
=== edson is now known as edsoncanto
rayChang (행동)11:47
* mvo looks around15:58
* liw looks around15:58
* robbiew waves15:58
robbiewI got 1 minute!15:59
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is robbiew.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
robbiewhi liw: mvo: slangasek: cjwatson:16:00
robbiewKeybuk: around? done crying about your iPhone :P16:00
mvowhat happend to it?16:01
robbiewAgenda: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/2009/0610#Agenda16:01
robbiewjames_w: awake?16:01
james_waye aye16:02
robbiewmterry: howdy16:02
robbiewlast one in takes dmraid16:03
Keybukmvo: nothing interesting, just told me it had core dumped16:03
robbiewdoko: you joining..or just listening :)16:03
* evand1 knocks over everyone in his path to the entrance16:03
al-maisanrobbiew: interesting management technique ;)16:04
robbiewthanks for taking dmraid evand1 :P16:04
dokorobbiew: joining16:04
robbiewokay...let's go!16:04
robbiew[TOPIC] DMRaid16:04
MootBotNew Topic:  DMRaid16:04
robbiewTheMuso can't take it to Desktop...so I need someone to take it16:05
mterryWhy is it so scary?  Just needs special hardware?16:05
cjwatsonok, so16:05
liwas I understand it the hardware is pretty common (part of the usual intel motherboard chipsets that lots of people have)16:05
cjwatsondmraid is a system for dealing with low-end hardware raid - but it's not using a proper raid controller, it's basically done in the bios16:06
robbiewwell..it's software raid, so I don't think it's that special16:06
cjwatsonthe reason it's a bit scary is that (a) the hardware is nasty (b) the software is nasty16:06
robbiewTheMuso is willing to help whomever takes it over get up to speed16:06
dokonasty + nasty = scary ?16:06
* slangasek doesn't have the hardware here16:06
liwI have the chipset on my desktop machine, but I want to use that machine, and I am not sacrificing its hard disks to dmraid :P16:06
Keybukand (c) scott keeps changing things underneath you16:07
mterryHow do i know if I have the right hardware?16:07
cjwatsonit basically occupies an uncomfortable halfway house between proper hardware raid and mdadm16:07
liwKeybuk, which Scott? :)16:07
cjwatsonhowever, dmraid *mostly* works now; the main thing that's missing is that IIRC the desktop installer doesn't yet deal with it16:07
mterryI'm sure I could appropriate some of the OEM hardware, if we have matching stuff16:07
cjwatsonbut of course it needs maintenance, and I understand that the userspace side is being integrated into mdadm at some point16:07
liwmterry, TheMuso gave the specs in a previous meeting, but I can't find it now16:07
cjwatsonevery bios vendor has their own flavour of it so there's a certain amount of whack-a-mole involved16:08
robbiewmterry: the only issue with you taking it...is when you go back to OEM next cycle16:08
robbiewunless you want to keep it :)16:08
cjwatsontake it, fix it, document it, leave it? :)16:08
mterryrobbiew: But then doko comes back for it, right?  I thought it was doko's baby.  Maybe I'm misremembering16:08
liwrobbiew, that's not an issue, that's "distributing knowledge around the company"16:08
robbiewmterry: no..TheMuso's16:08
cjwatsoncertainly anyone taking it ought to have the relevant hardware, if only because that provides an incentive to make it work well16:08
* doko is handling over glibc to mterry16:09
cjwatsonbut I imagine there's some company hardware somewhere with it, as you say16:09
robbiewI also imagine that I could find some from the server team...since we are doing it for them in many ways16:09
cjwatsonIIRC there hasn't been a lot of Ubuntu community interest in it unfortunately16:09
cjwatson(if I'm wrong, sorry, no slight intended)16:10
robbiewmaybe we try giving it back to the server team....though I don't have much hope in them taking it16:10
Keybukraid sounds very servery ;)16:11
mterryWell, if I'm not suitable, maybe OEM could give up some hardware to someone else, if people are worried about frying their stuff16:11
liwdmraid does not sound very servery to me ;-)16:11
* soren concurs with liw :)16:11
cjwatsonserver people hate dmraid because it's cheap16:11
evand1I'm slightly confused by this being driven by the server team but the last missing piece being integration in ubiquity.16:12
mterryEverything we have is Intel, and we've got old netbooks16:12
cjwatsonit's something hot-rod machines sold to gamers use16:12
cjwatsonanyway, I think it'd be cool for mterry to do it personally16:12
robbiewcjwatson: okay16:12
* liw votes for mterry16:12
mterryAgain, it's not clear I have the hardware.  Will have to talk to TheMuso16:12
robbiewbut we'll need to figure out a plan for post-mterry :)16:12
robbiew[ACTION] mterry to talk to TheMuso about dmraid16:13
MootBotACTION received:  mterry to talk to TheMuso about dmraid16:13
mterryI assume we're obligated to love it?16:13
mterryLike, we can't just kick it to universe and wipe our hands?16:13
robbiewyes...but I can't remember why....cjwatson?16:13
slangasekI'd be willing to take it, but the company would need to get me a gaming rig^W^W test machine16:13
cjwatsonlargely because lots of real hardware uses it and people get upset when Ubuntu doesn't work right on it16:14
* ogra puts a "i love hot rods" sticker on mterry's back16:14
cjwatsonif we aren't dmraid-aware, then if you try to install Ubuntu alongside e.g. an existing Windows installation, then it trashes your Windows installation for you16:14
ogra(with lots of flames)16:14
cjwatsonsince it desyncs the multiple disks16:14
robbiewI recall TheMuso mentioning tht16:14
mterrycjwatson: Ah.  That just needs marketing as a feature, not a bug.  But good point16:14
* Keybuk hides the Alienware logo on his desktop16:14
slangasek"just" :)16:15
robbiewmterry: I guess just chat with TheMuso later today and let me know if you can do it...thnks16:15
mterryrobbiew: OK16:16
robbiew[TOPIC] Karmic Roadmap16:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Karmic Roadmap16:16
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuPlatform/Foundations/9.1016:16
robbiewI still need to put in the Medium and Lows...and move over to ubuntu.com16:16
robbiewplars: ????16:16
robbiewIt's becoming clear as I populate the list...that there's NO way we can deliver all this16:17
robbiewat least, in my opinion16:17
james_wput in the medium and lows?!16:17
dokocan we add e?glibc-2.10 to the roadmap?16:17
plarsrobbiew: sorry, misfire16:18
dokorobbiew: do you want to stick with 2.9 for karmic?16:18
robbiewdoko: are you saying glibc or eglibc?16:19
slangasekrobbiew: do you want multiarch on there as a 'low'? :)16:19
Keybukrobbiew: the swap file stuff has two parts16:19
Keybuka boot part and an installer part16:19
dokorobbiew: parse it as an extended regexp ;)16:19
robbiewslangasek: whatever the blueprint says16:20
* robbiew forgot to put that in...like i said, it's not done16:20
robbiewKeybuk: right...okay16:20
cjwatsonthe installer part's pretty trivial - I'd be happy for us to do that bit without splitting up the blueprint16:20
mterryI don't see copyright stuff on that list.  Was that not us?16:20
dokoslangasek: maybe delay that after debconf?16:20
robbiew[ACTION] robbiew to break apart the swapfile into boot and installer16:21
MootBotACTION received:  robbiew to break apart the swapfile into boot and installer16:21
Keybukcjwatson: the boot part is pretty trivial too ;)16:21
robbiewcjwatson: okay16:21
slangasekdoko: delay what?  after debconf would be too late to start on a spec for karmic...16:21
robbiewthat works too16:21
robbiewmterry: it is...just not gotten to it yet16:21
slangasekdoko: and I'm trying to get the spec finalized so that Guillem has something to work to16:21
* mterry is excited about the dep5 future16:21
slangasekyou're excited about 4 more months of bikeshedding? :)16:22
* mterry will be excited to have a bikeshed anyway16:22
liwslangasek, I'm excited about four months of bikeshedding that you drive :)16:22
robbiewso, I obviously need to finish this roadmap today/tomorrow, but wanted to let everyone see it now...to start the panic early ;)16:23
dokoslangasek: wasn't aware that you do want to finish the spec before16:23
cjwatsonin case people haven't noticed, BTW, this week is listed on the release schedule as the deadline for getting specs written16:23
evand1robbiew: should we contact you about items that are not on that list yet, or are you aware of the missing specs?16:24
robbiewI would like us to think about putting delivery milestones for our work...using the section in the blueprints16:24
robbiewevand1: no...I'm still building the list16:24
liwcjwatson, FeatureDefinitionFreeze? it's not june 18?16:24
cjwatsonliw: see the note against the previous week in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule16:24
cjwatsonIOW the specs need to be written up so that we have time to sift through them and agree what we're actually doing16:25
liwcjwatson, bah, that should be in the .ics file too, too many places to poll :(16:25
robbiewcjwatson: +116:25
* mvo will have to focus on spec writing today then16:25
robbiewif you already know of work that you simply cannot do...let me know16:25
robbiewI can defer it, until next cycle...or help resolve the conflict of priorities16:26
* Keybuk hasn't even started writing specs yet16:26
* liw is still recovering from three weeks of travel16:27
robbiewcry me a river16:27
liwbut yeah, finishing the specs I have this week should be reasonably possible, if I stop reading e-mail16:28
* james_w can finish the specs this week. The work on the other hand... :-)16:28
robbiewokay...moving on16:29
robbiew[TOPIC] Bugs16:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Bugs16:29
cjwatsonrobbiew: there was precious little agreement on foundations-karmic-ubuntu-one-in-installer, IIRC; the gobby document ends with "we won't change the installer"16:29
cjwatsonso I think you can safely take that off our list16:29
robbiewcjwatson: yep...good point16:29
robbiewwill do16:29
* Keybuk writes the words "See implementation" in all his specs16:29
robbiew[ACTION] robbiew to take off ubuntu-one-in-installer16:30
MootBotACTION received:  robbiew to take off ubuntu-one-in-installer16:30
robbiewAlpha 2 is tomorrow16:30
* slangasek chooses Keybuk as approver for all his specs16:30
slangasekhe's the OTS of spec regulation16:31
slangasekOffice of Thrift Supervision :)16:31
robbiewnot much to say about bugs for alpha2...since it's tomorrow16:31
robbiewso moving on to our favorite topic:16:31
robbiew[TOPIC] Sponsorship Queue16:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Sponsorship Queue16:32
cjwatsonI sucked during my scheduled timeslot yesterday, but rocked this morning to make up for it16:32
cjwatson(until I remembered that we were in soft freeze and rapidly switched to universe stuff, whoops)16:32
robbiewFWIW, dholbach has a little website that tries to gather sponsorship stats on each developer16:33
* slangasek blames all CD problems today on cjwatson 16:33
robbiewslangasek: isn't that the norm? :P16:33
slangasekno, I usually blame them on Keybuk16:33
robbiewsomehow that doesn't surprise me16:34
* james_w sponsored two things this morning, with an hour scheduled on Friday for some more16:34
robbiewanyway, I know you all have tons to do...but please make sure to check the queue when you can16:34
robbiew[TOPIC] Activity report news16:35
MootBotNew Topic:  Activity report news16:35
robbiewI haven't read them all...but does anyone have something they want to bring up?16:35
robbiewtaking the silence as a "No!"16:36
mvotomorrow is a public holiday in (my part of) germany16:36
robbiew[TOPIC] Good News16:36
MootBotNew Topic:  Good News16:36
robbiewmvo: well, that's good news :)16:36
robbiewfor you16:36
slangasekstill more merges to be done :)16:36
robbiewI got a 73" HDTV coming today :D16:37
slangasekonly 15 merges left under doko's name16:37
Keybukrobbiew: your performance review went well, then!16:37
cjwatsonlots of my specs appear to be pleasingly small16:37
robbiewKeybuk: lol...no, my realtor gave me back 2% of her 3% commission ;)16:37
cjwatson(couple of meaty ones, there's plenty left to do on grub2)16:38
robbiewcjwatson: yeah...I was worried at first16:38
dokoslangasek: are there some where I should help?16:38
mvoslangasek: I can help with those as well16:38
evand173"?  I have TV envy.16:38
slangasekdoko, mvo: don't bother with gawk, I'm going to assert my maintainership of the package in Debian and try to get that into a sync16:38
mterry'assert my maintainership' sounds so forceful16:39
ograevand1, above 50" are only for managers :P16:39
cjwatsonmterry: this is slangasek's manly side16:40
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:40.16:40
cjwatsonwhoa, I had one AOB16:40
* mvo is pretty impressed after he calculated what 73" means in centimeter16:40
robbiewheh...i see we've digressed16:40
cjwatsonanyway, it's quick16:40
mterrycjwatson: Just like yours is going into the woods without a patch system16:40
robbiewfire away16:40
cjwatsonmterry: hah16:40
robbiewheh...that's a significant AOB16:40
cjwatsonthere are a few things that I think still ought to be cleared up for .3 if possible16:40
cjwatsonevand1: bug 21919216:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219192 in casper "[hardy] livecd: keyword "persistent" results in busybox and (initramfs)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21919216:41
cjwatsondoko (or somebody who can play him on TV): bug 28827916:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288279 in openjdk-6 "Wrong path for dejavu fonts" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28827916:41
evand1sure thing16:41
slangasekmterry: Debian politics... the package was put up for adoption, I adopted it in agreement with the maintainer, someone else is uploading it using maintainer version numbers :)16:42
cjwatsonand it'd be nice if somebody could look at bug 347303 and bug 24662516:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347303 in perl "ENV{TZ} and strftime in perl not working" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34730316:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246625 in xen-3.3 "libc6-xen not used by dynamic linker" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24662516:42
cjwatson(maybe not for .3 in the latter two cases)16:42
dokocjwatson: openjdk-6: I'm tempted to prepare an update for hardy based on the jaunty package16:43
cjwatsonI have one more of my own to take care of, namely bug 25040016:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250400 in ssl-cert "make-ssl-cert fails if HOME is unset or empty" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25040016:44
robbiewcjwatson: slangasek: anything else related to 8.04.3?16:45
slangasekdoko: I don't think a wholesale packaging update is appropriate, or likely to clear regression verification in time for .316:45
cjwatsonthat's all from me, dunno about Steve16:45
slangaseknothing else from me; I'll poke people individually for anything critical16:46
robbiewthanks all16:46
pedro_hello folks!17:59
* ogasawara waves17:59
cr3yo homies18:00
henohey everyone!18:00
MootBotMeeting started at 12:01. The chair is heno.18:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:01
henoWe have a long agenda: UbuntuBugDay highlights -- pedro18:02
pedro_well there's was no hug day the last week18:02
pedro_but we are having one tomorrow cof cof18:02
pedro_based on update-manager and update-notifier18:02
heno[TOPIC] UbuntuBugDay highlights -- pedro18:02
MootBotNew Topic:  UbuntuBugDay highlights -- pedro18:02
pedro_as always everybody is welcome to join us and clean up those products18:02
henothanks pedro_18:03
heno[TOPIC] New bug control members! -- bdmurray18:04
MootBotNew Topic:  New bug control members! -- bdmurray18:04
pedro_my pleasure18:04
bdmurrayPaul Larson was added as a regular bug control member this past week18:04
* heno hugs mvo18:05
* mvo hugs heno and pedro_18:05
cr3ara: regarding those bugs found for the update-manager, these might be good leads when writing desktop tests18:05
* pedro_ hugs mvo back18:05
aracr3: indeed18:05
henohow many update-manager bugs are really u-m bugs and how many belong to other packages (typically)18:06
henoI'm guessing the u-m GUI itself doesn't have that many real bugs18:06
mvoheno: hard to say (and I'm biased of course), but I would say > 50% are not really u-m bugs. some are really hard to diagnose though18:06
mvoI think one problem is that u-m excercises the system a lot during a disk-upgrade so that HW problems show up more likely18:07
mvoit stresses network, mem and disk-io quite a bit18:07
mvoat some point I did some statistics, might be worthwhile to redo them18:08
henoWe should look at doing GUI-driven upgrade testing as part of the dist upgrade spec18:09
cr3mvo: would it be worthwhile to run a sanity check on hardware before running tests in order to detect those kinds of failures beforehand?18:09
henoif that would help flush out such issues18:09
mvocr3: a interessting idea18:09
cr3mvo: luckily, there are plenty of stress test suites out there already for hardware which could be integrated into checkbox18:09
mvoheno: absolutely, I hope with "update-manager --sandbox" this is easy(ier) now18:09
cr3mvo: I'm not completely convinced this would be useful so I'm just throwing the idea on the table18:10
* mvo nods18:10
henofortunately the dist upgrade spec is not complete yet ;) so we can consider this18:11
henowe'll look at that in the last agenda item18:11
henomoving on ...18:11
heno[TOPIC] Fridge Calendar Entry - wrong time -- schwuk18:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Fridge Calendar Entry - wrong time -- schwuk18:11
schwukheno: in progress18:12
heno[TOPIC] Official Bug Tags - should apport- stuff be listed? -- bdmurray18:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Official Bug Tags - should apport- stuff be listed? -- bdmurray18:12
bdmurrayLaunchpad now suggests the official bug tags when one is adding tags to a bug report and this is something that didn't exist when started the official tags list18:13
bdmurrayI don't believe it useful for tags like apport-crash and apport-bug to be suggested since they should be added automatically18:14
bdmurraySo I'd like to remove them from the "official" tag list18:14
bdmurrayAnd only keep ones that should be added by people18:15
sbeattiedoes "official" status confer anything else to the tag?18:15
henodoes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags otherwise map to the LP official list?18:15
bdmurraysbeattie: well, they show up in the official portlet vs the "other tags" portlet18:15
bdmurraybut that's the only other advantage I know of18:16
henobdmurray: you want to remove them from the LP list (are they there?) or just the wiki page?18:16
bdmurrayheno: some of the ones on the wiki page are experiments (ways to test new tags)18:16
bdmurrayheno: from the lp list so they aren't recommended when someone is adding tags to a bug report18:17
henobdmurray: makes sense18:17
bdmurrayheno: they'd stay on the wiki page as they are useful for triagers to understand when or why a tag was added18:17
henowe could move them to an automatic section on the wiki page too18:17
henoshould we also move the experimental ones or highlight them in grey so we get a clear mapping between the two places?18:18
bdmurraymaybe adding a column for the "official" ones?18:19
henoanyway +1 for your original suggestion, bdmurray18:19
henoright, or just mark the others with a '*'18:19
henobut we're bikesheding ...18:20
schwukheno: Fridge entry fixed.18:20
heno[TOPIC] qa.u.c landing page. Any news? -- ara18:20
MootBotNew Topic:  qa.u.c landing page. Any news? -- ara18:20
araI just wanted to ask about how this is going18:20
henook, how about this one :) schwuk ^18:20
schwukIS are finally moving on this (after I poked them) but now there's a permissions problem.18:21
cr3how come the landing page says "ubuntu brainstorm"?18:21
schwukcr3: It won't soon :)18:21
cr3schwuk: how come it did in the first place?18:21
schwukcr3: because it's currently served by brainstorm - we're switching it to static content.18:21
cr3interesting... thanks for the background info18:22
schwukheno: I expect this to be complete by next weeks meeting. Hopefully by the end of this week.18:22
henothe ISO tracker share code and used to share an instance, cr318:22
henoschwuk: ok, thanks18:22
henoschwuk: can you blog about it when it does?18:23
araschwuk: thanks18:23
heno[TOPIC] Testing Days in Karmic -- ara18:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Testing Days in Karmic -- ara18:23
araI am wondering when should we start again with the testing days18:24
schwukheno: of course18:24
arado you think we are late enough in the cycle to start with them?18:24
henoMight be good time for a Hardy.3 SRU testing day18:25
henoor possibly Jaunty SRUs?18:25
sbeattieheno: hrm, yeah, makes sense18:25
henosbeattie: which one? :)18:25
sbeattieboth, honestly.18:25
henoara: things like grub2 and ext4 default are landing18:26
sbeattiethough hardy.3 should come soon, given upcoming deadline.18:26
henoit's early for Gnome stuff though18:26
sbeattieyes, I think there's enough stuff landing already that karmic testing days make sense.18:26
henopedro_: when should we expect the first Gnome drops?18:26
henoara: reminds us of the topic suggestion URL?18:27
araheno: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/Features18:28
henook, let's add our ideas there18:28
pedro_heno: IIRC next week we might have some new packages with Gnome 2.27 on karmic18:29
henoshould we aim for an SRU testing day next Monday?18:29
sbeattieheno: that's reasonable.18:29
henosbeattie: which ever release is most pressing, or both18:29
henopedro_: does it make sense to get formal testing of that or is it too raw?18:30
pedro_it's a bit raw now, I'd wait for 2.27.4 or .5 which is due to July for doing a more formal testing18:32
pedro_Jul 15 2.27.4 and Jul 29  2.27.5 for being more specific18:33
henoara: is that enough to get us started?18:33
araheno: sure, we can start with srus, then ext4 and/or grub2 and then move to gnome stuff18:33
henook, great18:34
arasbeattie: for next monday hardy or jaunty?18:34
henothere are also some new Karmic features listed here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/RegressionImmunisation18:34
sbeattieRight now, hardy, but I may expand it to cover jaunty as well.18:34
sbeattieara ^18:34
henospeaking of which ...18:35
heno[TOPIC] SRU Verifications -- sbeattie18:35
MootBotNew Topic:  SRU Verifications -- sbeattie18:35
sbeattieFirst, thanks to Alexei Mokeev, ZelinskiyIS, gidantribal, medisoft, ded, and Patryk Bajer for testing SRUs and helping to get them out.18:35
sbeattieAnd second, as mentioned above, 8.04.3 is coming (july 9th I believe).18:36
henosbeattie: do we know when the verification deadline is?18:36
sbeattieHrm, no, I'll ask slangasek.18:36
sbeattieBut I would expect a week or two before.18:37
sbeattieSine there'll be a run up time of image testing.18:37
henohow many images are we doing now, just Ubuntu server?18:38
sbeattiehrm, once again, I don't recall if we're spinning desktop images as well.18:38
sbeattieThe calendar at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule doesn't say18:39
heno[TOPIC] Spec Roadmap review -- heno18:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Spec Roadmap review -- heno18:39
henosee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RoadMap18:39
henoit's looking better, but there are still gaps18:40
henolet's go down the list of non-Approved specs and get some drafting ETAs18:40
henoSpecialization Within bug-control18:41
henopedro_: ^?18:41
pedro_I'm a bit behind with my spec, since i wasn't around the last week but i hope to have that drafted by the end of the week18:41
bdmurrayWhat's the (i) for on that page?18:42
henopedro_: right, do you need some help drafting?18:42
pedro_for hopefully having more opinions on the subject from the community team18:42
henobdmurray: informational18:42
henoI should add it to the key :)18:42
pedro_heno: that'd be nice :-)18:42
henoogasawara: Package Greasemonkey Scripts ?18:43
ogasawaraheno: hoping to get it done by end of the week since I just became the drafter yesterday18:43
henoogasawara: could you also add the two kernel bug specs to that page?18:44
bdmurrayI'll be helping out with that one18:44
ogasawaraheno: will do18:44
henobdmurray: great, thanks18:44
henofader: Extended Audio Testing ?18:44
faderHoping to get it done today, but I'll promise no later than EOD tomorrow.18:45
fader(i.e. you can hold me to that :) )18:45
henook. we talked about what needs doing to it18:46
henosounds good18:46
henoogasawara: Suspend Resume Testing - same situation on that one I guess18:46
ogasawaraheno: yup18:46
henoto be fair I made up that spec yesterday ...18:47
henosbeattie: Distribution Upgrade Testing ?18:47
henoI think you said we should ask mvo to look at that one too https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/DistributionUpgradeTesting18:48
sbeattieYep, if mvo could help flash that out, it'd be great.18:48
henosame goes for james_w with the package testing spec18:48
cr3sbeattie: yeah, I'd like to see mvo "flash" too!18:48
henosbeattie: can we set an ETA though?18:49
sbeattieheno: otherwise, by end of the week.18:49
cr3james_w: if you need help with that spec, I'm your man18:49
henook, thanks18:49
macowhat a line to enter the buffer on18:49
schwukmaco: you should be used to cr3 by now18:50
henoI guess mgunes isn't here18:50
henoTesting Weather Report still needs some drafting18:51
henolike answering the python vs. ruby question :)18:52
henoI can poke some more at that too18:52
henoschwuk: the 2 checkbox specs?18:52
schwukheno: enhancements tomorrow, wishlist friday18:53
henoagain to be fair, we've regrouped those a great deal18:53
henoschwuk: ok, thanks18:53
schwukyeah - there's a lot folded into those18:53
henocr3: the checkbox filters spec - draft or punt to Karmic+1?18:54
cr3heno: draft, I totally forgot about that one18:54
henook, thanks18:55
henonow: who has started implementation work?18:55
henoo/ :)18:55
* fader hides.18:56
cr3o/... I couldn't help myself :(18:56
cr3(note that the dots under my arm pit emoticon aren't stink waves)18:56
henothat's not really expected though :)18:56
henowe'll revisit the list in 3-4 weeks to look at implementation progress18:57
henodid I leave any key specs off that list?18:57
james_wcr3: am I drafting the package testing one?18:58
henoeeejay: are you planning to write a separate Ubiquity automation spec?18:58
henoIf so, let me know if you need a hand scoping it out18:59
cr3james_w: actually, I believe fader is, so you're probably off the hook... for now18:59
faderjames_w: I'm drafting one but there's another as well18:59
james_wexcellent :-)18:59
eeejayheno: sure, i could do that18:59
faderjames_w: I'm not sure who is drafting it though -- I thought it was you :/18:59
cr3fader: could you let us know the url for the spec, I can't seem to find it18:59
james_wfader: let's chat after18:59
henojames_w: I understand you are involved with a related package spec on the foundation track?19:00
faderjames_w, cr3: Sounds good, we can straighten this out after the meeting19:00
cr3james_w: heno is referring to the last session during uds19:00
henoeeejay: great, we can talk later19:00
james_wheno: yeah, myself and mvo are interested in much the same things as your team apparently, so we're going to combine efforts19:00
henosounds good19:00
henowe are at time19:01
james_wwe didn't have a clear picture of what would happen this cycle and who would do what after the session though, so we agreed to discuss it after UDS19:01
henoany other urgent business?19:01
henojames_w: makes sense19:01
henowe are just emerging from that phase ourselves ;)19:01
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:02.19:02
henothanks everyone!19:02
james_wthanks all19:02
pedro_thanks you!19:02
* fader waves.19:03
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader
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=== Vantrax is now known as Vantrax|Work

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