
yoasifcwillu: around?00:30
BUGabundohaven't seen cwillu all day00:32
yoasifcwillu: never mind :)00:36
cwillupoek poke01:12
cwilluwas in the smallest town in saskatchewan all day01:12
cwillusurprisingly, very good wireless :)01:12
* cwillu pokes yoasif_ 01:12
* cwillu would poke BUGabundo if he was in the channel :/01:12
cwilluinstall-info: No dir file specified; try --help for more information.01:13
yoasif_cwillu: had a question about launchpad, bugabundo helped me01:22
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cwilluthat's no fun :p01:27
changturkeyanyone running kubuntu karmic?01:54
changturkeykubuntu, not ubuntu01:55
yoasifnot me, not a fan of kde01:59
* Jeruvy ^^01:59
ethana2karmic koila, eh?02:10
ethana2well, I don't know what that is, but I suppose it sounds fearsome02:10
ethana2maybe this release is australian or something02:10
ethana2Ubuntu Karmic Koila Alpha 2 | Ubuntu <http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha2>02:10
TheInfinityethana2: perhaps its just an animal with k in beginning :p02:19
ethana2well, the last one was mythical, so why not02:19
ghindoI don't have to enable UXA if I'm running Karmic, right?  It's enabled by default?02:49
ethana2ghindo: I think EXA is still default02:52
ethana2they want to work out more bugs in UXA before making it the default02:52
ethana2check the release notes02:52
Sarvattthere is nothing besides UXA on intel in karmic anymore02:57
ethana2Sarvatt: interesting02:59
matrixblueWhich alpha are we at now?03:01
yofelmatrixblue: alpha203:02
matrixblueoh nvm I see the topic now03:02
billybigriggerwell i said i would contribute to jaunty and i didn't do eff all last cycle, im gonna help this time around :P03:05
ghindoSarvatt: So I don't need to edit Xorg.conf to add UXA?03:05
Sarvattnope ya dont, it'll ignore anything else you put if you do :)03:06
ghindoSarvatt: That's what I thought.  Thanks!03:07
ethana2ghindo: sorry, I must have misread something03:08
ethana2So, it seems different memory managers are better suited for different kinds of gpu hardware..03:08
ethana2Do you suppose nVidia will be able to deliver KMS on 9.10?03:09
ghindoHow is KMS working out for everybody?03:11
Sarvatt99.99999999% chance it wont ethana2 :)03:11
crdlbethana2: I'm a bit confused by that statement; do you mean nouveau?03:12
ircnickiusewtf? seriously? will 9.10 desktop have PAE in kernel?03:31
ircnickiusewhy the fuck doesn't 9.04 desktop have PAE in kernel? is there a reason?03:31
yofel!language | ircnickiuse03:34
ubottuircnickiuse: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:34
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) discussion channel | Karmic is NOT RELEASED and may break your system if you use it. | Schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule | Please join #ubuntu for all other support questions | Alpha 2 Released: see http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha2 | This is NOT a generic chat channel
ircnickiuseyofel, any views on PAE inclusion in a society where all pcs being sold for desktop are being sold with 4gfb of ram. and by all I mean some, and by some I mean I have no idea03:37
ethana2I get all these technologies confused03:39
Sarvatt..and all of those desktops sold with 4gb of ram are x64 compatable?03:39
ethana2I just know I don't like proprietary BIOSes cause their defaults are always terrible03:39
ircnickiuseSarvatt, and very little software is released 64bit versions03:40
ethana2it'd be cool if Ubuntu could automatically install coreboot.03:40
Sarvatti think you're thinking of windows there :)03:40
virtualdit'd be cool if coreboot could run on more motherboards03:41
ircnickiuseok, on topic with +103:41
ethana2virtuald: yeah..03:41
ircnickiusewhat work is there ok wiki or elsewhere of the new look and feel?03:41
Sarvattyou can install the server kernel on jaunty for PAE on i386, pretty sure I read there was going to be a PAE option for i386 in karmic with the server kernel moving to x64 only03:45
ircnickiuseSarvatt, I know, because I did this, and it screwed the hell out of my system. and by screwed the hell out of, I mean, it was ok and didn't affect it at all, but forced a restart that screwd my sound, when in reality, I didn't need to restart if it wasn't for that PAE, and I could have finished testing03:48
billybigriggerk i just upgraded to karmic...now i had a raid1 setup with sda1 and sdb1 with my root partition on sdc04:53
billybigriggernow after the upgrade SDB is root, and sda1 and sdc1 have become the raid drives.....04:54
billybigriggermy question is now that my raid disks don't automount...where do i configure this?04:54
billybigriggernow i have to manually start the array with sudo mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdc104:54
billybigrigger and then mount /dev/md004:54
epimethahoy!  this is more a kubuntu+1 question, but that channel is locked, so.... I don't have update-manager so I can't update-manager -d ..... can I just change all "jaunty" to "karmic" is my apt sources and run a dist-upgrade?05:00
eMyllerepimeth: "Karmic is NOT RELEASED" @ topic05:00
DanaGHere's something I'm curious of:  why does Ubuntu's pavucontrol show my sound card as just "USB Audio", but Fedora show the real-ish name of "Turtle Beach Audio Advantage Roadie"?05:01
DanaGThe former name is from aplay -l, the latter is from lsusb.05:01
epimetheMyller: I know.... I want to test it out!05:02
nhasiani thought alpha2 was going to have empathy instead of pidgin05:05
ethana2nhasian: is Karmic going Empathy?05:06
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myselfhow is karmik koala treating you05:52
bazhangmyself, this channel is for those testing karmic; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic05:54
ghindoIs anybody using KMS?05:56
ethana2Is there a channel for ubuntu+1 PPC?05:57
ethana2our ports are always in such rough shape..05:57
* ethana2 looks for it05:57
ethana2would it be -powerpc+1 or +1-powerpc ?05:58
bazhangethana2, just #ubuntu-ppc iirc06:08
ethana2bazhang: yeah, looks like it..06:08
nhasianethana2, thats what i read but i guess they havent yet switched to empathy as of alpha206:08
ethana2bazhang: no daily liveCDs for 9.10 PPC?06:08
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nhasiananyone try pairing a bluetooth mouse with alpha2?07:13
billybigriggeranyone know of a way to get thunderbird working with indicator-applet?07:22
billybigriggeror is this something mozilla has to incorporate?07:22
nhasianbillybigrigger, yeah i think mozilla needs to incorperate it07:27
billybigriggerjust sucks having to have thunderbird in the bottom panel07:29
billybigriggeron minimization, would be nice to dock in the system panel you know07:30
billybigriggerwhats the best way to restart sound?07:32
nhasiani filed my first bug report, can anyone check if i did it properly? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/38622407:32
billybigriggeri had sound working, i was listening to music all night07:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386224 in bluez "[karmic] unable to pair with MS bluetooth Laser Mouse 8000" [Undecided,New]07:32
billybigriggernow i go to watch a movie and i can't get sound working in anything, movies, music, totem or vlc07:32
nhasianbillybigrigger, if you log out and then log back in does it fix the sound?  No need to reboot, just log out07:33
billybigriggeryour bug report looks ok07:33
billybigriggercan you reproduce the bug?07:33
billybigriggeryou might want to paste some lsub or dmesg outputs for other debugging aswell07:33
nhasianwell it happens to me consistantly.  i am hoping someone else can reproduce it as well to confirm it07:34
billybigriggerlogout fixed it07:35
billybigriggeractually no it didnt07:35
billybigriggeri had logout sound and login sounds07:36
billybigriggernothing in vlc07:36
nhasianbillybigrigger, i think thats from pulseaudio07:36
billybigriggermusic works07:36
billybigriggermust be vlc07:36
nhasiandoesnt vlc have a pulseaudio plugin?07:36
nhasianbillybigrigger, make sure you have vlc-plugin-pulse installed07:37
billybigriggeris that new in karmic?07:37
billybigriggeri just upgraded today and this is the first time using vlc since07:38
nhasiannope i used it in jaunty as well07:38
billybigriggerwell vlc worked fine in jaunty without it07:38
billybigriggerbut thanks07:38
billybigriggerthat worked great07:38
nhasiangreat i'm glad it fixed it07:39
nhasianyou reminded me to install vlc too07:39
nhasiannow for hellanzb07:39
billybigriggernow i can watch some tv eps before bed, thanks!07:40
billybigriggerand goodnight all07:40
billybigriggerfinally vlc is fixed!!! the video window is in the same window and the control bar07:41
billybigriggerawesome! haha07:41
nhasianquestion will it be okay to install a program from someone's ppa using their jaunty package if they dont have a karmic one?07:45
maxbprobably, but not necessarily07:47
DanaGDepends on what the package is.07:48
DanaGoh yeah, does nvidia 185 (or whatever) work on Karmic?07:48
nhasianDanaG, so far i used the jaunty repos for Gnome-Do and LottaNZB and they are working in Karmic07:50
DanaGThose are non-system-level apps; should be fine.07:50
DanaGThings like Xorg would be the things to avoid mixing.07:51
nhasianthanks that makes sense07:51
DanaGwhat is lottanzb, anyway?07:51
nhasianits just a front end for hellanzb binary newsreader07:52
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DanaGJust tried the Xinput2 stuff... with MPX.08:35
DanaGI must say... it rocks.08:35
DanaGNow... is there a way to attach the same keyboard to two different places?08:36
nhasianyour speaking greek to me08:38
DanaGmy speaking greek to you?  =รพ  -- tease on the "your"08:38
nhasianwhat is Xinput2 and MPX?08:43
nhasiani'm on a roll.  I added another bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/38623908:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386239 in ubuntu "[karmic] unable to mount fat32 filesystem via usb" [Undecided,New]08:44
DanaGah, MPX -- Multi-Pointer X.08:45
nhasianwhats the purpose of that?08:48
DanaGgoogle it, and you'll find some amusing-ness.08:48
DanaGokay... but the apps aren't USING mpx.08:50
nhasianare usb thumbdrives supposed to be auto-mounted in /media/cdrom0?  or is that a bug?08:51
DanaGThat's a bug.08:52
nhasianwow 3 bugs i ran into tonight.  alpha2 really IS as buggy as they said :)08:55
nhasianDanaG, I saw the youtube video of MPX.  it looks really neat but i cant imagine a real life scenario where it would be useful09:06
DanaGhmm, it might be useful for teaching people how to do things.09:07
DanaGNo more fighting over the mouse -- just guide the person around with the "other" pointer/09:07
nhasiankinda like remote desktop09:09
DanaGYeah.  Though apps right now tend to deal badly with it.09:09
DanaGLike, trying to draw in gimp locks up compiz or metacity.09:10
BUGabundobons dias10:13
BluesKajHi folks14:18
BUGabundohi BluesKaj14:39
BluesKajhi BUGabundo14:39
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vaibhavanybody know how to convert koala desktop cd to alternate cd, I downloaded Desktop cd for alpha115:41
vaibhavsorry alpha 215:42
jpdsvaibhav: You can't.15:48
BUGabundovaibhav: as jpds said, you can't!15:49
BUGabundodo you really need it ?15:49
vaibhavit took several hours(8 to be precise ) to download it15:51
vaibhavhere it is mentioned of doing it somehow using jigdo15:51
BUGabundothat a while15:51
BUGabundoI just got several dailis, cds, dvds, 32 and 64bis15:52
BUGabundotook me less then 4h15:52
BUGabundobut I use rsync15:52
BUGabundovaibhav: do you have a previous alternate cd?15:52
vaibhavI am in a 3rd world country where connection are very slow15:52
vaibhavno I don't have alternate cd15:52
BUGabundomaybe you can use rsync and just get the diffs15:52
vaibhavis there a way of using it somehow to minimize the download from internet15:53
BUGabundothere is the minimal cd15:59
BUGabundoits only 8MiBs15:59
BUGabundobut you still have to download all you need to install, aafter15:59
BUGabundosince when is UNR an ISO??17:06
m_tadeuhi all17:54
m_tadeuhow can I make the wifi button to work?17:55
BUGabundoola m_tadeu17:55
BUGabundoon karmic?17:55
BUGabundowhat wifi card?17:56
m_tadeuathreos ar5bxb6317:56
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
BUGabundoahh those17:58
m_tadeuhehe those17:58
BUGabundotry enableing backports and instaling the backpor modules for the kernel17:59
BUGabundoif that doesn't work17:59
BUGabundodownload and install mainline kernel17:59
BUGabundo!mainline | m_tadeu17:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mainline17:59
BUGabundom_tadeu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds18:00
m_tadeumainlie kernel? never heard about it18:00
m_tadeubackports modules are already installed18:08
BUGabundosee you soon18:08
m_tadeunot that...I already had them installed before this boot18:09
BUGabundooh ok18:10
BUGabundothen try mainline18:10
PiciEr, there won't be anything in backports on Karmic.  Also, this could be due to the hal depreciation noted in the alpha2 notes.18:12
BUGabundohaven't read those yet18:12
BUGabundomail back log18:12
PiciSee /topic18:12
BUGabundolet me see it18:12
BUGabundowell at least that explains why I lost my Power button18:14
m_tadeuso should I just install devicekit-power?18:39
m_tadeudoes it take care of the wiki enable/desable button?18:40
m_tadeuanother question is19:04
m_tadeuthe brighness control sometimes doesn't work19:04
billybigriggeranyone having problems with sound in flash?19:31
BluesKajon which browser , billybigrigger ?19:55
billybigriggeris this a known issue?19:55
billybigriggersound is working for every other aspect on the system, but not in flash19:56
billybigriggeris there a firefox/flash/pulse plugin i need to install or something i am missing?19:56
billybigriggerbecause sound wouldn't work for me yesterday in vlc unless i installed vlc-plugin-pulse, which was a new issue to me in karmic19:56
BluesKajbillybigrigger, I think it might be (k)ubuntu-extracodecs19:57
billybigriggerim pretty sure i have that installed19:57
billybigriggernope, no such package19:58
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billybigriggerim running gnome20:01
billybigriggeralready installed20:03
BluesKajobviously you have flashplugin-nonfree20:05
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daubersEvening peeps, how unstable is Karmic at the moment (other than the obvious very)20:55
JorgeJorgessondaubers: Karmic works fine for me.  No issues yet.21:07
BluesKajdaubers, not too bad , the odd frozen or disappearing cursor21:07
BluesKajunresponsive apps , sometimes21:08
daubersBluesKaj: Might start testing that then. No longer have any urgent need for my computer so happy to help test :)21:12
maxbdaubers: I think it's fairly good, though I'd be wary if you have software raid21:39
maxbor any raid or devicemapper fancyness, actually21:39
lifecurbedgnome notifications - I'm currently using ubuntu 9.10 x64 and I was trying to find the best way to have growl-esque notifications when using pidgin, firefox, etc. I've tried mumbles, but it doesn't seem to work properly on ubuntu x64.21:41
daubersmaxb: Nope, bog standardy laptop21:43
Sarvattlifecurbed: have you tried the firefox-notifications package?21:49
Sarvattsorry, firefox-notify21:50
daz_Hi guys, hoping someone can point me in the right direction here :)21:53
daz_I've been using ubuntu for a few years now, and have recently gotten into python and have been writing programs at work21:53
daz_I'd like to try and get involved in some wider ubuntu development, with python21:54
daz_so if anyone can suggest some decent wiki's about getting involved and any suggestion for python packages that need hacking for karmic that'd be great :)21:54
lifecurbedsarvatt : nope, not yet. I'll check that out though. any solutions for pidgin?21:56
lifecurbedsarvatt : sorry - i meant to erase the pidgin thing21:56
lifecurbedsarvatt : pidgin has built in notifications that look wonderful :)21:57
Sarvattpidgin has a libnotify popup plugin that uses the same thing as the firefox-notify21:57
Sarvattshould be installed by default? probably the one you are referring to21:58
Sarvattah package is pidgin-libnotify21:58
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dupondjeTouchpad click broken @ Karmic ? ;)22:42
yofeldupondje: yup, bug 37839122:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378391 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Source rename clobbered local changes (so tapping not working in Karmic)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37839122:44
dupondjeowkej :D22:44
dupondjethe pain of using Alfa :p22:45
dupondjeyofel: also having some 'buzz' sound comming from my computer, its weird :P22:52
yofelhm, don't know about that. Iirc they changed something in alsa for better power saving. Now I get clicks when the card get's turned on/off ^^22:57
Sarvattkind of not a bug in the sense that being disabled by default when a touchpad has multiple buttons is by design upstream, but ubuntu carries patches that force it enabled by default that arent applied to the latest package in the archive22:58
Sarvattsynclient TapButton1=1 enables it, or can use gpointing-device-settings until it gets fixed though22:59
dupondjetrying :D23:02
dupondjebtw, how can I enable CTRL+V to paste ?23:02
yofelSarvatt: thx, didn't know that XD23:03
dupondjegpointing-device-settings doesn't work imo :s23:04
Sarvattdupondje: should be working by default that way, are you talking about in a specific app that changes it? (like in gnome-terminal its defaulted to control shift v instead and you can change it in the profile preferences)23:04
dupondjethats what I needed to know :) it was indeed only in gnome-terminal23:05
Sarvattworks great here, i love gpointing-device-settings :D someone was saying it wasnt installing an icon for them though if thats what you mean23:05
Sarvattcan make one manually pointing to /usr/bin/gpointing-device-settings or just run gpointing-device-settings in terminal if thats the problem23:06
dupondjeno, tapping is enabled in gpointing-device-settings, but its not workin :D23:07
Sarvattahh gotcha, yeah now that i look there isnt even a enable or disable tapping option in there is there lol23:08
Sarvatti like it for the multi finger options :D23:08
Dominikyellow, I need to dowload the full dvd where can I get it?23:10
dupondjewww.ubuntu.com/testing ?23:10
Dominiki thought hey were dvd, sorry23:11
Dominikim haveing problems in 8.04 that seem to be resovled in the 9.10 kernal23:12
BUGabundodupondje: Sarvatt discussing the tab bug on karmic??23:14
BUGabundoits dead. and reported and triagged23:14
BUGabundoDominik: what version? jaunty (stable) or karmic (devel) ?23:14
Sarvatttab bug?23:14
Dominiki need the latest kernal .3023:14
Dominiki belive23:14
Dominiki dont even want to install 9.10 I just want to grab the kernal23:15
Dominikis there an alternative location to download 9.10 the cdimag.eubuntu.com is kinda slow23:18
dupondjeDominik: if u just need other kernel23:20
dupondjetry http://kernel.ubuntu.com23:20
BUGabundoDominik: you can install the latest kernel on stabel relases too23:20
dupondjeu can just get you a newer kernel there :P23:20
BUGabundoits called Mainline23:20
Dominikwell I don't know what to do, maybe you can help23:20
Dominiki have 8.04 but no internet since it doesn't recognize me ethernet adapter23:21
Dominikthis is supposed to be fixed in the latest kernal23:21
BUGabundotry this then Dominik23:21
Dominiki was going to burn the cd and add it to the software sources then I should be able to install kernal23:21
Dominikoh nice23:22
Dominikcan you help me installing the kernal?23:22
BUGabundojust follow what says there23:22
BUGabundoyou download the version you want for your arch!23:22
Dominikk, i need the 2.6.30 but there are several versions.. ?23:22
BUGabundouse the one on the bottom LOL23:22
BUGabundoput all in a folder23:23
BUGabundoDominik: using 32 or 64 bis?23:23
Dominikwow, overwhelming me here : (23:24
BUGabundoget this debs and put them into a folder23:25
BUGabundoDominik: just 4 links dude23:25
Dominikgot it lol23:25
Dominikhow come this server so much faster then the cdimage.ubuntu.com23:27
BUGabundoless load?23:28
Dominikk got em all, let me check23:28
Dominikk, what now?23:29
Dominikburn on cd?23:29
BUGabundoopen a terminal23:29
BUGabundono CD need23:29
BUGabundonow navigate from the terminal to where ever you stored the debs23:29
Dominikthese files are not on ubuntu23:29
Dominikthey are on cent os23:29
Dominikubuntu doesn't connect to the internet23:29
Dominikit refuses to recognize that i have an eth adapter23:29
BUGabundothen you need to put them on some place you can access from Ubuntu23:31
Dominikill reboot into ubuntu as soon as it has finished writing them to cd23:31
BUGabundowhy are you putting on CD?23:31
BUGabundois this on the same machine?23:31
BUGabundoif so put it on disc and then access from the other OS23:31
Dominiki suck23:31
Dominikpreted im reading it form the hdd :P23:32
Dominikalright started up23:34
Dominikwhat do I do23:34
BUGabundonow open a terminal23:34
BUGabundonow navigate from the terminal to where ever you stored the debs23:35
Dominikgot it23:35
BUGabundothen run23:35
BUGabundosudo dpkg -i linux*23:35
Dominikhang on im haveing directory problems23:36
Dominikok, simple operation accompished23:37
BUGabundochoose the kernel23:38
BUGabundoand let us know23:38
Dominikerrors were encountered while processing linux image
Dominiki need to redowload?23:39
Sarvattis it possible you're using ubuntu 32 bit even though your cpu is 64 bit Dominik?23:39
BUGabundoSarvatt: maybe!23:39
Dominikno it should be, id cry if I am23:39
BUGabundoI asked him23:39
Dominikhow do i check23:39
BUGabundoDominik: paste: uname -a23:39
Sarvattwhat does uname -m say?23:39
BUGabundoso it 64 bits23:40
Dominikthat file is only 611kb23:42
Dominikyea seems right, mhh23:42
Dominikbugabundo i can't paste im typing from a windows mashine, my ubuntu has no internet23:42
BUGabundono prob23:43
DominikLinux dominik-desktop 2.6.24-23-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 27 18:13:46 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:43
Dominikthats uname -a23:44
Sarvattnothing else in the output that says what the error was when you try to install it?23:45
Dominikok starting from Done.23:45
DominikSelecting previously deselected package linux source 2.6.3023:46
Dominikunpacking linux source 2.6.3023:46
Dominiksetting up linux headers
Dominiksetting up linux headers 2.6.30 020630 generic23:46
* BUGabundo poor guy23:46
Sarvattjust the image parts are important since it failed on that23:46
Sarvattsorry you have to type it all, yeah :(23:46
Dominikdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux image 2.6.30 020630 generic23:47
Dominiklinux image 2.6.30 020630 generic depends on wireless crda however package wireless crda is not installed23:47
Sarvattah hah23:47
Sarvattsudo apt-get install wireless-crda then try again?23:47
Dominikhave i typed enough?23:47
Dominiki can't sudo apt get I dont have internet :(23:48
BUGabundoSarvatt: he doenst have network!!!23:48
BUGabundoand how come it depends on that??23:48
Sarvattdid you install from an alternate cd? the package would be on there23:48
Sarvattyou can sudo dpkg -i wireless-crda_1.7_amd64.deb after transferring that over23:49
BUGabundoSarvatt: it shoulnt be needed!23:49
BUGabundoor he can just force ignore for now23:49
BUGabundothen again maybe that why is network doenst work23:49
BUGabundoDominik: paste: apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop23:50
Dominikk let me try to install that, or23:50
Sarvattdue to a change in the way the kernel handles it in 2.6.30 it's needed i'm sure23:50
Dominikunable to locate package ubuntu-dekstop23:51
Dominikinstalled 1.10223:51
Dominikcandiate 1.10223:51
Dominikversion table23:51
Dominik1.102 023:51
BUGabundook so the seed is there!23:51
Dominik100 /var/lib/dpkg/status23:51
BUGabundodon't see why it would be missing stuff that depends on -3023:52
DominikGOd i hate apple23:53
LLStarksgnome-appearance-properties is borked23:54
LLStarkswhere do i report this? upstream or launchpad?23:54
Dominikalright so where to I put this junk so that I can sudo apt it23:54
Sarvattjust throw everything into one directory and you can sudo dpkg -i *.deb from terminal while in that directory23:56
Dominik$$@F!@ errors were encountered while processing wireless-crda_1.7_amd64.deb23:57
Dominikno error23:59

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