
robert_ancellTheMuso: hi00:09
TheMusorobert_ancell: Hey there.00:09
robert_ancellTheMuso: I have a BZR question... I've made a branch lp:~robert-ancell/gdl/ubuntu which I was trying some packaging ideas.  Now I don't want these changes anymore.  How do I a) mege with lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gdl/ubuntu or b) delete this branch?  Which is more correct?00:11
TheMusorobert_ancell: If you want to delete the branch, you want to go to http://launchpad.net/gdl/+branches and delete the branch from there.00:11
robert_ancellTheMuso: thanks, I assume I can do that from the command-line too?00:13
TheMusorobert_ancell: Not that I know of.00:14
TheMusoSure you can delete the branch locally, but I am not sure about deleting it from LP on the command line.00:14
rickspencer3hi TheMuso00:14
rickspencer3thanks for your awesome interview feedback00:15
TheMusoHey rickspencer3.00:15
TheMusorickspencer3: np00:15
rickspencer3I would like to put it on the wiki as an example of good quality interview feedback00:15
rickspencer3would that be ok with you?00:15
TheMusorickspencer3: BTW, I have a spec that I need approved. Its in the review stage, but hasn't yet been looked at. Do I need to do anything special?00:15
TheMusorickspencer3: Sure, go ahead./00:15
rickspencer3in terms of the spec, who is the approver?00:15
TheMusorickspencer3: It was foundations/Robbie, but the approver was changed to you. let me double check that.00:16
rickspencer3TheMuso: send me a link00:16
rickspencer3the approver should probably be pitti00:16
rickspencer3TheMuso: I set pitti as approver, and set it to "pending approval" which will trigger pitti to review it00:18
TheMusorickspencer3: Thanks a lot.00:18
rickspencer3he'll set it to approved, or make comments and send it back to "drafting"00:18
TheMusoGotcha, I know the process.00:18
kalon33good night !00:38
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Rammler1983hallo, i can't log in after installing the latest ati driver02:17
TheMusoRammler1983: What version of Ubuntu are you using?02:20
TheMusoRammler1983: Are you talking about the fglrx proprietary driver, or the free driver?02:21
Rammler1983after updating with update manager in ubuntu and i restart the laptop the system freezes02:22
TheMusoHow does it freeze? DO you get a login screen?02:23
Rammler1983after choosing02:23
Rammler1983ubuntu 9.0402:23
Rammler1983i get the logo02:24
TheMusoRammler1983: Ok. Do you still have the 2.6.28-7 kernel installed, and if so, can you boot that ok?02:24
Rammler1983but it not sharp02:24
Rammler1983i cant02:24
Rammler1983i tried the alle the recovery options02:25
Rammler1983and still not02:25
TheMusoHmm. If you boot with recovery mode, do you get any error messages at the time of the freeze?02:26
Rammler1983it just freezes02:26
Rammler1983with out updating everything is fine02:26
Rammler1983but i can't use the effects02:26
TheMusoRammler1983: ok, so you can't boot at all. What kernel are you trying to boot?02:29
Rammler1983the latest one02:30
Rammler1983just a sec.02:30
Rammler1983i used method 102:32
Rammler19832.6.28-11-generic kernel02:33
TheMusohrm ok02:35
TheMusoSorry I'm not sure whats going on then.02:35
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didrocksgood morning07:28
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* robert_ancell has made lots of enemies with his bug triaging in compiz. Apparently LP stupidly is happily spamming everyone who is subscribed with duplicate reports (there are >200 of them)08:26
pittiGood morning09:03
seb128pitti: guten tag!09:16
Ampelbeinseb128: good morning. I am unsure about your comment on bug 345727. I can't find a change done outside debian/* and apparently the patch still gets applied in the latest ubuntu-package. If I look at the diff introducing the fix (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24141917/seahorse-plugins_2.26.0-0ubuntu1_2.26.0-0ubuntu2.diff.gz) I see that it is properly made as a patch and in revision 6 of the bzr branch this change was applied.10:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345727 in seahorse-plugins "Seahorse-agent writes an empty ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf on first run, breaking email signing in KDE" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34572710:00
seb128Ampelbein: the changelog entry is misleading then10:01
seb128"  * libseahorse/seahorse-gpg-options.c:10:01
seb128    - Copy gpg.conf skel instead of creating blank file10:02
seb128I've not looked into the source10:02
Ampelbeinseb128: right, got confused by that at first too.10:02
seb128not sure why they claim the change is not in the current version then10:02
seb128anyway that should be sent upstream in any case10:02
Ampelbeinseb128: I will do that.10:05
Ampelbeinseb128: and i can confirm that this works correctly in karmic: "mv ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf .." ; seahorse-agent produces a correctly copied skeleton gpg.conf10:08
seb128grrrr at karmic10:25
seb128so running away from my laptop for half an hour means I've a system I need to powerdown using the power button when coming back now10:25
Ampelbeinwhy is that?10:26
seb128because the box does nothing10:26
seb128blank screen doesn't react to vt changes, etc10:26
Ampelbeinhm, i have no problems at all, nvidia graphics. can leave for hours, still working after.10:27
pittiugh, I hope Robert used a script to fix the duplicates and didn't do this by hand10:39
seb128which ones?10:39
pittiall the compiz ones10:40
pittigot some 100 mails10:40
seb128we discussed duplicates of duplicates at uds and listed a tool to do the magic for that if that's what you are talking about10:40
Laneywhat's the point of all this de- and re-duping of that compiz bug?11:28
Laneyit will be flooding lots of peoples inboxes11:28
seb128Laney: not keeping a duplicate open I guess11:35
seb128launchpad doesn't let you mark duplicate a bug which has duplicate11:36
LaneyI just wonder if the gain is worth the pain11:36
seb128it didn't cost a lot either11:37
seiflotfy1hey guys12:09
seiflotfy1dunno where to bing this topic up12:09
seiflotfy1but at UDS i talked to Bono12:10
seiflotfy1i mean jono12:10
seiflotfy1he had the idea of writing an application that teaches people who cant read and write to do so12:10
jpdsHaha, Bono :)12:38
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* seb128_ kicks karmic12:53
seb128_if somebody talked to me recently please say whatever you said again, karmic just crash my laptop when I'm away for a while12:54
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kalon33it's karmic, just logical it is not yet quite stable ^^12:55
kalon33but it doesn't work so bad here :)12:55
kalon33hello crevette13:13
crevettehey kalon3313:14
Nafallokenvandine: confirmed that there will be a gajim 0.12.3 soon.13:38
kenvandineNafallo: cool13:38
kenvandineNafallo: did you get a chance to see why notifications aren't called?13:38
Nafallokenvandine: nope13:38
Nafallokenvandine: I did however get a chance to package 0.12.2 :-D13:38
kenvandinestill broken though?13:39
Nafallokenvandine: yes.13:39
Nafallokenvandine: are you sure it ever worked? ;-)13:39
kenvandineyes... positive... i have screenshots somewhere :)13:39
kenvandinein it's current state, at least last i tried, it doesn't even show the libnotify notifications13:40
Nafalloehrm. does for me.13:40
Nafalloif you mean notify-osd stuff.13:40
kenvandinewell then it should work with the indicator13:41
kenvandinethat had stopped working for me13:41
kenvandinethe method that does that wasn't even getting called13:41
Nafallothe only part that works with the indicator is that I can see gajim in the list :-)13:41
kenvandinei even tried in a guest session, so no local config13:41
Nafallohmm. weird.13:41
asacNafallo: can you please upload latest gajim crack now?13:46
asaci am still suffering bugs i haveing filed a report for ;)13:47
Nafalloasac: I have it in my PPA. what's the bug?13:47
Nafalloasac: also... I have it in the wrong ppa. let me fix that :-)13:47
asacNafallo: error dialogs jumping in my face whenever you (in particular) send a message13:48
asacNafallo: why not push to karmic?13:48
asaci dont want to add yet another PPA ;)13:48
asacunless you have snapshots in there or something similar sexy13:48
Nafalloasac: oki. fair enough.13:49
asacNafallo: so why didnt you upload to karmic ;)?13:51
Nafalloasac: because the publisher haven't ran yet?13:52
asacNafallo: ah so you already uploaded to real archive? nice.13:52
Nafalloand ppa13:53
seb128pitti: what do we do if our specs don't fit well with having a list of tasks?14:09
crevette_hey seb12814:10
pittiseb128: as I wrote, just split them up as sensible14:10
seb128lut crevette_14:10
seb128pitti: hum, I'm not sure how to split the GNOME3 one, that's virtually an hundred small tasks ... should I spend a day listing all those?14:11
pittiseb128: e. g. the banshee one could be "package new version", "measure memory requirements", "write MIRs", "change seeds"14:11
pittiseb128: no, of course not14:11
seb128ie gnome-vfs has 37 rdepends in main14:11
seb128libglade around 6014:12
pittiseb128: packaging gnome/zeitgeist are obvious ones14:12
pittiseb128: I guess you can't work on all 97 anyway? :-)14:12
seb128no, but I'm not sure what are realistic or not so I'm having difficulties putting a metric on that14:13
seb128that's why I'm asking ;-)14:13
seb128I was going to go on the best effort metric14:13
pittiseb128: yeah, this spec is very blurry14:13
pittiseb128: you could just split it up by "drop gnome-vfs" and "drop libglade", together with the two packaging ones14:14
seb128I can add "reduce gnome-vfs use"14:14
seb128but that will not be DONE 100% in karmic14:14
pittiseb128: just ignore them for now, I think, and just add zeitgeist/gshell14:14
seb128I will add those as goal with a comment saying having a precise metric will not be easy14:15
pittiwell, since we don't have a precise goal, you can't have a precise metric :)14:15
pittibut let's not worry about this too much14:15
pittihaving the "must have" facts in work items will suffice for the purpose14:16
pittiWI don't cover all of our work anyway14:16
pitti(bugs, mail, SRU, and whatnot)14:16
pittirickspencer3-afk: ping14:50
ftaanyone familiar with the nautilus internals?14:50
ftai need to know which part is responsible for the smtp dialogue14:51
asaci guess seb128 ^^14:51
crevette_nautilus and smtp?14:52
seb128what dialog?14:52
seb128smtp is what you use to send emails14:52
ftabetween the client and the server14:52
seb128do you speak about the sent bar? the preference dialog?14:52
seb128the account details?14:52
asacor the protocol impl?14:52
pittirickspencer3-afk: I got my work items parsing/CSV generation script ready14:53
seb128anyway better to ask on #evolution on irc.gnome.org14:53
pittirickspencer3-afk: but it seems that the trend line in burndown.py is utterly hardcoded?14:53
seb128they are responsive and probably know the code better, I'm hanging there too14:53
ftaseb128, asac: the protocol implementation, the headers sent by evolution are not good enough to use in my corporate environment14:53
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rickspencer3pitti: yes, totally hard coded14:54
pittirickspencer3: good morning14:54
rickspencer3I couldn't figure out how to access x,y coords of elements in the chart14:54
rickspencer3seems pychart just burns off the image, and then forgets about it14:54
seb128fta: the communication is in evolution-data-server14:54
asacfta: yeah the word dialog is then confusing because this usually refers to UI.14:54
pittirickspencer3: this is line.draw([(0,380),(725, 0)])14:54
rickspencer3pitti: right14:55
rickspencer3and line is actually an arrow :)14:55
ftaseb128, thanks. looking into that now.14:56
ftaok, found it.. camel/providers/smtp/camel-smtp-transport.c  1520 lines, yeah! oh, joy!15:05
glatzorRiddell, mvo: hello. I would like to push packagekit 0.4.8 to karmic.15:14
glatzorRiddell, mvo: Unfortunately it contains an api break in the qt libs without a so name change15:15
glatzorRiddell, so kpackagekit 0.4.1 has to be uploaded too15:17
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aheis there a graphical frontend for x redirection, already?15:56
ahei'm looking for something that allows to explore the gnome menu of a remote machine and select and start programs for execution with display on my local screen15:57
aheanother cool feature would be to start a remote desktop session with display in a xnest on the local machine15:58
aheif nobody knows such a tool i create a blueprint16:01
kenvandinepitti: putting a blueprint into "review" sends it to the approver for review?16:05
pittikenvandine: yes16:13
seb128what is the recommended python way to read a txt file on a http location?16:17
crevetteI would say that, it is included in the default python install, but perhaps there is better?16:19
james_wthat's pretty good16:19
james_wyou need more if you want specific things with redirects, etags etc., but that'll work fine16:20
seb128I don't need to read a web page, just a txt file on a people location16:20
crevetteurllib2.urlopen('http://www.google.com/anyfile.txt').read() would work too I guess seb12816:21
seb128I was pondering copying it locally and checking the timestamp before downloading again16:21
calcpitti: do you happen to know why bip seems to prepend + to every message?16:25
pitticalc: I'm not using bip, I don't know16:26
calcpitti: ok16:26
pittiseb128: I was typing that 5 mins ago, but I got disconnected16:26
pittifor line-by-line this is most convenient:16:27
pittifor line in urllib.urlopen('http://foo'):16:27
pitti    print line16:27
seb128pitti: thanks16:27
kenvandinepitti: new release of telepathy-glib do out and uploaded to debian within the hour16:29
kenvandinewith this bug fixed of course16:29
kenvandinepitti: tp upstream is great :)16:29
jcastroseb128: any word on tomboy 14.2 for jaunty? upstream fixed jaunty bugs and they are keen on getting it out to people16:31
seb128jcastro: go for it?16:33
seb128jcastro: I'm not working on tomboy but I'm fine having a new version sru16:33
jcastroseb128: is anyone available to work on it? it kind of sucks when an upstream fixes our bugs and they don't end up back in the distro. (understand that everyone is busy)16:34
seb128dunno but I'm sure we can find somebody easily next week16:34
seb128it's just almost 6pm on a friday there16:34
* jcastro nods16:35
jcastroI didn't mean right now. :D16:35
seb128I will find somebody to do the update and do the sponsoring next week16:35
seb128so we already have an updated and a reviewed in the loop and we just need sru verification16:35
seb128which pedro can easily do ;-)16:35
jcastroyeah it can just get frustrating for an upstream when they ship fixes and there's a lag there.16:37
jcastroand then the users are bugging them about bugs they fixed already16:37
seb128well we don't do stable version updates in stable for non lts versions16:39
seb128if nobody comes to bug us about the update that's it16:40
pittijcastro: fine if someone from community wants to do the packaging and put it into jaunty-backports or so16:40
didrocksseb128: gnome-python-destkop had a bugbuddy binding without depending on bugbuddy package (as it's in universe). With the package split (there is one package for gnome-python-bugbuddy), do I achieve the same thing? Having this package with the binding, but not depending to the universe bugbuddy package?16:45
pittididrocks: I think it'd make sense for gnome-python-bugbuddy to depend on bugbuddy16:46
seb128didrocks: yes16:46
jcastroseb128: don't we cherry pick fixes from stable gnome point releases?16:46
pittijcastro: only if they match our SRU criteria and someone requests them16:46
didrockspitti: but bugbuddy is in universe, gnome-python-desktop in main16:46
seb128jcastro: we do when we have issues which seem worth doing that, not sure if there is one on tomboy right now16:46
pittididrocks: right, but if there's a split out g-p-bugbuddy, this particular package could be in universe; I suppose we don't need it in main?16:46
seb128pitti: packages that "import bugbuddy" will likely need patching need ...16:47
seb128pitti: it's easy to install the binding and make it handle the case where bug-buddy is not installed16:47
pittiseb128: for the g-p-d -> g-p-b dependency change?16:47
seb128if you want to move the binary to universe16:47
seb128g-p-bugbuddy that is16:48
didrockspitti: is it possible in Ubuntu policy? Having a source package providing bin packages in both main and universe?16:48
seb128I think app importing it should depend on it16:48
pittididrocks: yes16:48
didrocksok, so, I can remove the patch, adding the b-d and put the splitted package in universe16:48
seb128well, will pychess start if pybugbuddy is not installed?16:48
seb128or will it bail on the import bugbuddy which is not in a try statement?16:49
didrocksseb128: I will try this16:49
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hggdhpitti, ping17:26
pittihi hggdh17:26
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hggdhhi pitti. I am writing an apport hook for Evolution; the main objective is to sanitise the BTs so that private data is masked. So... is there a way of reconstructing the crash file from a bug?17:27
hggdhthis will allow me to locally run the hook under apport-retrace, and check it17:27
pittihggdh: there's no CLI for it, but it's not particularly hard17:33
pittihang on17:33
pittihggdh: but if you just want to test a hook, why bother with uploading it first at all?17:34
pittiyou could just use the details expander to see what it would send, and then cancel?17:34
pittihggdh: problem is, there is a function to download a report, but it doesn't grab all attachments; just the ones needed for retracing and duplication17:35
pittibut for your purpose you probably want all attachments17:35
pittirickspencer3: fixed the "work items" syntax on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-bug-workflow FYI17:40
hggdhpitti, yes. The problem is that I have to test it against bugs that do have the fields I need to mask out; on the other hand, I do not really need all attachments, just the BT and StackBT, so the function you have might be a good start point17:40
hggdhif, of course, you do not mind sharing it17:40
rickspencer3pitti: oops, I just stomped on your changes, I think17:41
pittihggdh: right, the curent function does fetch those17:41
pittihggdh: look at sr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/apport/crashdb_impl/launchpad.py, APPORT_FILES17:41
pittihggdh: are those enough for you?17:42
seb128^ first version, I've to make that clear and nicer now17:43
pittiseb128: nice!17:43
seb128but that list debian, ubuntu, upstream versions17:44
hggdhpitti, yes, thank you17:44
seb128and color lines for merges and updates required17:44
pittihggdh: python -c 'from apport.crashdb import get_crashdb; c=get_crashdb(None); r=c.download(338478); r.write(open("/tmp/report.crash", "w"))'17:44
pittihggdh: sorry, I know it's not nice, but perhaps throw it in a small shell script and call it apport-download?17:44
pittiI guess I should add that to the apport package itself17:44
hggdhIf what I am trying to do succeeds, we might consider adding it to the hooks-utils17:45
pittiseb128: what's the color key right now?17:45
seb128red = new upstream version17:45
seb128orange = newer upstream and in debian17:45
seb128yellow = current upstream version but newer revision in debian17:46
seb128so yellow = to merge17:46
seb128red = to upgrade17:46
seb128orange is to merge and upgrade17:46
pittirickspencer3: np17:46
pittirickspencer3: fixed again17:47
pittiugh, today I got 7 new specs to review17:47
rickspencer3I see, doesn't like my moin :)17:48
rickspencer3pitti: I'm not much with the regex, but doesn;t the i in "items" need to be lower?17:48
pittirickspencer3: //i -> case independent17:49
pittirickspencer3: wOrk iTEMs will work as well17:49
pittirickspencer3: but *shrug* I can just extend it to digest = .. =17:49
rickspencer3don't bother17:50
rickspencer3thanks though17:51
rickspencer3pitti: in terms of quickly, .quickly file is bad? no hidden files?17:52
pittirickspencer3: why would you want hidden files? that's confusing17:53
rickspencer3that's fair feedback17:53
pittiand I'm not even sure whether Debian Policy allows shipping hidden files in packages17:53
rickspencer3what should w call it?17:53
rickspencer3this would *create* a hidden file, not ship one17:53
rickspencer3it would make "magic"17:53
pittirickspencer3: what does that file do?17:54
rickspencer3this would be a per *instantiated* file17:54
rickspencer3it is a container for information about a particular project17:54
rickspencer3so if I do:17:54
rickspencer3$quickly new ubuntu-project birds17:54
rickspencer3this would create a project called "birds"17:54
rickspencer3in that directory called "birds" is a file that contains information that quickly needs, most importantly the template that created it17:55
rickspencer3so it would have:17:55
rickspencer3template = ubuntu-project17:55
rickspencer3but you could imagine extended it17:55
rickspencer3currently this file is .quickly17:55
rickspencer3but perhaps naming it something more descriptive and making it visible makes sense17:56
rickspencer3didrocks: ^^^^17:56
pittirickspencer3: I wouldn't make the name project specific17:58
didrocksrickspencer3: yes ? :)17:58
pittiquickly.conf is easy to find, and similarly static than "Makefile"17:58
rickspencer3why not (out of curiousity?)17:58
rickspencer3didrocks: discussing the naming of ".quickly"17:58
pittirickspencer3: well, you could parse *.conf and decide which ones are for quickly, but what happens if you have several?17:59
rickspencer3does quickly.conf not suggest that you are configuring quickly itself, rather than the app you are creating?17:59
pittiwell, "Makefile" doesn't configure make itself, just how to use make17:59
rickspencer3if it's birds.quickly, it would be quite easy to find, and the meaning of the file may be quite clear to users17:59
dobeyis '.quickly' a desktop file?17:59
didrockspitti: the new spec revision is more verbose about this .quickly file17:59
rickspencer3right, but this is a different user (not that I'm disagreeing)17:59
pittirickspencer3: does it make sense to have several?18:00
rickspencer3pitti: not really18:00
rickspencer3I guess RoR names all their files the same, not per project18:00
pittirickspencer3: that's what I thought, too18:00
didrocksso, .quickly file seems good, no? :)18:01
pittiso why not call it "quickly.conf" then? then you can't have two18:01
rickspencer3didrocks: I think making it hidden is not optimal18:01
didrockspitti: I think this is an internal quickly function. The user doesn't have to change it18:01
didrocksrickspencer3: see above :)18:01
didrocksmy purpose is to manipulate it by quickly commands18:02
didrocksso, no user direct interaction. (like .bzr folder in bzr branch)18:02
pittiwell, it's your baby, but personally I find hidden files very confusing18:02
pittiit's way too easy to miss them when producing tarballs, backups, packages, etc.18:02
rickspencer3pitti: may we leave it .quickly until we get some user feedback?18:02
kenvandinerickspencer3: i agree with pitti18:02
rickspencer3I think didrocks gets to decide18:02
pittididrocks: you don't tar up .bzr/ and mail it to a friend18:03
rickspencer3you should rather quickly deb18:03
didrocksno, I just wait for "professional feedback", so we can make it quickly.conf18:03
rickspencer3pitti: will you approve the spec if I leave this an open issue?18:03
didrocksI'm juste afraid quickly user won't understand it and remove it18:03
pittirickspencer3: sure, but I wanted to mention it and point out the potential traps18:04
pittiand be aware that it's hard to change afterwards18:04
rickspencer3I don't think we need to block on it now though18:04
pittiand it'd be the first build system which relies on hidden files18:04
rickspencer3I'm tending to agree with pitti at this point, and am wondering whether having a simple to edit configuration file might be a good thing18:05
rickspencer3though I still like birds.quickly18:05
didrockspitti: I don't see really any difference with .quickly and .bzr-builddeb18:05
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pittididrocks: *shrug* okay; when I wrote that, I didn't know what .quickly was (that was another point that I mentioned which needed clarification)18:07
pittiif the user should never touch it, fine for me18:07
didrockspitti: is the new spec version more clear?18:07
pittididrocks: didn't have a look at the newer version (-EOVERLOAD)18:07
didrockspitti: ok, that's why I didn't understand :)18:08
rickspencer3didrocks: I am extracting work items and putting them on the whiteboard so we can track during Karmic18:08
rickspencer3could you review those when I am done?18:08
didrocksso, having an hidden file makes sense?18:08
didrocksrickspencer3: sure, but I hadn't the time to follow the meeting about work items handling, are they just opened bug?18:09
rickspencer3didrocks: no, we're tracking on the whitebaord18:09
rickspencer3it will be rather obvious I think18:09
rickspencer3check it out in like 1 minute18:09
didrocksrickspencer3: ok, just drop me the link and I will review them :)18:09
didrocks(still fighting with gnome-python-desktop stuff ^^)18:10
rickspencer3didrocks: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-quickly18:11
rickspencer3when you get the chance18:11
rickspencer3please add ones that are missing18:11
rickspencer3and if you feel some are done, change TODO to DONE18:11
didrocksrickspencer3: I will do this during the week-end. Having my dinner now :)18:12
rickspencer3didrocks: great18:12
rickspencer3I think this is going to be one of the sleeper hits of Karmic!18:12
rickspencer3pitti: I've added work items to both my blueprints18:13
didrocksrickspencer3: I will do everything so that it will be :)18:13
didrocksso you later!18:13
rickspencer3bye bye18:13
rickspencer3have a good weekend didrocks18:13
pittibye didrocks18:13
didrocksthanks, you too :)18:13
pittirickspencer3: \o/18:15
pittiArneGoetje just added work items as well18:15
pittitomorrow's db dump should have some more data18:15
ArneGoetjepitti: it's okay if the work items get added over time? I mean if it turns out that there is more to be done?18:18
pittiArneGoetje: yes, that works18:18
ArneGoetjepitti: ok18:18
pittithe total height of the bar will increase, but that's fine18:18
rickspencer3ArneGoetje: pitti: ideally, the churn will be minimal after next week18:21
rickspencer3but increased scope can be measured by increases in the height of the bar18:21
* pitti plays the whack-a-spec game harder18:32
* pitti chuckles at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Karmic/SocialFromTheStart release note: "Gwiber does blabla. It is mandatory"18:33
pittikenvandine: ^ :-)18:33
pittiMUST ... TWITTER!18:33
crevettenobody experienced black flash of the display while running karmic? I think it comes from g-p-m...18:53
maxbah, yes I think I've seen that from time to time18:53
crevettehmmm, g-p-m applet seems also to reset the "luminosity" of the display18:54
crevettebrightness is the right word I guess18:54
crevettemy exprience is: being on battery, set a defined brightness to make brighter, right click on the g-p-m applet and the brightness is instantly reset18:55
crevettes/ight click on the g-p-m applet and/ight click on the g-p-m applet, click "preferences" and/18:56
pittiseb128, asac, bryce: could you please take a look at https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-bug-workflow and check if the functinoality/approach suits you? please just comment in the whiteboard19:20
pittigood night everyone, and have a nice weekend!19:31
SiDipitti: you too then19:34
seb128pitti: sorry you were saying about the spec? karmic keep crashing the box while I'm away20:02
* seb128 notes to not upgrade to unstable so early next cycle20:02
SiDiseb128: i think hes gone20:05
seb128SiDi: he will be back on monday or something and read backlog20:05
SiDiwill he actually read so far ? :/20:05
seb128"so far"?20:06
seb128usually people read lines where they have been highlighted20:06
seb128I don't expect he will be pinged a thousand time during the weekend20:06
SiDiif he lets his PC idle all weekend, that'll still be a lot of lines to check. even with Ctrl+F. I personally never check my irc logs :)20:06
seb128anyway thanks but I work with pitti for years and I will manage, no need to discuss how we are working20:07
seb128I will talk to him on monday that's ok20:07
SiDii didnt mean to be offensive :p20:08
seb128that was not offensive just not really an useful discussion20:12
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