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BslBryanHello, everyone.10:55
BslBryanI hope everyone's doing all right this 10:00 UTC.10:57
* persia peers about10:58
czajkowskipersia: morning10:58
persiaczajkowski, Good evening10:59
persiaelky, lifeless, TheMuso: All about?11:00
TheMusopersia: Since I just joined the channel, and since I am never in here when I don't have to be...11:01
lifelesspersia: lifeless: will highlight for me. lifeless, won't.11:01
elkylifeless, o hai thar11:01
persiaExcellent.  That provides not only clear quorum, but record of quirum.11:01
lifelessI hear there is a meeting robot here.11:02
persialifeless, nifty.  Is that specifically to get around the limits of my IRC client :)11:02
persiaWho wants to chair, as amachu can't make it?11:02
lifelesspersia does11:03
lifelesspersia: its so that regular use of lifeless doesn't hightlight.11:03
TheMusoI would if I didn't have my head full of stuff that I need to dump to a file after the meeting.11:03
* persia thinks there isn't a meeting robot around11:03
persiaAnyway: agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania11:04
TheMusoOnly one person to review.11:04
persiaFirst up: Bryan Basil11:04
elkyyay, quick meeting11:04
persiaBslBryan, Could you introduce yourself?11:04
* persia sees two applicants11:04
elkythat's still quick meeting. yay11:04
BslBryanHello, everyone.  :-)  My name is Bryan Basil, and I believe that the best page to introduce me is my wiki page.11:04
BslBryanIt details much of the contributions I have made to the Ubuntu community11:05
BslBryanas well as linking to all of them.11:05
BslBryan...Or most of them anyway. :P11:05
BslBryanI have been left testimonials by ubuntu forums staff, as well as the LoCo president for US-GA.11:06
BslBryanAnd other people who have felt the need to leave a message.11:06
BslBryanI have really only been active online for a couple of months,11:06
BslBryanbut my contributions thus far speak louder than words,11:06
BslBryanso, please, click around. :-)11:07
TheMusoBslBryan: Is there anybody here to speak about your work in the community/cheer lead for you? :)11:08
BslBryanUnfortunately, since it is 6 AM on a Tuesday here that no one could make it.11:08
persiaBslBryan, What brings you to this board?  It must be an awkward hour for you there.11:08
BslBryanI saw that the American board had many applicants,11:09
BslBryanand still a meeting was TBD.11:09
BslBryanI figured it would be easier for all ubuntu members11:09
BslBryanif I just made a meeting a little shorter11:09
BslBryanwhile making one a little longer.11:09
BslBryanIf it would make things easier,11:09
TheMusoThats dedication for ya. :)11:09
BslBryanThanks. :-)11:09
persiaBslBryan, Can you talk in a bit more detail about your work with the Marketing team?11:10
BslBryanI would like to first say that the reason that I did not speak much about it in my wiki page is because I am afraid that, to the community, my contributions in that team are all ideas.11:11
BslBryanI have, of course, spoken about Ubuntu to friends to switch them, but that team is more than that.11:11
BslBryanMy work in the marketing team will concentrate entirely on advocacy to new users.11:11
BslBryanAnd, as I mention in my plans for the future,11:12
BslBryanI will most likely speak to the IT department at University11:12
elkyso you've contributed these ideas somewhere like irc or mailing list?11:12
BslBryanto make Linux more widely used.11:12
BslBryanThis is correct.11:12
BslBryanI also plan on starting a university Ubuntu team,11:13
BslBryanseeing as several people on campus do use Ubuntu.11:13
BslBryanI would like to add, though, that I have not posted anything to their mailing list.11:13
BslBryanIdeas are just ideas, and I wanted to go11:14
BslBryana little bit further with my plans to implement them before throwing them around to anyone else.11:14
BslBryanSoon, however.11:14
elkyBslBryan, i'm confused. have you contributed to the marketing team, or just joined the team on launchpad?11:15
BslBryanelky, I certainly have contributed to it,11:16
BslBryanbut not directly.11:16
BslBryanI'm sure that sounds bad,11:16
elkywhat did you contribute?11:16
BslBryanbut let me explain.11:16
BslBryanI joined the Ubuntu marketing team because it explains what I have already done11:17
BslBryanfor Ubuntu11:17
BslBryanas well as what I will do.11:17
BslBryanConsidering I am a public speaker,11:17
BslBryanand a visual artist,11:17
BslBryanI found that many of the activities11:17
BslBryandone in the team is what I do today.11:17
BslBryanAll I have yet to do is show my ideas to the team.11:17
BslBryanAs well as repeat things I have already done.11:18
BslBryanSince that is sort of lame... :P11:18
BslBryanOr, sounding anyway,11:18
BslBryanI did not mention it much in my wiki.11:18
BslBryanI wanted to wait,11:18
BslBryanuntil my contribution to that team11:18
BslBryanwas a little more pronounced.11:18
BslBryanBut I truly believe that I am a member11:18
BslBryanof that team.11:18
persiaBslBryan, Just to make sure, Your current and planned future activities are part of the scope of the Marketing team, and you are a member of that team, but you have yet to do much interaction with other members of that team?11:20
lifelessWho of the people testifiying are members, do we know?11:20
persiaOnly Hellow11:20
BslBryanpersie, yes.11:20
persia(or at least as far as I could tell from hunting)11:20
BslBryanJon Reagan11:20
BslBryanis up for11:20
BslBryanmembership at the America meeting, but he11:21
BslBryanis the US-Georgia LoCo president,11:21
BslBryanand has been for 2 years (I believe.)11:21
BslBryanAlso, wieman is ubuntu forums staff.11:21
BslBryanAnd Therion has made substantial contributions in the area11:21
BslBryanof support.11:21
BslBryanI am certain he has a better chance of membership11:21
BslBryanthan I do.11:22
elkyi'm not convinced. 0 from me.11:22
BslBryanmay I say something?11:22
BslBryanMembership of the Ubuntu community means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community. Contributions in all areas are welcome, from support to advocacy, from programming to artwork and documentation, from LoCoTeams activities to core packaging.11:23
BslBryanAlso, read the requirements.11:23
elkyyes, and i'm not convinced that your contribution is significant.11:23
BslBryanI trust your decision, but11:23
BslBryanhave you seen my artwork?11:23
BslBryanMy tutorials?11:23
BslBryanRead the one on merging partitions.11:23
BslBryanIt took me hours.11:23
BslBryanI have 7000 in karma11:23
BslBryanfrom launchpad11:24
BslBryanfrom Spanish translations11:24
BslBryanand questions.11:24
BslBryanI have only been active for a little over 2 months11:24
BslBryan(which is the requirement)11:24
BslBryanand I believe I have11:24
BslBryanreally done a lot for that time.11:24
BslBryanI have dedicated so much time and effort to Ubuntu.11:24
BslBryanAnd I promise that will not stop.11:24
persiaBslBryan, It's best not to argue the decisions of board members: you may end up hardening opinions.11:24
BslBryanAh, sorry, that. :-)11:25
persiaBslBryan, In the worst case, if you're not approved today, you'll be asked to come back in a few weeks.11:25
BslBryanOkay. :-)  I am still hoping, however.11:25
persiaBslBryan, So, you've written a bunch of HowTos.  Have you thought about joining the documentation team?11:25
BslBryanHmm.  Perhaps.  I suppose I haven't thought about it much.11:26
BslBryanMay I move this topic to my artwork temporarily?11:27
lifelessI'm +0.5 because: you've been very active. Very! And this has a tendency to be a flare kindof thing.11:28
persiaI'm on the fence, and give +0.5.  Work on answers and in the beginner forums is *great*.  Partitipation with the art team is to be commended.  With a couple more member testimonials, some live fans, or documented work with the doc team or marketing team, I'd be +1.11:28
lifelessyou're doing great things. I'd like to see more follow through on teamwork with docs or marketing.11:28
BslBryanThanks, persia. :-)11:28
BslBryanLifeless. :-)11:28
TheMusoI am +0.5 as well. I feel you are spreading yourself a bit too thin. I think you should focus on one area and push hard to do lots of work in that area.11:28
TheMusoYou will feel better knowing you are giving your best to your favourite part of the Ubuntu community.11:29
BslBryanYou're probably right.11:29
BslBryanThanks, everyone. :-)11:29
BslBryanTheMuso, would you suggest leaving my name on the American board?11:29
persiaBslBryan, You're doing great, but probably just need a bit more time and coordination.  When you feel you've addressed the comments above, please apply again to any of the RMBs, and I'm sure you'll be approved.11:30
BslBryanDo you believe, personally, that I would be ready11:30
BslBryanby that time?11:30
lifelessby what time11:30
BslBryanThat's the point.  The next meeting is still11:30
TheMusoBslBryan: I can't really answer that, since it  comes down to when you can make their meetings. They may also look to see what our vote was, and decide based on that.11:30
lifeless you said the us tz board meeting was TBD11:30
BslBryanso, it would probably be at least another couple of weeks.11:30
* persia thinks it's better to take one's name down, and put it back up later, as the board will see this as active management of membership intention, rather than apathy.11:31
BslBryanNice status, persia. :-)11:31
BslBryanOkay, then. Will do.11:31
persiaBslBryan, But don't expect a different set of questions or concerns from a different board.  We all read each other's meeting logs.11:31
BslBryanNo, of course.11:31
persiaNext up is Scott Evans11:32
persiaVK7HSE-Eee, Could you introduce yourself (again).11:32
VK7HSE-EeeHi, my name is Scott Evans, I first applied for Ubuntu Membership three months ago but I didn't have sufficient credentials to meet the requirements, I'm hoping that I do now, I'm actively involved as a moderator for the Ubuntu-au Mailing list. I've just recently introduced two friends to ubuntu although this is only a small contribution, I believe it is a start! If we all managed just one person each think of the11:32
VK7HSE-Eeedid all that text go through?11:32
Hobbseeeach think of the11:32
Hobbseehm, purple cuts off text.11:32
VK7HSE-Eeewhere did it get cut off?11:33
TheMusoHobbsee: same cut off here.11:33
VK7HSE-Eee sorry for this11:33
Hobbsee"each think of the" was the last text seen11:33
VK7HSE-EeeI believe it is a start! If we all managed just one person each think of the numbers! I only have a small circle of friends and I have mention Ubuntu to those that I feel would either be interested or keen to give something new to try... (sorry the cat is of my lap! sorry if typing is slow)11:34
ToyKeeper... IRC has a maximum line length of about 400 letters.11:34
VK7HSE-Eeewish pidgin recognised that I'm sorry...11:34
ToyKeeperSorry to interrupt.  :)11:35
lifelesspersia: we do?11:35
persialifeless, At least someone from each board admitted to doing so at the RMB review two weeks back.11:36
VK7HSE-EeeI have plenty of time that I can dedicate  to the ubuntu-au loco as I'm currently not working (due to past illness)11:37
TheMusoI can't remember what your wiki page looked like last time, but I don't see any testimonials.11:38
lifelesshmm, I should probably join the ubuntu-au list11:38
TheMusoVK7HSE-Eee: Have you done any packaging work with the MOTU community yet?11:38
VK7HSE-EeeI have yet to find someone to speak on my behalf...11:39
lifelesshow busy is the list/11:39
VK7HSE-Eeenot yey no.. only or theMe TV project...11:39
lifelessyou say you moderate it - is that 10s/100s/.../ of mails a day that need your time?11:39
VK7HSE-Eeethe ubuntu-au list see's more spam than active users, but11:40
VK7HSE-Eeeplus I'm not the sole moderator,11:40
VK7HSE-Eeebut as I'm regularly close to the PC I respond to the requests quickly....11:41
lifelessyou've been doing this solidly for three months?11:43
VK7HSE-EeeI realise that I may be recommended to pursue MOTU, but I've not made a firm decision on that just yet...11:43
VK7HSE-Eeeyes, since I was approved by elky11:43
lifelessso, I'm +0.5. Sustained contribution, but not significant.11:44
VK7HSE-Eeewhich was late march from memory.11:44
TheMusoAgreed with lifeless, +0.511:44
VK7HSE-Eeewell that better than my last application!11:44
persiaI'm +0 still, but for the same reasons (not significant yet).11:45
lifelessVK7HSE-Eee: I suggest either diving deep into community or into tech11:46
elkyi'm +0 too. i'm not seeing a significant change from last time.11:46
persiaYou can dive deeper into both, but it will take longer.11:46
VK7HSE-EeeOk well I thank you all for your time... I'll re asses and reconsider future applications...11:47
lifelessVK7HSE-Eee: to be blunt, 16 bug reports touched, moderating a single list and getting two people involved is not that significant.11:47
VK7HSE-Eeelifeless: That's one POV from many... ;)11:48
elkyVK7HSE-Eee, come and see me before you put your name down next time, please.11:48
VK7HSE-Eeeelky: ok...11:48
persiaVK7HSE-Eee, We truly would like to see you on the team, we just need more stuff.  Since your last application you've taken on moderation of a mailing list, and expanded your beta testing a bit.  That gets you from consensus -1 to consensus +0.25.  You just have a bit farther to go.11:48
VK7HSE-Eeepersia: that's fine, this for me is part of the experience, to learn and evolve...11:49
lifelessVK7HSE-Eee: We look for 2 key things: doing stuff long term, and doing 'significant' contributions, which is admittedly vague. And yes, my POV is one of many...11:49
lifelessVK7HSE-Eee: but 'many' in this case is '4'.11:50
lifelessVK7HSE-Eee: Like persia, I'd like to see you graduate to full member.11:50
VK7HSE-Eeewell that's concluded... once again I thank you for your time...11:50
persiaVK7HSE-Eee, Good luck with your progress.  We'll see you back (after checking with elky) in September or so.11:51
persiaAnd that concludes our listed agenda items.11:51
persiaAnyone have anything else to raise?11:51
lifelessnothing specific11:51
persiaelky, TheMuso If you have time to respond to the outstanding ML thread regarding the nomination, that would be great.11:53
TheMusoI'll see what I can do about that either later tonight or tomorrow.11:53
persiaAlright then.  Meeting adjourned11:54
JosephWHolmesI'm here to support BslBryan.11:56
BslBryanYou're a little late. :-)11:56
JosephWHolmesWhat? Why?11:56
soren10:54:26 < persia> Alright then.  Meeting adjourned11:56
soren10:54:29 < persia> #endmeeting11:56
BslBryanThe meeting was an hour ago, and recently adjourned, as you see.11:57
persiaWell, and that BslBryan was first on the agenda.11:57
JosephWHolmesI'm sorry Bryan...11:57
BslBryanHaha, no worries. :-)  Next time.11:57
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mathiazgood day folks!16:01
mathiazlet's get the server team meeting started16:01
mathiazToday's crazy agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:02
mathiazWhat happened last week?? -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2009060216:02
mathiazttx: thanks for running the meeting last week16:02
ttxmathiaz: my pleasure16:03
mathiazttx: and preparing the minutes16:03
mathiazAny actions from last week meeting?16:03
mathiazI don't see any on the wiki page16:03
pace_t_zuludid i miss the bugsquad meeting?16:03
ttxmathiaz: did you review new members applications, if any ?16:04
ttxthat was an hidden implied action :)16:04
mathiazpace_t_zulu: it's in one hour according to http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar16:04
alex_muntadattx: sure he did, i'm in :-)16:05
mathiazttx: new members application for the server team in LP?16:05
ttxalex_muntada: heh, welcome :)16:05
ttxmathiaz: yes16:05
mathiazttx: yes - I went through most of the applicate yesterday16:05
pace_t_zulumathiaz: thanks... i need to figure out UTC ;)16:05
mathiazAs of today there are 173 members of the ubuntu-server team in LP16:06
mathiazpace_t_zulu: date -u will always give the UTC time16:06
mathiazAnything else from last week meeting?16:06
ttxmathiaz: nothing from me16:07
mathiazok - let's move on16:08
mathiaz[TOPIC] Merges16:08
mathiazso the development team is focusing on merging packages from debian16:08
mathiazThere are 104 outstanding merges in main16:08
mathiazand 196 outstanding merges in universe16:09
mathiazFor those of you that are interested in packageing and already have a bit of knowledge of packaging pick one package out of the list and work on a merge16:10
mathiazonce you've got something file a bug in LP and ask for sponsorship16:10
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mathiazI'll publish another list of packages that look easy to merge16:10
mathiaz[ACTION] mathiaz to update the list of easy-merges for the Server team16:11
mathiazIf you have any questions about the merge process or packaging in general, stop by #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-devel16:11
mathiazAny questions about Merges?16:11
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, related to that, would you be able to sponsor openvpn please? bug #37235816:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372358 in openvpn "Please merge openvpn 2.1~rc15-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37235816:12
mathiazRoAkSoAx: It's on my TODO list - I'll have a look at it16:12
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, cool thank you :)16:12
mathiazRoAkSoAx: sorry for not processing earlier - I was busy with UDS16:13
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, np :)16:13
alex_muntadamathiaz: i'll pick one from the list once it's been updated, it'll be my first merge16:14
mathiazalex_muntada: great - I'll publish it in the Roadmap wiki page16:14
alex_muntadayeah, I'm already subscribed ;-)16:14
mathiazIf there isn't anything else related to Merges, let's move on16:15
mathiaz[TOPIC] Karmic Alpha216:16
pace_t_zuluis there a city that is always in UTC?16:16
mathiazpace_t_zulu: no16:16
mathiazSo we're gearing up for the next milestone release16:16
mathiazalpha2 is scheduled for Thursday16:16
mathiazThe archive is still soft-frozen until then16:17
mathiazso hold on to your upload unless they fix a blocker for alpha216:17
mathiazThat also means iso testing will be required in the coming days16:17
mathiazas we're responsible for testing the ubuntu-server iso16:17
mathiaziso candidates will be posted to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ once ready16:18
mathiazso if you wanna help out testing the isos, subscribe to the Server amd64 and i386 test cases16:18
mathiazand you'll get automatically notified when new candidates are available for testing16:19
sorenpace_t_zulu: Reykjavik, Iceland.16:19
mathiazstop by #ubuntu-testing to follow what's going on16:19
mathiazTestcases for ubuntu-server isos are described on the testcase wiki:16:20
mathiazAny help in conducting the test cases and reporting results to the Iso tracker is welcome16:21
mathiazAny questions wrt to Alpha2 and/or the iso testing process?16:22
mathiaznope - let's move on16:24
mathiaz[TOPIC] Drafting specifications16:25
mathiazAccording to the KarmicReleaseSchedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule16:25
mathiazSpecifications should be finalized this week in time for FeatureDefinitionFreeze16:25
mathiazSo how is everyone doing wrt to their specification draft?16:26
sommer:-)... but mines pretty easy16:26
ttxmathiaz: it will be a busy week :)16:26
mathiazI've started to write down notes on the session I lead at UDS16:27
* soren is doing ok16:27
sorenThanks for asking :)16:27
mathiazsommer: Thanks for taking notes - they're precious while writting down things16:27
ttxsoren: that's because you're a born drafter.16:28
sommermathiaz: np16:28
sorenttx: Good one. I get it :)16:28
mathiazI've already written down some draft for the directory related sessions:16:28
mathiazAlthough they're not in a final state yet, feedback/comments on them is welcome :)16:29
mathiazAny questions on the specification draft process?16:31
mathiaznope - let's move on.16:32
mathiaz[TOPIC] Open discussion16:33
ttxmathiaz: is it where we discuss the "New members integration" topic ?16:33
mathiazttx: sure16:33
mathiazttx: open discussion is when there is nothing left on the agenda or on my topic to discuss list16:34
ttxmathiaz: well, that topic was on the agenda ;)16:34
mathiazttx: hm - you are right16:34
ttxLast week we had so many new heads around, I thought there was a need to explain the different areas of contribution16:34
mathiazI missread the Agenda16:35
ttxso taht newcomers could tell us where they think they would best fit16:35
mathiazttx: good idea16:35
ttxmathiaz: could you detail the different types of server team actions ?16:35
ttxor should I ?16:36
mathiazthe GettingInvolved page has a list of different roles:16:36
mathiazHelp on the mailing list and the IRC channel16:36
mathiazThe helpers answers questions on the ubuntu-server mailing list, the #ubuntu-server irc channel and the server forums.16:37
mathiazTriagers dig into bugs the ubuntu-server LP team is subscribed to.16:37
mathiazOur LP team is a bug contact for a list packages, such as samba, openldap, mysql or apache2.16:37
mathiazhe current list of packages can be found in Launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+packagebugs) and is growing every release.16:37
ttxhm, we lost like 75% of our new heads in one week :)16:37
mathiazOnce bugs have been triaged, it's time to fix them. This is when the packagers come into the game.16:38
mathiazThis role requires an interest in packaging.16:38
mathiazWe maintain a list of bugs that are easy to fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+mentoring16:38
mathiazFixes can make their way into the ubuntu repositories via the sponsorship process as described in the wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess16:38
mathiazDoing work on the packaging front leads to a close a collaboration with the MOTU team and is a great way to gain experience to become a MOTU - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU16:38
mathiazTesting is another way to take part of the Server Team activity. This role doesn't require a lot of deep technical knowledge.16:39
mathiazBrowsing the ubuntu-server mailing list archive, lurking in the #ubuntu-server irc channel or going through the forum posts shows patterns in user's questions.16:39
mathiazRecurring themes are identified and turned into documentation. A wiki page in the community section of help.ubuntu.com is first created. Once the quality has improved, a new section is added to the server guide.16:39
mathiazAll this work is undertaken by the Documentors of the Server Team.16:39
mathiazAdam Sommer (sommer) leads the update and review of the Ubuntu Server guide. The source document is maintained in a bzr tree. Helping Adam will introduce you to docbook and distributed versioning with bazaar.16:40
* sommer \o/16:40
mathiazSo these are the different roles one can take to get started with the Server team16:40
mathiazsupport, bug triage, packaging, documentation16:40
mathiazthere are other ways to get involved but these are the main ones.16:41
mathiazMost of the information related to the ServerTeam can be found in the ServerTeam wiki pages: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam.16:41
mathiazIf you're overwhelmed by all the available information and you're lost, come talk to me. You can find me in #ubuntu-server amongst other channels. I'll help get out of the mist and we'll find a way you can get involved in the Server Team.16:41
mathiazAny questions?16:42
ttxalex_muntada: is it clear ? do you see where you would best fit ?16:42
alex_muntadattx: I think I'll start with a bit of support, triaging and testing maybe packaging and documenting a bit later16:43
ttxalex_muntada: sounds great !16:43
alex_muntadathere's a lot of stuff to learn, I'll start slowly ;-)16:44
mathiazany other questions?16:44
RoAkSoAxI do have something to report: Regarding to the Ubuntu-HA team... Debian has already Heartbeat 2.99.3 in experimental. That is one of the packages we want in Ubuntu, along with pacemaker and openais. However it is not a good idea to sync it from Debian yet, right?  I've uploaded it to my PPA though, so that I can start doing some testing.16:45
mathiazbe it related to getting started or anything else *somehow* related to the Server team16:45
mathiazRoAkSoAx: which version is in unstable for now?16:45
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, same as the one in Ubuntu 2.1.416:46
mathiazRoAkSoAx: why the version in experimental should be pulled in instead of unstable?16:46
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, Heartbeat from 2.99.x and up now uses Pacemaker as the Cluster Resource Manager16:46
mathiazRoAkSoAx: is 2.99 stable according to upstream?16:47
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, and it's recommended by upstream to use Pacemaker from now on16:47
mathiazRoAkSoAx: or is it just a beta that in time will become 3.0 (as the versionning seems to suggest)16:47
mathiazRoAkSoAx: ?16:47
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, yes it will become 3.016:47
mathiazRoAkSoAx: so would you use 2.99 in a production environment?16:48
RoAkSoAxin the talk I had with horms, he pretty much told me that those packages where going to debian experimental for final testing.. and if they passed the tests, they were going to sid as stable16:48
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, they have also settled a debian-ha team to handle this packages16:49
mathiazRoAkSoAx: horms is the debian maintainer?16:49
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, yes16:49
mathiazRoAkSoAx: what's the timeline for getting 2.99 in unstable?16:50
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, I actually don't know yet. I'll talk to him about that... though he told me it was a big transition getting the code out of heartbeat and leave it in Pacemaker16:50
RoAkSoAxso they were requiring testing16:50
mathiazRoAkSoAx: ok - it seems that the version in ubuntu doesn't have any change16:52
mathiazRoAkSoAx: so if hearbeat hits unstable, it will be pulled in ubuntu automatically before DebianImportFreeze16:52
mathiaz(which happens end of June)16:53
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, stable debian version and ubuntu version are the same. the Cluster Resource Manager code has been removed from Heartbeat since 2.99.x , and it now uses Pacemaker as the CRM16:53
mathiazRoAkSoAx: right16:53
mathiazSo it seems that testing is what's required for now16:53
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, yes, and that's on my ToDo list :)16:54
mathiazRoAkSoAx: Have you uploaded the experimental package to a PPA?16:54
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, yes it is on my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~andreserl/+archive/ppa I'll start testing and provide a testing case and then call for help16:55
mathiazRoAkSoAx: seems like a good plan to me16:55
mathiazRoAkSoAx: using the ubuntu-ha team to call for testing and a blog post16:55
mathiazallright anything else before we wrap up?16:56
RoAkSoAxnot from me16:56
mathiaz[ACTION] RoAkSoAx to write a test case for heartbeat16:56
mathiaz[ACTION] RoAkSoAx to write a blog post for a call for testing heartbeat 2.99 from a PPA16:56
mathiaz[TOPIC] # Agree on next meeting date and time.16:57
mathiazNext week, same place, same time?16:57
mathiazall right then16:58
mathiazsee you all next week, same place, same time16:58
mathiazhappy iso testing16:58
mathiazand merges16:58
mathiaz... and specs...16:58
mathiazsee you all around16:59
sommercoolio, thanks mathiaz16:59
andresmujicahey ya!17:00
bcurtiswx-miniso, who runs these meetings? :P17:00
andresmujicalast time was me!17:00
* bcurtiswx-mini sits down then17:00
andresmujicaso if anyone steps up, i can try it for the second time17:01
BUGabundohey everyone.17:01
* BUGabundo waves17:01
bcurtiswx-mini\o/ whats that supposed to be17:01
andresmujicaok, let's start this17:01
BUGabundo1st time on this meeting so be gentle. thanks17:01
andresmujica(i supposed me waving :)17:01
bcurtiswx-minii got yelled at when i wasn't here last time :P17:01
* charlie-tca waves17:01
andresmujicaholly gosh, shouldn't the bot respond to startmeeting?17:02
bcurtiswx-miniidk, didn't for the server meeting17:02
pace_t_zulumootbot is MIA17:02
charlie-tcait should, but maybe it is broke again17:03
andresmujicaok, np. So this is our second meeting, and the proposed topic is at17:03
andresmujicaand the last minutes from the previous meeting are at17:03
andresmujicafirst my apologies for emailing too late the reminder to the ML.. it didn{ t make it into the the newsletter, but anyway we're here so let's start17:04
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andresmujica[TOPIC] UDS BugSquad related topics -- BugSquad UDS atteendes17:05
=== Android is now known as Tuhina
andresmujicaanyone of the attendes want to share some of the highlits from UDS related to bugsquad?17:06
=== Tuhina is now known as jussi01
* bcurtiswx-mini pokes maco17:06
bcurtiswx-miniwell i know maco went to UDS.. but i think shes @ work17:07
BUGabundoor school17:08
BUGabundoanyone else?17:08
bdmurrayThere were quite a few things I found interesting17:08
bdmurraymaking the greasemonkey triaging scripts into extensions and available in a PPA17:09
bdmurraya Bug Squad mentoring program17:09
bdmurrayan Ubuntu Reviewers team for patches attached to bug reports17:09
bdmurrayand some discussions about how to write apport package hooks and what packages to target17:10
bcurtiswx-minito the Bug Squad mentoring program... i think we mentor each other in the bugs channel pretty well17:10
bcurtiswx-minihow would a mentoring program be different?17:10
bdmurrayWe talked about making it a bit more structured to make it easier for people to find a mentor and to help people are who are shy.17:11
andresmujicabdmurray: this is the spec right? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/SpecialisationWithinBugcontrol17:11
bdmurrayandresmujica: that's right17:12
bdmurraypedro_: anything more to add on that?17:12
bcurtiswx-minii like the idea, i just ask a ton of questions :).  how can i help build the spec up.. i can come up with a few ideas17:13
pedro_well what bdmurray said is mostly why we started to do the mentoring program17:13
pedro_that's based on the experience of previous months/years17:13
pedro_we clearly need a more defined and structured way to start helping new triagers who want to be involved in the bugsquad17:14
pedro_doing triage, participating in our activities, meetings, decisions, etc17:14
bdmurraybcurtiswx-mini: we are still drafting the spec at this point in time17:14
pedro_the bugsquad is not just about doing triage and that's it, people need to get involved in the team as well17:14
bcurtiswx-minibdmurray: understood, i would love to help build this "program" up17:15
andresmujicai' ve got a doubt about bugsquad membership, it would be open for everyone or it was decided to ask for some prereq ?17:15
bdmurraybcurtiswx-mini: great! feel free to add any thoughts to the end of the Discussion section of the spec17:15
pedro_andresmujica: IIRC we agreed on having it now as a close team and the requirements for join there would be: sign the coc and read the how to triage guide17:17
bdmurrayI think we should talk about that a wee bit more, the 1st item is easy to verify the second hard.17:17
bcurtiswx-minisimilar to bug control... they e-mail the list answering pre-made questions about the triage guide ?17:18
andresmujicayeap, maybe some questions as bug-control application17:18
pedro_right, maybe we could ask a few easy questions related to that guide17:18
charlie-tcaAt least that would let them know the guides exist.17:19
bdmurrayI think that would add a lot overhead and might lean the other way17:19
bdmurrayverify coc is signed, approve and in approval notification send links to triaging documentation and mentoring program17:20
bcurtiswx-minibdmurray: ok, what about a "trial" period, like bug control17:20
bcurtiswx-miniafter 90 days ping a bug squad admin to update the membership17:21
bdmurraysounds good to me17:21
andresmujicaand check bugs triaged in that period17:21
bdmurrayI think that'd be part of the mentoring program17:22
andresmujicashould a new member must have a mentor?17:22
bdmurrayNo, I don't think so17:22
bcurtiswx-miniso , by request, a mentor?17:23
bdmurrayIf I understand correctly - new members could request a mentor yes17:24
bdmurrayBut it would not be required17:24
bcurtiswx-minii think it may be help to have bug squad newbies build up their wiki pages and review that upon 90 days are up17:24
bcurtiswx-miniput a couple triaged bugs in there?17:25
charlie-tcaWe make them do that to join bug-control, I would think to stay in bug-squad it should not be the same.17:26
bdmurrayReviewing the bug control applications takes a lot of time, but maybe we can make a streamlined simplified process for the Bug Squad17:26
bdmurraycharlie-tca: I agree17:27
andresmujicathe point is that bugsquad needs a lot of members that can do a good triage work, so with mentoring and some commitment to be members they can grow and get more involvement.17:27
bdmurrayAnyway, we can discuss this more in the spec / on the mailing list17:27
hggdhperhaps one way is to have mentors assigned to newbies17:27
hggdhb.g.o does something similar, at least with evo17:28
andresmujicathere were some more topics at uds that worth mentioning,  kernel bug handling, Desktop Bug workflow and Symptom based bug reporting17:28
micahgI think mentoring helped me get acclimated faster17:29
andresmujicaas the mentoring program is so new and it's a volunteer work, i believe we can let it move and it would reacht the point were new members can be assigned to a mentor..17:30
andresmujicaif needed..17:31
bdmurrayRight, I've some concern about the quantity of mentees versus mentors17:31
bcurtiswx-miniask for volunteers in the two ML's ?  its going to be difficult to coordinate best times to meet too.. since were from all around the world17:32
bcurtiswx-minii'd recommend assigning people from the same time zones.. or close time zones17:32
pedro_bcurtiswx-mini: that's the idea, yes17:33
hggdhthe issue is mentoring is a voluntary action, right now. We, er, mentor by answering questions on IRC. Perhaps stress IRC presence?17:33
andresmujicaok, as the time moves, i'd propose to discuss that remaining points in the ML, and as the spec is being drafted it surely can be greatly improved.17:34
pace_t_zuluhggdh: +117:34
andresmujicaabout the kernel bug handling, i believe it's important to note that a bug bankrupcy was discussed, as the high volume of kernel bugs (around 5000) is really hard to manage, and is not feasible to triage them all and solved17:35
BUGabundothat's what the kernel team gets for prefering to have all kernel bug filed in separate17:36
andresmujicaso the kernel team is discussing what should be the best path of action...17:36
micahgwell, I"m sure that at least 20% are from old kernels if not more17:37
hggdhso. What can we do about that?17:38
micahgI would suggest getting rid of any bug not touched before hardy was released17:38
bcurtiswx-minikernel hug day?17:38
micahgjust mark invalid17:39
andresmujicaprobably be aware of the issue and check the kernel bug policies page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies17:39
micahgin case someone has a real issue, they can reopend17:39
bdmurrayI'd rather people focus on kernel bugs coming in today, tomorrow, the next day, rather than the old crufty stuff17:39
charlie-tcamicahg: what would you do with dapper, which is still supported on servers for two years?17:39
pedro_bcurtiswx-mini: the team is organizing kernel hug  days almost every Tuesday since a few weeks ago: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/BugDay17:40
micahgcharlie-tca: it doesn't even show up in the versions provided17:40
pedro_in fact there's one today17:40
charlie-tcaThat makes it more wrong, then17:40
bcurtiswx-minipedro_: maybe have them announced on the bug squad list?17:40
bdmurraycharlie-tca: the dapper bugs are reported about linux-source-2.6.1517:41
ogasawaraunless a dapper bug is an omg kittens are dieing or a security fix it's likely Won't Fix17:41
charlie-tcabdmurray: my point was you can't just invalid a bug because it is before hardy. It could be valid against dapper17:42
ogasawaraand the kernel bug day announcement was sent to ubuntu-qa, ubuntu-bugcontrol, kernel-team, and ubuntu-bugsquad17:42
hggdhogasawara, then we *could* close these as wont fix, correct?17:42
ogasawarahggdh: in my opinion, yes17:42
hggdhOK. Anyone against?17:43
charlie-tcathanks for clearing that, ogasawara17:43
bdmurrayAgain I think closing old bugs is less useful than triaging new bugs17:43
andresmujicasome magic script can do it instead of us..17:43
ogasawaraas for closing old stale kernel bugs, I've got some scripts I'm going to run to clear them out17:43
hggdhbdmurray, I agree, but there's still the reporter needing some sort of ACK17:43
BUGabundohggdh: just one Q: how about those that remain past the old release, and are not identified as such ?17:44
micahgbdmurray: I agree also, but it can be mentally disheartening to see such a large number of bugs in a package and never seem to make decent headway17:44
hggdhBUGabundo, this is actually a question of quantity vs quality. There is only so much we can do17:44
BUGabundoI know17:45
bdmurrayTrue but it'd be better for the release as a whole if we worked with the "live" bug reports and work on getting those fixed17:45
hggdhand a nicely written automagic script can tell the reporter to reopen if needed17:45
BUGabundoI guess the closing message could/will ask the subscribers to reopen if they persist17:46
micahgindeed bdmurray, I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that17:46
hggdh+1. I understand ogasawara will run his magic on the old bugs17:46
micahgbtw, I just ran a search for dapper in the linux package and came up with 144 bugs17:47
hggdhogasawara, sorry. *her* magic.17:47
ogasawarahggdh: :)17:48
ogasawarafor those interested in helping triage, I recently updated the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies17:48
micahgOT - Just got a compliment on the apport-collect command from a user17:49
ogasawaranote the added importance of having bugs test with the mainline kernel build as well17:49
bcurtiswx-miniogasawara: is that in the "debugging proceedures" page?17:49
ogasawarabcurtiswx-mini: I'll have to check.  if not I'll add it.17:49
bdmurrayThe DebuggingProcedures page could use some reorganizing17:49
bcurtiswx-miniyeah, and additions17:50
bdmurraybcurtiswx-mini: additions as in links to existing pages or new pages added?17:50
andresmujicaanother interesting discussion held at UDS was the Symptom Based Bug Reporting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Karmic/SymptomBasedBugReporting, that would be an extension to apport hooks that would try to get some common information about the issue by asking questions to the reporter... mr pitti is working on that ...17:51
bdmurrayandresmujica: he blogged about it today or yesterday17:51
bcurtiswx-minibdmurray: well, idk of all the wiki pages we have on debugging this and that.  but the list seems small from the different amount of packages we have.. so if i don't find a debugging page, i resort to finding basic triage info.. and i am afraid its not enough for devs and to mark as triaged17:52
bdmurrayoh, that was the interactive hook17:52
andresmujicaohh, that's great!!    http://martinpitt.wordpress.com/2009/06/08/interrogation-with-apport-hooks-qt-developer-needed/17:53
andresmujicaso, we've got 5 more minutes...17:54
bcurtiswx-miniyay for going to the 2nd discussion topic :P, to which i have no info for anyways17:55
andresmujicaLP Improvements for triagers -- bcurtiswx17:55
bcurtiswx-minithat was more of a question, than a "i know this" thing17:56
bdmurraybcurtiswx-mini: well, we did have a meeting with the launchpad bugs team at UDS17:56
andresmujicathere were some talks about it at UDS... duplicate bug handling, related bugs, what else?17:56
bdmurraysome of the things we talked about were negated tag searching, bug nominations17:56
bcurtiswx-minibdmurray: about that greasemonkey made FF extension.. sounds like a great idea17:56
bdmurraysearching for bugs with bzr branches, displaying patches in bug listings17:57
bcurtiswx-miniwhat about running apport collect on all bugs reported against jaunty and karmic when reporters use the launchpad page to report17:57
bcurtiswx-miniis that possible?17:58
hggdhyou mean forcing code on the local machine?17:58
bdmurrayInstead we are trying to get people to just report bugs via ubuntu-bug / Report a Problem17:58
* hggdh apriori is against17:58
bdmurrayAdditionally with the symptom based bug reporting this will make much more sense17:58
bcurtiswx-minihggdh: not forcing, lol.. you'd ask first and get their permission through a form17:58
bdmurrayer, be much more beneficial17:58
andresmujicaok, time is rover...17:59
andresmujicaso, i' ll summarize to the mailing list..18:00
bcurtiswx-miniwell, bdmurray suggested using the ML more... maybe a good idea ;-) since we've got tons to talk about still18:00
andresmujicahope it was benefical to every one!18:00
andresmujicathanks for the assistance18:00
apwKernel Weekly Meeting18:01
* smb pops in18:01
* cking here18:01
apwAgenda for this weeks meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:01
apwroll call!18:01
charlie-tcaThanks, andresmujica, for chairing again18:01
* jjohansen here18:01
* ogasawara waves18:02
apwevening all18:02
apw[TOPIC] Open Action -- apw,smb,ogasawara arrange phone discussions on the bugs list18:02
ogasawaraapw: done18:02
apwwe had a concall on this subject, we are going to leverage some helpers to drive triage18:02
smbdone \o/18:02
apwand we have refocused the triage effort on getting the fixes from upstream to pushed18:02
apwupstream in general18:02
apwindeed :)18:02
apw[TOPIC] Open Action -- smb review the policy docs w.r.t. SRU and ensure they match the updated reality18:02
smbI updated the spec with my understanding of the agreed changes. If all agree I w18:02
smbould go forward and update the SRU on the wiki.18:02
apwhave you sent that out to the mailing list?  a reminder to read?18:02
* lieb here18:03
smbNpe, but will do18:03
apw[ACTION] smb to get feedback on the SRU updates18:03
apw[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb)18:03
smbDapper  : same as last week18:03
smbHardy   : New kernel and LRM have been accepted into proposed. Currently18:03
smb          checking the milestoned bugs for 8.04.3. Two of them need more18:03
smb          work.18:03
smbIntrepid: New kernel and LRM accepted into proposed. LBM was missed but18:03
smb          uploaded today.18:03
smbJaunty  : Has been in -proposed for 7 days now. Possibly move that to updates18:03
smb          to make way for the pending last stable update.18:03
apwhow long before jaunty moves do you think?18:04
apwhave we got a lot pending for jaunty after that batch?18:04
apwis it slowing down there?18:04
smbYeah, I'll ask after the meeting18:04
smbA bit with no more stable18:05
smbBut there are still a few on the mailing list i have to get to18:05
apwi see we keep getting more regressions ... any feel for where they are coming from most, whcih series?18:05
apw(i hate the number 18)18:05
smbProbably just found under that pile18:06
ogasawarasmb: indeed.  likely recently tagged and fell on the radar.18:06
smbAnd one by trying things on an UDS18:07
apwwe should probabally put together a breakdown of which releases are getting the regressions18:07
apwif its jaunty mostly then i guess its as expected18:07
apw[TOPIC] Karmic Status - Alpha-2 june 11th (apw)18:07
apwkarmic is at 2.6.30-rc8, the expected 2.6.30 release over the weekend did not materialise18:07
apwgiven the dates we will keep 2.6.30-8.9 for the Alpha-2 release18:07
apwstarting to see the first regression-potential bugs and working those18:07
apw[TOPIC] ARM Tree (bradf/amitk)18:08
apwnot sure if either of them are here.  the only thing of which i am aware18:08
amitkbrad is working on integrating patches for babbage 218:08
apwis that the arm support in karmic is still out of sync with jaunty18:09
amitkapw: it is totally broken ATM18:09
apwyeah it builds something, just no idea what18:09
amitkbrad is looking at bring the jaunty patches forward and then add the new ones18:09
apwanything else?18:09
amitkthats about it18:09
apw[TOPIC] LPIA Tree (sconklin)18:10
apwnot sure i've seen him today18:10
apwput that on hold for this week18:10
apw[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs (oggasawara)18:10
sconklinNothing to report - been busy with a fire drill. I need to rebase hardy netbook-lpia on top of stefan's proposed.18:10
ogasawaraThere were 2 regression-potential bugs for karmic and one regression-release bug for jaunty that I added to the buglist this week.18:10
ogasawaraThey've all been assigned to a kernel dev already.18:10
sconklinor not.18:11
apwsconklin, thanks18:11
apwogasawara, how is the bug day going18:11
ogasawaratoday's bug day is looking good so far - http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/kernel-bugday/20090609.html18:11
ogasawaraI added delta's the the stats at the top so you can monitor progress.18:11
ogasawaraYou've already closed over 30% of them.18:11
ogasawaraI also want to give a quick shout out to andresmujica who did a great job helping out the last kernel bugday and has again tackled a few from today's list.18:11
apwthanks andresmujica for that!18:11
andresmujica:) np glad to do it. learning a lot18:12
apwwe will make a community :)18:12
ogasawaraapw: that's it for now18:12
cooloneyi plan to do bug fixing tomorrow, since i spent a whole with customers18:12
apwcooloney, no problem18:12
cooloneyapw, thanks18:12
apw[TOPIC] UDS Deliverables18:12
apwshould we be starting to track the UDS blueprints in this meeting once they are being implemented?18:12
apwi think we probabally should be tracking those which are features being added18:13
apwif people agree, i think we should begin with that for 'Started' ones from next week18:13
apwi'll take that one offline then18:14
apw[TOPIC] Open discussion18:14
apwanything anyone wants to bring up?18:14
ogasawarajust fyi, I'm going to start some dry runs of the kernel arsenal triaging scripts18:15
apwi guess not, we are pretty thin on the ground today18:15
apwogasawara, sounds good18:15
apwgot a projected live date for that lot?18:15
ogasawaraapw: I'm hoping in a day or so we'll start on a live small subset of bugs18:16
apwsound plan18:16
apwanything else?18:16
apw[TOPIC] Next Meeting Chair Selection18:16
apwwhos turn is it?18:16
jjohansenI could give it a try18:17
apwjjohansen, you're it :)18:17
apwunless anyone has anything else ... we're probabally done18:17
ckingsounds good to me18:17
apwthanks all18:17
* apw slaps mootbot18:17
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