
skierpagekatoda, Thanks.  It would sure be nice if KPackageKit showed what PPA caused a particular package or update listing.00:00
Zoraeltogetic: Does your /usr/sbin/update-openoffice-dicts exist, to begin with?00:00
Zoraeltogetic: also, have you tried simply renaming your home folder to something else and have your DE recreate its files?00:01
togeticone sec, need to chown into the system since i'm using a live cd atm00:01
Zoraeljust mount it :)00:01
togeticbut to use apt-get i'll need to chown00:03
ZoraelI imagine you mean chroot, but yeah, point taken00:04
katodadoes anybody with kde 4.3beta2 confirm disappearing of restart icon (K->Leave->Restart)?00:04
togeticI mean chroot00:04
togeticand i am chrooted so... let's look for the file00:05
Zoraelright, /usr/sbin/update-openoffice-dicts00:05
togeticZorael: no, the file doesn't exist00:06
togetici used locate and looked myself00:06
togetici haven't tried renaming it00:06
togeticit == my home folder00:06
togetichow would the DE recreate the files, you might have to explain that one a little further00:07
Zoraelfirst of all, do you have the dictionaries-common package installed? (apt-cache policy dictionaries-common)00:07
* tr_hawk waves goodbye00:09
Zoraelkatoda: No, I have the icon and I'm on 4.3b200:09
togeticZorael: no i don't00:09
katodaZorael: and do you have "administrator mode" in kde system settings?00:10
togeticdo i need dictionaries-common or dictionaries-common-dev?00:11
Zoraeltogetic: well, iirc the package that refused to configure was an openoffice package, and openoffice seems to depend on that dictionaries-common, so seems like a broken dependency. try installing it; sudo aptitude install dictionaries-common00:11
Zoraelkatoda: No, been missing for quite a while, I think?00:11
katodaZorael: AFAIR in 4.2 it was availible00:12
Zoraelkatoda: Maybe, I've been running it with kdesu for quite a while though00:13
katodaZorael: ok, nvm, i want my restart icon back! ~~ ;-)00:13
togeticZorael ^00:14
togeticand anyone else willing to help ^00:14
Zoraeltogetic: sudo aptitude reinstall openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us dictionaries-common+00:15
Zorael(last + important)00:16
togeticwhat does the plus sign do?00:17
togeticthat worked whatever it was00:18
Zoraelit installs dictionaries-common and reinstalls openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us00:18
togeticnow i can't even recall why i needed apt to work :P00:19
togeticanywho, need kdm fixed now i suppose00:19
Zoraelfor your WM, do you get as far as to the login screen?00:19
togeticmaybe it has to do w/ permission00:19
togetickdm is as far as i get00:19
togeticand i can login through a tty screen, but no X00:19
togetic..i think..00:19
Zoraelkdm, as in the greeter, right?00:19
togeticlet me reboot into the machine to find out00:19
togeticsi senor00:20
ZoraelAnyway,  try creating another user00:20
togetici could use one of the several already there right?00:20
togetici haven't tried them yet00:20
togeticwill reboot now00:20
Zoraelif the permissions of your home directory is botched (though we fixed /home itself earlier), creating a new one should make it work for him/her/it00:20
ZoraelSeveral already there? o.000:21
katodaZorael: I'm here :P00:21
katodagive me my restart icon back! :D00:21
Zoraelkatoda: It's mine now!00:21
* Zorael runs off, laughing hysterically00:22
katodaZorael: you have stolen it from me!00:22
* katoda thinks how it happens00:22
* katoda doesn't use IE though00:23
Zoraelkatoda: Tried reinstalling the icon packages? sudo aptitude reinstall kde-icons-oxygen kdeartwork-theme-icon00:23
terettes15i need help with this codecs i just down loaded.00:24
katodadon't have kdeartwork-theme-icon installed :P00:24
katodamaybe it'll help00:24
Zoraelperhaps it's something I installed, omit it00:25
katodaZorael: maybe it'll help ;)00:25
ZoraelAh, yeah, it's a part of the kdeartwork bundle00:25
Zoraelkatoda: can't hurt :300:25
katodaZorael: can you locate somehow the path of the icon?00:26
Zoraelkatoda: hum.00:27
katodaZorael: got it00:27
Zoraelkatoda: Ah, cheers00:28
katoda. /usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/actions/system-restart.png00:28
katodabut it still doesn't show00:28
terettes15can anyone help me please00:28
katodaI think it is something in config00:28
ZoraelIt's supposed to be named system-reboot.png00:28
Zoraelkatoda: so reinstall the package00:28
katodaterettes15: what happened00:28
katodaZorael: I've done this00:28
Zoraelmmkay, then make a symbolic link. :3 "ln -s //usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/actions/system-restart.png /usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/actions/system-reboot.png"00:29
terettes15i dl this codecs and it opened up on wine now i cant close it out00:29
togeticZorael: alright, so... any other use can login except for my own00:29
katodaZorael: I have kde-icons-oxygen from 4.2.400:29
ZoraelSorry; "ln -s /usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/actions/system-restart.png /usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/actions/system-reboot.png"00:29
Zoraeltogetic: Yeah, so something wrong with the permissions of your home dir00:29
katodaterettes15: what codec?00:30
togeticso what i would like to know is how to, after creating a new user... transfer all my files to that user's home00:30
katodaZorael: karmic // jaunty?00:30
Zoraelkatoda: Jaunty00:30
Zoraelwith 4.3b2 from ppas00:30
katodaZorael: what version of kde-icons-oxygen do you have?00:30
terettes15its a avsvideo converter00:30
Zoraelkatoda: Regardless, yours is named system-restart, right? And it doesn't show for you.00:31
katodaI have 4.2.4, not 4.2.9000:31
Zoraelkatoda: Mine is system-reboot, and shows.00:31
togeticso, instead of creating a new user, maybe we can try figuring out what's wrong with the permissions00:31
Zoraeltogetic: can you create files in your home dir now?00:31
togeticZorael: i can create files00:32
terettes15to be precise its avs video converter6.200:32
Zoraeltogetic: can you navigate into directories? like, cd ~/.kde?00:32
togeticZorael: yes00:33
togeticbut again, my paths are screwed, and for each screen i have to "export PATH=/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin"00:33
Zoraelah, right00:34
ShadozeDoes anyone know if there a foss alterantive to the nvidia drivers?00:34
togeticShadoze: yes, but for their drivers work better00:34
Zoraeltogetic: You do have a PATH defined in /etc/environment, I assume?00:35
katodaZorael: which kde ppa do You use00:35
togeticsure, and i have them set in .bashrc00:35
ShadozeIn what way? Better 3d support ect..?00:35
togeticoh wait00:35
togeticno i don't will have to do that00:36
togeticanywho, so that's resolved00:36
togeticnow... user permissions00:36
Zoraelwell, my .bashrc doesn't have any PATH definitions, either00:36
togeticbtw, i can't think you enough for taking the time to help me Zorael00:36
katodaShadoze: what's wrong in binary nvidia drivers?00:36
ZoraelI just inherit from /etc/environment00:36
Zorael(et al)00:36
togetici don't know why it's not inheriting them00:36
* togetic may go for a good game of open arena after this one00:37
Zoraelkatoda: I use a bunch, not really sure what's from which, heh00:37
ShadozeThe less closed source blobs i have on my system the better, i was curious into the alteratives00:37
Zoraeltogetic: I imagine you can read files from your home dir, as well? I mean, cat ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals00:38
togeticShadoze: the drawing of the graphics is much better all around w/ the nvidia drivers00:38
ShadozeSadly i didn't buy the pc i'm using so i didn't get to choose it's hardware either :S00:38
togeticZorael ^00:38
Zoraeltogetic: Can you write into /tmp?00:39
katodaZorael: zw, I'll try to relog00:39
togeticZorael: yes00:39
terettes15i need to close something out but its not letting me closeitout00:39
ZoraelI'd try renaming .kde to .kde-backup, and let kdm recreate its settings.00:39
ShadozeHmm, that's sad to hear :(00:40
Zoraeltogetic: If it works, then you at least have a DE running00:40
ZoraelI mean KDE recreate its settings*00:40
katodaZorael: I have my icon back :)00:41
* katoda thanks Zorael for his help :)00:41
Zoraelkatoda: There you go :300:41
togeticZorael: i did that and it still went back to the login screen00:41
Zoraeltogetic: So you get to the login screen, log in, and then it returns you back to it?00:42
Zoraeland this is with .kde renamed?00:42
togeticright, Zorael00:42
terettes15nevermind i got it00:43
LoreCaster_Nappiis anyone able to help me figure out how to run a canon imageCLASS d760 printer in linux (even with base-functionality), with no linux-drivers built for the device?00:43
togeticthere is..00:43
togetici should rename that00:43
=== LoreCaster_Nappi is now known as LoreCaster
Zoraeltogetic: which release are you running?00:43
togeticsame results00:43
togetichmm, lsb_release says 'no lsb modules available'00:44
togetici upgraded about 2 weeks ago00:44
katodaLoreCaster_Nappi: won't be possible00:45
togeticdoes kdm have a log?00:45
Zoraeltogetic: /var/log/kdm.log00:45
katodaLoreCaster: there is no info about such printer in openprinting.org, what means it doesn't work00:45
Zoraeltogetic: and Xorg.0.log00:45
togeticright, i had found it00:45
togeticnothing there so far00:46
Zoraeltogetic: well, something is making it crash or otherwise log out. *I* would try to migrate your settings over to a new user, since you said that only your user seems borked somehow00:46
togeticbut would i just do cp -r ~/.kde* /home/newuser00:47
Zoraeltogetic: starting by copying the whole .kde folder00:47
togeticafter creating it00:47
togetici'll try that00:47
Zoraeltogetic: cp -rv /home/olduser/.kde /home/newuser00:47
Zoraeltogetic: add the v to get it to be verbose and show you that it's actually doing stuff00:48
Zoraelyou'll need to change ownership after that00:48
Zoraeltogetic: sudo chown newuser:group /home/newuser/.kde -rv00:48
Zoraelsorry; -Rv00:48
togeticchown invalid option --r00:51
togeticinvalid option -- 'r'00:51
togeticit doesn't understand -r00:51
togeticZorael ^00:52
Zoraelmake it capital R, so -Rv00:52
togeticah, too late00:53
togetici already did 'sudo mv ~/.kde* /home/newuser'00:54
togeticguess i need to change the permissions so that the new user can access the files...00:54
Zoraeltogetic: Well, works too, though you won't have a backup00:54
Zoraeltogetic: yeah, sudo chown newuser:group /home/newuser/.kde -Rv00:54
togeticnow i need to add the new user to the sudoers00:56
carolijaHello all !  I have volume ext3 and that is other HDD but I want to all space be in /home/  I have to Unmount it or .. ?00:56
carolijalike this is confusing little space here little there ...00:56
togeticsudo sudoedit /etc/sudoers00:56
Zoraeltogetic: Just make sure he's in the admin group00:57
togeticright, how?00:57
carolijaI'd like all the space to be one one place00:57
togeticsorries :P00:57
togeticcarolija: have you tried fdisk yet? mk.ext2 -j00:57
carolijaboth HDD to put into one basically00:57
togeticer, mkfs.ext300:58
carolijatogetic, no i didn't coz i didnt know about it00:58
ramseshello evrybody00:58
carolijai type it like this : mk.ext2 -j  ?00:58
Zoraeltogetic: sudo adduser username group, I think00:59
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz
ramsessomebody from germany here ?01:00
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.01:00
togeticcarolija: oh, okay, make a backup if you are inclined to do so because you are about wipe your disk, then do  sudo fdisk /dev/<yourhdd>, use 'd' to delete any partitions you have on the drive, then do w and hit enter through all the prompts to write to the entire hdd, not sure if you are wanting to boot from the partition, but if you are, you will need to make it bootable in fdisk as well, write your changes using "w" and quit, then you do mkfs.ext301:00
togeticgracias Zorael01:01
carolijatogetic,  Okay ill do that01:02
carolijathank you, so it's not so easy01:02
carolijalike i think of01:02
togeticcarolija: it's easy the more you do it, just like compiling a kernel :)01:05
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carolijatogetic, am i lose all data what I have ?01:05
Serpardumcarolija: yes01:05
carolijai must ?01:06
carolijathere is no other way to put the movies and music on same safe place ?01:06
carolijabecause there is a lot :|01:06
Serpardumyou can copy them01:06
Serpardummove them01:06
carolijawhere ?01:06
SerpardumHow many partiions do you hav?01:06
Serpardumgrrr. partitions01:07
carolijaJust Volume (ext3)01:07
Serpardumso what is this little here little there you were talking about?01:07
carolijaand wan i click on it he ask for password01:07
Serpardumdifferent folders?01:07
carolijai hate that one too lol01:08
carolijadiferent folders01:08
Zoraeltogetic: I'm off, good luck.01:08
SerpardumOh, then don't partition01:08
carolijathey are like same, but diferent data is in it01:08
Serpardumyes.  folders keep data seperate, easier to find01:08
carolijafor example if I made into /home/ dir movies01:08
Serpardummusic goes in like /user/me/music etc..01:08
Serpardumthose are called "folders"01:08
SerpardumNow, what is the difficulty you are having with your folders?01:09
carolijai will see the /home/movies/ into Volume (etc3) also but without movies , just the folder01:09
Serpardummkdir just maks the directory01:09
Serpardumthen you have to copy or move the files01:09
Serpardummv soemfolder/* /home/movies/01:09
Serpardumthat will move them01:09
Serpardumcopy woudl be: cp somefolder/* /home/movies01:10
Serpardumsometimes it's better to copy and delete and then move01:10
Serpardumer, than move01:10
Serpardumwow, I just can't talk today01:10
carolijathe main problem is that i want all the space to be in one place i don't need little bit in here and little bit in there01:11
carolijawhat i told you about mkdir01:11
carolijathat happening in my deafault /home/ and i see the same folder in other HDD but with no files in it01:12
carolijaso i don't need that other HDD to be separated01:12
togeticZorael: so after doing sudo mv ~/.* /home/newuser and then doing sudo chown newuser:newuser /home/newuser/.* -Rv i have the same problem of logging into that user using kdm01:13
carolijai'd jkust like to use all space in /home/ directories01:13
carolijaif you understand me now ?01:13
togeticoh, i didn't see that he left01:13
=== ricardo__ is now known as mogwaiDude
Serpardumyou can move folders too01:19
carolijayes i can move folders too but i want to make like one HDD not 2 (like i have)01:20
carolijaWhat is this option with right click on HDD Volume ext3 --> Unmount "Volume ext3"01:22
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:30
=== trappist_ is now known as trappist
max_Hi, I'm trying to burn a video dvd with Brasero, and when i click "burn" it says "it is not possoble to write with the current set of plugins" What plugins do i need to burn this?01:43
tomsdalehow can I override a dns entry for my browser? The /etc/hosts don't work.01:46
Telengardtomsdale : Can you 'ping localhost' ?01:48
tomsdaleTelengard: thx for help. I've been on this for 3 days now. Yes I can ping localhost. responds with
tomsdaleI can also ping the hostname I put in the /etc/hosts but all kde apps seem to just ignore it.01:49
TelengardThen /etc/hosts must be working, because that is where 'localhost' is defined.01:49
Telengardwhen you ping the manually entered hostnames do you get responses from the expected IP addys?01:50
tomsdaleyes, I just added a bogus name behind IP and it responds also. Everything seems fine with the base system, just not the desktop apps.01:51
TelengardWhich apps are not behaving as expected? What are you inputting?01:52
tomsdalebackground is that I need to recover a hacked website adminpanel which has been blacklisted. But I can't access a vhost by it's IP address. It needs the domain name to respond.01:52
tomsdalewith blacklisted I mean it has been marked by google and removed from all DNS server I know.01:53
lpmanglinongwhat country are you from timsdale?..01:59
tomsdalelpmanglinong: Canada,01:59
lpmanglinongat home?.02:00
vivekI'm having some trouble with KDM crashing on lonout02:01
vivekwould anyone be able to help me with this?02:01
vivek(or maybe it's the X server crashing)02:01
lpmanglinongim sorry.. just a newbie.. ^_^02:02
vivekme too02:02
lpmanglinongmaybe tomsdale can help you..02:03
tomsdalevivek: check the /etc/init.d/Xorg.1.log for clues what happens on logoung02:05
vivekthere's no file named Xorg.1.log in /etc/init.d02:12
vivekdo i need to enable logging somewhere?02:13
vivekfound it in /var/log/02:14
nikitisSo how do i go to init 3?02:20
tomsdalevivek: sorry - I meant /var/log02:26
tomsdalevivek: you have an intel card?02:27
tomsdaleThere were problems with the current intel driver but there is supposed to be a driver update soon. I had problems on NVidia as well but rolled back a version and since then it'S stable02:28
tomsdaleTBH I don't know how drivers work in intel land. I thought they were included in Xorg02:31
tomsdaleI think I read there was some sort of update on the way which is supposed to fix a lot of intel issues.02:34
vivek_aphopefully that fixes it!  thanks!02:36
ZorixWhere can I get a newer build of Kopete for Kubuntu 9.04?  The msn support is real bad and I would like to try newer code02:39
halberdPaper, light--great console scheme02:42
t3rminat0rguys, in orfer for a script to be bootable02:43
t3rminat0rit should be at the /etc/init.d/02:43
tomsdaleZorix: did they do it again. msn seems to have to change their protocol everytime.02:43
Zorixtomsdale,  well its just that certain people can't message me it only shows they are typing and never shows up on my screen..made me believe for about 2 months that certain people were ignoring me02:44
Zorixi read somewhere that wlm support was rather poor02:45
Pici!boot | t3rminat0r02:46
ubottut3rminat0r: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:46
Zorixeverything works with pidgin except it wont notify the taskbar that i have a new message so i never know whats going on.. so between both of them... instant messaging is sucking02:46
vivek_apre: intel/xorg freeze on logout - it appears to be fixed in the .30 kernel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/36450802:46
Zorixi'm out of luck aren't i?02:48
nikitisCan someone tell me why in terminal I see a "$" for my prompt instead of "nikitis@ubuntu $"?02:51
dhendu9411hello all02:58
dhendu9411does anyone know how to turn off the auto horizontal scrolling in dolphin?  Its driving me crazy!02:59
Zorixwhen is 4.3 arriving in kubutu backports.. i need to disable the updates on a few remote machines03:02
ricardo__fast question03:03
ricardo__xdcc send doesn't seem to work on quassel03:03
ricardo__is this correct?03:03
Zorixi must ask some hard questions here03:04
nikitisWhy is bash not loading up when i start a konsole?03:05
ZengolCould someone give me some info on a benchmark comparison of 8.10 - 9.04?03:06
Serpardumcan I sort an ls by date?03:09
Serpardumcan't find it in ls --help03:09
SerpardumI see -S is size03:09
Serpardum-R is reverse03:09
Serpardumer, -r is reverse03:10
Serpardumhmm.. --sort=c maybe03:11
Serpardumokay, got it03:12
oobels -lt03:13
pulaskiHello, I'm also on the kde channel but I can't get a response.  I'm running jaunty and kde4.  I've removed the kicker panel along the bottom of the desktop in error but panel help does not offer a clue how to restore it.  Can anyone offer any suggestionS? eg where in help to look for something like this or better yet has anyone had to do this before?03:13
Zorixits a plasma widget03:13
Serpardumright click, add widget03:15
oobesimple work around mv ~/.kde ~/.kde.old the restart the desktop03:15
Serpardumer, add panel then add widets to it?  one of those03:15
Zorixyou lose all settings that way oobe03:16
oobeyeah i know03:16
Serpardumoooh, I have a ~/.kde/Autostart?  cool03:16
Zorixpulaski,  if you dont have the panel, right click on desktop and add panel, then right click on panel and add widget to add all the widgets back if necessary03:17
pulaskiZorix: Thanks for responding.  I have a panel to which I can applets but I can' put applications on it.  I understand icons to run applications can only appear on the "Kicker" panel.  I need to make the panel behave like the Kicker panel.03:21
Zorixright click on application and select add to panel03:25
halberdcould someone do me a favor? please open konsole, start a screen session, open emacs -nw, and press ctrl-left03:32
halberddoes it output funny characters?03:32
pulaskiZorix: Thanks I've solved my problem.  It seems it the panel appears on the bottom portion of the desktop that seems to designae it as the "Kicker" panel.  This must be true becaues I can add and remove applications as well as applets from it.03:35
Serpardumno, ikt tells me emacs is not installed :D03:35
Serpardumlet me install emacs03:36
pulaskiProblem solve.  Goodnight for now.03:36
SerpardumI run emacs -nw  I press ctrl-left arrow and it just jumps to top/left corner03:38
Serpardumit goes to the start of hte previous word03:38
Serpardumalthough I never loaded a file03:38
Serpardumnwo I have to remember how to exit emacs :/03:39
Serpardumgot it03:39
halberdthat's not the problem I'm having03:40
halberdwhen I do it, it outputs the text "5D"03:41
Serpardumsounds like it's screwed up for you03:41
halberdyes but I want to fix it03:41
Serpardumwhy don't you uninstall emacs and resinstall it?03:41
halberdI think the problem is screen03:41
halberdbecause it doesn't happen when emacs is run outside of a screen session03:41
Serpardumdefine "screen session"?03:42
halberdah... before you enter emacs in the konsole, do the command "screen"03:42
SerpardumI don't know what a screen session is so maybe I didn't do it03:42
halberdthen type emacs -nw03:43
Serpardumnow ctrl-left does nothing for me03:43
halberdbut you don't get the 5D?03:43
Serpardum5D where?03:44
halberdentered into the emacs window03:44
SerpardumI never loaded a file03:44
Serpardumoh, wait ^5d?03:44
nikitiswhat all do i need to do to get flash working with konquerer?  I downloaded and ran flashplugin-installer.  Do i need to turn on javascript?03:44
Serpardumis it ^5D or soemthing03:44
halberdon mine it's just 5D03:44
halberdwith no caret03:44
SerpardumI think that screen mode isn't handeling the ctrl-left, so it's accepted as character scan codes03:44
Serpardumwhich happen to be 5D03:45
Serpardumsince I don't have any editing going on, I dont see them, emacs ignore them03:45
halberdyou'd be in a scratch buffer03:45
halberdso if it was producing them you would see them03:45
SerpardumI have the help text on line03:45
Serpardum"Welcome to GNU Emacs..." etc..03:45
halberdwell try ctrl-x b, then type *scratch*03:46
Serpardumyep, now I get the 5D03:46
Serpardumlike I said, in screen mode emacs obviously isn't accepting ctrl-left arrow as a command, so it accepts them as characters.03:46
Serpardumctrl-up would do it too03:47
halberdyeah all the arrow keys03:47
Serpardumthose numbers are the scan codes being interpreted as characters03:47
SerpardumOr hex or soemthing03:47
Serpardumsince emacs normally handles them it doesn't mask them03:47
SerpardumSo the moral of the story is: don't hit ctrl-left in emacs in screen mode ^^03:48
halberdwell, it's a problem for me because that's a navigation command I want03:48
Serpardumyou might have to do somethign like enter vt100 mode or something03:48
halberdlooking in the screen manual it says that ctrl-up, for example, is translated to \033[A03:49
halberdand ctrl-left to \033[D, and so on03:49
halberder i mean just left, and up03:49
halberdnot ctrl-left or ctrl-up03:49
Serpardum\033 is escape.03:49
Serpardumthose are ANSI codes03:49
Serpardumwhat does -nw mean anyway?03:50
halberdit means no window, ie no graphical mode03:50
halberdany idea what I might do to fix this?03:51
Serpardumtry google "emacs screen ctrl-left not working"03:51
halberdit's odd that it doesn't output 5D or whatever if I do it from a bash prompt03:53
halberdor from in nano03:54
SerpardumHere you go: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/+bug/8923503:55
ogre_im trying to uninstall a copy of vmware workstation 6.5 on jaunty. any suggestions on how to do since there is no uninstaller?03:57
=== Administrator is now known as oscarinabox
oscarinabox*facepalm* i just installed jaunty on this old g4 imac i have that can barely run tiger, and as soon as it boot i accidently hit the shortcut to switch desktops and i dont know how to switch back to workspace one03:59
oscarinaboxany help?03:59
Serpardumit'sll umm.. ctrl something03:59
Serpardumwas it ctrl-1?03:59
Serpardumtry ctrl-f103:59
oscarinaboxdidnt work04:00
Serpardumjust did for me.  hmm04:00
oscarinaboxit booted and i saw the taskbar04:00
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore04:00
oscarinaboxand then i changed the volume04:00
oscarinaboxbecause the startup sound was blasting04:00
Serpardummaybe you should just reboot04:00
lpmanglinonghi, im at the office.. and one of the computer here cant connect to the internet.. when i open the browser it just loads too long and after that it displays "address not found, browser cannot find the server at www.xxx.com" (for example).. what should i do?.. pls help me..04:02
e-jatcan someone help me on this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/192900/04:04
=== forge is now known as ForgeAus
Serpardumtry sudo apt-get install phonon  ?04:06
ForgeAuswhen is (or is it already?) the proper native google chrome being released for linux? ... I've got the "chromium browser" (basically the beta vers)04:06
e-jatSerpardum: im reinstalling the kdelib5-dev ..04:07
e-jathope it will help04:08
halberdSerpardum: hmm this is a similar problem but I don't think it's exactly the same04:08
Serpardumdid you try their solutions?04:08
robotgeeke-jat: try reinstalling the phonon libraries, and the dev packages04:08
e-jatrobotgeek: ok .. thanks .. reinstalling it ..04:08
BluesKajgonna be a while , ForgeAus..google is looking for lotsa feedback from open source devs before giving us anymore04:08
robotgeeke-jat: not sure if it will work, but it is worth a shot. maybe something funky happened during the first install04:09
halberdyes Serpardum04:09
halberdthe export INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc doesn't make a difference04:09
halberdmy problem is not precisely the same, it has to do with the combination of emacs + screen04:10
halberdit's not bash or readline04:10
halberdI don't think emacs uses readline04:10
ForgeAusBluesKaj, unfortunately I'm not an opensource dev....04:11
e-jatrobotgeek: ill try .. thanks04:11
halberdmaybe it's an emacs configuration thing04:11
ForgeAus(it looks as if they've gone GTK+ too which is bad)04:12
halberdbecause I'm in irssi now and I don't have the problem they described04:12
ForgeAusI'm starting to think linux is suffering by not having a single basic widgetset :(...04:12
robotgeekForgeAus: choice is good :)04:13
ForgeAusrobotgeek I agree... for the most part, at least generally...04:13
ForgeAusbut its starting to be problematic in some ways... apps like firefox and chrome using gtk makes them ugly in KDE...04:14
halberdI'm going to try upgrading emacs to 22.304:16
halberdit's at 22.1.1 now04:16
ForgeAusis there a repo with kde3.5 remix?04:17
=== drew_ is now known as folley
ForgeAusanyone interested in kde 3 remixes for kubuntu (intrepid or Jaunty) - http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/install.html has repos for current installations... (theres also downloadable remix CD's but you have to go to the main site there to find them)04:33
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ForgeAusoh actually looks like http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/ has links to both... much easier04:34
lpmanglinongneed help.. "../firefox.desktop04:36
lpmanglinongneed help.. "../firefox.desktop' is malformatted."04:37
Guest27914Hi, I have a HP g60 laptop, it has an nvidia geforce 8200. The geforce has a max resolution of like 2500 something. But the highest resolution i can select is 1366x768. Is there anyway i can force a larger resolution?04:37
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trappistman I hate to say it, but I think I want intrepid back04:42
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ForgeAusyou don't like jaunty?04:43
ForgeAusI havn't gone to jaunty yet04:43
Serpardumapt-cache search vmware   doesnt' come back with vmware.  can we use it?04:47
ForgeAusyou can...04:49
ForgeAusyou might need to download it from vmware's site itself04:49
Serpardumyeah, now I remember, only vmware player is free04:49
ForgeAusgo to #vmware for more information, I think its just not a part of Ubuntu repositories04:49
ForgeAus(serp not even sure the player is in the repos anymore)04:49
ForgeAusthere are free versions of vmware however it isn't opensource afaik... (maybe the player is I don't know)04:50
ForgeAusI know for vmware server itself you can get a free version, however you need to register04:50
digdeepmay try vritual box04:50
ForgeAusyeah virtualbox is another option that is free04:50
SerpardumI have virtualbox running in vista (that's what I'm running kubuntu in)04:51
ForgeAus(although since sun took that over I didn't really like virtualbox)04:51
SerpardumI"m thing is tryign to get a native video driver going for some vm I can run in linux04:51
ForgeAuslol Serp, you want to run an os inside an os inside an os inside an os?04:51
Serpardumno, just an os inside an os inside an os04:51
SerpardumThe reason is when I run my OS in virtualbox, virtualbox locks up eating up 50% of my cpu and wont exit until I reboot04:52
ForgeAushmmm I should try running something like Amstrad CPC inside a MacOS inside Win98 inside Linux inside WinXP inside MacOSX ... or something04:52
ForgeAusvirtualbox should eat up a chunk of ram, not sure about cpu thats possible... but I don't like it not exiting...04:53
ForgeAusI think to exit you have to first stop the virtual machine04:53
ForgeAus(ie shutdown the guest OS to exit virtualbox)04:53
ForgeAusvirtual machines don't tend to like quitting while the guest is still running04:54
Serpardumyeah, but I think I'm not shutting down my os properly and virtualbox doesn't like that04:54
Serpardumqemu doesn't care04:54
SerpardumI just do a "hlt" right now04:55
ForgeAuswhy is there so many different packages for sun's virtualbox, one for different kernel versions, etc... :(04:55
ForgeAusQemu is better imho, only you need to have some understand to be able to use it... for the most part...04:56
ForgeAusif your in MacOSX ever I recommend using VMware Fusion (only its commercial) in Unity mode...04:56
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SerpardumI just have to find something that will help me write native drivers for qemu :/04:58
ForgeAusuh go to #Qemu ? they might be able to help04:58
max_789 Hi, I have a HP g60 laptop (running kubuntu 9.04), it has an nvidia geforce 8200. The geforce has a max resolution of like 2500 something. But the highest resolution i can select is 1366x768. Is there anyway i can force a larger resolution?04:59
Serpardumlook at /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:02
Fridrik85quien sabe algo sobre ubunutu¿?05:07
Fridrik85soy nuevo05:07
Fridrik85no tengo audio05:07
Fridrik85alguien sabe por que es¿?05:07
Fridrik85para que estan todos conectados si nadie contesta¿?05:14
tomsdaleuuups - I just accidently upgraded to KDE 4.3 beta ...05:20
Serpardumwtf, why does konqueror display a .rar file intead of asking me to save it/05:22
tomsdaleKonqueror seems not to be getting much love these days.05:24
Serpardumnow konqueror crashed05:25
tomsdalewhat do you have under Settings file management - File associations.  search for rar on the left05:27
tomsdaleI don't use Konqueror anymore - I think Dolphin is better for file management. But never got deep into Konqueror either.05:28
nikitismy only issue with conquerer is it's speed.  could use some speed improvements05:29
tomsdaleI think it's single threaded which weights on it's performance.05:29
SerpardumI find no rar in associations05:30
tomsdaletry creating one and associate it with ark.05:30
Serpardumokay, I searced for rar and I found x-rar, x-shared-libary-la, x-shardlib, x-psflib05:30
tomsdaleyeah - that's it.05:31
tomsdaleshould have ark as application to open it with.05:31
DarkriftXi installed google chrome, and on the install page it says that it installs the "repos" so that it can update itself. I assumed it meant apt repos but I dont see anything that looks like them in adept under the 3rd party software tab. anyone know where I would find them?05:31
Serpardumand x-rar is associated with ark05:31
DarkriftXkubuntu 8.04 btw05:31
DarkriftX"Installing Google Chrome will add the Google repository so your system will automatically keep Chrome up to date. (If you don't want Google's repository, do "sudo touch /etc/defaults/google-chrome" before installing the package.) "05:33
tomsdaleSerpardum: If I do this with a .rar file it brings up a dialog and asks me to open it with Ark.05:33
tomsdaleI just upgraded accidentally to Kde 4.3 beta though as well. but here it seems to behave05:34
tomsdaleactually there are some nice details in 4.3 . Nothing mind blowing so far but looks like some usability improvements.05:36
DarkriftXif I am on kubuntu 8.04 would "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable main" work or should i change "stable" to "hardy" to match the rest of mine?05:40
oobePossibly niether05:41
DarkriftXit said this requires ubuntu 8.04 or later so it should work05:42
DarkriftXi just dont know enough about the repo config05:42
DarkriftXi opened the install script, found the key and installed that from adept, but not sure how the repo line should look05:43
oobestable is debian like05:43
oobebut that might work05:43
DarkriftXwould that work though?05:43
tomsdalewhat is a good dock mac OSX style in KDE? Wanna give it a try05:45
DarkriftXW: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]05:47
tomsdaleDarkriftX: it's simple, the url does't exist. try the debian .deb if you have to have the version or search on getdeb05:48
DarkriftXi installed it via the .deb but it gets updates almost daily05:49
DarkriftXfor soem reason instaling hte .deb didnt seem to add the repos like it said it would05:49
DarkriftXi am trying to fix that05:49
tomsdaleyou probably have the PPA of development branch.05:49
DarkriftXnice, think i got it05:50
DarkriftXpicasa is installing now, so i think so05:50
tomsdalegetdeb allows you to download binaries without having to add additional repositories05:50
DarkriftXi want the repos though. i want adept to tell me if there is an update daily05:51
ForgeAusI don't understand, why isn't adept showing me kde3 modules, (Apt-get recognises them but adept doesn't??)05:52
DarkriftXthanks oobe and tomsdale05:54
DarkriftXits working and there are already updates from a few hours ago05:54
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digdeepI asked how to use ktorrent in command line yesterday. I found it and put them here (in case you are interested) --> http://thdonline.wordpress.com/2009/06/11/work-with-ktorrent-in-command-line/05:58
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KubouIs this working?06:14
sebastianhola, neseito ayuda con mi kubuntu 8.1006:16
ollaweiist da wer06:21
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ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist06:56
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max_45Hi, i seem to be having a problem with audio playback. It keeps skipping and jumping around during playback. This happens with amarok, youtube videos. Does anyone know what would cause this skipping around?07:06
SilentDisbit of an odd one here... I just got a router with SNMP functionality, and I'd like to start exploring it.  can anyone recommend some good 'beginner tools' to check this tech out?  (kubuntu 9.04)07:19
Serpardumwhat is an ".so" file?07:22
SilentDisSerpardum: a dynamic library file.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_library07:24
Serpardumnow how woudl I find the source code to it/?  specifically /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/cirrus_drv.so07:26
SilentDisSerpardum: did you compile a cirrus driver?07:27
ForgeAusuh how to get rpmstrap for Ubuntu?07:28
ForgeAusapt-get doesn't seem to find it07:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rpmstrap07:28
ForgeAus!info rpmstrap07:28
ubottuPackage rpmstrap does not exist in jaunty07:28
ForgeAusapparently gutsy had it07:28
ForgeAusbut I'm using intrepid07:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about snmp07:33
ForgeAus!info snmp07:34
ubottusnmp (source: net-snmp): SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) applications. In component main, is optional. Version 5.4.1~dfsg-12ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 152 kB, installed size 596 kB07:34
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:35
ForgeAus!info rpmstrap gutsy07:39
ubottu'gutsy' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner07:39
ForgeAuswhat gutsy isn't valid as a distro! I don't get it07:40
ForgeAus!info rpmstrap hardy07:40
ubottuPackage rpmstrap does not exist in hardy07:40
ForgeAusthen again neither is fiesty edgy or most of the others there either I guess07:40
iphonyxsane says it scanned but me no see  scanned image....what gives???07:42
ForgeAusand dapper is only there because it was the old LTS version I guess07:43
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ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.07:51
ActionParsnipits not valid because its dead07:51
ActionParsnipiphony: check where the save location is in xsane07:51
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases07:52
iphonywell, i know where it saves thing is i am supposed to see preview of scanned doc07:52
ActionParsnipiphony: i'm unsure. I havent used a scanner since college (about 11 years ago)07:54
iphonyyeah, and i am just using it to test out ubuntu...and i don't think i will recomend it to any of my customers..too many steps to accomplish simple tasks07:56
ActionParsnipwell its more the fact that it makes garbage debs that can break stuff07:58
esperegueverytime when there is an update and I click on the update icon kubuntu crashes. any ideas where to find info regarding to this?08:01
jonteck, so... I am not sure if this is a driver problem or not, but I cannot set the key on my wireless card via `sudo iwconfig <device> key <hex key>`; NetworkManager can find the WEP-encrypted network, but cannot connect to it... I get repeated prompts and I am assuming that this is for the same reason. Using the proprietary drivers recommended by Kubuntu Jaunty.08:05
jontecShould take the ndiswrapper method rather than use the recommended drivers?08:06
jontecShould I*08:06
jontecthe error I receive is Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) :08:07
jontec    SET failed on device eth1 ; Invalid argument.08:07
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leikzomganyone help me out with sound? any program that goes through phonon xine backend just comes out as soft static. if i send it straight to hda nvidia analog it's fine but a lot of programs go through phonon. i also get message "audio device hda nvidia... does not work" on boot or on loading amarok occasionally.08:16
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ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:28
faLUCEhi. plz tell me if this is correct. I have to format an entire (empty) HD: I create a new ext2 partition with gparted and then I choose the "format" option, and then---> ok08:43
FeasibilityStudyfaLUCE why do you want to format?  And why with ext2?08:45
MamarokfaLUCE: ext3 would be more useful08:45
faLUCEthanks all08:46
MamarokfaLUCE: if you choose ext3 in gparted, once you apply it will format automatically08:46
antaresgood morning, how can I install joomla in ubuntu?09:01
myselfhello i would like to apologize for that thing i did the other day and say i love you all.09:15
Mamarokmyself: ok, but behave now!09:23
myselfokay i will09:24
myselfthank you09:24
xeviousbooo kde409:24
* xevious trolls09:24
Mamarokxevious: behave!09:25
NicoFr38hi all, is there a place where I could find information on how to sync Kontact with a Windows mobile PDA (would like to sync contacts and calandar)09:28
MamarokNicoFr38: I don't think you can do a direct sync, as Windows uses other formats09:31
MamarokNicoFr38: but you should be able to import those into Kontact09:32
ForgeAusis there a way to download packages via the web?09:34
MamarokForgeAus: not through the chat if it's that what you want09:35
MamarokForgeAus: there are enough sharing sites, check on Google09:35
ForgeAusno not a sharing site I'm looking for a particular .deb file so are there any web mirrors?09:36
Mamarokbut if you talk about Kubuntu packages, why not use apt-get isntall packagename?09:36
ForgeAusbecause it doesn't exist for intrepid the one I want09:36
ForgeAusit somehow didn't make the jump from gutsy ...09:36
ForgeAus(at least I know it exists in gutsy)09:37
MamarokForgeAus: then search for it in Google, download it with wget or similar, then you can isntall it with sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb09:37
MamarokForgeAus: what pacakge are you looking for?09:37
MamarokPackage even09:37
ForgeAusrpmstrap I want it to make a xen guest09:38
ForgeAus(normally Ubuntu uses .debs not .rpms...  so debootstrap is there, but no rpmstrap)09:38
Mamarok!info rpmstrap09:38
ubottuPackage rpmstrap does not exist in jaunty09:38
ForgeAusI'm not using Jaunty yet anyway09:38
ForgeAusIntrepid here still09:38
Mamarokwell, that'ŝ normal, but I guess you can find it through sourceforge or similar09:39
Mamarokjust google for it :)09:39
ForgeAusahh found one, seems to work sofar09:40
ForgeAusmaybe I'll just chroot instead of a hardfile or whatever xen uses... I dunno yet09:41
ForgeAusexperimenting still09:41
ForgeAusstill not quite sure which rpm-based distro I want... I'm thinking probably mandriva...09:41
ubuntu__hey all just recieved my kubuntu cd in the mail today09:42
ForgeAusawesome :)09:42
ForgeAuslive cd or alternative one?09:42
ubuntu__cna someone please tell me how to install download codecs to play *.avi files09:43
ubuntu__forgeaus its a livecd09:43
ForgeAuseven better :)09:43
ubuntu__im a complete noob to linux09:43
ForgeAusthe .avi file codecs are probably in the universe repository09:44
ForgeAusyou need to run adept and manage repositories09:44
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:44
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ForgeAusthe thing I don't like about this is its fine to tell people to use ogg files or something, but they often don't have control over which format they use when receiving a file, its ok when making one to select a free format...09:45
ubuntu__ubottu im getting this error message protocol not supported apt09:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:49
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Guest31030Hi, I'm having a problem. Before I upgraded to 9.04 from 8.04 when ever i plugged my mp3 player into its dock and turned it on it would show up on my desktop as a removable drive(like a thumb drive) But now that ive upgraded, when ever i plug it into its dock it never gets recognized. Does anyone know how to fix this?09:55
=== Guest31030 is now known as Makuseru
makdaknifeMakuseru: on the command line... try run lsusb, and see if it is listed there10:01
makdaknifeMakuseru: if not, try run dmesg and see what is happening when you connect the device10:01
MakuseruIt is there.10:04
MakuseruAnd when i turn it on dmesg says "usb-storage: device found at 18"10:05
ubuntu__forgeaus can  you see my pm ?10:07
ubuntu__so can someone please help me out on how to  get avi files to play on kubuntu to a compleate linux novice10:10
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oobeubuntu__, sudo apt-get install mplayer w32codecs10:10
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oobethen open the avi files using mplayer or gmplayer10:11
ubuntu__got this error message Couldn't find package mplayer10:11
makdaknifeMakuseru: that's good news... probably you're just having a problem with kde indicating that the device is available10:12
oobeubuntu__, echo "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ jaunty free non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list10:14
oobethen sudo apt-get install mplayer10:15
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ubuntu__oobe i went to that packages site and downloaded http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/m/mplayer/mplayer_1.0~rc2-0ubuntu19+medibuntu1_i386.deb10:25
ubuntu__is that what i was supposed to do ?10:25
bazhangubuntu__, you just want to install mplayer ?10:26
ubuntu__no i want to get avi files to play10:29
bazhangubuntu__, did you install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package yet10:29
ubuntu__not sure10:30
ubuntu__i think i did10:30
bazhangyou may also wish to grab the w32codecs from medibuntu.org10:30
shanipribadiubuntu__: what kind of avi files are they?10:30
ubuntu__how do i do that10:31
shanipribadibazhang: w32codecs is only for mplayer10:31
bazhangwith the -extras package, and the w32codecs, most everything will play10:31
shanipribadibazhang: he needs to install mplayer first right?10:31
ubuntu__tv shows shanipribadi10:31
shanipribadiubuntu__: im sorry, what i mean is what format is it? divx? xvid?10:31
bazhangshanipribadi, just installing kubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs did it for me10:32
shanipribadiubuntu__: i only installed kubuntu-restricted-extras and it runs those videos fine.10:32
bazhangubuntu__, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras from the konsole10:32
ubuntu__ok how do i install thhis restricted extras pacage ?10:32
shanipribadiubuntu__: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras10:33
ubuntu__it cant find the package10:34
shanipribadiubuntu__: if it still does not work, then perhaps you have to install w32codecs (i already have them cos im using mplayer for transcoding, perhaps that is why many formats work.)10:34
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ubuntu__why cant it find the package ?10:35
ubuntu__did they take it away ?10:35
shanipribadiubuntu__ is your ubuntu install new, perhaps you havent add the repository?10:35
e-jathow about .3gp ? can play but without sound :(10:35
ubuntu__i got the kubuntu cd in the mail today it says kubuntu 9.04 on the cover10:35
ubuntu__i havent installed it on the pc10:36
ubuntu__just running it of the cd10:36
shanipribadie - jat: 3gp is a bit problem, the easiest fix is installing mplayer, google for "medibuntu" and follow the gudes10:36
Mamarokubuntu__: you will have to install it and activate the repos, there is not enough space on the CD for everything10:36
shanipribadiubuntu__: i see, you need to enable the extra repository first, open System Settings --> Add and Remove Software --> Settings --> Edit Software Sources10:37
shanipribadiubuntu__: but i think youll need to install first10:37
shanipribadiubuntu__: because im not sure you can install things if youre running from LiveCD10:37
makdaknifeshanipribadi: afaik you can install things... but they will only be installed temporarily until you reboot10:39
shanipribadimakdaknife: then it's a waste of bandwidth and time ^_^, better instaling first to HD10:39
ubuntu__shanipribadi i went to the edit souces screen what do i change in there ?10:40
makdaknifeshanipribadi: indeedy... I guess there are a few times that you might need to do this without an install... but to play a video... no...10:41
shanipribadiubuntu__: you need to check the Software restricted by copyright or legal issues (Multiverse), then you can try instaling kubuntu-restricted-extras, but thing is, if youre running from LiveCD, you'll have to do it after every time you shutdown the computer10:41
bazhangubuntu__, you are trying to do this on a live cd? ie not an install?10:42
Mamarokbazhang: read above...10:43
ubuntu__yeah of a live cd10:43
shanipribadibazhang: sorry, i was wrong, apparently xine uses w32codecs too. if he's going to watch avi's then he needs those codecs too.10:43
ubuntu__guess im gonna have to install kubuntu10:43
shanipribadiubuntu__: here's guide for w32codecs from medibuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu10:44
ubuntu__just wanted to play around with it before i installed it10:44
bazhangubuntu__, not much point as a restart of live cd will erase everything; best to install first then activate the appropriate repos10:44
shanipribadiubuntu__: suggestion from me, if youre going to install it anyway, then it's better to install first, so you dont need to go throught the hassle twice.10:44
ubuntu__yeah true shani10:45
ubuntu__didnt think it would be so complicated to install codecs10:46
kravesany idea whats the easiest way to remove kde4.3 beta and get back to 4.2.4? :p10:46
ubuntu__wish they had them installed by default10:46
shanipribadiubuntu__: it had to do with patents, canonical cant do it legally. so that's why we have to do it ourselves10:46
shanipribadikraves: try checking the forum ,i remember someone made a guide about it. but the basic steps were remove the kubuntu-backports ppa, and then force downgrade things10:47
ubuntu__i read that linux mint has them installed by default how can they get away with it ?10:48
kravesalready removed backports ppa, i'll check the forum, thanks :)10:48
shanipribadiubuntu__: what im sure is that if canonical included those packages by default then their lawyers would panick ^_^10:50
shanipribadiubuntu__: anyway, kubuntu-restricted-extras is a metapackage for several packages, you might want to install only parts of it, just read the package description. You'll also need medibuntu too, especially for DVDs, there's alot of guide about this on ubuntuforums.org, and medibuntu.org10:53
yao_ziyuanupdate-notifier-kde sucks. use update-notifier.10:54
valgaavthe issue here is things like dvdcss or w32codecs are illegal in the USA10:55
valgaavdvdcss also in France  ;)10:55
shanipribadiwhy in France? does France still make it illegal for crypto things?10:55
Mamarokfolks, this is getting offtopic, please take that discussion to #kubuntu-offtopic10:55
ubuntu__thanks for all your help shani gonna install kubuntu now10:56
shanipribadiMamarok: oh, right.. ok10:56
dwidmannkraves: you could probably remove the sources.list for the ppa, set the pin priority for main/updates/backports/security to be >1000, and then update and dist-upgrade. Downgrading like this is potentially risky though.10:56
shanipribadidwidmann: what is pin priority? and how do i set it up?10:57
dwidmannshanipribadi: in /etc/apt/apt.conf or /etc/apt/preferences, I forget which10:57
dwidmannshanipribadi: yeah, it's /etc/apt/preferences, do man apt_preferences for a good overview of it10:58
shanipribadidwidmann: okay.. ill check it out.10:58
dwidmannshanipribadi: and after you see what it's doing, what you'll need to do is something like "Package: *\n Pin: release jaunty\n Pin-Priority 1001\n\n Package: *\n Pin: release jaunty-security\n Pin-Priority: 1001" and so on, you'll see.11:01
shanipribadidwidmann: so the packages from jaunty-updates have a higher priority than kubuntu-backports right?11:05
shanipribadidwidmann: might better to use kubuntu-updates ppa, it's got kde 4.2.411:05
dwidmannshanipribadi: dvdcss was ruled illegal in the us because I think it was  using keys that were hacked out of some software or such. Worked very well, but you could see where that might be illegal. libdvdcss2 works differently and hasn't been taken to court, so its real legal state is unknown.  (I think it's more of a brute force attack against the keys, which is sane only because the encryption is really weak)11:06
dwidmannshanipribadi: well, basically you want everything other than the ppa with 4.3b to be pinned >1000, so it can force downgrade. I don't know which "release" the ppa for 4.3b is, and I also don't know whether you should be using origin instead in that case. I know what I mentioned above should work though ... that would bring you back down to 4.2.3 though.11:07
dwidmannshanipribadi: (I really don't downgrade often ... usually when I'm trying something new/experimental I'll be compiling from source, just in case the packages give me trouble enough that I would have to downgrade, if you know what I mean)11:08
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* dROg I am so high...i can hear heaven....oh but heaven....no heaven don't hear me....11:14
dwidmannshanipribadi: actually, this looks to be a more accurate version of what I was trying to say a bit ago: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libdvdcss11:14
MamarokdROg: behave!11:16
dwidmannshanipribadi: oh, with regards to pin-priority, you might think you'd want different priorities for release, updates, security, backports, but not really, you wouldn't. If you set them all the same it'll be determined normally (ie: by version)11:16
dROgsorry, i'm using konversation :) and when i transmit a mass message on another network it transmits globally :)11:16
MamarokdROg: configure it correctly then, that's not even funny...11:17
Mamarokand mass messageing is not allowed here11:17
dROguhm, i've familiar with that, but didn't knew that konversation has this much akward things :)11:18
dwidmannThat's decidedly odd ... the update manager thingamajig is seeing some updates that apt-get isn't11:19
dwidmannhehe, wait, that explains it right there, I have updates, security, and backports trimmed out of my sources.list, still odd that picked up on them though, I think.11:20
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naught101is there a way to get a meta information tab in the file properties dialogue in konq/dolphin?11:21
orion76hello again now sound card 5.1 c-media older11:22
dwidmannnaught101: not that I've noticed, I know good old Konqueror 3.x had that though.11:22
dwidmannI miss that feature, a lot.11:23
dwidmannnaught101: Konqueror for file managing anymore  uses dolphin_part, or something like that, I think.11:24
naught101yeah, I know they use the same part.. just looking for extra packages I might not have installed11:25
[-Haza-]Morning folks.. when you edit a file using Kate it created a backup copy with the same name as the original but with a ~ character appended.. Is there a way to compare the original to the back to find the changes in the two files? :) Im sure there is but i don't know how to get started. Cheers11:25
dwidmannnaught101: be sure to let me know if you find something that does it!11:25
dwidmann[-Haza-]: yes, you can use kompare to do that11:27
[-Haza-]dwidmann: Cheers. I'll check it out :)11:28
Mamaroknaught101: if you have the Information panel visible, then click on a file, you should be able to add/change the tags11:29
Mamarokworks here with Dolphin11:30
* [-Haza-] gives dwidmann a man-hug11:30
dwidmannhehe, I trust it did the job [-Haza-]?11:31
naught101Mamarok: I'm not in dolphin, though I want it back in the properties window :(11:31
[-Haza-]dwidmann: Perfectly :D11:31
dwidmannMamarok: it used to be, with Konqueror 3, you could put it in details view and add any meta tag you wanted as a column ...11:31
sheytan_Hi all, there's a new nvidia driver released. Do kubuntu updates drivers automaticaly? There's no new drivers on the updates list and in the 'hardware drivers' module. Maybe should i upgrade it by hand?11:32
dwidmannAny supported one, anyway11:32
dwidmannMamarok: like for images you could have columns for the dimensions or whatnot, or for mp3/ogg files artist/album/etc columns ... sorting by those and whatnot ... was very handy.11:32
naught101dwidmann: exactly - I'm trying to compare images in two separate folders..11:34
Mamarokdwidmann: hm, you are right, I can add comments and tags, but those do not show11:35
MamarokI wonder if one has to index those files first with Strigi11:35
dwidmannKDE4 is way better than KDE3 in a lot of ways ... but this is one of those things that I miss dealy :(11:37
Mamarokdwidmann: I guess it's either not implemented yet or we miss some plugin11:39
dwidmannMamarok: Let me know if you figure anything out on that front11:39
Mamarokdwidmann: diggin right now :)11:40
dwidmannshanipribadi: which beta of 4.3 were you running? The first one or the one that hit the repositories yesterday?11:40
shanipribadidwidmann: i didn't get it, luckily. only find out yesterday when there's many people asking how to downgrade11:42
dwidmannshanipribadi: I'll take that as my cue not to upgrade right now11:42
Mamarokshanipribadi: well, it's never a good idea to rush into a beta upgrade... there are 300+ packages which can take days to co mplete a PPA11:42
sheytan_so, nobody know how to upgrade these drivers?11:43
shanipribadidwidmann: it's nice though that there is a way to downgrade with the priority thingie.11:43
shanipribadidoes ubuntu automatically update binary drivers?11:43
dwidmannsheytan_: I know how, just give me a minute while I find you the appropriate wiki11:44
sheytan_dwidmann: okej11:44
dwidmannsheytan_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual11:45
dwidmannsheytan_: that's the instructions for getting the newest one.11:46
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sheytan_dwidmann: thanx alot11:46
dwidmannshanipribadi: no, you usually have to wait for the next release12:02
drurewcan someone please point me to a conclusive *buntu mail server setup howto ?12:11
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dwidmanndrurew: probably involves either sendmail or postfix ... I'll see what I can dig up12:13
drurewdwidmann: thanks :)12:14
makdaknifedrurew: I haven't tried this one... but it looks pretty comprehensive and friendly: http://chiralsoftware.com/linux-system-administration/ubuntu-postfix-imap-dovecot-setup.seam12:14
dwidmanndrurew: don't know if this is comprehensive, but it's worth a glance: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main12:15
dwidmannoops, wrong link12:15
dwidmannthere, that one12:15
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drurewi had another sort of off toppic question regarding debian and ubuntu repos, id like to add some buntu reps to my deb server (no option to switch systems easily). could i do that and keep my working system or would mixing repos be unadvisable?12:18
bazhangbad idea12:19
Guest31603hi at all12:20
Guest31603I foun an error of konqueror12:21
makdaknifedrurew: generally I've found that to be a world of pain12:21
Guest31603have an SIGSEGV if I go to http://debathena.mit.edu/packaging/  website12:21
makdaknifedrurew: you could add the src repo and then build your deb manually from src...12:22
makdaknifeGuest31603:  woot... I get the same in konqi12:23
drurew makdaknife:thanks12:23
makdaknifedrurew: no problem12:24
Guest31603my Konqueror is 4.2.412:25
makdaknifeGuest31603: give mea few minutes, I am trying to work out what the problem is12:29
shanipribadicrashe here too. 4.2.412:29
Guest31603can I report the bug on bugs.launchpad.net ?12:31
makdaknifeGuest31603: I guess so... its useful to have a better reason for the crash...12:34
oupa_anyone got an HP all-in-one working on Kubuntu 9.04?12:36
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makdaknifeGuest31603: the problem is that the html file includes an svg image... it appears that this crashes konqui12:37
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makdaknifeGuest64930: I downloaded the page and commented out the div that contains the svg and konqi opens it fine12:38
makdaknifeGuest64930: I guess you could post the bug with that little bit of extra info... something like konqueror crashes opening svg12:41
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Guest64930ok I report that12:42
rubasubhi, anyone into kdenlive?12:43
tsimpsonthere we go12:47
apparledoes ark support drag and drop12:48
makdaknifeGuest64930: I addedmy 2c worth ;-)12:55
makdakniferubasub: yeah... I use kdenlive...12:56
Guest64930makdaknife: I see good report :)12:59
babaluhi, does someone know a program that displays images (such as gwenview) but in which we can refresh the image if it changes on disk13:00
makdaknifeGuest64930: ;-) if you want to get stuff done its really good to provide as much info as possible... it helps save a developer time, and makes it easier to see what the actual problem is13:00
shanipribadibabalu: gwenview does that already, just press f513:01
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babalushanipribadi: right :(13:05
Guest64930makdaknife: yes is true13:08
Guest64930makdaknife: I will pay more attention13:10
makdaknifeGuest64930: no problem :-) at least you're willing to contribute... its really good that people report this stuff13:19
apparleplease suggest a better archive manager other that ark13:20
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rmrfslashI have 32-bit Kubuntu installed on my workstation. This machine has well over 3 GB of memory, however, this is all that is shown after running `cat /proc/meminfo`. I thought the upper limit of a 32-bit OS was 4 GB? Where's the other 1 GB?13:26
rmrfslashThe workstation has about 16 GB of memory (I have yet to upgrade to 64-bit)13:26
ForgeAusrmr are you still there?13:37
ForgeAusif so 32-bit addressing can only access 4 gigabytes of ram, you need a 64-bit OS to access more13:37
ForgeAusit doesn't mean the other ram isn't there, just that it doesn't have any address space left to access it13:39
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nikitisI recently installed kubuntu and i have a problem with items that were in my deskop not showing their icons.  Even if i browse to the proper icon, it will not show.  Anyone know why?13:48
rmrfslashForgeAus: Agreed, should be 4 GB. I'm just wondering why is shows 2.9 GB13:49
shanipribadiis there a config so that debuild does not try to sign the package13:50
declanpwalshHello all! Have had a look on google and ubuntu forums but can't see a solution to having no sound. I have a nice fresh install and there is very faint sound but all vol is up full. I have onboard ALC883 sound. Can anyone help? Please?13:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fxp13:50
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd13:51
tsimpsonshanipribadi: -us -uc (see the manpage for dpkg-buildpackage)13:52
shanipribaditsimpson: oh.. ok, didnt think of looking there.. thanks13:53
tsimpsonshanipribadi: debuild is mostly a wrapper for dpkg-buildpackage, so all it's options work for debuils13:54
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz13:54
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: what's your output of cat /proc/asound/cards13:55
declanpwalsh 0 [SB             ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB13:55
declanpwalsh                      HDA ATI SB at 0xfe024000 irq 1613:55
declanpwalsh 1 [HDMI           ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI13:55
declanpwalsh                      HDA ATI HDMI at 0xfdffc000 irq 1913:55
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: you were saying that there were faint sounds, but all vol is up ful. what apps you use to increase the vol? have you tried alsamixer?13:56
declanpwalshshanipribadi: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device13:57
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: kmix use PCM as the default channel, some devices use other channel13:57
nikitisHow do I enable Desktop effects in kubuntu?13:58
nikitisit's greyed out. i do have 3d drivers installed13:58
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: hmm, that's weird.13:58
declanpwalshyeah i know!!13:58
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: try alsamixer -c113:59
declanpwalshweird again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/193430/14:00
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: and aplay -L to see your device name14:00
manielare there any way to get kde 4.3 on jaunty?14:00
shanipribadimaniel: you kan try kubuntu-backports ppa package, but many people are having trouble with it.14:01
manieland one more thing, i'm encountering something like this: http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/5586/szot.png with kde 4.2.4, on #kde they are saying that it's fixed and telling me to upgrade14:01
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: apparently your alsa does not make a default alias for your hardware14:02
declanpwalsherm... is that bad?14:02
rmrfslashmaniel: you need to add the karmic repos to your sources list14:03
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: im not sure. perhaps that's why alsamixer does not work for you, because it does not know the right device. but since you were saying that there is a faint sound, then the sound Is working, but there's some wrong config somewhere14:03
rmrfslashmaniel: should be on the kubuntu website14:04
drurewhas anyone installed ubuntu server on an hp proliant 360 ?14:04
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: try joinning #alsa perhaps there someone who can help you there.14:05
declanpwalshalthough i havent heard sound recently. Is there anyway of reinitialising alsa?14:05
declanpwalshcool. thanks14:05
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: im not very familiar with it14:06
drurewI am looking for the manuals for the hp proliant g3 360 server (me no findeee)14:06
declanpwalshthanks for your help!! Really nice of you14:06
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: good luck :-)14:06
nikitisI need help with installing 3d effects with kubuntu14:06
shanipribadideclanpwalsh: btw, one more thing, try changing the master channel of kmix14:07
manielrmrfslash: does it work without changing all repos to karmic and distro upgrade?14:07
ForgeAusrmrflash like I said you need a 64 bit addressing system (or some kinda trick in a 32-bit system) to access the other ram you have14:07
nikitisCan someone please answer my question?14:08
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rmrfslashForgeAus: I understand that to access over 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit OS I need PAE or a 64-bit OS14:08
ForgeAusnikitis what video card do you have?14:08
nikitisForgeAus: nvidia14:08
rmrfslashForgeAus: But on a 32-bit OS I should expect 4 GB of memory (if I have 4) right?14:08
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:09
nikitisForgeAus: the drivers are installed14:09
rmrfslashForgeAus: My question is, why -- even though I have 4 physical GB -- Kubuntu only reports 2.9 GB14:09
ForgeAusthen I don't understand why KDE had greyed out your visual effects, are you sure your card supports them?14:09
nikitisGeForce 8600 GT14:09
nikitisand yes, it worked when i used ubuntu, but since i installed kubuntu it doesn't.  And i can play 3d games.  and glxinfo |grep direct says direct rendering yes14:10
ForgeAusoh 3 gig... uh, I don't know to be honest...14:10
tzangergood morning14:10
tzangerhow, praytell, does one set up an ad-hoc network with networkmanager? it lets me create an ad-hoc network, but it will nto let me select it14:11
nikitisSo anyone know why Desktop Effects options are greyed out but nvidia drivers are installed and working?14:11
ForgeAusnikitis maybe ask in #KDE ??14:12
ForgeAusjust a thought...14:12
drurewtzanger: you have to stop your wlan activity , set the card into adhoc mode then start wlan again14:13
tzangerdrurew: the card is not in use14:13
tzangerdrurew: if I click on the networkmanager systray icon I can see it wants to connect to an available AP, but the empty adhoc network I created is not there14:14
drurewifconfig will tell you :terminal :sudo ifconfig wlan(#) stop / start14:14
tzangeryou mean iwconfig? ifconfig doesn't know anything about wireless14:15
tzangerdrurew: and ifconfig/iwconfig do not accept stop/start14:15
drurewtzanger: ifconfig to see which card you would like to put into which mode ifconfig (card) down , change your settings (adhoc) and restart the card with : ifconfig (card) up14:18
tzangerdrurew: ahh okay, I'll give that a shot.  then networkmanager will let me join an ad-hoc network?14:19
drurewtzanger: i thought you wanted to create an adhoc network14:19
tzangerdrurew: yes14:19
tzangerdrurew: as I said, networkmanager lets me set it up, but I cannot select that network in the list14:19
drurewtzanger:you will have to manually create via terminal14:20
drurewtzanger: lemme get you a link+14:20
whirleystarHi guys.. i did something really stupid, and i'm sure i'm not the only one.... i updated to 4.3-beta2 (I wasn't paying attn) and need to downgrade.... is there a way to do that?  A url would be *wonderful*14:21
tzangerwow, kde will not NOT keep "remember my password" checked for updates14:22
tzangerdrurew: thanks, looking now14:23
drurewtzanger: personaly i found setting up wpasupplicant to be a toughy14:23
tzangerdrurew: yeah I remember that particular bag of pain14:24
tzangerdrurew: so networkmanager is not able to create the adhoc network itself, that's what I was tryign to figure out.. thank you so much!14:24
drurewtzanger:np , enjoy :)14:25
whirleystarHey guys.... I've done somthing stupid but I'm probably not the first.  I updated to kde 4.3-beta2 and now I need to downgrade so I can finish my thesis..... Any handy URLs out there that has the cure?14:31
niko_hi :D14:32
niko_how can i change this connection to quakenet?14:33
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niko_how can i change this connection to quakenet?14:35
Tecmi./connect irc.quakenet.org14:36
tehborizguys this site is telling me i have VIRUSES on my linux! http://bestantiviruscheck2.com/1/?id=2017&smersh=5e907ba26&back=%3DTQw1zD3NIQNMI%3DN14:38
Mamaroktehboriz: that is nonsense!14:39
Mamaroktehboriz: and if you want to run a virus check, use clamav, nbever do this in a website14:39
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tehborizi'm joking around i just bumped into that site by accident somehow14:40
tehborizthought it would be funny to share14:40
Mamaroktehboriz: please don't, this is totally OT here :(14:40
tehborizsowwie :(14:40
AlcapondHi - installed KDE 4.3b2 today - and everything is working fine! Great work there!14:41
MamarokAlcapond: thx, will transmit :)14:42
AlcapondJust wonder how to get Strigi running. It says "Strigi service failed to initialize, most likely due to an installation problem"14:42
AlcapondThis is too little feedback for me to fix it :(14:43
MamarokAlcapond: you need the soprano backend, check if it's installed14:43
Alcapondok, thats missing14:43
MamarokAlcapond: yaw :)14:44
whirleystarwhat's OT mean?14:44
Mamarokwhirleystar: offtopic14:44
AlcapondMamarok: do I have to restart anything after installing soprano?14:45
MamarokAlcapond: no, just strigi normally, but eventually relog into KDE once to make sure it starts14:45
AlcapondMamarok: thx, I will try that14:46
JuJuBeeI cannot sudo apt-get update for some reason.  I think my proxy may be the cause?  I have settings to use proxy for all protocols.  What else should I check?14:48
MamarokJuJuBee: what error message do you get?14:48
JuJuBeehttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com... bad request14:49
JuJuBeeJust did fresh install of jaunty on my classroom workstations.14:50
JuJuBeeEvery repo seems to failed to fetch ...14:51
MamarokJuJuBee: that might well be a proxy problem then14:51
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JuJuBeeMamarok: don't think so since it worked a few days ago on my old installation and I haven't changed the proxy settings...14:53
MamarokJuJuBee: then I don't know, sorry14:53
JuJuBeeMamarok: K, thanks anyway... I will restart the proxy and see what happens. we have had some thunderstorms here last few days, maybe a power outage...14:55
AlcapondMamarok: still got the same result (even though soprano was not installed before) - do you have any other idea how to find out what Strigi is missing?14:56
MamarokAlcapond: I managed to run it with the help of the Nepomuk blog :)14:57
AlcapondMamarok: ok, I will take a look there14:57
MamarokAlcapond: hope it helps14:58
AlcapondMamarok: I am thankful for any hint I can get - I will take a look at it :)14:58
MamarokAlcapond: please tell if it works then14:59
AlcapondMamarok: I will :915:00
drurewis there actually a ubuntu-server room ?15:09
Mamarokdrurew: ried it?15:09
Mamaroktried even, sry15:09
drurewlooks like there is15:10
tomsdalehi - is there a good dock application for KDE you can recommend. I'm using Cairo Dock but I would like to give something else a try too.15:11
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Mamaroktomsdale: what do you mean by dock application?15:12
* Mamarok doesn't know Cairo Dock15:12
tomsdaleLike the Mac OSX dock. Something that replaces your task manager.15:12
Mamarokah, did you look in the widget list?15:13
nikitisHow come my Composite extension isn't enabled by default?  I have nvidia drivers installed but i can't enable desktop effects.15:13
drurewyou can google awm dock/manager , ive seen it running in eeebuntu , looks okay but seems to be crash prone15:13
sourcemakerare ther KDE 4.3 Beta 2 users?15:13
Mamaroknikitis: do you have all kwin dependencies?15:14
nikitisMamarok: not sure, how can i check?15:14
tomsdalesourcemaker: yes - unvoluntarily though - I seemed to have added the wrong repo15:15
nikitisMamarok: sudo apt-get build-dep kwin ?15:15
sourcemakertomsdale: is it working for you?15:15
tomsdaleMamarok: nothing in the default plasma list. what I find is mainly for Gnome.15:15
Mamaroknikitis: no, why? you are not going to build a deb file :)15:16
nikitishow do I check15:17
tomsdalesourcemaker: from what I can gather there are some quirks but it's relatively stable. I had 1 Kwin crash and I had to redo my widget list - it reverted back to default once I installed the beta.15:17
Mamaroknikitis: aptitude show kwin15:17
AlcapondMamarok: the problem is that KUbuntu does not have a  seasme2 backend - and without this nepomuk is basically useless :(15:18
Mamaroksourcemaker: if you can handle ocasional dependency issues...15:18
MamarokAlcapond: wait, I'll check what I installed15:18
nikitisMamarok: it says it's installed and depends on kde-window-manager15:18
MamarokAlcapond: make sure you have the soprano-backend-sesame installed15:19
Mamaroknikitis: well, yes, is it installed also?15:20
tehborizwhat's so good about the new kde?15:20
Mamaroktehboriz: works better, more options tha previousley15:20
_nix_tehboriz: solid and phono15:20
tomsdalesourcemaker: If you are eager and can live with the occasional crash and fix problems yourself give it a try. On the other hand there is nothing mind boggeling so far I have found in the release, more usability improvements so you might as well wait for the official release.15:20
AlcapondMamarok:  well I did install that package - and I did a reboot afterwards15:20
_nix_tehboriz: phonon*15:20
Mamaroktehboriz: and KDE 4 is work in progress, so you get new stuff on every update15:21
Mamaroktehboriz: but if you are not an experienced user, do not use the beta packages15:21
tehborizi think i got kde 4, or whatever came with 9.0415:21
MamarokAlcapond: in systemsettings -Advanced Tab - Desktop search, enabled strigi?15:21
tehborizi am an inexperienced user.15:21
nikitisMamarok: Says kde-window-manager is installed15:21
Mamaroktehboriz: that is 4.2.2 then15:21
Mamaroknikitis: how did you install Jaunty?15:22
tehborizoh i also have a huge issue with the plasma networking widget... it always cuts off the wireless networks i'm looking for15:22
nikitisMamarok: alternate text CD.  I have a complicated LVM setup.  I had to use it15:22
AlcapondMamarok: it is enabled - this is where I get the message that "Strigi service failed to initialize..."15:22
nikitisMamarok: I manually installed nvidia drivers.  The latest15:22
Mamaroktehboriz: tha is another issue, you shoudl upgrade to KDE 4.2.4 then15:22
Mamaroknikitis: that might well be the problem...15:22
tehborizso the .0.0.2 makes a big difference then huh? how do i upgrade15:23
Mamaroknikitis: what package manager do you use?15:23
nikitisMamarok: i need them though...  It fixes problems with xinerama15:23
tomsdaletehboriz: +1 for the networkmanager. I still have this in 4.3 beta. I wonder if there is still a setting somewhere in my home directory back from the alpha 5 days.15:23
nikitisMamarok: i was getting GLX_BAD_Drawable errors with previous version of drivers,15:23
Mamaroknikitis: try synaptic, it shows you the dependencies much better15:23
_nix_I'll have to add the ppa repositories to get kde 4.2.4? does it mean I'll be exposing myself to whatever fireworks goes on in ppa?15:24
nikitisMamarok: what am I looking for?  It shows the dependancies installed15:25
Mamarok_nix_: well, then don't and wait patiently for Karmic15:25
Mamaroknikitis: it will show you all the kde packages you might be missing15:26
* Mamarok will have to go soon...15:26
_nix_Mamarok: its a bugfix release right?15:26
Mamarok_nix_: yes, and it's from a tested PPA made by the Kubuntu developers15:27
Mamarok_nix_: check the topic15:27
nikitisMamarok: it's all installed as far as I can tell, but still no composite extensions.15:27
Mamaroknikitis: then I don't know, it might well be the Nvidia driver you installed from elsewhere15:27
vorian_nix_: yes, if you want unsupported packages - the ppa is the place to be15:27
_nix_I was wondering if it'll eventually figure in the "usual" updates being a bugfix15:28
vorian4.2.4 will find it's way to -updates in jaunty, it just takes time to make it there15:29
_nix_vorian: ok, thanks.15:29
vorianno problemo15:29
vorianI have an Xorg/kwin question (sad I know)15:30
vorianFailed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values.15:30
vorianCheck your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.15:30
vorianwhat's that about?15:30
vorianmy card is more than capable of compositing, so I've really messed something up15:30
Mamarokvorian: what card?15:31
vorianit's a geeforce 880015:31
vorianhttp://machinecrusade.net/100_2694.JPG <- that's what it looks like15:32
Mamarokvorian: hm, don't know about Nvidia, but a few people seem to have problems, there is probably also a bug report in Launchpad about that15:32
voriancrap, it was just working too!15:32
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tomsdalenice rack @ vorian15:37
nikitisOk, i've redone my setup and do not have my nvidia drivers installed.  How do I in KDE install the nvidia drivers properly?15:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:38
vorianta tomsdale :)15:38
Jack8899-2I cannot kill the process java, what can I do?15:42
vorianMamarok: disabling dri did the trick fyi15:42
Mamarokvorian: thx, will try to remember then :)15:42
tomsdaleHere is another one: in KDE can I drag a windows across virtual workspaces? Can't seem to find a setting for that.15:45
QuintasanJack8899-2: did you try sudo kill -s SIGKILL <pid_of_process>?15:45
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Jack8899-2Quintasan: no i didnt15:46
Quintasantomsdale: you mean dragging a window to another desktop?15:46
QuintasanJack8899-2: so try :P15:46
declanpwalshhi, I'm having trouble with a sata harddisk that doesn't let me write to it. Am i doing something wrong? I've plugged it in and rebooted.15:46
tomsdaleQuintasan: exacly. Like in gnome by default.15:46
Jack8899-2Quintasan: worked :) , is there a better tool then the system monitor which can kill processes?15:47
Quintasantomsdale: a) right click on title bar and you should have Move to desktop (or something like that, using Polish) and pick where you want to have it15:47
Quintasantomsdale: b) activate the Visual Effects in System Settings -> Desktop and press Meta(WinKey)+E and drag your window15:48
tomsdaleQuintasan: I know this and I even have a shortcut set. But dragging would be nicer.15:48
tomsdaleah - that'S something new15:48
QuintasanJack8899-2: Do you know about signals?15:49
Jack8899-2Quintasan: what is it, a program?15:50
QuintasanJack8899-2: the command I gave you kills the process without giving it chance to save documents etc.15:50
QuintasanJack8899-2: hence SIGKILL15:50
declanpwalshwhen i try to open the harddrive it seems to open but i can't write to it; says access denied: could not write to...15:51
MamarokAlcapond: sorry, neglected you, will be back in some time only :(15:51
* Mamarok goes to fetch her car15:51
QuintasanJack8899-2: you can try right-clicking on a process -> Send signal -> the position with (KILL) [sorry for no translation but I'm using polish lang atm]15:52
QuintasanJack8899-2: in system monitor OFC'15:52
declanpwalshanyone have any ideas?15:52
nikitisOkay, does KDE not allow 3d Desktop effects with Xinerama enabled?15:52
Jack8899-2Quintasan: ok, thanks :)15:53
QuintasanJack8899-2: np :D15:54
declanpwalshgparted has no problem with recognising it, and formatting/partitioning it15:56
padi999hey guys15:56
padi999on what channel can I get help on vlc issue?15:57
AlcapondMamarok: just to let you know - I managed starting it using http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3102231.0 - just had to kill nepomukservicestub and restart that service15:57
declanpwalshis there another channel i should ask for help in?15:57
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MetaMorfoziShi all is there any eee1000 users?15:59
MetaMorfoziS1000h, exactly but i just wanted to ask about the performance, and that do i need to upgrade the intel drivers?16:00
MetaMorfoziSi'm on jaunty now, and i have glitches16:00
MetaMorfoziSwithout composition16:00
Authoritydoes dpkg have a similar function to 'rpm -V' (verify integrity of installed package)?16:09
DexterFi'd like to upgrade a 8.04 installation to 9.04/kde3 - are there instructions on this or am I on my own?16:19
ZoraelAuthority: Let me know if you find any command for that, please16:20
AuthorityZorael: apparently there is another package called debsums to do this16:21
ZoraelAuthority: ah, thanks16:21
nikitisCan anyone tell me why my icons of .png will not show on my desktop?16:25
nikitisAnyone there?16:31
whirleystarso i tried to downgrade from kde 4.3b2:  i removed the backports line in sources.list, removed, purged kubuntu-desktop and reinstalled, on reboot, i still have 4.3b2... what am i doing wrong?16:33
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nikitisGuys, the .png mime type is broken.  Anyway to fix it?16:36
sujith_hhi help is required to figure out why my system got slow after installing kubuntu juanty. My laptop is Thinkpad r51. And RAM is 1.256 GB16:36
TelengardWhere is the official checksum (md5sum, sha-1, etc.) for kubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso ?16:39
BluesKaj!pm | ese16:40
ubottuese: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:40
eseok thanks, i accepted. problem is pc has two sound output, one with Mob & the other pci; now there is no sound coming from the pci; how do i confugure this16:43
BluesKajese, what is  the pci card ?16:46
BluesKajese, in the terminal : lspci | grep audio16:47
ese05:04.0 Audio device: Creative Labs SB X-Fi16:48
eseSubsystem: Creative Labs Device 600216:48
eseFlags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 1116:48
eseMemory at f7bec000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]16:48
eseMemory at f7c00000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=2M]16:48
eseMemory at f0000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64M]16:48
eseI/O ports at cce0 [size=32]16:48
eseCapabilities: <access denied>16:48
kevin_how can i delete files without moving them to the trash since when i try to move them to the trash it tells me it is too big and i have to manually delete it.16:48
esefrom what i understand sofar the sound card is creative Labs SB X-Fi16:50
BluesKajese , in the terminal : alsamixer ..make sure all the relavent controls are not muted (use the M key to unmute)16:52
BluesKajand sound volume is at least 67%16:53
kulbirj #debian16:53
bdizzleI'm having some serious issues lately with Kubuntu 9.04. The most recent being after I enter my password and log in, my keyboard stops working16:53
eseyes, alsa is working with the mob soundcard; but i wonted the pci soundcard not the Mob soundcard16:53
bdizzlePlasma has been freezing up like crazy every so hours when I go to switch windows, or sometimes just because it feels like it16:54
bdizzleanyone know of a way to restore things other than to re-install KDE?16:54
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BluesKajese, sudo apt-get install alsa-utils16:57
BluesKajese , then do : asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard"16:57
eseok, thanks. i will do that. i will post the reply some other time.16:58
BluesKajese, or you can change the default soundcard in your BIOS to the pci16:59
BluesKajese , reply in pastebin17:00
crackerНе подскажете где хранится config Konversation?17:04
commander_what's a good antivirus for kubntu?17:04
Pici!ru | cracker17:06
ubottucracker: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:06
Picicommander_: Are you sure you need AV software?17:06
BluesKaj!virus | commander_17:06
ubottucommander_: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2117:06
crackerне подскажете где хранится конфиг конверсэйшона?17:07
crackerИрц клиента17:07
Mamarok!ru cracker17:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ru cracker17:07
Mamarok!ru | cracker17:07
ubottucracker: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:07
Mamaroktoo late...17:07
BluesKajwho knows what his reply was :)17:08
commander_i know about the history of Linux but it's best to be safe than sorry17:08
Mamaroklet's google it?17:08
BluesKajMamarok, be my guest :)17:08
Mamarokcommander_: I use Linux since 10 years, never seen a virus, and as one hs to be root to install stuff...17:08
BluesKajcommander_, there's cautious , and then there's ultra cautious , but if you must , check out clamav for one17:09
commander_ok. but i'm ol school when it come to security17:09
ZoraelOnce linux scareware starts popping up, though? "Your Ubuntu is at risk! Download this and run it with "sudo fixmycomputer.sh" and protect yourself today!17:10
Zoraelso, weakest link is the gullible user17:10
BluesKajnot many linux users will bite at such a statement17:11
Mamarokcommander_: Kubuntu is by default a closed system :)17:11
MamarokBluesKaj: new users might :(17:11
ZoraelKeep to the repositories and you'll be safe. ClamAV will detect Windows viruses if you have it on another partition, but serves no purpose otherwise :317:12
romulloanyone knows how can i reinstall all the plasma packages?17:23
romullo(jaunty, KDE 4.2)17:23
DaskreeCHAnyone ever setup Coova Chilli ?17:25
romullothe plasma is broken after an upgrade yesterday =(17:25
TelengardI found the answer to my own question. The MD5 hases for official Kubuntu ISOs are available at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes17:28
DaskreeCHromullo: sudo apt-get remove plasma ?17:28
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DaskreeCHTelengard: They are also in a file within the ISO directory named MD5SUMS17:29
TelengardDaskreeCH : True, but the article I linked is hosed in domain Ubuntu.com, and on a secure server, and therefore more official  :)17:29
Telengard^ hosted17:30
BluesKajWow, we have 2 floodbots ! ...must be anticipating some troll/flooders17:33
tsimpsonno, just trying to get the damn thing to work17:33
BluesKajautokill more than 3 lines , tsimpson ?17:35
tsimpsonBluesKaj: warning for multiple lines, mute for flood and mibbit support17:36
DaskreeCH_BluesKaj: Gather the animals two by two17:36
BluesKaj DaskreeCH_ :)17:37
romulloDaskreeCH: didn't work.. the package plasma does not exist17:42
rubasubHi, I've just installed kdenlive on kubuntu and am trying the rendering tool on 7.3...do I have to install extra codecs to use the websites option?17:43
sourcemakerI have a problem starting kde... the screen keeps blanks17:50
sourcemakerthe last message is preparing to launch knotify17:50
DexterFI'd like the live system to have vm-tools - where would I file a feature request for that?17:51
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stefano_I'm wondering why a "dist-upgrade" button isn't present on kpakagekit on kubuntu18:02
anonimous_8    ?   818:03
stefano_why a "dist-upgrade" button isn't present on kpakagekit on kubuntu? kpakagekit just blocks packets18:04
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eduinhola soy nuevo y no se como instalar un programa18:12
jessica_ola soy nueva..xD18:12
eduiny llege aqui por cachariar18:12
jessica_ños ni mas gente18:13
jessica_¿hola quien eres?18:13
eduinAlguien que me ayude18:14
eduincomo manejo kubunto18:14
jessica_lo mimso pregunto yo..xD18:14
tsimpson!es | eduin, jessica_18:16
ubottueduin, jessica_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:16
jessica_ños gracias..=D18:16
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julia_2hey. if 2 user access the same data they dont know that they work in the same document. oplock = yes, level2 oplocks=yes, strict locking=yes. what can i do?18:20
zzzeushey world18:24
PepiWelche Datei muss ich bei KDE 4.2 löschen, dass sich KDE so fällt, als wäre es frisch installiert?18:25
FanfarePepi:  den Ordner ~/.kde Aber mach vorher n Backup, da dort auch Kalender/Kontakte/etc drin ist.18:29
jared555is it suggested that experienced users use ufw or iptables directly?18:30
tsimpsonwhichever you want to use18:30
tsimpsontry ufw, if it's not powerful enough for you, use iptables18:31
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:31
PepiFanfare: Das wollte ich nicht, Die Mails etc. sollen ja so bleiben wie sie sind. Ich wollte nur das Startmenü und die Star-Leiste und den Desktop wieder so haben, wie er bei der Neuinstallation war.18:31
vbgunzeverytime I press / in konqueror and start to find something, konqueror crashes. anyone aware of this?18:32
vbgunzand then, to add insult to injury, the restore session of konqueror restores an older session18:32
Pepiubottu: Sorry, das habe ich inzwischen auch gemerkt und werde nach kubuntu-de wechseln.18:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:35
sourcemakerI have a problem related to kde 3.4 BETA2 ... aconadi is crashing18:39
sourcemakerBridged resource  has no standard resource.18:39
julia_2hmm nobody an idea?18:45
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore18:46
whirleystarso i tried to downgrade from kde 4.3b2:  i removed the backports line in sources.list, removed, purged kubuntu-desktop and reinstalled, on reboot, i still have 4.3b2... what am i doing wrong?18:53
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piksiany news when the plasma messup is going to be fixed?19:03
piksii.e. this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26184904/messed.png19:03
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Mamarokpiksi: what KDE version do you use?19:12
piksiMamarok: 4.2.419:15
piksiMamarok: happens on three computers with different gpus and happened also on an earlier version. standard kubuntu x86_64 install19:15
piksiMamarok: usually plasma widgets and all text just disappear after the computer has been in use for long (i suspect some kind of memory leak of some kind as it sometimes also crashes plasma)19:16
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Mamarokpiksi: hm, my laptop runs KDE 3 beta since quite some time, besides one plasma crash I haven't seen that19:17
teemuHi. I have a Windows Mobile here connected via usb. How would I share the Internet connection from Kubuntu to the mobile?19:17
Mamarokpiksi: is there a bug report somewhere?19:17
piksiMamarok: yes and i've contributed to it too. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/36630019:17
* Mamarok checks19:18
teemuor does this require active synhc..19:18
piksiit started appearing after kde4 reached 4.2.something, i never had it in 4.0.* nor 4.1.* versions although those had multiple other problems19:19
Mamarokpiksi: fresh install or upgrade? One comment seems to indicate a relation19:21
MamarokFWIW, mine is a clean install of Jaunty19:22
piksimine is a clean install of jaunty on three computers, hasn't helped19:24
piksiwas just curious if there was any news of a fix19:24
Mamarokpiksi: well, I didn't even know about, as it never occured here19:25
Kjarasany one know howto delete wine and winetricks completley and reinstall them... and sorry for bad english19:28
bdgraueKjaras: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine19:30
Kjarasdoes it remove winetricks too??19:30
bdgraueKjaras: and delete the .wine folder in your home direktory19:31
bdgraueKjaras: after that all should be deleted, afaik19:31
Kjarasbut can you help me reinstall wine and winetricks???19:32
bdgraueKjaras: wine reinstaling, yes, but i don't know what for your need winetricks19:35
bdgraueKjaras: sudo apt-get install wine    will reinstall it19:36
teemuumm.. how about Bluetooth then?19:36
Kjarasbdgraue: Install these packages without verification [y/N]? sudo apt-get install winesu19:37
bdgraueKjaras: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=1554  at the bottom you can find instructions on how installing steam, including winetricls19:38
eshatHi all, why does firefox show a gnome filemanger, when uploading files, although I am on KDE 4.2.4 ???19:38
bdgraueKjaras: winesu?19:38
Kjaraspasted a little wrong19:38
Kjarasbdgraue: Install these packages without verification [y/N]?19:38
Kjaraswhere do i get vertification?19:39
bdgraueKjaras: why do you have no verification19:39
Kjarasi dont know19:39
Mamarokeshat: because it is a GTK application19:39
teemuThere was a panel for bluetooth services but now I don't see it anywhere..19:39
bdgraueKjaras: are there any errors about missing keys, wenn you make an sudo apt-get update  ?19:39
eshatMamarok: Nooooooooooooo :(19:40
Mamarokeshat: no need to shout...19:40
bdgraueKjaras: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb  did you read that and followed the inatructions, including adding the key?19:40
eshatMamarok: Is konqueror an good alternative ?19:41
bdgraueKjaras: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -19:41
bdgraueKjaras: do you have any gui package manager open?19:41
Mamarokeshat: I like it, but you can also use QtCurve for the GTK apps in KDE, check the Systemsettings -> appearance19:41
Kjarasi dont know19:42
bdgraueKjaras: close all package manager (kpackage, adept, synaptic)19:42
bdgraueKjaras: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -19:43
bdgrauewill add your key19:43
bdgraueafter that19:43
bdgraueKjaras: sudo apt-get update19:43
Kjarasnothing happends19:43
bdgraueKjaras: sudo apt-get install wine19:43
bdgraueKjaras: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -19:47
bdgraueKjaras: that should do the trick19:47
Kjarasaaah nice :P19:47
bdgraueafter that   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine19:47
Kjarasthanks :P19:47
Kjarascan you help me width winetricks??19:48
bdgraueKjaras: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=1554    take a look at the bottom19:49
bdgraueKjaras: HOWTO: Installing and Running Steam19:49
Kjarasaaah :P19:49
FabParmaI have a computer repair and small-shop. I would like to offer to citizens of my small city a free internet use, especially for students, not rich people and Linux interested. I have already installed the computer and Linux but now I need to shapping the bandwidth into the Linux client.. In more I need to permit to see the gateway Ip address only. Do you think it is possible?19:49
Kjarasbut since i just reinstalled wine do i need to install steam again??19:50
bdgraueKjaras: yes, if you removed the .wine  folder in your home-deirectory19:50
Kjarasdidnt find it so i think its gone ....19:53
bdgraueKjaras: its an hidden folder19:54
Kjarashow do i find it ???? :S :(19:54
bdgraueKjaras: ALT + .  should show them19:54
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bdgrauein dolphin ALT+ .19:54
Kjarasdidnt work19:55
bdgraueALT and .19:55
JuJuBeeAnybody using wireless ATH9k with Jaunty successfully?  I cannot see any wireless networks.19:56
Kjarasdo i need to reinstall wine again then?19:56
bdgraueKjaras: no19:56
Kjarashow to delete steam again then?19:57
bdgraueKjaras: one winecfg in konsole should bring .wine19:57
bdgraueKjaras: steam and all wine related is in .wine19:57
bdgraueKjaras: if you delete .wine then all have been gone by now :)19:57
Kjaraserr:winedevice:ServiceMain driver L"StyleXPHelper" failed to load19:57
Kjarasso if i just delete the folder can i sudo wine back ?? :P19:58
Kjarassudo apt-get install wine afther deleting .wine??19:59
bdgraueyou dont need do install it again19:59
Kjarasbut i have other programs that was using wine19:59
bdgraueKjaras: just an    winecfg    in konsole/terminal19:59
Kjarasit fails20:00
Kjaraskjartan@kraxty:~$ winecfg20:00
Kjaraserr:winedevice:ServiceMain driver L"StyleXPHelper" failed to load20:00
Kjarassorry for spam paste20:00
bdgraueif you delete .wine, then all these progeamms have to be reinstalled20:00
Kjarasis there a folder i can go watch wot programs i have installed??20:01
bdgraueKjaras: sry, i hope somene other can help you with that, i dont have the time anymore :(20:01
Kjarasok but thx for all help :P20:02
bdgraueKjaras: hope you will get all problems solved20:02
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Kjaraswhy does it take AGES to delete folders???20:22
Kjarasis there any way to see system info in linux=20:22
PiciKjaras: Such as?20:23
Kjarasram.. HDD20:23
Kjarasand those tings20:23
Picisudo lshw will tell you a lot.  I'm not sure if there is a KDE tool for it though.20:25
=== SGH is now known as Guest21850
=== william is now known as Guest83196
Kjarasis there any way to incrase speed of deleting things ??20:30
Kjarasi accedentily deleted trash from my menu :S where can i get it back???20:32
intokanyone tried Qimo before? how is it for young kids?20:33
DexterFhow the hell do I install open-vm-tools on 9.04? m-a failed20:34
DaskreeCHDoes anyone know where Amarok caches the podcasts it's downloading ?20:41
oobeDaskreeCH, no but im guessing it could be /tmp or ~/.amorak if not you can check somwhere in the settings there would be an option to specify its location20:44
DaskreeCH~/.amarok ?20:45
=== william is now known as Guest55993
RyanV2Could I get some help on wireless networking on ubuntu?20:59
DaskreeCHWhat's going on with the servers?21:06
DaskreeCHAnd who is FloodBotK1?21:06
MamarokDaskreeCH: a bot that prevents spam flooding21:06
DaskreeCHWhat's +e in terms of IRC ?21:07
MamarokDaskreeCH: DaskreeCH what servers, Freenode?21:07
MamarokDaskreeCH: it's an exception of an IRC rule21:07
jim__i need help21:07
DaskreeCHah Hmm wonder why Ryanv2 merited an exception21:07
DaskreeCHjim__: With?21:08
Mamarokjim__: behave, no need to exagerate...21:08
jim__dj mix programs21:08
whirleystari need help too!21:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:08
DaskreeCHjim__: apt-cache search dj21:08
DaskreeCHIf you want a broader search try apt-cache search mix21:09
DaskreeCHwhirleystar: just ask your question :)21:09
whirleystarI f---ed up and "updated" to kde4.3b, I need to finish my dissertation, Can I go back to 4.2.x?21:10
Mamarokjim__: idjc is a nice one btw21:11
Mamarokwhirleystar: KDE 4.3 owrks fine here, no need to go back. What is your exact problem?21:11
Mamarokworks* even21:11
jim__any you tube downloader?21:12
whirleystarcheckerboard background, no shortcuts work, krunner doesn't work, on boot I get a "no greeter app" or something close to that21:12
Mamarokjim__: I don't know any, did you try to google for it?21:12
Mamarokwhirleystar: did you complete the installation or do you have packages held back?21:13
jim__yes bad nothing21:13
bazhangjim__, youtube-dl21:13
whirleystarI'm not sure... it DID say that there were 32 packages that would not install...21:13
Mamarokwhirleystar: try to update again: sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade21:14
jim__nothing for broswer?21:15
bazhangsure there is21:15
Mamarokwhirleystar: if you still get errors, please paste the output to hhttp://paste.ubuntu.com and send the link here21:15
bazhangyoutube-dl is the easiest though21:15
bazhangyoutube-dl -t [URL] will get you the whole thing, with the correct title21:16
jim__thax for all bb21:16
whirleystarpackages were held back: http://paste.ubuntu.com/193707/21:18
Mamarokwhirleystar: that many? wow...21:19
Mamarokwhirleystar: you did sudo apt-get update first, didn't you?21:19
whirleystaryah.... I must admit that I had GPG errors on the update because I didn't verify key.... would that screw me up?21:20
Mamarokwhirleystar: of course, you need to add that key :)21:20
Mamarokwhirleystar: do you know how?21:21
whirleystarargg.... please excuse me, I don't remember21:21
Mamarokwhirleystar: tpe the following in a konsole:21:22
Mamarokgpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 60487016493B306521:22
Mamarokthen that line:21:22
Mamarokgpg --export --armor 60487016493B3065 | sudo apt-key add -21:22
Mamarokdon't forget the trailing - at the end21:22
Mamaroktype* even21:23
Mamarokthen udate again21:23
* Mamarok needs to clean the keyboard21:23
whirleystarok... updating now21:24
lizhi room anyone here familiar with puppylinux?21:27
Mamarokliz: this is the #kubuntu support channel...21:27
lizyes I know, is there a puppy channel?21:27
Mamarokliz: no idea, check on their website21:28
halberdwhy doesn't apt-get install kolourpaint work? it can't find the package21:28
halberdwhat is the name of the kolourpaint package?21:28
halberdI also tried install kolourpaint421:29
bazhangliz, /msg alis help list21:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kolourpaint421:29
Mamarok!info kolourpaint421:29
ubottukolourpaint4 (source: kdegraphics): simple image editor for KDE 4. In component main, is extra. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 920 kB, installed size 2164 kB21:29
Mamarokhalberd: installing the kdegraphics metapackage should install it21:30
halberdI see packages kolourpaint and kolourpaint4-kde4 in synaptic21:30
halberdah, kolourpaint4-kde4 works21:31
whirleystarMamarok: updated, then upgraded, 30 packages kept back.21:31
Mamarokwhirleystar: strange21:32
lizbazhang: thx I did find a room :)21:32
bazhangliz, you're welcome :)21:32
Mamarokwhirleystar: you will have to install manually, start with sudo apt-get install kdebase-plasma21:32
whirleystarMamarok: That one worked!21:34
Mamarokwhirleystar: they should all work, continue then with all the kdebase- ones21:34
whirleystarMamarok: You're beautiful!21:44
whirleystareverything should updated, no packages held back.... should I try a reboot?21:44
Mamarokwhirleystar: yaw :)21:44
Mamarokwhirleystar: no, only restart KDE21:44
whirleystarCan I do that without logging out of my session?21:45
Mamarokwell, if you are running Quassel on a remote core or Irssi in a screen session, then yes21:46
whirleystaruh, no.... I'll see what I can do... Thank you so much for the help!  Now I can get back to work on my thesis :)21:47
Mamarokwhirleystar: great :)21:47
Mamarokok, off for tonight, gn8 everyone21:48
=== Polyculture is now known as EckiD
commander_how can i get synaptics package manager?21:54
bazhangcommander_, sudo apt-get install synaptic21:59
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=== n is now known as Guest54765
commander_baz thanks.just installed kubuntu and partitioned it22:03
=== rooot is now known as siekacz
bazhangyou're welcome :)22:03
=== no is now known as Guest32608
radioproduccionhi i'm not learn and speak english22:05
radioproduccionubuntu spanish?22:05
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:06
=== root is now known as Guest27714
=== TMKCodes_ is now known as TMKCodes
rohan_in konsole, i want to use ctrl-tab and ctrl-shift-tab to switch between next and previous tab respectively. the first shortcut works, however the ctrl-shift-tab has no effect. i am using kde 4.2.2 on kubuntu 9.04.22:23
=== rohan_ is now known as rohan
yao_ziyuani guess everyone here are using oxygen-molecule as gtk+ engine now, right?22:26
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rohanwill the desktop-as-folderview retain the icon arrangement across reboots?22:31
=== william is now known as Guest47961
declan_Hello. Been struggling with really quiet sound for hours now. Can anyone help before I buy a pci soundcard? Please?23:08
compilerwriterI have an sdcard mounted on my machine.  I need to sync it and umount it no?23:08
viable-tadesse_configure --build=i686 --host=arm-linux --target=arm-linux -- what is the build option here?23:11
kjarassteam wont start ???? its not happening anyting at all when i try starting steam  can any one help me?23:11
kjarasis there any thing called taskmanager in linux?23:13
* TheJohn is back (gone 00:00:44)23:14
* TheJohn is away: BBL AGAIN. Time for a break off my computer.23:14
=== no is now known as Guest17750
compilerwriterI am having trouble umounting my sdcard umount tells me the file system is in use.23:24
kjarascan any one help me width steam or give me a irc server that i can ask for help???23:27
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* TheJohn is back (gone 00:13:30)23:28
officejemaamd aaus deutschand ier?23:28
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:29
=== alberto is now known as Guest57430
=== Guest57430 is now known as alberto_
compilerwriterHow do I make certain my sd card gets all its files written to it I need to do something and then umount it correct?23:43
ZengolWould my laptop be a good ideal for supporting 9.04, i am running a dual core 2 gig's of ram and an Intel 945GMA.23:46
DragnslcrZengol- Dual core and 2 GB of RAM will run Kubuntu fine. I've heard there have been some issues with the Intel graphics drivers, but I don't know any details23:50
mishaalguien en espanol23:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:51
reagleBRKLNsomething happened to my kate (3.5.10) highlighting. I have the python file installed, and for a flash I can see it highlight, but then it show with no highlighting, any hints/clues or way to get debug info?23:53
ZengolDragnslcr- Yeah, i just recieved the 9.04 in the mail. But i am not sre wether i want to chance losing what i have done so far.23:53
DragnslcrWhat do you have installed now?23:54
ZengolDragnslcr- I tried 9.04 awhile back and it had major problem's with just the desktop lagging out on me.23:54
ZengolDragnslcr- I am running 8.1023:54
DragnslcrYeah, that'd probably be the Intel graphics drivers23:54
ZengolDragnslcr- The only problem i have with 8.10 is that i get kicked back to teh login screen upon resolution changes.23:54
ZengolDragnslcr- I know it has to do with the advanced desktop effect's that run under OpenGL.23:55
ZengolDragnslcr- I have switched it off before and it ran fine, i have also switched to Xrender ad it ran fine.23:55
DragnslcrYou might try checking the forums for more information about the Intel drivers, see if there's been any progress23:55
ZengolDragnslcr- By my luck probably no luck at all. Even so. Last time i installed a driver manually i had to re-install Kubuntu completely.23:56
ZengolI have OpenBox, and Gnome installed here as backup's incase my KDE lock's itself in a resolution chage again.23:56
DragnslcrThe good thing is that since the Intel drivers are open, it shouldn't take quite as long for some developers to get it fixed up23:56
ZengolWhen i ran 8.04 i was able to do quite a few thing's, i could een play WoW at about 16-25 FPS.23:57
ZengolI ran 9.04 off of teh live CD last night and it didn't seem to show any sign's of the desktop lagout that it had in the beta.23:58
ZengolBt i am still wary of actually installing it and losing all of my progress.23:58
ZengolI might delete my ms partition and try it.23:59
ZengolI need to re-format that partition anyway due to spyware, haha.23:59

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