
Schlabbywhat are the file permissions for .ssh and authorized_keys, matthewmpp?00:11
Schlabby$ ls -ld .ssh00:13
Schlabbydrwx------ 2 username username 4096 2009-04-03 21:03 .ssh00:13
Schlabby$ ls -l authorized_keys00:14
Schlabby-rw------- 1 username username1687 2009-02-16 14:54 authorized_keys00:14
nick_schembrimatthewmpp: look in authorized_keys the key should start may have been added to the end of another key00:19
nick_schembrimatthewmpp: my auth file is 644, rw.r.r00:22
diffrayeah, security on authorized_keys i don't think is terribly important, since it's just a hash.00:23
Schlabbytested a chmod 777 on .ssh/ =>  Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory00:27
nick_schembriSchlabby: im on a slow connection the man page talks about setting the mode00:31
Schlabbyah.. I'm using StrictModes yes everywhere ;-)00:31
diffra*shrug* schlabby, you should have specific permissions on .ssh and it's subfiles00:32
diffrathe slicehost article explains it in perfect detail00:32
diffra... that *shrug* was meant for another channel.  sry.00:32
=== pschulz01_away is now known as pschulz01
pschulz01Morning all00:33
nick_schembriSchlabby: so do i. you want strictmodes00:33
Schlabbyyes i know. i do have them. i tried to point matthewmpp in the direction to check his permissions00:35
diffrapschulz01: I'm curious, morning where?00:35
pschulz01diffra: Adelaide, Australia00:40
pschulz01.. and it looks like to moon is still in one piece.00:40
ajmitchpschulz01: I'd hope so00:41
pschulz01ajmitch: I was watching (beautiful clear skys) but saw nothing..00:42
ajmitchpschulz01: Maybe someone stole it00:42
diffrapschulz01: cool!  it's a cloudy afternoon here in kauai.00:45
ivoksRoAkSoAx: ping00:53
RoAkSoAxivoks, heya00:54
ivoksRoAkSoAx: what's up? :)00:54
RoAkSoAxivoks, sorry about today.. i've been pretty much in and out all day :)00:54
ivoksno problem00:54
RoAkSoAxivoks, and nothing much.. getting ready to travel this weekend00:54
ivoksi just wanted to give you a info...00:54
ivoksi packaged latest corosync and openais00:55
ivoksin next couple of days i'll package heartbeat and pacemaker00:55
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok, I also have openais from the debian maintainer built on the PPA00:55
ajmitchyay for duplication! :)00:55
ivoksopenais in debian is old00:55
RoAkSoAxivoks, 0.96 ?00:56
ivoksRoAkSoAx: how did you build it without corosync?00:56
RoAkSoAxivoks, this is the list of packages that the Debian maintainer is working with: http://people.debian.org/~madkiss/ha/dists/sid/main/source/00:56
ivoksoh, there's corosync :)00:56
RoAkSoAxivoks, i ment, openais-legacy00:56
RoAkSoAxivoks, yeah but it's missing the source file.. I'm gonna ask for it tomorrow to upload it to the PPA00:57
ajmitchthere's corosync as a .dsc & diff.gz, but not an orig.tar.gz in there, which hopefully is the same as upstream00:57
ajmitchRoAkSoAx: try & rename the upstream tarball & use it as the orig.tar.gz then00:57
ivoksthere's no point in duplicating the work :)00:58
RoAkSoAxivoks, i've been talking with madkiss, since he is working on those packages, and he told me that it's just a matter of time to get heartbeat on unstable.. and that pacemaker has the state as new and should be hitting experimental really soon00:58
ivoksi'll check out debian packages00:58
RoAkSoAxajmitch, yep. i'll try that :)00:58
ivoksRoAkSoAx: did you offer help with packaging and testing?00:59
ivokslol, it's ftbs again00:59
RoAkSoAxivoks, I already have most of the packages from debian here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ha/+archive/ppa , we njust need openais and corosync, but since the corosync .tar.gz is not there, openais would not build.01:00
ivoksargh... groff01:00
RoAkSoAxivoks, what FTBS is pacemaker-mgmt-* which are alpha packages01:00
RoAkSoAxivoks, I offer help testing the packages and I already discovered a couple of bugs, one was in heartbeat and it's already fixed01:00
RoAkSoAxivoks, and madkiss told me that he was going to work tomorrow on the pacemaker-mgmt-*01:01
ivoksi'll upload openais and corosync then01:01
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok cool :)01:01
RoAkSoAxivoks, do It to the ubuntu-ha PPA01:01
ivoks3 hours... wasted... for nothing :)01:01
ivoksand that's from 11PM to 2AM01:02
ewookivoks: I sense some, similarities in our nicks :p01:02
RoAkSoAxivoks, hahahah here's my dput entry for the ubuntu-ha PPA: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/193085/01:02
ivoksewook: yes, you are a copycat :)01:02
ewookivoks: *_* Am Just Special!01:03
ewookoops. forgot the I01:03
mathiazhi ivoks !01:05
ivoksmathiaz: hi01:05
RoAkSoAxivoks, btw... we also need test cases on implementing sample clusters and after that I'll do a blog post calling for help :=)01:05
ewookclusters of what?01:05
ivoksRoAkSoAx: let's build all packages first :)01:05
ivoksoh no...01:05
ivoksdebian/rules is hell01:05
ivoksare we sure this guy knows what he's doing?01:05
ajmitchivoks: the sort of hell you love...01:05
mathiazRoAkSoAx: the first step to write a testcase is usually to write up some documentation01:05
ivokshe has two she-bangs01:05
ivoksthis is wrong wrong wrong01:05
mathiazRoAkSoAx: the same way you've used the openvpn documentation from the help wiki to test your openvpn merge01:05
ajmitchivoks: which package?01:05
ivoksajmitch: http://people.debian.org/~madkiss/ha/dists/sid/main/source/corosync_0.97-2.diff.gz01:06
RoAkSoAxivoks, well I talked to horms and he told me that madkiss (Martin Loschwitz) was doing the work with the packages01:06
ivoksajmitch: look at debian/rules01:06
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, yep.. I already have the documentation to test heartbeat, i just need to test it in a heartbeat/pacemaker config :)01:06
ajmitchivoks: I see only one in this diff viewer01:06
ivoksmaybe i did something wrong01:07
ajmitchdunno, I just opened in archive viewer, then double click on the diff inside01:07
mathiazRoAkSoAx: awesome - be sure to put that in a wiki page on help.ubuntu.com so that other can also improve on your work01:07
ajmitchjaunty makes my life easy ;)01:07
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, will do :)01:07
ivoksah... i had dirty orig.tar.gz01:08
RoAkSoAxivoks, anyways.. what about the mentorship... any news/tasks ?01:08
ivoksRoAkSoAx: christope didn't respond to my email yet :/01:09
mathiazivoks: you said 2:00 AM was the time at your place?01:09
ivoksmathiaz: yup01:09
ajmitchand it's just gone lunchtime here01:09
mathiazivoks: could that be related in any ways to your dirty .orig.tar.gz?01:09
ivoksmathiaz: most probably :D01:09
RoAkSoAxivoks, oki then... anyways i'll be unavailable to work on anything till Wednesday01:10
ivoksRoAkSoAx: ok01:11
ivoksRoAkSoAx: when do you plan to request motu status?01:11
RoAkSoAxivoks, as soon as possible.. which means as soon as I can get everything understood and be good in doing it :)01:12
ivoksis there something you don't understand?01:12
RoAkSoAxi do have a couple of months to work on it pretty much full time01:12
ivoksor would like to work on it01:12
ivokswhat's debian's position on libssl?01:12
RoAkSoAxivoks, well i have many doubts on how to do things... :)01:13
ivoksi was under impression that they consider is non free01:13
RoAkSoAxivoks, I guess we can work those things.. I'll make a list of things that I really want to understand  :) btw...01:14
RoAkSoAxhow do I package and app that has both a kernel module, and a user space daemon :)01:15
ivokscorosync uploaded01:15
RoAkSoAxfrom scratch I mean01:15
RoAkSoAxivoks, oh btw.. sorry for the PPA's spam :)01:16
ivoksno problem ;)01:16
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok so I more or less know what things I would like to do: package from scratch, bug fixing, and a little more of QA :)01:17
ivoksopenais build-depens: debhelper01:17
ivoksi'm quite sure that's not enough :)01:17
RoAkSoAxivoks, well i'm off for lunch... i'll make the list on what I would like to work or if I need help if you're not around then :)01:21
RoAkSoAxtalk you later01:21
RoAkSoAxtake care01:21
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ivoksmathiaz: we should finish spec drafts by the end of the week?01:33
mathiazivoks: yes - getting them ready in a state that dendrobates can review them01:33
mathiazivoks: flesh out the design section and a rough guide for implementation01:33
ivoksluckily, tomorrow is a holiday :)01:34
ivokswell... looks like we have a cluster stack :)01:37
ivokswell, good night everybody01:55
tomsdalemathiaz: I know it's not a server question but you were very knowledgable yesterday regarding a dns issue and I'm really stuck. Can I have a custom domain resoltution for an internet Address in my /etc/hosts which will be used by firefox?02:02
=== smultron_ is now known as smultron
tomsdaleor any other browser for that matter. background is that I need to recover a hacked website which seems blacklisted with all dnses.02:03
ivoksbut you have to restart firefox once you change it02:03
tomsdaleI tried this - rebooted but no luck. I'm on kubuntu btw but I 8.04tried it also on ubuntu02:04
tomsdalenot even lynx resolves after the /etc/hosts but if I go by IP I can't access a virtual host.02:04
ivokskubuntu and ubuntu are the same thing02:05
ivoksit's only visual part that's different02:05
ivoksmaybe you didn't enter it right02:06
ivoksit should be:02:06
ivoksip fqdn alias02:06
ivoksfor example:02:06
ivoks161.53.50.3 www.grad.hr gradec02:06
ivoksanyway... good night02:08
tomsdalethanks anyway. That's what I have btw02:08
ivoksthen it works02:08
ivoksyou can check with netstat -nat02:08
ivoksyou'll see it's connecting to that ip02:09
tomsdaleI think I got it. They must have taken the domain offline and the results I get are from the search.02:10
mathiaz_tomsdale: does ping site.example.com uses the correct IP address?02:10
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
tomsdalechecking ....02:11
tomsdaleok - confirmed stupidity on my part. the virtual hosts are  under a different IP than the domain for the ftp. I inverted the addresses. there's nothing wrong with the /etc/hosts.02:15
tomsdalethanks mathiaz once again.02:16
mathiaztomsdale: you're welcome :)02:17
dastaggHi. I need some help setting up Postfix/Dovecot.02:56
dastaggI am following the instructions in the official docs but when I test02:56
dastaggI am not seeing 250 STARTTLS. I have looked in the logs and I don't02:57
dastaggsee any errors so I not sure if this is normal or if I missed something.02:57
dastaggHow can I tell if TLS is running?02:57
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
ewookdastagg: you more or less did.03:45
snthDoes anyone have a full-ish log of this channel?03:45
snthOr is it accessible somewhere online?03:46
dthackersnth: possibly, how far back do you need?03:46
snthdthacker: Like a year maybe03:46
dthackernope, sorry only have a few months03:47
dastaggsorry, don't understand that03:49
dastaggdoes it mean that because I don't see TLSSTART that it isn't working?03:50
dastaggewook: oops: I mean STARTTLS03:53
ScottKsnth: Look on irclogs.ubuntu.com03:53
ewookdastagg: ya. you are prolly missing something. do a restart on postfix and look in the logs if you get anything to start with.03:54
snthScottK: Sweet .. thanks03:54
ewookdastagg: did you acctually enable it in your main.cf?03:56
ScottKdastagg: If TLS is running, you're logs will have something like postfix/smtpd[18251]: setting up TLS connection from  when you try to connect.03:56
dastaggewook: I'm doing a tail on mail.log but don't see any errors.03:57
dastaggand I did a line by line compare with the sample on the website.03:59
dastaggOther then two lines: session_cache_database and my hostname they are the same.04:00
dastaggNow I'm tail syslog, when I telnet in, I see a [5804] but not 1825104:03
ewookthat's the pid.04:04
ewookor id.04:05
ewookto tired to think :P04:05
ewookwhat official docs where you following?04:05
dastaggThe Ubuntu Official Documentation04:05
ewookgot a link? :)04:06
ScottKdastagg: can you pastebin the output of postconf -n and the log snippet from when you telnet in?04:07
dastaggI'm new to irc, can you point me to directions on how to do that please?04:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic04:11
ScottKdastagg: ^^04:11
ewookprolly missing some lib.04:14
dastagghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/193167 is the postconf -n output04:15
dastagghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/193169 is telnet print04:18
* ScottK looks04:27
* ewook sleeps04:28
ewookgood luck04:29
ScottKdastagg: I don't see "smtpd_use_tls = yes04:29
ScottKin your postconf -n.04:29
dastaggScottK: line 2004:29
dastaggyour right! thats smtp04:30
dastaggmissing the d04:30
ScottKdastagg: I think that's likely your problem.04:30
ScottKAdd that, restart postfix, and try again.04:30
dastaggScottK: Nope, still not seeing the STARTTLS! :-(04:35
ScottKdastagg: OK.  What does /var/log/mail.log say about it?04:36
dastagghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/193176 is the bottom of a cat of mail.log04:40
dastaggScottK: but I don't see any errors but I'm new to this so I might not know it when I see it.04:42
* ScottK looks04:42
ScottKdastagg: If TLS was working, there's a a log line that says "setting up TLS connection" right after the connect one.04:45
ScottKdastagg: You did create the TLS certs, right?04:45
dastaggI thought I followed the instructions carefully but....04:45
dastaggI am doing this in a xen virtual machine. I think I'll wipe it and start again.04:46
ScottKdastagg: I wouldn't04:46
ScottKWhat does ls -l /etc/ssl/certs/smtpd.crt produce.04:46
ScottKUnless you understand what went wrong, odds are you'll just have the same problem again.04:47
dastagga listing of -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 725 2009-06-10 20:27 /etc/ssl/certs/smtpd.crt04:48
dastaggWell, that's true but there were a lot of lines to copy and paste. Maybe I missed one or messed it up.04:49
ScottKdastagg: I have a theory for you.04:52
ScottKLet me check something first though.04:52
dastaggScottK: Okay, I'll wait.04:53
ScottKdastagg: See smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu) in your main.cf.04:54
ScottKdastagg: See line 3 of http://paste.ubuntu.com/193169/04:54
ScottKWhen you are telnetting in, you aren't talking to the postfix we are modifying.04:55
ScottKdastagg: ^^^^04:56
dastaggwhat or where am I talking to then?04:56
ScottKGood question.04:57
dastaggScottK: I have used both telnet mail.staggsystem.com and and I get the same result.04:57
ScottKdantalizing: telnet mail.staggsystem.com is not reachable from here.04:59
dastaggcould that be the 220 smtp.passthru ? and if so, where am I getting passed to ?04:59
dastaggAll this is still internal, on the local net05:00
dastaggI am using an IPCop firewall but there is a host mail.staggsystems and it is pointing to .5205:02
ScottKWhat happens if you telnet localhost 25 from inside the vm?05:03
dastaggwell holy (well, you know what) That works! I see the banner and STARTTLS!05:05
ScottKOK, so you know your postfix is configured correctly.05:05
ScottKNow I'd try to do the same while logged into the host.05:06
dastaggSee, I knew the "Official Documentation" was good! :-)05:06
ScottKWhat you have is either a networking proxy/firewall problem or a vm configuration problem.05:07
dastaggThank You! for the help!05:07
ScottKYou're welcome.05:08
dastaggand I did telnet mail.staggsystems instead of localhost and that works also.05:10
dastaggThanks again!05:11
ScottKYou still need to figure out why it's not reachable from the outside.05:12
pteagueanybody know if vmware server 2 still has that crappy browser plugin interface?07:28
twbpteague: AFAIK, it does07:29
pteaguedang, cause i can't seem to find vmware 1.x anywhere07:33
ragswht is the default http server in ubuntu?07:34
ragsor how can I find out?07:34
diffrathough, it doesn't install it by default, only if you select the LAMP package when installing07:34
ragsdiffra: oh...k..but there were lighttpd files aswell..07:35
ragshow do I know which is active?07:35
diffrareally?  lighttpd definitely isn't the default.  however, it's my personal choice.07:35
diffrasudo netstat -natp | grep 80 should work07:35
diffrait'll tell you what process is listening on port 80.07:36
ragshmm...then somethng else might have installed it...how do I know which is running..oh..k07:36
ragsya it dhows ddwiki as well...so i guess tht's where Lighttpd came from07:37
ragsI am trying to install smokeping on ubutu...I got the package...the install doc says to put the smokeping.cgi file in the cgi-bin folder...now where is this for apache? should I make a new folder under web root?07:38
henkjanrags: apt-get install smokeping07:39
henkjanafter installation you can find smokeping in http://your.server.name/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi07:40
ragshenkjan: I did the apt-get install but it puts the file under /usr/lib/cgi-bin..07:41
diffrathat's where apache reads /cgi-bin/ from07:42
ragsso http://servr/smokeping.cgi should work right?..but it dosn't07:42
diffraas henkjan said, server/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi07:43
rags..oh....kk..will try tht..thx07:43
ihtarlikDoes anyone know the name of the program that manages updates to configuration files so that default configs don't break custom ones?08:06
ScottKihtarlik: What are you trying to accomplish?08:07
ihtarlikI remember that the program would tell upon running it if there were pending updates to config files.  I recently updated a program where I've edited the default config file in the previous version, but I want to check about defaults in the new version...08:09
ScottKIt's part of the packaging system.  Part of dpkg I think.08:11
ihtarlikThis is special and was introduced in Intrepid or Jaunty, for the server edition only08:19
ihtarlikAm I going nuts?  Does this program even exist?08:22
diffrayou could download and unpack the new .deb and snag the config file that way..08:27
ihtarlikOoooh, good idea08:27
sorenihtarlik: If you've made local changes to a conffile, dpkg will ask you if you want to accept the new version or keep  your local changes or do the merge manually.08:27
sorenihtarlik: This has been the case for years and years.08:27
sorenand years.08:27
henkjanihtarlik: you mean etckeeper?08:29
ihtarlikNo, etckeeper is for git and bzr specifically.08:32
ihtarlikThis is for general conf files.08:32
twbihtarlik: and darcs08:38
ihtarlikdarcs?  I have not heard of this.08:38
sorenIt's a revision control system.08:38
ihtarlikWith git and bzr08:39
twbdpkg internally remembers the checksum at install time, the checksum of the file as it currently exists, and the checksum of the new conffile.  If all three differ, it will prompt you with a TWO-way merge between the current and new files.08:39
twbSo it's damn handy, but etckeeper has a lot more grunt.08:39
ihtarliktwb: I remember setting up a program during the install of my server that changed the default behavior.  It no longer does that.08:39
sorendpkg doesn't merge anything.08:39
twbetckeeper allows you to answer questions like "why the hell is there a second swap entry in my fstab now?"08:39
twbsoren: sorry, I mean that it puts both files there and asks for help from the user08:40
twbBut it's not a three-way merge :-(08:40
sorenIt's not, no :(08:40
sorenihtarlik: Did this stop working after an upgrade?08:41
ihtarlikThis is a secondary program run from the command line that identifies if there are newer conf files, and prompts for a merge.08:41
ihtarlikAnd no, I just forgot the command.08:41
sorenihtarlik: If you find it again, let me knwo.08:41
twbihtarlik: you may be thinking of ucf, which does something similar for generated non-conffile files08:41
sorenknow, even.08:41
ihtarlikI'm tempted to setup a virtual box to reinstall the server on...08:43
twbWhy virtualbox and not kvm?08:44
ihtarlikvirtual box as in a virtualized computer, not in the specific environment08:44
ihtarlikThough I usually use virtual box when I'm in Windows 708:45
ihtarlikGonna get some sleep, will look for that program tomorrow...  Good night all08:52
twbSleep is a dangerous vice09:08
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
kj4hello all10:29
sydneyguyHail all11:54
sydneyguyIs the hostname is considered part of FQDN?13:18
sorenfqdn is the fully qualified domain name, so it's the hostname and the domain name.13:19
sydneyguyIf my hostname is server01 and my domain is test.com13:21
sydneyguymine is server01.test.com13:21
sydneyguybut how I configure dns .. it is gonna be ns.server01.test.com???13:21
sorenI don't understand the question.13:22
sydneyguyI am trying to configure my ubuntu server to act as the master dns server13:23
sydneyguyWhere I should put the FQDN and when I should put only the domain name .. when I add the ns.13:24
sydneyguyLike :13:24
sydneyguy; BIND data file for local loopback interface13:24
sydneyguy$TTL    60480013:24
sydneyguy@       IN      SOA     ns.example.com. root.example.com. (13:24
sydneyguyThere r few files I have to configure.. and they are:13:24
sydneyguy1-    /etc/bind/named.conf.options13:25
sydneyguy2- /etc/bind/named.conf.local13:25
sydneyguy3-  /etc/bind/db.example.com13:25
sydneyguy3-  /etc/bind/db.1013:26
sydneyguyexample.com gonna be test.com .. my FQDN is server01.test.com and not test.com13:27
ivoksthis is why we need directory service13:29
ivokslots of people want to use ubuntu, but don't have knowledge of services they want to setup13:29
ivokssydneyguy: have you ever configured bind before?13:30
sorensydneyguy: Please use a pastebin for stuff like that.13:30
sydneyguywhen they said ns.example.com .. is their dns server is called ns so the FQDN for the dns sever is ns.example.com ..13:33
sydneyguyso mine is called server01 .. so my FQDN is server01.example.com and not ns.server01.example.com in the file13:33
ivoksdo you control DNS for example.com?13:34
sorenI somehow doubt it.13:34
ivokscause, i really don't understand what you are trying to accomplish13:35
sorenThese do not sound like questions from someone who works for ICANN :)13:35
ivoksi don't get it...13:41
ivokspackage builds on my machine, but doesn't on ppa13:42
ivoksand it's not building issue13:42
sorenivoks: Eh?13:43
ivokssoren: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27777337/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.openais-legacy_0.80.5%2Bsvn20090606-1ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:43
ivoksinstall: cannot stat `lib/libais.so.2.*': No such file or directory13:43
sorenivoks: It's called lib/libais.so.213:44
sorenlibais.so.2.* are in lib/../13:44
sorenOr so it seems, based on:13:44
sorenln -sf libais.so.2.0.0 lib/libais.so.213:44
sorenWhich is about 30 lines further up.13:45
ivoksinstall -m 755 lib/libais.so.2.* /home/ivoks/ClusterStack/openais-legacy-0.80.5+svn20090606/debian/tmp//usr/lib/openais13:45
ivoksworks here :/13:46
ivoksand there is libais.so.2.0.013:46
ivokscc1: warnings being treated as errors13:54
=== dendrobates-afk is now known as dendrobates
uvirtbotNew bug: #385926 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38592615:01
Ethosanyone know how to convert a physical ubuntu server to a virtual server?15:09
sorenEthos: Yes. Carefully.15:10
Ethosthe free convertor doesn't do it15:11
sorenEthos: It depends, really. What's it running?15:11
soren"the free converter"?15:11
EthosVmware vcentre convertor15:11
EthosThe server is running ubuntu 8.10 server15:11
sorenI don't know how VMWare does it.15:13
pmatulisanyone here familiar with mode 4 ethernet bonding?15:16
sorenpmatulis: What's the problem?15:17
pmatulisi have a ubuntu box with bonded devices and i want to connect them directly to an iESX server15:17
drurewcan anyone point me at a how to network two local servers with no switch ?15:17
pmatulisbut i'm not sure about any special configuration on the ESX side15:17
sorenpmatulis: You do the same on the other end.15:18
pmatulissoren: and that's it?15:18
sorenpmatulis: As far as I know, yes.15:18
pmatulissoren: mode 4 doesn't support unplugging (failover) right?  they are either both on or both off?15:19
sorenpmatulis: I'm not sure, to be honest.15:20
RoAkivoks: heya!15:20
pmatulissoren: ok15:20
ivoksRoAk: hi15:21
ivoksRoAk: long story short; we'll drop those packages from debian maintainer15:21
ivoksthey are of very low quality15:22
ivokswe'll provide them with better packages :)15:22
RoAkivoks: hah really??? haha ok15:22
RoAkivoks: every package?15:22
ivoksopenais and crosync have significant mistakes15:22
ivoksopenais-legacy also couple of errors15:22
sorenpmatulis: Oh, hang on. Are you connected directly to the other end, or through a switch?15:22
ivoksheartbeat is ok15:22
RoAkivoks: what about pacemaker15:23
pmatulissoren: directly15:23
ivoksRoAk: haven't looked at it yet15:23
sorenpmatulis: Ok, good.15:23
ivoksi hate lpia15:23
pmatulissoren: i did read that a switch needs to be configured, that's why i'm asking about this direct setup15:23
RoAkivoks: hahaha well I need to go to the doctor. be back later :) let me know if there's anything I can do later on today.15:24
drurewI am trying to network 2 servers without a switch, server #1 has an eth1 and eth2 , server #2 has an eth port as well (strangly it is listed as eth27) I would like to use server #1 as a proxy for server #2. how should I go about configuring this15:34
ivoksgive them ip addresses?15:34
drurewivoks: commands are helpfull :)15:35
ivoksw3m www.google.com15:36
ivoksset up /etc/network/interfaces15:36
ivoksman interfaces - man stands for manual15:37
drurewor info15:37
ivoksthere are couple of examples15:37
drurewthanks ivoks15:38
ivokslearn to use 'man'15:39
ivoksthat's the best and the fastest help you can get on unix15:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #385943 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38594315:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #384869 in samba (main) "vista 64 bit report error 0x6f7 installing printer driver from samba" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38486916:01
kblinhi folks16:05
kblinI'm running a bunch of ubuntu server VMs in kvm for testing, and I'd like to suspend them to disk rather than shutting them down. I vaguely remember that I could echo something into /proc or /sys to trigger a suspend to disk, but I forgot whare this did go. any hints?16:08
jpdssudo pm-suspend ?16:11
Authoritydoes dpkg have a similar function to 'rpm -V' (verify integrity of installed package)?16:12
kblinjpds: ah, right direction.. pm-hibernate seems to be the one :)16:16
jpdsAuthority: http://www.euglug.org/pipermail/euglug/2004-August/001230.html16:16
Authorityjpds: thanks16:17
kblinjpds: perfect, thanks alot :)16:17
jpdsNo problem.16:19
EthosHow can I format all partitions / data in ubuntu?16:30
EthosLiterally every deleted16:30
troglobyteI have a postfix/courier mail server set up.  It will work fine for a period of time then fail with permissions issues in Maildir/tmp.16:45
troglobyte/home/user/Maildir/tmp/1244734481.P2935.domain.net: Permission denied16:45
troglobytesometimes a reboot will clear it up.  other times not.16:46
troglobyteany ideas as to what might cause this delayed failure?16:47
jmedinatroglobyte: who is writing to the mailbox?16:51
jmedinapostfix local, virtual, maildrop?16:51
jmedinayou need to check you logs to define what process is actuallly writing to the mailbox16:52
troglobyteI'll check now16:52
troglobytebut I think I have more info.  it looks like imap-ss is the problem16:53
troglobyterestarting courier-imap-ssl immediately fixed the problem and I'm seeing "imapd-ssl: chdir Maildir: No such file or directory"16:54
ivoksRoAkSoAx: pacemaker is broken too17:17
RoAkSoAxivoks, yeah I was also trying to install it and found errors :)17:18
ivoksRoAkSoAx: it builds with old heartbeat and old openais... problaby doesn't work at all17:18
RoAkSoAxivoks, I've install the pacemaker-heartbeat package and heartbeat won't start because of there's no CRM17:18
RoAkSoAxso I guess it's not installing pacemaker itself17:19
ivoksnow i'm soooooooo sorry that i dropped my packages17:19
RoAkSoAxand If i install just acemaker it shows:  trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/attrd_updater', which is also in package pacemaker-heartbeat17:19
ivoksthese are broken, totally17:19
RoAkSoAxivoks, have you actually erased your packages?17:20
RoAkSoAxi see :S17:20
ivoksbut i'll manage something out17:20
ivoksrm -rf *17:22
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok... you should also get in contact with the guy in debian who's working with them17:22
RoAkSoAxMadkiss is his nickname17:22
ivoksi've sent him an email17:22
_cpod_quick question: why is klogd using over 50% of my CPU right now and how can i reduce that? (i'm also rsyncing between two NTFS drives ATM, if that matters)17:22
stanman1is it possible to run mysql5 together with php3?17:23
ivoksRoAkSoAx: for start, let's just make pacemaker+openais17:24
ivoksRoAkSoAx: we'll add heartbeat support later17:24
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok cool.17:24
ivokswe should remove pacemaker from ppa17:25
ivoksnot yet, at least...17:25
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=== VOg is now known as Vog
troglobytejmedina, postfix local is doing the delivery.  logs indicate normal operation until this happen: http://pastebin.com/d7c83e62f17:26
jmedinatroglobyte: is directory exists?17:27
troglobyteyes.  it's there and handling mail17:27
troglobyteuntil it just stops17:27
jmedinatroglobyte: that happens most of time when you try to connecto to IMAP and mailbox (Maildir) doesnt exists17:27
RoAkSoAxivoks, should we just upgrade pacemaker and openais? or are you packaging them from scratch?17:28
troglobytethat part I understand.  how it just stops working out of the blue is what's got my head on backwards17:28
ivoksRoAkSoAx: openais in our ppa is latest17:28
ivoksRoAkSoAx: corosync is latest17:28
ivokspacemaker was build with old openais17:29
jmedinatroglobyte: I would try to ingrease debut in courier17:29
ivoksso, corosync and openais are ok, but i'll probably create new packages from scratch17:29
ivoksrhcs is in good shape17:29
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok so openais-legacy is old openais?17:30
ivoksthat's 0.8 version17:31
ivokswhich had corosync in it17:31
RoAkSoAxivoks, so we should just change the dependencies in debian/control?17:31
ivoksin 0.9x corosync is extracted from openais17:31
ivoksRoAkSoAx: it's not that easy17:31
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok, so what can I do, should do?17:33
RoAkSoAxivoks, we can consider this as part of my mentorship :)17:33
ivokswait for better packages :)17:34
RoAkSoAxivoks, hah yeah but I would like to contribute on the packaging and will also help learn more stuff17:35
ivoksRoAkSoAx: i have to figure out how to build pacemaker17:42
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok17:44
RoAkSoAxivoks, what about taking a look to : http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/server:/ha-clustering/xUbuntu_8.04/17:45
RoAkSoAxivoks, the pacemaker project points out that repo to install pacemaker...17:46
ivokshm... so that's with old openais17:48
ivoksRoAkSoAx: i'll wait for an answer on linux-ha17:48
RoAkSoAxivoks, ping beekhof_ since he's the upstream pacemaker dev17:49
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ivoksok, finally, i'm figuring out how it's supposed to be18:13
jared555is it suggested that experienced users use ufw or iptables directly?18:16
RoAkSoAxivoks, are you changing the dependencies from openais-legacy to openais?18:20
ivokspacemaker depends on openais-legacy18:20
ivoksrhcs depens on new openais18:20
ivoksand then there is heartbeat18:22
ivoksin old version is a standalone18:22
ivoksand in a new version is subset of pacemaker18:22
RoAkSoAxivoks, what about pacemaker-heartbeat. Shouldn't it install both pacemaker and heartbeat?? rather than just heartbeat?18:23
ivoksman, i'm at the source still18:24
RoAkSoAxivoks, haha ok :) well i'm eager to help I just don't know where to start18:24
ivokspraise the lord18:26
ivoksit builded18:26
ivokssuse's package is also... in bad state18:27
ivoksif configure fails, it's impossible to clean the source18:27
ivoksand you have to rm everything and then untar again18:28
RoAkSoAxi see18:28
ivoksand build-depends are wrong18:28
RoAkSoAxivoks, i wouldn't be able to work on packages that way... that's why I need to work more on them and get al that knowledge18:28
ivoksthey were ok for 8.0518:29
KaushalI have On-board chip, NVIDIA NVRAID SATA controller18:35
Kaushalis there a support for it on Ubuntu 8.04.2 Server ?18:35
ivokssupport for what?18:35
jdstrandjared555: depends on if ufw fits your needs18:36
jdstrandjared555: if you are only doing host-based stuff, ufw is recommended18:36
Kaushalsupport for raid level 1 on Ubuntu 8.04.2 server18:36
jdstrandjared555: if you need to do a lot of routing, iptables may be a better fit18:37
ivoksKaushal: that controller isn't a raid controller18:37
ivoksKaushal: that's a marketing trick18:37
jdstrand(but ufw can be used in the capacity too)18:37
KaushalMy server is X2200 M218:38
ivoksKaushal: i'm sorry, but that's a fakeraid18:39
Kaushalivoks, if you look at the third column in that table they say it has support for Hardware 0,118:39
Kaushalah ok18:39
ivoksKaushal: it exports all drivers to the operating system18:39
ivoksthat's something that raid controllers don't do18:40
ivoksKaushal: http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/RAID/NVRAID_with_dmraid#About_the_Install18:40
pmatulisanyone have any experience running 10 GB network cards on ubuntu?  does this make sense practically speaking?18:40
ivoksKaushal: you'll get better performance if you disable that (leave it to work as simple sata controller) and set up linux software raid18:41
Kaushalah ok18:41
Kaushalivoks, is it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID ?18:43
ivoksKaushal: yes18:43
Hillaballoohey all- does anyone know when mysql-server-5.1 will be updated to fix this month-old bug? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server-bugs/2009-May/013168.html19:43
Hillaballoothe inability to use the innodb plugin is a major issue19:43
Hillaballooanyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?19:50
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billybigriggeranyone here familiar with exporting databases?21:08
Hillaballoodon't bother, nobody answers anything in this channel21:11
holowaybillybigrigger: exporting databases from what?21:16
billybigriggerwell its my webmail database (roundcube)21:16
billybigriggerbut it's version 0.22 and i see there is a 0.3 beta which i will just use for the new server21:16
holowaybillybigrigger: but what is the database server itself? mysql? postgres? sqlite?  you can go look at the respective documentation forthat information21:20
holowayand you should look at roundcube's docs for specifics for your upgrade21:20
holowaycool - the mysql docs are pretty clear about database export/backup/restore21:20
billybigriggerwell i see the export tab in phpmyadmin21:20
billybigriggerwondering how safe that is to use21:21
FFForeverany idea how i can fix this?, pam_env(sshd:setcred): Unable to open env file: /etc/default/locale: No such file or directory21:22
FFForeverthats on an ssh login21:22
billybigriggerno locale setup21:28
FFForeverbillybigrigger, i am getting a problem with a user who cannot login =\21:29
FFForeverbillybigrigger, he is getting the error /bin/bash does not exist21:29
FFForeverbut i can login just fine21:29
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kirklandsommer: ping22:05
kirklandsommer: hiya, i can't seem to find any official, or unofficial documentation on kvm virtio disks22:05
kirklandsommer: this blog post has a sample: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85998222:05
kirklandsommer: any chance I could talk you into throwing a bit about this into one of the kvm community wiki pages and/or the server guide?22:06
kirklandsommer: i'll gladly review it for accuracy22:06
chmacAnyone know if there's a way to diff for only missing files. A simpler equivalent of `diff -qr path1/ path2/ | grep -v -e "^Files "`22:11
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