
=== ScriptRipper_ is now known as ScriptRipper
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=== WM is now known as drwyrm
=== drwyrm is now known as WyrM
=== ApOgEE- is now known as ApOgEE
ogracbrake, looks like your host system is missing proper timezone configuration (the script tries to determine your TZ from /etc/timezone of the host)10:48
ogracbrake, as a quick fix run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata ... before you run the script10:50
cbrakeogra: yup, that worked -- thanks14:15
cbrakeis there a standard way for making modifications to an embedded Ubuntu rootfs?17:44
cbrakeI need to add some files for serial console, and set up the default networking17:45
ograuntar it, make your changes, tar it again ;)17:45
cbrakeobviously, I can hack these files into the tarball, but wondering how support for various macnhines is done17:45
ograas long as its config changes that will work just fine17:45
persiacbrake, As much as possible, we attempt to make the system able to handle all machines.17:45
persiaSo, for instance, the kernel and udev should be populating the devices you need, and you should be able to pass kernel command-line options for the serial console.17:46
persiaNetworking is a bit trickier: mac-based DHCP is a handy way to go.17:46
cbrakepersia: I can get kernel messages out the serial port with kernel command line, but it does not start a getty on the serial port unless I do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto17:47
ograthe rootfs build script only rolls a rootfs and adds a set of defaults ubiquity would add otherwise17:48
persiaI wonder if there's a sane model for having that enableable on boot.  Might be handy for server folk as well.17:48
ograthere isnt without creating the file in event.d17:49
ograi could add a switch to the script, but that still leaves the serial options17:49
ograi dont want to crowd the script with to many options17:49
ograi.e. serial speed etc that should be set in the ttyS0 file17:49
persiaOh, right.17:49
persiaI was sorta-kinda-hoping there would be some way to feed it without hardcoding, for general deployment.17:50
ograbut i surely can add a switch that at least creates it with a bunch of defaults17:50
cbrakeI'm coming from the Openembedded world where the concept of machine support is very prominant, so trying to get re-aligned ...17:50
ograyeah, ubuntu is rather focusing on "as broad as possible" support17:51
persiacbrake, Yeah, it's a different way of looking at things.  We tend to focus on having a (mostly) general solution, rather than lots of machine-specific versions.17:51
ograwhich indeed leaves off a lot of optimization17:51
ograbut gets nearly anyone the option to run it17:52
ogra(as long as your arch matches the minimal reqs ... i.e. ARMv5 in jaunty, ARMv6+ in karmic etc)17:52
cbrakeinteresting, so ARMv5 is only for jaunty17:53
ograyeah, karmioc will do v6 ... likely vfp and NEON17:53
cbrakemy default installs are running at 380MB -- is there any way to trim that down?17:53
ograwell, its not OE :)17:54
cbrakenod :-)17:54
ograyou can cut down by ripping out packages indeed17:55
cbrakeso is that typically done by apt-get remove after the system is booted?17:55
cbrakeor is there a way to remove packages when generating the rootfs?17:55
ograafter booting17:55
cbrakeok, thanks for all the help17:56
ograunless you build a qemu image first, trim that, loop mount it and tar it up17:56
ograthe prob is that you cant just chroot into the rootfs ... you need a vm17:56
cbrakeyes, qemu is pretty useful for that vs the target machnine17:56
ograbut the script has an option to build a qemu only image17:56
persiaWell, unless you're building the rootfs on an armel system :)17:57
ograwhich you then can boot in qemu and trim17:57
ograoh, indeed17:57
ograif you have powerful arm HW thats indeed the quicker option17:57
persiawell, you might have to go through the rootfs game to bootstrap, but once there...17:58
ograindeed ... you wouldnt use the script at all then17:59
persiaWhy not?  Wouldn't the script speed the bootstrap?18:02
ograit would still run qemu18:04
persiaWell, yeah, but you have to do the initial boot somehow, unless debootstrap just works on the BSP.18:05
ograoh, right18:06
Martynogra : have you ever had this error pop up? (gcc 4.2)   LD      init/built-in.o18:37
Martyn  LD      .tmp_vmlinux118:37
Martyn`.cpuexit.text' referenced in section `.ARM.exidx.cpuexit.text' of arch/arm/mach-realview/built-in.o: defined in discarded section `.cpuexit.text' of arch/arm/mach-realview/built-in.o18:37
persiaMartyn, You mentioned yesterday that you found a power issue with idle_pm vs. kernel_idle.  I just wanted to poke you to file a bug about that (as I hear the kernel *should* do the right thing with kernel_idle)18:37
Martynpersia : As soon as we're done with the tests (Fri) I'll do so.18:39
persiaThat soon?  Excellent!  Thanks.18:39
Martynpersia : More things have been discovered since yesterday, that may be errata in the i.mx51 and RealView_Cortex_A918:39
persiaI always like it when it's a hardware problem :)18:39
Martynit's a very high priority now18:39
Martynwell, it's more than a hardware problem.  If its a fundamental design issue in the SoC, it's something my company will have to carefully watch for as we create ours.18:40
Martynpower domain issues are so.. fucking.. finicky18:40
Martynogra : Thoughts on booting SMP -- right now, I'm having a whale of a time getting the Cortex-A9MP kernel to go SMP, because for some reason ARM expects the bootloader (u-boot in this case) to hold the non-main cores in WFI (I use WFINE)18:41
Martynogra : however, the other cores never get the software interrupt they need to get going . and even THEN .. the WFI resumes right where it left off .. in the bootloader.18:42
MartynI think it's the kernel itself that should hold the other processors back in WFI .. right?18:42
Martynso that when it restarts the PC's of the other cores are pointed at kernel code .. not bootloader code.18:42
ograhmm, amitk might be able to tell18:43
MartynMy boss made nosies at ARM about getting us a babbage218:44
Martynogra : Question though .. in order to unify the Ubuntu/ARM universe, are we standardising around RedBoot?18:45
Martynor was RedBoot just convenient for the Babbage?18:45
MartynOR .. are we shifting to UEFI?18:45
=== cbrake is now known as cbrake_away
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke

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