
Andphehi, how long can take bzr import-dsc ?00:12
Andphehours ?00:12
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voriancody-somerville: nice job on the multiple ppa blog post.02:15
vorianit reduced my dput 3mb02:16
ausimagevorian: what do you know of conspiracy to modify distutils and break packages that use install files build mulitiple packages :/02:30
* ausimage think vorian uses python and might have a few answers for him :S02:31
popeydirecthex: dont suppose you can put a space after those urls in comment 3? :) they get added to the end of the url and result in 404s in some crappy environments02:32
popey(the end bracket gets added I mean)02:32
ausimageany python packages around?02:33
ausimageer packager02:34
StevenKThey don't tend to sit on IRC02:34
StevenKPython packages, that is02:34
ausimageStevenK: I am looking to get some help with my python package....02:34
ausimagesupposedly I seem to find the sledge hammers to make my packages work... I need help to find the right dentle pick instead :)02:35
ausimageI would greatly appreciate some advice on best practices for my soovee package02:37
ScottKJontheEchidna and  nixternal: New packages are fine for backports.04:40
persiahey Laibsch05:02
LaibschI have a script that I'm packaging.  On the host it is installed without the x bit for execution05:02
LaibschHow do I get the package built with the script being marked as executable?05:03
persiaLaibsch, To which directory is the script installed?05:03
persiaand it's marked executable in the source package?05:05
Laibschactually, it's not part of orig.tar.gz05:12
Laibschit is marked executable in the unpacked source directory05:12
persiaLaibsch, Ah.  diff.gz can't represent the executable bit (or masks it, or something).  chmod+x it in rules.05:13
persiaEr, hrm.  No.  dh_fixperms is supposed to fix that.05:14
persiaSo, make sure you're running dh_fixperms, and if you are, check your logs carefully (DH_VERBOSE might help)05:15
LaibschOK, thank you05:15
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fabrice_sp_moins \sh06:08
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fabrice_spScottK, can I take the shogun merge?06:11
ScottKfabrice_sp: Yes.  Please.06:11
fabrice_spthanks ;-)06:11
\shzend-framework_1.8.3-0ubuntu1 just uploaded...06:12
persia\sh, You know zend.  Do you want to make a call on how to make gaphor work again?06:12
persiaShould it not depend on zend?06:12
\shgaphor? you mean this http://gaphor.sourceforge.net/ gaphor?06:13
persiaI do.  It's a package that works about once per three or four Ubuntu releases.06:14
StevenKSo it's doing better than PHP, then06:14
persiaErr.  Nevermind.  Ignore that.06:14
\shpersia: I'm wondering what gaphor should do with Zend?06:15
* persia confused "zend" and "zope"06:15
\shpersia: but sounds like it depends on a working zope stack in ubuntu then ... (ajmitch could help here...remembering he did some zope work in the past)06:16
\shStevenK: hmmm? php worked always...(not regarding the quality of php, though)06:16
persia\sh, well, some say it should, and some say it shouldn't, and I haven't used it since dapper, so my interest level in making it work is waning.06:17
dholbachgood morning06:18
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fabrice_spgood morning dholbach06:18
\shmoins dholbach ... looks like that most .de people are up early ;)06:18
dholbachhiya \sh, hey fabrice_sp06:18
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\shpersia: looks like it only uses zope.component (pre-deps: zope.interface, zope.event)...dunno if we do have them as single package in our archives06:22
persia\sh, Don't worry about it.  Maybe ajmitch remembers enough zope.  Maybe someone will write a UML tool that doesn't require nearly so much coddling.06:27
ajmitchwhat are we talking about here?06:27
\shpersia: umbrello (kde)06:27
persiaajmitch, That gaphor worked in hoary, dapper, and gutsy, and it might be nice to make it work for karmic.06:27
persiaBut that making it work requires untangling the relationship to zope, messing with python transitions, etc.06:28
ajmitchpersia: OK, I can't say I've really heard of it :)06:28
ajmitchsounds like a bundle of fun06:28
persiaYeah.  Packages that only rarely work don't tend to be so popular :)06:28
ajmitchwhat's its current state of breakage?06:29
persiaI used it in hoary, breezy (until it broke), and dapper, and found it useful then, but there may be better alternatives now.06:29
persiaLast I knew it was having issues with python versions related to zope, and having discussions as to whether the zope bits belonged how they were.06:29
ajmitchI'm installing it now & it has a dependency on zope306:30
ajmitchwhich is interesting :)06:30
persia(there's a few bugs that explain the situation in more detail, but I can't say I've been great about the bugmail for the past year or so)06:30
\shajmitch: as said...it needs zope.component06:30
persiaAnd it installs some zope extensions, I think.06:30
\sh(as stated on the homepage and hopefully with the correct infos)06:31
* ajmitch sees no mention of zope on the new homepage06:31
ajmitchjust that it'll fetch dependencies as needed when you install with setuptools06:32
\shajmitch: http://gaphor.devjavu.com/wiki/Tech last headline06:32
ajmitchwell the version in karmic at least loads for me06:32
persiaCool!  I wouldn't have expected it to work, given some of the comments in some of the bugs in late jaunty timeframe.06:33
ajmitchIt should be updated to the latest version at least06:36
persiaThe person in Debian who has been trying not to maintain it for the past while tends to be good about doing stuff, but probably wouldn't complain if someone else wanted to take it over.06:36
ajmitchI doubt I'd use it enough to want to take over maintenance06:37
persiaThat seems to be a general consensus :)06:37
ajmitchit's a pity that zope eggs aren't packaged separately in debian at the moment for this06:38
\shdirecthex: good post about mono...congrats07:03
ScottKdirecthex: I'm a little curious about the 100 times faster than Python comment though?07:17
* persia assumed that was in the "some workloads" category, in the same way that shell scripts are faster than C for some workloads.07:18
persia(without any specific intended mapping as to which language would be C and which would be shell scripts)07:18
ScottKYes, it was 'some'.07:19
ScottKI'm curious about the circumstances where that would pertain.07:19
dholbachpersia, geser, soren, jpds, nhandler, nixternal: who of you is around? :)07:47
* persia is about 50% present07:48
dholbachthat's a good start :)07:49
dholbachgeser, soren, jpds, nhandler, nixternal: anybody else? :-)07:54
slytherinwhat is the poll about?07:55
persiaslytherin, We have a meeting in about 4 minutes.07:56
slytherinin #ubuntu-meeting?07:57
nixternalyo yo07:57
dholbachhey nixternal!07:57
slytherinIs it MOTU meeting or MC meating?07:57
* dholbach hugs nixternal and persia07:57
nixternalI just finished watching a movie :)07:58
dholbachperfect fit then :)07:58
* dholbach tries texting soren07:59
sorenI'm here.08:00
sorenJust now.08:01
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\shnixternal: kmail was always crashing since kde3 times...so it's kdes crap not kubuntus or opensuses...I should write something on your blog ;)08:17
nixternalI had a long drawn up response, but I went with the more PC/CoC friendly version with humor and sarcasm :)08:18
\shnixternal: that's exactly what I did this morning when I read jriddells post about the kde hire of C. ;) I thought I appoint you for that position ;)08:19
nixternalyou and everyone else...I want to know more about it08:20
nixternalnot going to waste time if it is more x, opengl type stuff that I have 0 clue about08:20
\shnixternal: imho more the ubuntu one client for kde?08:20
nixternalif it is general kde love, then I am down, but I think someone has it out for me anyways ;)08:20
nixternalthey already have someone working on it I thought08:21
\shnixternal: regarding online services08:21
nixternalI was looking through the server/cloud computing thing but it seems it is more server than anything, and my cloud experience is all with storage anyways08:21
nixternaldon't know if i really want to develop any more on the cloud, but i won't say no :)08:21
enycsecurity updates in universe -- how does tnis work?   debian have patched their 'nsd' pacakge.... but this hasn't filtered through into ubuntu -- whats' going on?   is somebody supposed to post a bug?  does something happen automatically to notify tha maintaner that hasn't happened?08:23
\shnixternal: money money money...must be funny...in the rich man's world ;)08:23
nixternalI have 0 money08:24
nixternalbeen jobless since february, the job market here sucks, but I did just get an offer08:24
enycplease will someboy point me in the right directon ??08:26
\shenyc: file a bug with the CVE, eventually add the patch from debian to the report, add debians bug report to it, and provide a debdiff , please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures :)08:26
\shnixternal: why not MS? They soled 200Mio SLES licenses ,-)08:27
nixternalMS is the largest distributor and support of Linux based solutions too08:27
directhexnixternal, you've been running windows for ages haven't you? :p08:27
nixternalactually no08:28
nixternalI haven't run windows since around 199808:28
\sh"MS wants YOU ! Go get the job, Cowboy"08:28
voriani'd love a job like that, if it didn't have a crazy contract08:29
* vorian is content, however, to run a farm store08:29
persiavorian, The nice thing about your job is that it doesn't occupy the same part of your brain as this stuff :)08:30
\shthere is always a crazy contract..."your salary is XXXX Cents, for 40h per week, and all overtime, too"08:30
vorianpersia: exactly!08:30
e-jatnixternal: go go go MS go :)08:33
e-jatopsss my bad ..08:33
geserdholbach: sorry, totally forgot about the meeting :(08:35
dholbachgeser: no worries - you're only half an hour late08:36
al-maisanGood morning, how does one add annotations to the entries in https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html#updated ?08:38
al-maisanI have merged the fbreader package and added a LP bug (request for sponsorship) and would like to make that fact known by annotating the fbreader entry in the list08:38
\shal-maisan: at the end of the line the cursor changes into an "textinput" cursor...just click there...and add your text08:39
al-maisan\sh: "at the end of the line" of what ..?08:40
dholbachal-maisan: just click or doubleclick on a field in the comment column08:41
\shal-maisan: on merges.ubuntu.com -> you'll find the package fbreader on the list...you move your mouse to the right side (comment column)08:41
dholbachit's not directly obvious if you're looking at the page :)08:42
dholbachlooks like it's read-only :)08:42
al-maisanah, OK, thanks!08:42
\shthekorn: ping what do you think of that snippet instead of the old working Config()._get() methods in leonov?08:45
\shthekorn: having all sort of configuration stuff as class attributes (<section>_<option> syntax)08:47
thekorn\sh, sorry, but which snippet?08:47
\shthekorn: sorry...forgot the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194112/08:47
* \sh needs a coffee...tea is not enough this morning08:49
thekorn\sh, I personaly don't like this syntax, why not just using the get method of the ConfigParser()08:51
thekorn\sh, what about discussing this in good old #leonov ?08:51
\shthekorn: right :)08:53
nixternalit is going on 03:00 here, still need to take the garbage out and get to bed...I am bushed08:54
dholbachporthose, nxvl: do you know about e-jat's mentoring request?09:32
e-jator should i resubmit ?09:34
iuliandholbach: Thanks for looking at ndoc.  This patch should apply cleanly now: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27810993/debdiff09:44
dholbachiulian: cool, I'll take a look later on09:45
iuliandholbach: OK, thanks.09:45
jpdsdholbach: Eeek, missed it by a few minutes.09:59
dholbachjpds: no worries, it's all good10:20
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* andrew_sayers can't type today10:35
LucidFoxI'm updating a package in Ubuntu that's orphaned in Debian - would it make sense to make it lintian-clean?11:08
persiaLucidFox, Not really, but it might make sense to do a Debian QA team upload that was (and the QA team is nearly always happy to have help)11:10
slytherinLucidFox: it would make sense if you plan to push the package to Debian soon.11:14
james_wforgot to comment on nellery's application, glad that he made it anyway :-)11:21
socdoes anyone have an idea, when texlive will be updated?11:29
socversion 2007 is still in the repos, but version 2008 is available since september 2008 ... i guess we could update to texlive 2009 now ...11:30
Laneysoc:  you should contact the debian tex maintainers11:31
socmh ok11:32
socso it's their decision if we will get a newer version?11:32
persiasoc, Rather, it's our decison, and we defer to their greater expertise.11:33
LaneyI would imagine that this update has some fiddly bits that require intimate familiarity with the package, and that group is where you will find this familiarity.11:35
LaneySo unless someone on the MOTU team either knows the package well or is willing to put the work in to figure it out then we're going to get the update from Debian11:35
Hewwhat's the best way to update a generated .patch from merges.ubuntu.com?12:26
slytherinHew: what are you trying to do exactly?12:30
Hewslytherin: merge transmission, which requires the changelog to be updated. I could do it manually but that seems messy and I'll probably make an invalid diff anyway. https://merges.ubuntu.com/t/transmission/transmission_1.71-1ubuntu1.patch12:31
Hewbug 38421512:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384215 in transmission "Please upgrade to transmission 1.71" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38421512:32
slytherinHew: did you try 'grab-merge transmission'?12:33
Hewslytherin: That sounds like a useful command, I'll give it a go! Thanks :-)12:34
slytherinHew: The command is available on jaunty in ubuntu-dev-tools package.12:35
Hewslytherin: Already have it, it seems to be getting things now12:35
Hewslytherin: It has given me a warning after downloading everything - "It looks like this package is maintained in revision control"12:38
slytherinHew: that is fine, it gives that warning when debian/control file has VCS-* fields.12:39
dholbachiulian: uploaded12:39
slytherinDoes anyone know how well evolution-mapi works in jaunty?12:52
directhexslytherin, not at all IME12:57
slytherindirecthex: So I think it is time to try it. :-D12:58
slytherinAnd file loads of bugs if possible. :-P12:58
directhexslytherin, PPA? i had a look upstream, most bugs were of a "fixed in latest release" form12:59
slytherindirecthex: I will first try the plugin and then check at the bug supstream.13:08
Hewslytherin: I think I have finished with the transmission merge! I now have a .diff.gz, .dsc, and .changes files. Which should I attach to the merge bug report?13:17
iuliandholbach: Thank you.13:19
mok0What targets are being called when dpkg-buildpackage builds a package?13:24
mok0Can't get that indep build to work properly.13:24
sorenmok0: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-debianrules13:27
mok0soren: ah thanks for the ref13:27
sorenmok0: Sure :)13:27
RainCTHey mok013:30
mok0soren, am I right in saying that the primary entry point into debian/rules is binary-arch for the -B flag, binary-indep for the -A flag and binary for the -b flag?13:39
mok0soren: and that the other "required" targets are not used explicitly?13:40
sorenmok0: dpkg-buildpackage runs "debian/rules clean" first.13:41
mok0soren: right, ok13:42
mok0soren, hm, dpkg-buildpackage calls rules/build: after clean13:45
persiaIt calls clean, build, binary|binary-arch|binary-indep depending on how it's called.13:46
mok0persia: that's why most packages build both arch and indep always13:46
mok0persia: I am trying to achieve that the -B and -A flags actually *work*13:47
mok0persia: which they do when I have an empty build: target13:48
persiamok0, It's supposed to be depending on which of binary, binary-arch, or binary-indep is called, but yeah, not every package is so nice about it.13:48
slytherinHew: add debdiff between debian version and ubuntu version13:48
mok0persia: when this package builds the -indep documentation package, all it needs to do is to run doxygen, I don't need it to do configure make and all that13:49
* mok0 suspects many packages are doing it wrong because the dh_make templates are screwy13:50
persiamok0, Then don't have binary-indep depend on build13:50
mok0persia: err, no, because then it will go ahead and do the arch preparations13:51
persiamok0, That's only an implementation issue with dpkg-buildpackage: not a problem with the package.13:51
mok0persia: hm ok :-)13:52
persiaquoting from policy "Both binary-* targets should depend on the build target, or on the appropriate build-arch or build-indep target, if provided, so that the package is built if it has not been already"13:52
persiaSo, you would provide a build that depended on build-arch and build-indep, but binary-indep would only depend on build-indep (which wouldn't do anything).13:52
persiaIf dpkg-buildpackage doesn'T work like this, consider filing a bug.13:52
mok0persia: lemme check...13:53
mok0-A calls build, binary-indep13:54
mok0-B calls build, binary-arch13:54
mok0-b calls build, binary13:55
mok0clean first of course in all 3 cases13:55
persiaWell, read policy carefully.  I believe it's permitted to have build do nothing.13:57
mok0persia: i can recast it so build-indep does nothing13:57
mok0eerrr no13:58
* mok0 thinks policy and dpkg-buildpackage don't match up13:58
mok0persia: quoting from policy: "For some packages, notably ones where the same source tree is compiled in different ways to produce two binary packages, the build target does not make much sense.  For these packages it is good enough to provide two (or more) targets (build-a and build-b or whatever) for each of the ways of building the package, and a build target that does nothing"14:01
persiamok0, build-indep should run doxygen, and binary-indep should package the results of that run.14:01
mok0persia: yes, that's what it's doing now14:01
persiaRight.  That's the bit that makes me think you can have an empty build: if you do build-arch and build-indep, and set the right dependencies for binary-arch and binary-indep.14:01
mok0persia: then that's clarified. So I am in fact correct in saying that the dh_make templates are screwy14:02
mok0persia: because that template splits up arch and indep, but not fully14:02
mok0persia: it will always build at least one target twice14:03
persiaIndeed.  I'm of the opinion that the archive would be a better place if dh_make didn't exist.14:04
mok0heh yeah14:06
sorenmok0: Yes, that's what I said: "dpkg-buildpackage runs "debian/rules clean" *first*." (emphasis added after the fact)14:11
HewIs a 4.2MB debdiff too large? If so, would a 0.8MB debdiff.gz be more appropriate?14:19
slytherinHew: yes it is too large. What is the command you used for debdiff?14:21
geserwhat's inside the debdiff that it's so big?14:21
Hewit's a merge debdiff between transmission 1.61-2ubuntu1 and 1.71-1ubuntu114:21
Hewthe debdiff for the ubuntu changes only is fine14:22
HewShould I just leave a comment saying "debdiff available if required"?14:22
Laneyjust do a diff over 1.71-114:23
HewThanks, will do.14:25
slytherinHew: we need debdiff between debian version and ubuntu version, not between two ubuntu versions14:38
slytherinHew: When you provide debdiff, someone will take Debian version apply the debdiff to it to create Ubuntu version.14:38
Hewslytherin: I have done that also. The wiki page says to do two.14:39
slytherinHew: The wiki needs update. :-)14:39
Hewslytherin: I have attached that one now at bug 38421514:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384215 in transmission "Please upgrade to transmission 1.71" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38421514:39
Hewslytherin: Well I was following this which was otherwise quite helpful :-) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging14:40
persiaslytherin, The bit about the ubuntu->ubuntu debdiff was added in a later edit: the rationale being that it was apparently easier to track that someone was maintaining Ubuntu variance correctly.  It fails miserably for new upstreams.14:41
slytherinpersia: right. Usually I trust people to keep changelog in sync with what they actually updated, specifically in case of merges.14:42
slytherinHew: Now you have to wait till someone form core team sponsors it. :-)14:42
Hewslytherin: Yep! I eagerly await a reply :-)14:42
persiaslytherin, Usually I generate the ubuntu -> ubuntu myself, if I want it.  I feel that those seeking sponsoring should only attach sufficeint material for the sponsor to regerate the candidate package as it existed on the sponosoree's disk.14:43
persiaAt one point, the docs requested posting of build logs!14:44
slytherinI know, I have been through that. :-)14:45
gaspaslytherin: hi. remember about w3c-stuff-package, please! :)14:54
gaspa(just a reminder ;) )14:55
slytheringaspa: Sure. Will definitely today.14:55
trip0-nbwhat's the best way to create a src package to upload to launchpad's ppa, with files that aren't code.  ie, theme files15:05
slytherintrip0-nb: take a look at existing theme packages.15:06
persiatrip0-nb, u.com/MOTU/School/PackagingWithoutCompiling15:07
vorianpersia: may I please join the uninverse sponosrs?15:12
persiavorian, Welcome back!15:14
vorianI promise i will look at things that start with letters other than 'k' too :)15:14
binarymutantah is revu down?  :(15:14
vorianthanks :)15:14
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binarymutantanyone know when revu will be operational again?15:17
trip0-nbi've just uploaded a package to launchpad and it was rejected15:21
trip0-nbhow do I increment the package version?15:22
binarymutanttrip0-nb, for a ppa?15:22
trip0-nbis there some sort of debuild switch15:22
trip0-nbyes, for ppa15:22
binarymutanttrip0-nb, you could always use `dch -i` but I'm not sure if the version really matters on a ppa15:22
gaspabinarymutant: yes, it matters.15:23
gaspamust be increasing.15:23
gaspaie: after uploading 1.2.3-4 you must upload something with a greater revision number15:23
binarymutantgaspa, I thought you could put anything on a ppa, like -0ubuntu1 or -20091105, etc15:24
gaspayes, you could.15:24
gaspabut _after_  -0ubuntu1 you have to upload for example -0ubuntu2, -1 or 0ubuntu2something...15:24
trip0-nbokay, trying that...15:25
vorianyou can, but if you upload 20091105 you would need to up it to 20091105.1 or something on the next upload15:25
trip0-nbif the dist in the changefile is karmic, can I still expect jaunty to be built?15:25
binarymutanttrip0-nb, You can still install it on jaunty if that's what you mean15:33
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binarymutantI miss revu :(16:23
jacobcould anyone point me towards a tutorial/example on packaging a library?17:14
binarymutantjacob, what kind of lib? like a python one?17:14
jacobbinarymutant: C/GTK. it's gtksourcecompletion17:15
binarymutantjacob, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Packaging%20Shared%20Libraries17:15
jacobbinarymutant: I saw that, but it ends rather abruptly when explaining symbols17:15
binarymutantjacob, did you see the IRC classroom session too?17:16
jacobbinarymutant: no, actually, though i just found the link :-!17:17
binarymutantjacob, how about this one: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html17:17
jacobbinarymutant: ooh, that one looks good17:17
binarymutantits old though so be careful :)17:17
* DBO pokes directhex 17:19
DBOwhere can I get one of those banshee t-shirts? the XL is way big on me and I want an L17:19
AnAntHello, what tool do you use to log IRC channels ?17:26
binarymutantis anyone else having problems with http://revu.ubuntuwire.org/ ?17:34
MTecknologyWhy does network-manager depend on update-notifier-common.....17:36
MTecknologymakes no[n, ]sense17:37
AnAntLP 25584417:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255844 in network-manager "nm 0.7 fails to install if update-notifier is not installed" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25584417:38
AnAntMTecknology: so, postinst of update-notifier needs to call a binary in update-notifier-common17:41
AnAnt  * dont restart NetworkManager in postinst, but use restart-notifier to17:41
AnAnt    ask users for reboot17:41
AnAntthat's from the changelog of network-manager17:41
AnAntand restart-notifier is in update-notifier-command17:41
MTecknologyAnAnt: so the dependency will be removed?17:42
AnAnthow did you understand it that way ?17:42
MTecknologysorry, I'm tired17:42
MTecknologyI read it again17:43
AnAntno problem17:44
savvasI recently installed the game package cuyo and the .sh scripts have an entry (and set to default) to open with it17:55
savvasreally weird17:56
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nhandlerStevenK: You don't work for TMobile, do you?18:06
pan1nxhow do I announce a new updated package?18:28
pan1nxfor the MOTU?18:30
Ampelbeinpan1nx: what is it you are trying to do? have you packaged a new upstream version and want it to go in karmic?18:34
fabrice_sp_binarymutant, you can use irclogs.ubuntu.com18:38
fabrice_sp_sorry, it was AnAnt18:39
asomethingAny one know where to find the list of packages in Universe but not in Debian? I know I've seen something like that before, but can't remember where...18:41
JontheEchidnaasomething: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/universe.html18:42
asomethingJontheEchidna, thanks!18:42
pan1nxyes Ampelbein. bug #38349918:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383499 in kflickr "[needs-packaging] kflickr-kde4" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38349918:50
Ampelbeinpan1nx: just attach the diff.gz of the version you would like to have sponsored and subscribe the sponsors team.18:54
pan1nxThe diff is there18:54
pan1nxin the bug report18:54
pan1nxI subscribed the ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug, Ampelbein18:55
pan1nxAmpelbein, is there anything else I should announce? like a list?18:55
Ampelbeinpan1nx: you linked to a diff to your ppa-version. this will not be accepted in the archives. you should create a package ready to get into the archives and attach the diff.gz of that package.18:57
fabrice_sp_pan1nx, you should put it as confirmed, and unassign yourself18:57
fabrice_sp_and give a link to download the orig tarball18:59
pan1nxAmpelbein, how do I create a package rady to get into archives? I have the bzr of the debian directory linked to the bug, the DEB that is build in the PPA, the diff between the new version and the Ubuntu version... I don't understand, please help...19:02
fabrice_sp_pan1nx, see my previous comment19:04
Ampelbeinpan1nx: kflickr (20081222-0ubuntu1~ppa1) is the topmost version of your bzr branch19:04
Ampelbeinpan1nx: is there no newer tarball available than 0.9.1?19:05
pan1nxfabrice_sp_ will do that as soon as i get clear Ampelbein19:05
pan1nxAmpelbein, yes, I will give the link to the tarbal. But again, why is that needed if I have added the watch file. uscan answers the question :D19:06
Ampelbeinpan1nx: the point is that 20081222 is no good version.19:07
pan1nxAmpelbei, that is what the upstream calls it...19:08
azeeme.g. by calling it 0.0.20081222-0ubuntu1~ppa119:09
azeemor 0.0~20081222-0ubuntu1~ppa119:09
pan1nxok, the previous was 0.9.119:11
pan1nxso, azeem, should I sanitize it by calling it 0.9.2~20081222-0ubuntu1~ppa119:11
azeem0.9.1+20081222-0ubuntu1~ppa1 looks better to me19:12
azeemnot sure which one is preferred, really19:12
ivoksis it svn on top of 0.9.2 or 0.9.1?19:12
pan1nxno svn19:13
pan1nxivoks, it is just a change in versioning (by just making the date instead of a version number)19:13
ivoksso, upstream changed versioning?19:14
pan1nxyes, ivoks19:15
pan1nxi think what azeem said,  0.9.1+20081222-0ubuntu1~ppa1, looks quite good19:16
Ampelbeinpan1nx: without the ~ppa1 for the official repositories19:19
pan1nxok, Ampelbein, azeem and ivoks, thanks for the help! I pushed all the changes, the archives, the sanitized version and added the link to the orig.tar.gz to the bugreport. Removed myself and confirmed the bug. Thanks for you help!19:36
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 383307 in audacious-plugins "Please merge audacious-plugins 2.0.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:10
dupondjethis should be accepted asap :) audacious is already in the repo's, but its not working with the plugins :(20:10
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Nyquist333Are there any developers working with GRUB 2 and USB support?20:42
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pan1nxtoday is a REVU day?21:27
james_wwhy 404 in 404main?22:06
jacobis it okay to be using .install files in library packaging to split the main library and -dev packages? or is there a more "proper" way of doing things22:24
RainCTjacob: it's the most common way, afaik. Installing everything into debian/tmp and then using .install files to put the files where they are supposed to go22:26
jacobRainCT: okay, cool. also.. is cdbs frowned upon in this situation? (working fine so far)22:27
RainCTjacob: Why should it be? :)22:28
jacobRainCT: not sure, all of the examples i've seen have just been using debhelper22:28
jacobanyway, thanks :)22:28
RainCTjacob: well, then write an example with CDBS ;)22:29
jacobheh heh22:29
directhexjacob, cdbs is frowned upon because it is evil personified, compared to the purity and light of dh!22:40
superm1they're both easy to use22:43
ajmitchcdbs is more of a black box22:44
superm1it's open source, just poorly documented22:45
ajmitchand slightly hard to read at times :)22:45

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