
zeroproghey guys anybody know if theres something wrong with openssl's md5 functions?04:52
zeroprogit seems to produce the hash with one character missing04:55
zeroprogcan somebody tell me why this is producing the wrong hash http://pastebin.com/d3d8753c105:14
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mr_claushmm, should the abi file be generated automatically while building the kernel image? i'm wondering why some modules compiled but not in the abi modules list09:58
amitkmr_claus: yes, abi is generated after the build10:01
mr_clausamitk: there are missing some modules in flavour.modules file and i don't know why10:01
amitkmr_claus: what are you compiling, how and what are the changes you made?10:02
mr_clausamitk: i started to compile 2.6.30 from the jeremy git (xen-patches)10:02
mr_clausamitk: i used the build system from 2.6.28 and fit the files to 2.6.3010:03
mr_clausi changed changelog of course, control.d/vars.xen (created)10:04
mr_clausand config/amd64/config.xen10:04
mr_clausbut ... i didn't change config/amd64/config until now10:05
amitkmr_claus: and the build is complaining about missing modules?10:06
mr_clausafter a "find . -name 'sata_sil*' i get10:06
mr_clausbut the two modules are not in the .deb10:06
mr_clausand not in the xen.modules10:07
alex_jonimr_claus: did .ko's get built?10:07
mr_clausalex_joni: no10:07
amitkmr_claus: and the module is enabled in the configs? 'debian/rules editconfigs' to edit them interactively10:09
mr_clausamitk: with editconfigs the files in config/amd64/config.* will be modified, right?10:14
mr_clausamitk: in config/amd64/config there are SATA_SIL and SATA_SIL24 set to "y"10:15
mr_clausamitk: but the interesting is, if i run editconfigs it looks different10:17
mr_clausamitk: are there some docs how that is working?10:17
mr_clausamitk: no, it doesn't look different, the modules are configured10:18
amitkmr_claus: after exiting from all editconfigs, updateconfigs will be run automatically. Make sure the modules are still there after that.10:21
mr_clausamitk: still there mean inside of config/amd64/config?10:23
mr_clausi checked .config inside of of build dir debian/build/build-xen/10:23
mr_clausthe modules are set to "y" too10:23
mr_clausand in config/amd64/config the modules set to "y"10:24
mr_clausahh, sry, my fault10:25
mr_clausi'm blind, y means inside of kernel10:25
mr_clausseems the night was to long and my brain was afk10:26
amitkmr_claus: heh. Good catch. :)10:29
lamalexHi- is there a ppa for 2.6.30 that has the ubuntu sauce patches?12:27
alex_jonilamalex: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/ ?12:28
lamalexthat's not just upstream?12:29
alex_jonimight be, just googled it12:30
lamalexyeah i thought it was upstream12:30
lamalexfigured someone here would actually know12:30
alex_jonilamalex: there is a package for lpia12:34
amitkapw: how are the splitconfig patches looking?13:19
apwthey look ok in general, there is some purley cosmetic stuff in there which i don't know if you intended13:19
apwalso the rename is going to cause me pain.  still have to actually test them, got sidetracked on some kms kernels13:19
apwand writing up your new blueprint :)13:20
amitkapw: cosmetic changes such as getting rid of commented lines, etc.?13:23
apwi saw a couple of what must be pure white space changes in there13:23
apwthe one which sticks in my mind was in the rename patch which has a couple i think13:24
apwi need to review them agian once i've tested them13:24
amitkapw: there were a few space to tab conversions that I threw in there as I ran across them.13:25
apwprobabally waht they are then13:25
rtgamitk: I'll be taking a look at them shortly. I'm also gonna start working on the flavour changes13:28
rtgapw: uploading linux_2.6.30-9.1013:50
apwrtg reached my upload email then :)13:50
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