
popeyhmm, i recently had my lp id changed from alanpope to popey, my ppa page on lp says that the path to my ppa is http://ppa.launchpad.net/popey/ppa/ubuntu but that 404s, the old url http://ppa.launchpad.net/alanpope/ppa/ubuntu works00:14
popeyi guess this is a bug in the whole name-changing thing, problem is my ppa page actually has the 404ing url in it. I am giving a talk on saturday at my lug about bugs and ppas, would be nice not to expose lp to some ridicule :S00:15
popeyis it possible to get my ppa renamed?00:15
wgrantpopey: You weeeeere told it would break your PPA.00:17
popeyi was?00:17
popeyi didnt realise it would break like this00:17
wgrantFortunately, it's fixable.00:18
popeyshall i file a question on lp?00:18
wgrantJust delete all of the packages, wait 5 minutes, then copy them back in.00:18
wgrantThat'll have it fixed in 10 minutes.00:18
popeyooo, thats even better00:18
popeynice one, thanks!00:18
wgrantAnd then maybe ask a question to get your old PPA removed from ppa.launchpad.net, as it'll be orphaned now.00:19
popeynice patronising weeeeeeere there by the way ;)00:19
popeyshould i delete my ppa and create a new one after deleting the packages from it? or is that not necessary?00:19
wgrantYou can't delete the PPA - but no, that's not necessary.00:19
DavieyThis is horribly broken00:20
wgrantActually, it's possible you could need to wait for the packages to actually be removed from disk first (every 30 minutes, IIRC), before you copy them back.00:20
zsquareplusci thought there was a way to automatically build packages from a bzr repo. but the help page only talks about uploading.00:20
popeyi will wait overnight00:20
wgrantzsquareplusc: Various people have written various scripts to do that. There's nothing built into Launchpad to do that yet.00:21
wgrantDaviey: What's horribly broken?00:22
popeysomeone else could sign up as alanpope and they may have trusted me personally previously, they may not trust the new me00:23
Davieywgrant: -> pm00:23
wgrantpopey: The OpenPGP key will stop that.00:23
zsquarepluscwgrant: ahh now i see, i can upload source packages and they are automatically built. but not yet directly from a repo. thats ok00:23
popeyhe explains it better anyway :)00:23
wgrantzsquareplusc: That's right.00:23
wgrantDaviey: OK...00:24
Davieywgrant: ah well.. it's here now00:24
DavieyI'm *assuming* it creates a new gpg key.. not checked that if i sign up as ~alanpope now it does00:24
wgrantIt does, yes.00:24
Davieybut the bigger issue is, how many people bother checking the apt-get warning00:24
wgrantthe OpenPGP key is associated with the PPA in the DB, so it will have been moved with the PPA.00:25
wgrantWell, it exists for a reason.00:25
Daviey(considering people are used to apt-get  gpg warnings)00:25
wgrantIt shouldn't be ignored.00:25
wgrantThey shouldn't be used to them.00:25
wgrantmuch much worse things can happen if people ignore them.00:25
Davieyfurther, a *real* example is ~screen-profiles, which does indeed have many subscribers00:25
Daviey(well did)00:25
Daviey"They shouldn't be used to them." doesn't really wash IMO00:26
wgrantIt is certainly a problem.00:26
DavieyI'm *certain* most users would ignore it00:26
wgrantThose users are buggy.00:26
Davieyi imagine many people wouldn't bother checking the digits00:27
wgrantAnd apt should probably refuse to install packages from a repo that has recently become unsigned.00:27
wgrantBut, then there's still the risk that somebody will stumble on instructions about installing the old PPA.00:27
DavieyAnd if you think about the script mez posted to planet ubuntu, which *many* people adopted (as it brought down the ubuntu keyserver), then that gpg key is automagically imported00:27
wgrantThen they'll go to the fake PPA page on LP, and get the new evil key.00:27
wgrantAnd everybody dies.00:27
popeywonder how many people did adopt the mezism00:28
DavieyLP really isn't designed for people changing names, eh :)00:28
zsquarepluscoww. debuild -S packages the .bzr directory and other files not belonging to the distribution too :/00:29
wgrantDaviey: That *is* part of the reason you're not allowed to change your name if you have a PPA.00:29
spmwgrant: point of order. :-) "<wgrant> Those users are buggy." no. that's human nature. exceptions should be just that, exceptional. if it ever becomes normal, then the exceptions themselves are the problem. not the person.00:29
* Daviey thinks about waiting for a popular team to change id.. and creating a PPA with a package that pings a url of mine as part of postinst to count how many people would have been fooled00:29
spmThis is one reason why VISTA's security popups are such a fail. they become "normal" and hence mindlessly accepted.00:29
wgrantzsquareplusc: Perhaps use bzr-builddeb, or pass '-i' to debuild00:29
wgrantspm: Right. So the error should be more like the one when apt attempts to remove an Essential package. The user gets a nice big warning, and has to type a sentence acknowledging their fate.00:31
wgrantIf they ignore that, there is nothing that can be done to save them...00:31
spmaas, it is not that easy :-)00:31
spmpiss them off enough, and they'll find a way to switch the irritation off altogether. even worse end result.00:32
Daviey(aka mez's script)00:32
spmaiui, yes.00:32
zsquarepluscmmm, debuild 's --help and the manpage do not explain -i though they mention it in an example00:33
wgrantzsquareplusc: That's because debuild calls dpkg-buildpackage, which calls dpkg-source. See dpkg-source's manpage.00:33
DavieyWell even running the script manually, popey's post, would be enough to cause a dangerous situation00:33
wgrantDaviey: Right.00:33
wgrantSo, the moral of the story is that you should always examine email addresses and team memberships of a PPA owner. And/or LP should blacklist old names.00:34
wgrantBut the latter removes much of the reason for renaming accounts - freeing up the namespace.00:34
spmwe had this issue in defence land with MAC's on workstations. force users to DTRT, and you end up with personal shopping lists classified Top Secret.00:34
Davieywgrant: i'm certain that locking the old id for a period of time would cause too much issue00:35
wgrantDaviey: s/would/wouldn't/?00:35
SamBspm: that sounds like the wrong thing to me00:35
Davieyerr wouldn't :)00:35
spmSamB: in what way?00:36
SamBwell, it's just excessive00:36
SamBshopping lists classified top secret!00:36
spmwell that's the fault of using technical controls to solve a people problem. basically. :-)00:36
spmMAC's don't care about contents, only enforcement.00:37
SamBnow, rw------- I could see00:37
SamBbut top secret means something a bit different from that00:37
spmSamB: MAC as in madatory access controls. rw----- on steroids kinda thing. force bell-la-padula(sp?) model onto windows etc.00:38
Davieywgrant: if you google screen-profiles and PPA there are a number of links that advise (or link to) adding a defunct PPA.  It's too easy for a rogue to adopt the now unused LP id00:38
spmSamB: so can copy'n'paste from a Secret window into a TS one, but not the other way.00:38
SamBokay, yeah, that's kind of idiotic00:39
wgrantDaviey: Right - that's a situation I mentioned earlier.00:39
spmend result, users end up working in the TS windows only, as life is easy there.00:39
spmyup. it is idiotic. :-)00:39
SamBisn't that kind of like running as Admin ?00:39
SamBVista's dialog is better than *that*00:40
spmis not so much the dialog itself, more the frequency of. when he was ~ 3, our little boy was perfectly trained by the XP UI to automatically close any and all warning/error popups. that's a UI  design fail. and a big one.00:42
spmlittle boy that cries wolf; by another name,00:42
wgrantHmmm. Does process-deathrow not run every half hour?00:42
spmwgrant: are you talking LP here? and err which part of? :-)00:44
wgrantAh, there we go.00:44
antonoi just face a problem00:45
wgrantspm: It's the Soyuz thingy that removes packages from the disk.00:45
wgrantIt just ran.00:45
wgrantpopey: You can probably restore stuff to your PPA now.00:45
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
antonoi just copied package from my ppa to https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-rails/+archive/ppa00:45
popeywgrant: yeah, its fine now thanks00:45
antonoboth ppas in my sources.list00:45
antonowhen i trying to update my package i getting following error from aptitude:00:46
antonoE: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-on-rails/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gitg/gitg_0.4.1-3_i386.deb: Size mismatch00:46
antonowhat should i do?00:47
wgrantantono: I wonder if you have a dodgy proxy between you and Launchpad - that all looks fine to me.00:49
antononope, only if my provider is clever enough to setup such a proxy00:50
antonoi'll try to get info from my provider00:51
zsquarepluscmm. bzr-builddeb looks nice. but it complains about a missing debian/files while debuild -S runs happily without that one00:52
james_wI dispute that00:52
james_wdid you run "bzr builddeb -S"?00:52
wgrantantono: I can confirm that the archive works fine for me, so it's something on your end.00:53
antonowgrant: thanks00:53
zsquarepluscjames_w: yes00:53
zsquareplusc"native" mode00:53
james_wzsquareplusc: can you pastebin the output please?00:54
antonois it ok to have 2 versions of one package in both ppas?00:54
antono*2 copies00:54
james_wI'm pretty sure bzr-builddeb doesn't check for debian/files00:54
wgrantantono: They're different binaries, but that is normally fine.00:54
zsquarepluscjames_w, i get three lines: Building using working tree | Running in native mode | bzr: ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '<cut>/debian/files'00:55
james_wI know this bug00:55
james_wsorry, I should have remembered it earlier00:55
james_wit's actually "No such file or directory: some file that has been removed"00:56
antonowgrant: thank you so much! :)00:57
wgrantantono: No problem.00:57
james_wzsquareplusc: bug 174539 I suspect00:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174539 in bzr "export doesn't handle files going missing from working tree" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17453900:58
patapoufHi all,00:58
patapoufI wondering if someone can tell me where I should execute the merge operation if I have a trunk branch a another branch ..00:59
zsquarepluscjames_w ah i see now. no i don't think it is that bug. but i have removed the file and have not yet committed.  there should be some sort of warning like "WARNING: you are building in a working copy with changes" or something like that01:01
intellectronicapatapouf: what do you mean? do you want to merge your branch into trunk?01:02
james_wzsquareplusc: what does your "bzr status" say?01:02
james_wperhaps it's a new bug01:02
zsquarepluscit reports the file that caused the error as removed01:03
patapoufyep, devel to trunk ...01:03
james_wok. thanks01:03
intellectronicapatapouf: just push a merged branch to the location of trunk01:03
patapoufok ..01:04
zsquarepluscjames_w after bzr ci, it builds w/o error now :-)01:06
james_wzsquareplusc: would you be so kind as to file a bug report telling me how I could reproduce?01:06
zsquarepluscow.. reproduce.. hey i'm just building my first package on my own here ;-)01:08
james_wheh :-)01:10
=== asac_ is now known as asac
zsquareplusci guess it will take some time until it appears in the ppa after the dput?01:20
wgrantzsquareplusc: Up to 5 minutes.01:27
wgrantzsquareplusc: If it doesn't show up on the PPA page within 5 minutes, you probably didn't sign it properly.01:27
zsquarepluscmy bad.. it's even a FAQ entry, heh01:37
wgrantWhat was the problem?01:37
zsquarepluscwrong upload destination01:39
lifelessspm: can you see if branch whiteboards are still preserved in the DB?01:42
spmlifeless: sure, can you give me some pointers of which table(s) to look at?01:42
lifelessthumper: ^01:43
lifelessspm: branch or branch*01:43
spm'k, one sec01:43
spmlifeless: branch has > 2500 whiteboards that are not null, on staging.01:45
lifelessspm: can you get a dump of the whiteboards for branches of squid01:46
lifeless(join to product where product.name like "%squid%")01:46
spmlifeless: sure. gimme a few to work some magic.01:46
SamBwhat happened to the whiteboards anyway?01:50
SamBhow are vcs-imports problems supposed to be discussed without them?01:51
lifelessSamB: answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-code01:52
SamBlifeless: I mean, like, a specific import fails01:52
jmlSamB: code-imports still have whiteboards01:52
spmlifeless: https://pastebin.canonical.com/18298/ - you may wish to verify my sql-fu01:52
lifelessSamB: so I do - if an import fails, you can alert jml & co via answers01:52
jmlanswers is definitely the best place to ask questions.01:53
lifelessspm: looked fine to me01:55
lifelessI've copied the result part of it to them01:55
SamBlifeless: isn't it usually the vcs-imports people that alert the users?01:58
SamBI mean, if the FIRST import fails01:59
thumperSamB: whiteboards are deprecated throughout launchpad02:02
zsquarepluscyes! the package works :-)02:25
zsquarepluscwgrant and james_w: thanks for your help02:25
nhandlerWould an LP admin be able to subscribe me to all packages currently maintained by a certain team if I were to file a question on answers.launchpad.net? Or would I need to manually subscribe to all of them?02:28
jmlnhandler: I don't know.02:31
jmlnhandler: maybe they could. also, maybe you could do it yourself with th LP APIs.02:31
jmllots of maybes :(02:31
wgrantThe LP API doesn't let you do that/02:31
wgrantMaybe you can convince a Bugs person to expose it.02:33
wgrantHmm, but you also can't list a Person's maintained packages.02:33
spmisn't that a structural subscription? - tho I'm not aware of those being hooked to teams...02:35
wgrantIt is a structural subscription, yes.02:35
spmheh. usually it's people wanting *out* of one of those. not in. :-D02:36
spmnhandler: I gather it's not possible for you to simply join said team?02:40
wgrantThe problem is that lots of subscriptions need to be added.02:40
wgrantSubscriptions of the team to the packages.02:40
wgrantThere's no way to do that other than manually through the UI.02:40
wgrantOr SQL.02:40
nhandlerspm: It isn't a real team. It is an account that was created when some packages from Debian were synced: https://edge.launchpad.net/~pkg-perl-maintainers02:42
nhandlerThe team maintains over 1000 packages, which is why I was looking for an easier way than me manually subscribing to all of the packages02:43
wgrant(Maintainers aren't automagically subscribed, I might note)02:43
nhandlerwgrant: I know02:43
wgrantnhandler: I know you know.02:43
wgrantI wasn't sure that spm did.02:43
spmnope, didn't know :-)02:43
spmah. perl. yes. that would account for the large number of packages. aka line-noise.02:44
wgrantYou could probably write a script to make a thousand POST requests on your behalf, taking the list of packages from a Debian Sources file (can't use Ubuntu's - the maintainer is overridden).02:47
nhandlerwgrant: I guess I could do that. I just wanted to see if the LP admins had an easy way to do this before I wrote up a script of my won02:48
spmnhandler: not that I'm aware of - we have to do pretty much the same thing. if only via sql. :-/02:49
wgrantAnd the query would be a bit more complicated than the trivial one to remove a subscription...02:49
spmto a certain extent, going via an automated UI POST would be safer. albeit more clumsy.02:49
nhandlerOk. I guess I'll write up a Perl script to do this ;)02:50
nhandlerThanks for your help spm and wgrant02:50
wgrantnhandler: But you'll also file a bug to get the subscription methods exposed.02:51
spmha! np.02:51
zsquarepluscmm when i have a deb package is there a dpkg command to list it's dependencies/suggests w/o installing it?02:51
nhandlerwgrant: Yes I will. Would that be against the API or LP itself?02:51
wgrantnhandler: launchpad-registry or malone... Since I'm not sure, file against launchpad.02:52
nhandlerwgrant: Sure thing02:53
wgrantzsquareplusc: 'dpkg -f /path/to/deb Depends'02:53
wgrantThat'll get the Depends field.02:53
zsquareplusci've created the PPA for the team i created for the project. is there something i can do that the PPA is listed on the projects homepage?02:56
persianhandler, If you haven't run your script yet, for the avoidance of duplication, you might just want to activate the maintenance team for the existing person in LP registered with the team maintainer address, set a contact address to something special (e.g. a LP ML), and subscribe the team.  That way others who want to subscribe to the same bug set don't need to run the script themselves.04:20
nhandlerpersia: Good idea, I'll give that a try04:24
persianhandler, Note that this will be a few questions in LP: one to try to turn the "maintainer" into a proper team, and probably another to gain "control" without sending the auth details to a public mailing list.04:25
persia(and maybe more along the way)04:25
bialixhi, can you suggest me the way to force lp send mail about merge requests made in lp code to our mailing list (qbzr project)?06:41
bialixcan I avoid of creating dummy user with required e-mail?06:42
persiabialix, You could create a team instead of a user, and give the team contact address as the mailing list.06:47
persia(and subscribe the team to the branch, etc.)06:47
bialixwe have a team ~qbzr-dev06:48
persiaDoes the team have a contact address?06:48
bialixno, it seems not yet06:49
persiaThat's probably the way to do it then (although I don't know the UI very well).06:49
wgrantBut having a contact address may be undesirable, depending on what the team is used for.06:50
* persia defers to wgrant who understands this much better06:50
bialixwgrant: can you explain?06:51
wgrantSo, this all worked pretty nicely before Launchpad grew far too many new features, resulting in everything being pretty inflexible and somewhat inconvenient.06:51
wgrantbialix: What do you use ~qbzr-dev for?06:52
bialixwe are working on QBzr project06:52
bialixmembers of the team has write privileges to push new revision to trunk06:53
bialixalso members of team manage bugs06:53
bialixis there is possible other usage of team on LP?06:53
wgrantOK. Is it used for email at all? Bugmail, branch revision notifications, that sort of thing?06:53
bialixI don;t understand06:54
bialixevery member susbcribed individually to trunk06:54
wgrantOK, that's good.06:54
bialixbugmails going to each member too06:54
wgrantGood, good.06:54
bialixas you said06:55
wgrantSo you should be safe to add the mailing list as the email address.06:55
wgrantThen you can subscribe the team to get emails about merge proposals, and the emails will go to the mailing list.06:55
bialixand what about bugmails?06:55
persiaDo you want bugmail to go to the list, or to individuals?06:56
bialixonly to individuals06:56
wgrantAre the individuals subscribed to bugmail, or is the team?06:56
bialixI found it's too boring06:56
bialixhow can I check this?06:56
persiahttp://bugs.launchpad.net/qbzr ought show it06:57
* persia gets confused06:57
wgranthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/qbzr/+subscribe, in particular.06:57
wgrantAs you can see in the porlet, *nobody* seems to get all bugmail for qbzr.06:57
bialixbut we do get it06:58
persiaFor everything, or for individual bugs?06:59
bialixis not it's a settings of the team itself?06:59
persiaTo put it another way, do you get bugmail for every new bug?06:59
bialixall new bugs come to me personally at least06:59
wgrantYou are right.06:59
wgrantThe team has an implicit subscription to the bugs, but it's not on +subscribe.06:59
bialixI guess so07:00
persiaimplicit subscriptions ought be shown.07:00
wgrantMaybe because they're configured as the maintainer.07:00
bialixthis driver/maintainer split is very confusing07:00
wgrantSo, if you set the contact address, something will change: bugmail will go to the mailing list instead of each individual user.07:00
wgrantIt is.07:00
bialixno, this is bad07:01
wgrantYou should probably replace 'driver' with 'release manager' when you think about it.07:01
wgrantExactly - this is why I said LP had become inflexible and inconvenient since all these new features appeared.07:01
bialixthis more understandable07:01
wgrantIn Launchpad, 'driver' basically means 'release manager'.07:02
* bialix sigh07:02
persiawgrant, I don't think the issue is the new features, so much as that some bits lag behind other bits.07:02
wgrantpersia: It worked well when basically the only type of email sent from Launchpad was bugmail.07:02
wgrantBut now we have all manner of other stuff.07:03
wgrantAnd it's unconfigurable.07:03
wgrantUnless you go with the proliferation of teams idea.07:03
persiaI don't remember when LP didn't also send blueprint mail.07:03
wgrantTrue, but nobody has seriously used Blueprint properly in years.07:03
persiaproliferation of teams never helped me much: I just end up on more teams that I don't clearly understand.07:03
persiaI tried to use blueprint properly about 7-8 months ago :)07:04
wgrantWas it a success?07:04
bialixblueprints give too much karma07:04
bialixI'm using it07:04
persiaWell, except for the several days wading through the volume due to lack of searching, yes, actually.07:04
bialixbut they is not very cool07:04
wgrantbialix: That's because almost nobody uses it, because it's pretty out of date and broken.07:04
wgrantbialix: So the karma is worth more.07:04
persiaThe main issue was not being able to process abandoned blueprints well.07:05
bialixwgrant: it's bad blueprints is dead and broken07:05
wgrantbialix: I hear there may be work on that soon.07:05
wgrantBut it has been abandoned by the Launchpad team for a long time.07:05
bialixit require link to spec07:05
bialixand lp does not provide wiki to save the spec07:06
bialixit's inconvenient07:06
bialixwhy there is no wiki?07:06
bialixthis is most annoying part of blueprints brokeness07:06
persiabialix, because there's conceivably something better than a wki that could be done, but would be hard to do if there was a wiki, and so it needs to get specified first (or at least that was the way I heard it last)07:07
bialixand there si not possible toget bird view of all dependecies between topics07:07
wgrantI think the roadmap page did that - but that was removed some time ago.07:07
bialixpersia: I found Trac idea of wiki for everyting is a breeze07:08
bialixyes, roadmap page disappear07:08
bialixinto blue?07:08
bialixblue yonder07:08
bialixblueprints UI is tooooooooooooo complex07:09
bialixall this dance with direction approved, split over 2 settings page07:09
bialixso yes, it's seriously broken07:10
bialixand it gives too much karma07:10
wgrantOnce it's less broken, it will give less karma.07:10
persiaBecause more people will use it.07:11
bialixanybody who is not the part of the team could file a blueprint and get more karma than main devs07:11
bialixit's not right07:11
persiaBut yeah, the whole approval mess is a bit tricky.07:11
bialixwhich parts of LP (in the term code/bugs/blueprints/translations/answers) will be open sourced?07:13
wgrantbialix: Everything except the backend bits of Code and Soyuz.07:13
bialixand what is LAZR means?07:13
bialixbackend bits -- it's ACL for codehosting?07:14
wgranthttps://launchpad.net/lazr - it's the set of some of the Python libraries that Canonical has produced.07:14
al-maisanLinux/Apache/Zope/Relational database ?07:14
bialixno, LAZR is acronym?07:14
bialixthank you07:14
bialixACLs for bzr is so complex to setup. There is no bzr equivalents to bitbucket or github07:15
wgrantbialix: Um, Launchpad?07:15
wgrantCodehosting is the stuff you push your branches to.07:15
wgrantAnd probably the vcs-imports stuff as well, but I couldn't be sure.07:16
bialixon LP I can't create private branches for reasonable small fee07:16
bialixI need paid codehosting for small price07:16
persiabialix, You've asked a question and discovered the pricing?07:16
bialixbitbucket and github have it07:16
bialix$250/year  + VAT07:17
bialixthis is info from one of LP answers07:17
* persia didn't really want to know the number, just wanted to make sure the question was asked.07:17
bialixI don't asked07:17
wgrantThat's for a proprietary project with private bugs.07:17
wgrantPrivate branches could be different.07:17
bialixbut from all info available it's even not clear I (individual) can have private branches07:17
wgrantYou could ask.07:17
bialixthere is info about commercial support07:18
bialixI've asked poolie directly and he pointed me to answer about commercial support07:18
wgrantThe github model is nice, I agree - I, as a user, can pay a few dollars a month for some number of private branches.07:19
wgrantI suspect LP could get quite a few people on that model...07:19
persiaEven just from folk who were branching other projects and didn't want to publish yet.07:19
bialixmaybe because entire LP is oriented on open source only07:19
wgrantpersia: Exactly.07:20
bialixwhile github oriented on profit07:20
wgrantbialix: LP is for commercial projects too.07:20
bialixIIUC only for BIG commercial projects07:20
* bialix wishes to run startup as github but for bzr07:22
wgrantThat's probably why they are keeping codehosting proprietary.07:23
* bialix nods07:25
jmluhh actually, we offer private branches for a fee.07:26
jmlwe're just lousy at communicating that.07:26
wgrantjml: Nothing obviously affordable like the other services, though.07:27
bialixeven google can't find this answer07:27
wgrantIn fact, nothing obvious at all.07:27
jmlsee previous comment :)07:27
persiajml, It might be worth having pricing in a FAQ somewhere, rather than in a series of questions.  Would improve discoverabilit.07:27
wgrantPlus I can't create a private branch outside a private project.07:29
bialixjust to compare with github/bitbucket: one can open price page from main page07:29
* bialix has to run07:31
wgrantjml: So, I can't find documentation about private branch pricings anywhere at all.07:35
wgrantAnd if it's not documented, it doesn't exist.07:35
jmlif you say so.,07:36
persiaIs there documentation on private project pricing?  I thought folk were always encouraged to ask questions.07:36
persiaAsking a question about private branches might generate some documentation (if only in the question log)07:36
persiaSo, I haven't gotten any bugmail in 7 hours, which is becoming suspicious (especially because I performed bug actions that usually send me mail in that time).  Is it just me?07:39
wgrantpersia: I got some just a couple of hours ago.07:39
wgrantBut there has been significant lag at times lately.07:40
wgrantActually, I just got some bugmail 30 seconds ago.07:40
persiaHrm.  Then it's probably just me.07:40
wgrantNo more than a couple of minutes later than I would expect.07:40
wgrantAnd while there are two types of bugmail, the kind I just got is the kind that you would be expecting.07:40
jmlthere was a major delay the other day too.07:41
wgrantI got some stuff around 10 hours late...07:41
persiaI actually expect to get both types at a rate of several an hour throughout the day.07:41
spmpersia: can you number a couple of bugs? I'll have a look and check you should have been sent copies.07:43
persiaspm, bug #28835 is the one I mostly noticed.07:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 28835 in hundredpapercuts ""Unmount" in volume right-click menu, is tech-speak and undiscoverable" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2883507:46
persiaI kinda expected something from 379592 as well, but I'm not as sure.07:48
spmpersia: ok. two blasts: 2009-06-11 23:40:3[23] & 2009-06-12 03:17:38 - still looking for you in that lot07:49
spmyup you shoulda got both. persia@u.c07:49
spmpersia: check your spam trap maybe? I know I had a couple of work related emails in tehre recently.07:50
persiahrm.  Odd.  I'm getting other mail there.07:50
JNRoweHi guys, I suspect this has an obvious answer but...  how do I download a snapshot of a project from launchpad, I can't seem to find any such option on the site or in the help.07:56
jmarsdenJNRowe: bzr get lp:~someuser/someproject/somebranch    # is this what you mean ?07:57
JNRoweno, I wasn't clear.  I meant a tarball or a zip or something as I don't have bzr07:58
jmarsdenUnless the project has published one (few do), there is no way to cause one to be created just for you, as far as I know.07:58
jmarsdenInstalling bzr is pretty simple :)07:59
JNRoweoh right, I just assumed there probably was one I couldn't find as there is with most other code hosting sites07:59
JNRowethanks anyway07:59
jmarsdenNo problem.  You may be able to download source packages if the project also has a PPA (Personal Package Archive) associated with it08:00
wgrantThere's a feature request somewhere for Loggerhead (the Launchpad code browser) to provide tarballs.08:01
persiajmarsden, projects can have PPAs now?08:02
jmarsdenHmmm... teams can... I don't think I've tried it with a project, so maybe not... but the project *team* can have one :)08:03
wgrantThere's meant to be project<->archive links appearing in the next couple of months.08:03
thekornhi, I've got a few questions about bug 13167908:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131679 in compiz "Crash inside doPoll()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13167908:07
thekornis it just me or is the subscriber portlet missing on this one08:07
wgrantthekorn: It's there.08:08
wgrantJust below the duplicates.08:08
wgrantWhy below, I have no idea.08:08
wgrantThe portlet is there, but the AJAX bit fails to load.08:09
wgrantProbably because of a timeout.08:09
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: henninge | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
wgrantOh, no, just a good old OOPS.08:09
thekornwgrant, yes, it is there, but content is missing08:09
wgrantOK, it is a timeout after all.08:10
wgrantProbably takes too long to calculate the subscribers of the huge number of dupes.08:10
wgrant(which is part of the reason it's loaded by AJAX)08:10
thekornmy other question is about bugmails: should notifications for a bug which happen in a small timeframe be bundled into one bugmail?08:10
persiaI think they should.08:10
wgrantChanges by one user within a few minutes should be batched, yes.08:11
wgrantBut comments by any user, or intermediate changes by other users, can disrupt that.08:11
thekornah, ok, so it has to be changes by one user, and within a few minutes08:12
thekornproblem: this bug got ~190 new dublicates within the last few hours, all marked by the same user,08:14
persiaThat's arguably changes to 190 *different* bugs.08:14
thekornand I got bugmail for each of this actions,08:14
wgrantRight, they're different bugs.08:14
thekornyes, but at the end this are 190 changes to this bug08:14
wgrantWhich bug was the notification sent from?08:15
thekornall come from bug 32054508:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320545 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 131679)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32054508:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131679 in compiz "Crash inside doPoll()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13167908:15
wgrantI mean, which is in the sub08:16
wgrantEr, subject field.08:16
thekornok, right, subject is always different08:17
wgrantRight, the notifications are from different bugs.08:18
wgrantYou just happen to get notifications from them because they are duplicates of a bug to which you are subscribed, I suspect.08:18
wgrantBatching notifications from different bugs sounds like a bad idea.08:18
thekornso, this leads me to another question, why do I get bugmails for bugs which have been marked as duplicate of the bug I'm subscribed to?08:18
wgrantThat changed a couple of years ago, IIRC.08:19
wgrantBut you'd have to ask a Bugs dev.08:19
thekornI mean: a would expect tons of bugmails like "bug XXXX marked as dup of 123456, you get this mail, because you are subscribed to 123456"08:20
wgrantthekorn: Isn't that what those emails are?08:21
thekornwgrant, well yes, but I got bugmail from bug xxxxx, but I would expect to get lots of bugmails from bug 123456, which I'm subscribed to08:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123456 in xine-lib "podcast crashes amarok" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345608:22
wgrantSounds like you need to argue with a Bugs person.08:24
thekornanyway, thanks wgrant for listening to me ;)08:25
wgrantthekorn: np08:26
thekornmaybe I should just file a bug, and see what happens08:26
wgrantThat might work.08:27
robert_ancellis there anyway to stop a mail flood from marking duplicates?  I've been doing some serious triaging in compiz and it appears to be notifying everyone of the duplicates that have been reported.  Some unhappy people out there...08:28
wgrantrobert_ancell: Heh, thekorn was just going to file a bug about that.08:28
robert_ancellwgrant: I suspend my canonical email is going to be subscribed to every spam list for this...08:29
thekornrobert_ancell, hehe, good job ;) did you use a script, or did you mark all of them by hand?08:29
robert_ancellUsed lp-set-dup from ubuntu-dev-tools08:30
robert_ancellI merged three bugs which had about 100 duplicates each08:30
thekornrobert_ancell, does this script have an argument to add a comment to describe your action?08:33
persiaI generally don't prefer to receive comments from scripts like that, personally.08:33
robert_ancellthekorn: no option08:34
thekornIMO, if somebody is running such kind of scripts, it should be explained08:34
robert_ancellthekorn: but why notify people? does anyone actually want to know if a bug they're watching gets another duplicate?  especially past the fifth duplicate?08:35
thekornpersia, you know what's going on, but new user don't08:35
persiaWell, actually, yes.  Sometimes there's useful discussion in the dupes.08:35
thekornI mean, let's say I'm mr. random user, and a filed a bug in the past about my compiz not running correctly,08:36
thekornI did not hear anything about it for over a few month08:36
persiathekorn, Hrm.  Perhaps just to leave a comment in the master bug explaining it once?  My issue is with the mass-bug-comments where I get the same message on 100 bugs all at once.08:36
thekornand then, I get tons of confusing mails08:37
thekorn*this* is confusing08:37
persiaRight, but what if you got one mail with the explanation, and then the 100 dup messages?  Would that work for you?08:38
persia(and I think this has become an #ubuntu-bugs discussion)08:38
robert_ancellMy experience with bugzilla is I always thought duplicate notification should be opt-in08:38
persiarobert_ancell, Very little notification is opt-in for launchpad.  It's designed to encourage communication.08:38
thekornpersia, the problem here is, that a user which has been subscribed to the bug after this comment has been added will never see this comment in his/her mails08:39
robert_ancellpersia: yes, but my argument here is duplicate notification is not good communication - it is noise for most users08:39
persiaah, so a user who got subscribed by being previously subscribed to one of the first dupes?08:39
thekornpersia, yes08:40
persiaHrm.  It's always bad for someone.08:40
thekornthat's so true08:40
thekornbut in my opinion it is worse if it's bad for mister random user,08:41
persiarobert_ancell, In many cases it turns out there is a workaround or hint sitting in a duplicate, especially for the packages that attract fewer bugs.  I'm not certain that a single duplicate message isn't useful for most people.  It's 100 messages that's rarely useful.08:42
robert_ancellpersia: I think in that case there needs to be a threshold, e.g. notify the first 5 duplicates for everyone and then only the remaining for users who have opted in (e.g. developers)08:43
persiathekorn, But it's *always* bad for mister random user, either the first person in the queue gets tons of duplicate comments, or the last person in the queue doesn't know what happened.08:44
wgrantThe solution is to stop so many dupes being filed.08:44
persiarobert_ancell, I doubt even developers want to see the next 185.08:44
wgrantThere is no excuse for having hundreds of duplicates.08:44
* persia agrees with wgrant08:44
robert_ancellpersia: It doesn't bother me because I can filter them and I want to know how many duplicates there are08:45
robert_ancellwgrant: a lot of these are pre-apport08:46
wgrantrobert_ancell: So it's probably not a problem that needs solving.08:46
persiarobert_ancell, The number is easily available from LP at any time, and the bugmail never gives you the correct number unless you were a bug contact for the package before the first was filed.08:47
robert_ancellwgrant: These cases will occur in the future and reporters will get angry again...  I wish they could be batched somehow (e.g. the following 1000 bugs have been marked as a duplicate of bug xxx which you follow)08:48
robert_ancellpersia: but if you are following that bug you get an idea of what is going on08:48
persiaWell, yes.  Wasn't I arguing for duplicate notifications to be sent by default earlier :)08:49
persiaMy point is only that it's not useful in terms of determining the count.08:49
robert_ancellpersia: agreed08:50
robert_ancellwgrant: every duplicate of bug 13169 will send out 300 email right? That is going to annoy people as there will almost certainly be a duplicate every so often. And as we get closed to Karmic the frequency will increase08:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 13169 in wireless-tools "if-pre-up.d/wireless-tools error with non wireless device" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1316908:51
wgrantrobert_ancell: Probably.08:53
wgrantThe solution to this might be the me-too feature.08:54
wgrantMost of those users probably don't actually want to be subscribed.08:54
wgrantThey just want to know when it's fixed.08:54
persiaWell, that gets into the unable-to-unsubscribe-from-implicit-subscriptions issue, as many of the subscribers are subscribed as the originator of the bug (or a dup)08:55
persiaBut the solution is for LP to be even smarter about helping people find their bug, rather than filing a new one.08:55
robert_ancellgtg, here's to not having an angry crowd outside my door tomorrow :)08:57
=== Edwin is now known as Guest1655
BUGabundowgrant:  eheh09:35
BUGabundou caught me on my way to #launchpad to ask what was that old bug that didnt allow users to unsub from dups09:35
BUGabundoand good morning to you all09:36
wgrantBUGabundo: Heh. Does it work if you go to +subscribe?09:36
BUGabundoat least for the master bug09:36
wgrantWhat does it do?09:36
BUGabundoI guess I'm subbed to one of the dupes09:36
BUGabundowgrant: does _nothing_09:36
BUGabundoon edge09:36
BUGabundopage won't even reload... let me try to open on a new tab09:36
wgrant+subscribe will unsubscribe you from the dupes, if you are subscribed to them.09:36
BUGabundothat works!09:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131679 in compiz "Crash inside doPoll()" [Unknown,Confirmed]09:37
BUGabundo         Unsubscribe from                  bug #131679                    Unsubscribing yourself or a team from a bug also unsubscribes from     duplicates.                                Â Unsubscribe me from this bug09:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131679 in compiz "Crash inside doPoll()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13167909:37
BUGabundohumm shouldn't it tell me what are the dupes I'm subbed to ??09:37
BUGabundono idea why the AJAX thingy aint working09:38
BUGabundobut midle click to new tab works, at least I hope so09:38
BUGabundoclicking now09:38
BUGabundoYou have been unsubscribed from this bug and 1 duplicate (#191365).09:38
wgrantI see.09:39
wgrantIt's because the list of subscribers times out.09:39
wgrantSo the button gets partly AJAX-ified.09:39
wgrantRelated to bug #386236 - I'll mutate that to cover this issue too.09:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386236 in malone "Subscribers portlet main content silently fails to load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38623609:39
BUGabundoit would help if it was done NOW09:39
wgrantThis could be pretty important to get fixed on prod, actually... there are going to be hundreds of irate users finding the unsubscribe link.09:40
BUGabundolots of ppl will scream FAULLLL09:40
BUGabundoif they can't unsub from this massive bug09:40
BUGabundowgrant: one more thing! AFAICT https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/131679/comments/3709:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131679 in compiz "Crash inside doPoll()" [Unknown,Confirmed]09:40
BUGabundoRobbert *just* dupped two bugs to the master one09:41
BUGabundobrigging with those 169 and 19 dupes09:41
BUGabundoif so, _why_ did it generated soooo much bug mail ?09:41
BUGabundoI got >160 emails!09:41
BUGabundothere is a bad workflow here somewhere09:42
wgrantBUGabundo: In LP, dupes can't nest.09:42
BUGabundoI know!09:42
wgrantSo, he actually set some awfully large number of bugs that were dupes of the other two as dupes of the main one.09:42
BUGabundowe already had that discussion once09:42
wgrantThen set the two other master bugs as dupes of the main one.09:42
wgrantCreately approximately an awful lot of email.09:43
BUGabundowith the new AJAX controls *if* I dupe a bug with dupes to another, don't all the _nested_ dupes dupe the master?09:43
wgrantNo - you can't do that.09:43
* BUGabundo tries to re-read that and make sense 09:43
wgrantYou used to be able to, but that was a bug.09:43
wgrantA bug that was fixed fairly quicklyy.09:44
BUGabundohumm really?09:44
wgrantBecause it created really confusing situations.09:44
BUGabundoI remember doing that just weeks ago09:44
wgrantAnd allowed dupe loops, which caused a timeout.09:44
BUGabundolonger after that _fix_ came in09:44
wgrantRight - the problem appeared when duping was AJAXified.09:44
BUGabundoyes, that was the main bug... but recently it worked as I expected it too09:44
BUGabundoI marked a bug as dupe, and dupes automagicly changed too09:45
BUGabundowhich is what in this case Robbert should have been able to do.... or else I may be need an Hand transplant by now09:45
wgrantHe used a tool from ubuntu-dev-tools to do it.09:47
wgrantAnd no, LP will not automatically move dupes across; I just checked on staging.09:47
BUGabundostupid Q: shouldnt it ?09:48
BUGabundo(assuming it avoids loops)09:48
wgrantPerhaps. would make it very easy to generate lots of bugmail.09:49
BUGabundothat the idea: it shouldn't!09:50
BUGabundolet me think of the Rational09:50
BUGabundoim subed to bug y. z is dupe of y. y p t o are marked dups of x. now y t p o z are now dupes of x.09:51
BUGabundoevery one (not on X) should only get ONE email of a massive dupping to X09:52
BUGabundoppl on X only get one email too, *after* all dupes came through!09:52
BUGabundothe prob currently is that any bug like X gets also a mail that any pre-dupes bugs, will be marked as dupes of it09:53
BUGabundohumm Feature or Bug ?09:53
BUGabundoI'll file a wish bug on that, and try to make up a blueprint too09:54
* BUGabundo runs $ ubuntu-bug launchpad because he's sleepy09:54
BUGabundowould that be malone ?09:58
wgrantIt would.09:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 2796 in malone "Remove constraint on marking duplicates of duplicates" [Medium,Invalid]10:02
BUGabundohere is a 2005 nested bug LOL10:02
BUGabundowe've spend 4 years fighting this10:02
BUGabundosomething is wrong with that10:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 65741 in malone "Double email to inform of duplicate bug" [Medium,Fix released]10:03
BUGabundothis description is similar to my idea10:03
wgrantThat second one is hardly relevant.10:03
wgrantBug #78596 is the one.10:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 78596 in malone "Automatically handle moving duplicates across when duplicating a bug with dupes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7859610:04
wgrantBut Bugs people should be around soon, so it's probably best to talk to them.10:05
BUGabundolet me read that one10:05
BUGabundowgrant: btw those 2 bugs I posted are diff stuff10:05
BUGabundoone is nested other is dupe bugmail10:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386261 in malone "bugs get a mail about pre-dupes bugs are going to be marked as dupes of it" [Undecided,New]10:13
\shguys, is there any timeframe to fix bug #385619? (launchpadlib)10:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385619 in launchpadlib "All bugs for a user." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38561910:15
BUGabundowgrant: one more Q: since when is the user marked as Me Too for every filed bug?10:20
wgrantBUGabundo: Launchpad 2.2.4 - bug #28516710:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285167 in malone "New 'me too' function defaults to "This bug doesn't affect me" even though I filed the bug" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28516710:21
BUGabundoits one of those: I want. I don't!10:22
BUGabundosome cases it makes sense. but not always. I file  many bugs for other users lolol10:23
BUGabundobut then again, that's ME10:23
BUGabundonot most users... I'll agree on that10:23
persiaBUGabundo, When you file bugs for other people, aren't they usually bugs that you can verify, so you can say they affect you?10:25
BUGabundopersia: not on my hw. no10:25
wgrantpersia: Is that the purpose of that flag, though?10:26
BUGabundobut usually I'm close to the user, and can confirm on there case10:26
BUGabundoI guess on those cases, I'll un-Me Too10:26
BUGabundoshould be <5%10:26
persiawgrant, I thought the purpose of the flag was to reduce the number of "me too" comments, although I'm not sure it's succeeded.10:26
savvasis rosetta/translations part of launchpadlib? is it possible to get the percentage of translated strings?10:26
wgrantsavvas: Not at the moment.10:27
wgrantpersia: Well, it's currently unobvious that the feature exists.10:27
wgrantpersia: Should I really me-too a bug if I can reproduce it, rather than only if it actually affects me?10:27
savvaswgrant: have you noticed a bug-wishlist or a blueprint for it?10:27
persiawgrant, I think there's a bug about that.10:27
BUGabundoI Me Too if I'm affected, not can reproduce10:28
wgrantsavvas: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+question/6767110:28
savvas thanks :)10:29
BUGabundopersia: please explain what you said on the bug10:36
BUGabundoits not clear to me10:36
BUGabundo" there is no means by which the system can know if someone is going to  process another duplicate in the future."10:37
BUGabundoin this case, according to wgrant, Robbert used a set of ubuntu-dev tools10:37
BUGabundoso I'm guessing it was a single batch10:37
wgrantIt was many requests.10:38
persiaBUGabundo, Right, but LP can't know if the batch is complete at the time a given action is taken, because LP isn't responsible for doing the batch processing.10:39
BUGabundothat makes it more clear10:39
BUGabundolet me put that on the bug10:39
BUGabundopersia: then I would agree10:40
BUGabundousing dev tools or some other future UI on LP should have a 30 min timeout10:40
BUGabundo*before* emailing about dupes10:40
wgrantArbitrary timeouts like that are pure evil.10:40
BUGabundosince that isn't even a critical change to any bug. at least not as important as request for input10:41
wgrantAlthough LP already does it a bit for batching emails from one bug.10:41
persiaOh, actually, I just thought that should be part of regular LP processing.  I can't imagine a case where it's important to get dup mail faster, and it covers release day stuff too, where tens of people are simultaneously filing the same bug.10:41
persiawgrant, Well, yes, but it's better than nothing until a real fix is avaiilable.10:42
wgrantpersia: Is there a real fix?10:42
persiawgrant, You mean a known fix or a theoretically possible fix?10:43
BUGabundowgrant: IA ? :)10:43
savvasdoes anyone have any suggestions/workarounds to fix bug 384217?10:43
BUGabundowell there's 'a' fix!10:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384217 in launchpad "subscribed to a code branch, but did not receive most updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38421710:43
wgrantpersia: A practically possible fix.10:44
BUGabundowgrant: persia: have a tool box allowing the operator to end changes, sending the mail in 1 Minute10:44
persiaBUGabundo, nobody ever uses those properly.10:44
persiawgrant, Hrm.  Actually, I can't think of one.10:45
BUGabundojust like the Commit on SQL10:45
BUGabundopersia: if no user input, go to automode, after 30 min10:45
wgrantAnyway - dinner time.10:45
BUGabundopersia: if changing status didn't work, we would not have New/Incomplete states!10:46
BUGabundowgrant: enjoy10:46
BUGabundopersia: users and devs seem to set the proper state some/most of the times10:46
BUGabundoso why wouldn't an experienced bug triagger using a set of advanced tools / LP UI use yet another option to end a cycle of batching dupes?10:47
persiaBUGabundo, Well, with a "if the user doesn't do anything" default, it's not as broken, but that gets back to wgrant's point about arbitrary timeouts being pure evil.10:47
BUGabundois it any worse then getting 200 emails ?!?10:47
BUGabundo_that's_ pure evil10:48
BUGabundoon user, on servers, on network, on spam, etc10:48
persiaI suggested the arbitrary timeout.  I'm the wrong person to argue against it :)10:48
wgrantYou know what we need? Some Bugs developers who actually have experience in this area and know how things work.11:02
BUGabundowgrant: ROFL11:08
Laneyis there a bug about this? (the spam floods)11:30
Laney(from dupes)11:30
wgrantLaney: Bug #38626111:31
BUGabundoLaney: I filed one11:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386261 in malone "bugs get a mail about pre-dupes bugs are going to be marked as dupes of it" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38626111:31
Laneythanks, just wanted to subscribe to it11:32
BUGabundoLaney: no so sure it will get any acction :(11:34
Laneywouldn't just allowing transitive dupes have avoided this problem?11:36
jmehdiHi, I'm trying to copy packages in my ppa, from jaunty to karmic series, but I get this error: "The following source cannot be copied: hijra 0.1.18-1~ppa5 in jaunty (same version already has published binaries in the destination archive)", I don't understand...11:37
bigjoolsjmehdi: you need to copy with binaries11:37
BUGabundoLaney: eheh don't even go there!11:38
noodlesbigjools: so why the "same version already has..."?11:38
jmehdibigjools: I can't rebuild? why?11:38
LaneyBUGabundo: why not? has this been discussed before?11:38
noodlesah, in the same PPA... I see.11:38
bigjoolsjmehdi: no, because you would rebuild a different md5sum of the same version binary and the pool-based repo can't handle that11:39
bigjoolsjmehdi: if you want to rebuild, you need to upload a higher version for karmic11:39
BUGabundoLaney: ohhh so many times11:39
Laneywell I can see a problem with undoing it, but beyond that...11:39
BUGabundoread this backlog a bit and see a few links I posted11:39
jmehdibigjools: if I understand there is only one binary version for all series ?11:40
noodlesjmehdi: for the one source in your PPA, yes.11:40
bigjoolsjmehdi: correct, in the one PPA11:40
* henninge is back11:44
BUGabundohey sabdfl11:45
BUGabundocan we bump that bug to medium? its no Low!11:47
* BUGabundo humm I scared sabdfl way11:47
wgrantMedium doesn't exist, in ~launchpad's opinion.11:47
Laneyok so11:48
LaneyI think it should be solved via bug 7859611:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 78596 in malone "Automatically handle moving duplicates across when duplicating a bug with dupes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7859611:48
Laneywhich wasn't rejected!11:48
wgrantLaney: It could, yes. But nobody is sure how to fix that properly.11:48
wgrantAnd fixing the notifications isn't a precondition for solving the moving issue.11:49
BUGabundono its not! independent stuff11:49
Ampelbeinwgrant: fwiw, medium should be completely removed from the list of supported importances. either an issue needs fixing asap or it is a minor issue that can wait. but "medium" is like "hum, I don't really know how important this is but medium looks ok". ;-)11:50
wgrantAmpelbein: That's what ~launchpad says. I disagree, I think.11:51
BUGabundoAmpelbein: it means: when all critical bugs are done, do me next11:53
persiaAmpelbein, I'm a fan of highly graduated bug stati: so one can usefully sort to manage limited resources (although patches that resolve less important bugs well are always welcome)11:56
jmehdibigjools, noodles: actually is it worth copying my packages from jaunty to karmic in my ppa?11:57
bigjoolsjmehdi: that's a question that only you can answer11:57
bigjoolsdo you have any karmic users?11:57
noodlesjmehdi: if you want to be able to provide the software to your ppa users who use karmic...11:57
bigjoolsdo you want to test yourself in karmic?11:58
jmehdiyes I'm testing karmic11:58
AmpelbeinBUGabundo: so? why not "high" if it's important to fix? if it's not so important, why not low?11:58
jmehdibecause I'm installing an app on karmic, and I see it is fetched from "ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main"11:59
jmehdiso is it fetched from jaunty if it is not present in karmic?11:59
bigjoolsjmehdi: you need to fix your sources.list entry on your karmic machine11:59
jmehdibigjools: hmm, yes maybe it's wrong12:00
BUGabundoAmpelbein: not setting that bug to High will not kill any kittens! but sure heck will piss of many users again and again and again12:00
Ampelbeinpersia: yeah. From what I see at work, the "medium" issues are the most ignored. When something is important, it gets fixed soon. Not so important stuff gets fixed along the way, but medium is always a middle thing that tends to be time-consuming yet not important enough. ymmv.12:00
persiaAmpelbein, Depends on how you manage your bugs, really.12:01
mptbigjools, hi12:38
bigjoolsmpt: on a call right now, will catch you shortly12:39
mptbigjools, when you're free, what's this "token" thing? I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the interface or on help.launchpad.net12:45
bigjoolsmpt: the tokens are effectively your personal sources.list entry12:53
mptbigjools, so until you find out what the token is, you can't actually access the PPA?12:54
bigjoolswhich is why I think the wording on the UI needs sprucing up12:55
mptbigjools, after you have the token, do you actually get mailed about anything that happens with the PPA?12:55
mpte.g. when new packages are uploaded12:55
bigjoolsmpt: no12:55
bigjoolsbut apt-get will tell you of course12:56
mptIn that case, perhaps you shouldn't be using the word "subscription"12:56
bigjoolswhat do you think it should be?12:57
mptTalk about being given access, access revoked, etc instead12:57
mptWhen the PPA owner grants you access, why do you need to click a button to get the token? Why hasn't Launchpad generated it already?12:58
bigjoolsmpt: I explained this already - it's so we can see who is accessing the repo12:58
bigjoolsmpt: and I also said that's an implenentation detail12:59
bigjoolsthe same UI could apply to either ways of doing it12:59
mptSorry, what do you mean by "either way"? What's the other way?13:00
bigjoolsimmediate generation or lazy generation of the token13:00
mptah, right13:00
mptwell, tracking who clicked the button tells you something about who is interested13:00
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mptIt doesn't tell you whether they actually installed any of the packages :-)13:01
bigjoolstrue :)  but salgado's download counters will do that13:01
mptCould you instead track whether the person visits the PPA page itself?13:02
bigjoolshow do you see that being useful?13:03
mptIt would mean that I don't need to click a button on a separate page13:03
mptInstead I get an e-mail message saying "Hi, you've been granted access to Foo's Bar PPA. For instructions on how to use it, go to <https://launchpad.net/~foo/+archive/bar>."13:04
mptI can access that page because I've been granted access13:04
bigjoolsthat page is totally inappropriate for that situation13:04
bigjoolsit's a developer page13:04
mptand when I visit that page the first time, Launchpad generates the token13:04
mptYou're targeting this at non-developers?13:05
bigjoolsit's for end users13:05
* mpt rereads the initial e-mail message13:06
mptok, I can see how that might work13:07
mptbut in that case, +archivesubscriptions is a bit ... sparse13:08
mptIt tells me barely anything about why I'd want to use the PPA13:08
bigjoolsok, that's good to hear, we need to add more information on there13:09
mptbut I'm struggling to think of what kind of LP-generated info would be useful13:10
mptIf it's for end users, even package names wouldn't be that helpful13:10
mptMaybe the person who grants you access to a private PPA needs to be able to provide an explanatory message about what it's for?13:11
bigjoolsmpt: we should probably put the PPA description on that page13:11
bigjoolsfeel free to file a bug :)13:12
mptbut I don't entirely understand the problem space yet13:13
bigjoolsultimately, this is for people who want to control who can download their software13:13
bigjoolswhether it be commercial, or beta programmes13:13
mptDo all PPAs have names? Or just PPAs where the owner has more than one?13:14
mptThe message I got had a Subject of "New PPA subscription for Private PPA for <name of team>", but didn't have any other name or hint of what the PPA was for13:16
bigjoolsmpt: they all have names, the default is "ppa"13:17
savvasmpt: you can't change the name of the first PPA :)13:18
savvasonly the display name13:18
mptsavvas, by "name" I do mean the human name, not the database ID13:19
mptsorry if I was confusing13:19
bigjoolsmpt: the one that appears in the URL you mean?13:19
mptbigjools, display name13:20
bigjoolsah ok13:20
mptSo, all PPAs have a display name?13:21
mptwhich is currently not mentioned in either the e-mail message or the +archivesubscriptions page13:23
bigjoolsmpt: well it is13:23
mptunless I'm seeing a display name that was autogenerated from the team name13:23
noodlesmpt: so "Private PPA for <name of team>" should be the configurable display name?13:23
mptah, I see13:23
bigjoolspeople can edit that13:23
mptok, that's fine13:23
mpthey, RicardoPerez, I just read your comment in bug 38207413:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382074 in hal "Mounted ext3 file systems are not writable by users" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38207413:26
savvashm.. who or what decides about a project to be listed as featured?13:26
RicardoPerezmpt: great! what do you think?13:26
wgrantsavvas: The admins. It's manual.13:27
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mptbigjools, what do you think of this idea: Instead of tracking token generation, track whether the token is actually used to retrieve the Packages.list (or whatever it's called)13:27
henningesavvas: yes, you can point us to a project and maybe give us a reason why it should be featured.13:28
mptbigjools, the reason I suggest that is, it would avoid the need to have a "Confirm" button13:28
bigjoolsmpt: yes, we'll probably use that in the download counters13:28
savvasah ok, thanks :)13:28
bigjoolsbut I still want the confirmation stage13:28
bigjoolsand now, I really have to leave for lunch13:29
mptRicardoPerez, I'm not qualified to comment on your technical suggestion. I do know that if a FAT32-formatted external HD is more useful to more Ubuntu users than an ext3-formatted external HD, something is seriously wrong.13:29
mptbigjools, ok, when you get back, tell me why. :-) I'm curious13:29
wgrantmpt: Yeah, I've always been a bit concerned about that. But the same happens in Windows land - FAT32 vs. NTFS.13:29
* mpt should go for lunch too13:29
mptor brunch13:30
savvasare you a newly-wed? :P13:31
RicardoPerezmpt: that's the key. my friend is an average Ubuntu user. he bough a new hard disk, he formatted it using ext3 but he needed to call me because he was unable to write into it13:31
mptIt's also messed up that to format an external HD you need to use a "partition editor" that isn't even installed by default, but that's another story.13:32
wgrantmpt: DeviceKit-disks has a nice frontend for that.13:32
wgrantIt does crypto and everything.13:32
RicardoPerezmpt: right. I needed to apt-get install gparted, because he hadn't got it installed13:33
savvasRicardoPerez: tell him or you go and check out the output of the command: dmesg13:33
savvasunless it's fixed, that is13:33
savvasthere must be something there useful that says why it's mounted as read-only13:34
RicardoPerezsavvas: well, I'm not in my friend's home now, but the question was hal mounted it on /media/disk using 755 permissions, so my friend's user was unable to write into the disk13:34
RicardoPerezsavvas: after "sudo chmod 777 /media/disk", we was able to write into it13:35
Laneymy god13:35
Laneyit's impossible to unsubscribe from that bug13:35
wgrantRicardoPerez: Aren't those permissions on the filesystem?13:35
Laneytimes out on the web, get an OOPS when using the email interface13:36
wgrantLaney: Add /+subscribe to the URL.13:36
wgrantderyck: ^^13:36
savvasmaybe there should be a "guide on first mount"? :P13:36
RicardoPerezwgrant: the 755 permissions are the default permissions assigned by hal13:36
Laneythanks wgrant13:36
RicardoPerezmy question is: what about hal to use 777 permissions *by default* on a dinamically mounted ext3 volume?13:37
wgrantRicardoPerez: That sounds dangerous.13:37
savvasah wait there is a user at that bug, he claims it does ask you for special permissions13:37
wgrantLike Windows allowing all users the ability to create directory in C:\13:37
savvasRicardoPerez: that's already done on fat32 usb flash disks, and it is considered dangerous :)13:38
wgrantsavvas: No - they're mounted with the user's UID, so only the user has access.13:38
RicardoPerezsavvas: well... fat32 hasn't got permissions, I think :)13:38
savvasah you're both right13:39
RicardoPerezthe /media/disk for a dinamically mounted ext3 volume is owned by root13:39
savvaslet me find that bug and update it :P13:39
RicardoPerezand has a 755 permissions13:39
deryckwgrant, Is it 382074 that we're talking, that it doesn't load the subscribers?13:40
wgrantderyck: Yes.13:40
wgrantderyck: And breaks the unsubscribe functionality completely.13:40
RicardoPerezmy suggest is to have a 777 permissions by default on an ext3 volume, so anyone can write on the disk13:41
wgrantIt's going to be hitting a lot of people.13:41
wgrantRicardoPerez: No. Very bad idea.13:41
RicardoPerezeven more, it could have an sticky bit13:41
james_wderyck: wrote a script that used bug.unsubscribe(person) yesterday. You rock.13:41
RicardoPerezso an user can't remove the files from another user13:41
wgrantRicardoPerez: So any user on my system can stick whatever they want on my USB device? No.13:42
deryckjames_w, excellent!  Glad it worked well for you.13:42
RicardoPerezwgrant: well, I'm not talking about an USB disk (which is almost always a fat32 device), but an internal hard disk drive13:43
wgrantRicardoPerez: That USB devices are almost always FAT32 is a bug.13:43
deryckwgrant, I'm definitely trying to get these subscribe bugs all cleared out this cycle.13:43
wgrantRicardoPerez: 777 is not the solution to anything.13:43
wgrantExcept /tmp13:43
wgrantderyck: Great.13:43
RicardoPerezmy friend is a solo user (he's the only user in his system), and he bought the new hard disk to put data into it. but he couldn't put anything into it because the disk was mounted as 755 permissions and root owner, so only root could write data13:44
wgrantRicardoPerez: The owner is the problem, not the permission bits13:45
RicardoPerezsolutions: 1) 777 permissions; 2) change the owner to the friend's user13:45
wgrantRicardoPerez: If it was mounted dynamically, it was done from the user's session, so it knows who it should grant the privileges to.13:45
RicardoPerezwgrant: so the 2) solution is better than 1), right?13:45
wgrantRicardoPerez: By approximately infinitely many times.13:46
wgrantAnyway, this is way off topic for here.13:46
RicardoPerezthat's right, too :)13:46
RicardoPerezI've just posted a comment in the bugreport about the owner fix. Hope that helps13:49
eduplessis1 [Bug 183685] Unsubscribe13:52
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/183685/+text)13:52
eduplessis1a lot of people want to unsubscribe13:53
henningeeduplessis1: add /+subscribe to the bug url to go directly to the subscribe/unsubscribe form.13:53
eduplessis1ok thanks13:54
eduplessis1because the button unsubscribe dont work13:54
wgrantI find it remarkable that those people think their various spellings will work, and that they manage to send some emails several times.14:01
Wacherthi there14:06
Wacherthow can i create a new language in launchpad? we need german informal and theres just german and german low (not what we need)14:06
henningeWachert: if it has an iso code we can create it.14:07
Wacherti have to search if there is one14:09
Wachertis just know it as de and de-informal14:09
henningeWachert: never heard of it, although I speak it ... ;-)14:10
henningeWachert: you can always apply for an iso code14:10
henningeWachert: but it doesn't sound to me like "Umgangsdeutsch" will be recognized as a spoken language.14:11
Wachertkannste deutsch?14:11
Wachertna geht doch14:11
Wachertalso informal ist ja kein Umgangsdeutsch14:11
henningeist aber ein englischer Channel hier14:11
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BUGabundowgrant: Laney deryck I think I'll there the direct link to unsub, for all of those that can't do it right now! is it ok ?14:24
Laneyyou think you'll what the link?14:24
BUGabundonow if I could recall the bug number ....14:25
henningeBUGabundo:  add /+subscribe to the bug url to go directly to the subscribe/unsubscribe form.14:25
Laneyis there a bug about this timing out issue?14:25
BUGabundohenninge: I know that, you know that, but the 200+ users there don't!14:25
BUGabundoLaney: not that I've found one14:25
henningeBUGabundo: oh, right ;-)14:25
wgrantLaney: No.14:25
BUGabundoanyone has the bug on hand?14:25
BUGabundowgrant: care to file one?14:25
wgrantBUGabundo: I'm half asleep.14:26
henningeI'd assume there is one.14:26
henningeBUGabundo: that is not the IE7 issue, is it?14:26
wgranthenninge: No.14:26
wgranthenninge: It's a bug when a bug has lots of subscribers.14:26
BUGabundohenninge: no14:26
wgrantNobody can unsubscribe any more.14:26
wgrantUnless they really know what they're doing.14:27
BUGabundowgrant: well they can. just not use the ajax thingy14:27
henningeah, the timeout problem14:27
BUGabundo    https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/19136514:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191365 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with signal 7 in eventLoop() (dup-of: 131679)" [Medium,Triaged]14:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131679 in compiz "Crash inside doPoll()" [Unknown,Confirmed]14:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386236 in malone "Subscribers portlet doesn't handle failure to load list well at all" [High,Triaged]14:28
wgrantThat's exposed by the timeout bug, yes.14:28
BUGabundoFor all of those that are trying to unsubcrive from this bug and cant (due to a Launchpad timeout bug on AJAX), please user the following URL:14:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131679 in compiz "Crash inside doPoll()" [Unknown,Confirmed]14:29
BUGabundois this text ok?14:29
BUGabundono one ?14:30
henningeBUGabundo: ok, but check the spelling14:30
BUGabundoI did14:30
henninge2 fast 4 me14:30
tsimpson"please user" <- error14:30
BUGabundospeller doesn't know unsubscribe14:30
BUGabundonow to file the timeout one14:31
BUGabundowgrant: no. that's me! you do something else :)14:38
wgrantBUGabundo: 'fraid not.14:38
BUGabundoI've been mistaken all this time :\\14:39
* persia points out that wgrant is not only an annoying user, but sometimes puts on the appointed user representative hat14:42
wgrantpersia: The validity of that hat was brought into question in January, and the question was never resolved.14:43
persiaHrm.  I missed somethng then.14:44
BUGabundoI have no idea what you guys are talking about14:44
BUGabundoI've seen wgrant so long around I though he was a LP dev14:45
persiaThe validity of the manner in which a set of stuff was submitted was brought into question, and I was in agreement with those who felt unrepresented, but I didn't know that the role remained unresolved.14:45
persiaI'll try to review, and get out a statement.14:45
wgrantpersia: I wasn't following it at the time, as I was away without Internet access for the two weeks over the debate.14:45
wgrantAnyway, I should go to bed.14:45
BUGabundog'night wgrant14:46
noodlesnight wgrant14:46
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wgrantNight noodles, BUGabundo.14:46
henningeG'Night wgrant14:47
BUGabundohey Ursinha14:47
BUGabundoUrsinha: so now I have to do your job too ?!?14:47
UrsinhaBUGabundo, I'm sorry?14:47
BUGabundoI'm finding bugs on LP that you should have found before they went to Production :)14:48
henningeHi Ursinha, how are you? :)14:49
Ursinhahey henninge :)14:49
henningeBUGabundo: Ursinha always likes to smile, so be nice to her and smile, too!14:50
Ursinhahenninge, :)14:51
mptbigjools, so you could track whether people are interested in the PPA at all by whether they follow the link in the e-mail message. You could track whether they actually use the PPA by whether they download the Packages.list. It's only because you want to track something partway between those two that you need to make people click the "Confirm" button. Is that right?14:51
bigjoolsmpt: I want to see who was interested enough to go and get a token14:52
bigjoolsbut your other points in the process are equally as valid14:52
mptbigjools, I can tell you that right now: No human is interested in "getting a token". :-)14:52
BUGabundohenninge: I do pleanty of that, where you can't see ! :))14:52
BUGabundomas q n seja por isso. Ursinha ***14:52
noodlesbigjools, mpt: we can do both... generate the token when the user first clicks on 'view'?14:53
mptnoodles, where would "view" be?14:53
noodlesmpt: where it already is... link from email takes you to page listing all your subscriptions...14:54
noodlesFrom there a person can view each of their subscriptions.14:54
noodlesThe user would not need to know anything about a token being generated etc., they just see the sources.list info they need (for now)14:55
noodlesAnd the owner of the archive can still see who has 'activated' their access/subscription.14:55
noodlesmpt: actually, scrap that... that was the problem in the first place for why it is the way it is...14:57
noodlesA link is a GET request, and we don't want to be creating tokens when they click on a link...14:57
noodlesAlthough, it could easily be a button instead that POSTs to create the token...14:58
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mptnoodles, bigjools said that the lazy token generation is an implementation detail. So why is it necessary to require the person to click a button?15:01
bigjoolsmpt: well I can tell you that they're interested in getting their sources.list15:02
noodlesmpt: from my point of view, because a link should be idempotent - not modifying the DB... but I don't think the link/button differentiation is an issue...15:03
bigjoolsmpt: and it doesn't mention token anywhere in the UI15:03
mptLet me put it another way15:04
mptWhy doesn't Launchpad generate the token for a person at the moment the PPA owner grants access to that person?15:04
bigjoolsthis discussion is going in circles15:05
noodlesmpt: because the *owner* of the PPA would have no way of knowing who is subscribed.15:05
mptbigjools, yes :-/15:05
mptnoodles, we've already established that no-one is "subscribed". Launchpad doesn't send you any mail about things changing in PPAs just because you've been granted access to them.15:06
bigjoolsmpt: you only get access to the repository15:06
noodlesmpt: OK, whatever terminology you want to use... the owner of the PPA would have no way of knowing who had accepted their private access15:07
mptnoodles, that's why I suggested tracking it instead by who downloads the Packages.list for the PPA.15:07
noodlesmpt: yes, I think that would be great if/when we can do so.15:08
* noodles thinks some more...15:09
henningebigjools: quick question: empty ppa removal cannot be done be the user, right?15:11
henningeActually, cprov: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/7224715:11
cprovhenninge: no, it doesn't15:11
bigjoolshenninge: no15:12
henningecan either of you close that question then, please.15:12
cprovhenninge: we are still discussing what to do about it, will close it in a bit15:13
henningecprov: oh, now I get that. OK.15:13
cprovhenninge: no worries, thanks for poking :) the decision is taking too long, indeed.15:13
henningecprov: I put a note on the whiteboard.15:14
noodlesmpt: IMO, when we have the infrastructure that allows us to see quickly which people are using their private access (like a last_download db field that we can filter by etc.) then we could simply create the individual tokens when the team 'subscription' is created.15:14
cprovhenninge: cool, thanks15:15
noodlesmpt: but until that time, we want to be able to provide the owners of private archives with that information, hence the current method.15:15
noodles(which could be improved so that there's no confirmation etc.)15:15
mptnoodles, that would be cool, if it would mean you could get rid of the button. :-)15:15
mptIn the meantime, I suggest referring to "have access", "grant access" etc rather than "subscribe", and changing "Confirm" to "Show Me How" or similar that (a) generates the token if it's not generated yet and (b) reveals instructions on adding the PPA to sources.list.15:18
noodlesmpt: sounds good :) I'll create a bug with that info so it can get scheduled.15:19
jblountCan I turn an exisitng answered question into a LP FAQ?15:25
henningebigjools, cprov: what is the solution for people who change their account name and cannot reach their ppa after that?15:33
henningeI know that this is problematic.15:34
bigjoolshenninge: they can't change their name with a ppa15:34
cprovhenninge: they can't change the account name anymore15:34
bigjoolsit's blocked15:34
henningeoh, how does this happen, then? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7304815:34
henningecprov: assign it to you?15:35
cprovhenninge: users who were left in this condition before the code is fixed are welcome to create a new PPA and continue with their work.15:35
henningecprov: I'll make that an FAQ, then.15:35
cprovhenninge: yes, fine. It will be a long session gathering the questions assigned to me today.15:36
henningecprov: I've only had one so far.15:36
henningeand now that I have an FAQ I won't assign this one to you.15:36
cprovhenninge: ehe, not your fault anyways.15:37
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=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
Sam-I-Ami'm backporting some stuff from jaunty to hardy which involves some rebuild libraries and some just installed directly from the jaunty repos.18:15
Sam-I-Ami want to use a PPA, but i dont know how to tell it to grab the right dependencies18:16
Sam-I-Amin other words, how does the PPA build environment know to grab a library from jaunty when I've stated hardy in the changes file18:17
Sam-I-Amwithout careful control over how these packages are built i cannot know if they're going to work in someone else's build environment18:18
LarstiQSam-I-Am: you can upload to the jaunty queue, if I understand your problem right.18:39
Sam-I-Amexcept these are actually built on hardy... just with some libs from jaunty (like libcap2)18:39
Sam-I-Ami suppose i could build those libraries from source as well and also upload them... just seems like a waste of space18:40
* LarstiQ falls back to not understanding what Sam-I-Am is after18:40
LarstiQSam-I-Am: for a ppa you can designate other ppas for a source to solve dependencies from18:42
LarstiQSam-I-Am: other than that, the Ubuntu archive is also used18:42
Sam-I-Amso i'm trying to backport a newer version (e.g., jaunty) of a package to hardy... then i find out it needs libs from jaunty... or the versions of libs from jaunty.  in my build environment i can just manually install the libraries from jaunty on hardy (dpkg -i blah.deb) and the main package compiles fine... but it looks like for a PPA id also need to compile all those libraries from hand too18:42
LarstiQSam-I-Am: yes. Or find an archive that already has those built for hardy.18:43
Sam-I-Amthat also works18:43
Sam-I-Amok, so that answers the question.18:43
LarstiQSam-I-Am: that's how backporting is, people aren't strict with dependencies, and suddenly you have a whole chain you need to backport18:43
Sam-I-Ami can make multiple PPAs ... put libaries in some of them... normal packages in others... then use PPA dependencies for building.18:44
LarstiQSam-I-Am: sure. but if you're uploading all the packages you depend on, you could stick with one ppa.18:44
Sam-I-Amproblem is i try to minimize the number of things i need to backport on a per-package basis18:45
LarstiQSam-I-Am: unless you plan on backporting multiple unrelated packages that share dependencies?18:45
Sam-I-Amfor example, package X might need version Y of a lib, but package W builds fine against lib version Z18:45
Sam-I-Amif i upload version Y, then package W might start depending on it instead of just working with Z (usually the original hardy lib)18:46
LarstiQSam-I-Am: right18:46
LarstiQSam-I-Am: well, you specify the dependencies in control18:46
Sam-I-Amyeah... i guess i can specify particular versions of libs18:47
* LarstiQ nods18:47
Sam-I-Amsome of them are "just needs libblah" without a particular version18:47
Sam-I-Amok, i think i've figure out what i need to do now... just going to take a bit longer than i thought.18:47
kirklandso I'm using launchpad to manage an upstream project18:51
kirklandand i'm creating milestones and releases, and publishing release tarballs18:52
kirklandi'm trying to create a 2.10 milestone, but launchpad doesn't like this18:52
kirklandbecause i already have a 2.1 milestone18:52
kirklandactually, i have 2.[1-9] milestones already18:52
kirklandwhich is going to preclude me from making 2.[1-9]0 milestones18:52
kirklandhighly inconvenient18:53
kirklandis this a launchpad bug?18:53
kirklandif so, is it a "won't fix" launchpad bug?18:53
beunosinzui, ^18:54
sinzuikirkland: it is by design18:54
kirklandsinzui: hrm18:54
elmosinzui: seriously? why?18:54
kirklandsinzui: so this is 'won't fix' ?18:54
sinzuikirkland: milestones must be unique to the project, not the series, because project groups need them to be unique to the project18:55
sinzuikirkland: we tried to remove the constraint last February, but there were horrible problems on staging18:55
kirklandsinzui: so i should version my releases 2.001 ... 2.999 ?18:56
sinzuikirkland: yes.18:56
kirklandor i guess i can skip 2.10, 2.20, 2.30, 2.100, 2.200 ... etc.18:57
kirkland2.9 -> 2.1118:57
* LarstiQ wonders what bzr is doing differently18:57
sinzuikirkland: the common occurrence of this conflict is between the trunk and the stable series. So I suggest not putting the milestone on the trunk series or use a prefix like t2.1018:57
LarstiQsinzui: it looks to me like you and kirkland are not talking about the same thin18:58
kirklandsinzui: so can i have r2.1 and r2.10 ?18:58
LarstiQsinzui: surely, 2.1 and 2.10 don't clash on uniqueness?18:58
sinzuikirkland: yes you can18:58
sinzuiLarstiQ: yes18:58
kirklandsinzui: i'll try that, then18:59
kirklandsinzui: okay, i'll try that18:59
kirklandsinzui: thanks18:59
sinzuikirkland: LarstiQ: when we made releases dependent on milestones, there were 90 milestones that we prefixes the series name to to ensure their was no anme conflict18:59
LarstiQsinzui: is that a 'no, they do clash', or 'yes, they do not clash'?19:00
sinzuiLarstiQ: they do not clash19:00
LarstiQsinzui: then I don't understand what is going on in kirkland's case19:00
kirklandLarstiQ: https://edge.launchpad.net/byobu/trunk19:00
kirklandLarstiQ: i had milestones 2.1 - 2.9 already defined19:01
kirklandLarstiQ: when i tried to create a 2.10 milestone, LP refused, saying i already had a 2.1 milestone19:01
kirklandLarstiQ: so i called it 2.ten19:01
kirklandLarstiQ: but just renamed it r2.1019:01
kirklandLarstiQ: which is fine, as long as I can create r2.100, sometime in the future19:01
LarstiQkirkland: right. And my understanding of what sinzui said makes me think LP should not complain about 2.10 because of 2.119:02
kirklandLarstiQ: well, it definitely did :-)19:02
LarstiQkirkland: hence my confusion :)19:02
sinzuikirkland: it should not complain about those two names. they are just simple strings that cannot be reused19:03
maxbI'm confused. How can "2.10" and "2.1" conflicting not be a bug?19:03
sinzuikirkland: I suspect you are using a milestone name that is already used, and launchpad did not clearly state what series uses it and explain that you can choose a new name, or rename the old one.19:04
* LarstiQ looks for a prior 2.10 in byobu19:04
kirklandsinzui: hmm, it *just* let me create a 2.1019:04
kirklandsinzui: but i swear it didn't let me create a 2.10 yesterday19:05
LarstiQkirkland: ah see, that is where your name is familiar from, the screen-profiles package :)19:05
kirklandLarstiQ: is that a good thing, or bad thing?19:05
LarstiQkirkland: a good thing I think19:06
sinzuikirkland: you appear to be conflicting between the release and the milestone19:06
sinzuikirkland: a release is created from a milestone19:06
sinzuikirkland: I believe the UI shows your the milestone on the trunk series page and suggests that you create a release from *it*19:07
sinzuikirkland: and if you look at the milestone itself, it too will suggest to create a release.19:07
kirklandsinzui: okay, i think we're all good19:08
kirklandsinzui: i'll let you know in a few months, when i try to create a 2.20 release :-)19:08
sinzuiso, kirkland, I think you now have redundant milestone, because the release implies you just released it19:08
kirklandsinzui: is there a better way for me to do this?19:10
kirklandsinzui: i only really create a milestone, so that i can release the tarball19:10
sinzuikirkland: well, there is a shortcut19:13
kirklandsinzui: ideally, something i could run from the command line as part of my release.sh script?  :-)19:13
sinzuikirkland: I believe you can see a (+) Create release on https://edge.launchpad.net/byobu/trunk19:13
kirklandsinzui: right, that's what i use19:14
kirklandsinzui: then i have to select a milestone19:14
kirklandsinzui: and there's a create milestone linke19:14
kirklandsinzui: which is also what i use19:14
sinzuiThat form will let you select an existing milestone *or* create a new one using a very pretty AJAX form19:14
kirklandsinzui: then i select the date (which is always "now")19:14
kirklandsinzui: right19:14
kirklandsinzui: then one i have the release, i click to another page19:14
kirklandsinzui: and then upload the orig.tar.gz, and the *.asc19:14
kirklandsinzui: it would be *hot* to do all of this clicking from the command line, ssh/gpg authenticated :-)19:15
sinzuithat *now* problem really irks me. We should solve the DB issue so now is the defaul and you do not need to set it19:15
LarstiQkirkland: hmm, wonder if unperish supports that19:15
sinzuikirkland: there is a bug tracking that feature request to make uploads easier. It is a hard problem so we could not solve it for our 3.0 goals19:16
kirklandsinzui: cool, thanks, i'll find it and subscribe19:16
kirklandLarstiQ: i'm unfamiliar with unperish19:17
sinzuikirkland: I would /recommend/ setting the release url for the series so that the files are automatically downloaded and created, but the script is unreliable19:17
kirklandsinzui: hmm, okay ...  so is that a positive, or negative recommendation?19:18
cumulus007Hi, I'm trying to become a Ubuntero, but I can't complete the last step19:18
cumulus007That step requires me to paste the content of a .asc file into a form on Launchpad19:19
cumulus007But when I post it, I get the following error: "Bad data"19:19
sinzuikirkland: It may work for you...it does not work for me. I think I need to hack on it on my weekends to make it rock19:19
LarstiQkirkland: it is a script to automate software releases19:20
sinzuicumulus007: is there an oops id with that error?19:20
cumulus007No, it just says "there was 1 error"19:21
sinzuicumulus007: paste your input into http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19:21
sinzuiand give the the url so that I can look at it19:22
savvasWas there an email subscription / server mail application related update today for code launchpad?19:22
savvasI think my bug 384217 is fixed, that's why I'm asking :)19:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384217 in launchpad "subscribed to a code branch, but did not receive most updates" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38421719:22
kirklandLarstiQ: sinzui; cool, i'll check it out19:23
sinzuicumulus007: I think you pasted the output twice. There are two messages and two signatures19:24
cumulus007it works now, thanks :)19:25
DeSianwe translate wordpress since 2.5 in launchapd but still is "Newly translated in Launchpad " why isn't green and Unchanged?19:26
sinzuiDeSian: https://translations.launchpad.net/wordpress/+translations ?19:28
DeSiansinzui, and?19:28
sinzuiDeSian: are you asking why a lot of the translations are not green on this page?19:29
DeSianno, i'm talking about our language kurdish CKB19:30
sinzuiDeSian: I don't have an answer for you. I do not see kurdish CKB among the Kurdish languages. The Green means that the wordpress translations were accepted by wordpress, and the PO files were added to the source code19:32
DeSiansinzui, kurdish CKB is Kurdish (sorani)19:32
sinzuiDeSian: sorry, I am ignorant19:33
sinzuiDeSian: Send an email to the translation group owner (https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+groups/wordpress-translators) and ask if something needs to be done to accept the translations19:34
DeSiani'm self the group owner :)19:34
DeSiani'm her to asking you!19:35
sinzuiDeSian: Send an email to ubuntu-translators@lists.ubuntu.com. Someone from the translations team can help you19:37
sinzuiDeSian: All the launchpad translation team are offline at the moment19:38
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
mrooneyIs there any standard way to get the repository path of a daily build PPA? Or do you just hope they have a watch file?21:26
=== fjlacoste is now known as flacoste
Sarvatthas anyone else been having problems with a high number of transient build failures on karmic amd64 (and sometimes lpia) ever since the core-utils problem a few weeks ago? I don't know where to start looking for the problem, it looks like this (although the specific files it fails on change) and rebuilding always fixes it even though its taken up to 4 rebuilds before. /usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file `/build/buildd/mesa-7.21:30
Sarvatt6.0~git20090612.41091087/debian/tmp/usr/include/GL/glew.h': File exists21:30
Sarvatthere's the logs on 2 seperate PPA's that failed from the same source on different parts http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27837391/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.mesa_7.6.0~git20090612.41091087-0ubuntu0sarvatt_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz    http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27837181/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.mesa_7.6.0~git20090612.41091087-0ubuntu0sarvatt_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:31
Sarvatti dont hit the problem ever building it locally on karmic amd64 but its pretty much guaranteed the first attempt will fail on amd64 via PPA now if I upload it while theres a queue21:35
maxbSarvatt: Does the package build in parallel at all? The symptoms smell like a race condition21:37
Sarvattyeah it does, the part thats racy had its build process changed recently upstream too about the same time the problems started showing up. i'll look into that more. thanks for the help :)21:44
stefanlsdIm using launchpadlib and doing a getPublishedSources(source_name = app, status='Published', exact_match=True) - what i want to do is check in active series. Do i need to do an if distro_series.active: - or is there a way to do it in the publishedsources check?21:45
james_wstefanlsd: I would do a loop over ubuntu.series, calling getPublishedSources with distro_series=series with each series that is active21:55
james_wis that what you meant?21:55
=== Edwin is now known as Guest2009
stefanlsdjames_w: how do you determine if a series is active? from my understanding of the doc its a loop over all getPublishedSources and a check if distro_series.active == True?  I was wondering if there was a way in the getPublishedSources to return only active series.  (although thinking about it, thats silly. hehe.  i should probably start with a distribution.active loop before getPublishedSources)22:01
james_wfor s in ubuntu.series:22:02
james_w    if not s.active:22:02
james_w        continue22:02
james_w    ubuntu.main_archive.getPublishedSources(distro_series=s, ...22:02
stefanlsdjames_w: thanks!22:04
stefanlsdjames_w: interestingly - i did a loop with the way you mentioned (logical way), and it takes 4 minutes to execute. Same script but doing getPublishedSources first (no distro_series check there) and then doing if distro_series.active: and it executes in 1 minute.22:28
stefanlsdIs https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/ broken for anyone else?22:57
beunostefanlsd, it seems to be timing out22:59
stefanlsdbeuno: ok thanks. getting that too22:59
* stefanlsd pokes anyone in charge of bugs.s.l.n (thats staging.launchpad.net and not sex, language and nudity) - some people do there best dev at midnight on a friday!23:01
mthaddonstefanlsd: seems to be working ok for me - still timing out for you?23:05
stefanlsdmthaddon: thanks website working now. getting a launchpadlib HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable trying to do lp.bugs.createBug() now, but it may be a coding error on my side23:08
eagle00789how can i fix the "Cannot find svn repository root." problem??23:13
eagle00789i know that it must mean that the svn-server it is pulling from is missing something. but what??23:24
=== Edwin is now known as Guest11910

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