhizazenthis project is not going in that direction21:27
bodhizazendoctormo: I think I have been quite respectful to you21:28
pwnguindinda: i dont understand; im not asking to charge money for courseware run on uclp21:28
dindapwnguin: then that's fine, the project can continue under its current domain, sys admin setup but I doubt if Canonical will then approve pointing learn.ubuntu.com to that site21:28
bodhizazenplease do not call my concerns a witch hunt21:28
doctormobodhizazen: I would disagree, the level of intimidation I feel from you is very high21:28
dindapwnguin: that is what doctormo is possibly proposing21:28
dindathe NC in the licensing prohibits that but he doesn't want that in the licensing21:29
bodhizazenPerhaps that is because you do not wish to abide by group decisions ?21:29
pwnguinand i agree with him21:29
pwnguinNC is a major pita21:29
doctormodinda: We can't really tal about the licensing issues until we've gotten this personal issue out of the way21:29
pwnguinregardless of whether or not learn.ubuntu charges money, NC is still a pita21:29
bodhizazendoctormo: as I have said21:29
doctormobodhizazen: I will need you to cite that please.21:30
bodhizazenplease bring your concerns to the group for discussion21:30
dindapwnguin: could be but as I said, if you are asking Canonical to point our subdomain to a potentially competing site with our own partners, then that's a major problem21:30
bodhizazendinda: I appreciate what you are saying21:31
pwnguindinda: a problem for who?21:31
dindapwnguin: for Canonical21:31
bodhizazenI do not believe either pwnguin or doctormo speaks for the group on this issue21:31
dindawe have agreements with existing training partners21:31
bodhizazenI believe this issue is one of personal politics for both of them21:32
doctormoMan, this is ugly21:32
doctormobodhizazen: Your personal agenda is showing.21:32
dindapwnguin: i'm trying to think of another area of "community" support/irc/forums/etc where a community project wants to charge fees21:32
pwnguinyou can't?21:33
pwnguini can21:33
dindaI can go on the forums or IRC and get free support, or I can buy support from Canonical21:33
doctormoLoCo, schools, community organisations, Canonical,21:33
dindaif the ubuntu website lists someone in the marketplace or partner place, it's b/c they have a relationship with Canonical21:34
dindawe don't point to individuals who offer commercial support, only our partners on our sites21:35
pwnguinlets say i place courseware on learn.ubuntu.com21:35
pwnguinand i run moodle on a personal server that also has the courseware21:35
pwnguindoes it really matter whether learn.ubuntu.com is NC or not?21:36
pwnguini own the copyright, i can publish it and use as i see fit21:37
dindanot if the learn.ubuntu.com site is under an NC license you can't21:37
doctormodinda: I don't believe that's true.21:38
pwnguinunless you're requiring copyright assignment, that's probably an incorrect statement21:38
dindapwnguin: then why even put anyting on the learn.ubuntu.com site if your aims are commercial anyways?21:39
dindajust develop your own site - plenty of others have21:40
pwnguindinda: because collaboration is nice21:40
bodhizazen+1 dinda21:40
dindapwnguin: you can collaborate under an NC license as well as other21:41
bodhizazencollaboration means abiding by group consensus, not mandating how the group will function21:42
doctormodinda: Not if your being paid to do it, and any dervivitive works will be, tricky.21:42
pwnguini have seen zero consensus21:42
dindaanwyways all, i have a printing and shipping deadline so I have to meet so I have to run21:42
pwnguini have seen some mandates from canonical21:42
doctormoThanks dinda, we should talk more21:42
pwnguin(as expressed by dinda)21:42
doctormopleia2: when's the next meeting? this comming sunday?21:42
dindapwnguin: only b/c the project is asking us to point to their site21:42
pleia2doctormo: monday21:43
pwnguinbut i haven't seen anything approximating consensus21:43
doctormopleia2: thanks21:43
dindapwnguin: as i said anyone can run their own servers/projects21:43
dindalater folks!21:43
pleia2later dinda :)21:43
pwnguinyou can have free unpaid self paced courses (is that not the goal of learn.ubuntu.com?)21:44
bodhizazenpwnguin: that is why you and doctormo should not speak to dinda as if there is a consensus or that you speak for the group21:44
pwnguindid I?21:44
doctormobodhizazen: Nor can you though21:44
bodhizazenno, and I appreciate that21:44
bodhizazendid I doctormo ?21:44
doctormo[16:27] <bodhizazen> this project is not going in that direction21:44
pwnguinbodhizazen: i did see you declare what the consensus wasn't21:44
pwnguinif the learning-project is unpaid and self-paced, i don't see a problem with copying it to a self-hosted site and running courses with instructors behind it21:46
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bodhizazenWell, not to be rude, since the project is running on my server I think I have some say21:55
pwnguini guess21:55
pwnguinwhat's your say?21:55
bodhizazenSuch is the privilege of running one's own server21:55
bodhizazenAs I have indicated21:55
bodhizazenI would like to see less personal politics here21:55
bodhizazenissues need to be discussed and agreed on, like adults21:56
pwnguinthen name a license and see what's left21:56
bodhizazenWhen the team is ready to do so I presume that is what will happen21:56
bodhizazenIf you can not agree to that perhaps best to leave now21:56
pwnguini can't agree to terms i haven't seen21:57
pwnguinand who constitutes the team?21:57
bodhizazenI did not ask you to do so21:57
bodhizazenI am asking you to work with the team and abide by team decisions21:57
bodhizazenI do not think we have gotten as far as to have an official list of team members or determine how one joins the team21:58
bodhizazenIt has not come up as of yet21:58
bodhizazenand this project is still young21:58
bodhizazenAs of right now we have 5 "project board members"22:00
bodhizazenlisted here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning22:00
bodhizazenI presume the 5 will listen to concerns and opinions on issues, such as licensing22:00
bodhizazenand make a decision22:00
bodhizazenIt that general process is too nebulous, well we can work on better structure and management then22:01
bodhizazenThe point is , we do have a process to function as a team22:02
bodhizazenOne of the goals of this project is in fact to work with Canonical22:02
bodhizazenAs well as other teams, such as the MOTU and Wiki teams to name a few22:03
pwnguinof course22:03
bodhizazenSo it is not appreciated when you (not you, the proverbial you, ie anyone) disrupts our good relations with the community , including dlinda22:04
bodhizazenThis project has worked very hard to establish good relations with other groups / teams in the community, as well as Canonical22:05
pwnguini don't know exactly is on the table22:06
bodhizazenWhat are you asking ?22:07
pwnguinbut if a unilateral "CC-BY-SA-NC" mandate is on there, I'm not convinced the Community Council will be enthusiastic22:07
pwnguini know a noncommercial clause is killer in MOTU22:07
bodhizazenAt the moment, licensing is up for discussion22:07
bodhizazenIt may be that some projects have different licenses , I really do not know how it will turn out22:08
bodhizazenIt may be we can not please everyone and we will need to decide what to include / exclude22:08
pwnguinalright. well, without concrete proposals, there's really no point talking in circles22:09
bodhizazenI agree, no point in talking in circles22:09
bodhizazenbut, there is a point22:09
bodhizazenand it is important22:09
bodhizazenthe point is, we function as a group22:09
pwnguina group of what?22:10
pwnguinemployees, or volunteers?22:10
bodhizazenwe are all volunteers22:10
bodhizazenthere are no employees on this team22:10
bodhizazenor at least this team does not employee anyone22:10
pwnguinwell don't expect volunteers to be on board with something they emphatically don't like then22:10
bodhizazenNo I do not22:10
bodhizazenand as such you are free to leave :)22:11
bodhizazenyou are free to assist and discuss topics on this channel22:11
pwnguinthat's not the general impression i got from the discussion between you and doctormo, but fine22:12
bodhizazenWell doctormo is pushing his own agenda22:12
bodhizazenand that is different22:12
bodhizazenI expect doctormo to participate and abide by team decisions22:13
bodhizazenand I do not appreciate when he presents personal opinions as defacto decisions of this team or project22:14
pwnguinwell, time to pay attention to work again22:16
doctormoI have the sinking feeling that this team is owned by bodhizazen and what ever he doesn't like will not stick.22:21
doctormoThis isn't good, he's pushing his own agenda and at the same time calling me out on mine.22:21
doctormoI feel like crap and this conflict has killed my day, I feel threatened, intimidated and not very welcome.22:22
pwnguinthe channel's still logged22:35
bodhizazenIt appears I lost mibbit :(22:40
pwnguinsome background information on NC (albeit from a biased source)22:42
pwnguinfrankly, im still confused about the viability of courseware under CC at all22:49
pwnguinif your courseware includes a quiz or exam, are you required to give students the exact answers upon request, before the exam?22:51
doctormopwnguin: A very interesting point22:52
pwnguini brought this up at the openweek i think22:52
doctormoAlthough surely that points to a problem with the idea of exams? I mean we want to promote collaberation and such and the kinds of tests I give my students are practicals22:53
pwnguinand does a university qualify as noncommercial?22:53
doctormopwnguin: I don't believe so22:53
pwnguinwhat about a state run university?22:53
doctormopwnguin: Commercial is not very well defined, that's one of the problems.23:00
bodhizazenI think one of the problems we have is that everyone has a strong opinion regarding the issue :)23:02
Vantraxeveryone must watch that:P23:02
bodhizazenif we can not resolve it or it is beyond this team we may need to discuss it with canonical and the CC23:02
Vantraxwhoha... whats going on?23:02
Vantraxokies doctormo and bodhizazen we need to clean this up now.23:10
VantraxIve read enough of the logs to get and idea of what happened23:10
bodhizazenI am open to suggestions23:11
Vantraxive seen improvement in some things doctormo from the argument yesterday which is good, but there is a ways to go in how you express your opinions. You can have an opinion, but you must be flexible. Bodhi you arent that different, just at the other end of the spectrum. It is why you are both so valuable to the project.23:12
bodhizazenMy concern is not with doctormo ' s opinions23:13
bodhizazenmy concern is that he is expressing his opinion as if the team is in full support of his position23:13
VantraxAs far as licensing goes im starting to get sick of the argument. We are going to be going CC-BY-SA for all content we produce interally. HOWEVER we will be using content that is CC-BY-NC-SA where neccesary, specifically in regards to the Desktop Training materials and the how to moodle course23:14
bodhizazenand that is causing problems with our relations with other teams or groups such as canonical23:14
bodhizazenIf that has been decided, I think that needs to be clear with doctormo23:14
Vantraxhe has a point there doctormo, you do tend to use collective terms a little too much but your input is valuable if you make sure to show its your personal opinion23:15
bodhizazenbecause that is not what doctormo has been telling people23:15
Vantraxbodhizazen: we did agree that where at all possible we would not use NC work, and ask for permission to relicence before putting it up.23:15
VantraxHOWEVER we did agree that this is not always a possiblility and to be rational and accept what we are given23:16
bodhizazenHas that been discussed with canonical ?23:16
doctormoI tried to be specific with my claims, there was group agreement at a meeting to use CC-BY-SA and at the same meeting I accepted that NC works from two sources had been allowed in because of their imense value to the project.23:16
Vantraxcorrect doctormo23:17
Vantraxbodhizazen: no it has not, we have to formalize it with a project board meeting23:17
VantraxI was waiting till after people had a chance to think on it and agree before moving forward with that arrangement.23:18
bodhizazenWell, we need to work with other teams on this23:18
bodhizazenespecially if the issue is going to be this contentious23:18
VantraxAlso bodhizazen you do need to be aware that this team is not UBT, and is not run or owned by UBT. You do tend to default to that position and other people have noticed it.23:19
VantraxJust something to be aware of.23:19
VantraxUbuntu Beginners Team23:19
doctormobodhizazen: I do not believe Canonical are actually willing peers on this project, they are working with us, but I fear that there may be a tendancy to pander to their business requirements to the detriment of both the project and to Canonical in the end.23:20
VantraxAfter we agree on this approach to try and keep as much of the materials as CC-BY-SA as possible we will ask for comment from each of the representatives listed23:20
Vantraxdoctormo: canonical have been incredably supportive on this.23:21
Vantraxthey have not tried to influence us in any way23:21
doctormoVantrax: Then I'm wrong23:21
Vantraxmark has emailed me on more than one occasion to say how pleased he is that we are doing this23:21
VantraxNow ive noticed that at one point doctormo seemed to be implying he was going to sell or profit from the project23:22
bodhizazendoctormo: I am deeply concerned you are damaging our relations with canonical23:22
Vantraxim not sure if i read that right, can you comment on that mo?23:22
doctormoVantrax: I don't intend to make a profit from the project.23:22
doctormoI don't intend to charge for any part of my or anyone elses participation23:23
Vantraxok, just for the record no one will ever make a profit from the work we do here.23:23
bodhizazenThat was not the impression you gave to me or dlinda doctormo23:23
VantraxBY-NC-SA someone else can take the work and make a profit.23:23
VantraxWe will not23:23
Vantraxprobably should watch my wordign23:24
VantraxThis team will never make a profit from this.23:24
doctormoCC-BY-SA you mean?23:24
pwnguinyes, you should probably watch the wording :)23:24
Vantrax>.< my bad, sorry guys23:24
VantraxThe one type of finacial support I would not object to is donations to help with the cost of bandwidth, and to possibly one day repay bodhi for buying a server for the project.23:25
Vantraxthat is as far as i would think to go in that area.23:26
doctormoVantrax: which would be in violation of NC, so we can't23:26
pwnguini think i'd request legal council before making that claim, or refuting it23:26
Vantraxahh doctormo that doesnt violate NC23:27
doctormopwnguin: Best to consult with greg-g I agree, but I've seen cases of even support adverts been taken down because of that reason. It could be misguidence.23:27
pwnguingreg-g isn't legal council23:27
doctormopwnguin: No but he is experenced23:27
Vantraxgreg-g has done alot of work with CC before23:28
doctormoVantrax: He works for the Creative Commons AFAIK23:28
Vantraxyeah, that was my understanding too23:28
pwnguinand the first thing i imagine he'll tell you is, "IANAL" :)23:28
Vantraxanyway, that is something to be worked out later by the board. but that is as far as I would consider going, if it is possible23:29
doctormoYes, unemployed programmers do not as a rule have access to lawyers pwnguin. ;-)23:29
pwnguinhere's a scenario to consider23:29
pwnguinubuntu-learning is wildly successful; material is posted and available23:29
pwnguintons of people use it23:29
VantraxI like this so far23:30
pwnguinfar more than there are people to answer questions23:30
pwnguinhow does ubuntu-learning feel about paid tutoring?23:30
Vantraxas this project no, if canonical decided to do so as a community service thats another story23:31
pwnguinwhat i mean is23:31
VantraxThis is a community volunteer service, ususally a natural equilibrium is reached23:32
pwnguinstudents hiring tutors23:32
Vantraxthat is ok, but not as part of this team.23:32
Vantraximo that would be a good thing, but we do not need the responsibility for it23:33
pwnguinhow is that line drawn? do you have to quit to participate in making courses or becoming a board member?23:33
Vantraxthe materials are free, people can use them for that purpose, we can even advertise that there is an external service available23:33
VantraxI would say no, unless there is a conflict of interest23:33
pwnguinso "not as part of this team" you mean it's not an obligation or official23:34
Vantraxthen again, i am one of 5, the others can disagree and overrule me23:34
Vantraximo as long as it is done outside of the project, it can be acknowladged and advertised as an external service.23:35
doctormoVantrax: Canonical would not be able to use our materials23:35
pwnguinwhat materials?23:35
pwnguinoh right23:35
doctormopwnguin: Any derivitive or new works23:35
pwnguini guess their position is they'll renegotiate if they want to go commercial23:36
pwnguinsince they have some stake in the original23:36
Vantraxthat is correct, but I do not belive they will want to.23:36
VantraxIf anything our training will create interest in the official training23:36
doctormoI hope so23:36
Vantraxthat was one of the suggested long term goals for this project23:36
doctormoVantrax: you should bring that up at the meeting, I would vote against it unless Canonical are going to pay us.23:37
Vantraxhow does that work doctormo, we dont supply content for them, we have no official relationship23:38
Vantraxhowever, we also do not provide certification23:38
Vantraxthey do, so if someone does the training and wants certification they do the canonical training23:38
doctormoVantrax: We do if one of our goals is to help them in their commercial endevours, I don't mind linking in, but as an offical goal?23:38
doctormoAnyway, I gotta go and teach my physical class, funny enough :-D23:41
doctormoI think what we do here is valuable and I would rather see us serving the Ubuntu community before we start serving Canonical's business interests. they may not always be the same thing.23:42
Vantrax|Workthat was fun...23:42
Vantrax|Workthat will definately need to be discused at the meeting23:42
pwnguinyou're back!23:43
Vantrax|Workso, valid point, but needs to be expressed better:P23:44
pwnguini think people have an expectation that simply isn't true23:45
pwnguinpeople expect Canonical to be a commercial enterprise and Ubuntu to be some non-profit wing23:45
pwnguinthe Ubuntu Foundation really didn't help that23:46
Vantrax|Workthere will always be a synergy between the two and both are importaint23:47
pwnguinthere aren't two23:47
pwnguinthere's one23:47
pwnguinthe Ubuntu Foundation is a life insurance policy contract sitting in safety deposit box23:47
Vantrax|Worki was referring to canonical and ubuntu23:48
Vantrax|Workthe foundation is kinda set aside there23:48
pwnguinin some sense, canonical owns ubuntu. they own the trademark, they own the domain, they dominate the TB and CC. people expect that these things are more seperate than they are23:50
Vantrax|Workthat is true, and has caused problems recently23:51
bodhizazenI do not expect them to be separate :)23:51
pwnguinanother example comes to mind: artwork23:51
bodhizazendoctormo: poke :)23:52
bodhizazenis doctormo still here ?23:52
pwnguinhe went to teach a class23:52
bodhizazenthat is what I thought23:52
bodhizazenpwnguin: I do not know if we formally met23:52
bodhizazenand I always assume people know who I am23:53
pwnguinbodhizazen: you gave me an account on the test server23:53
Vantrax|Worknots not like your an unknown in the community23:53
bodhizazenI believe I have seen your nick, but I do not recall the detalis23:53
bodhizazenwould you mind telling me of your background or do you have a wiki page ?23:53
pwnguinprobably old23:54
pwnguinright now i work for a college in town23:55
bodhizazenthank you23:55
bodhizazenI will apologize to doctormo when I see him next23:55
bodhizazenbut I will apologize to you now23:55
bodhizazenI would like to be clear about my motives23:56
bodhizazenI do view this as "my project" as I have been working twords it for some time now23:56
bodhizazenso I feel possessive at times23:56
bodhizazenwith that said, this is a young project and I do not want to see it fail23:57
pwnguin"you'd be surprised how far you can go as long as you don't care who gets credit for it"23:57
bodhizazenIt is not my nature to do so23:58
bodhizazenas many who know me will tell you23:58
bodhizazenThis project is going through growing pains and has grown very very fast23:59

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