
BUGabundokklimonda: reboot?00:11
kklimondanah, just lost connection..00:11
=== MatthewPowell is now known as MattPowell_Zzz
markgsayejcastro: I'd like add my name as help contact into the channel topic, but do not have op rights - can you help?10:14
markgsayejussi01: can you help? ^^10:19
jussi01markgsaye: who are you?11:18
markgsayeHi jussi01: I am a Senior Software Developer for Canonical11:18
jussi01markgsaye: can you somehow give me some sort of verification for that?11:19
rodrigo_jussi01: I can certify he is what he says, if that serves :)11:19
markgsayejussi01: my LP profile is at https://launchpad.net/~markgsaye - does that help?11:20
jussi01markgsaye: 1 moment please11:20
SteveAsladen: hi11:28
SteveAsladen: we were just talking about oauth11:28
SteveAsladen: and I pointed you at http://oauth.net11:28
SteveAsladen: aquarius here is very familiar with how the ubuntu one systems use oauth, and how the dbus service works11:28
sladenSteveA: okay11:28
aquariushey sladen11:28
SteveAand I happen to know he's got 15 mins spare to give a quick overview ;-)11:29
sladenaquarius: is that Aq under a more verbose name?11:29
sladenSteveA: fantastic, ta11:29
aquariussladen: it is indeed :)11:29
sladenaquarius: can you sum up in two-three lines what actually happens.  Something is running, that exposes com.ubuntuone.Authenication, which is it?11:30
aquariussladen: /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet  exposes the com.ubuntuone.Authentication D-Bus interface11:31
sladencan (bearing in mind that I have not accepted the T&C, so can't run this), what component(s) pops up the password box11:31
sladenaquarius: so, that means that the gnome-applet is _required_.  It's not possible to use just syncdaemon and it's u1sdsdsdtool11:32
aquariusubuntuone-client-applet pops up the password box. that component handles the OAuth exchange for you, fetching an access token (which you authorise in the web browser). ubuntuone-client-applet then stores that access token in the gnome-keyring, and that storage action is what requires the password.11:33
=== jussi01 changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Todays help contact: markgsaye
aquariussladen: If you want to, you can fetch an authorised access token and store it in the gnome-keyring yourself; if that happens, then the d-bus interface is never called11:34
aquarius(because the syncdaemon looks for an access token and successfully finds it)11:34
sladenaquarius: okay, I'd like to document the manual method, as that is likely to (very accurate) show  the procedure11:35
aquariussladen: but I confess I've not actually *tried* that; I'm just reasoning from how it should work.11:35
sladenaquarius: but the basic premise is that the remote authenication (to get the token) is all done via the browser and a standard login to launchpad?11:36
aquariussladen: yes11:36
aquariussladen: that's the stock OAuth procedure; the way OAuth works is 1. program makes a request to get a request-token; 2. program pops up the user's browser to authenticate that request-token; 3. tell the program you've done it; 4. program uses the (now authenticated) request-token to get an access-token; 5. program stores the access-token and can from then on use it to access resources without having to ask the user11:38
aquariussladen: (possibly you already know this!)11:38
sladenaquarius: no, oauth is so recent that I haven't had to use it in anger for any projects yet11:39
jameshaquarius: the bits that the OAuth spec doesn't define is the actual URLs and supported signing methods.  I suppose we should publish them somewhere.11:40
sladenaquarius: how does -applet get the actual return code (token) from the browser?11:40
jameshsladen: it makes a call to the OAuth "access token URL"11:41
jameshpassing in the request token11:41
aquariussladen: it doesn't. The browser just authorises the request token. The applet then calls the access-token url and says "you authorised this request-token; give me a corresponding access-token, please"11:42
aquariusjamesh: they should be published, indeed; it looks like the docs that sladen's putting together may do that quite nicely though :-)11:42
jameshsladen: think of the request token as a "session identifier" for the authentication process.  While it has a similar name to the access token, it has quite a different purpose11:43
sladenso there's a new session token (access token) each time the user logs in11:43
sladenit's not setup once when the Share is shared and kept11:43
sladenso the username and password get saved only in the Firefox keyring (normal launchpad login)11:44
jameshsladen: the access token is stored in the keyring long term11:44
sladenand the token, that get stashed in the gnome-keyring is saved long-term, but is only useable for this session11:44
jamesh(at least for our client)11:44
sladenor should that this s/this session/this share/11:45
jameshsladen: the request token is a session identifier for the user authentication/authorisation process11:45
jameshthe access token that results from that process can be used long term11:45
aquariussladen: the access token that gets stashed in the keyring -- think of it like a login cookie for a website, so you don't have to log in every time you go back there.11:46
sladenwho exchanges the session identifier for the long-term access token?  Is that syncdaemon, or -applet/11:46
jameshsladen: the applet -- it stuffs the access token in the keyring and then notifies anyone interested that it is available11:47
sladenso the -applet is effectively doing write-through cacheing.  The first time (it's empty) it fires up the browser and saves the result, and returns it11:47
sladenand thereafter, -applet returns it straight away (to syncdaemon)11:48
sladensyncdaemon then includes this identifier as part as every single u1storage-based connection setup to the ubuntuonestoragefsapiserver11:49
aquariusI'm not sure whether syncdaemon calls the d-bus api to get the token. or whether syncdaemon actually looks in the keyring itself. jamesh?11:51
jameshsladen: syncdaemon checks the keyring for the access token first.  If no token is found, it asks the applet to acquire a token via DBus11:53
jameshsladen: there is a fairly loose coupling between the two components11:53
jameshthat's how I remember it working ...11:54
facundobatistaHi all12:08
CardinalFanghiya, facundo.12:11
jdobrienhi facundo12:18
facundobatistaHi CardinalFang, jdobrien12:20
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== MattPowell_Zzz is now known as MatthewPowell
jblountHiya people! Anyone have access to a Windows Xp vm or similar that can test logging in with Opera 9.64 for me?16:39
facundobatistajblount, I am16:44
facundobatistajblount, I need to install Opera, though16:44
jblountfacundobatista: Thanks! If you could install the current build (not the 10.x beta recently announced) and try to log in, I just need to confirm if someone can get through our LP SSO :)16:47
facundobatistagod, how many steps to install something in Windows!16:47
jblountheh, 124125116:47
facundobatistajblount, it just work16:58
facundobatistajblount, I tried it not being logged in Launchpad, *and* already being logged in16:59
=== jussi01 is now known as jussio1
=== jussio1 is now known as Android
=== Android is now known as Tuhina
=== Tuhina is now known as jussi01
facundobatistajblount, I also commmented the bug about what you asked17:39
jblountfacundobatista: gracias18:02
facundobatistajblount, de nada, :)18:03
=== jussi01 changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly |
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 38, Protocol Revno is 37
days_of_ruin_I dragged a tarball into my Ubunto One/My Files directory19:46
days_of_ruin_but it doesn't upload it.19:46
days_of_ruin_icon is rotating19:49
days_of_ruin_but system monitor is showing that its not uploading.19:50
facundobatistadays_of_ruin_, what the log says?19:53
days_of_ruin_where is the log?19:54
facundobatistadays_of_ruin_, ~/.cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.log19:54
days_of_ruin_2009-06-09 13:50:37,395 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon - WARNING - Another instance     is running19:55
days_of_ruin_thats there because I tried to start another.19:55
facundobatistadays_of_ruin_, try to remove all instances from memory and try again19:59
days_of_ruin_still not working20:11
torosI have problems with the Ubuntu One client to20:16
torosand a guy on IRC had the same problem this afternoon too20:17
facundobatistadays_of_ruin_, log?20:18
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: something is wrong with the service right now20:19
days_of_ruin_its not just me?20:19
days_of_ruin_its happening to everyone?20:19
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: correct20:20
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: or it might be; still diagnosing the problem20:20
torosohh, an upgrade for the ubuntu one client20:20
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: any change?20:40
days_of_ruin_I removed my computer from my ubuntu one account...20:41
days_of_ruin_to see if that would help. How do I get it back?20:41
days_of_ruin_The page isn't poppin up in my browser:|20:42
facundobatistadays_of_ruin_, through the web page, I guess20:42
dobeydays_of_ruin_: you'll need to delete the token from your local computer in Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys, under the Passwords tab20:43
jblountdays_of_ruin_: ^^ and quit / reopen the applet. When it sees the token gone, it will help you setup a new one :)20:44
days_of_ruin_When I try to reopen it it never shows up.21:04
facundobatistadays_of_ruin_, reopen what?21:05
days_of_ruin_when I click on Applications>Internet>Ubuntu One21:06
days_of_ruin_or run it from a terminal21:06
days_of_ruin_nothing happens21:06
facundobatistadays_of_ruin_, did you follow the dobey and jblount instructions to get there?21:07
torosit seems ubuntu one is working again \o/21:10
torosdo we know what was the problem?21:10
facundobatistatoros, a frozen database connection that never timed out21:12
facundobatistatoros, we're trying to see why that happened, but now it should work ok21:12
torosthanks for the info21:12
torosdid somebody test the unshare feature? does it work?21:13
torosI rejected a directory shared with me - now I don't see it in the web interface, but according to u1sdtool it's still shared21:17
days_of_ruin_yes I followed the instructions. But it worked just now :)21:26
days_of_ruin_everything is working now21:30
facundobatistadays_of_ruin_, great!21:32
days_of_ruin_thanks for the help.21:32
days_of_ruin_hrm. it seems to be happening again.22:41
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: let me see...22:43
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: nope, it's working here22:43
days_of_ruin_I disconnected and reconnected and now its just "idle" and doesn't notice any new files.22:47
medeshagohow can I change the ubuntuone folder?22:47
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: hmmm22:53
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: and there are new files?22:53
Chipacamedeshago: not yet, sorry22:53
medeshagoChipaca: thanks22:53
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: if you open a terminal and do "killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon; ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug" you should get to "see" it working22:56
days_of_ruin_Chipaca: I ran that, what am i supposed to see.22:58
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: copious output :)22:58
Chipacadays_of_ruin_: you should see it "noticing" new files, for one22:59
days_of_ruin_I right-clicked the icon now and connected it. Now its working again.23:01
Chipacaah :)23:02
Ngwoo, working client in karmic \o/23:57
Ngthe spinny applet thing is spinning reeeeally fast :o23:58

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