
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz
vorianso how do you install this on kubuntu?03:01
voriani'm not going to install apturl03:01
vorianah, i see03:01
vorianrequired not to run kubuntu03:02
jblountvorian: The installation links to a .deb and you can just do a 'sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client' in a terminal to avoid apturl :)03:56
vorianjblount: sure - the client doesn't want to launch :(04:00
vorianit's no biggie04:01
vorianI thought it might work, but figured it wouldn't04:01
vorianone day perhaps04:01
eekfonkycan anyone help with when I might receive an invite to ubuntuone, I've registered and am keen to see it it action. I'm in Australia while my colleague is in France. To seemlessly share work files would be a dream come true!04:03
jblounteekfonky: Go ahead and pm your email to me, I can help you jump the queue to try the service out.04:14
eekfonkyThank you04:15
jdobrien_jblount: i just talked to chris, I don't have a good way to look his account up04:16
jdobrien_it's part of the 'make admin pages more usable' I reported on myself04:16
jblounteekfonky: You should have a email pretty soon, just accept the share and the account setup should be pretty clear :)04:17
jdobrien_jblount: tricky!04:18
jblountjdobrien_: ;)04:18
jdobrien_i forgot about that and i wrote it04:18
jblountjdobrien_: This is how I was doing it with the twitter account as well :D04:18
eekfonkyemail has arrived, thanks for the help, much appreciated04:19
jblounteekfonky: Enjoy, be sure to let us know how you get on :)04:22
eekfonkyI will do, I've been an ubuntu user for 2 years now and am spreading the word:-D04:23
eekfonkyI'll be in touch, thanks again, I'm off to investigate04:25
Trentor_Is it possible to share files with ubuntu one to someone that does not have an ubuntu one account?04:37
tcolekind of04:37
tcoleyou can share things to people by providing their email address whether or not they have an account04:38
lifelessfsvo yes and no?04:38
tcolebut they will need to sign up with at least the free plan to actually access the files you've shared to them04:38
Trentor_Eh, they have to make an account, that's f'in lame04:38
Trentor_I want an online box that I can share folder to people and not have them go through the pain of making yet another f'in internet acct04:39
tcolebasically the mediafire use case?04:41
eekfonkyAll installed, I'm having difficulty creating 'New Sub-Folder' I I enter a name and click 'create' a new folder doesn't appear, what am I doing wrong?04:42
jblounteekfonky: Do you mean while using http://ubuntuone.com/files/ ?04:43
jblounteekfonky: If so, does a refresh of the whole page reveal these pesky folders?04:43
eekfonkyno, that doesn't work04:44
eekfonkyjust says 'Folder is empty' on 'My Files'04:46
jblounteekfonky: yikes! Would you mind filing a bug for this? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+filebug?field.title=Creating+new+directories+in+webui+under+%22My+Files%22+doesn%27t+work04:48
eekfonkydragging it in from my desktop to the ubuntu one folder04:48
eekfonkyI'll do that now04:48
jblounteekfonky: it doesn't seem to work for me either in the root folder04:48
eekfonkyI do also have a chronically slow internet connection at times, out here in the wilds of Australia04:49
eekfonkythat may not help04:49
jblounteekfonky: Ouch! We'll be glad to have you as a beta tester then, I'm learning from http://planet.ubuntu.com that many people in the community have _very_ slow connections.04:50
eekfonkyI'll be back in sunny Scotland in 6 Months where i can get a decent connection, it's usually Ok here but can drop out04:54
eekfonkyBug filed04:54
eekfonkyI assume that when the ubuntu One Icon is rotating it's uploading my files, it's going slow but I have quite a few files in the folder, I'll let it run and come back in half an hour to check04:56
jblounteekfonky: Yes, it should be uploading. We're still working on a better progress meter thingie.04:57
eekfonkyexcellent, I'll let it run04:57
eekfonkyOK still nothing there, can I cancel it? and try one or two files at a time?05:23
eekfonkythe total is only 8mb05:23
eekfonkystill just spinning round saying working, should I leave it?05:51
eekfonkyI'm getting a .conflict after my folder name on ununtu one in nautilus. What's the problem?07:03
todoleo_Hi everyone08:37
todoleo_I have been waiting for an invitation to Ubuntu One for weeks now. Is there any way to speed the process up?08:38
lifelesstodoleo_: no09:07
lifelesstodoleo_: the delay is while some issues the first users discovered are fixed. Once fixed more users will be allowed into the system.09:08
eekfonkywhy can't I upload files, I have uploaded a folder, but it's contents are empty?09:08
eekfonkyI get a .conflict in nautilus09:09
eekfonkythe ubuntu one web page just hangs, I'm currently using a high speed LAN, so it's not a connection issue09:12
eekfonkyI just can't get ubuntu one to work?!?09:20
lifelesseekfonky: please consider filing a bug. it is a beta service.09:23
eekfonkyI understand, and I have, I just wondered if there was something I could do, thanks anyway09:24
facundobatistaHi all12:17
rodrigo_so, once an expense has been accepted, what do I need to do?13:46
rodrigo_ugh, sorry :)13:46
rodrigo_wrong channel13:46
statikhello world13:56
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worldhi statik13:59
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=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
urbanapeboo, missed it. Well, I'm still getting acclimated. Yesterday: tried reviewing statik's oops-tools branch, Today: hacking with dobey in Williamsburg, Stuck on: not having access to oops-tools-django14:57
statikurbanape: you haven't missed it, it's in 2 minutes : )14:58
rodrigo_urbanape: you're in time :)14:58
statikMEETING BEGINS!15:00
statikhows that for omninous?15:00
statikHi, everyone who is here for the ubuntu one developer standup, please say 'me'. The format for this meeting is to paste 3 lines: yesterday, today, and blockers. Then say the person that should go next - we can try going in 'me' order. I'll go first.15:00
urbanapehurray! I win15:00
statikurbanape, CardinalFang, jblount, rmcbride, vds?15:00
urbanapeI saw MEETING OVER in #the-other-channel15:01
statikDONE: Fixed my karmic desktop booting problem, a lot of chats with zac about firefox bookmark syncing and consulting on screen sharing protocol stuff15:01
statikTODO: Mini-sprint with florida crew, consulting on screen-sharing, and talking with phil on the web server rollout today, and a strategy for better management of ajax failures, and chasing lots of stuff with defining packages for karmic.15:01
statikBLOCKED: never!15:01
statiknext is urbanape, since he said me before we started :)15:01
urbanapeyesterday: tried to review statik's oops-tools branch15:02
urbanapetoday: hacking with dobey in williamsburg15:02
urbanapeblocker: still trying to get access to oops-tools-django15:02
teknicodo I go?15:02
dobeyteknico: yep15:03
teknicoyesterday: integration tests for the funambol server api15:03
statikteknico: urbanape should say when he is done and who is next15:03
teknicotoday: phone registration, packages15:03
teknicotomorrow: chr15:03
teknicoblocked: nothing15:03
teknicodobey: your turn15:03
dobeyDONE: Fixed couple small bugs, more nautilus extension C code, uploaded icontool to REVU15:03
dobeyTODAY: Micro-sprint with urbanape in Williamsburg, more nautilus extension C porting15:03
dobeyBLOCKED: I keep hitting the [?] but the coins aren't coming out.15:03
dobeyvds: ciao. all you15:04
vdsYESTERDAY: landed mobile_phone_database branch, spent few hours estimating new branches with Mark,went through jboult mobile phone web ui branch, started a new branch to normalize phone numbers15:04
vdsTODAY: still work on my current branch about normalize numbers15:04
vdsBLOCKED: No15:04
vdsrmcbride: your turn15:04
rmcbridedone: reviews, initial upload of python-configglue package to REVU15:04
rmcbridetodo: resolve issue with package format for above, mini-sprint with FL crew15:04
rmcbrideblocked: nope15:04
rmcbrideCardinalFang: the rack!15:04
CardinalFangdone: subprocess and EINTR sorted out for system stat gathering.  graphite and its dependencies15:04
CardinalFangtoday: get graphite booting and catching monitored info.  automatic creation of DBs when first received15:04
CardinalFangblocked:  not sure yet.  Probably nothing.15:05
CardinalFangrodrigo_: you15:05
rodrigo_done: basic read operations done in couchdb-glib-1.0 (http://blogs.gnome.org/rodrigo/2009/06/11/couchdb-glib-01/) and released it15:05
rodrigo_todo: e-d-s backend for couchdb, basic read operations15:06
rodrigo_blocked: neeed to get back to the notes API for tomboy, once oauth lands in tomboy source code15:06
rodrigo_aquarius: your turn I think15:06
aquariusyesterday: talking about packages required for structured storage in karmic; discussing moving of API from separate HTTP daemon into CouchDB directly; helping Sandy with Tomboy OAuth API15:06
aquariustoday: working out which packages are required for structured storage with SteveA; looking at how to do couchdb client-cloud replication and client-client replication with thisfred15:06
aquariusblocked: tomboy oauth, as rodrigo15:06
aquariusnext: nobody. I'm last.15:06
statikgreat meeting guys. urbanape, are you getting help from someone on the launchpad team about your branch access problem?15:07
statikrodrigo_: thats super awesome news about couchdb-glib15:07
urbanape_I sent a note to matsubara, but haven't heard back15:07
statikI'm going to call this meeting over, urbanape I will help you with the branch access blockage15:08
statikMEETING ENDS15:08
statikthanks everyone15:08
rodrigo_statik: :)15:08
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sladendobey: can you file a bug at  http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug with the summary "[needs-packaging] icontool" then introduce what the tool does and which clearly state the the upstream source URL and licence conditions/author(s)/copyright  (equivalent to a Debian ITP)16:29
=== urbanape__ is now known as urbanape
dobeyuh, sure. i don't know much about the debian itp process either though :)16:30
sladenhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#Packaging%20it%20yourself  ...better link16:32
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dobeysladen: bug #38599317:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385993 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] icontool" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38599317:26
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torosI think the unshare feature doesn't work :(17:39
torosAt least if I cancel a folder shared with me17:40
joshuahooverhi toros17:40
torosNow I don't see it in the web interface17:40
joshuahooveryou tried to unshare a folder that was shared with you?17:40
BUGabundotoros: humm known bug ?17:40
toroshowever I still get the files synchronised in my Ubuntu One folder17:40
torosjoshuahoover: yes, I did17:41
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
torosIt is a whole My Files folder, which was accidentally shared with me17:42
BUGabundotoros: LOLOLOL17:44
torosthis is the share id: id=7966958d-0a13-4dbe-b033-5641cc2c8d5f name=Puck's Files accepted=True access_level=View from=openiduser2117:46
torosI don't know if this information helps :)17:46
joshuahoovertoros: thank you17:47
joshuahoovertoros: i was looking to see if we had anyone with a similar problem before17:56
torosjoshuahoover: thank you17:56
torosand... had anyone similar problem? :)17:57
joshuahoovertoros: so far, i haven't turned up anything...would you be willing to file a bug? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+filebug17:57
joshuahoovertoros: thank you very much!17:58
toroswhat kid of informations do you need?17:58
torosshould I write the Share ID too?17:59
joshuahooveryes please17:59
joshuahoovertoros: do the files show up in both the web and client?18:01
torosno, only in the client18:04
torosI see nothing in the web interface18:04
joshuahoovertoros: ok18:07
torosjoshuahoover: here it is: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/38601518:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386015 in ubuntuone-client "Cancelling a share if I am the recipient doesn't work" [Undecided,New]18:13
torosIs it ok, or do you need further information?18:13
joshuahoovertoros: thank you! yes, i think that's good for now :)18:15
torosjoshuahoover: cool :)18:15
torosI try to contact the guy, and ask him, what he sees in his web interface18:16
joshuahoovertoros: ok, i did a test myself with a folder someone shared with me (not their "My Files") and, so far, i'm seeing the same behavior18:16
PucKidtoros: around ?18:21
toroshi PucKid18:21
PucKidi just came home (:18:21
torosthank you for coming :)18:22
toroswhat do you see in your web interface?18:22
torosis it still shared with me?18:22
PucKidone moment18:22
PucKidThis Folder is not shared18:23
PucKidso no, it shows it is not18:23
toroshmmm... that's strange18:25
toroscould you copy an another file in it? just for a test :)18:26
PucKid2 files in there18:26
PucKidKép 033.jpg and coffee_logo.png18:27
torosI see the same two files here18:28
BUGabundodobey: around ?18:28
torosPucKid: please try the u1sdtool --list-shared command in the terminal18:29
PucKidtoros: i uploaded those files in the webtool, i am not running the client on my pc18:30
dobeyBUGabundo: hi18:30
BUGabundodobey: not sure this is on LP but wanna roll this idea on you guys18:31
BUGabundoI would like a feature that would make me Pay for online storage18:31
BUGabundowho ever gets its 1st gets my money ;)18:31
BUGabundo*custom domains!*18:31
BUGabundoaka use my own sub/domain on the storage18:32
facundobatistaBUGabundo, what do you mean?18:32
BUGabundodobey: are you considering it ?18:32
dobeythat would be really annoying to manage18:32
dobeybecause of the SSL18:32
BUGabundofacundobatista: MYCLOUD.DOMAIN.TLF CNAME clientserver.ubuntuone.com18:32
dobeyand i don't know what benefits it would give you18:32
BUGabundodobey: Branding18:33
dobeywhat are the benefits?18:34
BUGabundoI like my own domain18:35
BUGabundothat's just it!18:35
dobeybut who else would use that? how does it benefit users? how does it benefit the site admins?18:43
BUGabundook... now I see why I can't find that anywhere else18:46
BUGabundoyou guys don't see the point! :(18:46
BUGabundodobey: let me try it the other way18:46
BUGabundosee how blogger and wp do ?18:46
BUGabundothey allow users to use their own domains?18:47
BUGabundoit lets user have added value due to Brandin«g18:47
dobeyyou want css and everything?18:47
dobeyand i don't think having subdomains on wp and blogger has anything to do with branding18:48
BUGabundono? then what?18:49
BUGabundoits it for me!18:49
dobeyit's for differentiating published content between users18:50
dobeywhich is not branding18:50
dobeywe don't publish your content on ubuntuone.com18:50
BUGabundowe are not eye to eye on this18:50
BUGabundomaybe in 6 months it will make more sense to U1 devel team18:50
BUGabundoI'll be here waiting18:51
BUGabundoahh forgot: where it makes more sense: Public links like dropbox has18:51
facundobatistaBUGabundo, dobey's point, I think, is that there's no sense in having bugabundo.ubuntuone.com, when *you* will be the only one that will ever see that url18:51
BUGabundofacundobatista: that's not what I was asking18:52
BUGabundoI was asking for files.bugabundo.net18:52
BUGabundosince you guys won't allow us to install it on our servers, allow us to brand YOURS18:52
facundobatistaBUGabundo, the same... you're the only one seeing that url, ever18:52
BUGabundofacundobatista: then why do I use GAFYD ?18:53
BUGabundoI'm the only one to see the URL too18:53
BUGabundo(and my users, ok)18:53
BUGabundobut my emails are @bugabundo.net18:53
BUGabundoI could very well do that from a regular gmail account :\18:53
facundobatistaBUGabundo, in that case is valuable, because you're reaching people with @bugabungo.net...18:54
dobeyyou can do that already...18:54
facundobatistaBUGabundo, having your name in the public links could be nice... will we have public links in U1? dunno18:54
BUGabundofacundobatista: nor do I18:54
BUGabundodobey: I can ?18:55
dobeyBUGabundo: we don't own the bugabundu.net domain18:57
BUGabundodobey: CNAME ?18:57
BUGabundosubdomains NameServer pointers?18:57
BUGabundoits all DNS !18:58
dobeywe can't sets up a subdomain for a domain we don't control18:58
BUGabundosure you can18:59
BUGabundoI do it all the time!18:59
BUGabundoyou can NServ the subdomain to another place18:59
dobeyit requires a level of cooperation with the registrar of the domain, that i don't think any of us want to deal with19:00
BUGabundodobey: err and that's ME ?19:01
BUGabundoand in any case, if the (power) user wants to point a sub/domain, he should have control of his DNS Zone19:01
BUGabundodobey: as I said19:01
BUGabundonever mind it now!19:01
dobeyBUGabundo: you own the dns server for bugabundo.net?19:02
dobeyBUGabundo: and while that may be you in THIS case, it's not so for all the other cases19:02
toroshmmm... what happened with ubuntu one?19:02
dobeyBUGabundo: and one person probably isn't enough to develop a new service19:03
torosit keeps rotating, and won't stop19:03
dobeytoros: give it time19:03
BUGabundodobey: I OWN the DNZ Zone19:03
BUGabundoan so do many users who have a DNS control Panel19:03
dobeyBUGabundo: you don't own MY domain. or all the other users who might want such a service19:04
dobeyand because a web host provides features, doesn't mean users know how to use them19:04
BUGabundoeither I'm tired or you are being sarcastic!19:04
dobeyBUGabundo: YOU are not our ONLY user :)19:05
* BUGabundo /sarcasm19:05
BUGabundoim tired19:06
BUGabundoand you are joking with what I say19:06
dobeyno, i am not19:06
BUGabundooh no?19:09
BUGabundocause it sounds like it to me! if you are not, please accept my appoligies19:09
BUGabundoI get a lot of that on some IRC  #s19:10
BUGabundoand I don't usually get sarcasm all that well19:10
dobeyi am trying to understand how this would be useful for people who are not you19:10
jcastroBUGabundo: you're not explaining yourself very well. I've read what you've said 5 times and I am lost.19:11
BUGabundolet me try to make this a bit clear19:11
BUGabundo*eventually* U1 will provide more web services for colaboration19:12
jcastroBUGabundo: you know what works well for this?19:12
jcastroa spec!19:12
torosHmmm, I there is a server side issue again with ubuntu one19:12
BUGabundoit will very soon, I hope, Public links for download as DB does19:12
toros*I think...19:12
__lucio__toros: yes. someone tripped on the plug. or something like that. we will have it up in a second.19:12
Chipacatoros: yes19:12
BUGabundoI really don't like to use server43.dropbox.com/user/p3423432/file.txt19:13
torosohh, thanks for the info19:13
BUGabundowould love to have that be files.mydomain.com/file.txt19:13
BUGabundo__lucio__: LOL19:13
BUGabundocleaning lady !?!?19:13
__lucio__Chipaca: i dont know, was it the cleaning lady? ;)19:13
BUGabundothat's why Cloud is soooooo dangerous!!19:13
torosa cleaning lady in the cloud? :)19:14
Chipacasomebody flew an airbus into our cloud19:14
Chipacanah, a planned server upgrade / rollout hiccuped19:14
torosor maybe an angel?19:15
toroshmmm... what happens if I reject the share using the u1sdtool?19:16
__lucio__angel? i dont know what religion you profess, toros, but i dont like your angels :P19:16
toros__lucio__: :D19:16
statikbox.net just announced a feature very similar to what BUGabundo was asking for: http://www.box.net/help/23919:42
* BUGabundo looks19:42
BUGabundostatik: not exaclty19:46
BUGabundothat's still under the main domain of box.net19:47
statikoh right19:48
torosstatik: I just reported this bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/38601519:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386015 in ubuntuone-client "Cancelling a share if I am the recipient doesn't work" [Undecided,New]19:49
torosand now I am thinking about to try rejecting the share using the u1sdtool19:49
toroswhat do you think is it a good idea?19:49
torosor I shouldn't touch it? :)19:50
joshuahoovertoros: to try to address the issue, sure...we'll still need to see what is going on with the bug19:52
TrentorDoes anyone know anything like this (Link: http://www.pegtop.net/start/) for linux?19:52
torosjoshuahoover: so I should give it a try?19:53
joshuahoovertoros: go for it :)19:53
torosjoshuahoover: Failure: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.twisted.python.failure.Failure: Failure: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'canonical.ubuntuone.storage.protocol.request.StorageRequestError'>: DOES_NOT_EXIST19:57
torosbut now it is false: id=7966958d-0a13-4dbe-b033-5641cc2c8d5f name=Puck's Files accepted=False access_level=View from=openiduser2119:58
toroslet's try what happens if a file is uploaded...19:58
__lucio__toros: add a new bug with that please19:58
joshuahooverlucio: a new one or add to the existing one?19:58
__lucio__toros: put the all the output from lsit shares before and after please19:58
__lucio__joshuahoover: a new one. the first one i think is web related19:59
joshuahoover__lucio__: might be...although toros was trying to fix the issue manually using u1sdtool19:59
joshuahoover__lucio__: a workaround, so he stopped getting all of PucKid's new files :)20:00
__lucio__joshuahoover: one bug for the normal behaviour not working (the web), one bug for the fix not working (u1sdtool)20:00
__lucio__toros: is that reasonable?20:00
joshuahoover__lucio__: ok, sounds reasonable to me...just didn't want to pile on bugs if they were tightly related20:01
torosit still downloads the new files20:01
torosso no change20:01
__lucio__ahh, i dont think we have u1sdtool support for "delete share" yet20:02
__lucio__and i think that that is what you need20:02
joshuahoover__lucio__: do you know what --reject-share does?20:03
__lucio__joshuahoover: im a bit guessing. its supposed to be used before the share is accepted.20:04
toroshmmm... is it possible to cancel a subscription, and then recreate it?20:06
toroswith the same launchpad id20:06
joshuahoovertoros: i defer to __lucio__ or someone else...i don't know20:06
__lucio__toros: can you try the reject share again?20:06
toros__lucio__: using the u1sdtool?20:06
__lucio__yes please20:06
torosthe same20:08
torosso it still downloads the new files20:08
__lucio__toros: then i dont know. i will make sure that someone fixes the web part, and when verterok comes back, ill make sure he takes a look at u1sdtool20:10
toros__lucio__: thank you20:10
__lucio__para servirle20:11
torosnow I have access to both sides of the share20:11
torosso if you need further info, testing, etc. I am here :)20:11
joshuahoovertoros: thank you for your help!20:14
TrentorWhat is a good place to find linux portable apps, and also does anyone know a linux compatible custom menu application?20:35
Trentorwrong channel20:42
dobeyportable apps?20:44
jonathonhello anyone who's awake :)21:00
jonathonhow long should i have to wait for a beta invite?21:00
jonathoni've been signed up for a month or so...21:01
statikjonathon: hard to say, but we just sent out 500 more a few minutes ago21:01
* jonathon goes back to sitting corner waiting patiently21:01
jonathonoh, question21:11
jonathonis there a client for karmic?21:11
BUGabundo!question | jonathon21:12
ubottujonathon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:12
BUGabundojonathon: the client is the same21:12
BUGabundoit runs exaclty the same21:12
jonathonright, thanks21:14
dobeyat the moment anyway21:17
dobeywe need to get a ubuntuone-ppa package built for karmic, but the ppa itself has packages built for karmic21:17
jblount<totally off topic> Gasoline Heart (a band from Florida where some of us live) is giving away a retrospective album. Good for people that like Bruce Springstein or failed punk bands http://www.pastemagazine.com/action/register_and_download/gasoline_heart </offtopic>21:17
* BUGabundo is saying that for 1 month!!!!21:20
statikdobey: i don't think it's worth the hassle to make an ubuntuone-ppa package for karmic, people running karmic will be able to install ubuntuone-client from the official ubuntu repos soon enough21:23
BUGabundostatik: until FF21:25
BUGabundothen users will loose new funcionallity21:25
BUGabundothat's the prob with release and very new software that changes a lot. like gwibber21:26
dobeystatik: yeah21:26
dobeyBUGabundo: we don't have the "nightlies" ppa set up from a package yet anyway21:26
BUGabundoplease give it to me21:28
BUGabundoI love dailies/nightlies21:28
statikBUGabundo: just s/beta/nightlies/ in your sources I think21:28
BUGabundoI no longer need deb https://sneakpeek:delighted@private-ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntuone/beta/ubuntu jaunty main21:30
BUGabundo 21:30
BUGabundodo I ?21:30
BUGabundodeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntuone/beta/ubuntu jaunty main21:30
statikthey are listed here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/ . nightlies are built at least once a day usually and might not work. the stuff in beta we've at least run a set of regression tests on21:30
BUGabundoso just replace here?21:30
dobeyif you want, yes21:34
BUGabundolest check for update21:34
BUGabundodoes U1 require restart after?21:35
dobeyprobably yes21:45
BUGabundoone more U1 invite sent21:51
BUGabundohey aarrieta ehehe21:52
aarrietaim on process to sign up and try21:52
statikkenvandine: do you like znc better than bip?22:03
kenvandinenever tried bip22:03
kenvandineznc worked so well :)22:03
kenvandinenow that i wasted my last hour and a half dealing with laptop failure.... time to go :/22:03

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