
=== rickspencer31 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
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hyperairasac: ping (regarding some ia32-libs stuff)10:14
asachyperair: yeah. go ahead10:18
hyperairasac: pulse is broken.10:18
hyperairthe pulse bits in ia32-libs anyway10:18
hyperairskype throws out a whole lot of stuff about not being able to connect to pulseaudio10:18
hyperairand flash refuses to use it either10:19
asacso flash doesnt use pulse anyway10:19
asacit uses alsa10:19
asacskype i am not sure10:19
hyperairi meant the libasound2-plugins bit10:19
hyperairthe pulse plugin in alsa10:19
hyperairboth of them use it10:19
asacare you on karmic?10:19
hyperairyes i am10:19
asacfor me flash sound work10:20
hyperairit does?10:20
asacwith 32bit plugin on amd6410:20
hyperairit does for me when i have nothing running10:20
asacnot sure if that means that it uses puslse10:20
hyperaircheck using pavucontrol10:20
hyperairpulseaudio auto suspends-on-idle10:20
hyperairso if nothing uses pulse, it'll release your sound card10:20
hyperairand flash will "work" even if not through pulse10:20
asachyperair: i can play youtube and rhythmbox10:21
asacbut youtube doesnt show up in pavucontrol10:22
asacbut afaik it never did that anyway10:22
asacdo you have a 32-bit system to check?10:22
hyperairer.. it's on intrepid10:23
hyperairi'll have to upgrade to karmic first.10:23
asacwell. intrepid has severe issues with pa afaik10:23
asacso better upgradfe10:24
hyperairintrepid was the rock solid one10:28
hyperairfor x86 anyway10:28
hyperairi used it on my notebook10:28
hyperairanyway is it possible to drop libasound2-plugins stuff from ia32-libs?10:29
hyperairthere seems to be a lib32asound2-plugins10:29
hyperairperhaps it'd be better to depend on that10:29
asachyperair: hmm. not sure. most likely we cannot do such things in intrepid anyway. so please checkout jaunty/karmic10:33
hyperairi think you're mistaking something10:33
hyperairmy 32-bit machine is running intrepid.10:34
hyperairmy 64-bit machine which is having problems is karmic.10:34
hyperairmy 32-bit machine is a desktop, the 64-bit is a laptop.10:34
hyperairi personally think that the issue comes from using an outdated version of libasound2-plugins in ia32-libs10:36
hyperairby the way, the 64-bit flash works with pulseaudio.10:37
ftadrop it manually, i have an update of ia32-libs planed for really soon (just need the gtk patches in)10:40
ftait shouldn't be that outdated, as i totally refreshed ia32-libs not so long ago10:40
hyperairi think it's using jaunty debs.10:41
hyperairat least, sources.list.deb shows jaunty deb lines10:41
ftaright, but it was fine until recently. btw, it's far less outdated than it was before10:41
hyperairheh i see10:42
hyperairi only started using x64 in jaunty10:42
hyperairand now in karmic10:42
hyperairso i didn't notice =\10:42
hyperairhmm just replaced the alsa-libs one, and it didn't work. guess it's an outdated libpulse then10:47
ftacould be anything, who knows with pulse10:48
hyperairheh yeah10:48
asacfta: did you check whether the gtk i built once fixes your issues?11:03
asacif so i willl just push it upstream now11:03
ftahm, nope, will try later today11:04
asaclet me check if the version is more or less recent still11:04
asac!info xulrunner11:07
ubottuxulrunner (source: xulrunner): XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 279 kB, installed size 1020 kB11:07
hyperairfta: aha! it's libpulse0!11:19
hyperairskype goes through a series of underruns now but flash works nicely.11:19
asacmakes sense11:20
asacso just outdated11:20
asacfta: new gtk uploaded to sandbox ppa https://edge.launchpad.net/~asac/+archive/sandbox12:11
asaci will check if that works too after build has finished12:11
asacfta: so please rename /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/i686-pc-linux-gnu to i486 and also add another link: /usr/lib32/gtk-2.0/ /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/i486-pc-linux-gnu13:07
asacfta: then add libgail.so ... and _remove_ libatk-bridge.so13:08
asacwhich will tear down everything because of dbus issues13:08
asacfta: and try the gtk package in my sandbox (which is likely the upstream fix)13:08
asacquestions? ;)13:10
fta2mconnor, is smil supposed to be working in trunk now?13:11
fta2asac, no question ;)13:11
asacfta2: actually i think you might even not need the gtk patch at all ;)13:14
asacso just try to setup the links like above13:14
asacyeah. pretty sure gtk patch is superfluous. its just that the GTK_HOST link needs to be directly in pkglibdir ;)13:15
asacglib patch is still needed though, but i will double check that after lunch13:16
asacnow going for lunch13:16
fta2asac, wtf? http://paste.ubuntu.com/191612/13:30
fta2ok, damned Recommends13:33
fta2Apt::Install-Recommends "false" to the rescue13:33
fta2asac, now i remember why i stopped working on the ia32-libs update last month, it's because of this: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/db4.6/4.6.21-1314:08
fta2dtchen, what happened to libpulsecore9 in karmic? has it been merged in something else?14:44
fta2asac, damn, i need this one too: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/xcb-util/0.3.5-114:51
asacfta2: so i think that db-4... "just" needs a libtool update14:56
asac"just", because I tried it and failed miserably ;)14:56
asaclet me check xcb14:57
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fta2asac, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=487788#1015:08
ubottuDebian bug 487788 in gtk+2.0 "gtk+2.0: Searches for 32 bits stuff on 64 bits path" [Important,Open]15:08
asacfta2: seems they didnt attach the actual patch they are talking about15:14
fta2asac, it's not in 2.12.9-4?15:18
asacoh right. most likely yes.15:19
asacbut it only really fixes the meta files from what i understand15:19
asacthe rest is a missing link to libdir like i said above ;)15:19
asacbug taching the patch directly (not folded=15:27
asacbug 35765115:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357651 in firefox-3.5 "firefox-3.5 not adding Shiretoko entry to preferred applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35765115:27
fta2asac, i fixed that for 3.6 and tb3, but not for 3.515:31
fta2asac, the reason is that we will migrate soon15:31
fta2asac, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/190227/comments/1015:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 190227 in ia32-libs "ia32 apps look for libs on the wrong place" [Low,Confirmed]15:50
asacfta2: migrate soon?16:13
asacfta2: i think we should treat this similar to how we treat .desktop files atm16:14
asacfta2: makes sens?16:14
asacshould match quite well imo16:14
asacmaybe we can even create this .xml file from the .desktop file itself16:14
asace.g. no need to maintain a copy16:14
fta2i mean, firefox is listed in gnome-control-center, so if it's also in ff-3.5, no idea what will happen, a duplicate?16:16
asacfta2: i would think the idea is to remove all hard-coded stuff from control-center and make our packages ship stuff instead16:18
asacso we can decide what shows up there and in which way16:18
fta2oh, ok then, but it was hard to justify just because of PPAs16:18
fta2that's why i touched everything but ff3.516:19
asacfta2: so does gnome-control-center currently ship a firefox.xml?16:19
fta2no, everything in one giant xml file16:20
asacfta2: maybe it does smart stuff to not duplicate entries if they refer to the same path?16:21
asacanyway. think i will check that out16:21
fta2it's probably doign smart things. i has ff-3.6 as custom browser, i upgraded to a 3.6 shipping the xml file, it moved automatically to ff-3.6 as preferred16:23
asacfta2: do you have ffox-3.0 removed?16:23
asacfta2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/191734/ thats gnome-control-center content16:25
asacfta2: ah fount the xml16:25
asacso tbird 3.0 already ships stuff? nice16:26
asacso one idea would be to do the same we do with .desktop wrt to branding. but also dont install if the current package ships the /usr/bin/firefox link16:27
fta2-rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta 577632132 2009-04-17 23:18 ia32-libs_2.7ubuntu5.tar.gz16:28
fta2oh, it's an old one16:29
fta2-rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta 617070041 2009-06-09 17:20 ia32-libs_2.7ubuntu7.tar.gz16:29
fta2<asac> fta: so please rename /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/i686-pc-linux-gnu to i486 and also add another link: /usr/lib32/gtk-2.0/ /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/i486-pc-linux-gnu16:36
fta2asac, it's still called i68616:37
fta2and what about the 2nd part? you want a link to /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/ix86-pc-linux-gnu *and* to /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/ix86-pc-linux-gnu  ??16:37
asacfta2: i686 is wrong now16:38
asacchange that to i486 again16:38
asacit was just because the last jaunty build of gtk was busted16:38
asacfta2: yes. ship the current link (with i486) and ship a link /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/ix86-pc-linux-gnu -> /usr/lib32/gtk-2.016:38
asacthat should work16:39
fta2asac, i still have i686 on karmic..16:42
asacfta2: how do you know?16:42
fta2root@cube:~ # ls -l /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/16:43
fta2total 2416:43
fta2drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-06-08 21:23 engines16:43
fta2lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   29 2009-05-18 11:23 i686-pc-linux-gnu -> ../../../lib32/gtk-2.0/2.10.016:43
fta2root@cube:~ # lsb_release -d16:43
fta2Description:    Ubuntu karmic (development branch)16:43
asacfta2: well. that link is created by ia32libs package. ... which is wrong16:43
asacfta2: run strings on libgtk-x11.so | grep i.8616:43
asacwhat i am saying is that the current link is wrong now and should be i486 again ;)16:44
asacfta2: you can also check that by strace -f -estat chromium-browser | grep 48616:44
asacof course not if you are using ia32libs (which is still jaunty state)16:44
asactrust me ;)16:44
asacafter updating to gtk from karmic its i486 again16:45
BUGabundohey asac fta16:48
asachi BUGabundo16:49
fta2asac, "ship a link /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/ix86-pc-linux-gnu -> /usr/lib32/gtk-2.0" why is that needed? for modules?16:49
asacfta2: yes. for everything that isnt in the versioned dir16:50
asacso we basically have /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/VERSION/ix86-pc-linux-gnu and /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/ix86-pc-linux-gnu16:50
asacwith ix86 being i48616:50
asacfor everything but jaunty16:50
fta2asac, what's wrong with libatk-bridge.so?16:52
asacfta2: give it a try ;)16:53
asacfta2: i think that the corba impl it uses doesnt speak proper network encoding over the wire16:54
asacso running 32-bit calls on 64-bit causes failure16:54
asacleading to apps not starting at all16:54
asaccanberra works well though16:54
asacso i suspect its really the corba that isnt up to multiarch16:54
fta2hm, i wanted to document the reason16:55
asacfta2: say it doesnt work in multi-arch cases; symptom: 32-bit apps dont start anymore16:56
fta2        # Drop libatk-bridge.so for now, it's causing troubles16:56
fta2        rm -f $(DEST)$(ROOT)/usr/lib$(SUFFIX)/gtk-2.0/modules/libatk-bridge.so16:56
asacfta2: yeah make that:16:56
asac# Drop libatk-bridge.so which seems to be not ready for multiarch16:57
asacbut your comment is also ok16:57
fta2i thought that guy meant it was ok for him: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/190227/comments/1016:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 190227 in ia32-libs "ia32 apps look for libs on the wrong place" [Low,Confirmed]16:58
asacfta2: check it on your own ;)16:59
asacfor me it killed everything (chromium, flash, firefox upstream)16:59
asaci can check firefox upstream again - i am not 100% sure about that atm17:00
asacfta2: have you verified if chrome really does this ugly daily cronjob?17:01
fta2no, based on the paste from jorge and report from several users, it seems it's doing it17:08
asacgood. thats definitly adware/malware like behaviour17:08
asacadding the sources line on install is ok ... but readding ...pfft17:09
asacso is there a huge rant somewhere about this behaviour already?17:10
asacdid you spot something?17:10
BUGabundoI didn't17:10
BUGabundonot at the blogsfer at least17:11
BUGabundoI could check the foruns dough17:11
asacno need to ;)17:11
asacjust was curious if something spilled over already17:11
fta2a lot of confusion between chrome and chromium, official and non official, packaging vs fork17:11
BUGabundoand google builds, cx, and chromium too17:11
asacfta2: so do we know how their release process work? they branch once a week and then roll out for a week to reach 100% diffusion?17:13
asacand then start the process again?17:13
asac(i am talking about how their stable process will look like)17:13
fta2asac, i'm not sure. they have the Dev Channel which is about weekly17:14
asacfta2: i thought they do weeklies on stable channel too17:15
asacat least on win17:15
asacok break before meeting starts17:15
BUGabundohey micahg17:17
micahghi BUGabundo17:17
fta2asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/191766/17:19
asacfta2: yeah. wanna push that to a ppa so i can check? or directly in the archvie (both works for me)17:20
asacfta2: i would say:17:21
asac"add a symlink for the gtk+2.0 modules (LP: #369498)17:21
fta2the src package should be ~ 630 MB17:21
asac"add a GTK_HOST symlink to gtk+2.0 pkglibdir to support modules"17:21
BUGabundofta 19 pages about chrome vs chromium autch17:22
fta2BUGabundo, it starts ~ comment #13417:23
BUGabundoand who is this ubulette ?17:23
asacgood question ;)17:23
asaci think i know him17:23
BUGabundo"I try to keep the packaging in sync with all the good stuff the Chromium authors are bringing in. Sometimes, the daily PPA is making them nervous as it constantly exposes unfinished and untuned features, leading to unwanted bug reports."17:23
BUGabundoits FTA17:24
BUGabundo"Launchpad Account fta"17:24
fta2what's so funny about this?17:26
asaci think BUGabundo just makes fun on of his own this time17:27
BUGabundoasac: :)17:27
BUGabundofta I did not know it was you !17:27
hyperairspeaking of daily ppas..17:29
hyperairfta2: i'm curious to know if you use cron to automate that.17:29
* BUGabundo hides17:29
fta2yes i do17:30
hyperairBUGabundo: unwanted bug reports are why the banshee devs didn't want a banshee-daily ppa. they agreed to it due to the banshee-as-default-for-karmic-or-something spec17:30
hyperairfta2: and your gpg key isn't protected by a passphrase?17:30
fta2correct, the one i use to sign the packages17:30
hyperairaah i see.17:30
fta2but noone has access to that box17:31
hyperairaah so in that sense it's secure.17:31
hyperairif only i could leave my desktop running like that. =\17:31
hyperair(mom won't let me)17:32
hyperairheheh =p17:32
asacnow meeting in #ubuntu-desktop17:32
hyperairi was considerign using cron on my notebook for that, but i couldn't come up with a secure enough way to debsign my packages automatically.17:32
fta2asac, when you create a 2nd ppa, do you share the quota too?17:32
asacfta2: i think the quota is not shared17:34
fta2hyperair, even if you write a wrapper to sign correctly, you have to store the password in the box somehow17:34
BUGabundoohh great17:34
hyperairfta2: yeah, that's right. i'm considering it hooking up to my gpg agent17:35
BUGabundothat's not safe :\17:35
hyperairyup, it isn't17:35
hyperairbecause i'll get accustomed to giving my gpg agent my key17:35
hyperairwithout knowing what it wants it for17:35
fta2asac, chromium now has zygote by default in linux. it means you can continue to use the browser even if your upgrade or remove it17:37
BUGabundohyperair: and it stays open a few extra minutes too17:37
hyperairBUGabundo: that's fine by me. i set it to 10 mins.17:37
fta2daily ppa is task for a server, not for a laptop17:38
hyperairheh yeah =(17:38
hyperairdon't have a safe server anywhere, though17:38
BUGabundofta just saw a bug on chromium17:38
BUGabundoctrl+enter doesn't place www. & .com17:39
BUGabundoit works on Windows17:39
hyperairwell, i guess i'm content with running the script manually =\17:39
asacfta2: dont sure i understand what that means17:40
fta2asac, the problem with have with xul upgrades while ff is running17:41
hyperairfta2: having issues with the keyboard today? =p17:41
fta2with my brain17:42
asacfta2: so what does zygote do?17:47
asacload libs/files in background?17:47
fta2it's now the 1st/main process, it opens fd for the binary and the .pak files and keep them forever17:49
fta2so all children receive those fds from zygote instead of trying to open their files by themselves17:50
fta2ok, pushing ia32-libs to my new ppa17:53
hyperairdoes it have a new libpulse0? =P17:58
fta2asac, ^^17:59
asacgreat. watiting for the bits to appear17:59
fta2pf, it's already almost full18:00
fta2ok, i have to run. cu in ~2h.18:01
BUGabundofta: how can I search for xubuntu-desktop seed on popcon?18:44
BUGabundoI must be blind, can't find a search anywhere18:45
asacBUGabundo: use firefox ctrl+f18:46
asacfta: there is a problem with your dailies18:47
asacat least the mail doesnt look right ;)18:47
asac"svn: Unrecognized URL scheme for 'http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src'"18:47
BUGabundoasac: but how can i filter karmic ?18:47
asacnot sure where you are looking at ;)18:50
BUGabundoasac: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/by_inst18:52
BUGabundotrying to get ~ number of xubuntu karmic users for charlie-tca18:52
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ftaasac, hmm.. indeed19:30
fta$ svn log --limit 1 http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src19:30
ftasvn: Unrecognized URL scheme for 'http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src'19:30
ftanew subversion is broken19:31
asacfta: how about having your bot machine run a stable release ;)?19:46
ftabug 38531819:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385318 in subversion "svn: Unrecognized URL scheme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38531819:47
ftaasac, so... ia32-libs?19:50
asachad to redownload ... no clue where i put it here ;)19:52
asac/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser: error while loading shared libraries: libxcb-render-util.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:52
asacfta: ?19:53
ftalol, ok, i dropped it remember?19:53
asacyeah. but it seems to not work without19:54
asacfirefox also fails to start now19:54
asacso maybe just update the really required packages (pulse etc) and leave the rest untouched ... just adding the i486 link19:54
* asac has to run to get some food before store closes ... bbl19:55
NCommanderAre we planning to move to thunderbird-3.0 for the karmic cycle?20:11
asacNCommander: 50/5020:20
asacno spec on this. no upstream commitment on release and so on20:20
NCommanderasac, ok, I'm currently trying to run down why thunderbird 2.x series goes kaboom on ARM20:24
NCommanderasac, I just broke in the armel retracer on it, but the thunderbird codebase is MASSIVE so I'm not sure where to begin on this20:25
NCommanderEspecially because I think we have a stack of patches on their stack which may (or may not) be related :-/20:25
asacNCommander: most likely they are unrelated.20:26
asacNCommander: does tbird 3 work well?20:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385325 in thunderbird "[armel] thunderbird-bin crashed with SIGSEGVI" [Medium,New]20:26
NCommanderI dunno, I can't find armel binaries which means to test would require a compile20:26
asacgive it a try20:27
NCommanderasac, is it int he archive?20:27
NCommanderand if not, where can I find the deb, and the rdepends20:27
asacgrab the latest daily and spin it on armel20:28
asacdoes the mobile team have a ppa with armel builders?20:28
NCommanderasac, not one that would be acceptable for this, but my personal PPA is completely devirtualized20:28
NCommander(i.e., all architectures are built)20:28
asacso then you use that20:28
NCommanderwhich packages do I want/20:28
NCommanderall of them?20:28
asacjust thunderbird-3.020:29
asacthe rest is in main archive20:29
asacwell. the rest that is required for building/running tbird 320:29
NCommandermeh, there is a pretty good backlog on the armel builder, I'll build on my board20:29
asacNCommander: just copy sources using launchpad feature ;)20:29
asacwhatever suites you well ;)20:30
NCommanderasac, no, I need to wait for the armel builder to free up, that will take awhile20:30
asacNCommander: you can just copy it ... it will get build when a slot is avail ;)20:30
NCommanderasac, well, that was quick (https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/nageia)20:32
NCommanderasac, BTW, I'll be seeing you at DebConf 9 it seems ;-)20:32
asacNCommander: heh. I will not go ;)20:38
NCommanderasac, your not going?20:39
asaci think not.20:39
NCommanderasac, oh :-/. I thought you were on the list20:39
asaci am i think. but i still think i am not going ;)20:39
asachave to confirm that though.20:40
NCommanderasac, ah ;-). So if thunderbird 3.0 works, then what? (I'm not sure what upstreams plans with the 2.x series are, as this is my first major fray with mozilaa hacking)20:40
asacso not 100% sure;)20:40
ftaasac, libxcb needs to buid-dep on xcb-proto (>= 1.5), then xcb-util needs a respin (probably a bump of libxcb too)20:40
asacfta: do we have all the required versions already?20:44
asacor is it because of outstanding merges?20:44
asacNCommander: not sure yet. first check if it works. then we can think what we can do20:44
ftai think so, the deps were not strict enough so pkgs have been built in the wrong order20:45
asacthere is an outstanding merge for libxcb20:45
asacseems someone wants to have it synched20:46
NCommanderasac, if you sponsor the result, I'll handle it unless we want the diffs20:46
* NCommander hasn't looked yet to see what we are carrying20:46
asacfta:  bug 38395420:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383954 in libxcb "Sync libxcb 1.3-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38395420:46
asacNCommander: not sure what you mean exactly ;)20:47
NCommanderasac, I said if a merge was necessary, I'd be glad to do it in return for your thunderbird assistance20:47
asacheh. no its fine20:47
asaci can assist you, but i cannot debug anything as i dont have a arm board20:48
NCommanderasac, want a root shell?20:48
asacpoint is that tbird 2 is really in permafrost mode20:48
NCommanderYeah, that's the impression I got upstream :-/20:48
asacso we wont get any assitance from upstream. i expect there to be various issues on that branch, which all got fixed in 1.9 branch and later20:48
NCommanderI'm not sure if this is broken as Debian as well20:48
asacNCommander: feel free to compare the patchsets20:49
asacmaybe i dropped some arm patches compared to icedove20:49
asacbut i don think i did that20:49
asacicedove-2.0.0.x$ ls debian/patches/*arm*20:49
asacdebian/patches/18_arm_xpcom_unused_attribute.dpatch  debian/patches/38_arm_xpcom_optim.dpatch20:49
asacthunderbird.dev$ ls debian/patches/*arm*20:49
asacdebian/patches/18_arm_xpcom_unused_attribute.dpatch  debian/patches/38_arm_xpcom_optim.dpatch20:49
NCommanderThere are enough differences between Debian armel and Ubuntu armel w.r.t. to glibc and toolchain that it could easily flush out a very subtle alignment bug20:50
asaccould be. are modern armels (which we support) really that hard about alignments still?20:51
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NCommanderasac, yeah, but the kernel is supposed to trap it21:17
NCommanderbut even with the traps on, nothing (which isn't THAT suprising, I've seen the alignment catcher fail miserably before)21:18
asacNCommander: from what i see it crashes in *xc = 0 ... but according to backtrace xc = 0x310000 which is aligned to 4 bytes21:25
asacthough that number looks suspicious in general21:25
asacdoes that for make sense at all?21:28
asacoh its incremented at the end so probably yes21:28
NCommanderasac, WTF?!?!?!?21:32
NCommanderasac, that code BURNS21:32
NCommanderasac, I'm not even sure what its supposed to do21:34
asacNCommander: it does bigint math ;)21:36
asacthe variables could be more verbose i agree ;)21:36
NCommanderoh god21:36
asacso the diff of that file from 1.8 branch (tbird 2) to trunk CVS (ffox 3) is http://paste.ubuntu.com/191900/21:36
NCommanderBigint is a struct21:36
asacof course it is21:37
asacits there to hold larger numbers than you can hold by normal types ;)21:37
asacNCommander: the diff doesnt look like it could fix this21:37
NCommanderasac, I get it, but *twich* :-/21:37
NCommanderasac, i think its more this is where its segfaulting, but thats because a bad pointer is going in I think21:38
NCommanderI hate to ask this, but does thunderbird-3.0 make a -dbg package?21:38
NCommander(please say yes)21:38
asacNCommander: thats what i mean . the address looks suspicious even21:38
asacwhich would mean that Balloc fails21:38
asacNCommander: yes we have -dbg packages i think21:38
asacfta: ?21:38
asactoo bad ... seems we didnt add them yet21:39
asacNCommander: so build locally with pkg-create-dbgsym installed21:39
asacsucks i know21:40
asacthought we added the -dbg packges everywhere again21:40
asacbut most likely it doesnt crash with tbird 3.0 ;)21:40
NCommanderwell, if it works, then I don't care21:40
NCommanderif it goes boom, then we got a problem :-/21:40
asacNCommander: dont you build locally?21:41
ftanope, no -dbg in tb321:41
asacif so, just build with pkg-create-dbgsysm21:41
asacthat will produce dbgsym things21:41
NCommanderLooking at the stack trace, #5 in the backtrace caught my eye21:41
NCommanderasac, looking at Debian, icedove is not built on armel (just arm)21:45
asacsure. isnt the name armel an invention of ubuntu?21:46
NCommanderarmel is New EABI ARM21:46
NCommanderarm is Old EABI ARM21:46
NCommander(in Debian and ubuntu)21:46
NCommanderasac, and actually, its FTBFS on armel,21:46
asacubuntu didnt have old arm support, did we?21:46
asactbird 3?21:47
NCommanderI'm just looking at the icedove package in Debian21:47
NCommanderwhich FTBFSed in the configure step, due to the Debian compiler not being happy21:47
asacdont bother with debian compiler i would think ;)21:48
NCommanderI was just looking on why it didn't build on armel in Debian21:48
asacok ... so config.guess/sub update most likely21:49
asacoh. really, i didnt know that we had armel in debian too now ;)21:50
* asac feels out-of-date ;)21:50
asacok i think ill add -dbg packages to tbird 3.0 ... will be in daily tomorrow i guess21:52
ftaasac, while you're at it, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27708075/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.thunderbird-3.0_3.0~b3~hg20090609r2812%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~jaunty_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:00
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asachmm. wonder if this will break it22:11
asacthey dropped the install:: for defaults/prefs.js completely from that file22:12
asacmaybe its the result of making it more "make install" friendly22:13
asacbut most likely they only added libs:: again22:13
asacyeah so they removed the prefs.js deliberately22:15
asac-libs:: $(srcdir)/profile/prefs.js 60 -$(INSTALL) $(IFLAGS1) $^ $(DIST)/bin/defaults/profile 61 - 62 -install:: $(srcdir)/profile/prefs.js 63 -$(SYSINSTALL) $(IFLAGS1) $^  $(DESTDIR)$(mozappdir)/defaults/profile22:16
asacwell. they remove libs:: and install:: and only add libs:: again :(22:16
asac*why are you guys so ignorant*22:16
asacthe bug doesnt talk about install:: ;)22:17
ubottuMozilla bug 496857 in Build Config "license.html and profile/prefs.js not packaged in clobber Mac builds" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]22:17
asacso its an oversight droppage as it seems22:17
asacbugzilla: review+ ?22:17
asacok mark banner ;)22:18
asacme lurks on #maildev22:18
asaclets see ... i complained to the reviewer22:20
asacthey say they dropped it semi-intentionally22:26
asacbecause of https://bug496857.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=38209522:26
ubottuMozilla bug 394046 in Release Engineering "Tracking bug: do major update from FF2.0.0.x to FF3.0 to make sure it all works" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]22:26
dtchenfta: yes, libpulsecore9 is now NBS, so it should be removed from karmic. it is superceded by libpulse0, which now contains libpulsecommon-0.9.15.so due to upstream restructuring of libs22:39
ftadtchen, good, dropped from ia32-libs too then22:39
asacfta: wanna kick off a tbird umd2 round?23:01
asacseems it still work23:02
asacgrr. apport retracers marks dupes just by top most function name now as it seems :(23:13
ftai wish my UNR bug was moving forward23:13
ftaor just moving at all23:14
asacbug 25862923:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258629 in nspluginwrapper "npviewer.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex_lock() (dup-of: 192888)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25862923:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 192888 in ia32-libs "firefox crashes on flash contents when using libflashsupport" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288823:14
asacthis mass duping cant be good ;)23:15

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