
cwilluDanaG, was that you saying the volume control/brightness control osd's were annoying when at max or minimum? with the flashing and all?00:25
DanaGAnd laggy as all hell.00:25
cwillulooks like it works properly now for that at least00:25
cwilluI can hold fn-right down for minutes, and fn-left works immediately00:26
DanaGHave they gotten rid of that blinking?00:26
cwillusame for volume00:26
cwillulooks like00:26
cwilludoesn't blink here any more00:26
DanaGHmm, does it still lag if you try to change volume rapidly?00:27
cwillunot at all00:27
DanaGcool.  That was one of my biggest gripes.00:27
DanaGFor quodlibet, I may just file a bug report on that specific app's behavior.00:28
DanaGIf you're at the first track, and skip back multiple times, it sends multiple track-change bubbles for the same, first track.00:28
yoasifkklimonda: any chance you are around?00:44
kklimondayoasif: sure00:46
yoasifkklimonda: i can't seem to install danpei00:50
yoasifin karmic00:50
kklimondalooks like it's really old package00:52
kklimondalast time modified in hardy00:52
yoasifhehe yeah, i don't even care, but i saw a post on ubuntuforums, and i was trying to help someone with it... but i can't install it obviously00:53
coz_yoasif,  is he set on this particular application?00:55
coz_yoasif,  there are far more recent image viewers that doe the same thing  and more00:56
yoasifcoz_: i'll send you to the thread... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118290900:57
coz_yoasif,  seems like a lot of effort01:00
yoasifhey, just wanted to bring it up, it's not like i'm in love with the package :)01:00
coz_yoasif,  understood  I have several apps that no longer install at all  because the requre outdated libraries01:01
coz_nvidia drivers workin gon karmic?01:03
coz_working on01:03
yoasifyeah working for me, was having some issues before01:03
yoasifseems to be fixed in recent updates01:03
yoasifgrub2 works on my machine which is cool01:04
coz_I notice here  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha1   that english language support is not installed by default  has that openoffice thing been fixed>?01:04
yoasifaudio is still f'd for me01:04
yoasifcoz_:  i think so, oo seems to work fine for me01:05
coz_yoasif,  mm  I may try it soon  not sure.... I have to compile my audio driver anyway01:05
coz_yoasif,  cool01:05
BUGabundoboas noites01:05
yoasifcoz_: yeah install it, it's working for me, mostly :)01:05
BUGabundocoz_: works for me01:06
coz_what about compiz01:06
BUGabundoyoasif: audio finally working for me01:06
BUGabundoI was without audio for 3 weeks01:06
BUGabundojust VLC audio not working no idea why01:06
yoasifcoz_: compiz is working... i had some issues with nvidia + compositing, but it seems to be fixed now01:07
coz_yoasif,  very cool01:07
yoasifBUGabundo: good news on the audio.... did you ever have the stuttering/crackling issue?01:08
BUGabundosure did01:10
Cameronhi.. i'm trying out grub2, and managed to get it to work on jaunty, both chainload and native.  This was done using a separate hdd for /boot since my root partition is ext4 on lvm.  Now, I wish to test using /boot on my root partition.  I reconfgured /boot to be a normal folder, and ran this : grub-install /dev/sda  I received this error "error: Unknown metadata header" followed by grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `Ubuntu-jau01:34
Cameronthen this Auto-detection of a filesystem module failed.01:34
CameronPlease specify the module with the option `--modules' explicitly.01:34
BUGabundoCameron: humm AFAIK grub2 is only supported in karmic01:34
CameronBUGabundo: not according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Grub2Testing01:35
BUGabundook good to know01:36
BUGabundoCameron: but you need to talk to colin01:37
BUGabundoand he aint here01:37
BUGabundotry #ubuntu-devel01:37
Cameronok, thanks01:37
BUGabundomaxb: ping01:56
BUGabundomaxb: so you are in favour of conventional units and not SI ?01:57
* DanaG wishes somebody would make a noise-cancellation plugin for ALSA for array microphones.02:26
macvr* i wish someone would make an equalizer plugin for ALSA/pulseaudio...05:19
DanaGOr make a UI for it, at least.05:21
DanaGThere already ARE equalizer plugins.... but not with a UI.05:21
macvrDanaG: how do i change the equalizers?05:22
DanaGI don't know that myself, actually.05:22
macvrDanaG: offtopic... how did u do this? ""[06:56] * DanaG wishes""05:25
DanaG /me05:26
DanaGthat's how.  =รพ05:26
macvrah , i was doing  it wrong !05:26
* macvr slaps forehead!05:27
hiredgoonfuxk facebook06:09
maxbDoes anyone know what might be broken that clicking "Computer" in the gnome menus results in a dbus NoReply error?09:51
maxbHappens in one of of my Karmic machines, but not others09:52
Crazyguyhas anybody had a problem with karmic playing music cd's with rhythmbox where the playing stops for about a second every 10 or so seconds?10:43
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HewCrazyguy: I'm having that problem with my media library. I don't know the bug # but I'm sure there is one.13:22
CrazyguyHew, ok13:31
BluesKajHiyas all13:50
BUGabundoanyone with failing resume from suspend to ram?15:01
BUGabundogood afternoon everyone15:01
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases15:14
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Herron 8.04)15:14
BUGabundoBluesKaj: eheh15:15
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule15:15
BluesKajBUGabundo, is it true Karmic is the next LTS after 6.0615:16
BUGabundoof course not15:17
BUGabundonext LTS shall be either 10.04 or 10.1015:17
BUGabundowith more ods on 10.0415:17
BUGabundothere was some discussion in trying to set it close to debian release, but since they are much more relaxed then us,15:18
BUGabundothe current idea is to user our own schedule for the time being15:18
BUGabundoapw: are we going with -30 or -31 for KK ?15:19
apwkarmic is aiming for 2.6.31.  expectations is that that would release in time to settle for beta15:19
BUGabundoapw: thanks15:20
apwBluesKaj, the LTS after 6.06 was 8.04 ?15:20
BUGabundogrrr miss read what BluesKaj asked15:22
BluesKajapw , I'm referring to the 5yr LTS . The last one was dapper 6.0615:22
BluesKajhowever long ago dapper was .. it was just when I started experimenting with Linux15:23
BUGabundoapw: did usb 3.0 already landed on any kernel ?15:24
apwBluesKaj, Hardy was a 5 year LTS15:24
apwwell 3.5 on desktop, 5 on server, the same as dapper15:24
BUGabundoapw: Hardy is a 3 year Desktop LTS, and 5 for server15:24
BUGabundo3 or 3.5 ? LOL15:25
apwand as far as i know dapper has those same rules?15:25
apwlooks like 3 is the official number, my mistake15:25
apwso i think i am sane in saying the LTS following dapper was hardy15:25
BUGabundoand next should be 10.0415:26
BUGabundoapw: did usb 3.0 already landed on any kernel ?15:26
apwnot that i have heard of no15:27
BUGabundoI read on some blog, upstream already had it in15:27
BUGabundojust not sure into what RC15:27
apwif so then it'll be in the karmic kernel when it releases15:28
BUGabundoneed to get more intel on that15:28
apwnothing obvious in there15:29
henkeI am having some Pulseaudio problems, most apps work fine with pulseaudio, but firefox gets "Connection refused" and pulseaudio doesn't even log a connection attempt. Anybody seen anything like this?15:34
BUGabundoapw: http://www.linux-magazine.com/online/news/first_driver_for_usb_3_015:34
BUGabundohenke: on karmic?15:35
BUGabundoplease go to #ubuntu-audio-help and ping dtchen15:35
apwBUGabundo, i see nothing in linus' tree nor in the lkml archive so far15:35
BUGabundohenke: wit which FF?15:35
BUGabundoapw: "Greg Kroah-Hartman already queued the patches for Kernel 2.6.31, "so  Linux users should have official USB 3.0 support around September 2009."15:35
apwyeah so they will hit in the -rc1 timeframe15:36
henkeBUGabundo: yes, karmic, with 3.0.10 and 3.5.15:36
apwnot in .30 where we are as of now15:36
BUGabundoapw: ok. I'll let my friend know15:36
BUGabundohenke: no idea. you have to wait for dtchen to help you out15:37
apwBluesKaj, yep looking at my sources both dapper and hardy have the same support spread, three years for desktop and five for server installations15:38
henkeBUGabundo: thanks15:38
apwBluesKaj, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for the absolute dates15:39
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BluesKajactually dapper wasn't my first adventure with ubuntu, it was hoary ...yeah that's it . I tried to run it on a 233mhz /6gig hdd pc some colleages rescued from the dumpster at work :)15:42
BUGabundowhen we go back more then one release I have lots of trouble associating codenames to versions15:44
BUGabundoso horray was what? 5.10 ?15:44
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charlie458hi there, i was in here about a month ago trying to find what package a certain font was in, someone gave me the correct command but i've forgotten it17:50
BUGabundocharlie458: logs?17:53
charlie458BUGabundo, re-installed OS and lost them, forgot to back them up :(17:53
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/17:53
BUGabundocharlie458: done17:53
charlie458BUGabundo, thanks :D17:54
charlie458i'll search17:54
charlie458ty BUGabundo i found it17:59
BUGabundocharlie458: great18:00
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henkewhere did asoundconf go in Karmic? different name? just removed? it was in alsa-utils before20:21
BUGabundoI think it was removed20:22
BUGabundosome time ago20:22
BUGabundodroped upstream20:22
henkedoes anything replace it?20:22
BUGabundono idea20:24
henkewell, it was convenient to toggle alsa redirection to pulseaudio20:24
henkeI was going to turn that off to get sound for some flash stuff, which I wrote earlier that I have problems with20:25
BUGabundobut it works here20:28
BUGabundoAssid: hey20:40
Assidhow goes it20:41
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maxbHrm. devicekit is not endearing itself to me so far22:20
BUGabundomaxb: lots of changes to it recentely22:21
BUGabundodon't be admired of lots of breakage22:21
BUGabundountil it setles22:21
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