
BUGabundothanks :)00:00
ftahm, looks like someone took care of libxcb-render-util000:20
ftaasac, https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/staging  please give it a try00:34
=== asac_ is now known as asac
NCommanderasac, ping?01:43
micahgNCommander: he's probably sleeping in Europe :)01:48
NCommandermicahg, asac sleeps?01:49
rippsfta: you in, I'm the one who emailed you earlier with a question on your ppa-scripts. I'm trying to set one up with several git sources, but I'm getting confused with get-orig-source stuff, I've never used them before.05:22
rippsDoes anybody here know about fta's ppa-scripts?06:17
rippsI'm confused with this debian_tag stuff in get-orig-source06:27
asacNCommander: back ;)08:03
NCommanderasac, wb, so thunderbird 3.0 works, now what?08:05
asacNCommander: how well does it work? are there any performance issues in general? how long did you use it?08:09
NCommanderasac, seems to work ok, I made a dummy account, checked the menus. I didn't abuse it or actually download any mail though08:10
asaci am not sure what to do next. investigating those crashes would probably be quite time consuming08:12
NCommanderasac, indeed ;-/08:19
asacNCommander: so, if you want to debug it for real, you probably should start getting a real --enable-debug --disable-optimize build of tbird 208:19
NCommanderwhat will that do specifically?08:20
asacwell. that will enable more debug logging, assertions, etc. but also make the stacktraces more useful by disabling optimization08:20
* NCommander hopes that such an action doesn't make the segfault disappear08:21
asacthats possible, but in this case its unlikely imo08:21
asaclet me check something08:21
asacapply that patch and build tbird.08:23
asacafter configure has run, abort the build and go to build-tree/mozilla08:24
asacand run just "make"08:24
asaconce its finished you can start the debug build in dist/bin08:24
asacstart the debug build == start the application ;)08:25
asacripps: DEBIAN_TAG=tag08:26
rippsasac: huh?08:27
asacripps: you said you were confused by debian_tag stuff ;)08:27
asacwhat in particular ;)08:27
rippsUm unsure on how to apply fta's method to git. I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do. I guess I just don't understand the terminology as well.08:28
asacripps: git has the concept of tags, right?08:30
asacso i guess thats not your problem ;)08:30
asacwhat confuses you in particular?08:30
rippsasac: No, it understand that, git tag show a list of release names08:30
rippswhat I don't know how to is his method involves bzr log on a remote branch, I can't do that with git until I've pulled into a local one08:31
asacripps: so assume you have a release name X .... DEBIAN_TAG=X means that you want to get the tarball exported for that release08:31
rippsBut I'm not trying to get the tarball for a release, I'm trying to get a tarball for an upstream git snapshot08:32
asacripps: ah. yeah. i am not sure if there is a way to query log and stuff on remote branches08:32
asacripps: DEBIAN_TAG is only used to get certain releases08:32
rippsHis examples all use bzr, which makes infinately more frustrated to convert to git08:32
asacripps: DEBIAN_DATE= is used to get certain date snapshots08:33
asacripps: well. all the mozilla stuf we are running is using mercurial08:33
asacactually i think we only have one project that is all bzr, e.g. gwibber08:33
asacripps: or are you saying that your debian/ stuff is in git too?08:34
rippsasac: Yeah, but I can't figure out how he does that with his ppa-scripts, the only one he's explained is his gwibber bzr stuff08:34
rippsasac: I08:34
rippsI've setup a branch for my debian stuff08:34
rippsLet me show you what I've got so far.08:34
* asac has to get a coffee first now08:35
asacifneq (,$(DEBIAN_TAG))08:40
asacget-orig-source: TAG  = $(NULL)08:40
asacisnt that wrong?08:40
asacwhy is TAG unset if there is no DEBIAN_TAG?08:40
asacalso ... is get-orig-source: TAG  = $(NULL) valid make code at all?08:41
NCommanderasac, building08:41
* asac continues to produce coffee ;)08:41
NCommanderProbably will take quite a few hours08:41
asacNCommander: great08:41
* NCommander will need coffee soonish08:41
rippsasac: I just copied what he had in the gwibber.head code08:42
rippsasac: okay, what is TAG supposed to be? The release version, the git date, or git version?08:45
rippsDo I set it early on, like is shows here, or should I do after I've cloned a branch from git?08:46
asacripps: well. i used git a bit and i didnt find a way to do anything without first cloning08:47
asacso i guess if upstream has git it needs to clone first ;)08:48
rippsSo I should put this TAG stuff in gos-co:08:48
rippsShould I manually specify the release version? Because gmpc git only shows the releases, but in reality the developer refers to the version as 0.18.1, but git will only show 0.18.008:50
rippsHe then bumps it up 0.18.95 when it's in beta08:51
asacripps: i am not sure, but i would think you need to do the following:08:51
asacget-orig-source: TAG  = -r $(shell bzr log --limit 1 $(GWIBBER_URL) | grep ^r | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f2)08:51
asac-> make this line not use bzr log08:51
asaci think fta uses wget and sedding to get that info for things that dont support remote "log"08:51
asacat least thats one option08:52
asacthe other option is to depend on the gos-all thing first08:52
asacand then use git log locally to get that info08:52
rippsobviously, I just haven't edited since I copied it. I'm considering removing all that stuff and just keeping 'get-orig-source: gos-all'08:52
ripps...hmmm all I want is to have the packages built with gmpc-git$DATE.$REVISION-0ubuntu108:53
asacripps: so does anything work at all atm?08:54
asaci think in general you are on the right track08:54
asacyou just miss corner cases08:55
asacand have syntax errors i would think (like three get-orig-source: rules... which probably make the stuff fail)08:55
rippsasac: well, my old version tried to use git pull on a local directory holding the git branches. It seemed to recongnize and build and locate the orig.tar.gz's but then it wouldn't do anything with them and quit out without ever running dput08:55
asacripps: whats the difference to what you have now?08:57
NCommanderasac, I think you got that patch backwards08:57
asacNCommander: thought its already building ;)?08:58
rippsasac: tons, I've completely redone the get-orig-source, You should be able to see in older revisions in the gmpc.trunk bzr branch I linked you08:58
asac(could be that i made the diff in wrong order)08:58
asac(or edited the .orig ))08:58
asac(its early)08:58
NCommanderasac, as in; apt-get source thunderbird :-P08:58
asacNCommander: http://paste.ubuntu.com/193286/ ;)08:59
NCommanderyup ;-)09:01
asacripps: ok. so revision 7 looks rather incomplete (e.g. no DEBIAN_TAG etc. at all)09:01
rippsso, for $VERSION I should get today's date, or should I get the date of the last commit?09:02
asacripps: version is either a) the explicit version passed to DEBIAN_TAG (e.g. DEBIAN_TAG=COMMITID=EXPLICITVERSION)09:03
asacor b) the date of the topmost commit + the short commit id i guess (e.g. DATE.commitid)09:04
asacif DEBIAN_TAG= has no explicitversion you probably want to use the b) form too ... just getting the date of the commit with the given tag/commitid09:05
asac(instead of topmost commit)09:05
asacripps: makes any sense to you?09:06
rippsWell, according to fta's gwibber.head, he used TAG to get the revison number, which in git would be it's 7 digit hash.09:06
asacripps: yeah. the problem is that bzr revision number always increase ... problem is that this is not true with git commit ids09:06
ripps... okay, there are too many varibles with similar meanings going on... hold on, brb09:07
asacso you need to prefix the version with date09:07
asacor something else that spans a strict order09:07
asacripps: i think you can forget about almost everything that is done with gwibber because it doesnt match for git09:07
asacjust implement a get-orig-source that either gets the topmost commit (if no DEBIAN_TAG is given) or gets the DEBIAN_TAG09:08
asacthe only thing you have to invent is how to guess a good version out of it09:08
asaci suggest that you always use the date of whatever commit you are using and append the short commit id09:08
asacactually i wanted to test his script for my networkmanager/connman stuff09:09
asaci face the same problem there ;)09:09
jameshasac: hi.  I was giving your updated couchdb package some testing09:34
jameshI had some problems with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH bits because the xulrunner directory was after /usr/lib so the old libmozjs was getting found09:35
jameshafter fixing that, I still ran into some failures in the couchdb test suite09:35
jameshas I'm running this on a jaunty box, I'm not sure how much of the problems are local and how much are to do with the package09:37
asacjamesh: what as in LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?09:42
asac"because the xulrunner directory was after /usr/lib" ... dont understand what you mean here09:42
asacLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner --gre-version`/09:43
asacthats wrong?09:43
jameshasac: so, the couchdb script was running the erlang VM with "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} erl ..."09:43
jameshthat crack came from icu-config.patch09:43
jameshI also updated the bit you added to put the xulrunner path first and not add stray colons if $LD_LIBRARY_PATH wasn't set09:44
asacjamesh: so i forgot to update some script?09:45
asacwhere is this erlang thing run?09:45
jameshasac: with the package installed, if you go to "" there is a link to run the test suite on the right09:45
jameshasac: this was in /usr/bin/couchdb -- one of the files you patched09:45
jameshsearch for "command="09:46
asacjamesh: ah ok. so the problem is that libmozjs0 is installed09:46
asacok fixing the order should help09:46
asace.g. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner --gre-version`...09:47
jameshasac: even after fixing that I was getting some failures in the test suite.  So I was wondering if it passed for you.09:47
asacjamesh: why the hell are they adding /usr/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH at all?09:47
asacjamesh: isnt the testsuite run during build?09:47
jameshasac: the test suite is run from within a web browser :(09:48
asacyeah. thats why i asked you to look, because i have absolutely no clue on couchdb ;)09:48
asacso how do i run this thing?09:48
jameshgo to the URL I listed above, click the "test suite" link, then click "run all"09:49
jameshasac: the unpatched version of the couchdb script runs "icu-config --invoke erl ..."09:49
jameshthat is intended to make sure it runs in an environment that can find the ICU libraries09:49
asacjamesh: which test fails?09:50
asaconly thing that fails is "stats" test09:50
asac# Assertion 'open_databases > 0 && max >= open_databases, name' failed: should keep the same number of open databases when reaching the max_dbs_open limit09:50
jameshas the Debian packager didn't want to depend on libicu-dev, he inlined what it did09:50
asacdoes that match your observation?09:50
jameshasac: I got failures in a number of the tests before that one, so it might be a local problem then.09:51
asacjamesh: uninstall libmozjs0 and libxul0d09:51
asacthose might hurt09:51
asaci just used the package without changing anything else (e.g. no further hacks to LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc)09:53
jameshI don't have libxul0d installed, and had moved the libmozjs libraries out of the way09:55
asachmm. i have that installed. let me check09:55
asacok after uninstalling libmozjs0d package and restarting couchdb i still get the same results09:57
asacone test fails: stats09:57
asacnot sure then. would need to see more details. i would however, think that its unlikely that it doesnt work in jaunty09:58
asacits the same libmozjs09:58
jameshI'm also getting an error at http://localhost:5984/_config09:58
asaci get that too i think09:58
asac{"httpd_design_handlers":{"_list":"{couch_httpd_show, handle_view_list_req}","_show":"{couch_httpd_show, handle_doc_show_req}","_view":"{couch_httpd_view, handle_view_req}"},"httpd_global_handlers":{"/":"{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_welcome_req, <<\"Welcome\">>}","_active_tasks":"{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_task_status_req}","_all_dbs":"{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_all_dbs_req}","_config":"{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle09:58
jameshthtat's not an error09:58
jameshso, it seems like things are mostly working for you, which is good.09:59
jameshI might try rebuilding through my PPA to see if I get a different result09:59
asacjamesh: i would really suggest that you wipe this libmozjs0d package completely and use exactly the package i gave you. i cannot imagine why it would be different on jaunty09:59
asacor give me details on the errors you get on the testcases ;)10:00
asacthough i doubt that they will mean anything to me ;)10:00
asacjamesh: could be that you had libmozjs-dev installed next to xulrunner-dev while building10:03
jameshthat could be it10:04
asacjamesh: ok uploaded a jaunty backport to https://edge.launchpad.net/~asac/+archive/sandbox ... will take 30 minutes i would hope10:05
asacwhy * Change erlang-nox dependency to erlang-inets.10:07
jameshasac: I'm actually testing against a couple of other custom packages, so I'll use the build from my PPA10:07
jameshin jaunty, erlang-nox is a mega package containing every erlang library outside of the base system that doesn't depend on X10:08
jameshin karmic it has been split up into smaller packages with erlang-nox existing to satisfy dependencies10:08
jameshdepending on erlang-nox brings in a corba implementation, asn1 parser, distributed database, etc10:09
asacok deleted the build in my sandbox10:09
jameshnot the kind of thing you want when trying to squeeze couchdb onto the install CD :)10:10
jameshasac: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27771915/couchdb_0.9.0-2ubuntu2~jh1_0.9.0-2ubuntu2~jh2.diff.gz <- those are the changes I made10:15
asacas long as you are sure that all commands get the proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH now thats probably fine ;)10:18
asacfor me it was easier just to set it on top of the script10:18
asacanyway. i would think for now that you built it while having libmozjs-dev installed or something10:19
asacunless you always used ppa to build (in which case i wouldnt know)10:19
asacripps: fta: thanks10:20
asaci would think the main problem is to agree on a good versioning scheme for git.10:21
ftai already packaged something using git, hold on10:21
asacfta: i saw that we have mobile-browser.git in mozclient10:21
asacnot sure if that would work out of box10:21
rippsOkay, libmpd seems to be working, but now I think it's failing when it starts gmpc... something about no push location10:21
ftamozclient is not the easiest to start with..10:22
asac(besides from the fact that moblin replaced the repo with something completely different)10:22
asaci figured that and would prefer not to use that for NM/connman10:22
ftayui3 uses git10:23
asacno revs yet ;)10:24
ftalp is slow ;)10:24
* asac still waiting ;)10:25
ftawell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/193333/10:26
rippsfta: where does libmpd.head.ppa push to after it's done updating the changelog? It can seem to figure the next part out10:26
asacfta: are you sure that date in the git log will always move ahead?10:27
asace.g. if i merge a branch things get committed on top, but i think they still use the same date10:27
ftagood question. i guess you have to figure that out yourself based on the old commits10:28
jameshasac: okay.  Looks like the problems were my fault.10:30
ftaripps, to the user account from dput10:30
asacjamesh: what did you do ;)?10:30
jameshasac: turned on debugging, and it looks like there was another undeclared dependency10:30
asacah. so missing erlang pieces?10:31
jameshneeded to install erlang-xmerl10:31
rippsfta: what does that have do with bzr? bzr is getting a cannot push error10:31
asacgood. i always knew that shlibs is a great invention ;)10:31
rippsActually, it's not getting to the dput step...10:31
ftaripps, show me10:32
asacripps: in the docs it say that it will auto push daily bumps10:32
jamesherror reporting does not seem to be one of Erlang's strong points10:32
asacripps: its important that the branch already has a push location for that10:32
jameshI've been spoiled by Python10:32
asac(at best use a different location)10:32
asachope i didnt talk non-sense now ;)10:32
asacjamesh: sorry to hear that you need to work with erlang ;)10:32
asacmust be a special experience ;)10:33
ftaasac, ripps: no need to already have a predefined location if you're using the conf files10:33
jameshat least I don't have to hack mozilla :)10:34
asacjamesh: 1:0 for you ;)10:34
asacfta: at least the karmic kernel tree seems to move strictly ahead http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-karmic.git10:35
ftaripps, the idea is that a given pocket is pushed (dput) using the target specified in the conf file, and the daily branch goes to the lp account extracted from the corresponding dput path10:40
rippsfta: here's the output I've got.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/193337/10:40
ftai have to run now. will you still be there in an hour or 2?10:41
rippsfta: and here's my confs.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/193339/10:41
rippsI'll probably be around10:41
ftaripps, what was your cmd? update or daily?10:42
rippsfta: I just ran ./daily.sh gmpc10:42
fta04:35:28 -0500 woww, it's early for you.. or really late10:43
rippsfta: I'm on a night schedule,10:44
ftaoh :)10:44
rippsSo, probably late10:44
ftai'm late, i'll get back to you asap10:47
fta2ripps, still there?11:49
rippsfta2: yo11:49
rippsI still can't figure out why it cant push before dput11:49
fta2ripps, i don't have a debug hook for your problem, could you please edit daily.sh, find where update-* is, and run it as sh -x $BINDIR/... then paste me the logs11:50
fta2(just add sh -x in front of the line calling update-pkg.sh)11:52
* asac prepares for lunch11:54
* ripps forgot to output it to a txt file...11:55
fta2./daily.sh pocket 2>&1 | pastebinit :)11:57
rippsfta2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/193376/11:58
fta2ok, i see. i can't parse your ~/.dput.cf. could please paste it ?12:01
rippsomg, i put stage instead of staging12:02
* ripps hits himself repeatedly12:02
* fta2 makes a mental note to add an error message there12:05
fta2asac, did you try it?12:06
asacfta2: your scripts? nope. quite happy that ripps jumped the first gun for now12:19
asacwill use his findings to do my stuff. still not sure about the upstream version format i want to use for NM+connman12:19
asac(and gnash, but thats all bzr, so probably easy)12:20
rippsI forgot to install bzr-builddeb, but otherwise, things look much better than before. It didnt' dput though12:20
asac(for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/193382/)12:22
asachmm ... not sure if KMS is really a good thing. monitor blinks every other minute ;)12:24
* asac out for a bit12:32
rippsfta2: hmm... it seems to run the script 3 times, because it would fail after each package, but the third time it actually worked. I didn't do anything. The first two times a I got this error about diverges and meges.12:39
rippsBut now, it's uploading via dput12:40
asacripps: so all is working now?12:50
rippsasac: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ripps818/+archive/staging12:51
asaccan you suggest changes to the README ... or would it be better to reference documented examples for git etc.12:51
rippsa couple packages say failed, but their just in depwait for libmpd to finish12:51
asacripps: so you are doing libmpd and gmpc as dailies?12:52
rippsYou can take pointers from how I did mine. The debian/ for the packages is stored in my bzr branches under $package.trunk12:52
asacripps: sure. just wondered if you would be willing to suggest improvements to the README based on your experiences12:53
rippsasac: that's the plan, but I plan on expanding it to gmpc-plugins, mpd, mpc, and mpdscribble12:53
asacripps: so does the daily script bump the lower version on the build depends automatically?12:53
rippsasac: well, seeing as alot of glitches came from not having dput line setup correctly...12:54
asacor is that something we do in a special way for firefox/xulrunner12:54
asacripps: ok.12:54
asacripps: and how about the mental model? i am pretty much used to what the DEBIAN_TAG thing mean etc. wonder if that was difficult to get right for you12:54
rippsasac: debian_tag was completely foreign concept to me when I started, but now I get it (I think)12:55
asacripps: do you think there are better ways to achieve this?12:56
rippsprobably, but hell if I know it. Launchpad has blueprint to build this thing into soyuz, so ultimately, the whole thing might be unecessary in the future.12:57
asacwell. lets see.12:57
asaci think for simple projects it might really happen soon. but the more complex ones somewhat bother me12:57
rippsWell, the blueprint mentioned that it would rely on a recipe file (that's the current idea). But it depends on the complexity of that.13:02
asacyeah. we will see ;)13:03
asaci dont see this coming in the next 6 month for mercurial upstreams ;)13:03
asacdo you have the blueprint?13:03
rippsasac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyUpstreamBuildsPOCSpec13:08
asacgoo that its me and fta used to outline this ;)13:10
asacblocker is somewhat to get a lp:firefox branch i guess13:11
asac<sab> done well if by karmic's release there are 4-500 packages maintained13:12
asacmeaning really 4-500 ? or rather 400-500?13:12
asacfta2: ?13:12
asaci assume the latter13:13
rippsOkay, this d/ling all of gmpc everytime I run daily.sh is annoying. I need to implement a method that uses a local branch that is updated...13:14
fta2Mark said 400-50013:14
asacripps: what size does the gmpc project have? (e.g. including .git directory)13:15
fta2ripps, yep, you need a local branch ;)13:15
rippsIt's probably about 20 megs for the entire branch...13:15
fta2ripps, glad to see it worked at the end ;)13:15
rippsfta2: yeah, well the hard part is getting the gmpc-plugins package working. It's a mish-mash of of 20+ different repos, some with different vcs's13:16
fta2couldn't be worse than chromium13:17
asac14:17 < asac> james_w: so where can i find your latest daily build tools?13:18
asac14:17 < james_w> asac: bzr-builder on launchpad13:18
rippsNow, the feature that I really want now is to port the vcs's commit changes to daily. So people actually know what's changed since yesterday13:20
asacyeah. makes sense ... somewhat13:21
fta2ripps, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.head/annotate/head%3A/debian/rules#L253  nightmarish get-orig-source13:22
fta2it's all svn though13:22
fta2vcs's commit changes in changelog is somewhat tricky. either you create a new entry daily (pollution) or you reset the content of the current release log (then people will miss some) or you pile up everything in the current release (may be too big)13:28
fta2i initially wanted that too, but i gave up. it's better to just link to the upstream vcs browser13:29
fta2asac, did you test my last ia32-lib13:39
asacfta2: well. the last i tried missed those libs remember?13:43
asacdidnt know there was an update afterwards13:43
asaci can do that though13:43
fta2Jun 11 01:34:45 <fta>   asac, https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/staging  please give it a try13:47
rippsfta2: do you know how to do an if-then statement to check if a directroy exists in debian/rules?13:50
fta2globally or in a rule?13:51
rippsin a rules, I'm doing a check to see if a local repo exists and then to do either git clone or git pull13:52
rippsit's in gos-co13:52
fta2you can do it in shell13:53
fta2like this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.head/annotate/head%3A/debian/rules#L29713:53
rippsjust put a @ in front of it?13:54
fta2minus the echos.. i like my logs to be verbose. it helps the troubleshooting13:54
fta2no, the @ is to hide the command13:55
fta2the important part is the \ at the end of each line13:55
fta2so for make, it's a single line13:56
rippsfta2: what's the proper way to use the 'upstream' option in ppabot-pkg.conf?14:10
fta2what do you mean by proper way? ;)14:11
fta2it's just a directory that you can pass to your get-orig-source14:12
fta2so you just have to create it or update it14:12
rippsfta2: do you have any examples of get-orig-source using it?14:13
fta2look for LOCAL_BRANCH14:14
fta2firefox too but it's hidden into mozilla-devscripts / mozclient14:15
fta2i have no simpler example i'm afraid14:15
fta2i've only implemented that local cache for huge packages, like mozilla & chromium. i don't usually care when the tarball is small14:18
asacso if i have a file with14:26
asacand want to reverse it to14:26
asacthere seems to be no common unix command for that?14:26
asacwhat the heck?14:26
asacrev does the wrong thing14:26
asactail -r doesnt exist on linux14:26
asacwhat am i missing?14:26
asacwhy does rev exist, but no rev-lines14:27
asace.g. whats the so much more important use case for rev?14:27
asacha. i found tac ;)14:31
huayraanyone here has contact with the mozilla translation team?14:48
huayraSeth has not answered for over a month14:48
huayraand I am starting to wonder if I may just contact someone else14:49
huayraI need a translation to get in 3.514:49
asachuayra: Seth?14:49
huayrafrom mozilla14:49
asachuayra: do you have the translation done?14:49
asachuayra: did you open a bug? which id?14:49
huayraI have been tracking the mozilla code to keep it up to date14:50
huayralet me give you the nr14:50
ubottuMozilla bug 293722 in Registration & Management "[sw-TZ] Swahili: Firefox" [Normal,Resolved: incomplete]14:51
ubottuMozilla bug 300754 in Registration & Management "[sw-TZ] Kiswahili Firefox localization (Kilinux Team)" [Normal,Assigned]14:52
asachuayra: how did you try to reach him?14:54
asaczbraniecki: ^^14:55
asachi! ;)14:55
zbranieckihi asac :)14:55
zbranieckihow can I help you?14:55
NCommanderasac, so thunderbird FTBFSed ...14:55
asaczbraniecki: seems huayra needs some help on getting his translation process started (read the last 10 lines or so)14:56
asac15:48 < huayra> Seth has not answered for over a month14:56
zbranieckiyea, it'll be a nice concept to poke him on this14:56
asaczbraniecki: maybe you can give him some guidance?14:57
zbranieckiasac: I'm involved in the process14:57
asaczbraniecki: err. sorry. i think its not about launchpad export. just a plain translation contribution ;)14:57
zbranieckiit's a little bit complex case14:57
asacoh so sw-TZ is complex itself?14:57
asachow that?14:57
zbranieckisince we received multiple localizations which are heavily different14:57
zbranieckiand need to ensure we do the right thing14:58
asacyeah i see that that is difficult14:58
asachuayra: can you shed some light on which group does what and why you have different groups duplicating efforts?14:58
asacif our version of Firefox can't be optimized...15:05
asacwhy not use swiftweasel???15:05
asaci like ideas ;) ... but not if people ping me about them :(15:05
asaczbraniecki: we have a similar thing you might wanna think/talk about for romanian15:06
asaczbraniecki: seems there are two types or romanian: new + old15:06
zbranieckiasac: we have a very solid community in Romania15:06
asacnot sure if its new or not, but firefox translation uses the direct opposite of what is used everywhere in gnome15:06
zbranieckiI can get you in touch with them15:07
asacwell no need to.15:07
zbranieckiirina, alina, alexandruu are the core and they are very active15:07
asacjust wanted to point out that there is not always a one-solution fits all15:07
zbranieckiI visited them some time ago at the conference they organized15:07
asacfor instance, we would need a X translation for gnome and a Y solution for KDE ... and maybe you need a Z solution for windows ;)15:07
asacwhat a mess15:07
zbranieckibut I didn't hear from anyone at the conference anything about two romanians a the time15:07
asaci was approached by some guy working with gnome and on ubuntu translations15:08
asacduring last UDS ... he explained to me that firefox is currently using the opposite what the rest of the apps use15:08
asaci even think its really even different glyphs15:08
zbranieckiI'll ask them about it15:08
asaclike greak vs. latin15:08
zbranieckithanks for pointing that out15:08
asacnot sure if this would be something we need to differentiate by country code or something15:09
asaclike ro-RO and ro-RN ;)15:09
asac(excuse my ignorance)15:09
zbranieckiyea, let's see what they'll say15:12
zbranieckithey're young and pretty relaxed people, I trust them not to be zealots on any side15:13
* huayra reading answers15:13
* huayra was taken into a meeting15:13
huayraok. To address who does what read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuSwahiliTranslators/UmojaProject15:14
huayraand this: http://huayra.wordpress.com/2009/04/04/impossibles-take-just-a-little-bit-more-time-the-umoja-project-a-swahili-translation-community-effort/15:14
huayrabut if you don't want to read the whole thing, well I put this for you like this15:15
asachuayra: can you specifically explain to me what kind of translation groups you have and why you dont join a team?15:15
huayraI am just managing here15:15
huayraand I play the political game in the shadow ;)15:15
huayraIbasically the Swahili translation was not updated since 200415:16
huayraand a collegue and I started a team (he is gfrom Tanzania)15:16
huayraactually you played a role in this, remeber we chatted about this in  november last year?15:17
huayra2008-11-24 Contacted the Ubuntu Mozilla team for advice on FF3 translation. They advise us to contact directly Axel and Seth from Mozilla.15:17
asaci remember your nick, yeah15:18
huayraso we managed to make a translation in a short time by creating a local community in Dar-Es-Salaam and on the web15:18
huayraEmanuel, my collegue, flown down to Tanzania over Christhmas and they got 80% of the work done15:18
huayraat the same time the kilinux group, the one that was suppossed to make this upstream back in 200415:19
huayradid nothing15:19
huayrabut started acting after we had translated most of it15:19
huayraAlberto who used to lead this effort left the upstream work to the team15:20
huayrathey did not do anything with it in 4-5 years15:21
huayraso basically we took over that15:21
huayraand contacted Mozilla as you guys recommended us15:21
huayrawe had a nice cooperation until the Mozilla guys got blinded by politics, overlooked the facts and now they do not know what to do15:21
huayraso I asked Seth to at least include the translation in beta state under 3.515:22
huayraand no answered has been given15:22
huayraasac, that's the story15:22
asachuayra: have you ever tried to communicate with the kilinux folks15:22
asacor only thorugh mozilla?15:22
asachuayra: so what do they say?15:22
huayraI had before we started our own effort15:22
huayrathey wanted me to support them with money... I am not affraid of saying it: It's a scam15:23
huayrathey didin't want to cooperate as a community they wanted cash15:23
fta2ripps, to speed up your packaging changes, you can run sync instead of daily. like ./sync-ppa.pl -p .../ppabot-pkgs-foo.conf -c ..../ppabot-foo.conf -P [somepackage]15:23
huayraI can send you the email I sent to Seth and the proposal from the team15:23
asaczbraniecki: maybe you could invite some kilinex folks together with huayra and maybe me to phone conference?15:23
huayrathey got half a million kroner from Sweden in 2005 and nothing was ever done...15:24
asaczbraniecki: or an irc meeting15:24
asaci think this can only be sorted by having a open multi-party discussion15:24
huayrado not include me in that equation15:24
fta2ripps, it will just resync the branches, based on the same tarball. so it will increment the version iterator for you. just commit stuff to your packaging branch and sync-ppa it15:24
huayrayou can rather include15:24
huayrathe tech lead15:24
asachuayra: whoever you consider best for that job15:24
huayraa Tanzanian15:24
huayraof course, we have tried to work this in the open, but unfortunately we are not getting answers15:25
huayraand what we want is to get the job done15:25
huayrato so\hjow to the team that their effort was worthwhile15:25
huayraand that communities can do more with action that with titles15:25
huayraand so we propose that the KlnX team takes the credit as long as this whole things gets done15:26
huayrabut not even that is good enough....15:26
rippsfta2: when would the best time of day to build these packages, they're nowhere as cpu intensive as chromium or mozilla, but gmpc-plugins alone can take some time (setting up build enviromnet 20 different packages)15:26
zbranieckihuayra: I think you have a little bit one sided point of view on this issue15:27
huayraof course I do15:27
zbranieckihuayra: I'll try to push things on our side15:27
asacwell thats normal ;)15:27
huayrathat's why I am not getting involved15:27
fta2ripps, hold on, i wrote something about that a while ago15:27
huayraI am just trying to get people to act15:27
huayrathat's all15:27
zbranieckihuayra: makes sense to me.15:27
fta2ripps, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/fta/ppa-queues15:27
zbranieckihuayra: I'm sorry it takes so long for Mozilla to get you through15:27
huayranot me, the Umoja project team15:28
zbranieckiwe're very sensitive and careful with such decisions15:28
huayraI am just a community manager15:28
huayraI know15:28
huayraI have my colleague Emanuel here now15:28
rippsfta2: btw, thanks for all the help, this is really awesome and should make maintaining all the packages by gmpc-trunk team alot quicker and easier15:28
huayramaybe he can read the log and then talk to you directly?15:28
zbranieckiand since it overlaps with 3.5 release we have less cycles to analyze the case with all details15:29
zbranieckihuayra: I'd be happy to chat with him, I already did on email and we received your work thanks to Emanuel :)15:29
asachuayra: i think its fine. if zbraniecki says that mozilla is working on it, i would think we should just wait and maybe do some gentle reminders from time to time15:29
zbranieckiyea, I already sent two email since we started chatting and I'll try to get back to you with answers by today15:30
fta2ripps, you're welcome. let me know if you need more features that could be helpful for others too.15:30
huayrazbraniecki, ok then we let time do the trick15:30
huayrazbraniecki, I am not trying to push too much here15:30
zbranieckihuayra: you're doing the right thing. It takes way to long15:30
huayraI just do not want a team of people that have been working hard not see their work materialized15:30
huayraour next goal is start with OOO15:31
huayraand for that you need real motivation15:31
huayraAnd these people have been amazing15:31
huayraso I just want to see the right thing happen15:31
zbranieckithat's totally reasonable. I share your experience, since I've been a part of polish localization team for 8 years now :)15:31
huayraI feel strongly about this, yes, I am biased, yes. But I know that the right thing  is to get this over with15:31
huayraLet see the facts,15:32
huayraI introduce to you eferuzi15:32
huayrathe tech lead15:32
asachi eferuzi15:32
huayraand I have to run and get my daughter from kindergarden15:32
zbranieckihi eferuzi15:32
zbranieckihuayra: thanks for your poke :)15:32
eferuzihey zb how are you15:32
huayrazbraniecki and asac thank you very much15:33
zbranieckihi eferuzi :)15:33
eferuzizbraniecki: how is all coming15:33
eferuziwell i have been working on TuxPaint and Pidgin15:33
zbranieckieferuzi: huayra poked me about your case, and I jumped to bugs. we're delaying it :( I'm trying to see how can we unblock the process and get sw-TZ back on track15:34
eferuziwe had planned to do a conference this juni as i will be in Tanzania for two weeks15:34
eferuzibut we have had to wait till you accept our work15:34
zbranieckieferuzi: I'm syncing back with the team on your case and I'll try to give you the status update by today15:35
eferuzizbraniecki: what is the issue as its becoming very difficult  to motivate the team to do other projects as we had invested all we had on firefox15:36
zbranieckieferuzi: I totally understand that. and I believe that we should not let the things block your team from getting firefox builds15:37
eferuziwe will appricate,15:37
eferuzizbraniecki: i have sent the local builds out and have done some reviews based on the reviews.15:38
zbranieckieferuzi: apologized for the delay to your team. I'll do my best to push it forward now15:38
asacfrom reading the mozilla bug 300754 the kilinux team basically agreed on providing feedback. doesnt read like they want to keep the lead on it15:38
zbranieckiyes, I saw your latest updates15:38
zbranieckiasac: well, there are still two localizations that are extremely uncompatible15:39
asacbut i dont know what goes on behind the scenees of course15:39
ubottuMozilla bug 300754 in Registration & Management "[sw-TZ] Kiswahili Firefox localization (Kilinux Team)" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30075415:39
zbranieckiI'll provide you all an email with the status update once I get my team back online (some of them dare to sleep now... americans ;))15:39
asaczbraniecki: so the one you attached is from kilinex?15:39
asac sw-TZ updated to latest Fx3.5   (502.74 KB, application/octet-stream)15:39
eferuzii will be in Tanzania from the 21st June - 5th July I have some locales for about 10 languages i want  to work on and I wanted to use use this time to also push Firefox into the rural areas15:39
asac2009-04-06 16:26 PDT, Zbigniew Braniecki15:39
zbranieckiasac: depending on which one15:39
asacwell last two attachments not submitted by Emanuel15:40
asacanyway. i am out of this game ;) .... ENOBACKGROUND ;)15:41
eferuziasac: we sent out the words that we not in the Kilinux glossary so that they can look at them. The ideas was to do work and UDSM will do the QA15:41
eferuziso i created a list of all the words that were new or different from what UDSM had and emailed it it to them15:42
eferuzii have been waiting for the respond but nothing has come through.15:43
asacwhat is UDSM?15:43
eferuzithat KILINUX (Unversity of Dar Es Salaam)15:43
eferuzizbraniecki + asac: i agree that may be the work we did is not the best swahili there is15:44
eferuzibut if we do not make it available for Swahili speakers them we will not know15:45
eferuziso what tzLUG suggested to Kilinux is lets release it and the improve as we go along as it will take a while before the words are approved by the Tanzania Swahili Board15:45
eferuziits a long chain of events before we have just one word approved15:46
asaceferuzi: approved by whom? UDSM?15:47
asacwhat does "approve a word" mean?15:47
asacis that a newly invented word for an otherwise not existing term15:47
asacor just about choosing one out of many existing/established translations?15:48
eferuziit mean that say we say the word "plug in" as to translated to swahili15:48
eferuziwe do not have that word in Swahili15:48
eferuziso what we would do is we would coin a term  and translate15:48
eferuzias it stands the Kilinux says that these words have to be sent to the Swahili Board15:48
eferuziand I totally agree with them15:49
eferuzibut the issue is that takes them a long time15:49
eferuziand i told them we can not work like that15:49
eferuziwe need speed as we have a lot to localised15:49
asacso couldnt we keep the ones that currently have no translation in english?15:49
eferuzisay that again15:50
asacat least here in germany, we dont translate all new computer words, but keep them until something else evolves15:50
eferuzii do not get you15:50
asaci mean, there is no such thing like a board that tries to approve new word inventions15:50
eferuziwe can do that too15:50
asacinstead they listen for what is used most15:50
asacand then standardize it15:50
eferuzibut in the tzLUG team we have language students that assist us with the localization15:50
eferuzithat is what i wanted to to15:51
asacwell. i am just curious how your language evolves15:51
asacfor instance, france has a board and they really try to enforce new french words for lots of new terms15:51
eferuzibut the Kilinux team says that words have to approved by the Swahili board15:51
eferuziwe have something like that in Tanzania15:51
eferuzionly that its a long process15:51
asaceferuzi: so simple question. if you talk with someone on the street about those things. what word are you using?15:52
eferuziand you have to beg people to do that15:52
asacand did you ever experience, that suddenly a new word was invented and then everybody started to use that instead?15:52
eferuziit looks like you and i work exactly tha sam15:52
eferuziwhat we did when a word was new15:52
eferuziwe would ask people on the street15:53
eferuziwhat it is15:53
eferuzifor example15:53
eferuziwe have a word like memory stick15:53
eferuziif we to translate it will be "fimbo ya kumbukumbu" but in the street is know as flashi15:54
eferuziand we would go with what the people are already used to15:54
asaczbraniecki: Adi Roiban aka adi at roiban dot ro is the RO translator that pointed out the RO difference (in case you want to give him a shot before talking to your ro translators15:54
eferuzibut then we would be stepping on Kilinux Team as they want all words to be approved by the board and that requires money and time which tzLUG we do not have15:56
eferuzibut we can do the work the best we know how15:56
eferuzii will from him and email and get his wisdom15:56
eferuzii think this is why it took Kilinux so much time to do the translation15:57
eferuzii opted for lets do it now and review it over time. that way we make Firefox popular and get some feedback15:57
eferuzias oppose to wait till we have all words approved, which will never happen as new words will continue coming out.15:58
andrew_sayersI'm interested in working around the issue with Flash not inhibiting the screensaver, and I was told it was better to come and ask you guys rather than just firing off patches.16:02
andrew_sayers(Of course, this was *after* firing off said patches)16:03
andrew_sayersIs there any interest in this idea, and what's my best course of action at this point?16:03
asacandrew_sayers: were you the one requesting for the ubufox merge?16:04
andrew_sayersYeah, that's me.16:04
asaccool. sorry that i didnt reply yet. and thanks for prodding us here16:04
andrew_sayersSure, just so long as I haven't made some horrible faux pas :)16:04
asacandrew_sayers: so ... are you still thinking that your approach is something that can be done in a fashion that rocks?16:06
asacor did you get new ideas in the meantime?16:06
andrew_sayersIf there's interest, and the basic implementation doesn't make you throw up, I'd look for ways to make it more fine-grained, yeah.16:07
asacwell. we always want to improve things. if this can be done in a good way, we should at least discuss it. so whats your latest idea ;)16:07
andrew_sayersWell, I'm mostly thinking about ways to better decide when to inhibit the screensaver.16:08
andrew_sayersFor example, I assume it's possible to detect when FF is active and not minimised?16:09
andrew_sayersI'm not aware of any way to detect when Flash is playing fullscreen, but that would be a good test if it's possible.16:10
asacandrew_sayers: so i think one way to see if its full-screen is to find out the X window16:11
asacand then query the properties through an X call or something16:11
andrew_sayersI tried that with xwininfo, but it didn't seem to be reliable.16:12
asacandrew_sayers: unreliable in which way?16:14
andrew_sayersasac: I'm rechecking, but my memory was that it would report the wrong geometry at times.16:18
asacandrew_sayers: maybe there is a different property than geometry that indicates full screen?16:19
asacfta2: so how about punching en-US.xpi into -dev package too ;)16:20
asaccurrently it always gets eaten by launchpad ;)16:21
asacor do we need a special -data package for that?16:21
fta2lack of context16:23
andrew_sayersasac: Hmm, I think maybe npviewer.bin opens two windows, and you need some magic word to get the geometry for the second (fullscreen) one.  Assuming it takes some time to get this working right, what would be the best way to update you?16:24
andrew_sayers(Updates may be of the form "this patch would depend on x11-utils" :s)16:24
asacfta2: we export en-US.xpi for launchpad rosetta as  translation template (e.g. the lp-export...mk magic from mozilla-devscripts)16:26
asacfta2: however, this is not put in any package (only automagically uploaded on official builds)16:26
fta2asac, i remember now. it's only needed for the PPAs, right?16:29
asacits needed for those who want to do something with that xpi16:30
jcastroasac: playing email tag with gears folks, but I am close!16:30
asacyou cannot even download it from launchpad unless you download the full trnaslation pack (which is 1G or something=16:30
asacjcastro: thx16:35
asacfor doing this ;)16:35
jcastrono worries man, my job. :D16:39
jcastrofta2: the upstream chromium snapshot has working drag and drop for bookmarks, I was able to arrange my toolbar how I wanted and then move back to your build16:39
andrew_sayersasac: looks like the only way to detect fullscreen is by writing a bit of C, or by depending on a package like x11-utils/python-xlib.  Both fine by me, but probably a hassle for you :)16:40
andrew_sayersAlso, do we want to think about playing a Youtube video in not-fullscreen?16:40
fta2jcastro, do you mean my build is not capable of doing it directly?16:43
jcastrofta2: this was last night, so I don't think so, but they have builds kicking off every few hours17:06
fta2jcastro, dailies are not enough for you? you want a continuous build? :) i guess the lp guys will kill me17:07
fta2and i'd need 1 TB of quota17:07
jcastrofta2: no I only needed it for that one feature, I'm good.17:07
jcastroonce I got my bookmarks organized I went back to your build, but I suppose it will catch up today17:08
fta2most probably, tell me if it doesn't17:08
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gandiasac: ping20:39
ftaasac, ia32?21:00
micahgI found a rendering bug in FF3.522:23
BUGabundojust one ?22:26
BUGabundoyou aren't trying hard enough! stop slacking22:26
micahgBUGabundo: I've been using it for 4 months with almost no issues22:27
BUGabundoI stop using it 2 or 3 months ago22:28
micahgI was working on a project with a PNG that renders funny and was ready to blame it on my fglrx drivers22:28
BUGabundonow using 3.622:28
micahgbut someone suggested a browser issue22:28
micahgand lo and behold, it's fine in 3.022:28
BUGabundoand 3.6 ?22:28
micahgdon't know22:28
BUGabundotest it22:29
micahgI haven't installed 3.622:35
* micahg is installing it now22:35
ftagwibber's broken, again22:38
BUGabundofta: ??22:38
BUGabundoworking here22:38
BUGabundolet me restart it22:38
ftalooks fine now22:39
BUGabundo  Installed: 1.2.0~bzr340-0ubuntu1~daily122:39
BUGabundodaily ?22:40
ftayep but it's fine now22:41
micahgBUGabundo: bug is in FF3.6 also22:41
BUGabundomicahg: upstream it !22:43
micahgyeah, I have to add it to LP first22:43
micahgthen I can upstream it22:43
ftahm, 6 crashes in cpyfakemstat64 (f=0xffddb6e4, st=0x0) at ../communicate.c:21022:53
ftathe question is now why..22:53
BUGabundoon gwibber22:55
ftano, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27765299/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.chromium-browser_3.0.188.0~svn20090610r18068-0ubuntu1~ucd1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz22:58
ftatrying to debug http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27761142/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.chromium-browser_3.0.188.0~svn20090610r18068-0ubuntu1~ucd1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz22:59
fta(crash in libfakeroot-sysv.so)22:59

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