
ghostlineshi all12:35
persiahey ghostlines12:35
ghostlineswoops wrong place12:35
ghostlineswanted to ask some java programming questions12:35
persiaYeah, that's ##java12:36
ghostlinesand I got to be identified to join ##java, bummer12:36
persiaThat's easy.  Just /query nickserv identify ${some password}12:39
persiaremember your password for later, and you can always be "ghostlines"12:39
ttxFor those interested, I'll be giving a packaging training session about Java libraries in 20 minutes on #ubuntu-classroom12:41
ghostlinespersia, thanks12:42
=== PFFan|Away is now known as PFFan
darkwisehi ttx, I have a question to begin java-packaging : can I begin with debian doc ?  ubuntu has it's own one ?14:00
ttxdarkwise: Debian doc is good.14:00
darkwiseok, thanks14:01
ttxThe only thing we enforce is the use of default-java virtuals14:01
ttxbuild-depends: default-jdk14:01
ttxDepends: default-jre-headless | java2-runtime-headless14:01
ttxrather than naming a specific jvm14:02
ttxlast time I lokked it was missing from the Debian java policy docs.14:02
persiaIt's missing on purpose.  default-* in Debian isn't always safe for all packages.14:03
persiaSomething about the migration to openjdk still being underway.14:03
persia(err, all packages/all architectures).14:03
ttxpersia: they still have default-java pointing to GCJ, but that shouldn't prevent them from using it14:03
ttxas long as we use default-jdk when it works both with GCJ and Openjdk :)14:04
darkwisenice, I think I'm in the correct channel :D14:05
darkwisethanks persia ttx14:05
darkwisedo you suggest an easy exemple (package) to begin with ?14:05
ttxI have a few in store... let me see14:05
persiattx, The problem is that some stuff doesn't work with gcj.14:06
ttxpersia: yep.14:06
persiaBut for use, default-* should always work.  I don't know the status of the ia64 port, but the rest ought be fairly clean.14:06
darkwisepersia, end even it's work, I think it's not with the same performance14:07
persiadarkwise, You'd have to benchmark.  For some workloads, for some architectures, JIT is faster, and for other workloads on other architectures precompiled is faster.14:08
ttxdarkwise: I still have to review a list that I'm interested to see in Ubuntu14:08
ttxdarkwise: Backport Util Concurrent 3.1, Axiom 1.2.8 ...14:08
ttxI just have to make sure they are as easy as I think they are.14:08
darkwiseok, thanks, I'll try14:09
ttxpersia: meeting ?15:02
persiaIs there?  I thought I was still failing to announce a meeting.  I'm happy to have one if you like.15:03
ttxpersia: I don't have anything specific15:03
persiaThen perhaps nobody will show up :)15:04
persiaAh, too late.15:04
ttxah :)15:04
* darkwise follow the meeting :)15:05
drubinttx: Thanks for the informative talk15:10
ttxdrubin: you're welcome15:10
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=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke

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