
=== asac_ is now known as asac
mib_cnwudqogra: hey there17:17
mib_cnwudqogra: this is lool17:17
mib_cnwudqNCommander, Gruemaster, ogra: we're still working on bringing up the line17:18
=== mib_cnwudq is now known as lool2
=== lool2 is now known as lool-
ogralool-, ok17:18
lool-ogra: should now be open17:18
* ogra dials in17:18
persialool, Thanks for the last pointer last night: things are working well.17:19
mib_16kc75Who am I now17:19
=== mib_16kc75 is now known as davidm-remote
lool-persia: I don't recall which pointer17:20
lool-persia: the ATAG changes?17:20
lool-Hmm I thought it wouldn't be enough for 512 M17:20
persiaI'll let you know when you're less distracted (and testing is complete)17:21
lool-(I would get an error message from the qemu allocation and the Xandros person told me that wasn't enough)17:24
lool-Anyway, I'm happy if it works17:24
ogralool-, any chance you can join #mobile ?17:38
plarsogra: we don't have real irc client access here, have to use mibbit17:39
ograhrm, k, would be good to know which slide is up, manjo told us in tue17:40
plarsogra: come to #mobile-meeting so we don't spam the channel17:45
plarsand I'll try to update you on which slide we are on17:45
persiabjf, ?17:47
bjfpersia: typo17:48
=== rzr is now known as rZr
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke

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