
BUGabundohey kklimonda|W810 LOLOL00:21
BUGabundofrom the phone ?00:21
kklimonda|W810Ya, I'm bored ;)00:21
BUGabundocan you really read this ?00:21
BUGabundowasn't my dent enough to keep you busy for a while?00:22
kklimonda|W810Whatever I do I can't setup gprs in Linux :-/00:22
kklimonda|W810It's not that bad. but writing even with T9 is really irritating.00:23
kklimonda|W810And I can't check identi.ca when I'm here ;)00:24
kklimonda|W810I really want a g1 phone :-/. I have to wait at least month more00:26
yoasifi have a bug that may be an issue with two packages -- how do i add a second package to the bug?00:29
yoasifBUGabundo: around?00:30
BUGabundoyoasif: a bit more00:30
BUGabundoyoasif: link for the bug?00:30
BUGabundo"affects too"00:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 386060 in seamonkey "[karmic] seamonkey menu hard to read with dust theme" [Undecided,New]00:31
yoasifis what it also affects00:32
yoasifi can't figure out how to add the affects to...00:32
BUGabundosome devs really hate when you add another task00:33
yoasifam i missing something really simple? :)00:33
BUGabundo'cause if latter one is invalid, they still get the mail00:33
BUGabundoso better be sure you want to affect both00:33
yoasifalright, i guess i'll just leave it alone00:34
yoasifbut i only see it with that theme00:34
BUGabundoyoasif: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seamonkey/+bug/386060/+distrotask00:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 386060 in seamonkey "[karmic] seamonkey menu hard to read with dust theme" [Undecided,New]00:34
yoasifand that theme is included with ubuntu00:35
yoasifah thanks BUGabundo... i thought that distribution only meant distribution00:35
yoasifBUGabundo: i don't really see how i can link to https://launchpad.net/dusttheme00:37
BUGabundojust use ubuntu and then set dusttheme as the package00:38
yoasifyeah, but dusttheme isn't a package in ubuntu00:38
yoasifit's part of the themes package i guess00:38
mrooneyanyone have any idea what package this is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/368973 ?00:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 368973 in ubuntu "Volume control doesn't lower subwoofer volume on a Dell Inspiron 9300" [Medium,Triaged]00:57
Ampelbeinmrooney: could be a problem with the soundserver used? side note: a report that doesn't even have the correct package set can hardly be set to triaged, right?01:03
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mrooneyAmpelbein: it is triaged pending the package which I assumed I'd get an answer to :)01:22
mrooneyIt could have been slightly premature, though someone looking through triaged bugs would probably know the package01:23
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Ampelbeinmrooney: sound chipset, mixer in use, soundsystem in use? not to be pedantic, but I think there is quite some information missing. just assume that the developers don't know what a inspiron 9300 laptop is, so give them as much detail as possible.01:24
mrooneyAmpelbein: oh yes good call, I've attached lspci01:28
cwillumrooney, I think the point is that triaged implies that sort of work has already been done.  Spending time retagging bugs to the correct package isn't the best use of the time of someone who is looking through triaged bugs :)01:29
mrooneyyeah, I've set back to Confirmed01:30
Rammler1983hallo, i can't log in after installing the latest ati driver02:15
dholbachgood morning06:18
micahgmorning dholbach06:18
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dholbachhola micahg!06:18
snadgecorrupted sound, pulseaudio pidgin07:15
snadgeerr i meant to plug that into google ;)07:15
persiaheh :)07:15
snadgeknown issue though surely07:20
persiaI hadn't heard of it: I'd think that it ought just work.07:20
snadgedoesnt always do it.. weird, just sometimes the sound comes through with a static/scratchy sound07:21
persiaOnly sometimes?  Does that happen for all alerts, or just pidgin?07:21
snadgeonly sometimes, and just pidgin as far as i can tell07:21
snadgeintel onboard audio07:21
snadgei think some of the pulse devs are aware of it, and they blamed ubuntu of course07:21
snadgeinstead of working with you guys to fix it07:22
persiaWell, that might be it.  every single implementation of "intel onboard audio" seems to be different, and it seems to have more special-case config patches for ALSA than anything else.07:22
snadgeyeah, they're totally shoddy07:23
persiaHrm.  That doesn't help much.  Be nice if the specific issue could be tracked in a bug clearly.07:23
snadgeor more to the point, implemented rather randomly07:23
persiaimplemented randomly.  Some of them happen to be quite good.07:23
persia(well, as good as one might expect from that class of amp, etc.)07:23
thekorngood morning07:30
thekornhmm, who is running this script to mass mark this compiz bugs?07:47
thekornas duplicates, that is07:47
thekornI hope it's a script, and not somebody going crazy clicking through the web UI07:48
micahgdups of 99740?07:58
micahgbug 9974007:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 99740 in firefox-3.1 "[MASTER] Firefox problems with desktop-effects" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9974007:58
thekornno, Imeant bug 13167908:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 131679 in compiz "Crash inside doPoll()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13167908:04
micahgthekorn: is it the retracing service?08:05
thekornmicahg, no, looks like someone is running a script08:05
neoXsysQuestion: How to changes the Bug status from "Unknown" to "Triaged"? Is that required any authorization?08:49
neoXsysOr am i missing something?08:50
persianeoXsys, It requires being a member of bug control.  If you believe a bug to be triaged, and you're not a member, feel free to ask someone to mark it so here.08:51
neoXsyspersia: Ok, Yesterday i have done everything for bug, but could not do changed it to "Triged", But in morning i have checked that bug has been "Triged" So, i was curious about that :)08:52
neoXsyspersia: Now, How to become part of Bug Control Squad?08:53
persiaStart by reading the links in the /topic :)08:54
neoXsyspersia: Thanks for the link. Give me some time to get back :)08:57
BUGabundobons dias10:13
BUGabundoany one has anything to add to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/386261 ?10:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 386261 in malone "bugs get a mail about pre-dupes bugs are going to be marked as dupes of it" [Undecided,New]10:13
BUGabundoany one has that cups / ps bug ?10:24
BUGabundoit went into to karmic e jaunty proposed and is messing some scanners (I think)10:24
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skyfollyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/279693 is this kinda bug solved, i am getting the same thing under 9.0413:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 279693 in linux "Regression Sata hard disk unable to mount after upgrade 2.6.27 generic kernel" [Undecided,New]13:39
skyfollytried different MB, rams, sata cables, HDs, still the same thing, i am sure it is a bug in the kernel13:40
skyfollyeven different PCs13:40
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.2.14+debian-2ubuntu215:10
BUGabundosince when do you carry debian packages?15:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 386349 in exaile "exaile lost ability to control Volume from tray icon" [Undecided,New]15:10
bcurtiswx-minineat :P15:11
BUGabundobcurtiswx-mini: hi. no really!15:11
* BUGabundo thinks of greping the archive and filing a massive bug15:12
bcurtiswx-minilol, how many devs would you piss off?15:13
bcurtiswx-minibut yeah, i'd test the bug but i won't be back home until August 8th.. im on work travel this summer in Colorado15:13
bcurtiswx-miniright now visiting fam in New York15:14
bcurtiswx-miniok, bio done :P15:15
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AmpelbeinBUGabundo: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/exaile/+bug/382852/comments/2 -> debian repackaged orig.tar.gz to drop upstream-shipped debian/-directory.15:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 382852 in exaile "Please merge exaile 0.2.14+debian-2 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Fix released]15:16
AmpelbeinBUGabundo: in that case the +debian describes that the tarball was repacked.15:17
BUGabundoahhh thanks Ampelbein15:17
theyetiAnyone want to take a look at bug #386366   This would be more of a support question than a bug per se wouldn't it?16:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 386366 in xorg "Xubuntu moves dialogs below screen edge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38636616:36
theyetinvm, just confirmed it.16:42
theyetiIf I am able to confirm a bug what all information do I need to make sure is in the bug report before changing the status?  (ie #386366   btw, I am new to how ubuntu triages bugs and their process)16:54
BUGabundobug 38636616:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 386366 in xorg "Xubuntu moves dialogs below screen edge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38636616:56
BUGabundotheyeti: change status to what?16:56
theyeticonfirmed or should I just leave it as new?16:56
BUGabundois it your bug?16:59
theyetino.   So just leave it as new then?17:01
hggdhtheyeti, if you can reproduce it, then go ahead and mark as confirmed. Also please add a comment stating what you did to reproduce and the version(s) of the package(s) involved (if different from the reporter's version)17:03
BUGabundohggdh: apport-collect or is it a bit too much?17:04
theyetiThanks hggdh. :)   This is much different that working on bugs with like a single project and a small user/developer base.17:05
hggdhBUGabundo, I did not look at he bug itself (just got home), so: apport-collect *might* be used, as long as we change the package from xubuntu to something specific17:06
hggdhsigh. It is already xorg17:06
theyetiwould it be a different package than xorg since it isn't restricted to just xubuntu?17:07
hggdhtheyeti, probably17:07
hggdhlike -- say -- compiz17:07
theyetiCool thanks17:09
theyetiWill hopefully ask fewer dumb questions as I get more use to it.  Thanks for the help you guys. :)17:12
hggdhtheyeti, thank you for helping, and keep asking questions whenever you have then17:13
theyetiWell, beneficial to everyone.   bugs get triaged and I get something to do at work in the middle of the night and when i'm bored17:15
rCanastroHello every118:49
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MaxMaxHi, I have a couple of bugs to submit for ubuntu 9.04 client20:35
MaxMaxinstaller process part of the os20:36
MaxMaxbug 1 #  The installer will not use "UPN" names j.smith@123.com as a user name20:37
ubot4MaxMax: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out20:37
mrooneybdmurray: re bug 379246, do Karmic bugs still belong in HAL if it is being deprecated?21:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 379246 in hal "ubuntu9.10 cannot find blackberry 7230" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37924621:02
kakemannit seems audacious is broken in karmic right now because bug #383307 isn't in karmic yet21:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 383307 in audacious-plugins "Please merge audacious-plugins 2.0.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38330721:05
kakemannhow long does it usually take before the package is availible?21:09
randomactionkakemann: when I requested merge sponsorships, they were typically processed within several days21:15
kakemannok, I guess I'll have to wait then :)21:17
bdmurraymrooney: I'm not certain but was hoping pitti would know best22:04
micahg1bdmurray: can I PM?22:32
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