
bodhizazenwe do not have many "tools" in place such as governance , membership, etc00:00
bodhizazenwe really need to start having meetings and putting those things in place00:00
pwnguinthats an area where you can probably help out a lot00:01
bodhizazenSince we are young, a lot of damage can be done on this channel when people claim to speak for this team00:01
pwnguinyou dont nessecarily need to dictate decisions00:02
pwnguinbut building a schedule00:02
pwnguinand team agenda00:02
bodhizazenWell, that is not really my nature, to dictate how the team will run00:02
pwnguinand making sure things are happening00:02
pwnguincan do a lot00:02
bodhizazenEveryone will claim to be acting in the interest of the team00:02
bodhizazenWith that in mind , I saw a lot of potential damage with the discussion with dlinda00:03
bodhizazenVantrax|Work: I suggest we identify team members with voice in this channle00:04
pwnguindlinda == dinda?00:04
bodhizazenyea, sorry00:04
bodhizazenat any rate , it is one thing to have internal discussions / debates on how to run / manage this team00:04
bodhizazenand quite another to act as an "ambassador" with other teams00:04
Vantrax|Workyes bodhi00:05
Vantrax|Workand have board as ops00:05
bodhizazenwe need to discuss how one becomes a member of the team as well :)00:05
pwnguinim not sure who dinda is exactly00:05
pwnguini think she's canonical staff?00:05
bodhizazenSo if somebody comes from another team , Canonical, MOTU, Wiki, whatever00:06
bodhizazenwe need to welcome them and work with them please00:06
bodhizazendinda is our primary contact with Cannonical00:06
bodhizazenshe is the one I have been working with (and others) to point learn.ubuntu.com to my server00:07
bodhizazenSo let us say for example somebody comes from the MOTU , with me so far ?00:07
bodhizazenOur goal is to work with them00:08
bodhizazenIf they have concerns with licensing, we need to make our best effort to resolve their concerns00:08
pwnguincollaboration is part of the code of conduct00:08
bodhizazenNow, we will not be able to please everybody all the time, granted00:09
bodhizazenbut let us put forth a bit of effort to please as many people as possible00:09
Vantrax|Workonce we settle the licensing issue internally we can talk to the teams00:10
pwnguinit would probably help if people came prepared with specific resolutions to vote on00:11
bodhizazenI suggest "education"00:11
bodhizazenI am willing to bet not everyone who considers themselves a team member knows the issues00:12
bodhizazenI suggest in providing education we start with "unbiased facts" as much as possible00:12
bodhizazenie a direct link to license for example ;)00:13
bodhizazenI do believe that on such contentious issues compromise is possible and I highly doubt there is a "perfect license" for this project00:15
bodhizazenNow we could take up a collection and hire a lawyer to draw one up, no doubt00:15
dthackerWow, that was a lot of backscroll to read.00:16
bodhizazenVantrax|Work: and cprofit have proposed what seem like reasonable compromises on licensing and we need to support such comprise :)00:17
bodhizazenIMO it is counter productive for team members to promote extreme or uncompromising points of view00:19
bodhizazenClearly such an extreme view is unlikely to be adopted by this project, let alone enable us to work fluidly with other projects00:20
pwnguini dont think i ever saw any concrete views00:20
pwnguinwhat is this extreme view you speak of?00:20
bodhizazenI seem to recall doctormo threatenign to leave the project unless the license was -NC00:21
pwnguinquite the opposite00:21
bodhizazenIf you really want I can pull the quote00:21
pwnguini recall him declaring he woudln't support a -NC mandate00:22
bodhizazenAh, well that is the extreem position then :)00:22
pwnguinso the "extreme" position is "some stuff can be CC-BY-SA"00:22
pwnguinand this is unlikely to be adopted?00:23
bodhizazenum no00:23
bodhizazenthat is not what doctormo said is it ?00:23
bodhizazenThat is what Vantrax|Work said00:24
pwnguinfrom what i see, he quoted a webpage, and thought it was mistaken00:25
Vantrax|WorkThe licencing will be CC-BY-SA where possible, but some items will be CC-BY-NC-SA because we dont create them00:25
bodhizazenlink to log and I will pull it00:25
Vantrax|Workwe will have to update the page when we can get everyone together to agree on this00:26
Vantrax|Workwe need a meeting where we can get most of us there.00:26
bodhizazendoctormoIf it's NC I will withdraw, because I don't intend for my work to be abused.00:29
bodhizazendoctormoI intent to not have materials subject to limitations that are not right and not future proof.00:30
pwnguini think he's right00:30
pwnguinif i put a course on ubuntu-learning00:30
bodhizazenhe will need to compromise and abide by the decision of this project, which looks like00:31
bodhizazenVantrax|WorkThe licencing will be CC-BY-SA where possible, but some items will be CC-BY-NC-SA because we dont create them00:31
pwnguinbodhizazen: you're missing some context here00:31
pwnguinit kinda looked like dinda was asserting -nc as a requirement00:31
bodhizazenwell, I do not really want to cut and paste the entire conversation00:31
bodhizazenbesides, I think this issue is between doctormo and "the project"00:32
bodhizazenand not something we should be discussing further00:33
bodhizazenwithout him00:33
pwnguinwhat i was saying was, if i put up a course on ubuntu moodle, and later took a job with the instructional side of this college00:35
pwnguinteaching linux00:35
Vantrax|Workyou could use the materials as 'added reading' but not as your course00:35
pwnguincould i import the course into blackboard?00:35
Vantrax|Workthat is if it was NC00:36
Vantrax|Workbut as its CC-BY-SA you could just import it into blackboard with a link back00:36
bodhizazenOr you can make your own personal web site and do with it as you wish.00:37
Vantrax|WorkIll talk with dinda when she comes around next about this, little bit of misunderstanding all round I think00:37
pwnguindepending on whether -NC is on there, who owns the copyright, and what modifications have been made00:38
bodhizazenI do believe you "give up" some "rights" when you publish on a public web site you do not own.00:38
bodhizazenNot that I know the details mind you ;)00:39
pwnguinusually you give them non-exclusive rights to reproduce00:39
pwnguinnot ownership00:39
pwnguinotherwise canonical owns a lot of code hosted in launchpad00:39
bodhizazenWell, it would depend on the site I believe00:39
bodhizazenSome sites are probably more restrictive then others00:41
Vantrax|Workokies, im off to a meeting for the next two hours00:56
Vantrax|Worksent me msg if you want me00:56
Vantrax|Workill check in when i get back00:56
bodhizazennight everyone :)03:23
bodhizazencprofitt: nice work :)03:23
bodhizazenI hope to have a new test server back up soon03:24
cprofittnice work?03:24
bodhizazenyes, no the course03:24
bodhizazenI looked at it today03:24
cprofittthe three courses - got ya03:24
cprofittthose all are CC courses -- not ones I made03:24
bodhizazenI looked @ gimp and OOO03:24
cprofittI will be making one on UFW as an example03:24
bodhizazenwell, you uploaded ?03:25
cprofittand it will tie in with the UFW wiki03:25
cprofittyes, I uploaded all three courses currently on the site03:25
Vantrax|Workaww missed dindia05:17
Vantraxhey dinda23:32
Vantraxdid you get the email I sent back earlier?23:51
=== Vantrax is now known as Vantrax|Work

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