
troldrikHow do I get GDM not to ask for a password on resuming from suspend to ram?00:09
zeroConfDevlambach - what currency 75 dollasr AU or US or canadian or what ?00:19
zeroConfDevtroldrik - do you think thats a MYTH question or a gnome question? - a question like that (imho) would get a better answe in a gnome channel...00:20
zeroConfDevlambach - http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Twinhan_MiniTer_DVT_PCI00:21
troldrikShrug... hard to enter the pw on a remote.. :p00:21
zeroConfDevtroldrik - shrug - i dont have the issue never have, so dont know, but if i did i would look in a gnome channel for help not a myth channel... :P00:22
LambachAh corect. How about just looking to get mid-grade card.00:29
hadszeroConfDev: This is the ubuntu-mythtv channel, it's for help with Mythbuntu which includes parts of Ubuntu such as GDM.00:30
troldrikthat was my reasoning...00:31
hadsIf we go by that reasoning all myth problems would go to a myth channel too so this channel wouldn't need to exist :)00:32
hadstroldrik: As for your problem, sorry, no idea as I don't suspend.00:32
troldrikI found a few hints with teh google.00:33
troldrikof course.. it doesn't say what the magic gconf keys are.00:33
troldrikfound them..00:34
troldrik/apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/suspend fwiw.00:35
troldrikworks too.00:39
zeroConfDevhads - i dont argue with that, but i still reason, for quicker help i would have asked elsewhere, as i said, i dont have that issue...00:42
zeroConfDevyou asked on irc before google ?00:42
troldrikfirst google attempt wasn't successful... it's not really gdm.00:42
troldrikbut pm scripts and gnome-power-manager.00:43
troldrikso googling gdm didn't do much good...00:44
LambachI see the site recommends the PVR-150? But that seems to be an older card. Is there a commonly used upgrade to use.00:45
troldrikReally depends on what you want to receive..00:47
LambachHow so?00:47
troldrikDVB-x, ATSC, PAL, NTSC00:47
hadsI use a PVR150 and a couple of DVB-S cards myself.00:48
LambachNTSC, 99.9% sure.00:48
hadsI assume like most people that don't state where they are from you're in the US :)00:48
LambachNot my fault00:49
troldrikThen a PVR150/500 will work without too much tinkering.00:49
hadsI think some of the newer HVR-xxxx cards are supported now. No idea about NTSC/ATSC stuff myself though.00:50
troldrikjaunty seems to leave the bloody mouse cursor on top of video, alt tabbing with a keyboard to a window that overlaps the cursor's position and back again hides it. I am using metacity as window manager.00:50
troldrikhads: HDHomeRun seems like a better solution for ATSC to me.00:51
troldrikSuperfically... I'm in europe... so I haven't used one. :p00:51
hadsThey have a DVB version now.00:51
troldrikThe DVB-C/T version is sadly useless.00:51
troldrikNo DVB-CI slot.00:52
hadsAh, we have free DVB-S/T here.00:52
Lambachhads: Does that setup work well for you? What do you use it for, and what are some of the other specs of you comp?00:52
hadsThough I can't get -T in my area so no use to me either :)00:52
hadsLambach: If you're in the US DVB probably won't be of much use to you.00:52
troldrikI can get 4 free -T channels... and all my -C channels are scrambled.00:52
hadsThe DVB-T version doesn't work with myth here yet anyway.00:53
hadsWe have weirdo broadcasts.00:53
hadsLambach: I use the PVR-150 for input from a Sky STB and the DVB cards for the two multiplex we have here.00:54
LambachI see.00:55
LambachIs that how it has to be done on a DVB?00:55
LambachAt the finge of my knowlege here. Just have a spare comp feel like tinkering, learning, and getting a neat toy.00:58
troldrikWell a PVR150 should (hopefully just work00:58
LambachThanks for the infomation.01:01
LambachAny kind of restriction out the output video card. Not sure of the specs comps not in front of me, but its a couple of year old intergrated emachine I think.01:03
troldrikIn theory anything with xvideo support would work.01:04
Lambachah, cool.01:04
troldrikOf course... most of the open sores drivers can't even do v-sync on xv.01:04
troldrikAnd you need to consider your output device.01:05
LambachYou mean like the monitor?01:05
troldrikor tv.01:05
troldrikor projector01:05
Lambachthink its getting hooked up to a 14 HDTV though VGA01:06
troldrikYou need the right connectors.01:06
troldrikvga will just work.01:06
troldrikonly concern is v-sync... don't know if intel has fixed that yet.01:06
Lambachis there a cheap PCI option to upgade to what's it called DVI?01:07
troldrikassuming it's integrated intel gfx.01:07
LambachI would think so.01:08
LambachThat's what this lame ass dell I'm talking on right now has...01:09
ZinnLambach: Please watch your language.01:09
troldrikloi... wonder if it can do VDPAU over pci..01:09
troldrikThat card will do HDMI too with a dvi->hdmi cable.01:09
LambachNice, can't remember if the TV had a HDMI connector.01:10
Lambachwish newegg sold the 15001:11
LambachLooking like a fairly cheap project. Thanks for all the pointers.01:13
troldrikI'd ask #mythtv-users if the hvr1600 cards work well now.01:13
LambachWill do.01:16
troldrikwell that was useless..01:35
troldriksecond suspend and it's asking for a pw.01:35
hot_wheelzI have a Silverstone LC-14M case with built in iMon infra-red and VFD (LCD) display this will work OTB undr Mythbuntu 9.04 will it not?02:25
MythbuntuGuest60I upgraded from Mythbuntu 8.10 to 9.04 and everything works fine other than mysql does not seem to start after boot-up. If I manually type /etc/init.d/mysql start everything is fine.  Where should I look for source of problem?02:56
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].03:02
ZinnI am alive.03:03
ZinnIf you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common03:03
MythbuntuGuest60!mysql start03:04
ZinnSorry I don't know about mysql start03:04
MythbuntuGuest60!mysql boot03:04
ZinnSorry I don't know about mysql boot03:04
SHADOW_V1MythbuntuGuest60, what are you trying to look for03:46
SHADOW_V1to start mysql you do /etc/init.d/mysql start03:47
MythbuntuGuest60I don't understand the question.  The frontend does not start since mysql is not started on boot-up.  If I type "/etc/init.d/mysql start", it starts up fine and the frontend works.  Am I understanding the problem wrong?  The problem is not that mysql does not start?04:03
SHADOW_V1mysql isnt starting on the backend??04:18
SHADOW_V1so yeah btw i dont know if you have a credit card but if you do apparently its better if you have higher charges and pay them off then a bunch of small charges04:25
SHADOW_V1wrong chat04:25
MythbuntuGuest60sorry, should of clarified that backend and frontend are the same04:25
SHADOW_V1ah ok04:25
SHADOW_V1yeah when you install mythbuntu mysql should be auto started04:26
MythbuntuGuest60it worked fine with it was running 8.10.  For some unknown reason, the upgrade to 9.04 disabled it04:26
MythbuntuGuest60thanks, I looked around for similiar problem and could not find it...I will look into the post.04:34
MythbuntuGuest60hmmm.  dead end.  I have copy of old mythbuntu 8.10 install on another partition and I performed diff on it vs the one on 9.04 and they are the same.  The mysql.err and mysql.log.0 are empty.  somehow the startup script is being ignored or error listed somewhere else04:40
MythbuntuGuest60I meant I diff'd /etc/init.d/mysql on old and new04:41
SHADOW_V1check if the startup script is +x04:43
SHADOW_V1also http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-controlling-access-to-linux-services.html04:43
MythbuntuGuest60Script is +x and listed as service to run on boot-up by checking using sysvconfig.  Gotta go for now.  I will look into this more later.  Box is only rebooted on long power failures (it has UPS) so this issue is not critical.  Thanks for help provided04:55
pedreoHeya.. I've been trying for the last few days to get mythtv working and I can't wait till it does. I'm having an issue with a tuner card Hauppauge HVR-4000. I've managed to tune in analog TV stations through a normal arial, but I can't get the DVB-T stations to tune in for me. I can receive DVB-T by using Kaffeine, so I know the card works. I also heard that the best way to tune in these stations was by using a channels.conf file. So i di11:47
pedreod, and confirmed that I could get a lock on them with tzap first. I also unticked, 'unecrypted channels only' because I heard that there used to be a bug there. So, the error I get once I commence the search (using the channels.conf file) is "Failed to handle tune complete". I've no idea what to from here because I've run out of google searches with this error. Any help would be great, thanks!11:47
pedreoBtw, I'm using ubuntu 9.04 with mythtv from the repositories installed on top of it (it seems to be using 0.21.0 + fixes (19961)). I also tried mythbuntu 9.04 but I got the same results :-(12:27
=== MythbuntuGuest20 is now known as bikedude880
bikedude880I've run into a fairly interesting problem on this hardware (http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m61cd8a86)... whenever I attempt to hibernate using the myth-hibernate.sh script, it appears to work properly, then proceeds to resume (http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m73c3e49d).  Whenever I attempt to hibernate/suspend via pm-utils, the system will just reboot. Any ideas?19:58
bikedude880I believe that it is related to the HVR-2250 (saa7164) DVB card, though I can't seem to unload it before hibernate/suspend.19:59
bikedude880Managed to unload it by first killing mythbackend20:12
bikedude880pm-hibernate still reboots the system20:12
bikedude880And I'm an idiot... WoL was enabled and I was connected via SSH20:18

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