
keesryanakca: check with kirkland -- it should be trivial to get update-motd to include it.00:00
cdE|Woozyaccording to the manpage of update-motd, this behaviour is intended00:01
XCPyes, but you can disable it. the question is, why is Ubuntu running needless services in the background?00:02
XCPby default, that is.00:02
XCPyou could of course argue that someone might need the motd to be updated, but then he can activate update-motd manually. the same way you don't run apache by default on every machine just because *some* are going to host a website.00:05
persiaRunning the service has some value.  Running every 10 minutes by default might be a bit agressive.  I'd suggest filing a (wishlist) bug, and building some discussion about the best frequency.00:05
XCPhmm ok.00:05
persiaXCP, I'd argue that running it at least daily makes sense (and there's plenty of stuff that runs out of cron.daily.)00:07
persiaFor me, hourly is borderline, and 10 minutes is insane.  For others, the values may be different.00:07
virtualdwhy should it be in motd and not bashrc?00:13
slangaseksuperm1: do we have folks to test the mythbuntu alpha-2 candidates?00:46
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=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | karmic alpha-2 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
ebroderAnybody with main upload bits willing to take a look at bug #362691?01:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362691 in xen-3.3 "XEN depends on Python 2.5" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36269101:09
ebroder(The actual patch is in comment 37)01:10
StevenKNot until alpha 2 releases01:11
ebroder"Topic changed to Archive: open | karmic alpha-2 released"01:12
* StevenK shakes his fist at slangasek 01:12
slangasekStevenK: it's ok, you can go ahead and pretend I didn't say that if you wish :)01:13
* StevenK grins01:13
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StevenKasac: So, can you help me look at a xulrunner induced build failure?01:14
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calcanyone used dircproxy or bip before?02:16
StevenKI'm using bip now02:18
directhexbip bip bip bip02:18
directhex-directhex- VERSION bip-0.7.402:19
calcok that settles it, two crazy people on bip, so me too ;-)02:19
calcany gotchas in setting it up?02:20
StevenKdirecthex is the crazy one.02:20
calcStevenK: heh :)02:20
holowaycalc: I've used znc for a while02:20
directhexcalc, only gotcha is the auto-scrollback feature is intensely annoying when applied to /msg, as the behaviour of it varies depending on irc client and internet speed02:21
calci'll have to see how it goes02:23
* calc primarily needs a way to have regular irc client plus privmsgs that show up as alerts somehow, probably pidgin02:23
superm1slangasek, i'll send some pings out02:24
* calc hopes he can get pidgin to work without having 500 windows open for all the channels i am on02:24
calcdirecthex: do you know if it works well to always get the channels in the same order in eg irssi?02:33
* TheMuso uses bip also.02:36
* Hobbsee shakes fist at karmic xorg.02:42
* Hobbsee is getting bored of it locking up her machine at random.02:43
superm1bored? isn't aggravated a better description?02:43
lifelessHobbsee: runnong edgers?02:44
Hobbseelifeless: nope.  I'm thinking that might be a good idea, as it might be more stable.02:44
superm1calc, bip bip bip. if you still need help i can point a reference config02:44
lifelessHobbsee: cworth blogged a couple of days ago02:44
lifelessHobbsee: you need the latest kernel release for many of the bugfixes.02:44
calcsuperm1: i copied it out of usr/share/doc and working on it now02:45
* calc notes this netbook's broken spacebar is really annoying, only the left side works02:45
superm1calc, cool. i got mine from kirkland initially. i think he started convincing a lot of people to use it02:45
Hobbseelifeless: looking for it02:46
calcsuperm1: ah02:46
lifelessHobbsee: ^02:47
lifelessthird post02:47
Hobbseelifeless: oh, i was looking on the wrorng planet.  Thanks :)02:49
loolpitti, tkamppeter_: Right, I'm in SF still; travelling back tomorrow but will be jetlagged and tired; I can make some tim to push poppler 0.11.x to experimental if noone can do it02:51
* calc goes back to using his laptop03:00
* Hobbsee takes the plunge, and reboots03:08
Hobbseeif you see an explosion down south, you'll know what it was....03:09
Hobbseehm, no explosion.03:12
robert_ancellTheMuso: lifeless: Do you know who manages ubuntu-dev-tools?  I've found a trivial bug, who has commit access? (I'd like to avoid filing bugs and commit directly)03:52
Hobbseerobert_ancell: it's in bzr03:55
Hobbseeso i presume you can do a merge (i think the branch is owned by ~ubuntu-dev)03:55
StevenKAnd if you don't, you can push to a branch you own and request a merge using LP03:56
robert_ancellHobbsee: I think I'm not in ubuntu-dev, any idea how to become?03:56
robert_ancellStevenK: yeah, I'm trying to avoid that :)03:57
StevenKBut that's the Proper Way if you can't commit directly?03:57
Hobbseerobert_ancell: what StevenK said03:57
robert_ancellyeah, I'm just too lazy though :)03:58
StevenKDon't make us go over there03:58
robert_ancellBut it's a one character fix!  Someone will find it eventually...03:59
* robert_ancell attempts to annoy everyone until they commit it themselves or give me ubuntu-dev membership :)03:59
* StevenK searches for his checkout03:59
StevenKrobert_ancell: Good, then I won't feel bad when I beat you up :-)04:00
* TheMuso can put his hands on a checkout now if StevenK can't.04:00
robert_ancellStevenK: Such violence! Won't someone think of the children?04:00
StevenKWhose children?04:00
robert_ancellTheMuso: Add the missing % on line 56 of lp-set-dup :)04:01
* StevenK continues to wait for bzr pull04:01
* TheMuso has to pull the latest changes also04:03
robert_ancellASDL not so good away from the CBD?04:04
* StevenK kicks robert_ancell 04:04
TheMusorobert_ancell: my python is not great, I don't see where a % sign is needed...04:04
robert_ancellneeds a percent after the closing quote04:05
robert_ancelli.e. substitute these variables into the string %=substitute operator04:05
* StevenK can't see lp-set-dup in his u-d-t pull04:05
TheMusorobert_ancell: does there need to b e a space between the quote and the %?04:06
robert_ancellTheMuso: Not required, but I'd put one there to match the others04:06
robert_ancellTheMuso: thanks04:07
TheMusogot it04:07
robert_ancellStevenK: what do you have checked out?04:07
robert_ancelllaziness was the winner on the day04:07
* robert_ancell returns to his soul crushing attempts at rationalizing the 600+ compiz bug reports04:08
TheMusook pushed.04:09
sanketthis is regarding APT, I wish to discuss an idea I have in mind04:57
persiasanket, Have you written up your idea for review?04:58
sanketNopes, where to do that ?05:00
persiaWell, there's a few options.05:00
persiabrainstorm.ubuntu.com is a handy resource to get initial discussion of an idea and refine it a bit.05:01
persiaOnce there's some understanding of how one might do it, one might write it up in more detail on the wiki.05:01
persiaThen it's easy to point to a URL on IRC or in a mailing list post to invite discussion and criticism.05:01
persiaOf course, if it's a small idea, a bug works nearly as well.  And if it's really small, just asking on IRC can be enough :)05:02
sanketthe idea relates to developing a tool to help automate the process of building custom( maybe partial ) mirrors for custom distro's supporting APT tool kit.05:03
persiaThat's complex enough that I'd recommend outlining it on a wiki, at least.  Depending on how deeply you're familiar with apt and mirroring, you may even want to use brainstorm to help refine it first.05:04
sanketjust to make sure, such an idea is not impl or in progress... else i wud rather contribute :)05:05
sanketdoes such project already exist ?05:07
persiaI don't happen to know of anything, but I'm just one person.  Documenting the outline of which sort of tool you're talking about would help others to determine if it matches some existing tool.05:07
sanketcool enough, i will file the idea asap05:08
superm1slangasek, from the feedback i'm hearing, it seems a bunch of those mesa bugs that i spent eons fixing in 9.04 have returned for nvidia and intel hardware, i'm trying to get the guys to register the stuff on isotracker, but it's sounding like we might have to skip a2 since these are kinda big things05:10
tjaaltonsuperm1: mesa and nvidia? they shouldn't have anything in common05:21
superm1tjaalton, well this is the exact symptoms we were seeing in 9.0405:38
superm1-nv driver using swrast05:38
superm1and only getting stencil output with mythtv05:38
tjaaltonoh, that05:39
superm1did some patch get dropped?05:40
superm1or some upstream change that you know about that went on causing this?05:40
tjaaltonuh oh, yes05:44
tjaaltonI don't exactly know why05:44
tjaaltonlet me check the git logs05:44
tjaaltonsuperm1: wait, it's still there05:49
superm1there was that one and one more05:49
superm1are we sure it was applied upstream?05:49
tjaaltonit wasn't in jaunty05:51
superm1hm. i'll have to dig up some nvidia hardware and look if things work with the jaunty mesa or where things are messed up then05:51
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tjaaltonpatch 104 was dropped late March, since it was included upstream05:54
superm1hmm then05:55
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slangaseksuperm1: ah, doh06:16
superm1took long to get "functional" live disks in the first place, so didnt leave much time to look at this stuff06:17
superm1little installer gaf's earlier on and what not06:17
dholbachgood morning06:18
=== calc` is now known as calc
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calchmm the way pidgin interacts with bip isn't exactly optimal but i suppose it works good enough for the moment06:31
calcif i close the irc window it quits all of the channels on my proxy for me as a 'feature' apparently06:31
persiacalc, bip works well with xchat and irssi, although I'm not sure either of those interfaces work for you.06:32
lifelesskill -9 ?06:32
calcand with lots of channels always open in pidgin it makes it fairly hard to see when people private message me06:32
calcpersia: i need something to work with pidgin due to management request06:33
lifelesscalc: you hasve to use pidgin?06:34
calclifeless: i need something that will prod me about private messages immediately06:34
persiacalc, patch pidgin to not close windows when disconnecting?06:34
calcpersia: that might work assuming pidgin doesn't actually alert me about every message in every channel06:34
persiaxchat can be configured to provide various sorts of notifications, including audible notification.06:35
lifelesscalc: ah. I tell folk to SMS me if they ever want an 'immediate' guarantee, cause I close IRC and email and all notifications when focusing on stuff06:35
persiacalc, My memory is that pidgin has a notifications plugin that lets you configure when to provide notifications, and when to shut up.06:36
calcah hmm i'll have to look at it closer then06:36
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pittiGood morning09:03
pittitkamppeter: right, sounds like a plan; the cups recommends alone should also pull it in on upgrades09:03
pittilool: hi! poppler> I'm happy to prepare a package if you want09:03
\shmoins pitti09:05
jameshpitti: hi.  Thanks for the help with the erlang related packages.09:22
jameshpitti: the couchdb package that got uploaded misses some dependencies though -- I only discovered this yesterday.09:23
pittijamesh: I saw; I'll upload your corrections; thanks for following up with Debian09:24
dholbachjamesh: do you think you could forward the dependency changes of rabbitmq-server to Debian too?09:25
dholbachthe rabbitmq folks were keen to have the same versions in ubuntu and debian09:25
jameshdholbach: sure.09:25
dholbachnice  thanks muchly09:26
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:37
tkamppeterpitti, I have made all CUPS Raster drivers depend on ghostscript-cups and also prepared a debdiff for the lsb package to depend on ghostscript-cups, as CUPS Raster is an LSB requirement.09:38
tkamppeterpitti, see bug 38560609:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385606 in lsb "Print test page gives an error message "unsupported format: application/postscript"" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38560609:39
Ngso in this brave new world where hal is being deprecated, where should I poke a bug about my suspend hotkey (Fn-F4) not working while the screen is locked? (my argument being that a hotkey like that should always work, and I'm pretty sure it used to)09:44
ograNg, if it isnt already, it should be handled by devicekit-power afaik09:51
persiasladen, A long long time ago you commented on bug #109446.  Do you have any further thoughts on the policy decision you mentioned then?10:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 109446 in gnome-power-manager "Need /proc/acpi/wakeup tweaks to enable mousepad and USB to wake up from suspend" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10944610:06
pittiNg: sounds like gnome-power-manager10:16
Ngpitti: ok, ta10:21
asacStevenK: still there?10:27
slytherindoes anyone know of any way for requesting a package to be rebuild on Debian buildds just to see if it has same FTBFS as Ubuntu.10:30
seb128if it has been built nobody will do a rebuild just to see that10:30
cjwatsonslytherin: if you're talking about texlive-base/powerpc I *seriously* doubt it's buildd-specific. I know you can't reproduce it on your hardware but that's not the same thing10:30
cjwatsonslytherin: last time somebody claimed a problem was buildd-specific I bet against it and won 10 euro off them, so be warned :-)10:31
slytherincjwatson: no, this is different package10:31
cjwatsonok, nevertheless you quit before I could reply to you yesterday10:31
slytherincjwatson: laptop battery was down and no electricity at home.10:31
slytherinseb128: the package in question is arch:all, so it was uploaded with binaries. There is no build on Debian buildd.10:33
seb128well debian do binary uploads ...10:33
directhexboo @ binary uploads10:34
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cjwatsonjust try it in a chroot.10:35
slytherinseb128: yes, and I have been fixing problem like this in Ubuntu fore more than 1 year. :-)10:35
slytherinThe reason for build failure is that the build process can not get internet connection. AFAIK, such problems do not occur in local chroot.10:36
slytherincjwatson: by the way, if there are more than one packages failing because of texlive-base, then does that mean it is buildd problem?10:37
cjwatsonuh? we know it's failing consistently *on the buildd*; that doesn't mean it's a buildd problem10:38
cjwatson"buildd problem" means a problem that's exclusive to the buildd, something to do with the specialised software it runs10:38
slytherincjwatson: I am sorry. I meant chroot problem.10:39
cjwatsonI'm not sure how that's significantly different10:39
cjwatsonyou mean that the stock chroot unpacked at the start of each build on the buildd might be wrong?10:39
cjwatsonI suppose that's possible; I might be in a position to check that10:40
slytherinNo. I mean that may be manual intervention will solve the problem. Like login into the chroot and see why texlive-base setup is failing consistently.10:40
cjwatsonif the chroot is actually broken then that might be the case, yes10:42
* cjwatson attempts to drive manage-chroot.py10:43
cjwatsonI don't see anything *obviously* wrong with the chroot10:45
cjwatsonthere are no triggers awaiting processing AFAICS10:45
cjwatsontexlive-base isn't installed, of course10:45
slytherinthere are more than one packages failing for same reason on powerpc. But I have no idea why it is failing.10:50
cjwatsonanything you can think of that might be an observable reason for that failure?10:50
cjwatsonI have the chroot unpacked in front of me, although not on a powerpc machine10:51
persiaI have a powerpc machine if the chroot is transportable.10:51
slytherinnothing, except it is same error everywhere.10:51
cjwatsonshould be10:51
slytherincan the chroot be recreated?10:52
slytherinsoren pointed to bug 198421 yesterday. Not sure how relevant it is.10:53
cjwatsondon't let me stop you, of course, but looking at the code it didn't look so much like a chroot problem, more like a libc problem specific to that particular class of hardware10:53
cjwatsonbut that was just a guess10:53
cjwatson198421 is unrelated10:53
cjwatsoninstalling packages in the buildd chroot doesn't use dpkg-reconfigure10:54
nutzhi everybody10:54
nutzis someone in here really familiar with the alsa-setup in ubuntu?10:55
persianutz, A few people, but this isn't really a channel for support.  Why do you ask?10:55
slytherinnutz: user questions in #ubuntu please.10:55
nutzi'm trying to set up alsa with S/PDIF  on another distro, but i couldnt find any changes between the working ubuntu-setup and the not so well working gentoo setup. now i was wondering if there were patches in the alsa-drivers in ubuntu10:56
slytherincjwatson: So only two options remain 1. try using chroot somewhere else. 2. recreate the chroot. Am I right?10:57
nutzit's not really support i'm after, i just want to know if there were patches to have passthrough work better10:57
cjwatsonslytherin: I don't see a reason to recreate the chroot unless it's demonstrated that that's where the problem lies11:01
cjwatsonslytherin: 1) seems like a useful thing to do11:01
* persia is performing #1 currently, with limited success (the chroot is *very* minimal, so needs help to be able to talk to apt)11:04
slytherinpersia: thanks for that. If you can not make it work, I will try it over weekend.11:04
persiaslytherin, The issue is that it breaks trying to install texlive-base, right?11:05
slytherinpersia: right11:05
nutzmore precisely: in the alsamixer in ubuntu all i had to do was unmute "IEC958". however in gentoo i don't get sound (from a regular signal, not talking about hwdts or hwac3 which works fine) until i put something like this: pcm.!default " plug:iec958"  in my alsarc11:05
nutzneither of those distros have a /etc/asound.conf in the beginning11:05
slytherinyou can try building tuxguitar if you wish because I know for sure that it succeeded in my own chroot11:06
persia`apt-get install texlive-base` didn't work, which is enough to be interesting.11:07
persiaslytherin, Can you point me at a specific build log?11:09
slytherinpersia: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tuxguitar/1.1-1/+build/997760/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-powerpc.tuxguitar_1.1-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:09
persiaHrm.  I got a different error.  I suspect I didn't do enough tweaks to make it work in my environment.11:11
* persia tries again.11:11
nutzWTF... okay... i sort of "fixed it"11:14
nutzif anybody cares: i just installed vanilla-sources-  instead of the previously tested 2.6.30. now it works JUST like in ubuntu.11:14
nutzno config-files etc.   so it's an alsa-version thing11:15
nutzoki - have a nice one. bye11:15
TheMusoI can have a look at the powerpc chroot/texlive stuff tomorrow if persia doesn't track anything down, about to go and enjoy some DVDs for the evening...11:16
TheMusoso don't want to do it right now. :)11:17
persiaOK. `apt-get install texlive-base` worked.  Resetting, and trying `apt-get build-dep tuxguitar`11:18
amitksoren: got time for a few stupid kvm questions?11:21
amitksoren: how do I tell if kvm is running fully virtualised? On upgrading to karmic, my kvm windows-xp image is taking 100% cpu.11:23
* persia points at #ubuntu-virt11:23
liwis there an easy way to see how much security updates there are for an LTS release? my best approach would be to install one in the VM, and then see how much apt would download, but perhaps there's a faster way11:33
liwI'm interested in the number of megabytes to be downloaded, and an approximation is fine11:33
persialiw you could just check the contents of the hardy-security archive.11:33
persiaPackages.gz there might even have all the information you need.11:34
cjwatsonyeah, that plus grep-dctrl plus numsum11:34
slytherinliw: or if you have access to the LTS installation, just to apt-get upgrade and it will tell you how much MB it is going to download.11:34
cjwatsonslytherin: I think that's what liw said11:35
cjwatson"my best approach would be to install one in the VM, and then see how much apt would download, but perhaps there's a faster way"11:35
liwoh, d'oh, that was silly of me: I only remembered the Installed-Size11:35
persiawhich grep-dctrl+numsum is.11:35
slytherinOh. I thought he was actually planning to download everything.11:35
ion_cjwatson: numsum, huh? Thanks, i hadn’t stumbled upon num-utils before.11:35
cjwatsonit superseded the 'total' shell script I previously had11:36
cjwatson(which is pretty trivial: 'total=0; for num in $(cat); do total="$(($total + $num))"; done; echo "$total"')11:36
liwnumsum could do with some manual page love11:36
liw"numsum - numsum program file" is not a good NAME section :)11:37
liwhmm, Size is in bytes, not kilobytes11:38
persiaTheMuso, It's all yours.  I can't replicate in my environment: I get a successful install.  My process was untar chroot, edit sources.list & resolv.conf, bind-mount /dev and /proc, chroot, apt-get update, apt-get install texlive-base | apt-get build-dep tuxguitar.11:38
liwI get about 1.7 *gigabytes* of security updates for hardy11:39
persialiw, You may want to do your comparisons on a per-flavour basis, just to reduce the totals.11:40
liwnah, I'm happy with a big number :)11:40
StevenKasac: Am now11:50
asacStevenK: you wanted some input on xul?11:51
StevenKasac: It's broken!11:52
StevenKasac: Or something :-P11:52
asacStevenK: i guess i need some background on what you are doing and what is broken11:53
StevenKasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194242/11:53
asacStevenK: which package is that?11:57
ion_liw: Any thoughts about my comments yet? :-)11:58
StevenKasac: kazehakase11:58
StevenKasac: No-change rebuild from what's in the archive.11:58
liwion_, I'm processing the wiki page now11:58
asacStevenK: when was the last build?12:00
StevenKasac: Heh, intrepid12:04
StevenKasac: I daresay it probably does require source changes, but I have no idea what.12:05
asacStevenK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194255/12:06
asacvs 4.312:06
ograhmm, i'm sure i had glade3 installed in jaunty ...12:06
* ogra wonders where that went12:06
asacStevenK: just do export CXX=g++4.3 in debian/rules ;)12:06
asacand build depend on it ;)12:06
StevenKOh, argh12:07
StevenKasac: So xulrunner doesn't like 4.4? :-P12:07
asacwell. we build a bunch of stuff against it with 4.412:07
liwion_, dpkg-repack: it should be used, I think apt-sync already does; zsync looking into gzipped data: of course; apt method to support unpacked debs: interesting idea, we should discuss that for the next phase12:07
asacmore likely the way kaze uses it12:07
asacStevenK: i am checking if its better with xulrunner-1.9.1-dev now12:08
ion_liw: What’s the benefit of using dpkg-repack? It seems to have a 4×–10× time overhead over plain tar c.12:09
liwion_, dpkg-repack should be used to construct a .deb for zsync to work on, if the user does not have a .deb already12:10
ion_liw: Mostly due to gzipping, but there’s also overhead over tar c | gzip12:10
ion_liw: zsync could just as well get a tar as an inputfile, since it contains almost entirely the same data as a deb in an unpacked form.12:11
persialiw, Do we preserve enough metainformation for dpkg-repack to be likely to have similar (compessed) binary chunks to a new .deb?12:12
liwion_, I'm mainly interested in optimizing the actual transfer, since that's the big bottleneck; further optimizations can happen later12:12
liwpersia, ask me again after I have done some benchmarks, but basically, zsync should be able to handle things well enough12:13
ion_How about the idea under “How method 0 could be implemented”?12:14
asacStevenK: so it builds with 1.9.1 ;)12:14
asacbut it crashes :(12:15
liwion_, it would seem to require fairly big changes to how .debs are generated, and that's not an option at this stage12:15
liwand now I need to go see someone, back later12:16
ion_At the very end of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptSyncInKarmicSpec in case anyone else wants to see my insane ramblings as well. :-P12:16
persialiw, I expect if you can teach zsync about ar, it won't matter: mostly just a magic number thing.12:16
liwion_, damn, I just overwrote that12:17
liwpersia, yes, that is the plan12:17
ion_No problem, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptSyncInKarmicSpec?action=recall&rev=1212:17
liwion_, sorry about that, but I need the spec to be useful for this cycle, and your ideas, while good, are too early for this cycle, but if this experiment goes well, then next cycle we can start doing more adventurous stuff12:18
ion_“How method 0 could be implemented” – there would be no overhead of 0) dpkg-repack gzipping an inputfile, 1) zsync gunzipping the combination of the fetched data and inputfile, 2) zsync gzipping the resulting deb, 3) apt-get gunzipping that.12:19
ion_gzip takes a *loooong* time.12:20
ion_But it’s alright, i can wait for a later cycle. :-)12:20
ion_Just thought that might as well make it right from the beginning.12:20
cjwatsonpersia: why would zsync need to be taught about ar explicitly? ar is very little more than cat with a few header bits12:22
cjwatsonpersia: the overhead of syncing the extra control data will be pretty small12:22
ion_cjwatson: zsync would look inside the gzip within tar, so it needs to find the tar.gz within the ar archive.12:23
cjwatsonliw: thing to remember, you'll need to know which compression method the .deb you're syncing uses for its data.tar12:23
ion_inside the tar within gzip12:23
cjwatsonion_: ah12:23
cjwatsonok, if you're going to uncompress it anyway it probably doesn't matter12:23
ion_But with my idea, you wouldn’t need to teach zsync about ar. Just put tars inside ar and gzip the deb. :-P12:23
ion_The client wouldn’t need to gzip anything, just do a single gunzip pass.12:24
XCPdo Ubuntu developers actually work on the kernel/application/driver code or do they just collect and package all the applications?12:24
ion_When using zsync in the look-inside-gzip-inside-ar mode, there’s also the problem that when zsync re-gzips the deb for apt, *it might not get the gzip right* and the checksum wouldn’t match. My idea wouldn’t have that issue either.12:26
ion_xargs -d'\n' tar c -C / --no-recursion </var/lib/dpkg/info/"$package".list >inputfile.tar; zsync -i inputfile.tar http://archive/.../foo.deb.zsync would fetch parts of http://archive/.../foo.deb.gz, gunzip the data and pass apt a deb that contains debian-binary, control.tar, data.tar within ar. (dpkg already seems to support that format)12:31
cjwatsonXCP: both12:31
persiaion_, That would require a deep change, and possibly a rebuild of all the apps.  Basically passing something like -9fn as unconditional arguments to gzip.12:32
persia(during .deb creation)12:32
* ogra wonders if there is a way to make debootstrap more verbose during "Installing core packages..." in stage212:32
ogra... without actually hacking debootstrap ...12:33
ion_A rebuild wouldn’t be needed. The initial fetch would either just download the entire deb.gz because the inputfile ar contains tar.gz, not tar, or you could detect that the old package in cache contains tar.gzs and force the creation of the inputfile from installed files.12:33
ion_The initial fetch of a newly packaged deb.gz, that is.12:34
persiaI don't really like the idea of .deb.gz files, but it's about whether the compression result has a consistent checksum12:36
persiaPassing -nf to gzip enforces this.  Not passing it makes it a matter of luck, in many ways.12:37
persiaSpecifying a compression level just avoids issues if two environments have different default compression levels.12:37
StevenKasac: I'll build it with 4.3, thanks.12:37
persia(note that this doesn't address differently compressed data tars)12:37
maxbWhy is -f mentioned here, surely the -9n are the options that matter12:38
cjwatsonwhy not adapt pristine-tar to cope with adjusting things like timestamp if necessary?12:38
cjwatsonseems a hell of a lot easier - we certainly aren't going to change the archive to have all .debs uncompressed there12:39
ion_Making sure every single deb is always built with gzip --rsyncable -9nf, you could use zsync with a do-not-look-inside-gzip mode, get the major benefits, and the client would only need to gzip data if there’s no older version in cache.12:39
ion_You’d *always* get the right deb with the right checksum.12:40
cjwatsondpkg-deb always uses -9, but currently never --rsyncable. If you want that, you'd need to get dpkg changed, preferably upstream.12:40
cjwatsonyou don't need to worry about the possibility of .debs not built using dpkg-deb12:41
ion_Whatever the implementation is, i’d really prefer not having to have the client do a gzip pass on every single deb being updated. It’s so slow.12:43
persiamaxb, Because it's conceivable that different gzips might make different choices on what needs to be compressed or not without -f.12:43
SiDiHey people. Has Ekiga been removed from karmic's default installs ?12:45
ion_(See the gzip/dpkg-repack time overhead table under the title “Some benchmarking” at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptSyncInKarmicSpec?action=recall&rev=12)12:45
slytherinSiDi: Why do you think so?12:48
SiDislytherin: i heard it'd be removed from the ISO to save some space. And it takes me some time to download it and check, so i thought i'd ask12:48
slytherinSiDi: I heard? Where?12:49
ograit was removed from the seeds, yes12:49
SiDiogra: so no more SIP app by default ?12:50
asacStevenK: thanks. we will port it to 1.9.1 or drop the -gecko part during karmic cycle anyway. so dont put much work into it ;)12:50
ograSiDi, no idea, i just saw it being removed, i guess emapthy will replace it12:50
slytherinBut does empathy have full audio/video support for SIP?12:51
slytherinand does it have the long range of codec support as ekiga?12:51
slytherincodec as in audio codecs (gsm, speex etc)12:52
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SiDii actually think ekiga is a very important app as it is the most mature alternative to the proprietary skype. I'd be sad to see it disappear13:00
seb128SiDi: why would it disappear?13:01
directhexfrom the default install, presumably13:02
directhexi've been promised by a friend at collabora that epiphany's audio/video UI is VASTLY improved in the next version, so there's some convergence there13:02
directhexpersonally i never got ekiga working13:02
seb128directhex: thanks but I guessed that, the question was rethorical for SiDi not for other people to jump in to add random comments13:02
seb128directhex: you probably mean empathy there?13:03
directhexerm, yes13:03
* directhex should sleep more13:03
seb128still it's not a sip solution, doesn't have all the codecs from libopal etc and doesn't have an UI optimized for softphoning13:04
kenvandinepitti: that telepathy-glib bug should be fixed today and included in today's upstream release13:24
\shcjwatson: hmmm...if I change on an installed ubuntu system some new debconf db entries for console-setup, and do a dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive console-setup, /etc/default/console-setup is not properly regenerated with the new debconf values13:39
cjwatsonthe canonical source for configuration is the filesystem, not debconf13:40
cjwatsonif they differ the filesystem wins13:40
cjwatsonjust change the configuration file directly13:40
\shcjwatson: well...I just deleted the console-setup and the postinst script creates a new one ... I wasn't sure if that behaviour is intended or if it was just a hickup13:42
cjwatsonyes, it does ensure that one exists at the end13:43
cjwatsonbut in that case there's no configuration in the filesystem, so it can't win13:43
\shcjwatson: my plan was to update those files with new values from debconf...anyways..problem solved...thx :)13:44
cjwatsonchange debconf + dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive is just not the correct way to change console-setup's configuration, though. Either dpkg-reconfigure (interactively) or edit /etc/default/console-setup directly13:44
cjwatsonthe behaviour you're asking for would have the problem that an administrator who changed /etc/default/console-setup in the most straightforward and obvious way would be surprised when a later upgrade overwrote their changes13:45
\shcjwatson: well...idea behind that was: install some system with non-tweaked default values, and push later a new debconf db and dpkg-reconfigure -a -f noninteractive to regenerate all the config files with the new values...13:47
cjwatson\sh: not going to work in general I'm afraid13:48
cjwatsondebconf is not a registry (tm)13:49
\shhehe for sure :)13:49
\shcjwatson: thx for the heads-up13:50
amitkhmm.. why does my apport "Report Problem" button not work?13:55
ograbecause you have no problems ?13:56
ogra(apport is so clever ;) )13:56
maxbwgrant: Are you planning to upload your en-PPA-ed changes to xserver-xorg-input-synaptics soon, ooi? Do you need further testing13:59
wgrantmaxb: I should probably prepare an upload and find a sponsor, yes... I'll do that tomorrow.14:00
pittikenvandine: great to hear14:00
amitkogra: apport popped up in the first place when nautilus crashed :-/14:01
PiciRegarding the note on the Alpha2 testing page, is HAL being completely depreciated, or only for power management?14:19
persiaI heard it was dead upstream, but it's probably incremental to pull it out (hopefully within karmic)14:21
evand1devicekit-disks is in place as well, so it's already more than just power management.14:31
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calcwhich is better xchat or xchat-gnome (they seem to be forked?)15:12
Ampelbein!best | calc15:18
ubottucalc: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:18
LaserJockcalc: xchat-gnome is from devil ;-)15:26
NCommanderLaserJock, I thought the devil ran xchat-win3215:29
calcis it possible to join multiple bip connections through a single xchat?15:30
* calc thinks it would look to xchat like just trying to connect to the same irc server multiple times15:31
robbiewslangasek: ping15:35
directhexcalc, it would indeed look like that15:51
directhexcalc, you just configure multiple duplicate irc servers to join, and have a different connection string configured on each15:51
mterryrobbiew: Heads up that I probably don't have the right raid hardware after all.  I don't have any non-netbook or non-laptop machines, so the only thing way I can get two identical hard drives is with thumb drives, but I don't believe they work with dmraid (though apparently you can use them with mdadm)15:52
robbiewmterry: hmm...okay15:52
robbiewdendrobates: around?15:52
mterryrobbiew: I'm confirming with Luke15:52
slangasekrobbiew: pong15:55
robbiewslangasek: I can't make the first hour (perf review)...and Colin needs to leave early, so could Foundations move up the queue?15:55
robbiewcjwatson: ^^15:56
tkamppeterAnyone around who can help on a package dependency problem?15:57
tkamppeterSee bug 14164115:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 141641 in lsb "installing lsb requires postfix" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14164115:58
tkamppeterThe package lsb depends on mail-transport-agent and mail-transport-agent is provided by very many packages, including postfix and ssmtp. Currently the heavy daemon-loaded postfix gets autro-installed. How I can change priorities so that ssmtp gets auto-installed by default?15:59
cjwatsonslangasek: cheers16:00
\shtkamppeter: lsb-core needs mailx, and mailx needs bsd-mailx and bsd-mailx depends on postfix|mail-transport-agent...so correct...without a MTA mailx would be useless ;)16:00
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tkamppeter\sh, I have successfull replaced postfix by ssmtp.16:01
tkamppeter\sh, what I want now is that ssmtp gets chosen in the first place.16:02
sebner\sh: it's funny, is it just me or are you more often online than *before* the baby was born *ehehe* ;-P16:02
\shtkamppeter: right..the problem is, if no MTA is installed...it will choose postfix as prio 1 but if something else providing mail-transport-agent is installed, it won't install postfix16:02
tkamppeter\sh, can I make ssmtp the one being automatically chosen if no MTA is there?16:03
\shsebner: I'm always on..but depending on workload and interesst I'm active or not ;)16:04
LaserJocktkamppeter: I've got a printing question for you. Do you know of any bugs where printing large pdfs cause the printing dialogs to freeze up?16:05
\shtkamppeter: that's a foundation thing...postfix is the default MTA for ubuntu...I don't know if there is a plan for desktops to install a lightweight replacement, cjwatson or whoever is the right person16:06
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tkamppetercjwatson, ping16:07
cjwatsonlsb should probably depend on default-mta | mail-transport-agent as documented on ubuntu-devel recently rather than explicitly on postfix16:07
cjwatsonI don't think we should change default-mta to ssmtp16:07
\shcjwatson: bsd-mailx is the bugger, which is pulled in by mailx (a dep of lsb-core)16:08
tkamppeterLaserJock: No, did not know about large PDFs freezing the printing dialog (they can perhaps freeze the filter chain), but I have an idea: evince (at least as of Jaunty and older) produces rather huge print output. So for long PDFs with many pictures the transfer of a job from evince to CUPS can take very long.16:09
LaserJocktkamppeter: well, what happens is in acroread or evince when I hit the Print menu item the dialog box never really comes up or takes forever16:10
LaserJocktkamppeter: so before it actually gets to the actual "send it to the printer" bit I think16:11
LaserJockI'm having to print my dissertation from OS X presently because I haven't been able to in Jaunty :/16:12
tkamppetercjwatson, \sh: I want to avoid the problem that if a user installs a distro-independent package (LSB-packages) that a daemon (postfix) gets automatically installed. Especially this should not happen on desktop systems.16:12
tkamppetercjwatson, \sh: Especially we will have many manufacturer-supplied printer drivers in the form of LSB packages. It would be very bad to get an MTA daemon only to make the printer working.16:14
tkamppeterLaserJock: This looks like bugs in the applications, as at that point the printing system is only asked for available printers and this does not depend on the job size.16:16
LaserJocktkamppeter: ok, thanks, that gives me something to hunt for16:17
cjwatsontkamppeter: I don't see why that's "very bad".16:18
tkamppetercjwatson, adding a daemon is once a potential security problem and second takes resources. Typical LSB-packaged applications and printer drivers do not need a mail server on the local box.16:23
\shtkamppeter: postfix by default listens only on and on the ipv6 equivalent of localhost16:24
cjwatsonwhat he said.16:24
\shtkamppeter: there is no harm when there is postfix installed on desktops16:24
tkamppeter\sh, but it is still taking resources and when one installs postfix the user is asked which type of mail server he wants, not very nice for users who have connected a new printer to their box.16:25
cjwatsonI don't think IRC is the right place for this discussion; it's too complicated. It belongs on the mailing list16:26
cjwatsonand you're saying "must" a lot; please stop, there's more to the question of what default-mta is than this specific requirement16:26
tkamppeterpitti (or any security expert), WDYT about a printer driver installation pulling postfix?16:26
cjwatsonMartin has already commented on the bug16:27
cjwatsonreally, it's not obvious that fixing this specifically in Ubuntu rather than in LSB upstream is the right thing to do16:27
cjwatsonsee the upstream bug16:28
pittiit's a pretty br**** LSB requirement with no obvious solution right now, except for fixing LSB16:28
cjwatsonssmtp is not going to be any good for the basic requirement of sending status mail which is apparently why sendmail was included in the LSB in the first place16:28
pittior vendors not depending on lsb, but on e. g. lsb-printing16:28
cjwatsonlsb-printing depends: lsb-core depends: postfix | mail-transport-agent16:28
pittioh, it's even in -core now? darn16:29
pittiso this seems FUBAR to me :(16:30
tkamppeterpitti, cjwatson: Are the lsb-... subpackages standardized in the LSB? Or is this Ubuntu-specific?16:30
cjwatsonall I'm saying is that the place to start with this is not "how do we get ssmtp made the default". You need to back up a bit.16:30
cjwatsonLSB Core is an upstream concept16:30
cjwatsonas are the other modules16:31
pittitkamppeter: a good place to argue for this is the upstream bug IMHO16:31
pittiit didn't get much traction yet :(16:31
tkamppetercjwatson, pitti, can one perhaps make the situation of Karmic at least a little bit more user-friendly, for example letting postfix automatically install with a default configuration, without asking the user anything?16:37
cjwatsonask lamont, but I'd support that16:39
pittitkamppeter: it's not a problem in karmic per se, just with third-party packages16:39
tkamppeterlamont, ping16:39
mptasac, hi16:57
mptasac, I've just been asked: "mpt, if I want Ubuntu to get the wireless driver issues to be sorted out; where would the best place be to donate money?"16:58
mptand I have no idea what to answer :-)16:58
asacmpt: its probably not the "where to donate money", but "where to not spend money" :)17:01
mptasac, I found the answer, <http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/Donations>17:05
azeemmpt: euh17:06
asacmpt: err. thats madwifi ;)17:08
mptasac, I know hardly anything about wireless drivers, so whatever you're implying, it's going over my head with a whoosh17:09
asacmpt: i say that donating there wont help to resolve general driver issues on linux ;)17:10
asacmpt: i might be wrong, but are trying to get a away from madwifi drivers17:10
mptasac, so is there a human-readable summary somewhere of what people should and shouldn't spend money on?17:11
johanbrmpt: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Devices17:14
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mptjohanbr, thanks, I was hoping for something a little easier to understand :-)17:24
mptbut that looks fairly comprehensive17:25
johanbrunfortunately manufacturers change chipsets without changing the name of their devices17:26
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johanbrso you pretty much have to know the PCI id to tell whether a given device will work, that's why it gets a bit complicated17:26
mpthttp://linuxwireless.org/CertificationIdeas looks nifty17:28
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al-maisanhello james_w, re. the merged ibus package .. the "[Control+space]" localisation strings were commented out in the more recent debian debian package18:38
al-maisanthe ubuntu patch brings them back in18:39
james_whi al-maisan18:39
james_wdo you know why they were commented?18:39
al-maisanhello james_w, no, I don't.18:40
al-maisanLet me dig around a little bit.18:40
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james_wwe could ask LI Daobing of course18:41
al-maisanjames_w: yes, his comment is just "* new upstream release."18:41
al-maisanjames_w: I can email him and ask; is that a good course of action?18:42
james_wI'd be tempted to just wait until Monday morning and see if they are around18:42
james_wor email, yes18:42
al-maisanOK, great, will do that then and see how far that gets us :)18:42
james_wcool, thansk18:43
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maxbkirkland: Hi, I just noticed screen-profiles has re-entered Karmic from Debian. I've reopened bug 374162 - if you're around perhaps you could add (or not) your core-dev ack that archive admins will presumably want to see19:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374162 in screen-profiles "Please remove screen-profiles from karmic (renamed to byobu)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37416219:41
kirklandmaxb: yeah, will do ... screen-profiles should not be added to karmic as a functional package19:42
kirklandmaxb: though a meta depends on byobu or something might make sense19:42
maxbTransitional packages built out of the byobu source package, possibly?19:43
* maxb doesn't know if apt is clever enough to migrate based on replaces/provides/conflicts etc. alone19:43
kirklandmaxb: let's try pinging mvo19:44
kirkland(who isn't around atm)19:44
kirklandmaxb: i'll subscribe him to the bug19:44
maxbA different bug, perhaps, since the archive admins will close that one after processing it?19:45
Amaranthmaxb: apt will not automatically fetch a package that Replaces a package on the system already19:46
Amaranthmaxb: You'll have to make your new package provide a transitional package19:46
maxbah, of course - /me not thinking clearly19:48
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slangasekpitti: hmm, so in light of bug #384511, I guess we should drop hotkey-setup straightaway20:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384511 in hotkey-setup "Toogle display key not working anymore" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38451120:07
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ion_liw: How about this? pe143956 < ion_> Making sure every single deb is always built with gzip --rsyncable -9nf, you could use zsync with a do-not-look-inside-gzip mode, get the major benefits, and the client would only need to gzip data if there’s no older version in cache.20:37
liwion_, see the spec as I last edited it; I will run benchmarks comparing various ways of compressing .debs and see what the results are; I'm not really interested in debating which options would be best until I've done the benchmarks20:39
ion_liw: In my benchmark (in my comments), using --rsyncable and zsync in raw data mode, there only was a 3% transfer overhead for a 454k change in a 30M file. Having to do even a single gzip pass for every single package that’s being updated seems to cause a huge difference in processing time. With --rsyncable and raw data mode, that could be avoided for every package that already exists in apt cache.20:42
ion_liw: 3% against the look-inside-gzip mode and no --rsyncable.20:42
ion_liw: But yeah, better do more extensive benchmarking.20:44
ion_liw: That just seems like the next best choice (mostly great speed *and* almost the same benefit in fetch size), and it should be without major infrastructure changes – just make dpkg-deb use gzip --rsyncable -9nf.20:46
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ion_liw: Oh, and importantly: with zsync in raw data mode, there’s a 100% certainity that the checksum matches (without additional processing), because no re-gzipping is involved in clientside. It’s certainly possible to make the client-side gzip launched by zsync do precisely the same thing as dpkg-deb in the builder, though.20:51
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rishDell Studio, Jaunty, No sound coming. Touchpad Acting Wierd. Anyone can help??21:39
maxbrish: Hi, this is a channel for Ubuntu development. For support, try #ubuntu21:39
rishmeans people here r open source developers/21:40
rishhow to become an ubuntu developer?21:41
AquinaHy! Can one of you lovely geeks tell me please why "SUBDOMAIN_MODULE_PANIC" is set to "XXX" in /etc/apparmor/subdomain.conf?21:42
AquinaShouldn't it at least be set wo "warn" or "build"?21:43
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Madkisshi folks.22:12
MadkissIf ivoks comes back online, please tell him I didn't mean to be rude by not answering. I was just not in front of my computer :)22:13
Viper550okay, can ubuntu's installer resize ntfs partitions?22:20
ScottKViper550: Yes.23:12
Viper550oh cool23:13

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